Who /playin vidya and/or shitposting until the power goes out/ here?
Who /playin vidya and/or shitposting until the power goes out/ here?
Other urls found in this thread:
>living near an ocean
what a gay
Man wish I would get hit by a hurricane
Is it weird if I feel that prepping up for a hurricane and then hunkering it out is strange kind of comfy?
I doubt the power will even go out, but I'm prepared in case it does.
only a few hours left
Feels good to be a LAKECHAD.
Suck it, coastfags.
Couldn't have happened to a nicer people.
who else /20percent/ here
Fuck you Florida, one of you faggots cut me off earlier today
My 2070 super is expected to arrive on wednesday, they day i get hit by the hurricane. Fuck you god
lrn2drive, grandpa
I'm trying to play Iceborne when it comes out Friday. My power better not be cucked that day.
You faggots are the ones going 5 below the speed limit
Stay safe, anons.
It's usually grandpa's that do it fool, they cut you off then start driving 10 under, or make you stop as they turn 1 mile later.
The power will never go out for me.
>there will likely be at least 1 person who has posted on Yea Forums that dies
Looks a lot like my massive cock.
user perhaps defcon or anything like star craft
Also, user if you're gonna stay, remember to have supplies. dont temp fate, avoid floods and have common sense. Remeber to keep in touch with loved ones...
Be safe m8,
...and nothing of value was lost. kek
>avoid floods
thanks user, I was about to go swimming in a flood if not for this advice
>tfw get nervous during normal ass storms
I don't know how y'all niggas put up with shit like this
I live in the band of green right next to the yellow, how fucked am I?
>tfw 90%
>heavy casualties expected from Florida, Virginia, and both Carolinas
Did we really lose anything important, guys?
>dont tempt fate
I'm not sealing up my window with shutters because im gonna watch the storm
really the worst part is if you've got dogs, because they still have to go out to piss, and no giant storm is gonna change that
if it kills me whatever I probably had it coming
>North GA
>That feel when never really suffer from any natural disasters, but get just enough from hurricanes for work to cancel
Nevermind, just saw it at the bottom. I'm acoustic.
See pic related
freeport/bahamas are getting utterly shredded
>not having a generator
ill be comfy with my pc hooked up to my tv and emulating some games.
Hurricane Dorian is officially sponsored by Publix® Subs
And dying from fumes.
Stockpile ammo and gas instead, you dumb bitch
Assuming you haven't already. Grab a 12ga
Breaking out my bottle of hibiki and playing vidya all night. Power shouldn't go out where I am but shit happens.
SouthTexbro here, thanks for taking this one.
Why are the Carolinas always fucked?
Not me
>Be Floridian
>Enjoy Publix's chicken tendie sandwiches but didn't that much of them
>Live outside florida for a time
>Can't find a chicken tender sandwich anywhere near as good
truly confusing
Oh shit, what county?
Cherokee here
Not the only one. Some of my favorite memories were lighting up candles and hunkering down after a power outtage
Florida is a shithole swamp where it storms everyday, the suffering makes us stronger
Imagine being this retarded.
what are you clueless? just run the extension cord thru a window.
southern NC here (20 mins from the border), am I in danger?
NChads ww@
I'm hoping the power doesnt go out. If it does, I'll have my phone, vita, switch, manga and drawing to keep me busy. It gets fucking boring at night though when its dark. Last year the power was out for a few days
Cobb, in Kennesaw
>still hasn't turned north
I'll be shitposting until the end boys
if the power's out for more than 12 hours then I will literlly kill myself
Yes, because you're going to run a generator through tropical storm conditions.
wtf? did it speed up? i thought it wasn't supposed to get here till like tuesday night
People are stupid enough to drive in it
how many gold medals have you won?
No. it's only going 6mph west right now. Catching some currents right now that are slowing it down and about to take it up.
it's a big ass storm nigga
Lost power in my apartment all weekend during a bad winter storm a few years ago. Had no where to go and the roads were iced over (yay georgia) and it was way too fucking cold and dark to stay in my apartment so I just slept in my car with the heat on for two days. Was not a pleasant weekend
Worst part was during the second day, half the complex got power back but it wasn't my half. Was miserable waiting half a day while being teased by people in their warm and bright apartments right next to me while I was still stuck in my car
pretty shit that the people with power didn't help out the ones without
for you
it's georgia so they were probably all niggers
>people think they can just chill through a Cat 5 storm because they sat through a tropical storm once 10 years ago
Cant wait to watch the videos of entire blocks of houses flattened
I mean hell if I would have asked I'm sure someone would have helped, but come on I'm way too autistic to ask for help and stay in some stranger's apartment
Anybody who says this is gonna kill them doesn't live anywhere near the coast.
