Real life bosses

Real life bosses

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Other urls found in this thread:

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too soon

>That one time poolice kill poo with bananas

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Wait what? Something happen to him?

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>I finally found what

he ded

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looks like lautrec's set from dark souls

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this some boruto char?

>witch time dodge

Attached: congo.jpg (1200x1200, 2.02M)

>mom tells you it's time to stop playing

Attached: 1556909122899.jpg (400x300, 67K)

This is the greatest .webm I've seen in months.
Did this guy get a medal?

Just another beautiful day in China

Attached: 1550485703569.webm (1150x642, 1.94M)

Shit like this happens in the US too except it usually involves guns

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Metal... Gear?

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only if you're black

I mean
Happens in southern white towns too

kill niggers. kill kikes. 1488. holocaust never happened but it should have.

more like a merchant character if anything

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what the actual fukc is indian television

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Aw shit, it's the boys.

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"bro, i think you got herpes on your lip. gross brah"

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mr hands?

I'm getting more of a Village Elder vibe

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>QTE success

or very white.
Seems to apply just to the extremes of skin tone

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>or very white
you mean jewish?

>Not rum ham

Fuck outa here.

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(((white))) (jewish) (kike)

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Isn't that, that one furry dev for Payday?

it's a japanese bear, that's a medium in US sizes

fuck if i know, it's just been sitting in my image folder

>i frames

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lmao indian tv makes days of our lives look good, its some of the silliest cringiest shit you can watch

Link pls I need sound

is that Rubber soul?

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>it is time

What the fuck is wrong with pajeets

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>breaks the window 13 times before touching the ground

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that's fucking awesome.

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feels more WoW BC than MGS

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fake, steven segal can't lift his leg that high

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this makes me want a pajeet live action jojo desu

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Death Stranding's looking pretty good.

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Just the thought of being in that water is making my balls shrivel, that guy is fucking loving it.

the only reason there are so many fuckin videos is because they have cameras everywhere, and not only that but they have about 1.4 billion people too so its pretty easy to capture some idiot crashing.

this is fucking incredible

Attached: 17.jpg (540x960, 356K)

Holy shit

Ok, clouds are misogynistic bigots now.

>welcome. welcome to city 17

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>Savestating too late

Anyone got that one of the woman in the car? Never fails to crack me up.

I wonder if having it look unambiguously menacing and evil was a conscious decision from Mussolini.

I can't believe no one posted the purple haired beast of fake kickstarters


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Names taken.

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This is how every indian man sees themself.

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>I'm coming!

>10 pokemon you didn't know existed in real life

The fuck, I thought chinks had no soul.

gee fucking golly, it's amazing to see how far we've come from the days of Axees to this

>traders joining a casual TF2 server

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litterally the first time I've seen one give a shit.

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u saying wat u son of basterd bich?

this has to be edited right?

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some are rarely born with souls

>White People: not thanks

Attached: 02.jpg (1080x1741, 1.17M)


I need your clothes, your boots, and your motorcycle.

yes obviously

>when the Silver Chariot Requiem kicks in

he's a level 7 water bender user

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>shadow silently moves around the room but sticks to the wall
>grabs you whenever you get close
>tons of objects that can fake you out

fuck that would be a scary enemy in a horror game

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>that mix of elation and guilt when he's holding the door

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chinese law holds good samaritans financially responsible for hospital bills, helping people means inescapable debt

Jesus Christ

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>I wonder if having it look unambiguously menacing and evil was a conscious decision from Mussolini.

I mean, they technically fired all the first shots of the conflict by invading Ethiopia, years before the rest of the world would get on with a 'world war'. Note, this was in direct violation of the charter of the League of Nations, of which Ethiopia and Italy were essentially, the two weakest, least significant signatories.

So it was literally a case of the second weakest kid on the block, finding an actual cripple of a nation, and then unsuccessfully attempting to bully him for all his pocket money over the course of several years. The only reason everyone ignores the bullshit they got up to is because they were so fucking bad at actually invading places and building an empire folks have to question if they were actually trying, which may be a crime all of it's own.

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Anyone got that space station 13 edit of this?

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This shit is why I can never get into Devil May Cry.

shit that was intense

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lol I loved those brothers on BB

he looks like ray sipe.

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Ok, wtf

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DMC6: India

damn, you can tell there was a moment of hesitation where he considers just getting out of dodge. But he resisted that instinct of self preservation to save the kids.

that's fuckin heroic.

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ring a ding ding

mogs me

Based Dark Souls player

Woah it's almost like there's 1.4 billion people in China... It's almost like not all of them act the same

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I love that the black guy just looks mildly annoyed as if this shit happens all the time.

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This hasn't been true for a long time

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But who was camera?

how can one man be so based and redpilled

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Nothing personal Nigga

sensible chuckle

looked it up and it only got changed in 2017, 2 years isn't long enough to change a cultural mindset of don't help or you're fucked too

can you just imagine how fucked up the girl on the left is

Hey doc I need my daily dose

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Is this the same schmuck that did the "These Systems are Failing" thing?

>it's almost as if...

Attached: soyboy-2.png (210x240, 6K)

2 years ago most of the Chinese were living in heavy poverty

>idiot kids just fucking stand there when a car is going straight towards their dumbasses
I still don't understand this. Guy's a goddamn hero though

You’re such a fucking ho I like it

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Is that a toilet witch?

