Wish somebody dies

>wish somebody dies

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Other urls found in this thread:


Why is this such a big deal to you fags?

That would be pretty cool though

it deserved it

>disciple trampled beneath his own dogma

but his game will be released soon??

The Trump curse in full effect lmao. This game was fucking stupid and of course the stupid anarchist fox is a fucking faggot with child like behavior. Hmmm sorta like the losers in antifa...

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Now I am wondering if he said that just to fit in, if not his death has been quite karmic, half a martyr for the Me2 opposition and half an asshole like TotalBitchshit.

King of Israel

well, the only good thing about this is Trump and Zoe still happy and alive ;)

Do we have an confirmation that he actually an hero'd?

King Solomon was based, 5* caster that whales can never get

reminder that zoe had epstein killed too

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Why is us making it a big deal a big deal to you nigger?

when does cripplechan come back? tired of these retards who still want to talk about zoe quinn in 2019

This must be shooped. No way this dumb faggot said that

she just drove a man to suicide, it's kind of a big deal

You can always dilate back to resetera tranny

oh no not suicide lmao fucking cuck

>yeah guys, the antifa is your first enemy
>like Iran or China or spics
>now gimme your tax money for our great allies in the middle east
>but you have guns right??? so don't cry about free healthcare or education
>wall?? yeah, I pray for all of us when I went to Israel in that wall guys, we happy no problem!!

Bunch of incels reaching hard to punish Zoe for being an annoying woman


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Someone explain what this shit is about

You are wasting thread space that could be used for Smash discussion

>be SJW
>have SJW """""friends"""""
>toxic feminist forms abuse allegations against you
>word gets out, people start attacking you and your colleagues
>your """""friends""""" throws you under the bus
>days later you commit suicide


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Real americans support their white brothers in Isreal

>Twitter handle is actually infinite_ammo
>Will be used endlessly against Zoe Quinn until she dies of shame.

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Haha, made me laugh user

kill traitors and cowards first. they are more dangerous than your enemy

>there are people on Yea Forums who still defend trump


I will never understand why leftist think they have friends.

whiter than you mouhammed

we know you're angry about tracer

the only way out is killing yourself. I support you

Totally happened. He ate his fucking words soon after.

>zoe claims this subhuman rape her
>claims that for years
>he got enough a few days ago adn sudoku
>ppl fuck zoe twiter making her delete it
>meanwhile here, neocons MIGApedes found the an'hero was anti Trump
>cry for divine justice over a guy who have a different view about their president who was innocent in first place, making you forget about ZOE and her murder
something like that
and giv money to our great allies later amirite??
now your child looks so masculine being born male, make her girl pls or go to jail, asshole!!

These aren't leftists, these are psychopaths.

he was the composer, not the artist that made that video
still, he probably had the same mindset

i wonder how many fat SJW girls ITT will report this image

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inb4 fencesitter

never said the guy who killed himself made it, the point was he had friends who threw him under the bus

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based donald

And still no police report.

>Trump literally has magic bounce now


Dev with mental issues used to date Quinn
Quinn claims he "locker her in his appartment and used to driver her around by her pussy"
Quinn claims she flew to stay with him for a few weeks, with the understanding that he'd buy the return ticket two weeks later (proven false by her own tweets at the time - stuff like "going on a vacation for 2 days? a few months? Who knows? Not me!" type shit). He didn't, she claims he did it to trap her there.
All of this happened a decade ago
She brought it up now (coincidentally along side a decline in her patreon bux)
The usual crew piled on
He got fired over the shitstorm
ZQ deletes her twitter after people started pulling up tweets from the time that contradict her story - including a return flight from Alec -> to a con -> back to Alec.
Same night she deletes her twitter, Alec kills himself

You died after wishing someone died??

It's kinda tragic that the one that seems more saddened about his death than his own sister or 10+ year old "friends" he developed multiple games with seems to be the Aquaria voice actress, who's a right-wing Brexit supporter from the UK.

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Part of me feels bad for the guy but the other part of me finds it hilarious he was a victim of his own cancel culture ideology.

kys tranny

she deleted her twitter a few hours after he killed himself, not before

If they're saying his suicide is an admission of his guilt, is her Twitter suicide an admission of hers?

idk dude what kind of question is that. im correcting something that someone said


So you're saying both events happened on the same night?

Right wingers can be unbearable idiots but in my experience they are much friendlier than progressives. I honestly think it's part of the appeal to the right wing. I even find myself prefering my right wing friends to friends who are on the left these days. They are just nicer people (/pol/ excluded from this of course, most of them are pretty big twats t b h).

TB all over again

I miss totalbiscuit, making threads about him was some of the easiest b8 on Yea Forums.

It'd be cool if Trump died, Trump (like practically all world leaders) has tons of blood on his hands. How the fuck did Alec do anything to deserve death?

He was an sjw

/our lady/

It would be pretty cool if Trump died, though.

life comes at you fast

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Based mermaid. Also Aquaria was a genuinely good game.

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I wish multiple people dead every day yet unfortunately I'm still here.

Reminder they tried to ban ralph

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>It’s okay that ANTIFA suppresses people with different opinions by using violence (authoritarianism)
>The Jewzzzzzz
Why do liberals act like Nazis, but continue to call conservatives Nazis?

I wish zoe would make all of you kill yourselves

Fucking sjw feminist faggot was so cucked that he didn’t even blame Zoe on his fucking deathbed because he knew criticizing a woman was sexist
Fag deserved a worse death.

As Hitler himself said, the people are more likely to believe a big lie than a small one.

Trump's curse knows no boundaries

Don't get me wrong, the irony is delicious, but there's still some minuscule part of me that is hurting from the idea that a man was betrayed by his friends and family in support of a sociopath e-thot who just wanted to rekindle her dying relevance and patreon gibs

Can we get Zoe to kill every anti-GG?

Thats the unfortunate fate of a cultist who did a blasphemy of some kind. Same tends to happen to Jehovah Witnesses and muslims too and the danger of suicide by those first two years of exile are quite high.


why did Zoe Quinn comeback? nobody cares about this whore

Don’t want to spoil it for you, underage virgin.

why do you repeat yourself?

You faggots are why we can't discuss vidya on Yea Forums

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She's literally using him for her platform you ass.

