>''turn on mic this is a comp game you faggot''
>I do
>''lol you sound like a girl''
There's nowhere to escape huh
>''turn on mic this is a comp game you faggot''
>I do
>''lol you sound like a girl''
There's nowhere to escape huh
Don't play comp games dumb satania poster.
just take it as a compliment
just spread your ass and accept your new life
wtf is a comp game, and why are you so retarded?
Tell them your a grill, idk nigga.
'>turn on mic this is a comp game you faggot'
Or alternatively
>Fuck off
Why are Sataniaposters so oppressed?
They're all little sluts and deserve it.
I bet your boiclit tingles everytime you hear that lmao
Holy SHIT I want to play something 2-player with you and just cuddle and protect you
have you considered starting a career as a virtual anime streamer?
voice is typically one of the biggest hurdle given voice changers suck
post voice
just like, don't sound like a girl
>turn on webcam bro
>I do
>lol you look like a girl
every time
it really is that simple
>tfw you use voice synthesis on the mic and pretend to be a robot while you just type text instead of saying anything
>"Whatever you thirsty nigger"
Why are you so bad at this?
I want to FUCK a sataniaposter
disgusting, neck yourself
He’s right though get a mic you poor faggot
ZERO reason not to talk other than you lack the social skills to communicate
what do I say?
I don't have the money to even start that
read the first part of this
>"turn mic on"
>"make me, you tit bucket"
>they tilt
>report them as toxic
>move on to the next game
>I can't get nicked because automated systems don't nick me for "tit bucket" or "misfired money shot" or "Mama's lil' accident"
Fuck you, faggot. If you wanted friends, maybe you shouldn't have been a useless fuck in life. Find someone who wants to listen to your respiratory systems strain against your obesity instead of demanding I listen to the nasal BDSM you call your voice.
>speak on mic
>share photos
>uh i thought you were black
get laid moron
Shouldn't be hard with all the satania posters in the thread.
just get a loan to buy good equipment, you'll make it back in no time from subs and donations
>Start talking about something over the mic related to the subject on hand
>Get interrupted by someone who either talks for so fucking long I forget what I was going to say or proceeds to change the subject
>They lose their shit if anyone dares interrupt them
Didn't Arnold Schwarzenegger get pregnant for a movie once?
It has to be possible, especially with today's advances in medicine.
Based retard
>It has to be possible, especially with today's advances in medicine.
Modern "medicine" can't even give trannies a real functioning vagina.
>tfw voice so deep I sound like a nigger in voice chat
>guy says "ooga booga"
This redhead is really cute, maybe the two nukes were enough.
Without nukes she would most likely have never existed and Japan would've continued with its ancient traditions.
More nukes may have made her cuter.
We should nuke the west a couple times to see if they stop their shitty ugly character design as well.
agreed Sf would be a good start.
that's what I imagine anything from reddit sounds like
Get rekt dumbtania posters
>tfw no cute sounding discord fap friend
why live?
Stop using cute to describe things you want to fuck, incels.
Dogs are cute. Cartoon girls are not.
>talk at the lowest end of my vocal register
>voice always cracks
>talk at my average level
>sound like a low energy soiboi
I wish I could cut out my tongue and go on neetbucks
>the file itself
>that vocaroo
I can't tell if this is unironic, ironic or post-ironic but it is pretty funny
I like you. We can be friends.
I didn't even notice the file name kek
cute in an american way
play games with me cuteposter
>say funny think on mic
>only girl in server starts giggling
Anyone here also like to make niggas laugh?
>>''turn on mic this is a comp game you faggot''
>Nobody actually says anything useful, they just yell at and blame each other.
Overwatch comp was ridiculous.
>playing video game
>fat sweaty nerd spouts some dumb meme reference out of context
>laugh at him
>he posts on Yea Forums about how he made a girl laugh
sure thing, son
not cute
Your grandma wants her bed frame back.
