Hello Yea Forums

Sorry to break your bubble but you are forgetting the true SNK retro icon. The true star: Athena

>Retro from the NES era 86-87

And also part of King of Fighters giving her moveset from both the Platforming anf the Fighting games she's been part of.

Her classic outift has been brought back and placed in the SNK 40th anniversary collection cover as the most prominent character there

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Just downloaded the mame rom and what is this bullshit

I'd take it, simply because she's better nostalgia bait and that's what Smash has always been best at.

Well, the game wasn't quite a gem.

Too bad, I was in the mood for a retro bikini armor game

I personally think it was overly complex for its time and format, too many power ups and gimmicks, you can compare it to Toki but a bit easier.

The more I play it the more I'm liking it but the non-stop spawn is just aggravating


I fucking take it back
this garbage company and their multiple literal who obscure mascots are far worse than Tracer, Steve, Sans and Fortnite combined

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Sure, and maybe we'll get Zues, Hades, and Poseidon as DLC too.

those doujins made my dick diamonds back when I was 12 I'll give you that

>Zoomer baby overwhelmed by 41 year old company founded in fucking 1978 having a rich history

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Athena and Athena are different characters you goddamn philistines

But yes, Athena should be in smash over Terry snoozefest

A terrible game with a worse NES port.


A rich history of trash

It's cute enough that I might try, but how the hell did this game survive in Arcades? Every tiny mistake kills you and you're basically mashing attack like a Parkinson patient every step.
I would imagine people trashing it in a rage
Was it the cute bikini armor?

476395237 - Shoo Shoo Zoom Zoom, hidden.

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>also part of King of Fighters
That's a different athena.

Must be. But then again, Wonder Boy in Monster Land is almost the same way.

But at least the sequels to that game were all fucking fantastic.


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Fumi-chan is such a healthy girl

Terry is SNK's literal mascot you mong

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Why is love between two consenting people illegal just because of their age?

Her move set will be filled with SNK references, like PacMan’s move set is filled with Namco references.
I doubt they would make her bland.

the wealthy jewish elite