Or maybe he simply felt guilty and couldn't live with it.

why not both

oh no, not blood

When I was younger I used to like lefties and hate right-wingers because they were intolerable faggots.
Now most of the right-wingers are pretty likeable and ''mostly'' sensible, while all the lefties are fucking insane.
What the fuck happened?

Leftists are psychopaths, retard.
If they believe in bullshit like racism = power+prejudice, #believe all women with no evidence, and parrot literally every The Young Turks talking point, they’re fucking leftists.

god damn that's a lot of anger for someone who doesn't have any bearing on your life.

are you repressing something, user?

Wooo, guys, don’t you think Phantom Thieves might behind it?

Kek, you know nothing of women you sad little cuck. She's capitalizing on the leftist so(y)boy an heroing to get support.

why do you think nazis act a certain way they didnt?

Shouldnt you be preparing to shoot up a school little man?

>we are the problem
>not attention whoring e-thots

Seems more like she's angry about the fact her long-time friend got killed by the cult he joined despite her warnings.

I normally would believe Zoe because this is her FIFTH #metoo but she is surrounding herself with male feminists, so it isn't actually outside the realm of possibility.

I'll give you one guess.

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they ruin everything

In which case he would still deserve death for being a molester. The post I replied to claimed he didn’t deserve death. He does, because he’s either a molester, or a faggot pushover feminist.

nothing. young people are more gullible

you supposed to grow out of believing lies tho

I mean it'd be great if Trump died.

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>he believes women are capable of having male friends

bea is the anarchist but I see you care little

trump curse strikes again

>to get support
Support for what?

Have you noticed antifa are literal fascists and cover their faces and weigh 130 pounds?

>we are the problem
You're evoking Poe's law on me, right?

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If I’m expressing myself, that’s the opposite of repression, dude. I’m angry at people like him for softening up western culture.

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Thr people that care about this shit are mostly Cripplechan refugees that have been around for the last few weeks. Once Hiroyuki banishes them, things will go back to relative normalcy.


I want /pol/ to fucking leave

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The Dickey here is next level.

/pol/ as a containment board please. Merge em with /mlp/ or something.

Hotwheels postulates that Cripplechan is gone for good, but the site's current owner hinted it might be back online in a week or so. A wave of bans is the only way to properly purge them off Yea Forums if you ask me.


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Those kids will become SNP MPs one day,

>so don't cry about free healthcare or education
>don't cry about not having to pay another 20% in taxes so that some worthless kid who wont study anything worthwhile and waste his time on liberal arts can go to school for free
>don't cry about not having to pay for someone else's healthcare just because they decided that life is too hard for their special snowflake ass to get a real job
Okay, I wont cry? That didn't seem too hard.

Or you could go back to your tranny discords and stop samefagging and shitposting while you're at it.

Zoe hides under user’s bed and threatens to eat them. It’s pretty fucked up stuff believe me.

If you don't see something wrong with siccing a Twitter mob on a man which led to his suicide, you might be retarded. She may not be guilty of murder, but she definitely bears moral responsibility.


Yea Forums is /pol/

>look at her, she's so nice
>it's literally a roastie using this guy's suicide as a platform to virtue signal
Lmao bro, you're a fucking retard if you think there's any honesty in any of this shit.

Reminder to not interact or associate yourself with the lefties. His death is a warning to all of you here.

Baba is /pol/

This isn't /pol/, this is cripplechan.

One weird thing I noticed is the number (a lot) of posts on Reddit and Steam talking about how sad the whole situation was and then saying they therefore decided to buy the game to support the devs. Which makes no sense. I have a strong hunch that the surviving devs of NITW are astroturfing these posts, but nothing concrete.

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Oh I see. You are Chinese saboteurs trying to use this to push the incel cult to radicalize western men by promoting hate propaganda against western women you want for yourself.

Pro tip: Zoe Quinn’s actions are not reflective of women as a whole. She’s an exceptional case.

Zoe Quinn is the poster girl of Borderline Personality Disorder, people like her are genuinely better off dead for the good of society, BPDers have nothing but evil in their hearts.

>virtue signal
That doesn't mean what you think it means user.

Doing anything with the intent to seem morally virtuous is virtue signaling, you sub 70 IQ retard.


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can i get the rundown on this

My right winged friends have their values set in stone and usually stick to them while somewhat respecting those different from. My leftie friends will complain about everything different from their views constantly, even when it's only mentioned in passing.

>intent to seem morally virtuous
You know the definition but not what it means. Virtue signaling would mean that she is pointing out her own virtues to show how "great" they are. She isn't posting about her own virtues but rather calling out the actions of other groups. Similar but completely different concepts user.

>boss can reflect status effects

The day i become janitor is the last day we are going to see threads like this.
This will be a glorious day for Yea Forums

>implying you all haven't said "kill yourself" or "die" at least 100 times before on this site alone

And he killed himself over a sexual harassment claim while Trump has like 40 of those and he couldnt care less

I don't have a lynch mob that can cost someone their future. I'm just some asshole.

Ampharos fag spams every thread they don't like and is a tranny fag

Trumps a tough boss to be fair. Dude can drop nukes and shit on you and has armies of screeching frog people and boomers you have to fight off.

never have, never will
i've always look at people who use it as an insult as struggling with mental illness themselves, so frustrated that their only path to resolution is the hope someone ends their life because they're not there to do it for them... unhealth brother

>another retard wants to be janitor
No surprise here. I guess you are qualified since you are retarded though. One of the biggest things that idiot janitors/moderators don't realize is that when they try to shut down conversation on a topic, they set it ablaze. 5 guys burger and fries would have been a usual day's worth of complaining on Yea Forums had moderators not tried to shut that one down. Fuck I wonder how low of an IQ it takes to get a job as a janitor or moderator on Yea Forums...

>enemy uses spell reflect
damn lefties btfo

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Maybe he was a decent human being.

kys yourself fren

"I believe that certain people in the indie game community want me dead"
"I believe they are trying to covertly hurt me and my career to the point where I am driven to suicide"

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That’s probably because you are white and non-threatening.

I have never understood why people care what others think of them? If I were ostracized by my friends and family I would live longer and be more outspoken just to spite them. The only thing that worries me is dying so I cannot fathom willingly embracing death. If I were unable to find work I would just become a homeless vagabond. These soft people today confuse me.