Depends, how big is your penis?
Why are satania posters always trannies?
I'm a Satania poster and want to gas trannies
Well most trannies are suicidal so you're just proving his point.
>make this thread everyday
>still get serious replies
zoomers and newfaggots i swear to god
Why do trannies ruin everything?
I want to post Satania because I like her and she looks smug but I can't because there's some people in the world who like to attach dicks to their vagina or to cut the one they were born with.
Seriously gas all fucking trannies jesus fucking christ
there's a reason you care so much, you'll realize it one day
Just ignore them, it's not that hard. I think all furries should be dumped into a potter's grave but that doesn't stop me from fapping to furry porn.
Sorry user, but you even type like a girl, you little fag you.
>playing multiplayer games ever
It actually is. There are voice development treatments/classes for guys whose voice didn't develop after puberty. It's all about relaxing your vocal cords, which can be taught within a few simple and non-invasive sessions.
I knew a towering giant at highschool with a cartoonishly high-pitched voice and a feminine sounding name. During summer break between years 11 and 12 he took such a class a returned with a voice deep enough to match his size and "I'll crush you to the size of a soda can" visage.
The solution is simple. There's no need to deny your true voice and hold on to your prepubescent one.
Same but they thought I was a slim jim, not a beefcake lmao
>Cartoon girls are not.
>Turn on mic
>3 people having a conversation in the background
>Can hear bacon sizzling
>Turn on mic
>The fuck you mean, nigga?
>I said yo ass don't get nooo pussy dawg
>Nigga I get pussy from your moms
>Mom been dead for years nigga
>I'm the crypt keeper motherfucker
>Group laughter
>turn on mic
>''turn on mic this is a comp game you faggot''
This, I went through a similar process at around 20. I learned to project my voice with consistent volume, to speak more from my chest, and to lower the back of my tongue when doing vowels, and after enough practice my voice naturally got lower and a lot more masculine.
For anyone wanting to do this look up how to get rid of a nasal voice, that's the most common term used for high pitched prepubescent voices. It's mostly about opening your windpipe as much as possible and learning to avoid speaking through your nose.
pretty sexy
Depending on the pc game your gonna get harrassed by cheaters, hackers, ip tracers, griefers, troll and just all around bm.
You are on a computer, not a console.
Ignore or troll.
I should have just ignored this stupid thread but I am tired of u chilluns complaining about hurt feelings over a stupid game.
>inb4 some other troll decides to (You) me
>tfw aussie so i can never ever have a cute voice
Thanks user, you're pretty hip
>tfw most of my irl talk comes out spur of the moment
>Can't even remember half the shit I said 5 seconds after saying it
>For some reason this also applies only while talking to girls
Somehow I still get laid and first pick to be approached by them. Somedays, I thank God for what he has granted me, but somedays I think it's a curse that I must run on pure autopilot whenever I see a girl I like.
It even feels like it's not "me" fucking them, but like an apparition of me, that just does things that I'm not even sure how to do. Is there a name for this condition? Should I see a shrink?
but user aussie accents sound great on biological women with relatively high-pitched voices
Medically they call that depersonalization or dissociation disorder. Spiritually I'd call it a disconnection or uncertainty with your self and the roles you play in the theatre of life.
All people have a multitude of distinct 'characters' they play depending on the situations they're in and/or the people they're around, and sometimes the character gets away from you and gets less and less connected with the identity you believe you have. It seems like your 'getting laid' character has gotten into a routine and you either need to mix that routine up with some more challenging/fun scenarios (in which case you need to find ways to express yourself more in sex instead of just doing sex), or take a break from all the fucking entirely and reevaluate yourself and those facets of your personality.
People care less about your voice than you think, you retarded anime poster. Tired of you fucks. The reason you don't turn your mic on is because you roleplay an anime character you fucking faggot.
>''turn on mic this is a comp game you faggot''
name ONE game where this happens