It's so losely tied into the lore of the Blair Witch that it could've been called literally anything else and probably...

It's so losely tied into the lore of the Blair Witch that it could've been called literally anything else and probably would've been a better game. It almost seemed as if Blair Witch was tagged to it near the end of development so they changed a few things around, added a few lines and put in the Parr House at the end.

Disappointed man

Attached: 8318201b-e49a-480d-ba04-cfb5b3afc322.gif (540x304, 217K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It's a pretty terrible game filled with the cheapest jump scares possible and a cliche as fuck "the horror was an analogy for something else" theme

More of a Silent Hill game than a Blair Witch game. And not in a good way.

Rather go back and replay the shitty PC ones they released in the 90's.

Do you get to see the witch, at least?

I was hype for the announcement, because I'm a fan of the blair witch project. But the game's just not it. And the story was generic as fuck.

I didn't understand how people were looking forward to this game. I knew from the beginning it'll be shit.. especially since it's $30 too.

No, just like invisible tree monsters and The Parr House. That's it.

Exactly. It focused way more on this PTSD guy. I guess they figured if they get Blair Witch licencing at least it will sell

It's another walk around the woods with a flashlight and collect clues game. For some reason zoomers love these.

What? I dont even think it even worth the space on my HDD after pirating it. How are there people who paid for this?

I'd rather not see the Blair Witch, not after the 2016 movie. I was hoping it was gonna expand on the storyline some. But no, we just got horror forest walking stimulator 2019 + dog

>muh slender man

Attached: a44.jpg (680x346, 22K)

After watching bits and pieces of the 2016 movie I realize that it’s based more on that than the first or even second film... which was not a smart move. On the other hand, I don’t know how you’d make a game based on the first movie and have it not be boring. The first movie was a fun little experience for its time, but you really can’t recreate that in a sequel or a game.

I think the old pc games had the right idea on tackling a completely different part of the lore and doing it as an old school survival horror.

That’s the annoying thing about Blair Witch. You want to see the lore expanded but every time they’ve tried since the first movie they just keep making it worse and worse. Hell, after 2016 there’s theories that the witch is a fucking alien. They needed to take it closer to darker folklore than supernatural horror, and even then they should never give away to much. For instance, hinting at what those wood figures are would be better than giving a solid answer, and the witch should at most be a silhouette in the background of a frame that she’s not the focus in. Maybe hint at what her face might look like in a dirty window.

I think it may have started development around the time those games were at their strongest.

Got it via gamepass.
I liked it for what it was. Gameplay wise there isnt a whole lot you can do with the "scary things in forest" setup then a "horror walking simulator".
Also the game looks fantastic at some placed

Maybe the witch is just the friends we killed along the way.

Almost all movies made into games are as bad as games made into movies.
Almost all horror games are walking simulators with cheap jumpscares.
This game has barely anything to with the BWP and they had to force some camera mechanics that ends up being some corny and stupid shit.
Game is even hard scripted and railroaded.

All in all, there's a good boi.

>More of a Silent Hill game
It doesn't have any similarities with a Silent Hill game. Not in gameplay, nor in story.

The forest morphs around the main characters past demons, much like Silent Hill 1-3 did for various characters. Problem is where as silent hill twists the characters past and makes you look for the symbolism, in Blair Witch it just sort of throws Ellis’ past into the forest with him. That’s why he was saying it was more of a silent hill game and not in a good way.

The whole thing is Ellis confronting his demons he’s trying to push down and hide in a forest instead of what Blair Witch was actually about.

can someone just give me a plot synopsis? don't really want to watch a walkthrough and wikipedia doesn't have a page for it yet. I heard there are different endings but they are all pretty much the same.

Guy goes into woods to track down missing kid and blairwitch shit starts happening. Also he has a dog.

The 2016 movie sucked so much dick, it made book of shadows look good in comparison.

>main character is generic soldier with ptsd back from war
>put on leave after shooting an unarmed dindu
>goes into woods with retired service dog to track down missing kid
>”I don’t think we’re in Kansas any more Toto”
>finds video of a MYSTERIOUS MAN who kills the sheriff who was out looking for him once he got lost
>spoilers, that MYSTERIOUS MAN is you stuck in a time loop
>the witch basically chose you to become her new killer because she “loves” you
>depending on what you do at the end you either kill yourself and continue to the, or let yourself kill you and stop the loop from happening

Cut to credits.

You're an ex-soldier with shellshock disorder with a therapeutic pet.
You volunteer to be part of a search party into the forest to look for a kid.
Your dog helps you track stuff, you interact a little with some objects, you can answer calls from your cellphone and radio and make calls when the game tells you to.
You somehow have to fight demons by pointing a flashlight at them, your dog barks in their direction to help you spot them.

Overall very shitty hard scripted walk simulator. You go to point A, you find item B, game tells you to do C, you move to the next point. That over an over again.

Book of Shadows was such a sad thing. I may not have like the direction it took the series in but the directors heart was in the right place before the studio stepped in and fucked with everything.
(Here’s a good video on all the shit that happened:

does the dog die in the end?

I liked the lore in the Rustin Parr game
All this shit about the Coffin Rock and the old, Indian demon
Was satisfying to me

Worse, they kill the dog, play it off like it’s actually dead, but then in the end the dog just suddenly appears so they didn’t have to deal with the backlash of killing the dog. So yeah, you have to go through the dog dying and crying for 20 minutes only for them to pretend they didn’t kill it.

Also, when I mean “crying for 20 minutes” I mean that you’re holding the dog slowly walking down a corridor for a long time as the dog just whimpers at first it’s sad but eventually it becomes grating.

Idiots who think you should SEE the witch don't get the fucking point of this property.

Starts off good but gets progressively more and more boring

The plot was all over the place and way too similar to Jacob's Ladder in some parts, overall not great.

Maybe I was misinterpreting the timeline but it seemed weird to send the kid with psychological issues off to war and expecting him to be alright, even if he didn't kill any unarmed civilians or got most of his platoon wiped out.

>marketing team has the audacity to say this 4/10 is better than the film
>in one of their older posts their instagram linked to some thot instead of the game page
what the fuck is this?
lots of the zoomers saying they never even seen the movie anyway, one faggot said "the first one bored me to death buy i liked the sequals"
why Yea Forums? why must people have shit taste?

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What did you expect from a Microsoft-funded game? Quality?