So? He let himself be used by women in life why would that change just because he is deceased?

Well since you're asking for it, go kill yourself nigger.

Sorry dude, but that's a genuine tl;dr for me is there an shorter pic with just the relevant shit and maybe his opening post summarized?

sure is video games here

ProJared is just another self proclaimed male feminist who is actually a sexual deviant using his mediocre Youtube career to get sexual favors. He got sent some underage nudes from kids lying about being 18 and he openly admits to jerking off to them but it's okay because he didn't know they were underage. Now he thinks this fact somehow absolves him from being a faggot.

sounds like zoe is borderline autistic and cannot link reality with her inner mindscape. photog thought a pornstar would want to talk about boob implants and making a tighter vag, zoe sperged out and went along for the ride and later was unable to reconcile her lack of will.
Actually come to think of it, she projects this on everything she does. Girl wants to have sex, later regrets sex coz chad doesn't want to fuck same girl for rest of her life. In zoe's mind, consent can be retroactively removed, even by a third party.

Dude probably dm'ed her calling her out and blaming her before an heroing, it's what any victim would do.

Wow, that's pretty fucked up. The hardcore leftists on the coasts literally think Trump is Hitler.

That's absolutely true, the "tolerant" open minded friends i had all backstabbed me over petty internet drama and didn't had a bit of empathy towards me or what i was going through and ditched me like a god while right wing friends don't give a fuck and seem much more willing to understand what actually happened.

what the fuck happened?

Feminism claimed yet another victim.

IKR??? Then we get Sanders in office and finally we have some hope for this dying country.

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>Zoe Quinn is killing Trump's enemies
How deep does this go?


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It's not. This is astroturfing drama. Someone wants to make money or gain spotlight. Sage and move on.

All of this should be dealt with in the courts or not dealt with at all.

Shut up nazi incel, socialism is coming and there's nothing you can do about it. COPE.

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Stop making this about Trump. Wishing death on trump is no different than wishing death on anyone else. Ya sensitive pricks have been reposting this nonstop, as if it means something.

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No, Trump deserves it more than the average person.

Why do trannies think communism will accept then?
Look at Russia, which isn't even communist anymore but still has an antifaggot attitude 30 years later.
I doubt you have lgbt parades in NK too.

can't have been, he interacted with zoe quinn and didn't go "seriously why the fuck are you saying these retarded things"

Trannies will categorically not be approved. Resources consumed for no effect for their "transition" operation+Removed a breeder from the gene pool?
No way trannies will ever be allowed.

Oh are we posting mass shooters?

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Everyone involved with this is cancer, biggest cancer is this bitch Zoe. Her fucking fish face is all over this board once again. Rather go back to the days of endless tor threads.

nice haha

just like that black mirror episode

That video was made by his SJW artist 'friend' who worked with him on NITW and dumped him after the accusations were made.

>Counting gang shit as mass shootings

It's in no way immoral to rape women who aren't virgins. These whores deserve rape

A woman without virginity has no value as anything other than a masturbatory tool. They're inferior in every way and offer nothing except a hole to fuck.

Never feel bad for raping a non-virgin.

It's arguable if you even can rape these whores ince they're so worthless, you're taking something that has no value. How is that wrong?

uhm, have sex sweetie

Sanders doesn't bend his knee to israel like Trump does

Yeah he just bends over for fat black women when they want to take his mic away.

Too based for Yea Forumseddit


Someone had a bigger sob story than her for 5 minutes, so she needed to prove she was even more oppressed than anyone else.


You ever encountered a 400lb black woman in real life? They're actually chimpanzees they'll rip your fucken face off. On the other hand Trump got his shit pushed in by a 7 year old black girl literally this week.

He was a total sjw. Only a total sjw can associate with zoe.

BTW why are you offended and oppressed by a dead man, you fucking soi based Americunt?

>bruh dat aint deh sayme shit mane dey is niggas muthfugga

The left has won and has become the mainstream after hippy culture and Vietnam, also those Maoist pieces of shit who were rioting in '68 on the streets are now teaching gender studies and feminism at the universities. Today the left has the power, now they are in charge. But the revolution has to be permanent so the pendulum keep swinging to the left, no matter how extreme the left is becoming and no matter the majority of sane people aren't willing to follow these nutjobs to wherever they're leading normalizing drag kids, anit-white racism and pedophilia.

putting yourself into the middle of a situation using an event as a tool can is borderline virtue signaling too


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The man died because of false accusations. I am strongly against believing accusation without proof and his death demonstrates my viewpoint.

>but gang shooting is normal behaviour for niggers, therefore they don't count

in the court of public opinion there is NO Due Process for a man.
its so funny when a woman sleeps her way to a position of success and influence, then claims abuse,sexual misconduct, i mean really bitch?


So, can we get a GamerGate minecraft server going after this? I'm bored and have no friends to play with.

Gang shooting is targeted and only kills black criminals- it is therefore based. White mass shootings are random, perpetuated by mentally ill incels, and kill innocents. Unbased.

Yeah people used to say this back at the day when Obama got elected, you people are really destined to never learn from mistakes

Bernie Burn Out is a Jew, do you really believe that?

who was this Seanza?

They know this thread will get 500 replies and they think it will matter to their karma or points like in Reddit.

I see something wrong with a man killing himself because internet words.
I'm not defending the mob, I'm calling the guy a cuck.
The same moment this happens you start exclusively spamming NIGGER FAGGOT as a reply to everyone and they will eventually forget.

Wow, look at all those Jewish features. Dark eyes, long face, long nose, bad eye sight.

I have sympathy for everyone with mental illness, except for BPD. I have no sympathy for those with BPD that refuse to get it treated.

They intentionally and unintentionally hurt everyone around them and are incapable of self-reflection, because they have an ego made of glass.

At their core is an intense fear of abandonment, real or imagined. So everything they do is in search of attention rather than love. They would rather be hated than ignored. If you ever meet a semi-attractive girl that is seemingly interested in ALL of your hobbies and every word, consider it a red flag. They'll do everything to become your manic pixie dreamgirl, and then after a few weeks they get bored and wonder if they can do better. They'll test the relationship or find a reason to rationalize abandoning your for someone else, even if it means revoking consent


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You're kind of dumb


>tens of shootings each day in america
>lots of people die
>this bitch is still alive
i'm disappointed

We're still plagued by politicians and trust fund do-nothings, too.

