Is Edelgard really as bad as you guys make her out to be?

Is Edelgard really as bad as you guys make her out to be?

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She's shit mate

People still obsessed and seething about her. Literal RL Dimitris

she has hot legs

She makes FE Dragons morally good in comparison at least.

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Edelgard did nothing wrong

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Modern FE fans are so used to comically black and white villains the second they're faced with an antagonist with the slightest bit of nuance they shit themselves.

God forbid we get a geneaology remake and people shit themselves over Arvis

So why are all the other dragons chill while Rhea has a stick up her ass?



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Dragon Degeneration. Literally no way to get around old age.

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I would love more Echos remakes, but I fear how "casualized" they'd be turned into.


She's pretty ruthless unless sensei is around to temper her worst tendencies

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Yes. She blames the church for what her empire did to her, claims that the church is a false religion when your character is basically living proof its not, and she slaughters thousands of innocent people for the sake of the "greater good" which is LITERALLY what she claims the heads of the church are doing.

She's a hypocritical dumb whore who shouldn't have even been a real route. She should have just been a villain you kill in the three main routes. Sure, there is SOME sympathy there, just like there's some for all villains. She's still an evil, dumb cunt.

Maybe FE4 won't be a piece of garbage anymore.


The scene after your father gets assassinated and she comes just to tell you to get the fuck over it already was infuriating. Especially when the literal next scene is her hanging out with the people who murdered him, celebrating a job well done.

She’ll be loved in like two months when people realize that fictional masses don’t matter and chaoschads will prevail once again as per usual nothing new

Yea Forumsincels hate white women. Yea Forumsincels only want gay anal sex with BLACK MALES. jewish bolshevism KKK

Wasn't the reason she blamed the church for that stuff because of lies created by the church or something?

>claims that the church is a false religion when your character is basically living proof its not

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Her decisions mostly made sense if you consider the full context of the situation she's in
>Only reason she's alive is because she agreed to work with the mole men. They put all that effort into giving her two crests and it'd be wasteful to just kill her.
>She has no power at the start of the game. The empire is mostly in the hands of the noble families and her dad is still the emperor. She has basically no influence until after her coronation.
>if she goes against Thales they'd likely just kill her, snatch her body and now Thales has full control over the empire, which would make things way worse
>from her perspective, she has 2 enemies she need to deal with. The church and the slithers. She can't do anything to the slithers for now since she doesn't know where their base is and trying to fight them would be suicide. BE makes is perfectly clear that she's waiting for an opportunity to strike at them anyway, and even takes that opportunity by killing Cornelia
>Since she can't fight them, her only option is to work with them in order to both keep herself alive and keep as much power out of their hands as possible
>Has no influence over Thales or what he does in the first half of the game, and even approaches you after the village to see if you'd want to team up to kill Solon. However she doesn't trust you no matter what you tell her and retreats
>Doesn't trust anyone besides Hubert and doesn't let anyone else in on her plans pre time skip, though that's logical considering she's aware that slither spies are everywhere.

Edelgards biggest mistake is believing slither propaganda about the church and Nemesis. Because she doesn't know the truth, she assumes the holy tomb is a weapons cache for the church, and that reinforces her misconceptions about Rhea. However it's not like learning the real truth is an easy feat, considering Claude pretty much has to pry the truth out of Rhea at the end of GD.

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if Edelgard did nothing wrong then Hitler did nothing wrong
fuck off

More like Yea Forums contrarianism will fully kick it once the pleb masses finally beat the game and realize how shit she is

Hitler did nothing wrong

kill niggers. kill kikes. 1488

She's really dumb.

Nigger, if you play the BL route, she attacks ALL religious faith, claiming it's for the weak and that the goddess will never answer people's prayers. That's an asspull statement

>everything I don’t like is Hitler

Let me guess, you’re one of the people who throws the word genocide around like a Jamaican dude in a nightclub huh

dude epic xD

cope harder. seethe HARD in your discord, tranny.

>if you play the BL route which doesn't reflect BE Edelgard's actions and beliefs

Lies created by Those Who Slither In The Dark. Yes the church is absolute shit in this game and they're shady af but the real liars and villains are the people she sides with

My main party I plan on carrying is the base BL house + Marianne.
Is Mercedes better as a Bishop or a warlock? She wanted to be a bishop but then she wanted her goals to be a warlock.

I've heard that the crest experiment fucked with her memories or something but is that true or are people pulling this out of their ass?

>he doesn't know
She says this herself in a heart to heart, private talk with Dimitri before the final battle. You can't just play one route and think you got all context, you stupid brainlet

echoes was only casualized if you like resetting chapters because of random bullshit crits. if anything it was less casual than gaiden, because of nerfed warp and rings.

This isn’t completely true. Seeing as how the head of house Hresvelg sides with Rhea is makes sense he’s go along with Rhea’s obfuscation of fodlan’s history. It’s not made explicitly clear if this is a manipulation on Rhea’s part or of the old emperors but it’s this lie that propel’s her crusade against the church.

Even though she is wrong about being a fedora tipper, I'm not surprised that her life experiences led her to that conclusion.

No, I'm not one of the Edelgard did nothing wrong guys but people either miss out entirely on the broad themes of the game or are purposefully disingenuous to make her look bad
Character after character has supports with you and/or their classmates about how the system of nobility and crests has fucked them up. Raphael's parents were killed due to nobility fucking around. Slyvain hates nearly every woman he comes across because he can only see them as vultures who are after his crest.Mercedes and her mother are only used for their crests. Marianne has her life fucked up by her crest. Lysithea and Edelgard are experimented on for crest research. The list goes on and on. the game also shows the corrupt origins of the church and uses the factional issues to highlight that it is still corrupt.
You can say she fucked up or was fooled or whatever but acting like she was some supervillain who barely had a point was foolish.
Everyone likes Armstrong and goes along with him with his mother of all omelettes but Edelgard cant catch a break when her actions are more justifiable than his

>the beliefs and ideals of a dehumanized, soulless and cold-hearted monster Edelgard are the same as those in her own route where she's nothing of the sort

>people she sides with
user, did you even play the Black Eagles route? Or seen anything from? At all? She hates the slitherers. She literally kills one of the members first chance she gets. She does not trust them at all. The only reason she even sides with them is because of the situation she is in. If she doesn't side with them, they'll just kill her and now the slitherers will have all the power. This is obviously not good. The only thing she can do is wait for an opportunity to attack.

Nah it’s straight up mentioned in her supports. Her memories pre experimentation are somewhat cloudy.

Also explains why she couldn’t remember the noble she had feelings for was Dimitri growing up

Even if the church was 100% bad, why did she try to have Dimitri and Claude assassinated at the beginning of the game?
That's some megalomaniacal shit

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>the way she grasps her sword when he goes in

Shit, so does that mean she legit got brain damage from the procedure or something, and either way what the fuck do the slithers do for crest implantation because a simple blood transfusion shouldn't fuck you up like that.

>She blames the church for what her empire did to her
this is correct, the church is responsibble for the slithers fuckering arround the land

>claims that the church is a false religion
true, the church foundation is based arround lies, she rewrote history, imagine what would be of the major houses arround fodlan if people knew that their ancestors were assasins and not glorious heroes

>when your character is basically living proof its not,
except the main character is the result of the church experiments

Join Black Eagles

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Reminder that Edelgard is a huge and selfish hypocrite.
She never meant well.

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Why is this an argument? The religion was created by Seiros and wasn’t even true it’s all lies she’s not even wrong about that. Fodlan’s history is a mess because there were THREE different histories out there and only one was true.

That's her pushed to the brink
At all other times she only has problems with Rhea not the whole institution

She didn't. All she wanted was to scare away the guy escorting them (who was going to become the teacher at the academy) She told the bandit to just kill nobles he saw because that was the easiest way for him to spot them.

Soiboys expected this character to have nuance and are shitting themselves since she was comically black and white

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other half of the comic for those curious

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what is your image suppose to convey?

Doesn't Ferdinand mention how it was odd that the FE sent the attack on the students near a town that was known to have mercenaries, and further extrapolated that perhaps murder was not the intention of the attack?

>assumes the holy tomb is a weapons cache for the church
Technically it is

>what if Hitler was a cute girl that cuckolded you?
That’s Edel Whore, Slut, Bitch gard.

It's most likely that she didn't do it of her own will. She was most likely told by the slitherers to do it. Don't you think that it's pretty weird that she just so happened to have led the bandits to a group of mercenaries that would kill the bandits? She most likely planned for them to be killed, user.

Wait, what's the true history?

>niggerr if you played BL
stopped reading there

why are dimitrifags so fucking stupid
>i like what happens in BL, that makes every other route irrelevant

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find out this April in the canon DLC route.

No but she isn't as great as she's made out to be either.

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She didn't, the bandits were to scare off the unnamed professor (which worked) after which Jeritza was supposed to jump in to save them and be appointed the new professor so she would then have more control over the BE house. Claude running away cocked up her plan and Byleth ended up taking Jeritza's spot.

they'd never go along with her plans and they literally represent the top tier of the society that she's trying to destroy.

Church bad, but church is bad because it's directly causing a system of nobility, crests, and endless conflict between humans for its own purposes, and Edelgard is trying to burn it all down to make a new system. And she's 100% right, Rhea has been spoon-feeding humans lies and religion for centuries in order to make a safe place for her, personally, and her family.

