Let's get a 3x3 thread going

Let's get a 3x3 thread going.

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Always wanted to play Supreme Commander games

what was the point of this?

these are all good games, and I feel like I could hang out with you, but these tastes are pretty normal. nothing wrong with normal.

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>what was the point of this?
I don't know. It was just a shitpost. I have done NOTHING productive all day when I should have been working on something else, but I'm too fucking addicted to Yea Forums. I've hit a difficult time on my project and being here keeps me from working on it. I stay here because I'm afraid to try, because I know I'll fail and get angry. I fucking WASTED ALL of today when I told myself that I'd get back at it today. Tomorrow I will have to seriously try.

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hang in there bro

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4/6 Souls aren't my thing.

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Attached: Sekiro, DMC3SE, Deus Ex, Shogun2, FF8, SOTC, AOE2, DE HR, MGS1.jpg (916x916, 324K)

What's above AoE2?

6/6 Patholigic 2 was a great remake. I am holding out hope still for Bachelor and Changeling.

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we're getting the marble nest remake at least emshen, after playing haruspex twice im dying for more content, id sacrifice so many things to have the other two campaigns..
youtubers have at least taken attention to the game, hopefully it gets big coverage in the next couple months boosting sales to a healthy amount and we can get our other two healers.


Rando did nothing wrong.

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>tfw not sure if this post is a shitpost
That's what i love about Yea Forums

My rating was for

Not sure how I erased the number.

9/9 nice
1/1 nice
9/9 ditto
8/9 didn't like ff XIII
8/9 didn't like botw
8/9 kinda liked gta4, didn't like skyrim, first 2 mgs4 acts are perfect
9/9 loved snatcher
9/9 i enjoyed ff VIII, total war shogun 2 is the best total war
9/9 nice

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gta 4's a favorite of mine but i can see why some people hate it, despite skyrims simplcitiy its a nice game to just play after a long day, just a good little rpg.
i somewhat agree with your sentiment on mgs3, though i actually really like act 3 for its aesthetics (though the tailing part at the beginnings fucking annoying)

Absolutely based.

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Read the file name.

Based and ludopilled.

8/8 Godot did nothing wrong.

they will hate me for it

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I'll go with the 5x5 tonight. Core 3x3 in the middle.

3/3 (Blood Money, Vice City, Dark Messiah)
2/2 (SMW, CoD4)
3/3 (HotD, SM, THPS2)
3/3 (DMC3, DXHR, MGS)
1/1 (Killer7)

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3/4 -MM, +T&T, +PM, +SotC
I really need to replay MM, my memory of it is negative, but a bit hazy. Maybe I would actually enjoy it another time around
4/4 +F:NV, +HotD, +Super metroid, +THPS2
5/5 +SMW, +Doom, +TF2, +Dark Souls, +OoT

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i found the rest of mgs4 quite tedious, but the boss fights were cool, especially crying wolf.
9/9 nice
8/9 PUBG is bugged trash
25/25 nice
9/9 dead rising is pure fun
7/9 never been into pokemon, sorry.

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Was god hand always that popular or did just Sseth make it so. I don't remember it being anywhere near as big here a few years ago.

God Hand has always been seen as a top 3 action game.

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Victoria II is the greatest RTS ever made.

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Godhand used to be one of Yea Forums's most widely respected games. If anything it's LESS popular now on this board than it used to be.


4/5 gmod is shit, the rest is highly based

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Rougepill me on Factorio.

Can someone explain the numbers?

games you liked / games you played

Games liked/games played

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lol 10/10

The sad part is, Dark Souls II isn't even the best game there.



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at least post the site where u can make these, nigga.

Based and Titanfallpilled.

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you must be over the age of 18 to post here


clearly bait

children dont play fate


noice. lots of people talk about might and magics first person combat, but never bring up zenoclash.

Zeno Clash is lots of fun. I am looking forward to their new game Eternal Cylinder as well.

