Gentlemen, how do we save Star Fox?

Gentlemen, how do we save Star Fox?

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let Platinum Games handle the IP but without Miyamoto adding shitty gimmicks
they could even add h&s missions where you control the pilots

Give it a rest. Some series shouldn't go on forever.

God damnit I am supposed to be better than this.

>she'll never get high off your ball scent
hold me bros...

Star Fucks

This. If the Starlink team isn't working on Star Fox again then I would love to see Platinum take a second shot at it as long as Miyamoto stays the fuck away from any major decision making.

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Why would you want too.

What else you should do that's not making 64 all over again?

>Just noticed he has tits

Just make a better SF Assault but with online multiplayer. Or for the online portion unironically make a Battle Royale game.

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Make Star Fox 3, a direct sequel to Star Fox 2, which uses sprites (but the graphics would be overhauled) and has gameplay elements from both 1 and 2 while also adding new features. It would also be a much larger and longer game than the previous ones, and overall very non-linear. You can go to any planet whenever you want and exploration would be just as important as fighting. Feel free to add onto this.

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Anthro women are for human cock

but user anthro girls aren't real

They fix it by giving the fans what they want.

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>Star Wolf game
>Half flight sim rail shooter vis a vis classic Star Fox
>Half Hack n' Slash/3rd Person shooter.
Just make it Shadow the hedgehog, but with some sense of self awareness.

A relationship between Fox, Krystal and Wolf?

It sounds insane, but yeah, that'd probably work.


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>they could even add h&s missions where you control the pilots
This so much, I just finished astral chain yesterday and have enjoyed the W101. The very idea of Star Fox characters fighting on the ground like a PG protag makes me happy.

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Let's see some bare feet.


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Add dating sim elements

More porn

Based. Anthro women exist because of human cock. And Science.

Fuck off. The gay portion of the Star Fox community is no different than Miyamoto. Both parties should never have any influence on the franchise.

I got a few ideas, rework the canon

>XX years before the events of Star Fox 64
>Andross and Beltino Toad are partners in scientific progress
>work on multiple projects together for the Cornerian government, Smart Bombs, drone space fighters, terraforming, etc..
>Andross makes strides in the field of harnessing psychokinentic energies
>Cornerian military takes an interest in the possibility in creating fleets of starships piloted by a single psychic commander
>Viable candidates are recruited, work begins
>Elsewhere, Belinto's terraforming project is making strides
>through a targeted web of capsules shot into it's crust, a planet's chemical and organic structure can be altered
>in theory, inside of 20 years, an inhabitable planet can be colonizable
>Meanwhile, in Andross's labs, the psychic commander project is stagnant, and overbudget, forcing the military to drop the project.
>In frustration, Andross begins to sell his tech on the black market. This includes Smart Bombs, among other things.
>His underworld connections are established, and he uses the profits to continue his research
>Secretly conscripts youths with psionic aptitude to continue testing
>One of these conscripts is a young girl named Krystal
>Publically, Andross is reassigned to the Terraforming project.
>With Beltino, they perfect the design of their world creating device (a GECK, for lack of a better term)
>Beltino is cautious, and mindful of the ethical implications of permanently altering a planet's ecology.
>Andross is eager to launch a test on any number of lifeless planets in or around the Lylat system, because a successful test would mean an exponential increase in funding.
>Each proposal to test the device are held up indefinitely in legal and moral redtape.
>In frustration, Andross launches an unauthorized test on a derelict planet on the outer rim of the Lylat System.
>Venom is born

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>Add dating sim elements
Only if you can date Katt, Miyu, and Faye (and I guess Krystal). The dating elements could just be handled the same way Persona does it.

I want to date Wolf though.

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But which character would you marry and impregnate?

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>Andross's wholesale selling of his phychic commander project ultimately creates an arms war of sorts
>soon, even space bandit groups are able to access such tech
>fast forward to the end of SF64
>Andross is defeated, but the legacy of his tech still remains.
>even space bandits are able to conjure up psychically controlled fleets
>Starfox accepts contracts for protecting freighters, eliminating spacer gangs, etc..
>a SF game where you actually play as a mercenary

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Hang the guy that commissions all the Falco hyper and get a fresh start on his lewds

>dating regular wolf instead of

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Regular wolf is perfect, why downgrade him by making him a gril?