Sanders made it clear that he wants to end the U.S. financial support for Israel and that he wants Palestine to be a country.

The false-flag damage control is real.


Trump curse is real. Zoe Quinn is coming down from 4 caps of MD she was going hard this weekend and is now feeling real sad and weepy. Fuck Zoe, suicide is so heavy. Wow a life just ends, feel your headache? Don't you feel dead, it's so easy to switch between being alive and dead. Just see babe. Wow talk about a dopamine drain. It's like the only emotion you can feel is sadness and orgasms but you are such a little whore and you know that won't take the pain away.

A notorious bong ET & CoD4 player. Also a good man and a friend.

This is a good post.

Yeah, saying and doing is completely different. He's been saying he's going to do something, but hasn't done a single thing, but collect money for minimal effort. He's a lazy piece of $h!+, who couldn't even bother to work, and is a nasty/rude old man who loves buzzwords.

>Virgin girls are precious tee-hee! I hate unvirgin girls because that means a man has claimed her! Therefore we should rape her xDDD Lesbians are so cute xDDD
Leave, Dobson.

>Other women and trannies all post MeToo stories about Zoe Quinn and how much of a fucked up person she is
>No one listens to this
>Zoe Quinn claims some literally who raped her
>Everyone listens and believes her.
I am starting to believe it's not the fact that she's a woman that gets her support, I am wondering how far deep she wormed herself into the media to get this much fucking support when other women and minorities all claim she's a terrible person

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>latching on to stupid /pol/ memes
This is why they say THE LEFT CAN'T MEME.
Just hide/report the fucking threads if you think they don't belong.

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>This is why they say THE LEFT CAN'T MEME.
Because they're NPCs that are programmed to say it?

well, Sanderd got kicked from hippie group in his youth for being too lazy

>and weigh 130 pounds
Isn't that communism?

Honestly, more need to die until people realize the evils of twitter.
The lesson will not be learned without more blood.

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>Ignoring my post with more meme buzzwords
Jesus fucking Christ can you think for yourself?


You sound like an NPC yourself


Should be a bannable offense desu

and pol should be cancelled

/pol/'s been cancelled for years, they're just running in syndication now

A present for you.
>pepes/wojaks/eceleb image hashes'
>text filters

>samefagging this hard
Take your buzzwords back to ResetEra nigger.

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How is that samefagging, retard?


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Fucking based

Its just a cult, and she's the mascot. Everyone so far deep in their own asses that they have to pretend nothing is wrong at all times. Alecs friend admitted they didn't want to talk about the problems within the community or it would give "MRAs ammo" or some shit. They act like a religious cult.

Just like pol lol

back to pol you shitter.

Just like that time some fat fuck wish for someone to get cancer and he got cancer lol
Hilarious and original

Back to your tranny discord, samefag.

The devs went into lay low mode when the allegations first came out, they're almost certainly in a deep bunker now.

He got murdered by our enemy.

See, there's that cultish behavior we're talking about

Hi zoe


No, Zoe is the one who killed him

Hah, nice read.

Whatever you say, bitch

lol retard


Fuck off you 2016 election refugee

>this was all a ploy to delete someone for saying shit about orange man

Anyone have the tweet where Alec's sister throws him under the bus when he first got accused?

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It produces a lot of (you)s.

Why would the Democrats target their own?


What the fuck, so he actually killed himself? I only saw the first Zoe tweet about him "raping" her or some shit.

Stop bumping the thread, fucking retards.

Yeah, got to bury this story, can't have anyone feel responsible for what was done.

>Why is this such a big deal to you fags?

Good question.

I never bought the shitty game, but I bought a legit copy of the soundtrack because this guy's music is beautiful and it doesn't sound like anything else.
You know how rare that is? The ability to write warm, comfy music that doesn't turn out to be shallow and empty after you listen to it a few times?
I was probably listening to some of his pieces the day he killed himself.
Now he's gone, there's going to be no more beautiful music from him, ever, all the while things are getting uglier and uglier and we need beautiful things more than ever.
So that's why I'm pissed and why I care about this.

Where's the other tweet where she threw her brother under the bus saying "that sounds like him"?

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you actually believe that?

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Half the board are incels.

The funny part is it ain't even that. She said he fingered her too hard. A decade ago. Then the twitter mob tore him to shreds, and suddenly he'd raped half the west coast and most of Canada, and was swinging from a ripe.

Go back to Discord

Yes it is cunt

Absolutely based. People with BPD are the same (or arguably worse than) classical sociopaths. Some of their behaviors are just pure evil and the only want to protect yourself is quarantine away from the toxic mess.
I know a few personal cases and they basically destroy their own families and everyone around themselves.

We'll go on our own, cuckchanner.
8ch will be up soon.

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>things will go back to relative normalcy.
The relative normalcy of "what did they mean by this"-threads and the same Twitter drama threads?

Kek. I love that hes posting this to Yea Forums

>Diversity lounge

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Imagine being this dude, being held hostage by a huge fucking ideological cult.

Just waiting for your turn to get skinned alive in social media by a thot that needs more White Knight bucks.

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He was a cultist himself. A bad case of Stockholm syndrome. Doesn't help his family members were cultists too.

Chances are that 90% of all the people here wished for someone to die.
They will all die

you didn't kill anyone Zoe, you don't have that much power

And sometimes when they wished that someone died, it’s not the one they want

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Yeah, he had to be.
Since people who tell them to "Fuck off" usually don't get fucked by them.

These people are like rats who are too late to realize they are in a trap.
Your friends come from the cult.
Your job is a cult kickback.
Your status is a cult product.
Your future is on lease from them.


She triggered his psychosis, knowing exactly how and knowing exactly what he will do.

Cults holy cows do hold more power than their sacrifical lambs.

And being a holy cow of a San Fran cult is quite a good chunk of power at your beck and call.

It's the only place where white men can't just rape on in and start raping, they aren't allowed in.

Even though I dated this guy for YEARS and knew he was mentally unstable, I still felt the need years later to call him out via twitter, sending a hate mob his way. Not only getting him fired & project cancelled, but also undoing all progress he's made with his mental health.

