Play a JRPG right now

Play a JRPG right now

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Make me nerd.

I really wish he had gotten EOU3

What JRPG is the most cute and what is the most funny?

what is a good JRPG i can play for free
i like post apocalyptic settings and think fantasy settings are gay and most japanese characters tropes are gay

But which one?

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>think fantasy settings are gay and most japanese characters tropes are gay
Don't play japanese games then

i already played all the good ones

but the OP... i... what should i do???

Not video games.

They should start making jrpg's more focused on social simulation, like Rune Factory series, then I'll be more willing to play them.

You are nerd now.

Mink is playing sness
She has floofy hair

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I'll play one tomorrow

Holy crap she's ugly.

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>He said yesterday
How do I escape the loop?

>decided to buckle down and play a japanese game translating everything
>sometimes spend upwards of one hour trying to look up one (1) heavily pixelated kanji

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>no dream hunter rem ero jarpig shmup

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Still waiting.

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Just use kanjitomo. Also I love tatsumaki.

Played the first three, loved them. How good are the rest comparatively?

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But I've been busy playing another game. I'll start one tomorrow for sure!

I can't decide whether to play valkyria chronicles 3 or tactics ogre luct next

I'm playing Xenoblade 2 right now

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play smt 1 right now

Anyone played Crystar yet?

I can't, I just get bored 10 hours in unless there's dating mechanics

Playing through Breath of Fire 3. Just got to the timeskip, Garr searching for you after beansing it up at Angel Tower years prior is somewhat touching. It's nice to know Garr is legitimately feeling guilty over what he's done.

Ok ,I'll play wizardry.

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what does that stand for

I’m playing Devil Survivor and TWEWY on my 3DS and DS respectively. Gonna tackle Radiant Historia and Strange Journey next.

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reminder lefts tits are fake, theyre just water balloons.

wait, this isn't free i cant buy this

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I'm playing Xenoblade Chronicles already.

shit megane tensey

Why can't I be fatlus?

it isn't free i cant play that

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Which version is the best?


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just google name and online and it's free :)

Looks like it's not translated?

I was playing Alliance Alive a bit earlier. Recently got the whole group together, and so was visiting all the realms once again. Just cleared out the Rain Realm and was revisiting a mage hut to give Vivian a new spell, now that I sold some junk for money.

This was sort of fun. Not as good as the main series, but kind of fun in its simplicity.

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I'm playing several. Mostly Xenogears and Mother 3

You can easily emulate SNES games for free.

Also, SMT1 is just sort of decent, not great.

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Just tried it out, threw some stuff at it from the game I'm emulating.
Some of these kanji are too shitty for it to parse but it's pretty accurate on the ones that don't look too bad so it saves me the time of looking those up.
Thanks. Was searching by radicals in Jisho this entire time, this should be a nice speed up.

well yeah why the fuck would 真・女神転生 ever be translated? the game takes place in tokyo do you think they speak english there or something??

You can also try google translate for mobile. It has camera recognition now and is okay at getting shitty handwriting sometimes.

Class balance got way better after 3 but that arguably made the games easier. As long as you don't pick multiple characters of the same class any party composition works in the 3DS games.

But I am. Pretty good so far as of Chapter 3. I feel like they made some of the units too good like Rusty. Nigga cleans house and is hard to kill with parry and quick evade. Then you have the other units like Archibald and Ewan who can barely perform their jobs. Hell Ewan became a inexpensive healer after a while. Gonna get the Bitch Witch Probably gonna wife her. and the Titty Cardboard Box Ninja who I've heard are both pretty good. The stories serviceable but nothing special though.

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We're having a pretty civil thread, why do you need to be this way?

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I love turn based but I feel like lately there's an over-saturation of titles with this style.

I don't want to get burned out of it .

i'm playing dragonquest 8, it's pretty cool once the story gets going

Out of the 3DS games I felt like 5 came the closest to capturing the feel of the original three games.

to this day I cannot see the atractive in Sakuya, maybe is because I got tired of shitty Tsunderes at the age of 15, either Hilda Lisette or Popo or Nonoka are far better personality wise and kinda unit wise

Max affection Archibald is pretty strong since that fixes his low MOV.

