Why he did it?

Why he did it?

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thought it would be funny

He wanted some CBT from Sekiro

dios mios, el ogroid de las Americas..

I beat this game 4 times and cheesed this bastard every time, fuck this guy.

All the negative karma he had accumulated throughout his life made him vulnerable to being possessed by the demon that had been born out of the repeated bloodshed that had taken place in Ashina's repeated wars. He spends all his time in a temple, later reinforced with numerous talismans, in an attempt to ward off the demon while he carves Buddhas in a futile attempt to negate some of his karma. The ministry's attack strengthens the demon enough that he can no longer resist it and he leaves the temple, becoming the demon's host. In the Shura ending, Sekiro abandoning his lord makes his negative karma great enough to become the host instead of the Sculptor.

I've been thinking about how The Sculptor was carving all his angry buddhas in order to retain his bloodlust and protect Ashina from the Ministry of the Interior Is it possible that his form is some kind of experiment with the eyes of the red carp eyes that went terribly wrong?

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That's not it at all. The Sculptor was carving Buddhas to try and balance out some of his karma. The intention of carving the buddha is to try and carve a very specific traditional design, and failing to do so is considered to be caused by karmic imbalance. The Sculptor's buddhas always turned out as incarnations of wrath because he was barely making a dent in his karma, not because he was deliberately trying to make them that way.

the sculptor didn't become shura, the sculptor would still transform in the shura ending

>In the Shura ending
Spoilers please, I'm doing the first run.

Shura and the demon are two separate things. Sekiro becoming shura made him a prime host for the demon, and it comes for him in the shura ending, which is why his arm lights up. The Sculptor gets out of his fate as the demon's host, but only because a better one showed up.

Don't forget that the demon is not inherently part of either of them. It's its own entity that is stalking Ashina looking for a host. It can't end up in two places.

what demon? where are you getting this from?

>balance out some of his karma
But what is karma? I think he was fighting against his most deep desires until the Interior Ministry remove "right" from "wrong" in the inmediate reality. The Now is War.

There's no moral choice in war. So his inner fight was cancelled thanks to the Interior Ministry annexation.

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had nothing to do with karma, it was bloodlust overcoming him

If I recall, you hear about it in one of the eavesdrop dialogues.

It absolutely is about karma. This is basic Buddhist stuff.

>still no dlc

Should I just played Nioh instead? How long does it take to beat it?

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I did all endings and never heard about a demon. they're just talking about shura several times, and the sculptor didn't become that

He got mad, but not mad enough

Isshin is the best boss Fromsoft ever made.
Isshin also shits on Gehrman in every possible facet.

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Is not going to be. This game is a love and farewell letter to a whole way to make videogames in Japan.

>Activision got his hands on From Software
>Ashina got annexed

Demon of Hatred is Yea Forums incarnated then.

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Don't waste your time with Nioh. Seriously.

- Instead of an interconnected world you have a world map with independent missions. Any time you leave a level it resets itself. Anything you unlocked, like shortcuts: gone.
- They recycle the shit out of the levels. So, a single level can easily be played four times:
The first time you play it as a main story level
As a "twilight" mission: same mission but with harder enemies
As an optional mission No. 1
As an optional mission No. 2 AKA the same level but backwards
- The worst of all, the gameplay centers around Diablo / Borderlands loot. If you've played those games you should know that you progress not thanks to your own ability or understanding of the combat system but thanks to having the right gear and spamming the right ability / weakness. You can easily get stuck on a boss because you made the wrong build.
- Only seven weapons. While they have an expansive moveset, you'll be fine spamming the same attack again and again and again.
- The game has one of the lowest enemy variety I've seen on a game outside beat'em ups and their recolors: like only ten different enemies and the majority of the time you're going to fight three: undead soldiers, human soldiers and horned oni.
- And even with all of its flaws, it can be easily cheesed with a spell named Sloth.

Nioh is not only one of the worst Soulsborne games released, but a very garbage game on its own. I shit you not, I had more fun with Lords of The Fallen.

tl;dr No.

I'm already installing it.

You're an idiot then.
Sekiro and Nioh are the most recent version of the Bloodborne and Dark Souls 2 duality: a masterpiece made by the original developer vs a Chinese-bootleg tier imitation made by a foreign team composed by retards.

I warned you; don't come here bitching about Yea Forums tricking you into playing a shit game.

>muh headcanon

Enjoy. Nioh is my favorite game of the 8th generation. Sekiro is my favorite FromSoft game, but I enjoyed Nioh more overall.

If the game is fun or not for me, it's up to me to decide.

>that one part where the ministry rebuilds the bridge just to invade Ashina even harder

At that point I realized everything in that game is based

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why did you ask in the firts place then, you fucking asshat?

You may be right, but still I can't watch someone walking willingly into one of the worst videogame crimes in recent history and do nothing.
Wouldn't you do the same if someone near you wanted to play Dark Souls 2 or Devil May Cry 2?

How does it feel to like the taste of shit? Just curious.

>You can easily get stuck in a boss if you have the wrong build
>literally cant use "skills" to defeat a boss with a wrong build
The absolute state of Dark Souless shitters Oh no no

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What is it with this fucking game and monkeys?
Even this damn boss is sort of orangutan-like and flails about.
I wonder if Wolf turned into a badass wolf shura in that ending?

It's more a eastern philosophy question. Why does he abandon the shinobi way was never explained either. At least of what I have played to the moment. I don't know if in other endings it is explained more about the Sculptor.

>He has a necklace that I we don't know the origin or story
>He was a friend who died in hands of the ape
>He made the ultimate ashina shinobi technique and then he retired
>What was the relationship between him Owl and Lady Butterfly? The three were shinobis serving under Isshin

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Wasn't a huge fan of sekiro. I'm playing through Nioh again. Still a fun game. Really like the 1on1 fights with the humans.

