Are consoles holding back video games?

Are consoles holding back video games?

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No I don’t think so


Nah it's great that they're shit.
Pc gamers are so used to 120fps+ in their games, that once a game comes out thats really fucking pretty but runs at 60fps they lose their shit.

have you seen PC exclusives
they look way worse than console games

No, PlayStation fans are holding back video games.

PC is. A lot more testing involved because of varying hardware. Much easier to refine and optimize a game for console with fixed specs. Last of Us looks great on PS3. Same for Rise of the Tomb Raider on Xbox 360 (running it at the equivalent specs on PC wouldn't get the same results).

Consoles are better than having a bunch of kids make PCs with GT 1030s and APUs, but not by all that much.
If gaming was a hobby comprised of people who only had a lot more cash to burn, we would probably see better multithreaded optimization and less of a need to force controller support into everything. Also there are still for some reason games that only support 60Hz output but that's more on the developers for being retards

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More graphically impressive games just means less money spent on the actual gameplay. I had far more fun with DUSK and Ion Maiden than I did with most of the AAA fare I took a chance on in the past decade.

Graphics have been good enough since the PS2 era. Even then, PS1 and earlier has its charms.

No, but graphics fags certainly are.

Kinda hard to say no. Consoles clearly are. Can you imagine if EVERY single game was designed with PC in mind?

>don't have to design your interfaces for four front buttons and bumpers
>can design menus and UI with mouse control in mind
>don't have to hold back on graphics
>can expect everyone to have stronger communication capabilities
>always entertain the possibility of a modding community

No, because even if every single person in the world played on a PC instead, they would still target lower specs

what about more powerful processors?

Only autists seethe over this stuff (PC players)

Yes and no. For example, PS3 and Xbox 360 had such shitty amount of RAM that it literally forced devs to cut content and downsize stuff in some games like New Vegas.

Today? I dunno, PS4 and Xbox One both have shitty CPUs, but it doesn’t seem that it has affected game design quite as much, as console games can always choose to run 30 FPS and PC gamers are expecting 60 FPS, which gives more room for developers - you have games like Witcher 3 that manage to run on consoles due to lower framerate, yet still need quite hefty CPU for typical PC framerates. If they had to aim for 60 FPS on consoles too, it sure as hell would hold the game back because they would need to cut a lot of shit to make it run.

But on the other hand, you also have to remember that people playing on actually good PCs are a surprisingly small part of the PC gaming community, and devs who want to stay successful need to make games that run even on weaker hardware. Nothing is more retarded than people who believe that every game would be some new Crysis if we lived in PC-only world. Even if we imagine that consoles somehow stopped existing, I really doubt that it would increase the high-end PC audience *that* much.

If we're talking solely graphics, then yes.
Overall though, no, because most people would play with medium graphics.

i can smell the mental illness through screen

A game like STALKER or Baldur's Gate could never exist on console

Oh, and also forgot to mention stuff that mentioned. I have to admit, I usually don’t find control schemes that were made controller in mind too bad, but UIs and menus not optimized for keyboard and mouse are truly cancer.

Who really cares about graphics? 90% of the games focused on graphics are shit video games to play.

Also another thought; because consoles are basically laptops that need to have moderate processing power and have terrible cooling and airflow. These requirements are pushing the architecture into smaller transistors for better power efficiency which is benefiting PC right now in the form of AMD moving to 4nm soon and pushing for new architecture while intel is stuck at 12nm for the foreseeable future

All those things are possible on consoles since they could just implement a cursor like Destiny or something. And if that was such a high command from devs than the trackpad of the Daulshock would be a standard thing for controllers moving forward.

>Not having to hold back on graphics
Literally most PC players sacrifice their graphics settings for them extra frames.

>can expect everyone to have stronger communication capabilities

>don't have to hold back on graphics
>they would still target lower specs
Not exactly true, it's more about scalability that's usually missing in console ports. When you set out to make a game based on a PS4, then it gets ported to PC and the PS4 Pro comes out, it's like oh shit how do we make the game run better so that people don't move onto something with a better engine

There used to be a time where it was considered acceptable for games to sometimes drastically differ in both gameplay and graphics on different systems. The idea of console parity has ruined this, and thus consoles are indeed holding back certain multiplatform games in the name of console parity, whether that's graphics, gameplay, AI, performance, etc.