>I love turn based but I feel like lately there's an over-saturation of titles with this style.
Most JRPGs that aren't blatantly attempting to be the Final Fantasy ATB are turn-based. Legend of Grimrock is perhaps the only game which really isn't, and that's more of a Dungeon Hack style game, not even a JRPG. What makes you think that there is an over-saturation at this point rather than every other time?

Nothing wrong with that

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I miss the days of bikini armor. Modern shows only throw it in for laughs and boners, but old shows just had as the norm without awkward fanservice added in. Such a wonderful aesthetic.

>Chapter 3
Enjoy your remaining time. Haha

>the norm without awkward fanservice
Did you really think that characters running around in bikini armor weren't intended for titulation?

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I just started SMT1 and I have to name all these fucking idiots?


>IV is similar to III but streamlined, nothing too different but the sailing mechanic of III added as an over world, not too impressive and doesnt make a return, labyrinths are quite short to accommodate several of them many optional
>Untold 1 is a straight remake of the first, it adds an optional story mode that is pretty cliche but enjoyable, but spoils the reveal of the setting early, but has two story only classes which are very good, also includes a classic mode that lets you tackle the game like a traditional EO, class balance is decent but this game is arguably the hardest, expect to get your ass kicked on the first floor, all around a satisfying experience
>untold 2 is a run make of the second one, same beats as the first remake, story is eh too, but only has one story locked class, sovereign from 3 returns too in both modes, less hard and much easier to break with the right classes, still a fun experience
>V is back to basics, no grand story or forced characters, just pure EO bliss, hype music, hype gameplay, but classes are streamlined and adds races, has a lot of QoL changes, a bit harder than U2 but easier than U1
>Nexus is a mashup of all EO, with mechanics from V crossing over with force from 2 and U2, classes from all games return and perform in similar ways to their original incarnations, has a ton of content and replayability, and is quite hard if you dont know what youre doing as som classes require special attention

I get you man. I just like "that" type of woman I suppose. Also none of the girls so far have really peaked my interest they just so ditzy and airheaded. Cute but not my type. Also I'm going to save Hilda for New Game+.
Ominous, I hope this means the story gets better and the game gets harder.

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I've been playing Wild Arms 3 and it's pretty good, but farming gear for personal skills fucking blows. Even trying to use Lucky Hand for a better chance takes fucking forever.

The titty ninja and Rusty are by far the best units in the game, they are way too good to not use
Ranged units and archibald are mediocre dont bother

Naming things is hard. This is too much work.

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I wish I could meet a girl with a body like this

use canon names then

Me too too...



Water > Wind > Time > Earth >>> Fire

Been thinking about playing the Breath of Fire series. Should I start at the beginning? It looks like the first one has been rereleased on GBA, should I play the SNES or GBA version?

Hero's Bikini Armor is ehhhhh. Definitely preferred her default armor set up over it, even if it is titillating.

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wind has an annoying voice and Mor, while autistic, has a nice background story

Watcha guys think about this JRPG?

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Popo's voice didn't really grate on my nerves, personally, so I was fine with that. She was also damn useful given how she increased the speed of the units in the early game, especially with how slow the game can be at times.
That said, the first four are pretty close in terms of how much I like each of them. Sakuya's tsundere antics were too much for me, though.

Here, I'll give you some names.

Wind Waker's one of my top-3 favorite Zelda games. Not sure what it has to do with RPGs tho.

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I am. It's pretty comfy

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How do I get into Ys? Which is the best version of the first one to play?


Is this Ys?


I think his point is that it was more often played straight rather than as a gag or outright fanservice scene.

I really like her tanned friend

Currently doing my 1st ever run of Final Fantasy X. Just got to the ruins of zanarkand. Liking it a lot.

No idea, I've only played Ys 8.

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Should I play SMT or EO?

