>Be me
>New years eve
>Make resolution to stop drinking soda
>Need something to drink while gaming besides soda
>see a drink called propel at the store
>decide to try it out
>big mistake
>9 months later I'm a fucking Addict
>these are all from june onwards
>this adiction is worse than my soda problem ever was
>now experiencing withdrawals
Be me
Other urls found in this thread:
I got something you get a"dick"ted to heh...
*unzips my juicy fat cock*
Your body just absorbed a whole lot of BPA from those plastic containers, that's probably why you're such a little bitch.
This happens to quite a few people who quit sodas and move to something else kinda sweet like gatorade and other sport drinks: you were dehydrated as a motherfucker and you now realize just how goddamn thirsty you were/are. The massive influx of salt and electrolytes overloaded your brain and now you crave hydration.
whats propel? booze?
why not just drink tap water
maybe try some of those flavor enhancers for water like Mio(or some cheaper other brand)
hell of alot cheaper and healthy if you drink more water
Hydration is for the weak
Hydration is essential.
propel is also that flavor enhanced water shit
So that explains why I drink water all the time after having cut soda out of my diet
It's similar to gatorade
drink some milk
Why does the internet make such a fuss over soda? It's just bubbly water, there's no calories no sugar how is it unhealthy?
shit i drink of ton of propel too
hey wait wheres the video games
>Need something to drink while gaming
You've already failed.
I'm not talking about pop, I'm talking about soda that's the topic of this thread.
I don't know what a Skub is I googled it and it said it's furniture from ikea
>whats propel?
It's Gatorade for soccer moms
that's fucked up. My gaming drink is always coffee, tea and shit like that, also water in the summer
Akin to swallowing razors. God speed OP.
oh hell yea
Drink beer
It's a sugar syrup diluded with carbonated water. Sugar syrup. Metric shit tons of sugar.
Americans don't know what "soda" is or was.
lol that ranking system
It has no sugar retard check the nutrition label
>H2O tier
water, sparkling water
>CHIM tier
tea, pure juice
>Dagoth-Ur tier
milk, coffee milk, fake juice with apple concentrate and favors
>Nerevarine tier
coffee, obscure imported beverages, root beer, weird mixed-carbonated-waters
>NPC tier
starbucks coffee, mainstream soda, industrialized ice-teas
>Fargoth tier
Give me the link to this site.
>soda doesn't have sugar
>sparkling water
Dumb ass weeb just call it soda like a normal person
I just drink water and espressos with no sugar. I drink like 10 espressos a day
Use mio mixed in bottles instead
Canada Dry soda
0 calories
0 sugar
>None of these bottles have been filled with piss
pathetic desu
Gatorade is just as bad as soda.
Irrelevant, it hydrates you exponentially more effectively than a can of Coca-Cola.
Why don't you just drink diet dew?
>not being a La Croix Boi
Drink sparkling water (basically carbonated water) use it to wing yourself off the soda, then try and move to plain water (or don't, it's not like there's anything other than carbonation in sparkling so do what you want then)
That's club soda, which is practically seltzer.
its fucking saltly sugar water
Can you fucking weebs just call it SODA seriously? You're not a Jap
They're called bicycle shorts not pats
And it's called soda not sparkling water
have you ever heard of water? or do you live in some shithole where drinking the local water will give you aids?
Believe it or not user, most people go from bad things -> slightly better but still bad thing -> okay thing -> good thing. Trying to go from bad straight to good is a good way to give up and fall back on old habits.
You are low iq lol.
In the trash it goes
Sodium is mandatory for survival. I'm not saying it's healthy, nigger, I'm saying it hydrates you far better than coke and if you start to feel thirsty all the time after switching off sodas it's because you were used to being thirsty all the goddamn time. Fucking autistic spaz, die in a fire.
It's called Seltzer Water. Sometimes "Club Soda". No one means seltzer when they say just straight up "soda".
I only drink my own piss
Just buy the powder version and make them in your own water bottles. Saves a lot of money. Same thing happened to me, but I was able to quit soda for a year. When you feel a craving, just drink a regular water bottle, and when you can't resist any longer: give yourself one propel. As long as you're focused on regular water, you'll hopefully wean yourself off propel.
At least its not alcohol.
I used to go through a 1.75l of Vodka every 3 days over the course of a few years.
Now I just drink on weekends but it used to be a lot worse.
What's the diffrence?
>Oh are you drowning?
>Look at him trying to swim up out of the water
>Just be on land, nerd. What are you even doing?
Why didn't you go with tea?
Soda is soda, there's only one kind
I don't know what a seltzer is, I'm not European we don't use those gay ass terms
Go to bed Euro homo the North Americans are talking
I don't care what you Euro homos call it, I'm not gonna use gay ass terms like seltzer
It's called soda here if you ask for seltzer nobody will understand you
just drink fucking tea
throw a tea bag into some water
if you crave flavour so much.
if sugar is what your craving, switching to another sugary beverage isn't going to help the real reason for quitting soda, now is it, retard? don't drink artificially sweetened shit either. just stop, your weak brain will catch up eventually.
I've actually tried this, and it can definitely help.
Problem is that there's no generic "soda" flavor and I'm not a big enough fan of lemon lime flavor for it to curb the cravings.
Club soda is seltzer with some minerals added for a slightly different flavor.
la croix is literal shit water you retard. drink topo or if you must, perrier.
Should've went for the top tier shit you fucking cum slurping faggot.
>sparkling water
That's mineral water, right? I've been considering drinking that with meals to wean myself off actual soft drinks. I've been told I have to cut it cold turkey forever and instantly but it's harder than it sounds.
Any tips on dropping soft drinks? Are "sugar-free" soft drinks an acceptable replacement?
>it's a europoor RPing
That explains a lot.
How can someone even afford to drink pop everyday? It costs like $5 for a 12 pack $5 a day just to drink some pop? That's too expensive
EDTA is based you faggot, let's see your special snowflake favorite chemical compound chelate toxic metals from your blood
>Be me
Who else would you be?
12 sodas a day? holy shit how
I haven't been to Europe since 1999
And I don't ever plan on going back
>TFW the only thing you drink 99% of the time every single day is 2 mugs of coffee with 2 spoons of sugar and a splash of milk in each, and 2 large glasses of water
>TFW you used to use artificial sweeteners but then you decided that the sugar-tit just tastes so much better and 4 spoons a day probably isn't going to rot the teeth out of my head compared to soda
Soda is just bubbly water, and you need 4 litres of water a day so 12 cans isn't anything crazy
>he doesn't drink milk
Explain yourself