Dragon bad because dragon is reorganizing human civilization because of mommy issues.


worthless edeltard headcanon

What Dimitri is saying here is objectively untrue in ever single route

She was setting up Jeritza to be professor.
That ""assassin"" Kostas was clearly presented as a bumbling idiot, who would have posed no threat if not for tutorializing the Divine Pulse.

>hurr I troll you
Fuck off already retard.

So does the game ever tell you that the goddess of the church of seiros is the actual benevolent creator god of this world and not just an incredibly powerful dragon that is being worshiped as a god?

If she wanted them dead she could have sent Death Knight. Death knight wouldn't have a problem wiping them out unless Lysithea was with them

>yeah she just told the bandits to go and kill her for the lolz

Have sex edeltard.

You weren’t supposed to point that out.
Edelgard may be conventionally evil in her methods but I like her motives she’s got some testies on her. She’s like a less dumb Arvis.

Anons, why do bl-only fags shit up all FE three houses threads with "RED WOMAN BAD"?

>Kostas said he was told to kill as many noble "brats" as possible
>Edelgard tells him straight up that she hoped he would have succeeded
Sounds intentional to me

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upvoted xd

>you told us to kill as many noble pipsqueaks as possible!
The actual canon disagrees with you.

>BL only fags
Fuck off and play the game.

>I wish you had killed me, man.

The same reason you try to narrow it down to one route, gay loyalism to a fictional video game faction.

Sorry, I forgot about the route where the people took matters into their own hands and guided the outcome against the wishes of the nobility. That was Blue Lions right?

*burns down village*
*blasphemises sothis and her religion when byleth him/herself is reincarnation of the progenitor god*
*incites rebellions and assassinations and makes it look like the church is all shady for putting them down*
*hires bandits to kill students and other noble house leaders*
*burns down and destroys the church, when the ones who experimented her were dubstep mole people*
*invades Liecester and Fearghus, causing businesses all across the continent to go go bankrupt and taxes sky rocket.*
*works with people who killed jeralt and kidnaps flayn/Manuela, and even though she says that they’ll get what’s coming to em and finds them detestable, still works with them and uses them throughout all the routes*
*gets mad at the professor and yells at him to get over Jeralts death and is happy over him/her getting over Jeralts death and tells him they’ll keep an eye out for the perpetrators, when she deadass knows who the fuck is responsible*
*kills indiscriminately*
*causes such “chaotic warfare” that supposedly allied armies are now slaughtering each other, and former students killing each other off*
*has the actual option to execute Claude and lops off dimitri’s head in her route when in the blue lion route he gave her two chances to reconsider and reconcile to build a better future*
*thinks nemesis is some kind of tragic figure ruined by seiros when he was a bandit grandpa who got help from dubstep mole people and genocided a whole race of dragon peoples and made them into weapons.*
*talks about abolishing nobility but puts all her noble friends from noble lineages in positions of power*
*talks about abdicating the throne when she doesn’t even do that in half the epilogue cards*

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God is a dragon in Fire Emblem, it's always been that way.

Hi there Edeltard.
Crests give you superpowers and people prize that regardless of what the church does. This is mentioned in the game, but I won't tell you where since you didn't fucking play it.
Too bad your samefag made me notice your pathetic post to shut it down.

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She's so fucked up in the head that she deluded herself into thinking that she represents the wishes of the silent and the weak (while conquering the continent and sending them to die on a battlefield).

Hitler was good but Edelgard was bad

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The only unambigulously black villains in the game are TWSITD for masterminding the murder of Sothis/rise of Nemesis and gradually over a millenia taking shadow control of the Empire, creating animosity against the church and generally priming the continent for war.

Edelgard is essentially at the mercy of her uncle who is the head of this organization until she ascends the throne. Rather than lashing out immediately and risking dying for absolutely nothing she bides her time and uses them as they use her as a means to shatter the institution that was directly responsible for creating a world that people like her and Lysithea had to suffer as well to, from partially flawed knowledge due to the lies propogated by both Rhea herself and the descendants of the 10 elites, sever humanity's chains to said false history.

Being the the aggressor of a war that expands to engulf the continent is going to be an irredeemable sin to many, and that's to be expected and entirely why I see she has an explicit out clause in her route with church since many people would not be okay with it. Still, taking in mind the previously stated inevitiability of conflict it was likely better for Fodlan as a whole for Edelgard to initiate this rather than Arundel/Thales, because lord knows in the routes she does lose in you're not getting a key clue to the whereabouts of Shambala with him at the helm

>you stopped Kostas from preventing a bloody war

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>honestly thinking some dumbfuck bandits stood a chance against nobility with crests
I'm a GD guy and I can see how obvious it is that he was never supposed to kill them

But why are they so loyal to a video game faction? Do they have nothing better in their lives? Is it just to shitpost? I accept that Edelgard has flaws and isn't perfect, but she's far from being a one dimensional villain.

Dude why skulls though, are we the baddies, etc?

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>think this fucker's finally going to start being nice and maybe start having a personality past just fighting after the timeskip
>turns he's still the same dick we all know and love
>his supports are inconsistent in which sometimes he's caring and sometimes he's ruthless, and you never know which one it'll be
What the FUCK is his problem, Yea Forums? He's so unpredictable. Is it autism?

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I wish Rhea wpu;d sit on my face imagine 1000s of years of history and glorious green bush on your face envision the aroma. imagine her calling you mommy as you rail her with your enlightened dick and drink her super powered dragon milk. imaginer eating the pope's asshole while she commands the knights of seiros to burn sinners alive.visualize the taste of seiros/ pussy whilke the enemies of rhw church burn alki9ve

just a thought hahaha

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She's one of those nobles, do you honestly think she was planning her own suicide? What she said to the bandits is irrelevant, they were just pawns

Yeah Marianne sure loved her crest. So did Mercedes and Lysithea and Bernadetta.

Because Fire Emblem fans are largely retards that have never experienced a story with a lot of moral grays. It applies to every single person that tries to tote one route over another for being the "right" one. This does not mean, however, that people aren't allowed to criticize any of the characters. Edelgard is under fire so much purely because she has an equally autistic defense force to fan the flames. Blaming it purely on BLfags is silly, it's very much both with some bloodthirsty GDs sprinkled around.

No but she is boring and since there is no one that is actually "worse" she gets shunted into that position and shit on.

How is that at all relevant? He's not one of the people just because he had a shitty childhood. He's the heir to the Kingdom

You seem frustrated, so frustrated you’re calling samefag because you cannot handle that two people have opposing opinions to you. Are you forgetting that crests are though of as tokens are nobility? Connections to the goddess of the religion that is practiced by most of Fodlan? Or is that not ringing any bells. Talking about “you didn’t play game!!” There are so many supports where the focal point is that the crest system is not good and how Fodlan would be better without them. Do you like professor Hanneman? He’s a shining example, the reason he’s studying crests so hard is so he can get rid of them. Why do retards just pretend like the blatant anti-crest narrative is edelgard’s alone? And also
>300 years of peace
An entire royal family was slaughtered and it got covered up.

She was setting up Jeritza to be professor you retard.

if rhea did SOMETHING to stop the mole people maybe the tragedy in DUSCUR could have been prevented

>do fuckall to protect the people
>too busy experimenting with kids to bring mommy back
>1000 years of dubsteppers doing shit all over the continent
>takes 1 year from any of the lords to get rid of them

how can dimitrifags defend this

Shouldn’t she be calling you mommy?

>Not pairing Claude with Petra

I seriously hope you guys don’t do this

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>tfw I like Edelgard
Why does she make incels so angry?

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>you told us to kill as many noble pipsqueaks as possible!
The actual canon disagrees with you.

sword autism is stupid strong all sword autists lust for not only cunny but have an uncanny ability to be complete assholes

Boarposter has to shoehorn all his shitpost images into the thread, it's OCD.

>There are so many supports where the focal point is that the crest system is not good and how Fodlan would be better without them.
Which is why the continent gets reformed in literally every single route anyway.

Incels love Edelgard though

the autistic edeltard is coming up with weird nicknames now?
i guess that's why he relates with his autistic emperor.

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Almost like her motives were right all along


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Nobody mentioned Dimitri except you you fucking retard. Fuck off andd play the game instead your shortened whitewashed villain route already.

>tell bumbling faggot with blatantly comedic voice to kill me and all my friends just to set someone else up as our savior
>turns out some other guy showed up and stole the spotlight
This is basic shit user, wtf.

Wouldn’t have happened if the war didn’t happen


>long distance relationships

I shiggy diggy doo

From what I remember he does become kinder in pretty much all his later supports, he's just a tad more subtle about it. He just goes from calling you a fag, to calling you a fag and watching your back.

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That guy's image was referring to Dimitri.
Please stop and think for a few seconds before flooding the thread with misinformation.

Ye alright, Griffith

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She legit might dethrone Camilla for the sheer about of asspain she causes in the community. It’s comical


the two concepts are not mutually exclusive

why does literally everyone who plays on edeltard's side also pick fembyleth

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>>Dimitri goes crazy and dies in the other three routes where you don't hold his hand and tard wrangle his autistic rage

>>Edelgard goes crazy and dies in the other three routes where you don't hold her hand and tard wrangle her autistic rage

It's so tiresome. Every single fucking thread. Meanwhile Claude is emotionally stable and well-adjusted and can survive every route just fine.

Because yuri is evil so it attracts people to the evil route.