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it was platinum's game. they added the shitty gimmicks, not miyamoto, not some other boogeyman. sorry, cope.

Dating simulator, the only girl is Krystal and the game is a 15h long gangbang

Something Awful had it right, furries ruin everything.

Why downgrade him and make him gay just so you can relate to a fictional furry character?

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What do you mean relate to? I like how he looks and I want to pet him that is it, the other user wants to date him ask him why to him
Also Wolf and Isabelle is a much better pair than Wolf and Fox

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>that goofy western-furry looking face
>wants to pet Wolf
>Shipping Wolf with anyone
Nice try you closet furfag predator. Go back to e621.

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>not wanting to pet wolf

What kind of person in this world wouldn't want to pet a dog? It doesn't matter if it's a dogman it's still a dog so you have the obligation to pet him

Well, might as well kill the thread at this point. Whenever you're ready mods.

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I blame two groups for the fall of Starfox: Shigeru Miyamoto, and furfags.

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You nigger wolves aren't dogs what is your major malfunction?

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Move on from Andross

The thread was never going to have proper discussion with that OP so I am just going to have fun and post wolf whinout thinking about what the posts actually say

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Give it to Bandai Namco again and let Project Aces handle it or make Starfox Assault 2.

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Give creative control to Matthew Gafford

Develop the world some more, not saying the series should go full serious or anything, some camp is always welcome but go a bit more into the various factions that exist within the series as well as sub-factions within those groups that may arise.

Gameplay wise drop the On-Rail as the main gameplay, On-Rail could remain as an Arcade Mode sort of thing but the main game should be player-propelled either through Level based progression like the older games with multiple objectives on planets to flesh out each planet's story as well as provide more character interactions and development of plot or simply go semi-open world (i.e. multiple small to medium sized areas able to be explored).

Also I know people would probably bitch about it being added but it would be neat if we could upgrade and alter the ship's design both the physical appearance, the paint job and the weapons, shields, etc.

Take out everything that isn't rail shooting. Just gimme a good rail shooter with 12-15 levels with branching hidden paths and corny dialog. With lots of unlockables for getting medals/highscores

That's literally all I want, i dont understand how this is so hard

Shit I shouldn't post while half asleep I didn't stop to think about the reason there wasn't much discussion going on is because it's the middle of the night not because of OP

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Yeah, you're right. People seriously posting about starfox don't care about the porn

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Sounds cool

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>it was platinum's game
Is that why Nintendo EPD is credited as the main dev?

>take same character
>add mascara and titties
Sounds like an upgrade.

t. waifufag

Have Pigma fuck FemWolf, Leon, Krystal, Peppy and Fox

Only if there's still a dick too.

Star Wolf is overdue for a female member.

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Have it be a rough tomboy, Keep Andrew, Get rid of Pigma and bring back Panther and you have a deal

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Everyone hates Pigma. I think he's pretty well recognized as being the most truly villainous member of Star Wolf. Andrew is an Andross loyalist so I am not sure he really has a permanent place within Star Wolf-- he is another character I'd say might be too overtly villainous to be a mercenary. After all, he did leave them as soon as Star Wolf were no longer in his uncle's employ.

If they add a female member to Star Wolf that would bring them up to a balanced 4 members though. Maybe a coyote, or a hyena?

The only reason the Star Fox fandom is still alive is because of smut. Once in a while Nintendo will emotionally blackmail us to make us buy garbage like Star Fox Zero, but it doesn't work. They need to get their asses into gear and make furry mass effect.

I wish futafags would fuck off

Everyone loves to hate Pigma but storywise the first chance he gets he'll sell Star Wolf out for money.

>Butch Hyena Bitch
You're just asking for dickgirl fanart at that point.

This. Preferably a raccoon.

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This is fake she's clearly into scalie cock.

Nah, Star Wolf trio is fine.

What makes you say that?

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>tfw no game with the Trio
It'd be something different from a retread of 64 without having to progress the Star Fox story

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