>get to castle
>missing thing
>go back to town
>get thing
>get back to castle
>discover new reason to leave
>repeat every single chapter
Why is this game so popular again?
>get to castle
>missing thing
>go back to town
>get thing
>get back to castle
>discover new reason to leave
>repeat every single chapter
Why is this game so popular again?
Other urls found in this thread:
Paper mario is a new hope and TTYD is the empire strikes back
Because people that aren't you are actually not complete morons.
because you're a fucking brainlet; kys
>boil the fuck down out of the plot
>be surprised when it sounds stupid
I miss actually talking about video games instead of metafaggotry.
Name two (2) times in the game that this actually happened.
Not OP, but not being able to do the Ms Mowz and red orb sidequest at the same time is really annoying. I want the first one when available and I refuse to play the game without the other. I forgot which one they allow you to go for first, but both should have been made attainable at that time.
And I'm also going to add that Twilight Town is the absolute worst when it comes to backtracking. It's good thing that chapter is so many other things going for it, otherwise it would be the worst in the game.
You can do them at the same time, I literally do that every time I play.
>press buttons
>screen changes
>repeat for hours
Why are video games so popular?
>You can do them at the same time
One becomes available an entire chapter before the other.
First of all, nice Reddit spacing. Second of all, Ms. Mowz isn't even useful until you have Smooch anyway, why would you even want her around before you have the Ultra Stone?
It's fun
It's a sad state of affairs, isn't it?
>nice Reddit spacing
I don't use reddit.
>Ms. Mowz isn't even useful until you have Smooch anyway
Ms Mowz is one of my favorite partners. I'm fully aware that she sucks. She's actually useful for master quest and hard mode mods.
>It's another self proclaimed 4channer thinks that they're better than an anonymous user from the same image board simply for the way the format their text.
I bet you mention Yea Forums in public.
>cool looking chapter
>great music and atmosphere
>neat villain with a cool power and gimmick
>fun story
>horror theme
>it's fucking garbage to play through
chapter 4 deserved better for having such great presentation
This is the problem I've always had with TTYD whether I've known it or not and I believe that 64 is the better game but pure nostalgia makes me unable to admit it
all chapters deserved better, if they had more time maybe it would be as good as 64's level design
Actually just picked up my Save of Pro Mode for 64 recently. Sucks now I'm in Bowsers Castle and its crashing
Think I may just not finish and pickup a Difficulty mod run of TTYD next
why not play master quest instead?
Besides the 3 boo battle in chapter 3 it isn't as badly balanced as pro mode and is actually finished
I played it for the very first time a couple years ago, and while I don't think I could've handled a lot of stretches without fast forwarding as a distracted high schooler when it actually came out, it's one of the most alien Mario settings in the best possible way, but without feeling like it isn't a Mario game. TTYD is everything they could've done right with introducing new characters/worlds while tweaking the iconic stuff we've otherwise seen more than enough in the same roles, something B-teams have always done better than Shiggy's crew
I think SPM took it a little too far with the setting AND humor, and was probably used as an excuse to make all future PM games samey core characters only. The gutting of most RPG/exploration elements in favor of more of a hybrid platformer thing also didn't really help
Backtracking issues aside, TTYD deserves praise for it's design alone. It's really moody and isolated compared to PM, which even as a kid didn't really wow me compared to Mario RPG's locales, at least up until you hit Shiver City, which is where PM starts to feel like the game TTYD would become. It definitely adds a lot to what's actually a really interesting backstory, and it's 100% up there with SMRPG when it comes to having actual fun with all the crazy shit in the series, and why a lot of people should endure shit like sewer travel and Twilight Town
The characters are Mario enemies with silly hats and clothes which means they're deep and interesting.
I mainly like the combat system.
it helps set them apart but it isn't really needed, the new team is just shit at it
Mostly because things like you mention are only a first run thing. You shouldn't be missing everything so badly. You're backtracking far more than needed. Just level up BP and say fuck it to your own well being. You'll thank me later.
Yeah I know. Paper Mario 64 never made you backtr-
at least it was only one chapter instead of the whole game
>>get to castle
>>missing thing
>>go back to town
Literally what are you talking about?
You can beat Hooktail's Castle the moment you step inside.
Is it possible to enjoy the game while trying out some different level up paths each time? I did a couple original runs when I first played the game years ago, and then I eventually tried Danger Mario. I'm pretty sure Danger Mario ruined the game for me, not because it sucked, but because it was so fucking funny that I don't think I could have another playthrough as entertaining as that.
this is the same fucking guy whining about this universally regarded masterpiece every goddamn time. pathetic bitch boy lmao
people played it when they were kids. The original is far superior, even super is superior in multiple ways. still a lot better than SS/CS
it was an inferior invincible tubba blubba, even ignoring the backtracking
Ironically, chapter 6 in PM64 shows exactly how TTYD should have handled its backtracking. On repeat playthroughs, you can reduce your time in flower fields by knowing the layout, unlike the shit in TTYD which forces you to do stupid shit everytime. And that was one chapter alone vs like half the game
People only like it because it's full of sex and violence.
Adding a shortcut back to town after you discover Doopliss' name could have saved this chapter.
Just wanna remind you all that Super Paper Mario is the best of the three good Paper Mario games
I've never had a game which I both loved and hated at the same time. Emphasis on the hate.
Isn't this the guy that died to Pinwheel?
It's the guy who was in a porn ad
Jesus, that guys FUCKED.
> I did a couple original runs when I first played the game years ago, and then I eventually tried Danger Mario
This except I accidentally did it on my first playthrough
>badges are fun, lets pump EVERY POINT INTO BADGES
>haha this is pretty fun and challenging
>danger badge
>rest of the game becomes a cakewalk
>drop the game in the final stretch
I feel like I fucked myself extra hard
>Why is this game so popular again?
Chapter 3
Yeah, that one is kind of absurd, at least it didn't have that fucking chapter 5 cliff.