>interface, menus, graphics, communication, modding

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Intel are working on 7nm right now you fucking shill.

Not really. Sure, games are general strive for a lower bar. But because consoles exist at all, PC benefits from thousands of ports every year. Without consoles (and the sales they generate), PC gaming would be a barren wasteland.

No consoles are not holding back boring western games

star citizen looks amazing

Indie shit is a recent thing and it dilutes the PC exclusive game pool. Deus Ex was a PC exclusive. Early Civilization and SimCity games were PC exclusives. Ultima, Everquest, and WoW - all PC exclusives. Get your head out of your ass.

>These requirements are pushing the architecture into smaller transistors
We're going to run out of nanometers to cut down on very soon. NVIDIA and AMD already push out designs for more efficient parts because otherwise their new parts would be competing with the used market (which is especially relevant now with RTX being a disappointment).
Intel is not to be believed on their roadmaps, and investors have caught on. 10nm was supposed to happen a few years ago, and we're maybe getting it next year after 14nm has been rebranded a whole four or five times depending on how you count

>GT 1030s and APUs
kinda redundant to put a gt 1030 in a pc with an apu its also kinda redundant to buy a gt 1030 when you can get an r9 290x on ebay for the same price throw in a i7 4820k and that's enough to run modern games at high

dusk is the most overrated crap I've played in years, it's nothing like quake or any 90s fps. Unity with low poly models does not make it retro

>Can you imagine if EVERY single game was designed with PC in mind?
So either some sort of simulator game that takes 10 years to come out, or some indie 8-bit SJW game?

the greatest games often have good interfaces

Yes but not in terms of graphics.
Console market is full of """"""""""""gamers""""""""""" and LMAO IM A GAMER VERONICA RISE UP BITCH and their cognitive abilities prevent the devs from being truly creatively free as they have to cater to some lowIQ idiots who meme about Dark Souls difficulty.
The hardware and control scheme is also very limiting and as such prevents the devs from introducing anything really interesting and evolving the controls for certain needs. This leads to dumbed down gameplay which can be mapped onto the gamepad (dumber and slower enemies, sequences etc.) This is not, however, a gamepad hate point - gamepads are awesome for certain games, but given how the most popular games are first person games and third person shooters for which gamepad is attrocious and how devs are often just porting UIs and everything unchanged from the console versions onto the PC, the gameplay really suffers.

>kinda redundant to put a gt 1030 in a pc with an apu
Yeah I know, what I meant is that you would use one or the other. The problem that gets to older cards is that optimization ends up being unfavorable as developers go overboard with new techniques that they can't handle

No they don't.

I somehow doubt they are going to get working 7nm processors out in 2021 considering all of their first generations on new architectures have been pretty awful. And 2021 is still 2 years away.
Also didn't know they were going to start making gpu which is interesting.

Not really. Generally it's more about global economy. Consoles are popular because they are simply affordable for most people unlike high end anything so most games are being made exclusively for low end mass market. Who there really to blame?

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as if PC exclusives look any better? lmfao

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>which is especially relevant now with RTX being a disappointment
What is the future of gpu/cpu? Proprietary "feature" wars?

Shitty console controls do.

>mouse+keyboard UI's
Imagine how shitty games would be if developers had these as priorities.

yeah...any day now right? lmao

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>Proprietary "feature" wars?
Well, that was the past. Why wouldn't it be the future too?

AMD older cards have great support pretty much any card that still works for modern games can run vulkan opengl 4.6 and directx 12

Left joystick > glorified dpad WASD

>new techniques they can't handle.
Really not something you'd have to worry about with a 290X as GCN 2 had async shader support as AMD was pushing for that even in 2013. Compared to the 780ti that was slightly more powerful on release the 290X is like 30% faster in modern titles.
The only thing that's really going to ruin you is overdone tessellation but you can just tone it down in the driver options.

