Everyone hates cyberpunk 2077 now

>everyone hates cyberpunk 2077 now

but why...

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it's literal retard garbage

Maybe you haven't been keeping up with current events.

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Everyone other than turbo normies has noticed that it has pretty much every red flag you can think of
> Open ended open world AKA no focus
> Made by a dev that's only ever made overhyped garbage and never made a single actual good game
> SJW shit confirmed to be in the game
> Unoriginal concept, literally just adapting an existing IP to the GTA formula
> Developmental hell, scope creep, game has been rebooted several times in development to cram in more unnecessary "features"

The only people who hate it are "journalists" because CDPR put ads in the game that didn't put trannies on a pedestal. So now all the "journalists" are just saying the game is bad

Oh so you've played it extensively? Very interesting, please tell me more

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because CDPR kneeled to the trannies and hired a shit ton of pozzed female devs

Overhyped game and a lot of red flag

t. paid CDPR journalist shill

But the game is literally made by Tranny pandering SJWs?

I never PRE ORDER and TIM SWEENEY is buying my copy

Literally just because muh gender slider, because why the fuck would anyone play videogames here anymore

How anyone in the current day and age couldn't foresee Cyberpunk being shit is beyond me. Game companies have been putting out "real gameplay" trailers for a decade now. Blatantly lieing about the gameplay mechanics, graphics, and even the story. All to get more retards to pre order before the game actually releases

They caved to discord trannies though.

>falseflagging this hard

Everything new they've revealed since E3 2018 has made it look progressively worse.

>character customization is worse than Mass Effect 1
>not that it matters since everything is first person including cut scenes
>branching narrative and choices have been drastically cut due to deadlines and now game is very linear narrative
>big graphics downgrades

Why don't you try reading why? People have posted dozens of legitimate complaints, but they go ignored every time

I'm seeing way too much SJW shit and way not enough badass cybernetics and future tech shit. I don't care that I can play a tranny, I just want to pump that tranny full of illegal upgrades and weapons.

i was promised a roleplaying game.
after multiple redflags the gender tranny asslicking was just the final nail in the coffin im only pirating it

The project was just too much for them to deliver. Every time new information about the game is revealed, it's always something they changed to make development easier. Even the whole "you don't choose a gender" thing is obviously just so they don't have to record all of the dialogue twice.

>I hate all the things they're doing in this game
>still gonna play it tho

Is this your first day on 4ching?

>SJW boogie-man

You people are truly insufferable.

This game is actually really bewildering. I can't recall another time I've seen such massive shitposting about a game before its release

I don't hate it, I've just lost all interest

>Every time new information about the game is revealed, it's always something they changed
Name five things


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>all the things
not at all im still probably going to enjoy it
i just dont want to give cdpr any money for it anymore

>they changed their twitter account
>this suddenly means they're not making an RPG anymore
So are you just going to ignore the hundreds of other times they call it an RPG as well as all the RPG mechanics they showed in the demos?

God, is there something more disgusting than septum piercings?

People need to keep busy somehow until it comes out.
They'll bitch and moan up until it releases, then you won't hear the end of it on Yea Forums with praises, then a few months later it'll be reviled again.
The cycle begins anew, and continues ad infinitum.

you can, im just not going to buy it

it's just one faggot (probably you) spamming threads
kind of laughable, seek psychiatric help

>35 posts
>30 IPs
>5 posts complaining about trannies

Which is all fine and good, just feeling blindsided by and vocally complaining about something that has every right to be a in a cyberpunk game being in a cyberpunk game is a massive brainlet move.

>go on Tinder
>half the girls have their septum pierced
That was a weird year

My ex got that little flap between your lips and gum inside your mouth pierced shortly after I stopped dating her. It's there if you stick your tongue in front of your teeth up front. Didn't even know people got that pierced, and didn't even know people would think that would look good in any situation.
Constantly looked like she has shit in her teeth after.

Because it has become clear it is a Duke nukem forever situation of constant major changes because the debs don't know what they want.

>SJW shit
Like fucking what? Sex being called "body type", which makes perfect sense for a cyberpunk setting? that ad with the tranny, which makes perfect sense for a cyberpunk setting?

too many cooks

People keep talking about how they've changed this and that. Meanwhile I'm just here wondering which things people even mean, since they've basically said nothing about the game before last year

"open-world, action-adventure story" is WAY more marketable

/pol/ has become such a brain disease we unironically have people complaining about people modifying their bodies in a cyberpunk game.

It’s absolutely disgusting and degenerate, the complete opposite of a sleek and futuristic cyberpunk setting.

Trannies never makes sense
Fuck off janny

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Honestly I feel like all that shit blew up due to a poor choice in words.
If they said "Yeah, you can mix whatever voice with whatever body type you want." instead of (paraphrasing) "We're getting rid of 'gender' now you just pick a body that looks male, or a body that looks female",
I think things wouldn't have blown up as much as they did.

It's kind of stupid a thing to blow up over, but it was kind of a poor choice of words with whatever extremes that are chomping at the bit to hate the game. SJW trannies, and the opposite that hang around here.

loud minority

Pirate Yea Forumsros are the real chads. GTA clone, open world, minimal RPG mechanics? Imagine paying $60 for this.
>support the devs
>cdpr is based
kek fuck off plebbit

>Sex being called "body type", which makes perfect sense for a cyberpunk setting?
Would you imagine that in a future where people can mod their brain to enhance it and change things they wouldn't fix sexual dysphoria or even turn off your sexual desires all together? But of course it wouldn't because this game is just "current year politics" but turned to 1000%

you fags get triggered easier than the sjws now lmao

Smear campaign by the chinese. CDPR has its own store (GOG) and also releases their game on steam, they refused to take a bribe from Epic and put the game on their store, and said they will only release it on GoG(DRM-Free) and Steam per usual. Word around the office is Epic was fucking pissed and actually threatened Piotr on several occasions. Epic is literally strong arming devs like a mafia would.

t. Junior DevOps Engineer at GoG, look me up

this. Yea Forums just being Yea Forums we'll see what happens when they actually let us experience V

Using that logic, why not mod every brain to restrain anti-social impulses and solve crime forever? Oh yeah, because that would be boring as fuck for a cyberpunk action game. Likewise, it fits the aesthetic and themes to have eccentric degenerates modify themselves into post-human grotesques.

Well, this is Yea Forums, and it's a popular, widely looked forward to game. That is literally all it takes.

would Epic be triggered as well if Doom Eternals is released only on Bethesda store?

It's just some vindictive schizo spamming.
Don't forget to sage and report.

Cause cyberpunk is neon, cyan and magenta.
You don't read much.

You know I’m correct, but your tiny reptile brain can’t accept defeat.

You can go to walmart and buy a new bod right now.
Just tell me you aren't going to switch things up a little.
When you can tune your brain, you try a lot of weird shit, just look at the 70ies.

It's because they talked too fucking much.
If they just shut up and developed the game without commenting on all this SJW nonsense then it would've been fine.

Because it's clear to anyone who's paid any fucking attention to the development that CDPR are way in over their head and don't know what the fuck they're doing.

>original trailer shows an actual fucking cyberpunk setting; A world in which the police are extremely militarized and authoritarian in order to deal with the problems caused by people having access to highly advanced and dangerous body augmentation. Characters look like actual fucking people. Play as a cop or a criminal, customize your character, do whatever, this is an rpg.
>cyberpunk now; first person GTA-lite where you go around shooting dudes and try to "make it" in a "cyberpunk" city where the elite opress the poor by.. Well, doing nothing really, they're running such an effecient and profitable city that every third world nigger wants to live there voluntarily, and that causes gangs and all sort of racial tension present in any multicultural society.

Maybe not all of us are mindless hype drones.


I wouldn't even be surprised if this was actually true. I actually have considered something like that being a possibility, this just seems so constant. Though I figured it's just the usual shitposters getting their jollies with this nonsense

I wasn't aware we was fighting.

the problem is they're trying to recreate the 'LA' vibe, but that's been done, now it just looks like a GTA V mod. Should of went for something more unique

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Oh and

>characters look fucking retarded with mohawks and all sort of ridiculous 80's hair, because the game has punk in the name

But seriously, why is all the footage so far asphalt grey and sunset orange? Nobody can even defend that, even if you are pre-ordering, you can't deny it's got shitty aesthetics.

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We have people literally tearing up with rage over trannies, but yeah bud sure.

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seriously, why fucking LA?
any other city has better aesthetics for cyberpunk

I dont hate it but my expectations have dropped a lot. Every new thing we learn about the game is just a new disappointment. Keanu is the only reveal that's been a positive.

>original trailer shows an actual fucking cyberpunk setting; A world in which the police are extremely militarized and authoritarian in order to deal with the problems caused by people having access to highly advanced and dangerous body augmentation
How is any of this different now

>Play as a cop or a criminal
When did they ever say this

That's what I dont get, should have gone with detroit or chicago or even Paris or Tokyo.

