What games have different, but equally good ports?

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how are they different?

He might have meant Java vs Windows?
Maybe the console ports?

Different blocks

what about Mario 2

That's a good one

>1 Movie scored
Damn, not even Sony exclusives are safe from this guy's wrath.

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Silent Hill Origins

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Rondo of Blood for PC Engine/Dracula X for Snes, they're supposed to be the same game but very different and both are good.

He gave Venom a 10/10

he cute

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Venom was a 10/10

he dispute

oh i see you were trying to make an off topic thread before with that jiren picture and it didnt work so you had to be more blatant about it

I would have accepted either.

ok so you're trying to draw attention to this mexican metacritic user who gives out lots of 0s and 10s.
how come? do you know him personally? just because you think his avatar is funny? is he some e-celeb?

I think metacritic is a poor joke with a stale punchline, and the way consolewarring retards treat it like gospel after every release stopped being funny years ago. This Mexican gentleman here is the perfect representation of the consolewar stupidity. All of his ratings are 10s or 0s, determined by what console the games are on.

see that sort of candidness i think would be better from the get go
how do you expect people to glean something like that from just posting the dude's avatar

This man has turned himself into a bit of a local legend by becoming the living stereotype of hispanic dbz shitposter and hispanic sonyfag console warrior. He shows up in every astral chain thread these days

i see, thank you for the explanation

No consolecraft is irredeemable garbage compared to pc.

>dbz lover
its like pottery

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Various ports of Rayman 2. One with a hub world and others with a select map, some with Va and some with gibberish, and the GBC game is a completely different title. Almost all good stuff.