Why aren't more video games set in Canada?
Why aren't more video games set in Canada?
Vancouver is not all of Canada
You're absolutely right, I'm talking about Markham.
I don't know but it seems like too many video games just have Canada as a plot point where Americans at some point in the story have to escape too.
Everything that isn't Vancouver, Toronto and the weed smokers of Montreal are pretty comfy desu
no one knows what a chinook wind is -- nor do they know a few canadians like eating seal shit
Because it's shit.
So where in Canada is everyone?
Toronto. Think about fucking off and going north of Sudbury all the time but I can't do that due to familial responsibilities.
Like this shit ass city has got me thinking about taking a bus and hitch hiking to a bumfuck town near Sudbury, getting a job in a shop or manual labor in a small town and living in the woods
Nobody knows anything about it besides Canadian jokes, which are sadly not very robust when compared to just about anything else. Sorry about that
Calgary, city of racists and retard economics
I have a cottage out in minden, comfy stuff. You should consider something similar
I hate Canada
I'm so sorry
Quebec, the province of high taxes and lower salary for any given job compared to the rest of the country. Feelsbadman.
Open world shooter set in Canada would have some interesting gun choices, thanks to the RCMP banning "scary" guns you see in movies and video games (not that our alternatives are any less lethal).
>SKS instead of FAL
>VZ58 instesd of AK47
>AR180 instead of AR15
>Type 81 instead of AK74
>XCR instead of SCAR
>lots of Ruger 10/22s
>lots of 9mm carbines like the Sub 2000
Because Canada isn't really a place where cool movie shit happens and games just want to imitate movies now.
Newmarket. It's shit and I hate everyone here.
I lived in Scuzzbury for years. Absolute shithole.
I did a couple weeks of summer at a friend's cottage out in Gravenhurst and it was a great time. Lot of outdoors and beautiful countryside.
If you go into some of these small towns, everyone is so damn friendly and I love it
>easter egg FAL if you blow up a random shed
>do a mission for a boomer and you get his G3
>Random antique webley drops
Nanaimo on Chinkouver Island. It's pretty fucking great aside from gas prices.
I'd have to do my research but it probably wouldn't actually be sundridge. Maybe some place in West Nippising or even crazier, go into one of those majority First Nations places like Moosonee
Worst province by far, sorry about your luck man. Good news is east, west, even north or south-- just move and you'll be doing better probably. Nowhere but up.
I live in toronto. If I want to move somewhere with minimal living costs and good internet connection, where should I go?
Protip, people being nice because you visit a small town doesn't necessarily extend to you living there. I've lived most of my life in rural Ontarian towns. People are often nosy cunts, but they like to put on a nice face for outsiders.
>with minimal living costs
You're gona be paying top dollar wherever you go, you're fucked.
it's fun to imagine having a place near a small town and all but most of them are actual shitholes if you live there the whole year for the rest of your lifetime.
I'd rather have a property I can choose to retreat to for a few weeks/months
Oddly enough a lot of movies are filmed in Canada, then just said to be somewhere else (New York most frequently).
Endgame: C1A1 or Ross Rifle
I want to move away from toronto
Seems like a bit of a waste when you think about that. There's no need for every movie to be set in NY or LA
go to markham then
The first 15 minutes of Soma are set in canada
Victoria BC. The entire city tries and fails to be a tourist trap
You might actually be right but I'm becoming very disillusioned with the city life. Maybe it is just this city and I might be better off in a similar place somewhere else, but I find myself romanticizing about living someplace where there's absolutely nothing going on
Thunder Bay
I-I'm in Newmarket too.
Then at least pick one within reasonable driving distance of a city in case you want to do something or buy something.
I never understood why Thunder Bay was part of Ontario instead of Manitoba
Winnipegchads reporting in, rip alec
>Vince Li has since killing and eating this man, changed his name and been released from a psychiatric hospital
QUEST ADDED: The Arrow Flies Again
No one cares about Canada.
jesus chirst trudeau get it together
Select your character!
Cant wait till this retard gets dabbed on by Sheer in October
Everyone hates you, you stupid fucking br monkey
As much as I hate frogs, that tittle goes to Manitoba or Saskatchewan. QC and Montreal are actually really nice.
Winnipeg is a dirty shithole. All garbage, zero culture. Only canadian city I've visited in which taxis have knife protection shields for the driver.
Holy shit Batman what a throwback.
Someone post the song please.
You are correct. Pretty sure our bus drivers are trying to strike because of too many methheads
Yes, I have been trying to explain this as the real reason that indie dev an heroed.
Enjoy your 45min minimum one-way driving commutes daily trying to live somewhere less population.
Fellow Winninigger reporting in.
>city of 100k
>drug consumption site gets 700 visitors per day
who /methbridge/ here?
t. Ontario
Every time I spend time in Lethbridge I get wicked headaches and I don't know why.
>tfw no "My Winter Car" total conversion mod for My Summer Car where you race shitboxes on the lake with studded tires in northern Quebec
Probably the wind.
miscreated but its an absolute shit game
ontario bramladesh reporting in
>tfw worked in toronto for 2 years living in mississauga
>1.5 hours each direction every fucking day
gardiner expressway is a national shame. the cruel irony is im making more money and have more free time by staying away from toronto
NS, I'm in a constant sad and confused state of mind.
Reporting in. I'm depressed because it's already fall and it'll be winter in two months.
I hope you fellow winniggers aren't voting PC in the upcoming election. They've fucked up our hospitals enough.
Coquitlam BC
Toronto, where it's illegal to express opinions as a straight white cis male.
Naisu. I was born in Coquitlam. Comfy area.
Because canada is just America but gayer
It'd be pretty boring.
The scenery porn would be on-point, though.
Jean Bison levels in Sly 2 are MAXIMUM comfy.