Incredible projection. Are you actually fucking crying over /pol/ lmfao

t. tranny
suicide when?

/pol/ arent the only ones sick of trannys

Hong Kong would be a better one too

Oh yeah hong kong would be great. Singapore would have also worked really well for a cyberpunk setting since it's a massive tech hub surrounded by poverty and run by authoritarians.

However if there was going to be one game with trannies in it, this would be it.

what's with devs these days with constant need of "dev diary"?

Or, hear me out... Mumbai.

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Yeah the trannys in game were never an issue for me, the trannys on Yea Forums are much more obnoxious.

What are you talking about? Reddit and youtube love it.

1: It's super popular, Yea Forums will hate it
2: It's First-Person only - consoleshitters on suicide watch
3: Souls trannies still seethe on CDPR for stealing GOTY awards from them

That's about it.

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>pov futa sex
count me in

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>you have to eat shit to know its shit

how does inplanting a computer into your brain equate to cutting your dick off and calling yourself a woman?

See that would work great too, instead we get generic ass California. I'm starting to think they really did get all their inspiration from gta 5.

>>branching narrative and choices have been drastically cut due to deadlines and now game is very linear narrative
Your other points are fine but where dou you get this from?

How come it's not third person!!

>how does modifying your body equate to modifying your body
user, I...

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It's almost like it's set in a predefined city. I'm still not sure how people are getting a particularly LA vibe from this either

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lmao lookat this duuude he's too xenophobic to enjoy good games regardless of their content get fucked little snowflake while i'll be playing the goat

The game is literally about modifying your body in the future
How the F does anyone expect to not have people that changed their gender like wtf lmao

>Getting surgery is cyberpunk now

Holy shit we've been in a cyberpunk for thousands of years!

Being honest, the more I learn about the game the more I am having to reel in my expectations. Limited class options, customization looks incredibly limited (no pic related), copy-paste stealth/ guns blazing system, wall of text cutscene interactions vs organic contextual ones, etc., etc.

Plus, literally no studio is up for releasing a good openworld game, post-RDR2.

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They revealed the gameplay and the setting.

>try to please everyone
>end up please no one.

Story old as time.

I smoke crack and masturbate to VR porn in my studio apartment? Is that cyberpunk?

>anons actually think they can make a futa
The customization is looking pretty bare bones at this point. You can't even make fat or skinny or short characters etc.
It's just hair styls, clothes, and some augmentations.

Deveplment sounds like a mess and they running out of time or something.

Yea Forums literal hates everything


Because it wasnt a feature from the start. They added it to appease sjws and appeasing them in anyway possible is cucked and gay and means you dont value your own artistic vision seriously enough.

Close enough.

How can someone be so retarded to defend this game?
The game bends the knee after SJWs complaining and retards have the audacity to say ''body type fits with the cyberpunk setting''.
The game breaks every promise, even changing the genre to action-adventure, and people still have the audacity to say ''you can't complain because the game hasnt launched''
holy shit its like i'm seeing the synthesis of the most powerful mental deficiency ever born multiplied by the amount of threads of cyberpunk 2077

Paris (and any European stetting for that matter) would be super gay. The area just doesn't have the people/ culture/ architecture to lend itself to a setting like this.

You need a interesting city like NYC, Detroit, Tokyo or Hong Kong. Or you take a shithole third world city that has been taken over by corporations.

These are first world problems to the millionth degree.
Video games are a luxury, it’s time for Yea Forums to grow up. We’ve become so spoiled and it’s really starting to show. Countless people refusing to play the new avengers game unless it’s “fixed” because the characters resemble their movie counterparts. We are reaching peak levels of first world problems. People whining for hours that CDPR didn't implement the perfect cyberpunk game. You realize people in Honk Kong or Africa would kill to have that be their biggest issue in life.
Just shut up and buy the game you fucking whiners.

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It's just standard Yea Forums contrarianism, it's getting popular therefore it sucks, remember that this is the same place that hates the witcher 3.

I'm not saying the concept of SRS by itself is cyberpunk, I'm saying that in a setting where body modification is extremely sophisticated and ubiquitous, trannies would be a natural fit.

>Because it wasnt a feature from the start.
>They added it to appease sjws and appeasing them in anyway possible is cucked and gay and means you dont value your own artistic vision seriously enough.
You realize this is based off a RPG and is not an original IP by CDPR, right? You have the option to cybernetically alter your genitals and gender appearance in the RPG.

It is the right and duty of the first world to demand things be better.


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CDPR makes a lot of people on Yea Forums seethe for some reason, but it's mostly one autist and some impressionable followers that are acting like it's the end of the world.

>You realize people in Honk Kong or Africa would kill to have that be their biggest issue in life.
I think you will find half the people here would swap lives in a heart beat with someone from Hong Kong, to have the ability to take part in a real world conflict and event with actual stakes and lives on the line.

Why the fuck do people play video games to start with? Its simulated conflict because our own world is so boring and safe.

I'm legitimately starting to feel like somebody is paying people to post messages like these, they're so samey and they appear everywhere at all times

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Don’t need to play it to know it’s shit, just look at the gameplay footage

I'll be honest im still genuinely hyped for the game, more than any other game projected to come out in the next year. Ive mostly stopped playing video games and mostly "grown up" as it were, but im still interested in cp2077. I also just these bandwagon hate campaigns against anything popular. Its pretty formulaic and predictable from Yea Forums but still pissed people off

When all is said and done the game will have sold millions upon millions of copies and the asshurt on Yea Forums will be eternal.

Ohh, someone is hating the game i like, certainly someone is paying these people to spew hate.

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Why not? There's like 3 platforms selling vidya and CDPR is the most proconsumer (even though..) and the most vulnerable.
It's certainly cyber.
Just say sex, it won't hurt you.

It's just the things people latch onto in these messages, like "they're calling it an action adventure on Twitter, so it's ruined". Just the weirdest stuff

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>pander to the trannies even though most trannies are only interested in JRPGs and other girly games

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>cut body types (fat,thin,normal)
>cut apartments
>cut 3 heroes/idols
and now they cut third person cutscenes what's next? all for "immersion" lmao

t. CDPR employee

The change from an RPG to an Action-Adventure is the change from Dragon Age Origins to GTA V.

>cut apartments
Have they actually said something about apartments at some point? The only thing I recall is when they said that you can't customize it

>cut 3 heroes/idols
I always wondered what those were even meant to do. Some kind of stat thing? Like how you picked a horoscope in Morrowind and then it affected your attributes. Seemed like a placeholder more than anything, and then at some point they just made it so that you roll your points how you want

It just feels disingenuous you know?
I'm well acquainted with hate and this is the cheap stuff.

>”You will be able to see your character in cutscenes don’t worry”
>*Delete all third person cutscenes*
>”Our focus is vertical exploration”
>*Deconfirm flying cars*
>”You can be anyone you want”
>*Reduced to 3 skill trees, gender removed and no body customization, one childhood hero only*
>”You can climb up and go big”
>*Limit to one apartment and it’s not even customizable because some of the story missions happen here and it wouldn’t be cool to have furry wallpapers on the scene*

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The 1st person thing is the weirdest one to me. Since when does Yea Forums need every game to have a 3rd person option?

The greatest impact from this is the fact that RED changed this feature just because of Keanu, showing RED is gonna make another Witcher 2 with more cinematic and less gameplay.
Also, another proof they love to going back on their promises

You still put your points into things though. This is that weird alarmist stuff that I don't really get, somebody changes the marketing slogan on Twitter and that somehow changes the whole game. Maybe I'm getting too old

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Probably because is a game with a customizable character? In a supposed RPG game?
i don't know...

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how could it go so wrong

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>Or you take a shithole third world city that has been taken over by corporations.

Rio would be cool

>a couple of obsessed turboautists

Only problem her are autistic manchilds who expected something based that was never there. Just like with No Man Sky. It is obvious that you let your imagination running wild. Game looks like bigger deus ex. And that is what it was from day one.

>make one fucking checkbox that says "I actually have a dick/vagina"
>literally 2 minutes of work for a programmer
>pandering to trannies

What promise are you talking about specifically? I think that is the number one word I keep seeing in these threads but I'm never really sure what people even mean with it

>and now they cut third person cutscenes what's next? all for "immersion" lmao

It's a good idea though, even though they are obviously doing it to cut costs.

Although if they knew what they were doing they would cut cutscenes altogether.

>RPG game
>Role Playing Game game
I'm sorry user, I just have to bust your balls.

Daily reminder that EU taxpayers are literally subsidizing this game.