What is it that drives these anti-edelgard posters? Money? Fame? Power? (Yous)?

but are all dragons god?

It's got the most homo erectus women

From what I gather he just hates watching people die for things he doesn't like, like chivalry.
I think what he is getting at is people don't need to die for those ideals. They need to win and stay winning.

>thinking crests would die out when both the Church and the Slithers were working on crest implantation

>Edelgard, Lysithea and Robin default all have white hair
>all of them have been through horrific magic experiments

She’s the first canonically bi lord in the series, it’s a pretty big fuckin deal to the twitter/tumblr crowd.

Hell I’d wager like a third of the three houses art I see and F!Byleth/Edelgard shit

Hell no, usually the core conflict is Good Dragon vs. Bad Dragon.

It's okay she's cute

>unless Lysithea was with them
She wouldn't have the horse killer spell before Byleth teaching or midgame so he'd actually would save his own life if he attacked her that early.

>Dead mother
>Dead father
>Dead uncle
>Dead friends
>His stepmother didn't love him
>Having a crazy childhood friend
>Condemned falsely
>Your best friend is dead
>Pursued for 5 years
>Dimitri suffers from ageusia and survivor's guilt
>He stays one-eyed
>Sees and hears the ghosts of his dead friends and family 24/7 berating him for not having spilled enough blood to avenge them

>your uncle
Her real uncle was killed and replaced by a slithered retard. I guess the pendulum has gone back to anti edeltards not playing the game.

It's merely a response to pro-edelgard posters shitting up threads in the past. Which is kind of fitting that they started this war.

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I'll take Edelshart over Camilla any day.

I love my edgy chuuni, fedora-wearing autist!

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Claude’s a fucking pussy who fucks off to Almyra every route though without Byleth’s presence to make him grow some stones.

Edelgard's life purpose should be only to live as a toilet.
Women are simply unable to understand how to lead and that was shown again and again in the story. She should learn her place.

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It's shitposters, people who have yet to play all the routes and fujos who are obsessed with Dimitri

But user, he has an image macro, it must be true.

can we have some gameplay discussion?

>no "edelgard is morally gray you just don't understand her" argument
Shit bingo.

so does the game tell you for sure that the goddess of the church is the benevolent creator god of the world and not just believed to be by the people that have an objective to promote the ideal as true?

dimitri: a full route of character growth
edeltard: sjw atheist propaganda

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What's there to discuss? Fill up on flying units and unga bunga dunga you win.

He's heir to the throne, can you really blame him for saying fuck these crazy Fodlans and just coming back in a few decades when he's in charge of a superpower?

Yeah. Being (((bisexual))) is peak hedonism.

Trauma can make your hair lose pigment in real life, this isn't some weird FE thing

Sure the game is easy and your favorite unit sucks.

based user

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>3/4 routes have edelgard act nearly the same
>1/4 route which is clearly rushed has edelgard as a "sympathetic" character who is just "misunderstood"
>man why do people think edelgard is bad
Edeltards are insufferable

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This. Not to mention in all the endings everyone lives happily ever after so it's not like there's no good or bad endings.

Game's too easy to discuss anything honestly.

>send Death Knight
>kills every future lord except Edel
Yeah totally not suspicious.

But I've never seen pro-edelgard posters shit up the threads before. Threads normally get to 300-400 posts actually discussing the story and characters, then the anti-edelgard posters show up and start reeeee-ing about red woman bad.
But if it's Dimitri fans that are doing it, shouldn't they like Edelgard? If they actually liked Dimitri and payed attention to his character, they should know that he still loves her.

Golden Boys WW@?

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Fliers good Calvary is a trap stacking darting death blow on everything.

That’s literally it. Wait till Lunatic/Infernal difficulty for something actually challenging

wait when the fuck does Sylvain abolish the caste system

>But I've never seen pro-edelgard posters shit up the threads before.
look in a mirror white boy

Imagine choosing a house full of gays lmao

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Weight - 3 is the best skill in the game

Dimitri’s character arc is literally Velvet Crowe with a dick. Fucking yawn

user, this is one of the few times I've actually posted in one of these threads, how could I have shit threads up in the past?

That's not Alert Stance+

What's the difference?
It's an Aquinas "definition of God" problem on some level.
If your prayer or whatever is directed toward the Creator God then whatever that thing is either gets it or doesn't.

>ooga booga me kill edelgard
>character growth

I only played Dimitri so what I know is that she turns into a monster because of magic or something.

Edeltards completely miss the point of why Dimitri is popular. If Edeltards actually liked her as a villain instead of defending her actions like retards nobody would have a problem with them, like how lots of people like Arvis.

Then you're either being dishonest or were not around when the game first came out, because Beagles were constantly trying to egg on Blions. BL was being memed as the otome faction before the game even came out, it's really not entirely one sides fault.

He shouldn’t be talking all that naive shit pre timeskip then if he isn’t gonna put his nuts on the line for Fodlan.

Edelgard is 100% right to call his ass out on his route, she’s proven right by his actions elsewhere

>sjw atheist propaganda
That's a first.

This is so funny because Claude is probably the most SJW character and probably agrees with Edelgard the most out of any character.

Make archers into brave lethality machines. Everyone else is easy to build unless you want to break the game or let people know that Lorenz gets an A rank axe in the timeskip.

>and probably agrees with Edelgard the most out of any character.
He agrees the crests should go.
He does NOT agree with her extremist actions in any capacity.

Hell, look at the Berkut fans. they know he's a piece of shit, but he's good at being a piece of shit so he gets respect.

Dimitri doesn’t even crack the top 8 in deployment so I dunno where the FUCK you got the idea he’s more popular.

>muh 2 gook polls

He even promises to finish her work after her death.

Isn't the deployment list all Black Eagles because they have two routes?


Attached: claude joins the golden deers.webm (960x540, 2.31M)

I didn't really pay attention to the threads at first, honestly. I don't even own the game, I've just been reading these threads to try and piece the game's story together. The only thing I knew about this game before it came out was that I wanted a Edelgard/Dimitri pairing.

In BE he would fight with her if his presence didn't mean that the Alliance would remain divided.

What does Petra's feet smell like?

the top 8 in deployment last I checked was every girl from the black eagle house, church units, and lysithea who is an auto-recruit in crimson flower

It's probably changed since then but I doubt by a lot

And without her extremist actions he literally cannot change shit. Ironic isn’t it.

GD as a whole is just Claude falling upwards with an insane amount of contrived scenarios that let him get the answers he seeks in general. He easily has the least general agency over the plot of the three lords

>but he's good at being a piece of shit
Like hell he is
>I lost? Better sacrifice my fiance to this dragon I don't believe in
Dudes a faggot, even that loser cavalier is better

Because this is a fictional world where God is absolutely proven to exist. This creature is either The God and the church is right or she is an imposter and the church is not. Either way it has a direct impact on the interpretation of the story.

The grand majority of people likely did church first since you default to it. Which means Edelgard is literally not even available and she STILL appears more than Dimitri/Claude

Well then you really shouldn't be trying to make observations about something when you don't know the full picture, it just stirs shit and makes you look dumb. You should know better than that, cholo.

you still deploy edeltard for 12 missions before the split.
play the fucking game. edeltard apologists are pathetic

So what's the fifth route gonna be, lads?

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The grand majority of people missed out on Edelgards route but Edelgards route is still the most popular? Can you maybe think about what you're saying a bit?

>The figure heads of all the houses are flawed, morally grey characters who each makes mistakes
>except Claude who just falls ass backwards into the throne of unified Fodlan
>You can even remove him from his own route and it barely changes the overall plot
What a disappointing character compared to the others.

>you deploy edelgard for half the game


She is not a required unit, and in at least one she is unavailable.

I'm more interested in Rhea's feet

Side with the bandits in the beginning to get revenge on the Flemperor

Sothis is real but she's also been dead forever and prayer to her is absolutely worthless and pointless, the church's teachings that she gave crests to mankind as a noblesse oblige gift is horseshit and they're dangerous biological weapons carved from the corpses of dragons

"The Church" is the church of SEIROS. Sothis' name is barely mentioned, to the point Rhea isn't surprised if you tell her you've never heard it spoken before and none of the students or other professors ever mention her.

Rhea built a church dedicated to herself and founded on a grand lie

I've been reading these for a quite a while user. And the pro-edelgard shitposting I did see was not as autistic as spamming every thread with it. I sure as hell never saw and Dimitritard bingo images, or any images of a dead meme with a circle thumbs up to try and make the Blue Lions look bad. And, in regards to the story, I know most of the major points.

You only default to it if you're retarded. Who doesn't get support with their lord and talk to everyone in the monastery once a month?

Right, that's what I'm trying to sort out because the whole mother-but-also-daughter reincarnation thing has me slightly confused.

>Make Kostas the new Nemesis

is most of the master classes being mounted and requiring riding/flying high rank a good thing or bad thing?

Slitherers replace Edelgard early on after finding she and Hubert plan to betray them. She escapes and tells Claude and Dimitri. You all make a heroic stand at Garegg Mach as the imperial forces declare war on everyone and strike at the monastery first

Easy answer here.
There are 6 factions in the game.
>Those Who Slither In the Dark
Chaos genocide playthrough is next.

The bingo and meme images were only made recently, most pro-edelgard posters would just post lewd fanart when shitposting or that one wojack image of Dimitri crying. There's also the fact that said images don't really count for every posters posts. There was a very autistic Edelgard fan not too long ago that would go into every thread and straight make up fanfiction to defend her route, no meme images required.