I live in SC, 30 minutes from Charleston, and I'm more excited than anything. I'm getting a couple days off work for just a little breezy storm.
Thread theme:
And a moment of silence for all the boys in the Bahamas who aren't waking up tomorrow
rip anons
okay, retard
it's a pretty strong category 5 dude, 200 mph wind isn't a breeze
Let's put it this way: a cat 5 is as bad as a F3 tornado that lasts for hours.
I'm at Orange Beach and the effects can be felt there. The water was rough enough to ruin my beach trip.
I like how people like this make me feel like less of a loser
we're you playing your switch on the beach?
You all just a bunch of chickens
Cheeeep cheep cheep cheep cheeeep
>15 more minutes until the next advisory
I don't want it to turn north, but I do
Wait is nc in danger? user told me last thread it'll be fine
just because you feel it doesn't make it true
northern bahamas are trashed. dorian is literally going to slam on the brakes and hang out until tuesday. man i hope everyone was able to get shelter down there.
I mean, I'm not going anywhere. I'm just saying people are going to die.
Later on in the week. You still have time.
I was in puerto rico for hurricane george it fucked up everything lost the roof to one of my houses and diddnt have power for weeks had to take baths in a river I havent seen anything as bad ever since and im sure florida has better infrastructure so it really aint nothin to worry about.
I'm glad you weren't there for Maria.
go drink some bleach and shoot yourself in the mouth, you fucking failed abortion
Maybe we can fundraise money from other countries to help us out oh wait lol
Even the slighting wind will cause the switch to fly through the next dimension, causing millions of injuries
You should tell that joke to a woman you like
so where's Jim Cantore
he was in Stuart a few days ago
w-what if it doesn't turn
RIP 772
Is that why the grocery store was out of bottled water and SPAM?
Ikr. I just want to go out in some glorious natural catastrophe.
Will there be looting in the cities?
Why do people willingly live in Florida?
>tfw texas
get fucked nerds, this is celestial justice for Harvey
>Media hypes THIS IS THE BIG ONE
>hurricanes fucks off up the coast
>literally nothing happens
>rinse, repeat
Every fucking time.
I was born there
pretty while girls that give it up easy
Because it's better than 49 other states. (Alaska is pretty good too)
Envoy your last15 minutes of vidya, until the batteries run out of power
Fellow canned meatbro? I havent had spam in a long ass time but I get those small viena sausages often. They're too darn nice with some bread
Palm Beach here, my shit is gonna get slapped if it doesn’t turn.
who /alaska/ here?
godspeed floridabros, even though I think your state is fucking horrible
it will, because rules of nature. hurricanes are influenced and pushed around they don't just magically go where they want.
Meterologists aren't sky wizards user. Neither are the computers.
How do you even end up living in alaska
>be Dasher
>people too chickenshit to drive in the rain, let alone in the middle of a storm
>power outages means that demand will be through the roof
>people actually give cash tips for "braving the storm"
Nigga I'm finna to make bank during this shit.
Why do us South Jersey friends always get the dying breath of some faggot storm. Like just die before you get here for once
What artist is this?
>Me? I'm the Dasher who braved the storm.
Willingly live? lmao Its a place where people go to die or raise their children to one day leave Florida. If you go to FL to live, I truly feel sorry for you yes fml I am one of them
Tampa fag here
Am I a walking corpse?
Because I'm not a cuck who likes living in a state with state income tax.
not even close
Nah. Seagulls are dicks that steal stuff out of your hands and I didn't come out there to game.
this the local publix is pretty much a whorehouse, qt publix cashiers included
Yay now all I have to worry about is the crack heads as usual!
just gimme some rain, im so sick of this warm weather
>go to beach
>put phone, wallet, and DS in mcdonalds bag because imma take a dip
>come back, bag is gone
>look around and find my shit 100ft up the beach along with a torn mcdonalds bag
>mfw a seagull tried to fly away with my shit because it smelled french fries
for me its chic fil-a they only hire cute girls at the store I go to.