I'm playing Nexus right now. Sad that EO is basically dead going forward until Nintendo releases another DS system. The only other ones I haven't played are the Personashit crossovers.

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If anyone is looking for a nice classic RPG experience, might I suggest Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky? It's long, and not overly challenging for the most part once you get the hang of positioning characters, but good character dialogue and story stopped me from ever getting tired of it. Plus good music and the MC is very cute, and not a complete moron.

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I'm jealous of people like you. I really just want that loli but my OCD refuses to let me skip the first 7 games

What's your current party?

Have you played either before?

Which games are you considering?

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Don't worry user I feel you. I also want to play some Castlevania but I feel like a giant poser if I don't play them from the start, but I hate the first one
I've played a few other SMTs, but not EO.
I'm considering the SNES and 3DS SMTs, as well as whatever EOs are good
Don't you know that dungeon rpg is torever?

Ys 3 oath in felghana is tops. Its on steam. I think its a port of a psp game. Great soundtrack, appropriately simple plot, rock solid action.

I got around that by treating the metroidvanias as a separate series

I plan to go back to the older games, since Ys 8 was so fun. That said, keep up your progress and I'm sure the effort will make the time you eventually spend with this cutie all the better.

>Don't worry user I feel you. I also want to play some Castlevania but I feel like a giant poser if I don't play them from the start, but I hate the first one
Remember user, sometimes games are bad, and even good series can have bad games. For example I love Mega Man games, but I would never recommend someone play the original unless they were a huge fan of the series.

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still playing trails in the sky fc. im taking a short break though because ive been on a mega man binge lately.

Thanks user, I think I'll just drop whatever games aren't sparking joy

I'm playing SMT Strange Journey and it's bretty gud


OG or Redux?

Recommend me one


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>try to negotiate with Jack Frost
>always fuck it up and he gets pissed at me
This has happened like five times, he can hee-ho fuck himself
Redux, just unlocked the Womb of Grief. I have an all neutral party for those sweet pile-on attacks


God I love SJ's battle theme.

Glad I could help.

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I am playing runescape does that count as a jrpg?

>Womb of Grief
oh boy, have fun with that dungeon.

Sounds good. I'll add it on my JRPG list

I have Persona 1, 2 IS, 4, Xenogears, and Chrono Tigger on my Vita. Which should I play?

CT is like a few hours long and it's one of the best, why haven't you played it yet?

Yes, it's Ys VIII

What is a JRPG where I can play as a loli with a party of other lolis?

>Womb of Grief
enjoy peak SMT

Dragon's Dogma, Etrian Odyssey, Fortune Summoner

Literally Etrian Odyssey

fortune summoners

did they release EOX artbook?

Been playing nothing but JRPGs this year. Finished Dragon Quest III in August and Finished Final Fantasy I a week ago. Will be getting Dragon Quest XI S day one and most likely start playing Dragon's Dogma afterwards. Maybe sneak in another Bloodbrone play through.

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Don't do a fully party of lolis when dungeoning, that's a rookie mistake.

Alright bros I've sorted out the backlog. Only play the games that look interesting

>Play one
>Never finish it despite enjoying it
Please tell me that I'm not alone.

I’ve played a little bit of it on my phone but the emulator got revoked and i gave up on it

Hero/Shogun/Harb, Princess/Gunner

I loved Strange Journey and Devil Survivor but I played the DS versions. SMTIV/A are cool too. And Soul Hackers is a classic that really holds up.

Etrian 2 Untold (Classic Mode) is one of the best EOs overall I think. But the QoL changes for each game makes going backward hard.

EO2: Added strafing
EO3: Significantly increased battle speed
EO4: Even faster battles
EO Untold: You can now hold B to move faster
EO2U/EOV/Nexus: All on about the same level

A lot of new players end up therefore starting with EO3 because it doesn't have a remake.

Don't get suckered by the Untold Story Modes. They're terrible.

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I don't like them anymore, Japs almost never put any effort into dungeon design

Why not?

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For me, it's fighter.

