

what video game should I play

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Other urls found in this thread:

Doom II
Blood 2
Brutal Doom
Doom 2016

in that order

The Friends of Ringo Ishikawa. Trust me.

I usually replay games when I feel like that. Usually series to I have to be drunk for days in a row.

A long nights sleep.

final fantasy xiv

Drink bleach and shoot yourself in the mouth, you worthless sack of shit.


>cursing yourself
Good luck user

You okay, user?

its okay user. i'm in the same boat. play something relaxing but with a social element. like L4D2 or monster hunter world.

Holy fucking based. """Depressed""" anime posters deserve one bullet to the brain. Low caliber, so they survive it, then a kick into a mire full of alligators.

Live A Live.

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damn dude

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Why do you do this?

Stop playing indie games. Instead, play World of Warcraft: Classic

The sober game.
Getting drunk is bad for you user.

it doesn't matter anymore

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my dog died in may
still can't get over it


I'll likely kill myself when my cat dies

feels good not having to plan for retirement


Night in the Woods

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n++ is pretty good eh?

Witch's House

is this like the third thread today you've posted your steam

seething virgin NEET

Get off the internet. Take a walk. Do something else. Im serious, love you. Stay strong lad or lass

Pretty good time sink, some of the levels are annoying though.
my bad

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Get the fuck off my board you fucking faggot.

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How fucking new

I love Rei

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Today I will speak the truth, once again.
Misato > Rei > Asuka

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You think she would react at all if you tried violating her or would she just let it happen?

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just look at this faggot

I have to agree

Only to Gendo or Shinji post ep 6, and it wouldn't really be rape in either case. She doesn't take shit from anyone else.

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just get high lmao

just play some gacha shit lmao

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RE2 or RE3
take your time in the city areas

wish I could, makes me paranoid

just did these being in a same kind of predicament as op. This is what you should do op.

>weed smoking gacha player

Absolute bottom rung of society, fucking embarassing

Hotel Dusk is lonely drunk Kino

What this guy said but Blood 1 and not 2 (idk why anyone would say 2).
I've also been playing the shit out of Dying Light, you can kill zombies in loads of awesome ways (dropkicking into explosives/off rooftops/into spikes never ever gets old) and it has my favourite parkour out of any game.


my brother

literally the worst girl
how could you make the incorrect decision you absolute retard, there are two other options

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nice asucope my friend

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based misatobro

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The correct ranking is Misato>Asuka>Rei. Misato is my favourite especially because of saigado doujin, they're really good. I don't like it when she is the one doing the asshole licking though.

What if I'm that except angry instead of drunk?

I like games where you kick stuff when I'm mad. Dying Light, Dark Messiah and Fistful of Frags.