>new advisory
>it's going 5 degrees more south than it was before
5 degrees is 5 degrees but it's going the wrong way
Do people from Alaska grow up normal or is it very native rural out there?
>Leaving phone wallet and DS unattended at a Florida beach
many houses in Florida are made from cinderblocks. not gonna do much, worst that'll happen is you lose a window or a tree falls on your house
>leaving your expensive shit unprotected
For what purpose
Unless you're rich, those dipsticks live in woodframe houses
Isn't that overkill? Just one of those is enough unless I aim for the back of the throat and not the brain
I go to university in Florida. No income tax is nice but everything else is why I am leaving ASAP
america is a shithole, doesn't matter the state.
my gramma bought me an apartment here
i live in florida
i dont give a fuck about hurricanes
Didn't Irma take a fucked up path despite being predicted to go the same route Dorian is?
i don't live in FL. Condolences to you both.
Matthew decided to take a turn away from florida, which was also completely unexpected
except for the one local weatherman who called it
i was in the BVI during Irma. these things are easy to survive. it's not like a tornado, volcano or earthquake that can come out of nowhere and kill you. if you prepare, you will survive.
the aftermath, though. fuck. i ended up having to leave the bvi, shit was just ruined.
Most florida houses are made with sheetrock (toilet paper) you mean
I have this feeling Dorian is not going to turn north when they say it will but will instead slice right through South Florida, then head north.
Yeah, if you're rich or a fucking yankee
poor stray animals :(
sleep tight kitters and doggies...... u will not be forgotten.....
I grew up in Orlando and it's not so bad. I get to go to Universal/Disney whenever and have pretty comfy thunderstorms. The only thing that sucks is the summer time. It's so fucking hot if you even step on foot outside you'll be drenched in sweat. Aside from that we get very nice weather late fall/winter.
>tfw the wild cats won't come into my house
I'm sorry cats. You should've trusted me. I even had food.
a fucking yankee
You win this round
Currently at work right now as security in a place where people evacuated, when I am heading home this shit is going to hit me.
I work at Publix and I swear mine is literally the only one where there are no cute girls that work there and the very few that even do always have a bf.
Yeah me too. Its nagging feeling like a splinter in my throat
I feel it too. It's a heady kind of anticipation.
Literally any girl who's above a 4/10 in America has a BF. Shit fucking sucks. They're too damn easy
you're a bit dense if you never think about the worst scenario but there's really not much chance of that happening
Me too officer user, I hope I don't get stuck at this community tomorrow. 24/7 storm pay is nice but sleeping on kindergarten cots is going to suck. At least I have Advanced Wars on my phone
>power goes out
You mean until you are ripped from your house and turned into a whirling dervish of a lifeless husk that is whipped across the sky.
>let my geriatric dog out to piss during hurricane irma
>3 minutes later still not back in
>fell over and couldn't get back up against the side of the house
>had to pick her up and walk her back into the house
was kinda sad
God i wish that was me
I fucking hate this planet
>in 561
>in a 30 year old wood frame house
Feels good having this cunt still standing after all this time.
i think most animals can sense it coming and know to leave the area
Yeah I'm sure the stray cats and dogs on the barrier islands are all gonna use the fucking bridge to get back to the mainland
>sitting on beach playing my switch
>wind gusts rip the switch from my hands
>hurricane starts playing bingbing wahoo as the plane crashes
Utahchads win yet again.
Should've been more Mormon you coastal fags
assuming an earthquake that could ruin life as we know it doesn't happen/Yellowstone volcano doesn't blow up we should be fine
Yeah but you have to live with the mormons though
It would be weird if you DIDN'T feel that way. Think of the classic example of "comfy." Drinking a hot beverage by the fireplace with snow falling outside.
The contrast is what makes it comfy. You made some tiny private pocket of the world - one surrounded by unforgiving conditions - into a warm and safe place perfectly suited to your needs.
niggas that bitch ain't turning
Well comparatively speaking, The Mormons are harmless compared to the weird ass Gang shit that goes on in Florida. Utah does have the same issues but luckily for us its not that much of a widespread problem. You just gotta keep your gaurd up in and keep away from the more sketchier places.
