how long will it honestly last?
How long will it honestly last?
I hope all the nostalgia fags shutdown after this. I started in 2006 and can't be bothered to pick it back up.
About 4-6 months.
Then people will realize it's not as good as they remember.
it will die down then go back up with phases
you're an absolute fucking retard. if any one person spent 6 months on a single game and had fun, why would you consider the game bad? that's an absurd amount of time for any one game's playtime. holy shit, fuck you. idiots like you are the absolute worst YES IM MAD
>it'll only last 2 weeks
>it'll only last a month
>it'll only last 2 months
>n-no i meant 4
so people will get too end game enough times they will get bored of the game sooner and go play new bfa content
unless blizzard makes new content for classic i dont really see this game living for more then a year till it dies I could be wrong though
My grandpa spent years of his life (and money) playing slot machines. With your retarded logic, slot machines are good because a bunch of people are addicted to them.
and you're spending years of your life playing video games you hate and shitposting on Yea Forums, but honestly, who's wasting more of their life? fuck you
lol y u mad tho
Not long.
It has no novelty factor
It has no where to go since it's gimmick is to be classic WoW - what are they going to do, start releasing expansions?
Everyone already knows how to do everything
It is an ancient game
>how long will it honestly last?
I don't know, I'm lvl 31 and already tired of that shit.
I mean I can understand that people compare retail with classic and laugh about how easy it is, but honestly after spending 3h in gnomeregan for quests being bored to death I don't know man.
Same classes I already know, no new content, no balance patch to keep it fresh nothing.
Kinda want to quit already.
With its current content, a few months at least. Once a significant enough portion of the playerbase has seen most of the content they should start making some more classic-friendly endgame content.
didn't OSRS start adding content? If it becomes more popular than retail they just might. Remember they shut down Titan and people are desperate for new mmo content that doesn't suck
The poopsocks make it look like it's being raced through faster than it actually is. I just got done with a second 12-hour day of fucking around as a Paladin with a Warrior buddy, and most of that was spent doing professions and levelling super inefficiently. Can't wait to wake up tomorrow and do it all over again. Everyone on my server's at least ten levels ahead of me but that's okay because I'm having fun with a game for the first time all year.
Based Jahy poster
There's gonna be a serious stagnation issue in two months when everyone is 60 and phase 2 is nowhere to be seen.
>autistic private server retards who practiced for years race through rag when everyone else is level 20-40 on average
I'm out here farming a Corpsemaker happy to be playing a real MMO again
yes, but did your grandpa bitch and moan as much as you do? he probably had a better life if not.
they can slowly add brand new content that melds with the base game that doesn't try to re invent too much shit like they did with Expansions
old school RuneScape is an example of this. sure it has changed since release but it's not as drastic as the base game's evolution
I only have 3 hours a day to play WoW and this is what I am greeted to. Sometimes I regret having a wife and child...
I was never a huge fan of wow 15 years ago. I got to lvl 60 but wasnt entirely sold on it. Tbh i was a really bad warrior and died all the time grinding. This time i wanted revenge, i wanted to actually get good at the game and started researching strats and loot online and its much more fun now. As im playing druid with my fiance(shaman) we are going around grinding nonstop, hardly ever stopping for mana breaks. Sure we die sometimes when we pull 4 mobs and 3 more join in but goddamn, when u have a good team its so much more fun.
WoW is a really cool game, if you have ever been intrested in it, this will be the best time to try it out, theres tons of people everywhere just doing the same quests as you, finding parties is really easy and the ah is stacked with items your level.
Those guys who just did ragnaros have been practising for 14 years on private servers, most players are just up for a good time right now.
Thank you for reading my blogpost
Why does this game make so many people seethe?
OSRS didn't start adding proper new content til a bit into its lifespan. Also, all the content is community driven, it needs a major amount of support to happen (basically to prevent shit that made the old version a popular choice in the first place). I don't know if Blizz would be willing to do that, and it doesn't really have the equivalent of OSRS or RuneScape's weekly updates to keep that pull.
Who knows though, it would probably be the right way to go
have her log on for you while you're at work etc.
You're not much different than your grandpa faggot. The only exception is that unlike him you bitch and moan at every opportunity you get.