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I think she only dated him for a month or two-

>are literal fascists
you mean literal bolsheviks. try escaping the overton window dummie

>he believed some one in the indie game community want him dead.
should have trust his own guts

how the fuck do you make a lounge for diversity exactly

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you ban whi*e males

Why is it being a big deal to us a big deal to you? Unless you're trying to push something, or inflate your own ego, I don't see why someone like you should give a fuck.

Told a lot of people to kill themselves here. Sorry anons.

And isolate it form reality so the snowflakes don't melt. Also include a ball pit and other infantilized adult toys.

Basically he has mental issues that made him think with not an ounce of doubt that people in the indie game community want him dead by pushing him to suicide
He says that it's crazy and he's trying to heal his mind but ask for support
Turn out the exact crazy thing he believed happened to him

No, it's fine.
In Yea Forums with how easy it is to post and the thin layer of anonymity, rational people are supposed to understand the words used and the insults thrown are not supposed to stick to you in real life, it's just everyone bitching into a void instead of each other.
Kill yourself.

Or he has mental issues and tried to seek for help but he continues to be an asshole to everyone around him and when they got fed up he starts victimizing himself and committed suicide in a desperate attempt to confirm his paranoia that's entirely of his own making.

Before dying he was still defending those people,just more proof that liberal indoctrination is very strong and impossible to escape if you are born in certain situations.

I know who’ll be happy about this news

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100% manufacture
Based on evidence.

Now which one is more likely. Oh, right, listen and believe, it's the first one.

I feel bad about it too. I know you're not supposed to take internet comments seriously, but it does hurt when you're at your lowest and at the receiving end of the mean posts. I try not to say "kill yourself" now unless I think that person truly is abhorrent, like they torture animals or something.

Notice how he specifically mentioned social media for being an easy trigger for his potential suicide.
and where did Zoe Quinn take her allegations?

>diversity lounge
>literal suicide booths

we surpassed futurama some years ago.

Or you don't know what actually happened and neither do I?
I was summarizing his post, why did you feel the need to intervene and share your opinion when it was not relevent?
Leave this site and dont come back

Suicide obviously

His own sister even elaborated that he was an asshole, all of the people who worked for him confirmed it.
He was a paranoid deluded asshole.
It's like if he kicked someone, then the person he kicked got mad at him but in his mind he doesn't understand why they're so mad so "it must be because they want me to kill myself!".

Because someone fucking died

>Diversity lounge

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Imagine that one guy who claimed for years that theres a person under his bed while he sleeps. Now imagine when one night, through sheer coincidence or badluck, the guy actually finds someone under the bed.

It depends on the context, on Yea Forums, it's fine to call anyone a nigger, a faggot, a cunt or whatever because everyone is, at least supposed to be, anonymous.

But social media has changed internet culture drastically and real life now connects to internet culture, telling people on twitter to kill themselves is now closer to shouting it at them in real life because people associate their internet identity with their real one.

>if you're against driving a man to suicide then you are /pol/
fuck me this board is pathetic

Ray Casting >>>>>> Ray tracing

>feeble gaslighting

Idiots started using their real names online, that's the problem.

It's just tourists from resetera. Got to astroturf the whole thing.

This honestly looks like barefaced propaganda.

Nah. It's just being invaded hard by SA goons and commies that are trying really hard to avoid a GG 2.

Being an asshole doesn't warrant a death sentence.
Paranoiac people are seldom wrong, they just lack perceptive.

we've come full circle havent we.

Thank god I stopped being a SJW



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What happened?

>science is real

wonder if they can tell me the sex chromosomes of the """""""woman"""""""" on their team

Nobody gave him a death sentence, he gave it to himself.
His family, friends and coworkers did not push him to suicide, they would have helped him if they knew but he was distancing himself from them from the way he acted. He was being an asshole and they treated him based on how he was acting.

That's the real reason lefties and cults encourage you to alienate any wrongthinker friends and family.
Anyone outsider who would have potentially helped you break free has either given up on or your own cucked to death programming has made seeking them out for help unthinkable even if you get abused or cast out by the cult.

*perspective fuck

>When I was younger I used to like lefties and hate right-wingers because they were intolerable faggots.
>Now most of the right-wingers are pretty likeable and ''mostly'' sensible, while all the lefties are fucking insane.
>What the fuck happened?

Left became mainstream and authoritarian.

>And they immediatley killed-

I'm still mad she ruined Max Landis' career

You hit the nail on the head. I had to delete all my accounts the other day because I found I kept getting mad at people halfway across the world id never meet. As well as worrying my comments would have others not like me for some reason. Been a lot less stressed since.

You're 19, think you know the world for how it "really is", then turn 30 and realize everyone political is a fucking asshole and understand being "woke" on both sides is retarded.

It's their mod.
Their heart is in the right place, probably, but I wish more people understood that current scientific 'consensus' is the word of god.

Fuck off Zoe!

So what was this guy? Was he just a guy working on the game or was he THE main guy who made the game?

when did this happen
how does this bitch have so much power at twitter

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>Science is real
They turned science into a cult/religion. Every time science gives evidence for something they don't agree with they freak the fuck out. You're supposed to be critical and always try to prove and figure shit out.

>kindness is everything

Then maybe don't bully people till they kill themselves?

Where there's a crisis, Anita is there to Jew it.

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He made the code, the music and game design. They had to scuttle the whole project they were working on without him.

>I have a hypothesis I want to prove false so we can get closer to the truth
I love how lefties are only Rick and Morty tier I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE until someone asks a question that might harm their narrative.

Thank god black people don't commit crime!

>uhm like white men are the problem?!?!??!?!?
>privilege sweetie
>affirmative action should be the norm and you should be ashamed because of your heritage
>caring about race? YIKES!

Once again, terrifying.

I wonder how vulnerable I would have been to that shit when growing up.

Why she always lying?

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>diversity lounge
>using a sketch from All That about cancel culture to mock cancel culture
Also, that new All That is terrible aside from this kid, he’s “most likely to graduate to SNL” tier.

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The Trump curse strikes again baby!

Like, just mention that transitioning may be totally missing the point and they should finance more research into neurosciences instead to find a treatment for gender dysphoria.