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All they did was change the description from "gender" to "body type" lol. The simplest thing they could do but it's the perfect solution

i hate that shit. still looking forward to the game

The RPG mechanics that don't have to exist in the final release? They are already completely gutting third person view. Everything will be first person. If they are willing to gut that, it shows they are willing to gut anything.

It's because /pol/incels thought witcher was le ebin based and redpllied aryan /ourgame/, but now CB2077 has trannies in it and they are absolutely SEETHING

A while ago I saw CDPR shill on twitter actively seeking advise from trannies in order to improve their PR.

Oh no no no no no no no no

Im convinced anyone still defending the game at this point is a paid shill

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The most important was the nine classes and the choice of factions, but they removed that because it was stopping the ''player's freedom''

and? how mad is this making you?

Well you have to ask yourself why I noticed that.

Tel me this, tranny. When in any of the iconic cyberpunk films, games or literature have these things been normal? Was case from neuromancer actually a tranny all along? Did Deckard have a pink Mohawk? No, they didn’t, and these things being cyberpunk is entirely a manufactured idea you are pushing to further your agenda.
In other words, go dilate.

you noticed it by actively scrounging twitter for things to get outraged about?



>company whose aim is to make money tries to make even more money
Wow, what a fucking surprise!

>and CDPR is the most proconsumer
Most likely its a bunch of epic shills, and other assorted subhuman ant-consumer shills (pretty much every other company out there)

For all the newfags here you go

they confirmed that the game will be very story driven aka Dishonored instead of New Vegas or even Witcher.

pretty much this

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uhh, ok? still makes sense in a cyberpunk setting!

This needs an update for Cyberpunk.

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>It just feels disingenuous you know?
What is shitposting?

Oh I guess someone forced you to look at tweets that make you mad, then. My bad.

what retard does this to a cat?

>everyone who doesn't like my shitty GTA clone is part of a vast conspiracy to take down some shitty yurop company

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>room temp iq trannies and normies
Cyberpunk 2077 is going to ruin the genre

it's nothing like GTA, it's just Deus Ex.

Try again.

Cry, baby.

/pol/tards SEETHING at this game only makes me want to buy it more

Those who aren't and are merely doin g it because they think this juvenile doomposting garbage is funny are nothing more than useful idiots for those anti-consumer companies that want CDPR to fail.

Unironically die you fucking cretins.

kill all trannies

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It's probably just the ones that have the little balls at the end of it instead of it being a complete ring. So they just put the little open end in there.
Why they'd do it to a cat is beyond me, but at least they're not giving their cat a piercing I hope. I can't think of any vet that would do that anyway.

This isn't even bait anymore. Are you trying at all man?

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Deus Ex isn't open world and it has a lot of proper RPG elements.

Deus Ex is also based and red pilled.

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The game is LITERALLY pandering to trannies you retard

I did it to my cat. He looks cool as fuck.

>When in any of the iconic cyberpunk films, games or literature have these things been normal?
A few weeks ago somebody actually did post a bunch of quotes from cyberpunk literature (also the cyberpunk 2020 rulebook, you know the source of the IP) mentioning characters who have altered themselves to appear as the opposite sex (or alien androgynites), among other things. Just because it's not a main feature in the most casual and accessible cyberpunk media doesn't mean it's not there. And even were that not the case, it's still appropriate for the setting considering SRS is literally a form of body modification and it stands to reason that it would no doubt be more sophisticated beyond butchering a hole into your pelvis.

>multiple "dude wtf why does everyone hate cb2077 now?" threads full of damage control every day
>barely any "i hate cb2077 now!" threads ever
really makes you think

Trust me when I say that absolutely nothing you say to agitate would make me forget that I’m a lucky man not to be you.

didn't you know? if you don't constantly remind everyone around you of your irrational hatred for people different to you, you're pandering to the sjw!

I don't see the charm in the cyberpunk setting. The only game I liked with that style was Shadowrun: Dragonfall.

You sound like a woman to me.

Everyone was shittalking Skyrim up until a few weeks before release then the hype train went out of control, off the rails, down the street, killed a hundred Chinese people and crashed into a nursery school before exploding.

Yea Forums will pretend they are somehow above it but when it comes down to it they'll lose their shit, one way or the other, when it comes down to the wire. Whether the game is good or not.

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Literally every game?

You pretend to criticize companies yet you are shilling for this company simply because they pander to your personal ideology.

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Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with trannies?
It's ridiculous lmao. It's all you autists talk about these days.

Well, worse things have been done to cats I guess.


Picture of game crashing.

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Imagine thinking that body changing features from older cyberpunks are the same as the social justice identity politics from today.

god why these fools don't go back to VTM V5?

To this date, Witcher 3 is the game the game that provides the best content/$$$ ratio and best quality/$$$ ratio of the decade.
Also, no microtransaction bullshit. Two expansions, that dont feel like they ripped off the main game to be sold separately, and provide more quality, content and fun than any Ubishit game at a reasonable price.
No DRM bullshit on pc, you can literaly buy the game from GoG and pass it to your friends on a usb stick and it fucking works.

CDProjekt are literaly /ourguys/ i cant understand how people can doubt them at this point.

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finally someone else who gets it

Even back when people were still just speculating about the game before the first gameplay reveal, I always wondered how people actually expect a journalist or rocker character to play. It's ultimately a video game, what would change between different classes. In an RPG you typically just put points into different things, but I don't know what special attributes those classes would get

In the board game the journalist would get a Convince ability for instance, which falls under Intelligence. But I don't know how expansive that could be in a video game. With pnp you can just come up with wacky situations but it seems to me like it would just be some kind of charisma check in a video game, which can also be achieved just by building your character a certain way. I guess maybe if they were like the bonus abilities you had in Morrowind from the horoscopes I guess

>the choice of factions
When did they say something about this?

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He doesnt like the liberal garbage in the game. Thats why he isnt paying the devs. Whats so hard to understand, tranny?

The guy who did the music for Skyrim was inspired by his constant rape of young women.

Personally I only hate the ones that carve up their genitals. The others are like whatevs to me.

Picture of game sunk.

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And then it turns out they were right and Unatco was really the perpetrators of the terrorism.

There is no 3 skill trees, your origins only give dialog options.

This board sure has fucking changed over the years but every other kid calling you a tranny sure beats all the newfags screaming reddit back in 2016. Still don't know why calling eachother fags went out of style.

Making a decision that isn’t included in any other game in order to prevent backlash isn’t a small affair. You are just being obtuse because the event favors your sick ideology

>they confirmed that the game will be very story driven aka Dishonored instead of New Vegas or even Witcher
And they already said it will be story driven back in 2013, so I don't get the surprise

>Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with trannies?

Yea Forums has like a dozen LGBT boards. It's an extremely gay place to be.

Cyberpunk looks like shit though.

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its almost like its based on a tabletop game that takes place night city

>the major isn't real
Why even live

EA bots became more active and are making majority of noise.

>goes back on every promise
>bends the knee to social justice
>the game is good because is RED.
.... the level of stupidity

maybe that's how Buddha experienced true enlightenment

>its almost like
Talk like a human being


>turbonormies likes Cyberpunk genre
Yikes. You dont know a shit.

Modern social justice identity politics deals a lot with the idea of "changing bodies" though.

>Talk like a human being
talk like someone who isnt a faggot


I remember reading some normalfag post from another website saying how he visited Yea Forums out of curiosity and had always heard it was homophobic but when he browsed the site all he saw was gay shit. The other posters didn't believe him.

that's right you god damn nigger. my white ancestors are so superior that they built countries so glorious I can sit around bitching about video games being shit
all the while you never even discovered the wheel you absolute dumb fucking ape

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One day you'll look back at getting mad over video games with shame. Or you'll stay a fat cuck forever, who knows.

>It's ultimately a video game, what would change between different classes

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Game looks like a skyrim mod at this point. cdPrject was never competent but they can't event bullshit the audience like they did with the shitsher anymore. It's all too obvious now, only zealous brand fanatics will defend their shit .

Because they support pro-consumer policies? Yes, i do "shill" for them for that. What are you in it for? Fucking garbage cunt fuck off and die.

if this debate is so beneath you, why are you here?

Yep. The CD red we knew is long gone from now. They’ll keep making money unfortunately, and society becomes worse and worse as parasitic trannies and leftists cause large studios known for better works to steer in the direction of their unfathomably terrible mindset.

reminder that /pol/ does not exist and is not perma-invading Yea Forums

Well some people don't go straight for Yea Forums and /d/.

So your greatest claim to fame is the achievements of people with your skin colour? And don't pretend any of your ancestors were among them, your ancestors were shit shovelers.

That's basically what I remember them always saying about that. You can do sidequests for people but you don't become a part of any group

It is normal in 2020 literature

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Im just going to avoid this board until the next video or gameplay. Staying here just to see the same garbage responses again and again isnt good for anyone.
>defend the game>shill
>respond an argument>tranny
Theres no actual discussions in this board. Probably is summer but i dont know.

