Star Wars Battle Front (ORIGINAL)

This is my first thread.
I just want to see who still plays.
Also, post what ever you want....

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I have never had my penis inside of a woman before

There was something extremely different from the first to second game, and I could never tell what, but nowadays I play 2 more than one. Also, fuck EA for ruining a good franchise.

Going back to this game after playing the original second game is hard
>no sprint
>prone is literally useless
>Can't play as any Jedi or Sith characters but they appear in certain maps and are also inmortal
I do miss the ability to use space ships in ground maps

Playing og Battlefront 1 again after so many years made me realise just how many assets were recycled for Battlefront 2
It does make sense since 2 came out a year later

i haven't played 2, i cant find a free version but i agree, no sprint and now heros/villans can be annoying

I do wish they brought back some maps from the first game into the second
like the naboo hils, both bespin maps and that ice world that isnt hoth

Fuck me, I came here to post exactly this.
The Rhen Var map with the ice caves was awesome.

I bought both during a sale. I think it was Golden Week. I remembered when I used to play Battlefront a fuck load when I was a kid, and the moment my mother bought me Battlefront 2 and that was the game I played the most, especially long as fuck conquest missions and tedious Ewok/Imperial sniper assaults. It wad one of those games that were really fun and I got to experience that again when I bought them again for PC. I have had this much fun with the last two Jedi Knight games and I feel those are pretty good games not only for Star Wars game standards but in general.

im surprised this thread actually took off, also how is Yea Forums not dead after all the trolls and raids

It felt slower, but not in a bad way

Battlefron 2 had a mod that added all the maps from the first game
I can't remember the name of it
The Tatooine map that had the Sarlac pit and the Tuskan raiders as their own independent third faction was very neat

there is a mod for swbf2 that adds some maps from the original, I have no idea if it still works though, or if a better version has come out since

shiet I was looking for that very same mod
thanks user

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The ai in battle front 1 is so much better than the ai in battlefront 2. That's probably the main thing bf1 has over is sequel.

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I still have my retail copy (2 actually), but I know that getting the multiplayer to work nowadays isn't easy

Fighting against the droids can be a pain in the ass since the swarn you with droidekas
especially in choke holds areas

im trying to download 1 off an abondonware site...its not working

>the ice caves as clones with the braindead ai fighting destroyer droids.

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Don't ARC troopers have a cannon that kills their shields quickly?

This game is vastly superior to the 2nd one.

I liked the original a lot more for this reason. Killstreak buffs were a mistake. The only thing 2 really had to offer was space battles.

Being able to go prone is a terrific mechanic, you just can't use it all the time. Great for sniping, capping a control point, holding a position, etc.
>Can't play as any Jedi or Sith characters but they appear in certain maps and are also inmortal
And that's a good thing. You can kill them btw, you just need anti-vehicle mines, or push them off a cliff.

I can't remember too distinctly, but I remember being able to use commands on the D-pad and teammates actually following them in 1.

Not in bf1, there is no arc trooper, just the jetpack guy. Best way to kill the destroyers was grenade and blaster spam using your buds as meatshields

I'm pretty sure GameRanger works for BF1 but they brought back online multiplayer for BF2 2005

Unless AT mines specificly hurt them, there no damage threshold that will kill them, I've seen Vader eat a buffet of grenades on the bespin platforms map

>Playing as Empire on that Ice Caves map
>Respawn, grab the tank with the Laser turret, park it at the cave's exit and just keep blasting torpedos inside the cave

such good times, and this was with bots only since I had it on the PS2 and had no internet connection.

It's way more polished than Battlefront 2, I'm not the only one that thinks like this right? Battlefront 2 feels weirdly cheap, like with a worse lightning (too bright) and just uglier

Is it worth it to get BF1?
Is the modding scene as active as BF2?

>It's way more polished than Battlefront 2, I'm not the only one that thinks like this right? Battlefront 2 feels weirdly cheap, like with a worse lightning (too bright) and just uglier
You're totally right. HUD is crap, AI is abysmal, feels like they had to rush the thing out for Episode III

The Arc Trooper in BF1 is just a regular clone with an rpg

I may have gotten my trooper designations mixed up.

>And that's a good thing. You can kill them btw, you just need anti-vehicle mines, or push them off a cliff.
I don't know
I spent a solid minute blasting Dooku with the Clone tank and did nothing to him

Mines definitely could kill them, it just wasn't easy, probably took ten or so of them. I think I launched them off cliffs more often, they had good knockback.

Clone AI in space battles is completely broken
They all walk around the hangar and maybe 3 or 4 ships take off while all the Droids are swarming the air space

It's probably that. Just as I posted my comment, it struck in my head that given the situation between Pandemic and EA, it's was all so rushed out and thus the reused assets as one user on here mentions, and the whole cheap minimal art direction 2 gas (I mean, there is no rich lightning, it's all bright. Compare for example the Death Star Level in 2, with that Level in Endor in 1)

I really wish the game could be revived or at the very least grew a comunity, game was tight. No killstreaks, non playable jedi's, just blasters and grenades

It's honestly just flavour text
Tho the guy does look like the blue Arc Troopers from the 2D Clone wars show

I was never able to kill them with mines, but you can run them over with land vehicles. It's even possible, though difficult, to kill them by landing your starship right on top of them

At least we have the Steam release now

Not the user you're replying, but I wanted to say that I do remember killing jedi's using mines. I think. I have this memory of seeing their body disappear after dropping from many mine explosions.
But yeah I also remember launching them off cliff like that

does it have an active community?

Yes, though very small as I understand it

Clone Commandos > Arc Troopers
Change my mind

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I dunno, I always liked more the battles of the original trilogy because the blasters felt better than the ones in the clone trilogy

And turns out it's the only game of the franchise I don't have on steam. Well, it's cheap so I'll probably get it. Thanks for the info user!

Honestly I feel the StormTrooper blaster is so much better than the Clone rifle
>faster fire rate
>better accuracy? I think

You could go prone in the OG which is a function I'm never quite sure why they got rid of.

Other than that, tanks and aerial vehicles were alot cooler in BF1

I don't know what to say about those last two points, for some reason Battlefront never striked me as a game with dedicated stats for every weapon (meaning that probably the Stormtrooper blaster and the Clone blaster have the same stats) but I like the fact they're short and beefy. Those clone rifles were really large but felt a little unsatisfying.
Plus, it's way cooler to shoot red beams than blue beams.

Destroyer droids literally ruin the game. It does not matter how easy they are to kill for the player when they will get 30+ kills each on your Ai teammates

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I imagine so
All the weapons stats are probably copy and pasted to avoid balancing issues
But sometimes I feel the Clone rifle's spray pattern shit the bed if you fire for too long while the Stormtrooper blaster feels more precise

>bespin platforms

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