Well, have you donated yet Yea Forums?

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he made jews seethe when he said that, a goy can never be king of israel

Here come the enlightened centrists again...

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I don't even get it. It's not like 'science' is just one thing. There are countless scienctists and they don't always agree.

Science says men are stronger than women, so it doesn't count because its sexist so lets have trans women beat the shit out of women in sports like boxing.clown pepe.jpg

Looks fake.

You just know that nigga got a hundred rape skeletons in his closet.


Daily reminder that Spoony has BPD

How do I get basedboys to give me free money? I'm a faggot so I might have oppression points

good goys

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This isn't a joke. In 2016 Alec legit believed people in the indie gaming scene were conspiring to drive him to commit suicide and sought out therapy because he believed he was crazy for thinking this.

Guess he might not of been as crazy as he thought.

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>was hoping it was someone being sarcastic
>no, they geniunely believe that

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>Wish trump dead
>half the globe dies

Oh, it's parody.

That might be a parody account but there's no difference from real SJW ones

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They're openly posting on reddit. What are you on about?

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No seriously how do I harvest basedboy money

People only demand hard evidence and proof about certain things from certain people because ethics in video game journalism.

>In 2016 Alec legit believed people in the indie gaming scene were conspiring to drive him to commit suicide

THEY will come after us next if we won't drop this story RIGHT NOW

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>no no NO goy--incel, stop caring about someone murdered by result of angry tranny mobs lol, why do you care wyboi, have sex lol

zoey is a psychopath

Pol doesn't ban you for being a leftie tranny.

Alec was essentially a clout martyr.
Everyone is claiming this was a random suicide, but it's clear what was actually happening: his killers were driven to take his life solely for the sake of clout. They wanted infamy of their own and found it in gunning down a 20-year old.
As Al was taking his final breath, he was surrounded by kids making rape allegations. Why? For clout. No one was taking his side, no one was calling for evidence, everyone was standing around with their twitter accounts out as his sanity was clinging to life.
The moral lesson of Alec's life story should be a cautionary tale of the horrors of social media and how it's fucked our society beyond belief.
RIP Al. See you in Heaven...

Trump curse strikes again.

I wish these people would just be traps instead. You don't have to be delusional and mutilate yourself. Back in the 60's women fought to be reverse traps and wear pants. No one bats an eye now. Boku no Pico world has to be better than this.

To be fair, Trump is a boomer so he has pissed off the left and the right. The left because they can no longer get their gibsmedats and have to actually work in society. The right because he hasn't built the wall and he wants MORE immigrants coming to the US.

>My ex said I wouldn't buy her a plane ticket, said mean things, and fish hooked her around my apartment
>better kill myself

I'd say there was a lot more at play that what zoe said. And if he killed himself only because of zoe, he was retarded.
People would still buy his next game no matter what he did, there would also be people who'd still work with him. Most people who buy a videogame have no idea who created it and they don't give a fuck.

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Yeah the more was the accusations that caused his entire family and everyone who knew him to believe he was a rapist, his career being over because its so incestuous no one would hire him again, and constant angry hate mobs harassing a person with a long history of mental illness.

only incels would be able to hate a cute girl like her and make obnoxious things up because she's way out of their league

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He lost his dream job with no hope of ever working in the industry again, lost all of his friends since he surrounded himself with lefties, and even got disavowed by his own sister, his legacy was forever tainted. He killed himself because he lost everything.


The fucking irony of someone with a "game" called Depression Quest putting the mob out on someone with a history of severe mental health issues and he actually kills himself the mad man.

130 pounds is a good weight. Then again, you're probably 300 pounds.

>roastie slampig
Incel alert, have sex.

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Oh no, the poor, poor sexual abuser :(((

What sexual abuse did he commit?

Did zoe even accuse him of rape? Sounds like he just drug her around the room by her pussy (fish hook) and yelled at her.
Just being accused of being a mean person really. I can't imagine his boomer parents or and 20 something siblings being aware zoe exists, what kind of family will side with a persons ex from 6 years ago over their own blood. And over something as silly as 'he yelled at her and stuck his hand in her pussy' omg!

Sounds retarded.

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Faggot Biscuit 2.0

Such plain ass bait and yet it stings.

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I heard if you go into your bathroom at night, say "Depression Quest" three times fast and turns the lights off and on, Zoe Quinn appears and makes you kill yourself.

In Dragon Quest the hero kills the dragon.

In Depression Quest the "hero" killed the depressed.

>Dream job
He made a wildly successful game and could kick start any future venture he had easily.
Even if the industry black listed him he could still make video games. The 100 or so lost sales from resetera faggots wouldn't put a dent in it.

Did he actually kill himself or are you dudes just LARPing to sully Zoe's reputation?

>None of them alarming, but I got:
>Proceeds to list extremely alarming shit
Their brains seriously don't work right, do they?

Hde sexually abused himself as Zoe is the human embodiment of fucking a beehive.

wtf filter is this?

>On the other hand Trump got his shit pushed in by a 7 year old black girl literally this week.
Is this one of those delusional leftard conspiracies I keep hearing about like those Russian collusion one

Trump curse strikes again

yeah it's all a larp
no dev committed suicide
don't both googling it

what a bitch. Literally "I will use his death in my next political argument"

read this in the voice of those tendrils from The Darkness

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The twitter mob would shut down any Kickstarter or Patreon he tried to make. Besides, he isn't an artist, so he can't make a game by himself, anyone associating with him would be equally hounded.

Where did it all go so wrong guys?

Proliferation of smartphones and social media.

Finger up the bum 'innit?

>designer of a shitty indie game dies

And nothing of value was lost.

if you're going to kill yourself, why not just kill her first? i mean, what does it matter? you're going to die anyways.

I think you greatly over estimate their actual influence and numbers.

Why havent the phantom thieves taken zoe Quinn's heart?

Normalization of single parenthood.

