STALKER thread?

STALKER thread?
Why is it such a slog? I made it to Pripyat and there's Monolith cunts everywhere. I keep running out of ammo.

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Because it's shit.

>I keep running out of ammo.
If you weren't filling the chest in the bar with all the ammo you found and or have a fuck ton of money you probably aren't going to have a good time in the power plant.

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Zoomer opinion

the game was released in 2007

There's a chest in the fucking bar? AHHHHHHH


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Is there one in the freedom base too? The only one I remember seeing was the one in Sidorovich's place.

>I keep running out of ammo
actually git gud lmao
I forgot how many times I kept being slowed down because of how much ammo I had
there's chests nearly everywhere jesus christ how the fuck are you playing this game

Yeah there's a blue trunk kind of next to the guy that sells you info, you can put anything in it. How the fuck have you managed to get this far carrying things only on your body?

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you can use many chests in the game for storage, i had stashes all over the place.

Yes, and?

I aimed for the head a lot.

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Not to mention things take like a decade to despawn so you can just throw trash on the floor and come back like a full-on real life week later and it's still there

I hate this place.

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Which game i should go first?

Order of release, dummy. How is that so hard to understand for people?

I started with Shadow of Chernobyl.

Just install Zone Reclamation Project and you're good to go. It merely fixes all the bugs and doesnt fuck with the game itself.

Thumbnail looks like a man screaming how fitting

shadow of chernobyl only one worth playing

They really don't want you to get in there.
There's a chest next to every trader.

Absolutely false.

In a perfect world, men like me would not exist.

I genuinely did this with some 5.45 ammo I had early on in the game. I had just gotten into Garbage and was still using 9mm so I just tossed it near the entrace of the level. Hours later I got the Tunder from some Duty retard who got killed by some dogs and got the ammo back from Garbage lol.

God, this game is comfy.

>that part where the controller spawns behind you.

>that part where the BLOODSUCKER spawns behind you

Fuck this game.

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>I keep running out of ammo.
How? Use a gun that has the same ammo those monolith guns have. Bam, you're set.

I just bought them all. Do I play vanilla or modded?

are you playing on the hardest difficulty? because you should be
for some inexplicable and slavic reason, the difficulty affects how much damage both you and your enemies can take equally. so, the higher the difficulty, the fewer shots it takes for anything to die.

if you are, and you're still having ammo problems, git gud scrub

did anyone actually have thing disappear in this game? i used the boxes in the bar, yantar, garbage, etc. to store big ticket items i really wanted to hold on to but it got to the point where i would just drop a dozen sausages and bandages in an abandoned house or under a bridge somewhere and it was always still there. it was actually kinda fun finding my own little stashes i had forgotten about.

overrated garbage lmao

>I keep running out of ammo.
shoot them in the head

Agroprom underground is childs play. Get to the Brain Scorcher or X18 and get back to me.

All the Monolith fags have exoskeletons and still eat like 10 bullets to the skull before going down even on master.

The original, and for a first playthrough, do the ZRP. It's basically a fan patch. After that go nuts, personally I like Zone of Alienation but I'm also a retard according to /sg/.

Vanilla with bug fixes.

>I keep running out of ammo.
If you're playing on anything other then the highest difficulty, you have fucked up.

What weapon are you using?

>>that part where the controller spawns behind you
God that scared the shit out of me. The one thing I love about STALKER is that it genuinely felt like you started off as a rookie and slowly became this experienced badass Stalker.
Controllers and bloodsuckers used to scare the shit out of me at first but as you play the game you get so used to it that you don't even give a fuck anymore. After like 30 hours in you're rushing into Bloodsucker Village throwing grenades at controllers and genociding every bloodsucker in sight and it feels fucking great.

>that part where a bloodsucker uses a wounded loner to bait you into a trap

The very first time I played the game my first encounter with the bloodsucker had my hands shaking by the end of the fight. I was 17 and the game had just come out. 12 years later I still hate that part of Agroprom. No other part of any of the games compares to that first encounter, because it's the first time you run in to a bloodsucker. To date it still sticks with me.

if you click their heads 2 times and they don't die, your weapon has shit accuracy and / or dmg

really did nail the immersion, man. i don't think there's anything quite like your first stalker playthrough.

How bad are the bugs in vanilla? Are they game breaking or just funny?


A little bit of both.