>I died to the guy with the lightning dog ;_;

Have fun, user

>Post on a English imageboard.
>Play games on Spanish.


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He became the Shura. His transformation was only delayed by Isshin cutting off his arm. In the Shura ending, Sekiro himself becomes the vessel.

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it is explained, though
ishiin cut off his fucking arm

>shura mode
>Isshin stopped him cutting his arm off.


>Accelerationists are actually pushing as much bullshit as they possibly can to bring the public awareness of this kind of manipulation and the system being fucked so that people have this awakening before the world is entirely controlled by Robot wielding elites with AIs to sort out problems and it becomes impossible to actually fight back or do anything about it
>They are attempting to crash the system as quickly as possible as a slow death would doom humanity
This is unironically the most interesting take on the issue and the most reasonable as to why someone would be an accelerationist other than just wanting it to be over faster.

I, for one, welcome our Ministry overlords and thank them for the rich shipments of fulminated mercury they bring.

it brought him out of his bloodlust
also hard(er) to kill people when you only have one arm

Thank you.

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Activision didn't get its hands on From Software, but it doesn't matter.
Sekior is From Software's last good game. Elden Ring will be the first of their mainstream audience-focused RPGs a la Witcher or Elder Scrolls.

That's why the Lemurian War do exists as hyperstition, they tried to expose the impossibility of knowing the true geopolitics of the world. The forbidden mechanics.

>What was the relationship between him Owl and Lady Butterfly? The three were shinobis serving under Isshin

They were literally drinking buddies, all of them. Owl being the one who could hand liquor the less while Isshin the most.

That's how it goes, they go back and forth.
>DS2: mainstream appeal casual game
>Bloodborne: hardcore game requiring gud
>DS3: mainstream appeal casual game
>Sekiro: hardcore game requiring gud
Elden Ring will be casual as fuck with lots of crutches, then we'll get another cool game.

I mean all that is fucking nonsense but schizo's do occasionally hit on interesting ideas and this is one of them. I left out the reptoid shit in the response because its just crazy but the other idea presented makes sense as a long decline would basically enslave humanity to Elites with Killer robots and AIs to track people while a fast decline can result in a revolution to deal with that issue beforehand.

>owl is a lightweight pussy lore
where can i find this

Please tell me in the ending were You stay loyal to father you unlock dialogue giving him sake.

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Swap DS2 and Bloodborne and I agree with you.


Give sake to Isshin

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DaS2 and DaS3 aren't any easier than Bloodborne and Sekiro. Well, maybe DaS2 but only if you're a veteran; the average player is fucked.

Elden Ring is different because it has all the marks of a casual western RPG
>Open world
>Horse as your main transportation medium
>Written by the most famoust western writer at the time.

Just shut the fuck up

You're very, very naive if you believe that Elden Ring won't be the turning point. Their Mass Effect. Their Fallout 3.
At this point I made my peace with never expecting anything from them again. It's not the first time it happens.

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DS2 has shields and tons of mechanics to make life easier if you want them. BB is brutal all the way through.
See above, numerous mechanics like summoning make the games much easier. Shit, Sekiro even took away that crutch.
Elden Ring will have better combat than your average shitter WRPG, but it's going to be much more accessible than Sekiro, that's for fucking sure.

I'm gonna leave in spoilers so I don't derail. Maybe not answer me also counts.

The big problem is that if we reach what Heidegger called The Event (Yes, we talk about the technological singularity since then) we will not be able to calculate the final result. A pseudo singularity in historical record is the time that two facebook AI started communicating in a language that they invented on the fly.

All the x/acc are literally playing Jumanji. The winner takes the future


They literally just made their hardest and unfriendliest game ever and it pulled a 90 metacritic. 7.9 due to all of the souls shitters buying it and getting ogre'd.

literally what

It was a farewell of sorts. They decided to go mainstream so Sekiro is their last gift to their "hardcore" fans.
They know better than anyone that the Tolkien-esque WRPG market is up for grabs now that Bioware and Bethesda pretty much abandoned it.

In the x goes the letter that represent each faction. g/acc (tranies), z/acc (I'm not doing acceleration), even b/acc, how the technocapital singularity affects the life of black communities in the OTAN ring.

you sound crazier than the literal schizo above me

shura ending was kino

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You're forgetting how back in 2015 The Witcher 3 humiliated Bloodborne in front of the entire world, and the only reason Sekiro was successful was due to Cyberpunk 2077 being pushed to the next year.

From realized that the money and success is in mainstream WRPGs, not in the actionized King's Field games they've been making for almost one decade.

gee bill TWO mortal blades?

I can’t believe how hard this place has ruined Spanish monster names like that for me.

The real question is did he kill Kuro?

>put a harder fight just before the final boss
what were they thinking

thats usually where superbosses are

I don't think so, as it will cut his immortality, unless if Shuras are already immortal. He probably kept him as his slave.

But Dark Souls 2 was unironically the best game in the souls series.

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Anal boi slave, hopefully. Kuro the divine sheath.

>the only reason Sekiro was successful was due to Cyberpunk 2077 being pushed to the next year.
Get back on your meds, user.

I want to like Sekiro but it’s honestly too hard for me

It can be frustrating as shit at first.
You don't have to solve everything on your own. Watch guides, read the wiki, exploit boss weaknesses. It feels really really good when you finally down a tough enemy. Even better once you've got them figured out and can whip their ass.

>Please tell me in the ending wereyou stay loyal to fatheryou unlock dialogue giving him sake
a-user, I...

I got second phase right now. I don't know how the fuck I'm going to beat this one.

Fuck him up, user. Hatred's a great fight.