The moment Zoe made the accusations her orbiters most likely descended upon him like ravenous vultures. The fact that he probably saw these vultures as friends and family at some point really doesn't help, especially if you are a fragile, mentally ill individual. In the end I believe he actually saved some grief for himself when he an heroed, due to how social justice warriors operate and how they permeate his whole medium. The moment Zoe posted on twitter he was excommunicated, basically he was a dead man then and there. It would have taken him tremendous amounts of work and will to forge new social connections. He lost everything and pretty much didn't have the energy to rebuild himself.


for a girl sure
but if your an adult male just end your genetic lineage

zoe is a manipulative whore and she broke and ruined a mans life and drove him to suicide

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Depends on what you're talking about and how far back you want to assign "blame" for it.


>130 pounds is a good weight.
For a skeleton, sure.

ZQ is a pathological liar
Also she stabbed a man to death

being srs here
trust me

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Anyone happen to have a copy of her crap book? According to a reviewer who described what was in it, it should be around when she moved Toronto apparently after the divorce. She failed to mention she was raped while learning how to code, odd thing to leave out in a book about how she gets raped all the time.

>The book then describes how she moved into photography as a career motivated by the possibilities it provided in terms of moving up the "value chain" in sex work. The book then describes how she divorced her husband and moved to Toronto. After a little while in Toronto, she took a "free" six-week course in video games for artists and began to describe herself as a video game developer.

If this made him kill himself it was just a matter of time before something more substantial set him off, like the death of a parent, or something.

And his social connections with the left probably didn't benefit him much if at all, in fact it's probably a good thing to be black listed by them. They have no real influence or power except over their own and with people on here who build them up to be boogie men.

How some of those dipshits' first (or even only) thoughts are about how gamergate is going to use some guy's suicide against them is really fucking vile.

People die every day.

Thing is, those are all expected side effects. Nothing out of the ordinary for the operation.

I don't currently have a religion or anything like that but I will always stand by karma as my main belief. That shit is lethal.

maybe if you're 160cm

I fucking wonder how his sister git into gamedev hmmm

Women are by design treacherous whores and should be treated with the upper hand only
No equal

i dont think the general image of this is in their favour this time, the reality of death is setting in for most people

saying someone should die and then dying isnt karma

i like drama and this some good gg nostalgia, shit will die down in 2/3 days anyway

Why wasn't it mentioned in her book?

this x10000
the internet got noticeably worse after every idiot with a smart phone got on it

jk user pls don't die I love u

Because it's not everyday that someone gets TotalBiscuit'd.

yes it is

see I didn't explain myself or flesh out my point. I'm just right.

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Eh, you could argue that wishing death upon people is bringing negative energy into the universe. I believe in karma, and I agree with you that both of them are misunderstanding what it is.

>Eh, you could argue

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That's the Trump curse, baby!

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Yeah but my bike was stolen this morning so it evens out

He wished for Trump to die which is a threat against Israel, it's our job to protect God's Chosen people and thus he is our enemy.

>get cancer and die

god I bet that tweet reviewer was squirming at the fact that this was allowed

>Also she stabbed a man to death

she lied about that too

karma isnt about energy, it's about emotional well being brought on by conscious actions
do bad things and you develop a negative view of the world around you
do good things and you develop a positive view

poe's law in full force

Karma and the golden rule

>that's right goy, give me your money so we can fight the establishment
>whoops I just gave all your money to Hillary, go vote for the establishment

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That's why I like my friends. They're either doctors, teachers or therapists. Some are left leaning, some are right leaning. But when it comes to humor, everyone of my friends like dark and racist humor. Everyone says Nigger and when we play Drawful 2, usually the one with the prettiest swastika and cock wins. Nobody cries about it and everyone is chill. But then again, identity politics isn't really a thing in my country.

>Do good things because I was sold on the belief that little things amount to big things
>Still have to put up daily with the couple of idiots doing bad shit and me being unable to do anything about it
>Continue doing good things even though I now have a negative view of the world around me, simply because it's not in me to do bad things
I'm gonna call bullshit on karma being a thing then.

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>jannies delete nice harmless thread about vidya and states but will keep GooberGate 2.0 up letting it hit 440+ replies
Eat shit and die, reddit jannies

The Music Industry
Nearly everyone in Silicon Valley, to the point where Peter Thiel's claim to fame is being the exception that proves the rule

Can you name any that really break the clear trend in the political views these companies espouse?
Can you explain to me why all these megacorps and billion dollar industries are pushing leftism when it's "the cure for the little man getting fucked over"?
Is the reality of the world inside your head that the billionaires and millionaires of the world are DESPERATELY fighting to try and give something back to the masses and redistribute their own welath with the help of fellow reasonable leftist soldiers and allies, but the rural and suburban retards are JUST too powerful and these megacorps are simply powerless in their attempts to do the right thing and redistribute their own wealth to form financial equity?

Is that really your reality? Do you honestly think any of that makes any sense?

>rant about cretinous libfags on twitter immediately devolves into trashtalking white supremacy just so that people wouldn't call him "far-right"
Typical faggot playing it safe.

Oh boy, how could we live without the 8th smash thread in the catalog. Dilate.

the effect of karma can show itself either in this life ( immediate or near future) or the next, if you have already acquired a surplus of negative karma then youll have to do an equal amount of good karma to negate its negative Effecta
or you can try to reach nirvana through the 4 stages of enlightenment and be completely unaffected by any negative karma you might have

>identity politics isn't really a thing in my country.

Really? Where?

It's ranting on every retarded political view, retard.

he is israel kek


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>our enemy
No one here talks like that, lurk moar.

Oh please, 50 years of endless racial bickering has clearly proven ethnonationalists right.

Can you imagine what would get done politically if 80% of discourse wasn't about who and what is and who and what isn't racist?

Yeah, it was a pretty pathetic.

Whoever wrote that doesn't even give a shit about what they were saying. They just wanted to bash larping internet nazis.

Not really, it's only ranting on 2. And the 2nd ideology is clearly an extra ridiculous strawman just to show how he totally doesn't agree with it. Hell, he even confuses the Republican libertarian mentality with fascism for extra woke points.

That is what he is telling you to do.

>130 pounds is a good weight.
not if you're an adult male

Wishing energy

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>No men allowed though, this is a safe space

I wouldn't be surprised if it was a cult, there's actual victims here but they are clearly being ignored.
Didn't Max Landis turn out to be a bribing scam artist anyways? I remember Slimebeast talking about how he bribed various Youtubers to praise the shitshow that was Channel Zero including Night Mind.