The first time I played Vicky 2 seriously, I didn't notice that 12 hours had passed and it was already the next day.

great game and "autism simulator"
if you enjoy technical stuff and based building you'll like factorio

shit wow, looks like what spore should have been.

Unless something crazy releases in the next few months, it'll probably be my GOTD.

thought you were going to play the cylinder.

1/2 Dark souls 2 sucks

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You play as the little dude trying to not be eaten or crushed.

Ancestors is kind of like what Spore would have been for one stage. But with apes instead of your own creature.

6/6, get into SMW romhacks at all?

2/2, interesting taste

5/5, shadow warriors is great

1/2, please defend your MGS4 pick

High IQ/9


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>put game on 3x3
>didn't finish it more than once
I hope you don't do this

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> put a game on a 3x3
> never even played it, just watched JSE play it

I hope you Chads do this as well

>not putting Polybius in your 3x3

>didn't finish it more than once
made me check.
Think they're the only games I've ever 100%

I don't think I've replayed 9 games in my life
+Ico, H-L, Ib, Nier Automata
+Department of Motor Vehicles 3(tres), Department of Motor Vehicles Wings, TWEWY with a boy on fire, and a free one for blank space at the bottom right
this is a really fun one, I appreciate it. What's top middle though?
7 new games on my backlog
+Ghost Trick, DMC5, TF2(the other one), AC04, Sekiro
+F:NV, HITMAN™ 2, Deus Ex, GTAIV

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I forgot the OP kek


Which one didn't please you?

Based and Slavpilled.

step aside

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top middle is utawarerumono
its mostly a VN but there's some gameplay in between the seven hours of dialogue


2/2. I like your image choices

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I can't stand Metro. It's like everything that bored me about S.T.A.L.K.E.R. with none of the things that I liked + a bunch of other shit that I hated even more.


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This fake "I love Godhand, I am special" shit really needs to stop. Nobody likes that game. Next thing you will say is that you like Too Human.


The reason they made it on my 3x3 is BECAUSE I was able to replay them without getting bored

8/8 (haven't played Supreme Commander, is it good?)
>Not Thaumcraft or modded Minecraft or Blightfall
9/9 (that Skyrim better be modded, otherwise 8/9)
15/16 Civ II is better than Civ III, other than that, based tastes.
20/20 you have a pretty obscure games list, but the ones I recognise are pretty good, not bad. If you think 5/5 is big, check out this 6/6
4/5 please pick better pictures because I couldn't tell what half of the games were.
...user...please stop making me yearn for a better timeline
Also 9/9

Anyways check out my 6x6

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Why THPS2 rather than 3 or onwards?

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Just out of curiosity, what 5 didn't you know out of my 5x5? I don't really consider my taste that obscure, but I guess indies that aren't the biggest ones out there may count.

I didn't recognise or play Excite Bots, ssx3, After Burner Climax, Battle Chef and that's about it. I also didn't play Wario Land 2 so I couldn't judge it.

Stop fucking lying, you didn't actually beat or complete all these games. You played them for a couple hours max and then moved on like the overwhelming majority of players (90-99%+).

Unfortunately, steam achievements expose you for your lies since you can't opt out and these are basic progression based achievements you will get from playing the game that don't require going out of your way specifically for an achievement, contain any collectibles, or need a guide,

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Whatever make you sleep at night man.
But really who cares about achivements these days?

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It has nothing to do with going for achievements you dumb fuck. Even simply beating a game at all in any capacity is rare, but actually completing a game or seeing most of what it has to offer is like 1-2% of players.

nigga, a most of those games aren't even long.


>most of those games aren't even long.
That's the whole point. These games are quite short and are meant to be replayed, played on highest difficult, score ran, challenge modes, extras, yet even beating them at all (when again, many of them are literally a few hours long at most) is very rare.

