This was part of an email i received when i was unbanned in DS3 recently

This was part of an email i received when i was unbanned in DS3 recently.
Why is it legal for companies to ban you from online functionality over such trivial nonsense?

Attached: ds3 unban.png (413x314, 12K)

Are you mentally retarded or just a fucking brainlet?

mods or online, pick one faggot

Because you agree to a TOS and or EULA when you launch a game.

Yeah but you're forced to agree to it if you want to use the product, TOS rules shouldn't be allowed to stipulate whatever ridiculous nonsense they want.

Turn off your internet and then boot up what ever you were doing.

Refund the product if you don't agree with the rules as is your right. I know you damn well didn't buy Dark Souls 3 physically for PC so your options are don't mod, get banned for modding, or refund.

The "trivial nonsense" helps ensure everyone's on a level playing field. But I'm sure you knew that already, quit pretending to be stupid.

You don't have to agree to it, and you don;t have to use the product :)

Playing a video game isn't a human right, retard. It's their product and their rules.

I'm not saying we should all bend over backwards and take it up the ass, but to suggest it's illegal when you explicitly agree to a set of terms that are very explicitly laid out is nonsense.

>dont pick up items from unknown players
Are these niggers serious? If they don't want players giving items to others then why the fuck would they implement that feature?

>playing dark souls online

>pick up items

I understand cheats but everything else there is in a gray area

You literally can't participate in modern society without agreeing to some form of TOS at some points, saying that TOS rules should not be subject to regulation is to say that private companies should be free to govern society.

I don't agree to it and i still use the product, what now faggot? I paid for it, i'll use it as i wish, i'm not paying them for a contract of limitations.

Then don't participate in "modern society". You don't need a smartphone, you don't need a Netflix subscription, you don't need to purchase goods from Amazon, you don't need to have your food delivered by a shitty app. Contrary to popular belief, humans have been around for longer than the last few decades.

>It's their product and their rules.
If they wish to sell a product they must comply with national regulations. Which in many nations do include generally more strict rules for terms, and licenses that a sell and impose on a buyer.
In short most TOS and EULA would be illegal if pushed into a court of law and subject to judicial scrutiny.

>thread is about the consequences of breaching TOS

Attached: 1339185310082.jpg (448x458, 27K)

If you don't want to follow then TOS then don't play the game

>"just become an outcast hermit without internet, water, phones, electricity or a job then!!"
See this is why people think libertarians are retarded.

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If you don't want to play by their rules then pirate.

You can play it offline.

then you're supporting practices you think are ethically deplorable and you still won't be able to do anything about it when they ban you from online

>Just pay for Netflix and buy from Amazon like a good goy

Attached: 1564546496084.jpg (664x764, 76K)

I've paid for the online service as well, why can i not back up my own save files, implement harmless visual mods or even use an official ingame feature like picking up items from people without being permanently barred from it?

>implying, exaggerating, assuming
What I'm saying is that these are luxury services, not a God given right to be protected and regulated by the government. To expect such a thing is retarded.

Isn't this the same game where players could invade other people's games, hit them once, and cause the host player to go into a cheat flagged state?

Commie get the FUCK OUT and go back to resetera

Companies should not be dictated how to behave by the government, no matter how much you trannies want it to

Get rekt fag

Who are you to decide what is "god given"?
Western mega corporations are beyond the grasp of any market forces and heavily subsidized by their respective governments, on top of paying almost nothing in taxes.
Why can they suck our nations dry and be subsidized by us, but we can't make regulations to stop them from forcing ridiculous, undemocratic laws upon us?
You absolutely can't participate in modern society without agreeing to TOS, that is not an exaggeration.

Every game with online features has a statement to the effect that the developers aren't liable for the actions of other players online. If they can't be held liable by the players, why should they hold players liable for anything?

>but we can't make regulations to stop them from forcing ridiculous, undemocratic laws upon us?
Don't buy their products then, holy shit you are such a retard.

>accidentally pick up item from unknown player
>load a save backup to be safe

See , i don't think you realize how many things that are absolutely essential for being a normal, productive citizen require you to sign contracts and agree to TOS.

Enlighten me then, comrade.

>just don't buy anything ever!

This website is 18+, if you've never signed a contract in your life then you probably shouldn't be here.

Enlighten me then, comrade.

I've literally told you things that require signing of a contract that are essential for participating in society, are you retarded?
Well, that's a silly question, you're an underage lolbertarian, of course you are.

>they're strictly illegal
>except when they're legal

Enlighten me then, comrade.


>falling for the video games meme

Enlighten me then, comrade.


Enlighten me then, comrade.

I miss when Yea Forums was pro freedom instead of sucking the crusty nuts of vampiric giga corporations.

Fuck EULAs, fuck games as a service, fuck always online, and fuck jannies

noooooooooooo fuck you go away you boomer retard, fuck personal freedom!!!! people like you are the reason disney lost spiderman!! youre just a commie if you dont want corporations to freely control every aspect of your life with no intervention!!!!!!!

Attached: 015.png (434x327, 55K)

Agreed fellow zoomer, the government should dictate what we and private citizens and companies should be allowed to do :)

If everyone stopped being such cucks in the first goddamm place, companies wouldn't even try to get away with such bs. It's because We The People consent to such faggotry that it is allowed to reproduce and true into monstrosities.

>can be banned for back up saves
What is this faggotry? Can you at least cloud save or something?

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