>Japs almost never put any effort into dungeon design
As opposed to glorious western dungeons?

yes. If Japanese RPGs had dungeons like MM6 or Wiz I'd be delighted. Only a handful of crawlers like Elminage really compare

A party comp is much funnier with one grown-ass man trying to take care of a bunch of children.

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Oh no the normalfags have shown up. Soon they're going to say something idiotic like "pedoweeb"

I'm playing FE Three Houes now, was playing Tales of Symphonia but put it on the side to focus on TH
I plan to play either Xenosaga Episode 1 or Dragon Quest IV after both of those. Which one should I do first?

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Personally, I like having an onee-chan that the loli seduces

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ive actually been here since the beginning of the thread you sick fucking cunt

Cheers I am a sick cunt

I just picked up Trails 3rd again after not touching it for 3 months. Got to the boss of chapter 4 and died, might try to get past it tomorrow.

Honestly I feel like it's kind of a slog. I enjoy seeing the characters again, especially since it was a few years since I played SC, but the game's format just saps any of my enthusiasm. Feels like a fangame.

>wanting an old hag.
Poor taste, user.

No u

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Heard you talking shit.

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DQIV is fantastic, I'd recommend that unless you're a huge Xenofag

Lolis are for onii-chans, and occasionally other lolis.

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Name a good JRPG that only has female characters and I'll play it.


I'm sorry you need desperately dick in your porn, my condolences

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Fake news. They're actually real. The artist has drawn her with fat milkers outside of her normal outfit.

That's not even a game.

the first dungeon was ok, but the next few were flat and uninteresting so I didn't get far.

It's based
There's a bit where a girl gets fucked by pigs so long and so hard her DNA changes and she gives birth to half pig half humans

I can understand why some people wouldn't be as on board with 3rd cause of how it's structured but I think it has the strongest character writing of the 3 Sky games, it does a really good job fleshing out all the side characters and I really like Kevin as a protagonist.

The MC is male.

Sounds like the pigs aren't female.

>doesn't want to be the onii-chan
Gay. But at least you know you don't deserve a loli yourself.

did you just imply lolis have a dick?

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All pigs are female

What? The Gnome Village was better then the first dungeon.

Just shut up already and let me enjoy my /u/
You trash talking it won't make me hate it

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Fuck /u/
Fuck spoogyoogie
Fuck jannies

It definitely does have the strongest character writing, and that's a lot of why it feels like a fangame to me; it's almost nothing BUT character writing, so far. And the plot seems like a big excuse to get everyone together to give the fans more character writing. I'm fine with that, and I enjoy it, but I did like the adventures of FC and SC more.

/u/fags really are tasteless you're luck that /ll/ is so based.

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I can't fap unless there's a dick because I like to self insert as the guys

totally disagree. I liked how the first could drop you 4 floors below with dangerous enemies everywhere, gnome was the opposite and devoid of traps or powerful foes.

You're reposting my image scum

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>Just shut up already and let me enjoy my /u/
No, I'll never let someone settle for old hags.

>EO4: Even faster battles
EO4's walk speed is extremely slow, though.
There's a fan patch to fix it inside dungeons, at least.

Also agreed for 2U. Definitely my favorite game in the entire series alongside 4. There's a few annoying things with it, though, like the cut content resold in DLC and the fact that getting maxed grimoires with perfect attributes is extremely tedious. (meaning you won't get that great feeling of having a maxed and optimized team for the superboss unless you grind like crazy)

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How does emulation work for etrian games? It uses the touch screen a lot doesn't it?

Onee-loli >> All Lolis >> Loli with fat old man dick
Lolis belong to onee-chans

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Draw with the mouse

Like I said shit taste but based. We just happen to share several images.

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For fucks said, I just said I like having an loli/onee-chan party and everyone has to interject to let me know that they love cocks
Good for you cocksuckers

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I'm organizing an expedition to /u/. Who's in?

Forget about them.

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>Just got the platinum trophy in tales of vesperia.
>Don't know what to do with myself anymore.
I need... another game. Another long ass good JRPG.