I'm in fort myers. should i be worried
At least it's slowing down a little. A whole 2mph
user it's a cat 5 that is exceeding 200. If it wants to, it can slice right across the south and hit you with plenty of force to spare. Everyone in the entire state is in danger.
>dead amerifats
Not in the slightest
>ride a bike to work
>tropical storm force winds right as I get off tomorrow
Maybe I'll just sleep in the office.
A lot of euro tourists come down to Florida, you know.
Nah, no projections have it landing anywhere near there.
Even if it cut across land that would drastically weaken it, hurricanes only retain strength in warm water, anything else fucks them.
Are you heading east, or are you heading west?
Wilmington here, I hate it
Women are all awful, user. It's why I want to be a boy in the first place.
Where my Lakeland niggas at
You're not really trans, you're just an autistic girl. Trust me.
>he isnt gonna brave the storm to get home safely for quality comfy time
Considering it took a turn five degrees south in the latest update, it could very well take a trip deep into South Florida.
Dorian is currently a Category 5. Even if it rides the land for a bit before reaching the Fort Meyers area, it'll still be quite strong. Probably Cat 3 or even 4.
I don't plan on being trans or a lesbian desu. Autism is what fuels my intent. Most days I just sit around and play gacha shit
>mobileposter who doesn't use an app
I'm more disappointed than you know. I thought we could be friends.
well at least your in a fort
Even if they're more devastating, will any Hurricane be more insulting than Ivan dabbing on us by doing a fucking loop-the-loop?
yeah, Dorian using the east coast as a grind rail
loogs leig a benis :DD
>Considering it took a turn five degrees south in the latest update
that's such a small turn. worst case scenario predictions still show it mostly being off the coast and not passing over the state.
dorian is going to conquer the 13 colonies
Well, it went from 275 degrees west to 270 degrees west when it's supposed to be going UP
Hurricanes makes me wanna emigrate to Florida just so I can build the comfiest and most robust anti-everything shelter.
Hey that could be a good vidya too, just add some monsters, they'd come in waves too
Yellowstone will kill us all, just some of us will be lucky enough to die instantly.
Not us Florida Men though.
can't build underground in florida because of the water table
>Using an app
I live a very disorganized life. I feel it reflects my current life and state of mind well. I never pin posts or use all the luxury features available to me while browsing. I constantly delete all my cookies and aearch history out of autism OCD of when my mom found all the porn I googled when I was like 10. I'm a very odd figure but it's the way I roll. I do many odd things out of habit, not even neccessity. I am very straightforward and honest and have little to hide.
remember to get water and stay hydrated
>mfw I live on the Panhandle
>not even going to get any rain
>which sucks, because this summer has been dry as hell
A few days ago, most predictions had it cutting through the state in a way similar to Irma. It's all up in the air. Even the NHC says that small deviations left could make it slam right into Florida's coast.
>A small deviation to the left of the track could bring the intense
core of the hurricane and its dangerous winds closer to or onto the
Florida coast.
Fuck off, we're full.
>Have no money for groceries
>Don't get paid until Thursday, the day the hurricane's supposed to hit
I'm a tampa fag. shouldn't be too bad.
got caught in a lightning storm like two weeks ago and hid out at a fire station for about half an hour before getting wet. I think I've used up enough luck.
>tfw near the gulf which is on the opposite side where the hurricane is headed
feels good man.
I mean, I hesitated with using the app too but I was so sick of the ads I gave it a try, and now I can't go back. It's basically 4chanX but on your phone (not that it seems you use that stuff), but I'd say it's worth it simply for the easier readability, the non-resized images, and the complete lack of any ads.
Well, the wind will blow from east to west, so if you're heading east it will be a trial
Why are all Floridian woman fucking freakzoids? Every girl who lives her is nuts and stupid.
Are all girls like this?
Everyone will worry for else and talk about how it's all doom-and-gloom, but we all know that it ain't shit. Hurricanes are just an excuse to get lit.
t. Floridian
I go maximum cozy and have a minifridge full of cosco waters outback. I never am thirsty. I'm glad I live in the west coast so I don't die of hurricane just earthquakes and tsunamis.
>mfw i live in Tampa
>at most im going to get some rain and my power will flicker off/on once
>which will happen in the middle of a game
your choices are either "southern girl" with BPD, a drug addict, a latina girl, or one of us autistic girls
If I were you I'd learn spanish.
heat makes you crazy and forces you to stay inside a lot
Yeah, women just suck
>check schedule
>have to wageslave tomorrow
It's not fair, I really was hoping for a 4 day weekend
>living on the coast
Publix subs are overrated as shit don't @ me
Who else is living in the shithole known as Jacksonville?