Only things on the ground and body's disappear. Some body's are permanent though like the bandits at I think the entrance to the garbage.

>had no internet for a few months during winter
>this game every day
i was in another world and lost track of reality to an extent that hasnt happened since deus ex, i didnt even mind the hourly crashes
what other games have this level of atmosphere?

If you use the official patch, nothing game breaking.

>what other games have this level of atmosphere?
I have been searching for years and nothing quite scratches my itch like STALKER does.

yeah that's the part. I had a feeling the building was too empty and wondered what wounded the guy but didn't realize till it was too late.

Yeah, SoC is definitely a game I'll remember for a long time. I'll give it another go someday, won't be the same but should be fun.
I only ran into a "game-breaking" one once. Basically the game would keep CTD'in and I had to reload a save before getting a certain objetive but that was it. As long as you save often you should be fine. There's some stuff like objetives not disappearing from the map but that's just mildly annoying, doesn't actually do anything.
SoC reminded me *a lot* of Morrowind. Not exactly the same thing but it had a very similar feel to it.

Is Clear Sky worth it playing or should I just skip to CoP?

Sounds like I'm just playing vanilla, then.

>Is Clear Sky worth it playing or should I just skip to CoP?
CS is the red headed stepchild of the trilogy, but I like red heads. I really liked it when it came out, and the last level of the game is the hardest in the entire series.

>Is Clear Sky worth it playing
i liked it even though it tends to be on rails a lot.

Is there a mod that fixes the fucking awful Chernobyl ending section in SoC?

I didn't know that and ive finished the game many times

That fucking part, man.
You realize not only are these things hunting you, they're intelligent enough to manipulate people.

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>what other games have this level of atmosphere?
honestly nothing. stalker offers such a unique brand of it which is a pretty significant (for me at least) part of its everlasting gameplay value.

Somehow the game only crashed for me once in my entire playthrough.

It's surprisingly more stable than New Vegas or Fallout 3 on Windows 10.

>there's Monolith cunts everywhere. I keep running out of ammo.
Use their guns, use their ammo. Problem solved. I tried to take the same gun from Bar all the way to endgame as well, ran out of ammo for it by CNPP. Just grab one of their fancy guns and use it.

>Guide for new STALKERS
Not sure what to play? Get Shadow of Chernobyl, and Zone Reclamation Project patch for it. ZRP fixes many bugs and can cut down on crashes, plus it can optionally remove some annoyances like "Hello? Hello?", "GET OUT OF HERE STALKER" and etc. Play on hardest difficulty to prevent every enemy from being a bullet sponge. Learn how the spread on your gun works and stop trying to snipe people 300 yards away with a fucking 9mm pocket pistol. Learn to stop running into radiation patches and anomalies. Use your bolts to spot the edges of anomalies.

Want more? Clear Sky literally re-uses many areas and makes every enemy throw grenades like they were on sale for 2 rubles a pop. Many consider it to only be good with mods, others say it can't be made good. If you must try it, you can give the vanilla experience a go with the Sky Reclamation Project bugfix mod. Call of Pripyat is considered an improvement on SoC's system, but instead of having a large world of many mid-sized areas, now you just have three large areas. It doesn't need a bugfix patch to be decent.

Cont in next post.

>optionally remove some annoyances
Those are some of the most memorable parts of the series.

One thing I love about STALKER is how fucking anything could happen. You kinda just make up your own stories. There was this one time where I entered the Wild Territory and, at the same time, a shitton of bandits, pseudogs, Duty folk, snorks and named characters (which I was supposed to assassinate) all spawned together.
Fucking insane.

Going back and forth into different areas only to find out some Stalkers you've met before are dead was pretty sad. Don't even know if that was supposed to happen or if it was a bug it really gave this feel that there was a lot more happening in this world besides whatever the hell you were doing.

>mfw I accidentally killed Wolf with a grenade later in the game when trying to assassinate someone.

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>Use your bolts
>mfw I watch speedrun and the guy runs straight through Electra by discharging it with a bolt and using the small pause

fallout 3 was the worst for me. fnv with the usual essential bug fix mods never crashed on me in over 250 hours on win10. all the stalkers ran great but i play mostly modded soc. fallout 3 was so bad i gave up and used ttw instead.

Play CoP first.
Play CS afterwards if you still want more STALKER after that.
CS ain't a bad game but it's buggy as fuck.