You don’t, which I suppose means you don’t pass. Sorry you’ll have to join the 40% soon.

Hong Kong is one of the few provinces in China that has first-world living conditions.

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I can't sleep :(

Not for long if the mainland chinks have anything to say about it.

>Making a decision that isn’t included in any other game in order to prevent backlash isn’t a small affair.
You can be a tranny in the tabletop. Why is having MORE freedom, as minute an increment as it is, suddenly an issue? How is adding a feature that is available to your character in the original source material defiling your artistic integrity? Because it made people you don't like happy and you're grasping at rationalizations to deflect the fact that you're having a temper tantrum over a non-issue and your irrational butthurt is entirely your fault?

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Exactly. In the older days of the medium the body-changing was also meant to convey extreme mental problems and disgusting disfigurement, not brave empowerment

The Witcher 1 is a better game and is cheaper, invalidating your point.

you wouldn't even know what electricity is let alone the internet or the computer you're typing on right now without the white race you dumb fucking black retarded brown shit
keep talking in the language of my ancestors you stupid spic fuck because no one gives a fuck about whatever 3rd world shithole brown race you come from

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fucktard, you do realize that is just ONE district of the game?!

Seriously though, can you outline how a rocker character should play, so that it would be meaningfully different from other classes?

>tfw should have slept hours ago
>can't even bring myself to work on any projects
>just rewatching old videos i've seen a million times and browsing Yea Forums

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Because they say "body" instead of "male/female". This outrage seems familiar, huh? But don't worry, the game will still be good and sell well because your average joe isn't a vee poster.

The entire gameplay launched recently was nothing more than handpicked scenes proving what everyone else was criticizing in Yea Forums
shitty graphics, shitty gameplay, shitty story, and RED breaking another five hundred promises.
and even if you had facts to defend the game, they would be drowned in the vitrol of this board.
Have a good night.

And then we'll descend into a cyberpunk dystopia just like in the game... Whoa... it's like pottery...

Based, I can make ey contact with my cyberpunk gf while we hold hands

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and you wouldn't have any of that if your mom didn't buy it for you lmao

>they support pro-consumer policies

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>it’s almost like
Kill yourself reddit.

talk for yourself

They would deserve it for acting like tibetans though.

>RED breaking another five hundred promises
What promises?

Calling him reddit doesn't make you fit in newfag. Everyone knows you started browsing after 2016.

How in the fuck does this look like LA? Because skyscrapers and its sunny? What a fucking lame criticism

I am pretty sure there is a thing called rhythm and idol games that they could take cues from. But that would require actual creativity and talent.

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OH NO, HOW WILL THE "I-I only play girls in RPGs, because I c-can look at the cute character I made." ANONS EVER RECOVER

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ooga booga ooga you stupid nigger
monkey want a banana?
you stupid brown fucking chimp

Saints Row or The Sims already did it, dont know the outrage about this.


Whoever did this needs to get shot

Get the fuck outta here Chin.

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>repeating literally the same mistakes as Invisible War

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No social justice.
Seriously, i really think everyone on this board has a severe case of low comprehension

I hope your fat dumb nigger mother gets raped by a bigger nigger you retard
bet you don't even know your dad dumb black fuck

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Dont care about broken "promises" if removing them makes the game better.

Solo flopped so badly because it made no money in China.

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What would the context be for those DDR sequences? Like do you play your guitar for the enemies or when do those sequences occur? This also kind of goes in that direction where people expect the different classes to basically be different games.

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Yeah, the shitposters like straight male dont have that. Literallly who cares about that outside Twitter.

Guess I'll be aturbo normie. Not like there's much else to play. VtMB2 CP2077 and a handfull of other games coming next year. Probably gonna have time for it.

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I always hated it. You can tell it's going to be a game that relies heavily on your visual design(which I can't even tolerate.) It could be a game, but it seems like the premise is nothing new and the gameplay is rehashed from old games.
For example,
The style of gameplay that relies on brute force is nothing new. It can be fun to just play for a few hours but will get stale and you'd have to rely on the story to be entertained eventually. It makes for a game where you may enjoy the first couple of hours and then drone through the other 70 percent of the game.
The other play style seems interesting at first, but it is doomed to fail. It looks like if you were to mix the shitty disaster that was watch dogs and any other assasin type of gameplay or a knock of metal gear. I am not looking forward to the gameplay whatsoever, it doesn't look like it adds anything new to the field and it seems like a cash grab. They will rely on their "punk rock" world. Also
>dude keanu reeves lmao

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Which of those were promises? I don't get it

The statement
>didn't you know? if you don't constantly remind everyone around you of your irrational hatred for people different to you, you're pandering to the sjw!
Is absurd because it makes the strawman argument that anyone who might have disagreement with this decision is and evil hateful bigot. The gameplay is not given “more freedom” it’s a different label that does not affect gameplay but influences the broader audience that such a mindset is perfectly normal. The idea that the contention made here is just “against freedom” is ridiculuous; you can just as easily decree yourself a gender and stick to it rather than demanding a game change to your whim. You can do the same in any tabletop, like DnD, and this wouldn’t translate well into a video game adaptation.
The only person upset here appears to be you. I’m sorry you’re autistically enraged about your desire to be a woman.

>This also kind of goes in that direction where people expect the different classes to basically be different games.

It's a RPG, the sky is the limit.

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It was a decent game, when everything is literal shit.

But it was a step down from tw2
-ripping off skyrim
-a LOT a padding (bandit camps, treasure hunts)
-mmorpg mechanisms (single high level ghoul, harder to kill than a fiend) make no sense and hurt the immersion.
-memes, pop culture reference
-western mythology as opposed to eastern european. Man of glass is a very american view of the devil.

Game was still good, great even, but they made concession to achieved commercial success.

So that's why I doubt them, that and fucking keanu reeves. I have nothing about the guy, but common.
Still think it's going to be good, though. They're the best of a bad lot.

I never have my female characters fuck dudes either way.
In the first place i usually play male characters on games with romance.

like every other game im going to ignore everyone and play it

>it's not a removed feature, it's an improvement

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Read the thousands of articles and forum comments. Seriously, go search that and don't come back until you read everything.

>n-no u!
cringe lmao

Also I will add I may give it a chance if they prove me wrong with the gameplay, but it looks like nothing special at the moment and more gimmicky if anything. These games are a dime a dozen.

>what is feature bloat

He's right. Obsidian kickstarted games ended up crap because they overpromised and got diverted as a result.

Oh don't worry user, the gaming community seems to have pleanty of both. youtube.com/watch?v=sq9MLlYykrY

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>i know we promised this feature but we’re not doing it sorry teehee
>or this
>or this
>or this

actual cope

But when do you actually use your guitar? If you make a magic guy in Morrowind, then cool, you can shoot people with your magic spells instead of hitting them with your sword. But I don't understand at what point you would insert a rhythm game into it. Never mind a paperboy simulator, what would you do with that guy

doesn’t look fun
just don’t look good senpai idk what to tell you looks kinda shit

You are talking about an open world RPG with a dialogue systems, elaborate sidequests, and multiple gameplay styles. The game is already bloated beyond what's humanly possible.

>people shitposting about a game still in early-mid beta
>people replying to the shitposts
>people replying with cringe, onions, boomer, zoomer, cope, etc.
>people not remembering all of the bugs that Witcher 3 had which has been for the most part has been patched out with official patches along with fan patches after official support was finished

You shitposting fucks will eat anything up, and people will still play the game just as much as they played Witcher 3. It's Divinity 2 all over again. It's Mass Effect 2 all over again. Same shit, different day.

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>b-but when i can rest my tiny hands if theres no cutscenes like in based games like Death Stranding?how can i send to Twitter messages if i cant leave the gamepad??
>theres only first person???what about my motion sickness?now i cant see enemies behind corners moving the chamera!!
>theres no genders?this is not like my based Pokemon games!

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this so much. If there are romancing partners then I'll make a dude, or if you can make multiple characters then the main one will be a dude

Which features?

>But when do you actually use your guitar?

You seem to think that the story has to be about shooting people 24/7.

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Could you name the features thay said they'll do and then said they're not? Just curious, since I didn't exactly stalk development for this game.

So people are just messing around when they say that? Got it. From 2013 to 2017 there were like five short articles that said almost nothing. Then after 2018 they've explained some gameplay mechanics, so I don't understand what all these promises are that people keep talking about. It really seems to me like people are just trying to become upset about something, it's really weird

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because people are obsessed with a gender scale

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>first person tranny cock sucking action

>it's another "I've read a hundread threads where you explained why you think the game is going to be shit, please explain why you thing the game is going to be shit" episode
CP2077 threads should be banned at this point

>early-mid beta

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Because it looks like a shitty mix between GTA and Borderlands now.

