DAY 73

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1. You're a nobody and no one gives a shit about your small protest.
2. Konami doesn't make videogames anymore.
3. Platinum Games is pretty much a Nintendo third party now and expecting anything from them that isn't Bayonetta 3 / an Astral Chain sequel is pure delusion.

Cringe but you're right

he's not.
Konam have made a new vidya studio in 2018, got some old staff back, and suspiciously had most of their projects made by external studios even when they made a new studio. (next contra is directed by Nobuya Nakazato but developed by ToyLogic)
We know they have three studios
studio 1 is console AND mobile
studio 2 is card shit
studio 3 is apparently only console games
this mean there's half of studio 1 + studio 3 working on something and we have no idea what is it, but it's probably either MG related, or Castlevania.

as for platinum, they already said they are working on 6 projects right now. 2 which are unannounced.

imagine giving this much of a shit to write a paragraph detailing why no one cares about this. go fuck yourself retard

i'm not even him but does that really constitute as one?

rude people like you are the one who need to penetrates themselves.

Doing God's work

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That's pretty neat. Thanks for the info.

So any chance of a new pic related?

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>Being interested on non-Nintendo Platinum projects
Well, if you like shovelware more power to you, but I personally crossed out Platinum Games from my list of developers I buy games from.

They renewed the trademark in canada this year, but that's kinda it.
Silent Hill sadly always had some troubled devs. PT wasn't the only project that had started and canceled since Downpour.
Even if Masahiro Ito seem to have alright relations with Konami, i don't think we will see a new game any time soon, unless maybe a collection.

Why do you care so much about what other people enjoy?

What's Raiden story from now on?

It's not about caring about what other people enjoy.
It's about the fact that anything PG does from now on that isn't a NIntendo exclusive will be cheap shovelware at worst or mediocre casgrab shit at best so unless you own a Switch you have no business expecting anything from them.

Either him destroying the fucked up society and probably dying as some kind of unsung hero.
or him becoming a weird mix of Solidus, Big Boss and The Boss, probably as an antagonist.
He can't have a good ending anymore, he's too deep in it now.

Nier automata was that to you?

The good things about it (character and world design, story) came from Yoko Taro.
From a gameplay standpoint, it was extremely mediocre.

When trolls want to shitpost against Bayonetta (like ACfag) they accuse it of being just a glorified button masher with a billion cutscenes Nier Automata is what trolls claim Bayonetta to be.


You're retarded.

Why are you shilling for them for free?
Notice how this fagotron didn’t say anything about The Soccer game o4 pachinko machines? That’s literally the only thing these fucks care about. They’ll shit out a few remasters or collections, and make sure the trademarks stay renewable for CV, MG and Contra, that’s about it. Sony should be trying to buy out there IP and actually doing something with it.

PES are made by PES production, a separate team.
pachinko are made by Konami Amusement, not KDE, and are far less popular and made since the dark 2016 days.
People should grow up and and do their research, instead of living in the past.

You're insane if you think that Konami will go back into videogame development like Capcom has been doing.
They will focus on Pachinko, PES, mobile and collections of their own titles. That's it.

You're the one who needs to stop living in the past.

Konami literally rename the old kojipro team (more than 200 people) in a new sub studio called Production 8.
we will see in the future, but even if they don't do as big as Capcom, it will surely be better.

I'm sure you were the kind of idiot saying the same things about Capcom back in the day.

Pachinko again are not made by KDE and are far less made because of the pachinko crash of 2018 that impacted the whole industry because of some japanese laws. PES are made by a separate team, collections are outsourced to M2, Mobile is made by part of Division 1.

I just want this logo to make me feel excited again

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No shit you absolute sperged out tranny. We don’t need to deep dive into their inner workings, check your fucking optics. When people say “Konami” they mean the whole shebang. Which is now a holding company that has basically mothballed their videogame production. They care about their yearly soccer title, I don’t care what team makes it. They care about card games, mobile, pachinko and keeping a death grip on a few valuable pieces of IP. They legit have legendary franchises. Metal Gear, Castlevania, Silent Hill etc. if they gave two fucks about video games they’d be doing something. Can you imagine a competent company owning that IP and letting it go to seed?

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Never give up

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The old KojiPro team is is going to be Konami's mobile division.

the next MG very probably already is in work since 2017. Survive wasn't supposed to have a single player and very likely was a cut MGO3 expansion at first.

Castlevania got two collections, smash characters, a netflix series, and IGA recently said he could return for a new game.