Ages later and tons of mods later and dudes walking off when you're talking with them STILL hasn't been fixed and don't even get me started on the trash that mods bring like a soup of enemies attacking an invincible npc non-stop or enemies literally noclipping behind you or friendlies randomly shoving and pointing a gun at you mid conversation and that's just what i recall at the moment.

Nice eurojank stalkertrannies i can see why you come back but fuck me i can't get why people enjoy it.

0/10 stale bait

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lucky fucker (ran it vanilla on win xp)

Still want more? Welcome to the modfields motherfucker.

AMK 1.4 with Arsenal Overhaul and whatever graphical mods you like the look of is considered the golden standard of SoC mods. Still lots of other good ones, experiment around and see what you like. Doom's Mod Merge is a nice Freeplay mod, but kinda obsolete these days. AVOID "Complete" mods, they turn difficulty down to casual shit.
Faction Fronts adds a neat territory warfare element to the game, with a few other improvements in there somewhere. Only mod I ever used for CS that actually improved the gameplay.
Try to find the earlier versions of Misery, before it went to shit and turned the screen into a red jelly smear 80% of the time.

Or you can combine all three games into one large world to fuck around in with Call of Chernobyl(requires a copy of CoP, hasn't been updated in a long while) or Anomaly.(requires just a 22GB download, actively worked on, item bloat though)

It's not like i shat on your "atmosphere" stalkertranny. You're delusional if you think that shit iposted doesn't happen.

>mfw finally reach freedom territory
>read up you get to meet wolf there
>really excited to see him again
>turns out he's fucking dead and he got thrown into the fucking fire
>mfw no face
Ok but for real now what the fuck was GSC thinking making a game like STALKER and not adding a single slav waifu into the game?

You can beat the final section of the game with the same weapon as long as you have around 500-600 anti armor rounds.
STALKER NPCs do their own thing, even while you are away. It's a form of AI I haven't seen in any other game. It really feels like they have their own agenda.

Forgot this. It's an OLD recommendation chart, years old. Still useful though if you aren't sure what you want.

You want to see women getting crushed in gravity wells, strangled to death by bloodsuckers, set on fire, mauled by dogs, and shot to death by bandits?
Wait, don't answer that.
No, it's better that women don't get involved. Stay home, let their husbands do the dirty work, and give the boys in the Zone a reason to make it out alive.

Fucked up, forgot image twice.

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Now THAT'S some good jank.

>was expecting modern pop-in monsters horror game
>game is not scary and you can literally hear even scripted mutants before you encounter them
>but human enemies can sneak, flank, and climb multiple floors to pursue you
>turn a corner and an AK blasts in your face at full volume
Boomers are the biggest pussies when it comes to horror games but STALKER with headphones fighting human AI indoors gets fucking scary. I genuinely flinched on more than one occasion and fell back to holding down the trigger 30 degrees off mark before readjusting

I really like how once you cleared up certain areas you'd get to see Stalkers moving in and setting up camps. Their movements would get predictable after a while though. I don't think there was a single time I entered Garbage or Cordon and didn't immediately have to take part in my hourly loner-saving, bandit-killing process.
user your post implies I wouldn't protect my Stalker waifu as we go hunt artifacts and shoot bandits together

I swear before the Monolith, I wholeheartedly believe that stalkers sneaking up behind you purposely wait until you turn around before headshotting you just to get that jump scare in.
Nothing in the Zone startles me the way those fucking pranksters do.

You’re supposed to feel like you’re pushing through a war zone, with things just going out of control.
By that point the game assumes you know how to loot and shoot, so it’s very much about that and you’re supposed to survive off the ammo you’ve hoarded or the ammo you find.

Every STALKER game has an ending sequence like that where it’s very shooting heavy so you have to know what you’re doing.