>they are simply affordable
Not per se, no. Low initial investment probably drives sales, but you pay a pretty penny over the course of a console's lifespan since online subscriptions are mandated.
>Proprietary "feature" wars
Already been happening with video cards, even if most of what NVIDIA does fails to catch on as well as they want it to.
CPUs are a different story since AMD and Intel need to play nice around feature sets since they rely on each other to use x86.

>Deus Ex
Was on PS2
1 was on SNES, Saturn and Playstation, 2 was on Playstation
Was on SNES
I’ll give you that one, but III and onward had console releases starting with the NES

Have you seen control?

I hope to God they push it back even more. From the things I have seen from this, it's truly ahead of anything else and they need time and patience if they want to achieve that.

Graphics are holding back video games. The plebbiest of plebs care most about realistic graphics, and AAA developers do everything to cater to them. These realistic graphics are chained to what consoles are capable of, and so many other things relevant to gameplay get sacrificed. Framerate is just the tip of that iceberg. If this hobby had never exploded in popularity, and games these days were made with a fraction of the budget, they'd probably still be more technically impressive than what we see today. There are games from generations ago that are still technically impressive by today's standards even if their graphics are shit by comparison.

>They refuse to accept PSnow
I'm literally going to play Bloodborne on my PC then stream it to my phone. Power to the PLAYERS

>OP is about how multiplats run on different platforms
>m-muh exclusives that have no relevance to the conversation!!!
So defensive.

Kinda, being old hardware is always going to hold back gaming. Problem isn't consoles tho it's console gamers, they are graphics whores at the worst end, they refuse to play games that don't look good, they mock them and laugh at them without giving them a chance making every game at the end of the consoles life look and feel the same.

Console is easier to develop for and has no extra things to worry about. It also makes more money and makes hacking significantly harder. Almost impossible with current technology. And the rare few that do get banned instantly and have their entire console blacklisted.

Easy to see why it’s popular for developers and customers, but indie is easier on PC since you can just send someone a file.

what's wrong with those?

These threads just turn into poorfag cope from consolefags who still ask their parents to buy their shit for them.

>Console is easier to develop for and has no extra things to worry about.

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Yep, and then instead of playing these supposedly great games they just sit around arguing with eachother over who has the better console because most of the games are boring as shit.

What cracks me up is how when you let a consolefag play a PC version of a game at over 100fps with ultra settings and all they can say is "this feels fakes" because they're used to struggling frame rates as a sign of good graphics.

No. They are pushing graphics forward. Look at pc exclusives which arent held back by consoles. They have last gen graphics

That doesn't mean they aren't holding games back, even if what you said was even remotely true

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Not an argument

On one hand consoles have made the video game industry far bigger than ever could be possible with just PC gaming, and yet games today are pushing for real time raytracing so no I don't think you can say that.

No, they're making them happen in the first place. Without their gigantic, consolidated install base, you would kiss those games goodbye and be stuck with indies and F2P shovelware.
PC ain't capable of fielding a game on a 50mil$ budget on it's own, not unless it's a meme e-sports shooter.

No, laziness is what's holding it back.

They're things that don't really matter.
Eat shit faggpt.

Those are what makes a game with a good concept into a great game.

>unironically putting scam citizen as an example of greatness

you cultists need a mass suicide

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They will once the con artist announces project's bankruptcy

Quickly typing any text

Where's the PC comparison pic so your gay question has an example.

Left looks better.


communication is important in online games. mods also extend a game's replay value

>tfw consumers hold back development more than anything
>we currently posses more powerful hardware than gamer PCs would ever use

It's objectively amazing visually.

>>don't have to design your interfaces for four front buttons and bumpers
>>can design menus and UI with mouse control in mind
holy shit does this sound awful for about 90% of games

No because all those console gamers would still only be able to afford low-mid tier gaming pcs. It's delusional to think that suddenly everyone would get high end rigs...

Ultimately even if consoles didn't exist games would still be held back by the cost of hardware, as making your game only run on top of the line systems is guaranteed to effect sales.

Yes and no. It causes devs to have to figure out how to do more with less, which is a good thing. However, it will always have a lower ceiling, and the aforementioned bonus takes a while to come into effect. Overall they are holding games back, especially when you also factor in balancing around sub-par controls, smaller fov, less communication, etc. but to say that consoles have done only harm for gaming is not true.