Would the bandits have deep and interesting support conversations, or just
>Hey you done with that girl we took in the last raid?
>Yeah, her pussy's finished, maybe try the asshole?
>Thanks bro.
>Support Rank C!

How can Edel be literally Hitler and an SJW at the same time?
Claude’s the one trying to make open borders.

>prequel about Unga, Seiros, and Sothis; could focus on the people with the five missing crests.
>bog standard Revelations equivalent where the real, REAL bad guy is revealed (like Edelgard's missing mother) and has everyone team up to take them down.
>alternate Church path where Rhea isn't captured she and Byleth decide to conquer the continent themselves; the other three sides. unite together to defeat them. Byleth pulls a Zero Requiem to bring peace to the continent at the cost of their life.
>actually show the fight with the Slithers after BE ends.
>young Jeralt adventures.
Pick one.

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That sounds interesting. The major downside of that, though, would be that it would invalidate every other route, and the game's theme. I would definitely love to see how Dimitri would react to finding out what they did to Edelgard.


Edelgard a cute

Attached: Edelgard_and_byleth_flowerfield.jpg (1772x907, 201K)

they're just jealous because dimitri wants to fuck edelgard more than them

Rhea literally drops affinity with you if you tell her you don't know about the godess. No one prays to seiros everyone prays to the goddess, from Marianne to manuela to mercedes to rhea herself. Does the protestant church worship popular dissent because its in the name?

Seiros is only supposed to be a prophet but the church is named after her because of vanity. The 2 aren't one and the same and Sothis never reincarnated into Seiros. Seiros/Rhea wants to use Byleth to birth Sothis back into the world via the crest stone she implanted which worked in a limited fashion

>There was a very autistic Edelgard fan not too long ago that would go into every thread and straight make up fanfiction to defend her route.
I've only seen that once and it was most definitely a shitpost about how Edelgard is a chuuni in her route and literally draws fan art of Byleth, and probably makes fake history entries in her journal to sate her thirst for Byleth.


Because hilter wanted his own kind of Social Justice

>imagine her calling you mommy as you rail her
user that's exactly what he said

>actually show the fight with the Slithers after BE ends
No way. Imagine the butthurt if the DLC effectively cannonizes an ending like that.

Who the fuck leaves Edelgard on the bench? She's the second best unit in the game.

I know absolutely nothing about her other than the lesbian porn she's in.

He's reffering to a guy he flamewarred with over Rhea's intentions in the Holy Tomb.
I literally dare not type what was said so as to not set off the Dimitrifag.

I left her behind a few times because she was soaking up too much xp. some levels she's not selectable because she's too busy totally not being the flame emperor.

>Rhea asks what house you want to teach
>"All of them"
>"What a wonderful idea mommy I shall make it happen"
>something something everyone teams up against slithers

>could focus on the people with the five missing crests.

>The major downside of that, though, would be that it would invalidate every other route, and the game's theme.
>implying IS gives a shit
After Fates they are capable of any bullshit.

I'm not and don't actually know what you're referring to, but alright man keep fighting your little route wars.

There are a few crests that aren't on any characters, so you only see them in the NG+ items.

>bingofag made three of them

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>can't use fist weapons while mounted
Fucking why.

On NG+ you get crest stones for Timotheos, Chevalier, Aubin, Noa and Ernest which are not on any playable character naturally. Two of their crest stones are on Nemesis' new Creator's Sword in GD.

I guess that is a pretty valid point. It would make for amazing supports we can't have in the game, like Edelgard and Rhea, Jeralt and Rhea, that sort of stuff.
user, think about it for a second.

Interesting maneuver to suddenly act like you're above the fray, Master Tactician.

edelgard dies in the beginning of the game so siltherers without flame emp start using random fucking tactics and or revive her for their own wishes using the empire as their free war ground

>oh my fucking god do they really have enough bullshit for two sheets
You're doing gods work user

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>Flayn rescue mission has every lord fuck off so the Flame Emperor thing is still a reveal
>makes no sense because if you're on BE you won't know that the other lords also disappear for that mission and if you're on the other routes you won't know that Edelgard vanishes for that mission
What was even the point

>Jeralt lives and realizes the threat the Slitherers are
>goes to get help
>comes back with Lord Holst

Rhea and Jeralt are already confirmed playable thanks to crit, level up and other voice lines buried in the game files
Sothis too

A red herring you dolt. BE and BL do have additional foreshadowing to make it more "fair". Haven't done GD yet so don't know if it also has something specific.

All I ever said was that every routefag is at fault for the shitposting. Which is true, both BL and BE fans instigated the fuck out of each other. The guy I was replying to was saying that it only seemed to be BL, which just was not true.

5th route notes leaked by a fly on the wall
>you join an elite imperial faction called the Silver Wolves
>they are all bodysnatched by the dark snakes
>in time they reveal their true forms to you
>once again IS can't really justify their viewpoint, so once again they hope to bait c*mbrains by telling you how much Kronya likes you
>geocide the above-grounders
>midboss is Husk Lysithea
>final boss is true form Sothis
>lead humanity empowered by Agarthan technology to a future of no gods and no masters
sorry I meant uh some gay low effort Deliverance shit like SoV

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Meanwhile, the English localisation for the same conversation:
>The way some of our fellow bandits are treating women is terrible!
>Yes, indeed! We must teach them what it means to respect women!
>fade to black
>C Rank support achieved!

>A red herring
Who the fuck is it meant to fool? Did anyone think Claude or Dimitri were the Flame Emperor

FIFTH ROUTE: Byleth's Ashen Demon autism gets out of hand and he tries to assault Monica after she's rescued from the tomb, only to be surprised to learn she's a total freak in the sheets and more than down for a ruptured heaven

after learning of the Agarthan's fate and destruction, Jeralt, Byleth, and his new clownpussy lover flee the church and join the slitherers in restoring atlanti- I mean, Agartha.

>hehehe if i put all the talking points that disagree with my point of view on a bingo card i cant lose

Yea Forums would worship Edelgard if Edel was male or unpopular with normies

She is basically the "Emotionally Broken Evil Emperor" archetype like Hardin/Alvis/Zephiel/Lyon, that is honestly what makes her Route good, because you actually get to side with that type for once.

She does have some points, but she is ultimately INCREDIBLY self-centered and hypocritical (Keeps talking how she will abolish the Nobility system, but keeps her Noble friends in power.) when push comes to shove and not everything in her route plays well with the others, which is why there is such a big conflict about if it is well-written or not, i personally appreciate it exactly because it contrasts so hard.

The whole point of the game honestly that each and every Lord (Including Rhea) needs Byleth to keep them from giving in to their flaws.

Basically, she is a bit of a bitch, but that is exactly what makes her a entertaining (and therefore good) character.

I feel bad joining her and killing all of my former students

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The irony is that bingo images are supposed to ideally point out overused rhetorical devices, but of course they quickly became one themselves.
At least people repeating an argument are using their own words and not just uploading a jpg.

>He didn't like the Darth Vader playthrough

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edeltards don't deserve the effort

Today I will remind them.

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What would happen to the continent if Byleth never existed?
Also wow, Hanneman and Manuela really are shit teachers, aren't they

>keeps her Noble friends in power
Ferdie gets his lands and titles revoked.
You don't have to lie just to make her look bad.

Okay, let;s have an actual gameplay discussion.

Who are, in your opinion, the top five best non donut steel/lord units in the game? Consider shit like growths, base stats, and classes. In this game it's kind of weird to try to factor in recruitment since it's not like traditional FE games.

Anyway, an order is hard for me to say but a top five for me might look like this.
>Catherine (stupid as fuck strong when you get her, solid growths that allow her to maintain her strength and never truly fall off, thunderbrane is great)
>Lysithea (awful growths but her access to two warps alone once a gremory makes her notable, of course her ability to nuke shit is her main claim to fame)
>Hilda (her growths are retarded and allow her to basically be a lord. She has little to no weaknesses and never falls off ever)
>Leonie (basically impossible to fuck her up unless you try to make her a mage for a meme playthrough. While bow knight is probably her best endgame class she can be basically anything and wreck units thanks to her overall solid growths)
>Mercedes (greatest healer in the game bar none. Access to FOUR fortifies is ridiculous. Can even deal good damage thanks to a relatively strong offensive spell list for a primarily white mage)

Attached: Three Houses.jpg (1280x640, 395K)

small brain: Edeltard did nothing wrong
medium brain: healing Dimitri
large brain: my daughter rhea's Milkies
universe brain: plotting LTC routes for Nemesis while God-Shattering Star plays

Hopefully something that allows you to play with all of the house leaders but also ends tragically
Part 1.
>Edelgard and Hubert find out about slitherers early on.
>arundel catches wind of this, imprisons both and locks them up in a dubstep dungeon.
>arundel is now lord regent of empire and wages war across fodlan.
>Edelgard and Hubert break out, and find nemesis’ coffin. Believing that nemesis is the savior liberator king, he gets released and nemesis begins razing fodlan because Unga Bunga.
>Garreg Mach falls, rhea and the knights run to faerghus and fight a defensive war with punished dimitri as king.
>Claude runs off to Almyra to get more troops to fight nemesis and arundel. Leaves Lorenz in charge.
>5 years pass
>byleth awakens to a world where faerghus has nuked cities, Dimitri captured, and the alliance on its last legs.
>nemesis has killed rhea, flayn and seteth, and gains power up from drinking dragon essence.
>he then turns on the slitherers, realizing that he could be nuked next because the dubsteppers begin to fear his power and eradicates shambhala, along side all their nukes.
>Nemesis attacks the empire too because unga gonna bunga. Arundel has made enbarr the new dubstepper capital and there are now 3 factions, empire shambhalans, nemesis’ army and alliance/Almyran/church and faerghus remnant still fighting over fodlan.