Everyone will still play it.

Shit ones like 3rd person or cutscenes. To hell with them.
Cutscenes are just hard-drive rape and 3rd person is unnatural. It feels like i have a drone staring at my ass.

it's Witcher 3 all over again. Downgraded out of your ass and shitty gameplay


sigh... those are falseflaggers, get the fuck out of here, you obviously never came here until after gamergate, sigh, get the fuck out tranny

were you around when skyrim came out? exact same shit as right now.

there is NOTHING unique about this game yet you faggots will eat it up. The gameplay is just rehashed shit

notice how they removed the word "game"

You're still not explaining how exactly you're envisioning the guitar parts. You're playing Morrowind but you're a troubadour character. When do you play the lute? Help me understand

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>still no HQ demo on Gamersyde
So CDP claim that all downgrades are just "youtube artifacts" but they reject releasing uncompressed version of the vid publicly?
Every grain of info on that game buries it alive.

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We're seven months off. There's still a ton of work to do. I would safely call it early-mid beta. A stretch? Sure.
By that logic, we should just only be playing Pong now since everything copies everything else.

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>but why...
Because Yea Forums hates anything that'll be even remotely successful
Game's gonna outsell anything in the past 10 years, win all the GOTY awards, and be a massive success.

>SJW shit

A better name would be Big Business Sponsored (BBS) ideology. Globo-homo propaganda is a thing only because of economic interests.

>being a tranny in a shitty tabletop is the same as a AAA game
resetera everyone

>Like fucking what?
trying to normalize and push a mental disorder which leads to suicide in a product that his mostly going to be played by young boys who are being raised in a school system that tries everything it can to hate their own masculinity

Not an argument.

it's just shilling, take a look at the threads made every time a new trailer is released for any game (especially ea and ubisoft)

>The only person upset here appears to be you.
Well let's see, I'm not the one complaining about any features in the game. From where I stand I'm merely baffled by how upset you are over minor feature, especially when that minor feature fits with the IP's lore and themes of the genre. But nice try at the whole "I-I n-not m-mad, YOU'RE m-m-mad!" bit.

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I am not envisioning anything, I just know there are plenty of cyberpunk stories in which you do more than just shoot people.

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Except SJW/PC shit doesn't sell or move units compared to anything else.

Look at Gillette with its recent market $8B flop due to that "woke" commercial. Oversaturation is a thing, and boy are people biting back.

>But of course it wouldn't because this game is just "current year politics" but turned to 1000%
This is what cyberpunk is, you smoothbrain. It's very much supposed to be ''Current issues, future tech''.
Jesus fuck, you are exposing yourself.

Yeah, but I don't remember much about those threads. But it seemed more concrete at least, since it was building on previous games that basically played the same way. I think what I remember the most is just people being upset about the perks system

Reminder when people who get offended by everything just got ignored?

Keanu Reeves ruined this game

Watching you try to justify this horrible post will be a laugh. Go on, explain your attempt at logic.


>I am not envisioning anything
Yes I am getting a sense of that

Much like in Saints Row, the gender neutral thing is really just a way to reduce the amount of dialogue recording they have to do. The devs are already in over their heads and need to cut corners wherever they can to get the game done on time.

The "first person cutscenes only" is another example of this. They don't have to spend as much time animating each scene if the main character is (mostly) not visible in it.

Kneeling to trannies is one of the best ways to suck girlish futa cock, however. Unless you'd prefer to do it lying down in bed. uwu

>/thread his own post

>More story driven than the witcher
So ... it's not an RPG anymore? It's just a sci-fi adveture with RPG elements? Or do you still influence the story? It actually sounds like they got fully sidetracked on what they were making. Everyone seemed to be hoping for something like skyrim/fallout or even witcher, but set in the cyberpunk world and they just decided "nah, forget the stuff we have experience in, it's cookie cutter story time!" Either the story will be legendary or the game will be lack luster due to what people WANTED it to be. Or it will in fact be what it should, which is a game with branching paths, where your character isn't a set in stone and can change the story drastically with his/her actions.

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Well I haven't been working in a project that has been in development hell for 6 years, unlike you. Give me a few minutes and I might think something.

Sounds like you need another pinot grigio and a xanax, Karen.

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First person cutscenes sounds more like in the first video, when you can take the gun from the bodyguard if you look at it.
In a 3rd person cutscene there will be a lame"press X to disarm".

Haven't really thought about it for a couple months. Might have a look at it when it comes out. Not like I have to wait in a line or something any more. That shit ended the one and only time. Halo 2.

Yeah naw fuck off. Wal-mart trying to find it at 2;30 AM. Collectors edition for the price of regular yeah because you're too fucking dumb to scan it correctly later.

>We're seven months off. There's still a ton of work to do
You don't know shit about game development then. 7 months after 6 years of development is the final polishing stage, only minor bugfixing and promotion at this point.
Title was revealed 6 years ago. Even if we consider they just started working on it (which is bullshit) when trailer was released, we have less than 10% of total time left to finalize the product.
Now compare 48 min demo to 15 min demo. There is literally 0 changes (except for graphical downgrade).

Every logical sense tells this is the final product, but you keep lying to yourself and to us.

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If you could, I would like that. I'm thinking about this in video game terms and I don't really know how to fit that rhythm game in there. Is it a replacement for combat, or like a way to persuade somebody or something

Not what he said you youtube comment of a human being. He said youre a faggot just like an sjw. And hes right.

>everything copies everything else.
What logic, retard? It's just another of the same shit. The entire gameplay gimmick of hacking seems like it's just a shallow knock off of any stealth based game and probably closer to watchdogs. Have they shown anything interesting that you could do with the stealth based style that is arguably supposed to carry the game or are you just buying it for the story. If the latter I can't argue with that, I don't know what it's supposed to be like but the atmosphere isn't for me so if the gameplay looks as bad as what they showed it's irredeemable

You are thinking about this in GTA terms. There are plenty of games in which there are classes that play music that provide bonuses, there are games that mix gameplay elements like Undertale. There are rhythm games that use the gameplay as part of action or romantic scenes. I am pretty sure there is way more than can be done.

>people who play as a woman have to get nailed by a man

>a sleek and futuristic cyberpunk setting.
Are you actually retarded?

No proof of that except some badly translated twitter post by a PR guy who likely doesn't even know what cutscenes are.

Miles Tost, the lead level designer, said at Gamescom there will be third person cutscenes. Stop being so fucking naive you fucking retards. I swear, this game attracts people who make up some shit CDPR never said and they pretend they are outraged to fool everyone else into being outraged as well. Fuck the fuck off!

We all do don't we?

>tranny assblasted they can't use their man ass scapegoat

I think the last trailer is all first-person.

you have no idea what cyberpunk is

To call something like this a “minor feature” is absurd. How could it have caused so much attention if it were not major? It’s a large step for certain groups to gain power over others. To ignore this is impossible, it seems to me you’re doing it because you can’t admit to yourself the implications. And no, I’m afraid bringing attention to this doesn’t constitute the same autistic, rage-fueled rant that you’ve embarked on.

>player character is a tranny
>no white people in sight
>generic, bland aesthetic
>the strongest of niggers is a woman
>no flying cars
>open world of corridors
>retarded cyberspace visualizations
>terrible writing
>even worse voice acting
>inevitable downgrade
>contextual, uninteractive actions
>more a movie than a game
>no player choice regarding character's attitude towards augmentations
>shooting looks boring
>empty streets
>visual overload
>hectic animations

>setting where the source books outright show you can become a "exotic", which are just furfags
>But trannies are outside the realm of possibility in a setting full of degenerates obsessed with body modification

Equally fragile and annoying, yes.

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Remember when Todd promised that you can burn down windmills and it will affect bread economy? And then Skyrim released and there was no features like it? Same shit is happening with CP2077 right now.

>Cyberpunk 2077 Cutscenes Are All First-Person
What? But why? The E3 trailer that played before the Keanu reveal wasn't first person and it was a huge hit with the public. Why would they do this?

Are you saying that Cyberpunk 2077 is Oblivion with guns?

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I've mentioned Morrowind a couple times now because it compares to this in some ways, being a first person RPG. Something like New Vegas works too. They have the basic gameplay loop of talking to people and fighting stuff. I'm genuinely struggling to fit a rhythm game in those, especially if it's just a thing that one specific class uses sometimes

I'm uncertain of what particular importance you place upon your genitals one way or the other.

Bioware had the potential to do this far better but EA chased off all the good talent from that division. Now we're sort of in JRPG hell.

I miss the last gen in a way. Hell I defended it when other people said it was bad. At least it still had creative and original ideas.

Now it's the mickey fucking mouse house with ar-15s.