You're right, I didn't complete all of them. That's why scoring is games you played/games you enjoyed. I don't have to 100% a game to know I dislike it, and I can enjoy a game without completing every single collectible or whatever else. I don't have to 100% Yooka Laylee to tell you its a game I didn't enjoy when I steam-refunded it, in the same way I can tell you that something like Nuclear Throne is a game I did enjoy despite not getting every crown for every character. Also why only list the 100 deaths VVVVVV trophy as opposed to the deathless one, if you want to make the 100% argument?

nigga, no.

50% of Yea Forums lives in their mom's basement and has all the time in the world to beat games. the fuck outta here with that bullshit.

50% of Yea Forums would be so shit they couldn't even beat The Arena, time's irrelevant

Yet they don't actually complete games and just shitpost and jerk off all day

>Mata Nui Online
Curious why Skyrim of all things makes your 3x3
>Space Invaders Extreme
You mean I'm not the only person that played that
Am I supposed to just know what the bottom right is? Is that an iconic wall from the game or something?

With the exception of Parasite Eve I've played every game on my 3x3 at least twice, most of them more than that.

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>With the exception of Parasite Eve
Why is PE the exception?

I just haven't gotten around to doing another playthrough, but I do want to.
Most of those came out when I didn't buy games nearly as often as I do now, so it was easier to go back and replay games.

But I did love it enough to seek out and drop over 100 bucks on a factory-sealed PSX copy after my PS3 died and I couldn't play the PSN version.

>S-stop lying.
Nigger out of all the games I posted the only game I actually haven't completed on my 6x6 was Aquanaut's Holiday (piece of shit Dunkleosteus is hard to find and I will not consider the game completed until I find that prehistoric fuck), Spellcross (harder than any strategy game I've played) and Husita (kind of a buggy mess).
All the other games I posted I fucking completed, also half the game I posted aren't even on Steam, so how the fuck can I use achievements to prove you wrong?

I didn't recognise or play Excite Bots, ssx3, After Burner Climax, Battle Chef and that's about it. I also didn't play Wario Land 2 so I couldn't judge it.
also I accidentally posted my reply here: oops

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what's top right?

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>Darkside Chronicles
What absolute based taste

Space Invaders Extreme is the shit. Makes me wonder how there's been like 5 Space Invaders spinoffs in 40 years and they've all been on the past 10-12 years.

Don't worry, I saw. I wouldn't consider SSX or Afterburner that obscure compared to pic related but I played them as a youth so that's my perspective. Excitebots and Battle Chef are understandable. WL2 is just a straight up fantastic game; the only platformer on the GB better is DK94, with Mega Man V in 3rd, IMO.

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>Don't worry, I saw. I wouldn't consider SSX or Afterburner that obscure compared to pic related but I played them as a youth so that's my perspective
True. I mean I might've heard of SSX but I've seen so many sports games in passing that I guess the name didn't click with me. I know Afterburner as a franchise I just wasn't aware of After Burner Climax as a game. Also I'll give Wario Land 2 a shot then.

Also Aztez = based taste.

I haven't played many western games let alone PC games, so sorry if I don't rate you, it'd be only 0/0.

Liked Sekiro for what it was, but felt too rushed.
One of these days I gotta try Ninja Gaiden. Shame that the franchise is dead, I think?
RIP Pokemon Mystery Dunegon, the definition of soul.
Pokémon BW2 in my opinion is the best in the franchise, but I still prefer Platinum if that makes sense.
Still waiting on the physical release of Va-11 ha11-a to play it...
Unironically based. I hope to god this isn't just a joke list.
In my opinion, Crash 1 is the best one in the trilogy. Mostly kept itself to a jungle setting and didn't have that many gimmicky levels.

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6/9 buildpilled
5/7 playing Pathologic 2 now and it has me hooked
3/3 Munch is a pretty unusual choice but I approve

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Is that gotta protectors for the 3ds?

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Honestly very good.
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Very good.

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One of the best.
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Very nice art picks.
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Looks like Sin and Punishment

5/5 nice taste