>Resurrected Monk Mummy that found Nothingness boring but remarks that he doesn't know what he expected since preparing himself for nothingness was also boring
>He sells Magical items
>If you shop with him enough he'll start giving you sidequests to fetch him stuff like booze and meat
>Final quest is find a chick willing to sleep with a 200 year old virgin
>Massive discount and unlocks his best item for free

Attached: Guardian Angels on the NYC subway, 1980.jpg (1600x1077, 354K)

Dude her crazy must be otherworldly
Muscle waifu is the best though

if you beat all five of them you unlock the secret fighting style

Kids aren't very smart

Attached: mask.webm (620x582, 2.86M)

Of what?

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Choose your fighter

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I don't remember this boss from FFX

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>far left just trying to leave her apartment and get groceries

Rednecks are tan, nigger


Are Indians actually, dare I say, the true master race?

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what is in that room anyways? an arcade game?

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oh wow was this whole scene a jojo reference?

>have to escort cute girl to safety
>she betrays you and reveals herself as the antagonists daughter

overrated album desu ne

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>Monk Mummy decides to take up smoking since he's already dead and his service to higher powers is over
>Bring him ancient cartons of times past from the dungeons for permanent stat bonuses

Or it can slide along and attach to objects and the peel itself off the wall, with the object as a head, giving it various abilities based on the object.

absolute qt

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I forgot that exists

Rarely, a hero steps up

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>Great Grey Wolf Sif

bollywood is a true gem of humanity

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No? Lmao faggot

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>he fears the 2020

what is it with old costumes.

Attached: Random encounter.webm (720x404, 2.9M)

Say that again while taking on the Indian police, incel.

Would be cool to his his rival, the guy that wears the Fuck Niggers clothes

Never really thought about it, but that sculpture must be pretty famous now.


lmao its like a bad ytp


Attached: 1566776272689.png (768x768, 631K)

>escort mission
fuck off

>Orphan of Bog

>It's a stealth boss fight

Attached: de.jpg (600x899, 179K)

>So you've made it this far, I'm impressed
>I shall answer your mettel by crushing you with my full might
>Prepare yourself

Attached: 1539031233095.jpg (1125x1401, 237K)

my fucking heart-rate spiked jesus christ man

Attached: Bad goy bad goy, whatcha gonna jew.webm (272x480, 1.06M)

I like to shit on the indians as much as they like to shit on the streets but they know how to dole out justice. Waiting to see the nuclear exchange between them and pakistan as memed by deus ex

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Damn i mean that muscular chick, just imagine how tight her pussy must be i mean god damn she could probably squeeze your dick dry like a fucking gogurt

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>You cannot fast travel when enemies are nearby

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What car is that? Looks kinda like a z31 dash but the interior is different.


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so green is the most powerful, right?


Wouldn't mind losing to this real life boss over and over

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What a nice ostrich

don't stop me now

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You sure about that user?

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alright where can i find more

>those who say they are Jews but are not
>they are of the synagogue of satan

>K, it's a ballchinnian!

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will its existence mean we will see mobile land fortresses soon?

I STILL fucking hate seeing this thing.

he aint gonna be in Rush Hour 3


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They're just scared, user. This dude took a massive legal risk doing this. Fuck China. I hope it falls apart and they can finally be free of that hellish dominion.

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I thought his watch had the yaranaika face for a second

OP said bosses, not the hero

So exactly like now?

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>that little eyebrow lift as he finishes letting go
it's the little things

how much money do I have to have to get a gf like this?

this is just the deerhaunter with a glitchy shadow

This man is such an interesting character
you see, there's nothing special about the act, it's pretty much a really funny video.
but the attitude man, just look at him, he sees the chance, and he doesn't even crack a smile on his face, he farts into that booth like it's his duty, like somebody has to do it. this man has divine inspiration to do it, like a martyr. there is no pleasure on it, only resolution as he closes his eyes, doing what it's needed to do

anyone got the edit where's he's in a bloody room?

That's a pun, not a boss.

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all of it

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the orb is the boss, the rest are its minions have fun fren

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Well no
Now there's only like 400 million in poverty

Pajeet kino is actually their greatest contribution to the world

Bostonian pls

>when the camera goes down to see how fucking long it is

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Oooooo elden ring

>Icon of Si

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Anybody got the one with the cyborg floating the guns in the air

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you have to shoot 3 rockets into Michelangelo's head to win

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that's still more than the entire population of america


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100% male

>dlc boss


If it was a schoolboy then everybody would think this image is scary. Really says a lot about what our society has come to. Smacking my head.

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Black and white is

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If it was a schoolboy in a dress they'd also think it was cute.


as much as I think most indian indians are subhumans, singham is a fucking chad

>its a group boss fight
>One buffs
>one heals
>one kicks your shit in
>One debuffs your party
>Red one steps in when the original 4 are down and can use all the abilities of the others.

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Cool, a water strider

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nah man, look at greens shoes
the suit is maybe too colourful but the shoes demand respect

This thread is full of zoomers

that looks like something out of blasphemous

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Have they never seen black people before?

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your average dog owner

his eyes look like someone took a blue bic pen and colored them in

The part that really bugs me is that he put the dogs' snouts through his earlobe holes. It's just too fucking weird.

I wonder if some girls go to his service and later try to get him into fucking them for the sole reason of making them pregnant?
I mean in some very rural places and small villages it is pretty common for girls to try find at least if not a husband but healthy father for a child.
This man looks like a perfect candidate for that.

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>master please stop

Beyond good and evil.

I always wonder how these people get the money for this shit. Tattoos and body modification is not cheap, but youll never see someone like this actually working.

>augustus gloop requiem

Attached: what.png (290x333, 95K)


Start learning Chinese.

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can't wait for an indian to try that in real life

So being Gay/bi/trans/LGBTQ+ is an automatic form of Slaanesh worship?

Russian JRPG?

I live in EU and I have never seen a nigger IRL

Sad but true

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It actually is