Silent Hill, while popular in the west, never was big at all in Japan. to the point where SH2 almost cancelled the franchise back then (and it's supposed to be the most popular game of the franchise.)
another SH game was in dev since, made by masahiro ito and some other japanese devs, very likely to be a sequel of SH3, but it was canceled for unknown reasons.

Card games are made by division 2. user, team matters, because they can't have more than 400 people doing jackshit yet getting paid. 200 of those already are ex kojipro members.

0 members of them were featured in any mobile games since 2015.

1. (You)
2. Contra: Rogue Corps will be released on this fall, Metal Gear Survive was released last year.
3. Platinum Games is a independent developer who's working on their own ip right now and on Babyllon's Fall for Square Enix.

Contra isn't developed by Konami but Toylogic, this mean the Konami devs are working on something else. only the director of Rogue Corps is a Konami guy.

I have zero hope that the game will ever get a sequel, but I respect your efforts, user
may Jack rip again when the time comes

if DMC5 actually happened after 10 years, so can MGR2.

You’re not comprehending what I’m saying bruh. If they cared about making video games, they’d MAKE FUCKING VIDEO GAMES. They care about IP farming, because it’s a holding company. Hence the Netflix series, the collections, the licensing shit out to other companies. This is a very low cost way to turn a buck off popular properties, what they aren’t making is big budget new games featuring properties that lots of people around the fucking world (not just Nipland) love.

user, if most of their recent projects are made by other studio, this mean the staff at KDE are working on something else, they can't be in a company and do jackshit yet getting paid. it's just the project isn't known yet.
Konami almost had 0 leaks in the past, i don't think it would happen suddenly.

1. ((you) you)
2. Contra Rogue Corps and Metal Gear Survive are just cheap cash-ins with no effort put into them.
3. Platinum Games doesn't give a single shit when a game isn't a Nintendo exclusive. Like Konami, they only see the rest of the market as a cow to be milked.

It's actually day 46 because you started counting at 11

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I wish Platinum would release a similar themed game. MGR had the best swordplay of any game I've played.

No user, i changed the quote at day 11 because i said "everyday" in the place of "every day" before that.

I see, carry on then

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You can do jackshit and get paid, when you own very very popular intellectual property. For example, Marvel Comics sold a record low number of books last year, yet they turned a record profit. All they had to do was hire writers and artists that work for nothing, raise the price of the product while slashing production costs. Licensing, back catalog, all this shit rakes in reams and reams of money.

>small protest

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>no happy ending after 2 bait & switches
Raiden had a hard life.

i'm talking about the people working at Konami user, if there's 200 devs, confirmed to work on no known project, it's a little suspicious.
believe what you want, but i'm 100% sure a new MG, new game, MGR2 or remake, is in dev and is going to be announced next year.
and why would Konami created a full new studio last year only to not use it?

Mobile games
Porting their old catalog to everything under the sun
PES support

I've seen posts like this recently on every thread that is Metal Gear/Konami related, are you the same person posting these infos on these threads? Do you think they will announce something at TGS? Just curious.

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How do I beat this smug bastard?

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Division 3 already is confirmed to not do this you baka.
Mobile games are made by part of Division 1
PES is made by PES prod
ports are outsourced to M2 and co.
I'm not the same user, but i guess we have the same ideas.
TGS is too soon in my opinion. If Geoff wasn't bro with Kojima i would have guessed Games award, but since he's bro then E3 2020 seem more likely, the game could be next gen only or cross gen.

Learn to parry better than you did with Monsoon

be a

Let's wait and see.
I'm willing to bet a game on Steam that whatever Konami is doing with that people, it won't be videogame releated, or at least it won't be anything exciting like a new Metal Castlevania Hill or a new intellectual property.

E3 2020 will confirm that Konami is gone beyond any hope.

Getting old staff back is likely the wrong way to put it, they never lost staff.

When they put a bullet in Kojima Productions v1.0 only like five people left with Kojima

I'm more optimistic for the future, but your choice. we will see who is right or wrong in some months.
They actually got Uehara, the main programmer of MGS1-2-3 and GB, back. (after he had left the company in 2009.)
he returned in 2017...And yet he was in no project since. when the role given to him seem pretty huge. that's fishy.

It was mostly just MGSV staff.

By the by. The main minds behind Zone of the Enders are all still at Konami. No, Kojima barely had a fucking thing to do with either game.

Parry. That's basically it.

Ask Konami

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I want Revengeance mode and the Konami code won't fucking work. Anyone know why? I'm on PC using an Xbox controller. I'm kinda lazy to go through all of it again, I just want to play the boss fights.