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Anything post 2001 is zoomer

The spookiest is a bandit base when you've wiped out the last enemy.
I mean, that was probably the last enemy, right? It's been like five minutes without a peep, no way there could be one sneaking up behind you right no-

ok /vr/ back to your retirement home.

it's shit
>until you apply mods
and then its great
its just sad 99% of the people who shill this game do so with opinions based on a modded version and not the vanilla version which was shit
and they never look at the game from the right point of view, consider the first few quests before the game unlocks, you're expected to go from A to Z with no help right from the start, fighting an entire fucking base of military fags and going through a underground tunnel before that with more military fags and mutants and anomalies all with no knowledge of game mechanics or indeed any gear
veterans can laugh at this because hindsight is a great thing, but newbies won't know shit and when playing it unmodded its just fucking terrible
>the entire first part of the game until you reach 100 Rads is a tutorial casual filter
yeah fucking hell, casual filter stopping you from being a true F5 F9 simulator pro

Raiding the bandit base for the first time was an actual nightmare

It's only overrated by Yea Forumsirgins, reddit, and Youtube old game reviewers. If you met a single non autist you'd know no one really cares for this game.

I'm sorry but if you didn't murder everyone at that military checkpoint back when you only had a 9mm pistol and two shotgun rounds you are a turbofaggot

There's ALWAYS one more bandit. It's ingrained habit now to do a quick sweep before looting bodies

Wrong. It’s perfect the way it is in vanilla. The mod community has shit taste.

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Guys you're making me look bad. Stop it.

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If you want far cry just play far cry mate

Why are the handguns all useless in this game? Even the Big Ben desert eagle is trash.

>that one bandit with a shotgun that always spawns on the second floor hiding behind the door leading to borov
I can't be the only person that killed this guy like 20 times, right?
It's fun to use them to execute incapacitated enemies while they're on the ground crying

It's called gate keeping and it's the only thing that keeps communities from turning into faggot central.

A look at this thread and /vg/ and i can safely say.

That gate was being kept with duct tape my dude.

People in /sg/ are at least knowledgeable about the games and quite helpful when they're not chasing redditspammers around all day giving them attention

why would you ever go to /vg/

They are meant to be used as side weapons or for enclosed areas.
Also they can be silenced, that's neat.


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Mainly funny, the game had constant crashes and awful bugs on release but it's been patched pretty well over the years. This is the sort of thing you're most likely going to see.

Isn't there a mod where controllers make you kill yourself

That's amazing.

Which side is better to join? Duty or Freedom? Or neither?

I'm talking in terms of like ammo and shit.

You can be friends with both

I can never bring myself to fully commit to a side because being hostile with the other just seems like a colossal pain the ass.

How long should beating the campaign take in SoC? I played vanilla to see what everyone was fussing about and yeah it was fucking amazing start to finish (once I got over my fov bouncing side to side when moving) and figuring out the game mechanics wasn't easy but felt really rewarding once I got it down
I loved how really terrifying the game got when it got quiet and pitch black in the research halls and bunkers, and the mutants scared the hell out of me too, especially the first encounter with the big one early on in the game (don't know the name or area you encounter it in).
But I beat the game on hard and it only took maybe 8 or 10 hours to go through getting to to the credits, and I never found strelov, just went to the sarcophogus and ended it. Did I go too fast? Was there a whole bunch I missed? I really enjoyed the time playing but it probably won't be something I play again unless there's something good I didn't see. Should I play the sequels? Is it worth playing more of?

I only did one playthrough lol

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That's a long time for one playthrough, did you do a whole bunch of the sidequests?

The Clinton style suicide.

Yeah I tried to do every quest possible in the game as well as collecting unique weapons and looting stashes. I didn't even manage to do all I wanted though since some important NPCs died and I couldn't get some stashes to spawn.

Also since you said that
>and I never found strelok
You definitely missed content.

You missed the quests you need to complete in order to get the true ending.

>Did I go too fast? Was there a whole bunch I missed?
yes and yes. sounds like you were in a hurry to just get the game over with.

Well only once I took out the brain scorcher and everyone and their mother went "HOLY FUCK GET TO THE CENTER OF THE ZONE" and then the shooting and fighting started and I just went along with it, suddenly I'm fighting through a city, then a lab, then I'm in front of the monolith. It was pretty sudden compared to everything else I did in the game. Don't imply that I wasn't having fun, the end just came up on me really fast

call of pripyat definitely has the best quests

based retard

>noah and his fucking pseudodog
>casually have extremely rare artifacts and give you no problem
>later have puppies
>still living in the wrecked ship
based Noah

>Being this much of a fag

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You know that NPC in a SEVA suit you rescue at the beginning of CoP, at the boiler anomaly? I noted down what his name was, and sold him a PKM I got from somewhere. Every time I had to head back to Skadovsk, I'd check in on him. Sometimes he'd be lounging around, but most of the time he was out in the swamps with his buddies, laying absolute waste to the pseudodogs and fleshes. Or he's be getting artifacts. Or just sitting around a campfire - when he was, I'd join him and drink some vodka. Sometimes trade stuff.