Well you can't make yourself a furry or a cyborg in this game like in the setting of 2020, so what is your point?

It's entirely a attempt to market it to sjws without putting in effort. It's no different to saints row past 1 letting you put any voice on your character regardless of gender. Only way it could be that different is if you can put a beard on a chick or make up on a guy, I don't recall being able to do that in saints row. I recall Dragon's Dogma let you put makeup on guys.

And that's the main thing they care about, making a good game is secondary at best.

So your company is just copying Bethesda without doing anything original at all.

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Ghost in the Shell.

As a gameplay feature, yes it's very minor. It's major to YOU which is why YOU are "bringing attention to it" in your autistic, rage-fueled rant. What do I even have to be mad about? There's nothing in the game that makes me mad. I'm simply in awe of what trivial things get people like you so assblasted.

>I'm uncertain of what particular importance you place upon your genitals one way or the other.
I place a lot of importance on my genitals staying healthy and intact. But if you mean game character, I just don't like three fact that CDPR forces you to make a tranny character.

>sunfags lost control of my board
And stay out, faggots. Cyberpunk should be blade runner aesthetic. Fuck the being technically cyberpunk

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We should be demanding the option to be a furry and full-body cyborg instead of getting butthurt over trannies.

My point is it does make sense for the setting for people to live out their degenerate fantasies in a setting where you can modify your body to become whatever freak you want to be or a aryan chad, and getting a mr studd/lady midnight implant to replace your dick/cunt. Now you're trying to change the subject and make it into being about not being allowed to be one yourself.

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>Did Deckard have a pink Mohawk?
Are you seriously complaining about punk fashion being a thing in fucking cyber-punk-?

It's really hard getting a straight answer out of you. If a rocker is something you want to play, how do you actually -want- it to play? Or a media, or a cop, or whatever. Games are built around gameplay. Stuff like this is why I can't really take all this outrage too seriously, people don't even seem to know what they actually want it to be. Meanwhile I've just been sitting here waiting to see how the game will turn out and so far it seems alright. Seems to have a lot of the same pitfalls as Witcher 3 but I was kind of expecting that

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What minorities? From what it looked like there are only niggers in CP2077. No minorities in sight.

I don't really care and I don't think that's the content of the message. Nor the reality of the final product.

You're being strangely reactionary.

>I just don't like three (sic) fact that CDPR forces you to make a tranny character.
What? No they don't, they just make it an option.

>-memes, pop culture reference
>-western mythology as opposed to eastern european. Man of glass is a very american view of the devil.
no, im eastren european i know whats in the game, its a mix of eastern and germanic mythology/folklore youre actually retarded for thinking that the devil was american inspired

Is there really such a thing as "strangely reactionary" on Yea Forums?

Video games are gay.

They already said that you can't get modifications like pic related.

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Playing as a police officer hunting down criminals and deviants with state power should be very different from playing as an underground punk rocker that's trying to take down the establishment with charisma.

Otherwise you are just playing another generic first person shooter.


List of Features Removed Since E3 2018

1. Childhood Heros
2. Multiple Apartments
3. TPP in cutscenes
4. Genders
5. Different body types

Depends on how easily a message can be criticized.

That's what we should be complaining about. Our tranny furries should have the right to 5 cyber-eyes.

But it's confirmed you don't choose sex of the character, only body type and voice. Whether or not it will be true for the final product is uncertain, but since the newest information on the game is that that is actually the case, we'll have to go with that until CDPR backpedals on the whole thing.

I'd go corporate or police officer in this game for sure. Aspiring or otherwise. Cop buddy games need to be a thing and actually be good.

>in a setting where you can modify your body to become whatever freak you want
Except you can't. In cybeprpunk 2077 you can only be normal/tranny or get few mods. That's it you can't go full blown Alita in this game because devs said "it will ruin the experience" but having a dick with female body is not. So I am a little bit confused here.


>can actually do a full body swap and change your gender
>pump yourself full of hormones, cut off your dick, and dilate instead
Totally makes perfect sense.
Wait, you think these are the same thing, don't you?

No they don't, since you don't have an option to just choose a male or a female. Every player character by definition will be a tranny because you create the character by independently choosing body type and voice, none of which is assigned to a sex in the game and none of which is independent from each other in real life.

I dunno dude...you seem pretty worked up over this. You should probably take a break.

All messages can be criticized just as easily.

My fucking oath Im hyped for this game. Im 99% certain most of Yea Forums is as well. Shitposting is just the best cure for boredom and 2077 is an easy shitpost target because its pretty much guaranteed (You)s.
Same thing happened with Witcher 3. And Witcher 3 still to this day gets shitposted.
High volume shitposting is 4chans sign of a truly great game.

>hey guys but what about that DICK?

And that's where the problems come in again, at that point you're basically asking them to create multiple different campaigns and games inside one game. A police simulator etc.

Again I'm looking at Morrowind which has several factions you can work for. You have the thieves, assassins, Imperial guys, but the gameplay always stays the same regardless. I'm assuming something like that wouldn't be enough, but that instead the cop should have a different playstyle and abilities

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>headcanonning yourself as a tranny just to make yourself mad
You're mentally ill, user. Get help.

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You retards are talking as if Cyberpunk 2077 features female hormone items and 'press x to dilate' cutscenes.
Absolutely rent free.

The only thing I agree with is your last point. Don't use buzzwords if you want people to agree with you.

>pump yourself full of hormones, cut off your dick, and dilate instead
That's not how sex change works in cyberpunk. Read the source material, you despicable casual.

VtM Bloodliness did it with a fraction of the budget and without having to completely change the entire game, some classes have unique abilities that change the gameplay qutie a bit, while some are a completely different experience.

Basically you are just coming up with excuses for your own lack of creativity.

I'm only telling you what does and doesn't belong in a cyberpunk setting. Trannies don't.
And if you can fuck around outside of norms right from character creation, it's not body modification. You're initially unmodified.

>at that point you're basically asking them to create multiple different campaigns
Boo fucking hoo poor developers. They don't need to push themselves too hard and try to innovate. Who needs multiple path, choices etc. in a RPG right? Instead lets spend all our money on Keanu Reeves that's what will make this game a true role playing game.
Fuck off cunt.

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>That's not how sex change works in cyberpunk.
That's not how sex change works in anything. That procedure changes absolutely nothing about your actual sex/gender. Which is exactly the fucking point, learn to read.

>I'm only telling you what does and doesn't belong in a cyberpunk setting.
Oh shit, you're Mike Pondsmith? Post face with timestamp.

Not him, not saying they wouldn't, not saying they would. I do not give a shit. This is an adult game for an adult audience. They can be fuckwits if they want and I don't really care.

May not buy their game, maybe I will. Depends on the content. CDPJ has never let me down. Except I've never gotten a single game of theirs at relase or even close to it. Fair is fair.

It wasn't a cutscene, it was a cinematic maybe?

>As a Rockerboy, you have the power to get the people up - to lead, inspire and inform. A song from you can give the timid courage, the weak strength, and blind vision. Rockerboy legends have led armies against Corporations and Governments. Rockerboy songs have exposed corruption, brought down dictators. It's a lot of power for a guy doing gigs every night in another city. But you can handle it. After all - you came to play!

This actually sounds interesting.

Imagine if game devs actually did an effort to experiment with their games.

Gender change, genital change, whatever phrase won't trigger your autism so bad you'll overlook my point. You know what I mean.

>biology does not exist
>if you believe it exists, you are mentally ill
are you ok dude?

If everything is first person view there is no reason to play as female as you can't see her ass while she runs.

Isn't Luxembourg rich as fuck per capita?
Why are they ~net zero?

>I'm only telling you what does and doesn't belong in a cyberpunk setting.
Based on what authority?

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Dunno, maybe they hide all their money hidden in overseas banks.

>full body swap
Again missing the point.
Same thing.
>genital change
The only change is mutilation.

Learn to read.

What I said is true. "body type" and voice are not mutually independent. By making them so, CDPR turned all possible characters into trannies.
>"male" (they're not assigned to sexes) body type and "female" voice, or "female" body type and "male" voice
Obviously trannies
>"male" body type and "male" voice, or "female" body type and "female" voice
Still trannies because those characteristics were independently chosen. You can't choose those things independently in reality. They're interrelated. The only way for the players to be able to create non-tranny characters is by CDPR adding male and female options back. Whether or not they keep tranny option next to them is irrelevant as long as they let us make non-tranny characters. They can have three options, if they want to be so inclusive, and that's what they ahould have done from the beginning.

Either not gay enough or too gay.

What is that rent free meme

Your reasoning was that unless the game specifically tells you you aren't a tranny you MUST be a tranny and that makes you MAD! It's absurd logic and has nothing to do with biology.

Doing hormones is different from cutting your dick though.

Unless you really want to do the later.