>only time I've had no work was during Irma
>only then because the power was out for 4 days
Be glad you don't work for a hospital, user.
>Tfw scheduled to work during the hurricane
The real criticism should be for putting your valuables inside of a greasy ass mcdonalds bag.
Do you live on the east coast? If your county has an evacuation order, I don't think they can make you work.
I like their salads, overpriced though.
>sick of the ads
Nani!? Adblockers exist on mobile, user. Why not install an extension?i've browsed for over 12 years and never even touched 4chanX. Not out of being against it or anything but I am far too lazy to get into it. I'm not the super funny, charming, attractive poster you might think I am. I-? Just the super funny, charming poster who is a lazy neet and has lied to their parents about attending college for the past two years and has remained unemployed since and isn't sure where they are going with life. I just roll with it. I was born into uselessness and try to be better everyday
My mom's coworker lost his wife and newborn when a tree fell on his house during Florence. Stay safe my dudes
God damn it
>tfw west palm
might get blasted, might get nothing
i get that pic reference
just hit up lootin early before the roof floridians show up
>one of us autistic girls
Autism is worldwide. I'm autism posting from Cali. I only came here to make the big dick comment. Now I'm just here talking nonsense about my life.
The adblocker doesn't stop the automatic image gimping though. I was so fucking sick of changing urls so I could get a decent image. That and the $35 chink phone I used to have didn't let me root it.
don't let them fool you, those little argonian niggers can swim
Same here, hopefully the power doesn't go out.
Work down in City Place and I have to work during the hurricane.
Feral cats are one of many ecological disasters in Florida. It's best if they don't make it.
who here /barrierisland/
shit's gonna get fuuuucked up
you'd better leave little nigga
I use an S10+ and I just don't mind it. I'm used to ads in a way they kinda appeal to my autism. Not that I click them or anything they just feel natural to me. Without them it'd feel alien at this point to me, I would just wander aimlessly. Sometimes they remind me of dumb stuff too that I wanna do or check out. They aren't all that bad because I'm super forgetful.
Whats a barrier island?
>Many animals wont make it if they get hit
>the ones that do will get killed by PETA's fucking death vans
there is no hope
>have a bunch of wild rabbits in the area
>sandhill cranes too
>see a feral cat stalking them sometimes
All he ever seems to catch are rats though.
Based Ohio once again avoiding any and all disgusting weather, barely
>isn't even going to make landfall
i sleep
You can live on 5 dollars of canned food for like 2 weeks if you have some water too
this is quite accurate
all this animal talk got me feeling bad Ive wanted a cat lately too.
Well, just keep it in mind, and watch it when you're trying to save higher res images. If you're not careful, you get a 1024x gimped version.
also this is a barrier island.
>tfw fort myers chad
They aren't getting me this year, miamifags BTFO
I, too, live in Arizona.
For me, its the egg salad croissant sandwich hmm mmm
I'm leaving in the morning.
central nc here
I don't watch the news
should I be worried about this
I know you're a real floridian because this is way too on the nose. You perfectly described my entire high school user
>saving higher res images
That isn't my style. I'm not really into the whole highest quality. As long as I can see it and it looks nice I'll save it and be okay. I don't need the best just good enough
I mean yeah, but they get jpeg artifacts and shit. Stuff like that just bothers me I guess.
ask again tuesday morning
Godspeed my dude.
Are you a fucking incel shut in who speaks to literally no one irl? How do you not know half your state is about to die?
>thinking you're hot shit because dorian won't hit you
>when you got dabbed on by wilma and fucking ivan
shut up loser
Says the dead man walking. Enjoy your last week in earth. Hope it's slow and painful af
How's the situation looking for Miami?
depends all on the turn
but it should be somewhat ok
Bad as usual
This Hurricane is mostly for Central and North Florida.
