Final Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Fighters

Hello everyone. Just dropping this image here lol. See ya February...

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Nice try faggot

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Why do people keep using the same geno and crash renders. Are you all too lazy to draw one

I actually wish Geno was in but shit, why do these fakefags have to "take" photos with a phone from 2004?

Hey don’t criticize Little Timmy’s art, he worked hard and even got it on his switch

go fuck yourself.

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Expose this faggot

There are two remaining newcomes in the pass.
>3 new characters in the picture.
Do you know how to count faggot?


Ain't you that guy from the papagenos discord?

no, i'm not gonna that big of a dick to him because of a fake leak.

Was gonna say
"Based and Crashpilled" till I realized that render is just the one in Pic related. Nice try OP

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Lol this isn’t even a leak. All a joke fellas

Is flooding the catalog with more shitty fake leaks your idea of a joke? Well it's not funny at all.

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Hey two things
1. Great tip is at least use rarely used renders for characters, my tip is some new fan Geno and japan crash
2. Who’s the 2nd guy it’s too fucking Blurry, it doom man?

Speaking of leaks

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Yes. I’m fed up with all the stupid Yea Forums leaks dude. Figured why not go with the fun? All in all this is just my wishlist/predictions

It is.

sabi has a lain pfp. cute!

Hey apologies about that. I was bored and figured why not mess around. Either way I made that roster for fun and to predict who may be the next few fighters. Who do you guys think will be next?


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Yeah I feel like a total clown right now

I fucking hate post-smash Yea Forums.


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I’ve learned my lesson here. Don’t be a faggot fake leaker. This was like a once in a lifetime thing. Damn.

Discord was a mistake. Imagine using a chat service that shares its name with a MLP character lmao

Imagine knowing the names of the characters from MLP and trying to talk shit about literally anything. Holy fuck, what a dumb faggot.

I only ever watched those weird ass .mov videos that hotdiggitydemon made. Just watched them recently because I remembered they existed. U mad bro?