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Stop shitting up the thread, you dumb pedofags.

>It uses the touch screen a lot doesn't it?
Just turn auto-map on
From EOU onwards, you can even auto-map walls

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The extra floor for the new superboss was great though.

My big beef is that the dungeon is too FOE focused. The Nexus version of Petal Bridge is arguably better than the 2U version.

works completely fine
and you're all fags, the only acceptable part is full guys, little girls have no place in the labyrinth. no homo.

/u/'s a pretty shit board user I'd rather go to /cm/. /u/'s only good on Yea Forums.

Which etrian should i play? I played etrian 4 the most, but i kinda hate how crunchy the sounds/music is, hurts my ears. Not a big fan of turn based jrpgs, but that one i liked.
Xenoblade 2 or ff 12 on switch? I don't want to play every jrpg in the world, don't have much time for that. I played xenoblade 3d but never finished any ff game, ff 12 seems the best one.

You need at least one token loli to raise moral among the lads.

How can you call yourself a lolicon when you like old hags?

>that they love cocks
>Good for you cocksuckers
No one has said that, you retard. All anyone has claimed is that old hags are shit, and yet you keep shitting up the thread with them.

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Why does onee-loli make you so irrationally angry anons?
Face it, onee-chans are cucking your lolis

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there's other ways to raise morale without bringing something that needs to be protected at all times

Do you not know how to read? Serious question, because you seem to be unable to parse even simple sentences.

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>cucked by /ll/
New fetish unlocked
Thank (fuck) you user.

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But some lolis are the most useful when they aren't well protected. This is why you're still green.

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I never played FF12 so Idk. If you can't look past flaws in a game don't bother with 2, you won't like it.

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EO4 has the crunchiest music for some reason. The other 3DS entries had less-bad sound compression. Try 2 Untold.

Man, didn't you love when this thread was mostly on topic?

Anyway, I'm currently playing Phantasy Star IV again, after Alys got zapped by Zio. Is there like an in-game time limit to save her or do I save her regardless?

>I like onee-loli parties
>Lolis are for onii-chans, and occasionally other lolis.
>No one has said that, you retard. All anyone has claimed is that old hags are shit, and yet you keep shitting up the thread with them.

Fuck off moron

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what a big dick for such a little girl

>Not letting the loli protect you.

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Is this a sequel or something to Gate of Memories?

On second thought, I should probably get back to playing.

It was concept art from the minis game that came out before Gate of Memories.

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I'm replaying Trails in the Sky for the first time since it's initial NA release back on the PSP. I never did play 2nd or any of the other games, because I always meant to replay FC first, but never made time. I'm enjoying it more than I did originally, not sure why. How are the Ao/Zero fan translations?

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Which are? The only thing i seem to dislike from what i've seen is artsyle (which is alright, it kinda grew on me, plus it has bunch of other artists characters), shounen/anime character cliches (which is expected but i don't recall xenoblade 1 having those as much), bad resolution on handheld mode which i would probably play the most, and the random gacha stuff with blades, but i played lots of games like that already and even non rpg ones like castlevanias and monster hunter have those.

>only one of the hero versions got a bikini sprite
Talk about fucking lazy.

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I'm going to play FF8 remaster tomorrow so I should track down a list of missable shit and optional GFs so I don't need to backtrack at all.

>Optional GFs
If only

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I am. Rogue Galaxy

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that's not even her on a good day

no i gotta finish astral chain. maybe after.

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Combat locks aways multiple mechanics until the end of Chapter 3, so the beginning of the game is just basic fusion combos which is very simple and repetitive until you can actually try out different builds. Also it's braindead easy unless you get the DLC which comes with BoC (hard mode) making it great.

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EO4 is maximum comfy for me. Don't know why though.

TitS was a good time for me. From the very start, I was determined to make Estelle a tankier front liner with taunt and the rest more attack oriented. By the time I figured out she just wasn't really built well for that role, I was already dedicated to making it work. Stuck with it to the bitter end, even after getting Zane who was born for it. It wasn't optimal but it wasn't too bad.