>Keeps talking how she will abolish the Nobility system, but keeps her Noble friends in power.
That doesn't mean it isn't abolished. If she makes Caspar the minister of military affairs or whatever, Caspar's kid doesn't get to inherit the position. If Caspar's kid wants to be a farmer, then he gets to go do that but if he want's to be the next minister, he has to prove he's the best candidate for it.
In her Ending with Ferdinand, they encourage their kids to do whatever they want and don't train them to be the future emperors.

Seems like a compliment seeing he is incredibly handsome, strong, and has a change of heart by the end.

Part 2
>Edelgard has sided with Claude over the five years.
>some students, more specifically the ones related to the original 10 lords have been body hijacked by the original 10 lords.
>you can free them in-game, but only if you use byleth and the creator swords special combat art to “defeat” them.
>dimitri has become crest boar beast due to experimentation by the dubsteppers.
>you beat him in a mission and he reverts back to himself, albeit with silver hair as he has crests also implanted in him.
>he understands that the true enemy are the dubsteppers and has shared a little of the pain of being experimented on, so he gets over his grudge a little with Edelgard
>(you) and the party decide to engage nemesis in battle
>realize that even with power of friendship you cannot defeat KING UNGA BUNGA with his super saiyan dragon power up
>Dedue, Hubert, the king of almyra, and lord holst decide to stall nemesis so blyat and gang can escape. They die here, but wound nemesis enough that he cannot pursue.
>house leaders agree that they need dubstepper tech to win.
>force attacks enbarr, and kill Arundel/Thales
>revelation that early humans slaughtered the dragon people is revealed
>here they find upgraded weapons for all the lords, made from the immaculate ones corpse
>Rhea’s consciousness is now in your head, and sothis returns.
>get some kino dialogue between mother and daughter and sothis scolds rhea for lying for so long.
>(You), Dimitri, Claude and Edelgard fight nemesis
>(You) die at the end

their support more than makes up for it, especially when petra straight up claims claude as hers

>tier lists
I'd rather keep shitting on Edelgard thank you.

4 reasons why hilda is below ferdinand von aegir
>worse growths
>worse prf skill
>worse weapon and authority proficiencies
>doesn't get Swift Strikes

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>What would happen to the continent if Byleth never existed?
Slithers take over everyone from the shadows and then when they have enough power they nuke whoever hasn't been subjugated.

Far better if Byleth dies at the end than the students. Wraps up the dragon bloodline and let's everyone get on with fixing Fodland

honestly though ferdinand is just one unit who outclasses her. felix should take that spot

The Bergaliz running the Alliance in BE is from Caspar's grandfather's second marriage.
He got a whole fucking country despite having no claim to any power whatsoever.
Edelgard is absolutely walking the walk, even before the end of the war.

>finished edelgard route
>literally saw hubert confess to edelgard
>hubert ends up with bernadetta
>dorothea with hanneman
>edelgard with caspar
w-what just happened?

catherine claude and MC are the best units in the game
if we talk about bad units probably raphael dedue and anette

>obsessed with Edelgard
>wants to lick her toes but never can
>will never truly be able to have her
Edgelards hate Dimitri because he reminds them of what they can become.

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I said (you) die at the end professor.

Too bad they'd never do it because people would reeeeee they can't S rank anyone.

It's called the red string of fate.

Seteth belongs on this list. He joins as one of the best class lines in the game with great growths (50 HP, 45 Str, 50 Dex, 50 Spd) and a pretty good crest, and gets a sacred weapon that also has effective damage.

Hubert came and couldn't stop farting, Dorothea pleasures old men for money.

>play Black Eagles 2nd to see Edelgard's story and if her actions were justified in any way
>organization she is allied with kills my Dad
>she comes in and tells me to stop sulking and move forward

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>most people will put ferdie into cavalry or heavy armor and think he's trash
It hurts

Edelgard and Hubert don't end up together even if you get their paired ending


Maybe it's just me but he never seemed particularly amazing. I used him regardless since I enjoy his character but he seemed like a competent if not exceptional paladin. Leonie seemed far better.
Bad units don't really exist in this game, though if I had to give names only Alois and Cyril really come to mind, Hanneman and Manuela are not great either.

I can understand this early on but by Ch.11? Especially unprompted without a big red ! Like with missions earlier in the game? I wouldn’t be expecting people to autistucally y’all to everyone for dialogue

>alright we finally balanced cavs by giving them an awkward =10% spe growth forcing you to recruit them early unless they're leonie
>what about wyverns


Nah the archer trio are definitely the worst student units in the game.
Shouldn't have removed daggers and shurikens.

Rhea was disgusted by Seteth's chinstrap but never had the guts to admit it.

It makes no sense.
People say you can tell what will happen from their "Allies" on the status screen, but if there's a 3-way triangle or something characters will just scatter unpredictably.

I'd say the dedicated house archers are all low tier and very dependent on RNG, plus they have to compete with Shamir. Bernie at least gets Pass and can make a good meme dancer if RNG fucks her over.

Escape from Raccoon City while Nemesis pursues you.

>hurrr Rhea bad
Rhea only goes batshit because Edelcunt seduced Jesus to her side

>giving control of a recently subjugated country to an ally
Well no shit. Who is she supposed to give it to then? Glouster or one of the other alliance nobles? I assume you you're talking about Randolf.

She also has Ladislava there, who's a literal who that's proven herself to be both capable and loyal to Edelgard. Ladislava isn't from a notable noble house or anything, she's a capable general that Edelgard saw enough talent in to designate her as a chapter boss.

>let's give all flying units a +30 Avo ability in addition to their already high speed, what could go wrong?

Who would you guys say is the best bow unit in the game? For me it's between Leonie and Bernie though I think Leonie may be better.

Leonie has better overall growths but Bernie has a amazing crest and a personal skill that isn't worthless pass the first three or so chapters.

Rhea just wanted to resurrect Sothis so that Sothis could dribble her period blood on the dirt again and give Rhea some new siblings

and they have 10% innate avo to go along with lance or axefaire.
why the fuck do wyverns get that.


>burns down a city because she has mommy issues
at the very least she's mental

>tfw married myself because there's nothing hotter than sex w/ god


the archer trio atleast can spec into great bow knights or be pretty decent wyvern lords

meanwhile dedue and raphael can only spec into war master with no other options because of their shit speed growths

cyril is not that bad, he can be efficient with anything, alois is pretty bad i agree, same with gilbert

>creating a feedback loop of orgasms that will crash reality

Shamir is better initially for obvious reasons but her growths, while good, are not amazing like Catherine and she can kind of fall off.

Of the three dedicated archers in each house Bernie is easily the best, though she is just solid and not godly. Bow Knight in general makes almost anyone broken but her ability and crest really do give her that extra something to make her notable among other units. Ironically Leonie is probably the best bow unit in the game.

So reading through this thread it seems Edeltards are straight up left wing authoritarian Antifa loving faggots. This is why arguing with them is a waste of time. All they know how to do is shout you down.

I haven't really used Alois but I have a hard time believing anyone who specializes in fists can be bad

>Rhea plants Sothis' memories back into Blyat, revealing that she was a dictator before she lost those memories
>Sothis takes over Blyat, becomes a tyrannical force with the church at her back, showing that she has dragon degraded just like Anankos.
>reasoning for Nemesis/Agartha's rebellion comes out as an ancient war to free humanity from the dragons hence "King of Liberation"
>Shambhala is the new headquarters
>All units can be recruited like in the old games by talking with certain units post timeskip (IE, speak to Seteth with Flayn)
>Nemesis is recruited on the last map

Attached: nemesisss.png (1234x768, 604K)

You still play as Edelgard for half of Church route you fucking mong. It’s a branching path

Claude > Leonie = Petra > Felix > Shamir > Bernie = Ashe > Ignatz > magic users with bow strength

>Hilda was the only unit with great growths nearly all the time and could had solod Nemesis if I tried to setup after I knew he could move off his healing platform
>Raphael big punch bro
>Ignatz assassin brave lethality crit meme only in this list because 10% of lethality is funny
>Lorenz and his endgame reach plus Nosferatu tanking
>Leonie and her speed
Bottom would be Byleth because of shitty growth curse

>goes insane because she can't have her mommy husband
that's bad

>he doesn't go all out against the Antichrist

Who in the ever-loving fuck do you think Stronger than she is? Certainly not Dimitri

>Bernie is easily the best

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Gilbert can be okay for when you receive him, though once you get Dedue back there is no reason to ever use him.
He's pretty bad sadly. His bases and growths are both mediocre as fuck, he is the definition of mediocrity. I used him a bit still since I enjoy his character but really he does feel like deadweight when compared to almost anyone else.

they literally have nothing in common

Bernie's just no good.

Maybe I should rephrase, how would the majority of people choosing the Silver Snow route since they missed the other route, mean that Crimson Flowers, or Edelgards route, is the popular one?