Before I triggered the ending quest for CoP, I went back one last time, and he was still there. He'd just wiped out a pack of pseudodogs with his buddy. I bought a grenade from him, and then went back to Pripyat. I like to think that he's still roaming the swamps with his PKM, dashing to Skadovsk during blowouts, and drinking vodka around campfires.

Not many games can make an NPC feel almost like a friend, especially when there's no dialogue to speak of.


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>Why is it such a slog?
it's not. It's one of the best games ever created.

>I made it to Pripyat and there's Monolith cunts everywhere.
And this surprises you, because.... ?

>I keep running out of ammo
clearly you suck at preparation and/or looting.

A typical zoom zoom was 7 years old at that point.

Nigger, there's chests, rug sacks and whatnot EVERYWHERE on the game's world.

Consult this Starting Guide,
then see the /vg/'s huge Stalker General for more tips and links:

Play in the release order. Start with no mods - only latest patch, OR get the full "Starter Pack" first; these contain bug-fixers and light visual mods that can help performance as well.
Leave big overhauls for later playthrougs. Avoid the "Complete" -mods. Always play on MASTER difficulty for best realism and atmosphere, and disable crosshair.

Don't give up in the beginning! The starting gear sucks ass and first area can be a bit boring.

Attached: stalker guide v1,42.png (1536x1250, 1.1M)

>That's a long time for one playthrough
No it's not.
I have not beaten a single STALKER game under TWO WEEKS. And I have played each one of them several times, with and without mods.

Call of Pripyat had such good atmosphere.
Just travelling through the zone had you on edge because the zone actually felt alive.

I don't like open world survival crafting bullshit but a multiplayer CoP where the only goal is to survive with fellow stalkers would be so good.

Ray of Hope.

I've said it for years, and I will say it again:
MP and STALKER do not mix.
"Just surviving for lulz" is also the polar opposite of what makes STALKAN' so great.

Any good recent stories guys? Been playing Anomaly recently as a loner and got ambushed in the vehicle graveyard by a burer, zombies, a psysucker, and a chimera all at once. Only had a walther p99 and a russian ithaca clone but by holding out in some decent rubble I managed to barely make it. My assassination target fled due to the shots north to the army warehouses using a path I didn't have as well.

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Please tell me theres a full version of that image

Nvm found it

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/eggheads/ where we at?

>playing Anomaly
>grinding up the ranks as a Loner, notice that two of the top stalkers in the Zone are ecologists by the names of Bohdan Dyakonov and Bogdan Dyakonov
>establish autistic headcanon that they are brothers who joined the ecologists and came to the Zone together
>see them every time I go to Yantar, guarding the scientist bunker, patrolling the outskirts of the factory, popping caps in annoying snorks
>one day I’m in Yantar, hear intense gunfire from the factory
>get a bad feeling as I rush in to investigate
>on the ground before me is the fallen Bogdan, surrounded by dead zombies
>get a message on the PDA (thanks to Anomaly making stalkers always chatter on the system)
>”Bohdan Dyakonov, Ecologist: I’m gearing gunfire in Yantar, near the factory complex. I wonder what’s going on over there.”

This janky slav game gets to me in a way I never thought a game could

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Really this kind of connection can only be explained as slavs using STALKER as an actual noosphere experiment, hiding it in plain sight

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Rule 17: always make sure they’re dead

Right here.

Are you in warfare mode to have that many mutants spawn at once? I turned up the spawn rates in my Anomaly, but everything's still pretty scarce.

Was there any news from Gamescom?

>Monolith cunts everywhere
>I keep running out of ammo
Pick up their weapon you absolute faggot. They have the best weapon in the game -- VSS.

You play til that part then start a new game or switch to CoP. That's what people do.

>running out of ammo in a game where you can kill any target with 3 bullets to the head and all humans drop some ammo

to me it looks like a shark's maw

75% of stalker mods are just worse than the games itself fuck off

i literally beat this game when I was 8 years old on the hardest difficulty and to this day I'm an absolute noob in fps games
you can do it user