>pre-order cyberpunk 2077
>can refund it up to two weeks after release as long as I play

>Hong Kong
>First world
t. anglo still teliing himself he had the best colonies and did the best for them.
Hong Kong is an absolute shithole

I was still holding out excitement for this game up until about 2 days ago. Then I saw the horrific, clunky gameplay and the PS3 tier graphics running on a fucking 2080ti. Yikes.

>Basically you are just coming up with excuses for your own lack of creativity
I hope you're not the guy who still hasn't explained how the rocker should actually play

>Who needs multiple path, choices etc. in a RPG right?
I'm not sure how that relates to anything that's being discussed

Can it ever be gay enough, without being too gay tho?

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>to join one of the factions you literally have to let them give your hormone therapy during the duration of quest lines

Based on not being fucking retarded and decades of cyberpunk media including the original PnP?
But sure, if you want inclusive and modernized "cyberpunk", go ahead. Add trannies. It will make little sense but sure.

>Either not gay enough or too gay.

This. The amount of gay is unbalanced.

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Ah I see you're embarrassed that you got exposed for not knowing the cyberpunk 2020 setting and are nitpicking my phrasing to change the subject. It's cool, at least your posts are anonymous so no one else knows your shame.

Unironically destroyed by the press because instead of ignoring the press they decided to cater to them. They don't understand that as soon as you show weakness, you get eaten alive by those people. Tell them to go fuck themselves, they're irrelevant anyway.

He literally said he dont cares to play games full with sjw bullshit as long as its good but its not
They are so focused on this political bullshit they forget to make a good game
That said i hated witcher 3 so im not suprised they pull this shit with cyberpunk

Because they failed to make a futuric setting less cyberpunk than real life, pic related it's hong kong.

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It has pretty good GDP per capita and the standards of livings are way better than China.

Not even defending them, if anything they are entitled faggots.

None of it does anything to your sex/gender. And nothing CAN do anything about it at the moment. Unlike in cyberpunk.

>I'm not sure how that relates to anything that's being discussed
>at that point you're basically asking them to create multiple different campaigns
Wow you are actually retarded.

>have valid reasons to not be excited about direction of CP2077
>half the criticism in Yea Forums threads is /pol/tard shit and makes my side look bad

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The point is that the rocket can play in a wide variety of ways that are only constrained by your imagination. You could even combine the music elements in the combat gameplay.

>but why...
After lying about the no Witcher 3 downgrade, I have every reason to distrust CDPR.
Also they somehow managed to fuck up the weapon feel/feedback in Cyberpunk.

No, what I said is that if you choose things such as male/female body type/voice independently, your character is a tranny because those things are not independent.

I hated cyberpunk since its gameplay reveal at e3 2018 and then the retarded devs at cdpr backpedaling and doing damage control after the sun backlash cemented my hate for it

You're a dumb nigger. Until you realize what trannies actually are, we won't get anywhere with this.
Hint: they're not altering their sex or gender in any way.

>and the standards of livings are way better than China.
Depends on the region really.
>Not even defending them, if anything they are entitled faggots.
I really don't care about chinks killing chinks but I just hate the anglo delusion of them having the best colonies.

Making a dialogue on real life always comes off as pretentious and stupid unless it's extremely distanced or very close. Putting it directly in your line-of-sight makes it become stupid. Like a splinter cell game where Sam uses a satellite phone from 2003. There are limitations unless you walk into the context.

Gender is a social construct.


>after the sun backlash
lmao. i know youre joking but there were/are people legitimately upset by the sun in this game

Once again, you're pulling nonsensical rationality out of nowhere. You're essentially saying that unless CDPR personally reassures you in-game that your character isn't a tranny despite no evidence of it being such if you choose a male body and male voice, it HAS to be a tranny. That makes no sense. You're making things up to make yourself mad. Mentally ill people do this. You are mentally ill.

My cock is bigger than yours.

>Based on not being fucking retarded and decades of cyberpunk media including the original PnP?
If you played the PnP you'd know you could be a tranny and there were in-game body mods to support it.

Creating branching paths is different from creating totally separate stories for rockers, cops and medias

Once you choose them together, they become part of your character. How hard is that to understand?

No, what I'm saying is that if I independently choose a male body type and a male voice for my character, my character will be a tranny who chose to have a male body and a male voice, because those things are not independent and a natural male will have a male voice and a natural female will have a female voice with no choosing whatsoever because those things are not independent. CDPR does not have to reassure me of anything. What they should do is have three options: male, female, and independently chosen tranny.

They're altering their appearance to look like the opposite/sex/gender/whateverthefuckwontassblasyou. I really don't have an interest in tip-toeing around whatever phrasing won't trigger your fragile sensibilities. You understand what I'm saying, we both know that.


>What they should do is have three options: male, female, and independently chosen tranny.
Why, when you get the same in-game result the current way?

holy shit dude you're obsessed with the gender thing
what the fuck does it matter? Like i literally don't see the problem
if you want a male character just make his voice and body male, done. Goddamn.
stop being such a whinny faggot bro

Sure, you could technically even slap a cybervagina on yourself and ask people to respect your pronouns. You can do a lot in a PnP, really, not all of it can fit in a rulebook.
Doesn't mean it would make sense for anyone to actually start calling you female if you look like a guy, or for anyone in an established setting to actually modify themselves like that.

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It being all first person is actually a huge plus for me.
I don't get why third person shooters ever became popular in the first place. Is it some sort of console thing?

>altering their appearance to look like
So traps don't exist now. Nice tranny propaganda you got there.
>You understand what I'm saying
Of course, and I see that all of it is retarded. You don't seem to understand what I'm saying, however.

Can still see her in the menus and make her look good or cute. Who the hell doesnt like cute girls?

Late night doctors/nurses, general despots and Australian hour. Run while you can.

>night city

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Because context matters, user. All games are is context. What you see on the screen is a context that is added to a bunch of numbers and calculations that without that context would be completely meaningless.
In CDPR you create your character in the context of independently choosing different characteristics of the sexes, which is inherently tranny thing, and thus your character will always be a tranny, because that's the context, and the context is the game.

Dude what are you talking about? If you choose a character with a male body and male voice, they will be male unless you headcannon them otherwise. What, you think NPCs are going to greet you with "HELLO TRANNY" in-game or something? Your thought process is baffling.

they've tripped it of features and everything shown so far looks fallout 4 tier.

this image is fucking disgusting

>Sure, you could technically even slap a cybervagina on yourself and ask people to respect your pronouns. You can do a lot in a PnP, really, not all of it can fit in a rulebook.
Yeah, but the cybervagina was literally in the rulebook. With a price tag and everything.

What's wrong with this? Serious question

What would be closer to truth is that your character is "non-binary" in retard TQBBQ+++ terminology. You don't know their actual gender, you can only make them close to one or the other.

>So traps don't exist now.
Traps don't cut their dicks off, so...

The "cutscenes" bit.

>okay to traumatize your cat by piercing it's membranes involuntarily
>vegan diet lels so feed a carnivore bread and peas

Fuck vegans.

Because mouth breathers don't understand CDPR makes every game different and they want a generic dark sci-fi with things they've seen.
Yea Forums is allergic to originality and vision

not going to buy cybertranny no matter how much you shill stay mad resetcucks

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bros... i don't feel so good.

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In CP2077*

the surprise is they said they were making a game adaptation of the cyberpunk table-top game which meant an actual RPG where you can play as a corporate or whatever the police are called and choose your stats and shit.

its almost guaranteed to be lackluster considering the downgrades, not even the Witcher team is working on it but instead of Californian team

see buddy there are no factions to begin with, you play as a netrunner with different fps or hacking skills and thats it. It has Mirrors Edge Catalyst's level of depth

Yeah Gears I think kicked it off with cover shooting, chainsaw finishers were really great and compared to other shooters it felt a tiny bit more strategic and technical but then it all went downhill from there (Vanquish is still good mostly)

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That's context that YOU and ONLY YOU are giving it. We're not going along with your weird tranny fanfiction.

Most games have cutscenes though?

NB doesn't mean what you think it means.

You are not thinking big enough.
You can put a dick on a girl and fuck other girls now.

Yeah retard what's wrong? In a game about heavy character customization you can't see how you character looks even in cutscenes.

So what? Just look in a mirror.

then dont buy it? lmao
you're worth 1 copy, who cares

>choose your stats
You can do that

Yeah, and attaching six horsecocks to fuck more ass is just regular sci-fi degeneracy, nothing to do with modern day trannies.
What THEY want is for the game to let you be a guy claiming you're a girl. From the start, no cybernetic body modification involved. Which is not really what we're (allegedly) getting, but it's still clear pandering unless they rewrite it and explicitly tell you that choosing certain options in character creation means your body is actually not the one you initially had. And that would still be retarded, honestly, but make some sense.