If count bergliez is an incompetent bitch in any other system other than the empire he gets taken over by a more competent neighbor. Her system only works assuming no one starts off with the shit they previously inherited, else it just boils down to a momarchy with extra steps.

I'm guessing it's Byleth? Not sure I agree though.
My top 5 is Edelgard > Dimitri > Byleth > Claude > Lysithea

>you painstakingly made Byleth into a literal god stat-wise
>Sothis turn crazy through Rhea intervention
>kick you, the player, out of the game literally
>Baten Kaitos style
>now you have to control whoever survived as a disembodied voice, the anti-thesis of Sothis to fight again Byleth in his god-mode
I’d play it

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Wait no I am actually retarded and did misread the original post. Laugh at me and disregard thank you.

Petra does piss damage, she's a solid dodgetank though.
I said she was solid, not amazing. I wouldn't put her in the top ten units in the game, maybe not even fifteen. As many have said, units are pretty balanced in general this time around and while some are better then others there's no Wendy tier character. Being only a top 20 unit in TH is better then some units in other game's top 10's

>monarchy with extra steps
sounds like democracy to me

gale force > not gale force

I started Blions today on Hard Classic and I'm blown away by how strong some of them are by the time I made Ashe let loose two arrows in Lonato's head. What the fuck is Felix doing being so strong?

Speaking of Felix, I hear both him and Annette have really good mixed reason/(axe or sword) builds, but how does that work? If I build Felix as a swordman, by the time he gets to Mortal Savant he's already got a bunch of time spent as a swordsman, yeah? Wouldn't his growths be fucked?

>have lysithea oneshot a boss with hades or luna or something
>bernie her adjutant levels up
>two stats
>Bernie's just no good
I know that feel

Is Caspar meant to have shit speed or am I unlucky? At level 22 now and he only has 14. It's shit. He gets doubled all the time. Might bench him.

You also said
>the best archer
It's absolutely a question of rng.

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Her speed alone double and dodge everything, and if you get good lvlup/has enough +1str veg to spare, shes great

Meant for My b

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You went Brawler, right?

Hilda Lysithea Sylvain Ingrid and Leonie

Except now they don't even need to pretend like they gove crap about the common.

Caspar's growths are only decent and he has some of the worst bases in the game. If you keep him with axes instead of gauntlets he has fucking 0 AS at the start of the game. He's the #1 bench candidate on BE imo.

the best archers are cyril and leonie, they have that broken bow combat art unique to them

You're telling me.

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Bernie fell off fucking hard in my playthrough. She just stopped doing damage even with a bunch of STR boosting items. Fucking Edelgard sometimes did more damage with a bow she randomly picked up. Edelgard, the unit who has a weakness in bows.

>cyril and leonie
Dead people can't be best archers.

I meant the best initial archer of the three houses. Between her, Ignatz, and Ashe I feel she is the best, though all three are rather rng dependent. Shamir is great but she can kind of fall off near the endgame.

Edeltard: the crests are to blame for everything bad that happened in Fodlan.

Also Edeltard: give me all of your crests, only the empire should have crests. How many more children must die before we talk about crest control.

Ferdinand is a strictly inferior Sylvain and nothing will ever change that

Every character's performance in any one run is a question of RNG. The goal of tiering is to use base stats, growths, availability (not super important for 3H), and personal skills to find the characters who perform best on average or will always have something to contribute.

No. I went Brigand > Merc and now Hero.

>No StarCaft Rite of Rak'shir mission where you have to be Nemesis' elites while he fights Seiros in the middle of the map

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Ferdinand has a better personal skill for flying.

>start with fedinand
>lower dex and luck, remove your prf skill
>raise hp and def
so you have blind tanky ferdinand, which isn't the worst trade in the world. definitely not top 5 though

yeah, well, Ferdinand's supports are better...

My Sylvain sucked ass on my BL run. Shit defense and speed. Mediocre damage.
On BE now and Ferdinand is fucking awesome.

Ferdinand and Lorenz > faggot Sylvain

Unlucky, i guess. My Caspar is decent
>screenshot button
Too lazy to fiddle with the sd card

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you fool
Give caspar gauntlets and he becomes a God who smites all who stand before him with his fists

Literally just throwing all the buzzwords you can into the jambalaya of diarrhea you call a post

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Where Bernie really shines is in her unique abilities that allow her a niche among other bow users. Among the best crest abilities in the game, persecution complex being both very safe to activate and adding a respectable +5 attack, and access to both deadeye and encloser make her notable, though not optimal.

>Too lazy to fiddle with the sd card
>unhacked switch

Give him gauntlets, that should help immediately. You want him lining up for War Master.

is myrmidon -> brigand -> swordmaster -> wyvern master
the most efficient build for any physical class?

Anything is true if i make a funny may may and use a lot of buzzwords!

Who is better gameplay wise, (on higher difficulty) Catherine or Felix? Catherine absolutely destroys and has a insane growth and relic but I have Felix for longer, and can also make him a dancer for that sweet sword avoid to double as a dodge tank that can one turn people with crest procs but also dance other units. I’d rather my dancer be someone who can also be placed in the frontline, yknow?

>anything but gauntlets
Let the shonen protagonist punch shit and he will become death incarnate.

>Alert stance+
>Full HP because he heals 20 hp per turn with his relics
Can't hit what you can't see

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>so once again they hope to bait c*mbrains by telling you how much Kronya likes you
If they actually go ahead and play it straight like this and don't even try to justify themselves then sure, I'd buy it.

use both but catherine is better

Fire Emblem is fucking boring

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I actuslly don’t think Byleth is that great. EO has nutty growths but this issue is his speed passable but never great. .

F!Byleth is astronomically better since she has vagina privileges and can get darting blow to patch that weakness up

I would say Felix in the long run thanks to his crest and personal skill though Catherine has, VERY slightly, better growth rates.

literally who

Ideally your dancer does nothing but dance, but if you do want a more functional dancer, frontline dancer Felix is a great unit. If you do that you'll have a niche for both Felix and Catherine.

If play the game

You'd know she's the hero

after you get any batallion to lvl 5 felix passive becomes useless

EO is genuinely trash, it actually hinders Byleth in the long run. Thanks to MC privileges though even EO's shittiness won;t seriously impact him.

Monk > Mage > Warlock > Warmaster
No one shall survive your magic fists!

Anyone inciting a continental war in a land where people are able to be happy is a villain. End of story.

Sylvain is bar none the best mounted unit in this game m8. Even when horseback units are fucking ass because of the -growth he just has such good innate growths and a simple to use passive it doesn’t even matter

Maybe im just lucky, but Felix’s crest procs like ever other attacks for me, so he just mows everything down as a blademaster. Thinking going for mortal savant later

I had Petra be my dancer/tank she does good enough damage to kill things on counter. There is no reason to have a beef tank in this game for Normal/Hard modes.

The problem is putting those battalions on Felix thanks to his authority weakness. There's a point where if you haven't leveled his authority yet, you shouldn't bother and just take the +5 instead.

Sounds fucking based

Same goes for Catherine right? She’s got the passive with the def if she has no battalion if I do remember correctly.

please respond

Pick any house you want for the first half, do new events/quests that culminate in lettting Sothis incarnate on her own or Bodyjack Byleth to save Jeralt, new route starts from there because Slithers are now freaking the fuck out and drops all pretenses, plans and alliances in order to rekill Sothis ASAP, Jeralt tries to get Byleth to fuck off with him since his distrust of Rhea comes back in full force and Rhea takes it badly and starts to degenerate.

After Timeskip you start with no students, just Byleth,Sothis and Jeralt and have to fight everyone (Including a butthurt Rhea) to Convince them to join against the true enemy (or kill em), eventually netting you all Lords at the "cost" of Byleth and the Creator Sword not "upgrading".

Something like that i would assume.

and wyvern lord has +10 avo for some reason.
I get pegasluts having it, they're the frail speedy ones. just like war master is unmounted so he gets to be a force of death with crit+20.
but wyvern lords don't need avoid on top of being 8 mov flying great knights. what the fuck.

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I played Black Eagles and as a male.

But what DID they do about the library?

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Dancer on Felix just seems like such a waste. It's hard to say who makes a great dancer because everyone could arguably be a better "insert class here" but the dancer is still always useful and never useless.
Petra is a solid choice since outside of dancing all she can really do is become a dodgetank, and even then Ingrid does that niche better.

El would start the same utterly pointless and retarded war for the slithers like she already does, Dimitri would kill her and then get killed, Claude would run away like the bitch he is.

I didn't fall for that with Edelgard but Kronya is actually cute so sure.

Why Swordmaster? It's got good growths, yeah, but you're not going to have Sword A AND Axe A/Flying A/Lance C and still promote in time. Also mastering Swordmaster is useless, even for final class Swordmasters.
I'd rather go Fighter/Myrmidon depending on need -> Brigand -> Wyvern Rider or Warrior -> Wyvern Lord.

They are a minority that knows how to draw.

she's the youngest one though, I don't think that applies to this game

I’ve done dancer Felix on GD and BL, both on hard and I’ve gotta say it’s very refreshing not worrying about sending Felix+a unit alone into a horde of enemies and not worrying about the dancer class, usually frail as shit, acting like a lord and slaugheeeing everyone with a buddy.

Has anyone even dared to try making Flayn anything beside a dancer?

If the dragons don't do bad shit and really just let people live as they want, why is being ruled by dragons bad?


