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Other urls found in this thread:

Post more

maybe in 2020 we'll get some info.

i am nintendo man, post more demon waifus and i give you smt v

i wanna place my head in between those thighs

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>ATLUS games usually have long development cycles nowadays (see P5 "Coming Winter 2014")
>They're more than likely waiting until the P5 Royal hype is over to give a spotlight to SMTV, so P5 doesn't overtake SMT's marketing
>We only got the SMTV trailer in general because of SMT's 20th anniversary happening
Atlus usually doesn't showcase shit for E3, but who knows? Maybe it'll happen 2020. The game actually just started full development around February 2018 or so, according to some older interviews, so they should have something to show off since they said development was progressing smoothly.

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what the fuck did atlus mean with making her at this pose? are they trying to say something? are they trying to obtain a sort of reaction from gamers?

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They want players to fuck their demons

it's hard to concentrate in the game when you need to stop to jack off every time you summon your favorite demon

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Yeah, it really sucks

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kissable feet

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SMT noctrune and devil summoner remaster soon

I unironically want that with SMT IVA combat fixes
No more trading Glacial blast for fucking Dia

>devil summoner remaster
I fucking wish

Anyone got any good SMT discord servers?

why do you need a fucking discord dedicated to a game?

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>a game
SMT isnt a single game you dumb nigger






there's nothing wrong with the way i phrased the sentence, i never said smt is a single game, i just said it is a game, now why do you want a discord server for it?

>i just said it is a game
A is singular user

>why would you want a place to talk to people about a thing you like
Gee I wonder

made to be jizz'd upon

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I want to fuck her in the scat hatch.

I want to slap my cock upon that belly


but you're already on a place to talk about a game you like, what's special about discord other than being a closed group?
so what faggot, smt is a fucking game, there are other games on the franchise, but its still a game, i don't need to tell you that because you already know it, you understood what i wrote, you don't need to be so autistic about the way i wrote it

do you think bellybuttonfucking is safe if the person you're doing it to is a demon?

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>but you're already on a place to talk about a game you like, what's special about discord other than being a closed group?
Because Yea Forums sucks

Im only here because you can never leave

i do agree that Yea Forums sucks, but a closed discord group dedicated to a single thing sounds like bad idea, you would get tired of discussing the same thing with the same people after some time, it's almost like that sneed discord server... but who am i to say what to do

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You can leave easily. I only visit from time to time because this place unironically has good game news, and announcements.

Scathach probably encourages it desu. She wants you to blow a fat load in her bellybutton and watch your seed trickle down to her thighs

>You can leave easily
> I only visit from time to time
You're sending mixed messages

This is my wife
Say something nice to her

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>Im only here because you can never leave
Not for me. Today is the day lads. I'm gonna leave this site for good

See you in a week

She reeks of fish.

do you think you could get her pregnant with that?

She's good fusion fodder

Hopefully there is some news on Tokyo Game Show

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fucking hiroshima nagazagi not uploading my files

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No, I can't spend any more time on this fucking site. 14 years down the drain man

so do you

If our human seed is compatible with a demon, mostly likely

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Confirmed no news at TGS

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i wouldn't mind taking care of our half demon babies

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I blame Chaos.

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Chaosfags would want the game rushed
Lawfags would want constant delays

Bellyfuck Scathach leaving her covered in semen. Or brutal thighfucking with her meaty tone legs.

Any DeSufags here? Love the shit out of these games.

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And White would want it canceled
seems like the White were right again

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I want to marry her and bear my children

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DeSu2 is my favorite trpg of all time!

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We need more Nemissa

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Io is an adorable autist.

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I have to play IVA but I'm so fucking lazy

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Mating press Nemissa.

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>pick up game
it takes literally two steps

Think they'll bring Dante back for the Nocturne remake?

Her death scene to this day genuinely shocked me. I felt really bad for her.

I have to buy IVA
or I have to figure out a 3DS emulator which would probably take 5 minutes
I'm also emulating nocturne so gonna focus on that

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Finally the Scáthach thread I've been waiting for!
Most women do

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>Think they'll bring back Dante?
Knowing Atlus, probably as DLC in today's era of gaming. Dante will likely be replaced by Raidou in terms of the story, though. He was in the Chronicles version of Nocturne that dropped a couple years back.

>Whether you're a lawfag or chaosfag, what matters is the friends we made along the way right?

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Thicc thighs

Scátfags getting uppity again.

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t. Whitefag

>t. Crash dummy

Here. Atsuro best boy.

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>t. Crash dummy

>will follow you no matter what
>likable as fuck
>crazy competent hacking skills
>always tries to brighten up the mood
>can punch demons really hard
Atsubro was the GOAT.


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Fairies are literally just living onaholes

Look, Ryan. Persona is the main franchise now. Just accept it and take a break from 4channel.

>IP didn’t even go up
Don’t even try, man.

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Next time in 2020. My dad works at Atlus

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Every SMT after SJ has been terrible so who give a fuck

Based Abelposter is still alive

Yeah, I’m still around and kicking. Been playing some RE4 and DMC3 and having a blast while also replaying SMT and TWEWY on the side.

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And that’s a good thing!

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Between the original and Record Breaker I've run the Septentrione arc 8 times and I've never seen Io die. I've though at times that it might be interesting to do a run with maximum deaths to see how it changes but then I remember that Io is one of the possible deaths.

So, what are your thoughts on Xenoblade, everyone?
Exquisite taste, and personally my favorite DMC title.

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I want a pixie wife.

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1 and 2 are good. X is crap.

I like XC1, and XC2 for their overall plot, and XCX for the exploration and underlying mystery of the world. Mira is probably one of my favorite settings in a JRPG.

Kama go home you're drunk


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Imagine licking her bellybutton.

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read her lore if you haven't

SJ was terrible


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fucking based

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I wanna creampie Lilith

aww yeah i dig the hell out of this.

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the fuck is that anatomy

>David Bowie with tits

>he wouldn't fuck David Bowie with tits

I didn't say I wouldn't...

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Post good demon-slaying music.

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>I'll cut you down and skin you alive if you cheat on me

what did she mean by this?

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Appreciate it man

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Why did you post 63'd Envy?


SMTV has been changed to #FE 2

>Trailer in next Direct
>Ryota Kozuka is not working on it

I didn't finish X and 1, I absolutely loved 2.
The gacha shit mechanic is the only issue I have with the game.

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>Dmc smt and bayonetta all in same universe

>persona cucks
thank you for founding smt v faggots lmao


this is great

>Persona 5 is coming out again
>still no word on SMTV

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