It has narrowed down to Terry vs Nakoruru (Nakoruru having more leak/hints going for her)
What's your bet?
It has narrowed down to Terry vs Nakoruru (Nakoruru having more leak/hints going for her)
What's your bet?
I literally have no idea who that is so obviously it's gonna be Terry.
its Kyo
zoom zoom
You faggots said the same thing about Erdrick, so by default it's gonna be Nako
Metal Slug
Igniz of course.
Whoever is it, I'm happy that SNK got a rep in. If I had to pick one, though, it'd be Nakoruru just because I think Mamahaha would have the potential for a more diverse moveset.
Which one classic or the "remake" that's ninja gaiden in name only in the Xbox series?
>Name only
Ninja Gaiden 2 is as much of the NES ninja Gaiden you can get in 3d
Bit of both
Did anyone even want this literal who garbage character?
Alt costumes for both like ike and cloud
>What's your bet?
that they're a wasted slot
please STFU
zoom zoom
i love metal slug
>Hero is the only one to get a unique cinematic trailer.
That just doesn't sound right.
>base roster, blew load too early then ended on disappointment
>DLC is the same
I fully expected this, luckily I didn't fall for Sakurais scam
His was actually a continuation of the world of light trailer
>Ryu and Terry
>last two DLC characters are literally "Ken in Pokemon Trainer's outfit" and "Ryu #4" after Ryu, Ken and Terry
jesus christ it really is the base roster all over again
I'm okay with this anything is better than Tracer.
Do people really consider a ninja that does izuna drops to be a shoto-type?
Terry is more like Sagat than anything. And Hayabusa is completely different.
RIP Kyoani
you're overthinking it
Smash players are a special breed of morons.
>all the smash players that want their game to be a fighting game getting mad that actual fighting game characters get in their game
Can't make this shit up
You too niggerfaggots only think she’s getting because of the new Samurai Shodown getting potted to switch. You have no right to call others zoomers.
I don't consider smash a fighting game and hate this addition, its boring cause the character already crossover whores with all other shit all the time so this addition is pretty soulless
See I think that's a perfectly fine argument for not wanting him in the game. What makes me seethe are all the fuckers on this website and others saying Terry and SNK as a whole is a literal who. Anyone with a slight-below-surface level knowledge of video games knows about Terry and Mai at the least.
I recognize the designs and I know Terry has lots of terrible Engrish voice lines that people like spouting out but that doesn't mean I know the characters in a meaningful way. I've literally never thought about them outside of when people quoted Terry and I've never heard any reason to try out the games. They're still literally whos.
The problem is, there's a whole generation of zoomers that didn't play an SNK game. SNK has fallen heavily out of popularity since the early 00s, so people from the mid 90s onwards probably never heard of it until the new SamSho
Most posts trying to explain SNK's significance boil down to "they were Capcom's main arcade competitors in the 90s" and I'm not sure there's a single concept there that helps the average person understand why they should care. It's so tied to a specific time, place and context which no longer exists at all that if you weren't there for it you might never know it even existed.
DLC would end perfectly if it's real.
fuck yeah that would work real nice
>all 4 are playable
>this portrait recreated in the Smash mural
Sakurai please, make this reality
It happens with literally every Smash reveal cycle. These guys have no concept of 'saving the best til last'.
Smash is a fighting game but it's a whole different breed of fighting game, it doesn't and shouldn't need other fighting game characters to legitimise it
Personally I'm rooting for Nakoruru because she looks like she has the potential for a very unique moveset, over "lol just copypaste his moveset from the fighting games" Terry.
>Chun-Li of SamSho would get in before it's Ryu
>M-muh cute girl! M-muh porn! It must be her!
Cum Cranium
Athena and Frisk.