I tried protecting your nostalgia user, but you didn't listen

>i tried protecting your nostalgia user, but you didn't listen
He was right all along. We thought we did, but we didn't.

Attached: blizzard-chief.jpg (400x267, 23K)

I did

>Leveling multiple alts on a full server that hits full status multiple times per day
>The server I play on for retail is dead

>No interest in playing this game
>Everyone on my friends list is begging me to come play it with them
Boomers got exactly what they wanted. The only people who didn't are the ones that LARPed about it but never played it.

Just hit 30 and I'm having a blast. Met one of my favorite youtubers while questing, people are actually helpful and communicative, and my tiny guild is growing.

I finally went home.

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I'm level a 46 hunter and fucking love classic i'm so glad they released this game again.

just hit level 30 on my paladin. Did some wpvp and it was fun.
Can safely say I thought I would and I did.

You met Joe Rogan?

3 days in and the tedium and rut has already set in for me. The thought of continuing this for any longer makes my mind melt. I guess I finally grew out of doing npc busywork

Lmao be quiet OP. Everyone loves the game and you failed to make people hate it.

hi tranny

speak for yourself
wow classic is bis
nothing more comfy right now than reading a book while waiting in queue then doing professions, a handful of quests, or dungeons to keep my character in tip top shape to own noobs in pvp while i explore every zone and listen to a top tier soundtrack and ambience

Attached: 288845-high-inquisitor-whitemane.jpg (1440x900, 251K)

Classic response. Stop posting any time, you're not welcome.

hi tranny. 56% of trannies kill themselves. also hi

I fucking love Whitemane. The Scarlet Crusade is the only bit of lore that I've bothered to read anything about for the game in the 13 years of on/off playing I've done.

Fuck I'm having lot of fun guys. Retail feels like a giant shore now, I'm not coming back.

>Raid content cleared in less than 1 week




>7h queue is dead

Honestly it’s depressing. Already cancelled my sub

>By using an exploit that is fixed next patch


Imagine caring this much that someone enjoys something you don't.
What a waste of your life.

>hit 35, start questing in STV
>work my way northwest to the bloodscalp camp
>see a shaman at 10% dazed and about to die
>charge in and taunt it off of him
>end up aggroing another myself
>I'm just a warrior, hamstring them and start running away
>there's a 41 alliance warrior ganking a hunter
>kill the warrior with the hunter with the bloodscalps chasing me
>rogue comes out of fucking nowhere and ambushes me
jesus christ I love STV

wait this is the dedicated shitpost thread isn't it

>he doesn't just grind to 60, delete his character and then make a new one