A mission you mean, to convert them out of their hag-loving ways? Either way it's impossible - some of their heresies are just too deep-seated.

Translations are good; Ao is peak Trails

is popful mail a jrpg? Never played, like the characters though

Are the Ar Tonelic games good?

Yes. Best music and girls in any jrpg ever

Yes but get the patch for the second game

Why is love between two consenting people illegal just because of their age?

Which ps2 jrpg to try? Never had a ps2. Prefer an action jrpg. Right now thinking of trying either evergrace, rogue galaxy, radiata stories, dark cloud, maybe ff 12. Which ones should i try? Anything like that? Want to play something with the same atmosphere as megaman legends, tail concerto but in jrpg form.

feminism unironically

Jealous old women

any recommendation?

i want one isekaish style, so you go leveling up and gettings skills of your choice

I love "JRPGs"

I just "played" a "JRPG" this morning

Etrian Odyssey is like Strange Journey but instead of the map automatically filling in as you explore you have to draw it yourself, right? Seems like a pain, is it any fun to make the map? Is there an auto-map option?

>Which etrian should i play
In the right order

Children can't consent.

Xenoblade 2 or Octopath? I recently got a switch and not really sure what to get.

It's fun to draw the map and making notes
but there is a autofill option on the newer ones

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Have sex incel

Xenoblade 2

Do you want to go maximum anime or more old school?

Puberty used to be the baseline for consent

maximum fun

Unless it's a sex change operation

im goign to go extreme here but i think people should be considered to be able to consent after 20

teen years are so fucked up with all the hormones crazyness going around

I wanna mating press her balls-deep but without the condom

Do they bang?

But user, she can't consent.

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personally I think it should be 25. I mean the brain doesn't even fully develop until then.

I personally prefer my women to be at least 1200 years old.

Then don't play either. Octopath has good artsyle, xenoblade has better gameplay and is just overall more fun despite being shitty anime like sword art online. Wait for trials of mana.

personally I think 30
You should reach wizard status first and then decide if you want to give it up
Everyone who had sex before wizardhood was raped and had their powers stolen

no, i hate anime

Posts like these really make me wish for sharia

Consent is a man-made concept. Shes begging for it.

Evergrace is very cool and will be quite the experience for your first JRPG

>Etrian Odyssey is like Strange Journey but instead of the map automatically filling in as you explore you have to draw it yourself, right?
EO is basically a straight improvement from SJ across the board. Automapping exists in a lot of entries so you don't have to do it all by hand, but a lot of people find making their own maps fun.

It is immoral for you to want to have sex with sexy little girls

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That's not allowed

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It's not my first jrpg, but i want to have some romantic/fun/weird but comfy atmosphere. Last jrpgs i played were mana games, gurumin, xenoblade and something else, don't remember now.

Based wrong quoter

There's literally NOTHING wrong with filling a little girls tight little baby hole with my fat adult dick, specifically via full Nelson, mating press, or lotus position

And also threads of fate, played it not so long ago, like the atmosphere, music, dialogues, gameplay a lot. And length was perfect.

>Weird and comfy atmosphere
Persona 4 or Chulip

Rune Factory 1-4 has all of that you listed

Not persona 4, that's absolutely different game, not at all what i'm looking for. Chulip is fun, but never played it, i somehow only now discovered ps2 emulator.
Rune factory is nice, i only played 4, but that's more of a harvest moon game. Is there a reason to play ds ones?


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My bad
There is everything wrong with doing lewd things to lewd children.

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well Rune factory 3 is a lot faster and more combat oriented

i think you will get bored with 1 and 2, pretty nice story and girls but they are really slow, its nice to star the serie with, but going back its a pain

Can't argue with that logic. Time to mam some kutes and man some nakets.

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Only if they have character creation

What if the loli is named Stacy?


Not my fault these lewd little girls are just waiting to be bred.

This desu, but for all rpgs.

>Came to see the list of games to be added to my never ending backlog
>Got cute and funny
Not even mad.