I have honestly been trying to bring good vibes my whole life. Even to bad people in the hopes they change. Karma has done me no favors. Thus karma does not exist.

Fuck Zoe Quinn, I hope that evil cunt dies a horribly violent death.

Actual rundown? Did he rape anyone or just nurape?

Literally nurape, it was consensual.

He was a little rougher than expected in a relationship, it made her uncomfortable. That's it. That's his crime. Allegedly.

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"Science" is just their replacement word for "God". That's why they say weird shit like "The Science is settled" to dismiss arguments. It's their way of saying "God has spoken".

>Marry and reproduce

I will marry the first woman that asks me to marry her. None of them have yet.

only an actual moron would think this. Anyone who cares about politics in the slightest knows pence being put in charge would be way worse than trump being in power. Man's a psychopath, trumps annoying but its not like anything that bad as happened in the last few years.

So zoe literally killed someone uh....

Umm, sweetie. It is the man's duty to ask for a woman's hand in marriage.

yeah but don't you think it would be cool if he died?

Isn't this segregation?

The steam forums have been a lot of fun since yesterday.


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The problem with karma is that it depends on reincarnation theory. If you're plagued with bad karma in this life, karma rules dictate that you were just a massive asshole in a previous life and you're getting what you deserve on a cosmic scale; the only way to counter this is to dedicate yourself to enlightenment and achieve nirvana. The western notion of karma just being about "what goes around comes around" is a grossly oversimplified version of it that deliberately leaves out the inconvenient parts.

The reality is that shitty things happen to good people and vice versa, and there are so many factors and variables which go into this that our ability to influence chance outcomes is relatively minimal. Some people get off on being good, others get off on being bad - gratifying yourself in whatever way you prefer is an inherently selfish endeavor, but that's just our nature as humans, not the result of some grand spiritual energy network or whatever. This is a hard truth to embrace, and most people simply don't have the mental fortitude to accept it without subscribing to dogma which helps obfuscate reality with abstract feelgood concepts that are easy to digest. Better for organized religion to exist despite its shortcomings and evils in order to keep people grounded in reality than for those people to have nothing to adhere to and go off the fucking rails.

tl;dr karma doesn't real, cancel culture and general internet-based shittiness can largely be attributed to the decline of religion

Please stop lying I was taught that approaching a woman for any reason without her express permission is a crime. I am a law abiding citizen.

It is kind of funny how the Trump whiteknighting threads have slowly been thinning out because even the fucking the_donald retards are realizing he actually he is that bad

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Part of this just sounds like her also overreacting to him and not being capable of standing her ground. I don't doubt that Alec was probably a bit autistic on his approach to the relationship, but supposedly the whole point of feminism these days is that women can stand up for their own. She could have just outright told him what he was doing wrong, and if he kept at it, just end the fucking thing.

This is ignoring how Alec supposedly at some point did apologize to her for how he treated her and she accepted his apology. Years pass and she's falling out of relevancy, so she decides to bring this crap up again that both of them were supposed to have left behind and she turns everyone against him. Turns out everyone around him is fucking trash that throws him under the bus and he loses everything so he kills himself.

This whole thing is disgusting no matter how you look at it.

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Poe's Law in action. It's clearly parody

>yfw Zoe Quinn reactivates her account

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>indie baseddev makes a non-game
>Yea Forums loves him

"hahaha....t-theyre totally dying off guys...like hes so bad like theres no way he can possibly keep going" says increasingly nervous and erratic man for third year in a row

>metroidvanias aren't games now

>tfw the internet is serious business

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He won't get a second term, you may screencap this post.

That makes more sense. I tend to be skeptical of many things so I can't exactly say I believe it to be true, but nor would I outright deny its possibility. It's interesting at least to consider.

>Better for organized religion to exist despite its shortcomings and evils in order to keep people grounded in reality than for those people to have nothing to adhere to and go off the fucking rails
I don't deny that for a second. I'm ultimately an atheist myself but I'm not a faggot that denies religion having many advantages that would make society become a shitshow were it ever to be completely lost. Not everyone is capable of forming their morals without something to guide them like religion does, and the fact that it's being phased out is clearly starting to show these days.

>he was distancing himself from them
Yeah, how dare he get disowned by his fucking family, he should call more often, the ungrateful little shit.
You utter retard.

she and the other devs have deactivated their accounts

Please explain how the dems are going to stop fucking themselves long enough to beat trump.

Karma does not exist and if it does its cruel as fuck and seems to reward only bad people

because it lets us harass a woman
gamers rise up

By Wednesday Quinn will be back on Twitter, talking on how terrible everything is
By Thursday she will have people convinced she is the true victime
By Friday her patreon will grant het 10k+ per month

Never let this whore live this down.

I mean we still have books and movies, learn programs, tv, literally all media for that

But most importantly fuck niggers!


She already dun it. Lifschitz got thrown under the bus few days ago.

>we live in a world where there is a 50/50 chance of you being serious
honk honk

>one angry gamer

>This thread

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>oh no some fag killed himself where’s your morality
Do you know where you are?

he's probably one of quinns henchmen who she slept with to write these hit pieces.

She doesn't look weak or naive and the guy looks like and is apparently a betafag.

Are the whores making these shitty threads?
Are the whores the ones posting this irrelevant garbage?

Yeah. Who and what isn't sexist. Or any other irrelevant horseshit you gullible fuckers would jump on. For fuck sake, you dumb fucking cunt, fucking trannies are a major "issue" now. You'd throw all your beliefs out the window just to stand against The Enemy over even a silly fucking fetish not even 1 in 1000 subscribe to. You're a joke.

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I didn’t know they allowed Yea Forums in Afghanistan

If he didn't want to feel so guilty he killed himself he shouldn't have raped her.

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>Who and what isn't sexist.
Except it's an ideology that doesn't pretend the sexes are equal you trogdolyte.

Read, retard. Read the fucking post you're replying to before clicking the "make a complete and utter fool of myself" button.

Because they cant

>lemme strawman you so that my previous strawman becomes accurate

Still isn't "just like pol" though, is it?

No you're just being obtuse. Yes trannies are a "major issue" because they've literally got government legislation naming them as a protected class. That's not "a silly fucking fetish" that's literally law. You're just being a retard and claiming there's nothing more to it when there is a damn lot more to it.