>petra does piss damage

fuck off. she starts with 9 fucking str which is solid and has a growth that will leave her at an average of one or two strength under the units with """high""" str growth except for ungas like edelgard and dimitri who have high base/growth while being faster than most of them.

except people don't bring up catherine passive as such a big deal to her character

there are a lot of lvl E batallions that give +4-5 atk along defense res and other bonuses, there is absolutely no reason to not equip a batallion the moment you get one to lvl 5

>this thread

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IMO, mixed builds are a waste of time for the exact reason you mentioned, class growths meaning they can only excel at one. Felix can be a good Mortal Savant, but the problem is that a good Mortal Savant is still mediocre compared to what Felix could do as an Assassin/Bow Knight/War Master. If you want a mixed build, you're better off with Dark Knight Sylvain.

As for Annette, she has a 30 Str growth and 35 Spd. You don't want a physical Annette.

Anyone else feel like a bad guy in Edelgard's route? Everyone else is cheering and happy after a mission when all we've really done is kill and conquer a bunch of innocent people

What characters even have actually useful personal skills? Almost every one is useless past the first five chapters?

Nice try, buckaroo.
But Edelgard killed everyone in Duscur so her mommy could come home, so yeah, she did crash that bike.

Wait wtf Petra is insane if you take her through Wyvern

What about all those people she ruthlessly executed beforehand?

I just never equip 1 on Felix for thematic reason, and save the good ones for other units.
His passive practically means he doesnt have to compete with his allies for good battalions

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nonononono, she's a hero, violent conquest of innocents and burning towns you don't like is great if it makes dragons that don't even do anything go away. Also something about crests, they're bad or something, but not when cute empress El abuses them.

>mortal savant bad
It's okay, for Marianne I think. Would she be better off as a Holy Knight using a Levin sword and her relic?

>Mommy gets killed and then most of your family is also killed and fashioned into crude stabby sticks
>Have to team up with Hresvelg, one of the asshole that killed your family. He's even swinging around an axe made out of your second cousin
>Tempt him to your side with your blood and give him even more powers, promise him the position of emperor when it's over
>Go to war and kill the fucker that killed mommy and his buddies
>Make Hresvelg the emperor because he helped
>For the next 1000 years work on trying to bring mommy back
>1000 years of failure
>Finally it looks like this one might work
>In the middle of the ritual some fucker busts in and starts grave robbing your dead siblings right in front of you
>Beat them back and find out the leader is the decedent of Hresvelg
>Filled with a sense of betrayal and fury, how dare this little fuck defile this tomb, probably should have killed her great great grandpa when you had the chance but whatever, mommy 2.0 is here and they'll kill her and everything will work out
>Mommy 2.0 sides with her
It's a shame Rhea only goes berserk in one route. She's a lot more interesting when she's threatening to rip off your head and shit down your neck

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No, not really. Most of the dumbass shit she does is her and Hubert's fault or happens before the reveal of her being the Flame Emperor. The route is so low quality it's hard for me to feel anything some of the time.

>executed for violent treason
So literally every government or grand-scale leadership ever? Edel is the same way, but even for people that "might" go against her.

Which ones? The one walking an army towards the monastery or the ones trying to assassinate her and steal holy relics?

I'll say this a million times. Claude is the best lord. There is no counterargument, this is fact. If you defend Edelgard, you're defending senseless mass genocide. If you defend Dimitri, you're just an edgy cunt.

Prosecution complex on Bernie is nice.

Mortal savant is a fucking meme class of the worst kind, don't bother with it.
Annette has shit str and is not supposed to be a mixed class. She does have a build that relies on bolt axe and her personal relic that does magic damage but uses def instead of res. It's a long term investment though.

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Off the top of my head, the ones useful past early game are Lysithea (best in the game), Byleth and all the lords of course, Ferdinand, Bernadetta, Dorothea, Mercedes, Ashe, anything dealing with battalions, Felix if you neglected his Authority.

>He thinks Edelgard is responsible for Duscur
Way to prove you haven't played the game all the way through, dipshit.

>tfw 3 tanks, 2 archers and the rest nukes
what are flyers even good for and why are there so many flying classes, jesus christ

>If you defend Dimitri, you're just an edgy cunt.
You didn't play the game. Dimitri defenders are the opposite of edgy. Nobody really wants The Boar, we were all happy to get boyscout blue back.

Don't make Felix a Mortal Savant. Take him through
Fighter (Shove)
Brigand (Crushing Blow)
Assassin (Lethality)
End with Swordmaster (Astra)
You lose the inherent sword crit +10 and Astra from Swordmaster if you take him to savant, as well as neuter his speed.
Best Felix:
>Crushing Blow
>Sword Crit +10
>Swordfaire if you can, otherwise Str + 2 from Fighter
>Sword Prowess 5

>convinced her to join the Empire after killing her former commander
Think she was raped too?

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Nobody is better off as a Holy Knight. Do that but with Dark Knight instead.

why are dimitrifags literally incapable of picking anything other than the otome route?

>Oh no, I'm not the one who did all those bad things to you, no that was these other guys I'm working with, so I'm not culpable at all!

why the fuck wouldn't she join Edelgard

No best build uses a sword class, sadly. It's a good build, but not a Wyvern Lord or War Master. Thankfully Hard isn't hard enough to mandate only meta builds.

The funniest thing is, Ignatz has the best skill.
Professor and the lords get easy passives with free exp boost
Lorenz gets free damage as long as he has a battalion so it's easily one of the best skills but forgettable
Caspar and Dedue have good ones, while Ferdinand has the best conditional one
After that list the only ones worth remembering are the rallies

>It's only hypocrisy if the person I don't like does it

Ferdinand, Dimitri, and Bernadetta all have good personal skills if you build around them. Dedue and Edelgard are also decent, 4 def/res is nothing to sneeze at. Live to Serve is great on Mercedes.

Why are you moving the goalposts?

That's exactly what you're saying, yes.

you dont really need A swords to pass the test and after that you can build axe-lance ranks as swordmaster
yeah it kinda sucks that you do not get to use the swordfaire but it is not a big deal when you are stuck on that only for 10 levels, after that you become a absolute monster

I did play the game and the Blue Lions route was the very first route I did."Oh but he redeems himself later" Still doesn't change the fact that he lost his mind and senselessly murders anything in his path without a care in the world.

why the fuck are you even being a swordmaster, do you think you get to keep astra after switching? astra wouldn't be good enough to keep even if you did.

Rhea has severe mommy issues.


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the extra speed growth is kinda worth it
any character with 50-60 speed growth becomes 70-80 which is kinda ridiculous

>senselessly murders anything in his path
To be fair, he doesn't. He only ever kills those in the Empire army and bandits. If you're referring to when he says he's killed children, he's obviously referring to people like Rudolph and his sister who were in the Empire army and not just random farmers.

Rhea had a hard life and Edelgard deserves death

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Swordmaster has has some of the best growths for advanced classes. Top three advanced by growths alone are:
>Assassin: 20 HP/20 Str/20 Spd
>Grappler: 40 HP/10 Str/10 Dex/10 Spd
>Swordmaster: 25 HP/10 Str/20 Spd

user, the tragedy was caused by Queen Consort Patricia because she was fucking nuts from grief.
Actually play the game and pay attention.

Fuck, Assassin should be 20 Dex, not Str

Why was indech so chill? Dudes just a massive fuck off turtle, and when Leonie asked for his OP personal bow dude was like “yeah sure go ahead lmao”

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I'm calling them both murderous fascists. Nice try though, faggot.

hmmm, more like Queen Consort Edelgard

where does the Claude Hates Gays meme come from

So you're just retarded then?

Thales confirms the Slithers were behind it.

GD is the only house with no homo options

It’s cause no one in his house is gay or lesbian

Seteth and Flayn manakete class when?

She seems more pissed about the empire being disrespectful in the tomb than she does about the crest stones.

whose gay on BL?

>Quick Riposte
>Alert Stance
>End on Wyvern Lord
It kinda works, too.
Have to get axe to A for both Wyvern Lord and War Master
Get Flying to A for Wyvern lord, take to A+ for Alert Stance +
If you can swing it, he gets double strike on lances, could be good.
Required build is:
>Axe A
>Fists A
>Lance C minimum
>Flight B minimum for Alert stance 1
Full HP untouchable dodge tank.

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You know she spared Claude right?

Not them, but I'm going to guess and say Mercedes


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no, you, Byleth, spare Claude. You are in control. YOU tell her to do it. She has no choice.

Felix and Bernie also have pretty good ones.

The really awful ones are the shit like +2 damage given/-2 damage taken and shitty wait abilities like Lindhart's skill.


>wait abilities like Lindhart's skill.
The Lindhardt skill is so fucking useless because in what situation is your fucking healer going to be attacked, take damage, somehow SURVIVE, and then fucking wait?

Okay, her route also caused the least amount of bloodshed. Tbqh the only mass casualty in her route was caused when Rhea nuked that city after you captured it and then burn down the Kingdom capital.

Do people who say Rhea is responsible for the nobility not realize that Nemesis and his cronies ruled the continent for over a hundred years? The Ten Elites were already powerful ruling houses by the time the Empire was founded.

She didnt nuke the city you contemptible shitposter, slithers did.

Of course they were. Edelgard confirms this herself and says they will never receive salvation for causing it. But Rodrigue, Cornelia, Viscount Kleiman and Thales all implicate Patricia as being the perpetrator and Thales the mastermind.
Either way Edelgard was like 9 years old and had literally no idea what was happening at the time.

are the breaker skills needed or can they be subbed for prowess? might try this build

[citstions needed] only people with divine powers is the church.