That's just what autism is. Something you learn to live with, I'm a very simple minded idiot with not much I want in life. I'm happy, that's what matters to me. As long as I have the memories of fun things and enjoy what I do I can be as happy as I want. Even if others arent happy because I'm happy then it's alright because they weren't looking to feel happy in the first place. Heck, I'm used to being around unhappy and stressed people because I deal with a very unhappy and stressed guy everyday. He lives in spain and wants to visit me irl. He doesnt make a lot of money and I tell him save up to do things he enjoys since hes like in his 30s but he insists he enjoys my company but I'm sure if I was a guy he wouldnt enjoy it as much. The moral of the story is people are crazy and should just look for what makes them happy. I didn't want to go too on about nonsense. Most of the time I just wanna sit around and play card games also another big mood is I can't tell if people pretend to be bad at video games to make me feel good or if I'm just actually good at them.
You're probably in a lot of danger but won't know until late tomorrow just how much
Have sex
with me
Miami ain't even in the cone of danger, fucking West Palm just barely is. Unless this shit goes rouge we really don't got shit to worry about.
That and the high speed sustained wins are pretty much right in the center.
How does that even apply here
Yeah, you're absolutely right.
Don't let that man turn into an energy vampire though. It's not like people like us have all that much energy to spare anyway.
Hope it's not bad but bad enough that I don't have to go into work on Tuesday.
Projections show it crashing a lot higher but this shit is huge. It's hard to tell. It could just swerve and just be a manageable storm, or it could cut through and be Andrew 2.0
I'm kinda nervous to be honest.
are you joking
This. Always prepare for the worse and be ready to bolt or hunker down if decides to take a last-second detour to South Florida.
the next advisory is in two hours
i wonder what awaits us then
TFW Pussies who deal with hurricanes get winds like a tornado in the midwest and people die.
Come to the midwest, your hurricane winds would be all year but could be worse. Imagine a hurricane with speeds at 301 like oklahomas ef5's
rip limp dick florida
We get tornadoes here as well, my very well educated Midwestern friend. Did you know that hurricanes spawn tornadoes?
I remember last year somewhere around here had a major flood and quite a few dogs died because people left them in their house or chained in the front yard when told to evacuate.
I don't know what leads a person to do such a thing.
people actually live in Florida, as opposed to the midwest where the only thing tornadoes damage are cows
imagine a 200 mph tornado that lasts 24 hours
I spend less and less time with him to prevent exactly that. Lately I've been avoiding people just to save money and clean the house. Oddly enough I have this thing where I lack energy throughout the morning and day then am full of it right before bed. I can talk for hours and just have fun. Lately I've been playing a lot of smash but I'm not autistic enough to grind and become super good... deep inside I want to be great at video games or do something like Arino.
They're gonna make you go in, work a few hours and then get sent home randomly
anyone who is worried about a hurricane has never actually sat through one. Nothing ever happens. You get a garudyne that knocks out power for 30 minutes and that's it.
t. guy who sat through Floyd and Hugo and am doing just fine.
I'd say most of the floridians in this thread would agree because it's 3AM over on this side of the country.
When Irma hit, I saw a few dead cats in my neighborhood. No doggos though. Good thing those cats died because they stay up at night fighting and pissing on driveways.
The only thing that has me spooked is that it hasn't even started going north. All the Projections are saying it will, but it's really not happening so far. I'm in Kendall, so we're kind of clear, but it could really go either way.
What weather monitoring services are you guys using
Americans are brain dead retarded
T. American
the best place to get it is from the place everyone else gets it from
It's barely 12am in California. The comfiest time of the day for me because I don't plan on sleeping till 1 and I still got like 5 more loads of laundry and a ton of housework left for me. Have you lived in florida all your life?
Weather Channel website for Projections, windy for current storm conditions
Lol Hurricanes spawn Floods,Tornadoes,Lightning AND 200+ winds it's the end most chad natural disaster behind Earthquakes.
We’ll be okay fellow kendal bro hammocks checking in
Almost. I lived in Arkansas for about 6 months with my high school best friend who eloped with some 46 year old man because my folks only bought me a one way ticket up there.
I prefer Florida, to be honest.
goodnight proud Floridas. tomorrow, we face certain death in the face once again!
Who else here Polk county fag?
Same actually.
Where will Americans evacuate when Yellowstone erupts?
you have my respect fellow jahy-sama connoisseur
>heavy casualties expected from Florida
Yeah nope. Even if it were a direct hit it'd be
No? Just turn on the news dude.
>dorian's movement slowed down to 2mph
is this it? Is this the turning point?