No, that's the context CDPR have given to the character creation. I have no influence on the development of the game whatsoever. If I did, that problem would have never appeared and if the company insisted to make the game inclusive, I would find an elegant solution to fit all, because I'm an intelligent person and apparently nobody in CDPR is. Literally all they had to do was have three options.

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no clue what you're on about you fucking deranged weirdo

I sincerely don't give a fuck. The second sentence stands.

I just don't trust poles, like any rational being, no matter how much the internet slubbers their stinky cabbage cocks. They never delivered a good game and chances are they won't in the future either.

>still believing cyberpunk meme isnt being overhyped since like 2011

>its almost guaranteed to be lackluster considering the downgrades, not even the Witcher team is working on it but instead of Californian team
>Californian team

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>Doesn't mean it would make sense for anyone to actually start calling you female if you look like a guy
So you're saying people would know your actual gender even if you had body mods out the ass to make yourself look as feminine as possible?

If you don't care why you are complaining about it?

Turbonormies don't like cyberpunk, they like Cyberpunk 2077 because muh based CDPR making empty open world masterpieces.

CDPR's approach is fine, you're just obsessed with trannies. What you should do is when you make your character, just keep muttering to yourself "Not a tranny... not a tranny... not a tranny..." over and over to remind yourself your V isn't a tranny.

Corporate and Nomad are technically in since both are background stories Cop should have been the other instead of generic "kid who grew up on streets and ran with gangs". Even then how would a Nomad play differently to a Solo? From my understanding in the P&P all your class does is give you one unique ability and a boost to certain stats, not lock you into anything.

I have same expectations as I would have from the next Witcher game, but I don't often participate in discussions about upcoming games, and especially in this case, with dedicated population ready to shit on every piece of news about the game, for no reason. Probably going to buy as soon as it comes out.

>In a game about heavy character customization
Why do people keep saying this? It's a couple of sliders, that's it.

>Californian team
You'd think they'd learn eventually start taking their business as far away as possible from California. But I guess they haven't learned yet.

So not wanting to play as a tranny is an obsession now? I can't have my preferences because that would be obsessive?

No. They wouldn't ask you for your pronouns either and laugh at you if you tried to explain them how you're "trans".
In cyberpunk you're whatever the fuck you look like until otherwise proven. If your body is just completely fucked up, then I guess you could choose which to use among friends. Nothing close to current identity politics.
Also, you really overestimate the degeneracy of regular cyberpunk. It isn't like the ridiculous text porn games written by furfags.

Here's your (you)

But it will be a tranny precisely because it was created in the context of independently choosing characteristics of the sexea. If anything, thinking that your male body and male voice character is actually a male would be one hell of a headcanon

>In cyberpunk you're whatever the fuck you look like until otherwise proven.
That was entirely my point. You were the one saying it wouldn't make sense.

>Look and sound like dude
>This means I need to headcanon that I am a dude
Jesus christ user.

You fags defending this like to argue that in the setting of CP2077 people can modify their characteristics in all sorts of ways. This doesn't help your argument that appearance and sound is in any way meaningful.

You need to headcanon as male because what you created in character creation is a combination of mechanically independent characteristics of the sexes, so a tranny.

The thing trannies try to push is more along the lines of
>you're whatever the fuck you look like even if otherwise proven
>you're whatever the fuck you want to be, regardless of what you look like or actually are
And that isn't cyberpunk. Let me get this summed up to how it should be
>character creation is male/female, fully organic as initially intended, no other options or deviations
>you can buy a voice modulator, body mods, or full body swap later in the game
Done. You know who won't be satisfied with this? Resetera.

How is appearance not meaningful?
>see chick
>assume it's a chick unless it looks like a tranny
>see dude
>assume it's a dude unless it looks like a dyke playing dress up

>initially intended
Do you think cyberpunk is about Christian values or something? This isn't bladerunner.

You only need to headcanon shit like that if you're that insecure about your gender, thus a tranny. Dilate sweetie.

>Spend a lot time in the menu to creating a cute girl you never see again in the game
Yeah, no.

It's not in the setting of cyberpunk 2077 where, as many CDPR drones argued in a desperate attempt to defend this bullshit, you can freely modify yourself to your fitting.

Initially intended by the fucking devs. You get the mandatory augs later on.


are you okay, stroke-user?

>why is there punk in my cyberpunk
>Why is there trannies in this particular cyberpunk franchise that has a whole section of its source material dedicated to furries and trannies
Did nobody bother looking up about 2020 or did you all just assume this was bladerunner or Neuromancer?

Your mental gymnastics won't change the fact that it is not possible to create an unquestionably male or unquestionably female character in the game, CDPR drone.
I don't even know why you're doing it. I know you worhip CDPR as some sort of gaming prophets and are willing to reach for any argument, any lie and any logical inconsistency at any moment to defend it, but most people here hate this game with a passion and are adamant about it's low quality because they actually watched the trailers and have standards, so I just can't wrap my head around what might be going on in your mind if you really think you can lie, manipulate or in any other way verbally maneuver anyone into not thinking CP2077 looks like abdolute garbage.

>needs the game to tell him if he is a man or not
How is that not being insecure?
>resorts to rambling about fanboys and shills

Ad hominem, an ultimate admission of defeat.

Another ad hominem. You lost, bucko.

>if the game doesn't tell me I'm a man then how can I be a man
>so assblasted about being called out he can't respond with anything but "A-Ad hominem!"
lel enjoy your last (You) insecure tranny.

When did I say I need CDPR to tell me anything?

Fuck off, Discord trannies. You will never be welcome on Yea Forums.

When you made it clear you can't feel like a man unless someone tells you that you are, like a tranny.

Yup. Both delicate robots that don't think and only give outputs for each suggested input.

>if he is a man
It's not you. You control a character. Before there was indication if the character you make is male or female. Now there isn't. You can't be sure of anything.

Wait, are you talking sbout me irl or video game character? You do know CDPR has no authority over the former and the latter is not real, right? Video games are lies, user. None of what is happening in them is real.

I can agree for Media and Cops, but the rest is either a variation of something already existing or something that was explicitly shown in the game.

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Traps are trannies in denial, only retarded weebs falling for kike propaganda would claim otherwise.

Go back


Spotted a fag playing as girls in games

>Before there was indication if the character you make is male or female. Now there isn't.
>look like dude
>sound like dude
>have a dick
>to tranny this means you aren't a dude
dilate and neck yourself.

t. Weeb falling for kike yuri/trap bullshit
>rambles on about ad hominem
>resorts to ad hominem when BTFO

>>have a dick
No proof of that.

>defending tranny shit in a game
>calling others trannies

What? I didn't say anything about ad hominem.

"Tranny in denial" makes no sense, only trannies insist it does, and you fell for it.

Yes, and? Nobody comes to these threads to talk about the game, only shitpost.

What's with this psychotic obsession with trannies. Just rename the board /tranny/ already

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I wanna discuss videogames and all this board can do is throw around some buzzword because they have nothing better to fucking do, jesus fuck

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>he thinks people actually come to Yea Forums to discuss vidya
Hello newfag.

Why are you retards so fucking obsessed?
I mean, if CP2077 contained, say a radio button with option A which lets you choose everything independently and option B which lets you choose them dependently, then it would be fine?
This is absolutely retarded obsession and the worst thing is I am not sure if this is trolling or not.

Yeah if only there was something tranny related in the video game in question...

>I mean, if CP2077 contained, say a radio button with option A which lets you choose everything independently and option B which lets you choose them dependently, then it would be fine?

>devs openly pander to trannies
>what's with the tranny obsession?
Gee, I don't know. But I do think it diverts the attention from the other hundred of problems the game has.

Like? They renamed the word 'gender' to 'body type'? Is that what you want to cry about?

I agree. While tranny bullshit is annoying, the game overall lools terrible and I can't see why anyone would want to play it. It's like CDPR actually want to create the worst game possible.

To me it seems like this is pandering to compensate for the "Did you just assume their gender" joke on twitter, which does upset me because those autists on twitter deserve fucking nothing, in the end it doesn't change anything other than give you more options for your character.

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I've been saying this for a while or saying it was retarded to even trust CDPR after witcher 3's downgrade or the actual gameplay looks shit, but they just get mad and claim I'm shilling for the tranny game despite shitting on it.

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Why did they rename the word "gender" to "body type"? Why did they make character's voice an independent choice (which you conveniently forgot to mention)? Why did they brag about inclusivity while at the same time excluding normal people?

Trannies are literally ruining what should have been one of the best games of the last half decade.

>Why did they make character's voice an independent choice (which you conveniently forgot to mention)?
Why is it bad when this game does it but not when Saints Row 2-4 did it?

Who said it wasn't bad in Saints Row?

>one of the best games of the last half decade.
>by fucking CDPR

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