I legit just want more classes in general, regardless if they are Unique or added via Special Seal (Like Dark Seal) or just plain slapped on.

Axe and Bow pretty much need Prowess. Other weapons vary.

play the other routes you dumbass

Based on her relative age with Dimitri she was 13-14, so after she was given the two crests and already working with them to rescue her mother.

You're either a complete fucking retard or some elaborate false flagger
Edelgard fucking tells you her mole uncle did

Even worse is that they couldn't even bother to let it scale by level or some kind of stat, fucking 4 hp from start to finish.

Yes and Dimitri makes Edelgard responsible as he literally overhears her allies saying they did it for the Flame Emperor's (i.e. her) benefit. Are you blaming him for not knowing the whole power structure between Edelgard/Slither?

She said Rhea did I think.

Uhh this is the second time they mentioned this dagger thing. I wanna know what it is.
Also fucking FUCK I love Sylvain. He is amazing.

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Yes, you are correct. She was 14. My bad.

femByleth's face is disgusting

I don’t even think Edelgard really thinks she’s doing the right thing. She never asks you or any student besides Hubert to join her and is surprised when you turn against Rhea.

fucking leave the thread

meant to reply to

play the game and you'll find out

Knew I forgot something.
I'd recommend Lance for him and keep swordbreaker as Sword units are some of the most dangerous, as well as his relic is a lance and he gets double strike, but for the build it's easier to just go axe since you need it for Warmaster.
So something like
>Lance/Axe Prowess
>Quick Riposte
>Alert Stance
>Still don't know what to put here. Maybe Dex + 4, but requires you to go into riding.

Don't worry, it will be answered. Just leave now

Edelgard does ask you to join her back when she's the Flame Emperor.

Honestly, Beagles is half baked and her character there feels unfinished.

Who am I blaming for what? I'm just telling that one user to pay better attention to the story because he clearly didn't.

she tells everyone else that Rhea did it
she tells you and Hubert it was the slithers

You know, I actually think it could be argued that students are better then lords purely based on the fact that most are usable on all four routes. obviously how you look at it may be different, instead judging units based on their route specifically, but I would say units like Hubert and Dedue are inherently if only because of them being limited to a single route like the lords.

He gave Kronya the dagger that kills your real father, Thales, disguised as Jeralt.

Edelgard is Dimitri's ex, and right before they broke up, he gave her a knife.
Sylvain thinks it's a hoot.

Why would she lie to everyone else?

Because church bad.

Because demoralizing your entire army with the information that there's a cult with nukes right before the battle that could end the war isn't a good idea.
Edelgard wants to end the conflict with the church so she can move on to dealing with the slithers

Availability is really weird for this game, you can't really look at it in the conventional sense. I think most lists are going to disregard it, except for the faculty, Gilbert, and units that temporarily leave post timeskip.

She says why. Literally, it cuts from Edelgard saying "we're going to keep this under wraps in case panic happens or the slithers get pissy we leaked their existence of something" to Edelgard standing in front of the BEST going "lol Rhea did it"

Because she doesn't know the response the existence of the slithers may bring.

Remember what it says when you meet her, "she seems to always be judging you" or something like that. She is someone who always looks at people purely as assets, (You) becoming the exception because (You) are just so special. Anything that may hinder how useful her assets are is kept a secret. She doesn't want those serving to know of the Agarthans and she doesn't want the Agarthans to know of her future plans.

>they didnt allow BE to recruit Hilda to prevent the 2 gorillas working together
>Lys is almost a mandatory recruit if you want an easier time with DK, well unless your own house’s Slylvain or Ferdinand got good stat and knightkneel that fuck
>Mercedes, while great, isnt that great in BE/church cause Linhardt has superb versatility with warp
>Marianne and Burnie are required recruits. Pls dont let them die

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Does Marianne ever appear as an enemy unit? I'm pretty sure she doesn't in BE

Mercedes is the best healer in the game, no warp is fine when you have four fortifies.

Bernie and Merianne are my two main targets any run, this game really got me caring about the cast dying more then I thought it would.

>The insane underground race with advanced technology and doomsday devices should be ignored until the faction without those things is dealt with according to Edelgard

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she kill herself

>The Flame Emperor literally teleports
>Edelgard refuses to teleport in gameplay
bitch you know how useful that is

>so she can move on to dealing with the slithers
Yeah, yet another long and bloody war, but this time offscreended.

it still makes me mad that in the files bernie and marianne are "unique partners" in that if they link attack together they add might, which is usually reserved for obvious pairs (house leader and their retainer, etc) but they dont actually support each other

No. It is assumed she commits suicide but all that is said is that she went out on a horse after the battle of Garreg Mach and was never seen again. It's possible she went on to become a beast too.

it's better to do one war and then another one afterwards than two wars at once

No, if you didnt recruit her, she rode off to the sunset alone. Presumably to off herself

Linhardt was hiding behind a rock nearby casting warp every time

>Lindhardt was Edelgard's accomplice and even he doesn't know it
>He sleeps so much because he has a split personality that wakes up whenever he goes to sleep

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Because 4/5 dragons are chill dudes/dudettes.

>”yo we got a great threat of total destruction hidding nearby”
>”and the church is out for our asses”
>people freak out
>cant focus on either tasks
>words get out, slitherers are PISSED
>pincered and die
Yeah, great idea. The church is much easier to deal with 1st
Hilariously GD just wipe the floor with those fucks without a care in the world

>trusting Lin to do anything, let it alone do it on time
Flame Emperor would just be standing around awkwardly waiting to be beamed out while snoring is heard emanating from a nearby rock.

>not Lysithea implanted with mind control device
She was an experiment too
>that awkward moment when Lys deadspike you, then warp you away, all in a minute

I'm curious why you would think this

Easy, Hubert drags a sleeping Linhardt behind a rock, covers his mouth and nose to make sure absolutely NO noise escapes, starts to knee him in the stomach to cast warp, and Linhardt wakes up later gasping for air, feeling like he almost died.

Edelgard was secretly in possession of the only warp staff in the game with a one time use, and had to use it to make a dramatic and convenient escape

Yeah I made him a dark knight and he's probably the most versatile unit I have since I bothered with getting him death and fiendish blow beforehand. Not the biggest damage dealer or the most tanky unit for either def or res but he can do both well enough

Male byleth is ugly

He's just tired, leave him be

Do the enemies ever use warp? Warping a brigand into the back line and snipe the healer sound hilarious and unexpected, and would be the main cause for pulsing

You must be blind

Only when he starts glowing. Doesn't matter though, he's /my guy/

He sells the stoic, autistic look the best though between the two.

I raised his reason and barely use spells with him (levin sword exists). You're probably better off just making him your dancer for the avoid meme build and giving him a smidge of faith for emergency heals and dumping everything else into sword and maybe authority, depending on whatever's the best avoid battalion. He's virtually untouchable with Jeralt's Mercs outside npc enemies as is though

>You're probably better off just making him your dancer
isn't Felix super fucking strong? Why would I make him my Dancer instead of someone like... uh...

>when you catch Sylvain with his dick caught in the vcr, again

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>And without her extremist actions he literally cannot change shit. Ironic isn’t it.
no you retard the only reason edelgard is being an extremist is because she wants to see the change before her make-a-wish lifespan is over

both byleth and lysithea are the proverbial tech advantage
they get the cool shit way earlier than anyone else
ofc by the time everyone else catches up to lys the game is over but byleth for me definitely peaks off
on the other hand lysithea lacks meteor/thoron/bolting, some of the best spells in the game

Having a dancer who's almost functionally invincible (outside being targeted by pricks like Ignatz) with a sword equipped and can kill shit on enemy phase is very useful. Stride is so stupidly broken that I barely care about the dancing aspect, but having one on the frontlines can be a godsend.

he's an elephant so if you put some reason on him
>enemies come up to whack him
>he obliterates them with his crest+sword
>enemies come up to shoot him
>he obliterates them with thoron
he just wins by being a landmine at that point

>ofc by the time everyone else catches up to lys the game is over but byleth for me definitely peaks off
Everyone passes lys if you go full horse or just start warping in the tank that kills everything

huh, that sounds useful. I was considering making Mercedes one but I guess he's also an option

this is true but i figure the real strength in lys at that point is she's been levelling consistently up until that point
for me at least once i wanted her to stop killing everything, she'd be 4-5 levels ahead and still getting solid xp due to 2 warp charges and healing
but yeah her lack of long range spells definitely has me clearing the way with other units while she makes her way to enemy VIP's
although even then that's strictly as insurance ofc

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>mercedes too busy dancing to use her passive
pair it up with nosf and im pretty sure mercedes is an excellent defensive unit as well; just play recklessly, take damage, retaliate with nosf, and heal on your turn
although im sure that'll really shine in lunatic/superhard when enemies actually start doing damage or spawning in greater, more oppressive numbers

Is Mercedes' passive really that great? I don't really see the appeal since so far she's not very tanky.

The Church is named after Seiros like how Christianity is named after Jesus.

i think it's the most useful for a holy knight, but it would naturally require some kind of ++lategame where theres alot of health to be had and lost
It's like theres a super lategame currently missing because health caps range from 70-111 last i checked

what's the max level?

Holy Knight does seem like the ideal use for it even though I'm sure it's more useful on paper than in practice.