Of course not. She's a drawing.

I just realized how perfectly Kanna would fit into a Fire Emblem game.

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Momoka's cunny is far from unsullied.

I wll buy you game. What do you want to play?

Just character creation is not enough - there has to be a certain set of sliders.

>Play a JRPG right now
I'm playing FFXIV right now. Is there any good Single Player JRPG I can play on PS3 or PS4 with lewd anime girls?

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sry not a pedo

How well do the SMT games emulate on DS/3DS? Was tossing up getting a 3DS for them

>this is pedo

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I'm playing through them now, and I think you need to play them on PC to be able to hit the speedup button all the time

V is way, way easier than U2 overall. Even on expert I rarely felt challenged and it was far easier to smush the Star Devourer than it was to crush either the Ur-Devil or the Ur-Child.




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Playing DQ4 right now. I want off this Monster Arena ride. I know the prizes are shit but I keep doing it instead of just progressing the game. Send help.

If I post a loli will someone answer my questions?

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I can't believe that's official art.

I don't remember 1, but it's never too late to get some of that Church is evil trope.
I'm not a big /vr/ fag but if I understand correctly SNES is preferable to GBA most of the time.

I'm not qualified to answer your questions. I will however give you this (You) as a token of appreciation.

Your loli is accepted. You have my attention.

I played 1, 2, and 3. Tried to get into 4 but it didn't grab me right away, never touched 5. Of those first three, only BoF2 and BoF3 really left an impression on me. I'd say BoF3 is the best by a hair, but BoF2 is also very good so maybe start with BoF2. But if you only ever play one Breath of Fire game, I'd say make it BoF3. If you like turn based RPGs at all you won't regret giving Breath of Fire III a try.

The storyline in each game is more or less standalone, in a kind of Zelda-esque way where they're connected, but in a way where you don't really need to play the other games to get a feel for the plot and characters. So you shouldn't feel pressured to play them 'in order'. Not knowing that say, Bleu/Deis was in an earlier game doesn't really affect much.

Attached: BoF2_BARUBARY.gif (500x280, 659K)

Oh, and the GBA version is perfectly acceptable in the case of BoF2. Just go with that.

Explosion inside Megumin

Just play 3 & 4. I like 1 & 2 but I don't know how much I can recommend them as starting points after beating those classics. 5 is an acquired taste. If you're going to play the first two I recommend the GBA versions because grinding is easier.

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I haven't played breath of fire 3 myself, but the intro song of 2 dunks on 3's intro

Should I get an emulator to play EON?

>still haven't started 5 or X
>bought both
What am I doing with my life?

Thanks anons. One more question: Do the games build on the older ones mechanically (e.g. Lufia 1 & 2), are they mechanically distinct (e.g. Final Fantasy) or are they mostly the same between games?

Mechanically distinct. Although you can see the building blocks of the previous games til 5 which ditches everything.

Thanks, have a loli tummy.

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Well, between 2 and 3, they keep the turn based battle system, so the basics are pretty on par but there are some differences. It's been a while, so I can't break it down in detail, but I know that in BoF2 there's this late game thing with fusing various characters with different shamans for a transformation and power up, while in BoF3 you can fuse dragon genes you find throughout the game and I think your party members with Ryu to give him really strong dragon forms later on.

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Adult EO girls are vastly superior to shitty lolis

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NP user hope you enjoy the games. The whole series is among my favorites.

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I like both.

You're too kind.

You posted a non-shit one at least, so I'll let it slide. I'd also have accepted Shilleka, Missy, or the EO2 Guildmaster.

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Females over the age of 18 can't consent. They're too stupid to comprehend sex.

Acquire good taste and then play a JRPG.
Or accept that you are gay and enjoy Japanese character tropes.

>nip wizardry was supposed to release a few months ago on steam
>got changed to january 2020 because of some licensing issues
Fuck me.

Field Skill grinding is annoying bullshit. To remove smaller obstacles in the world like removing a tree, activate control panels, open certain chests, talking to certain animals, etc your blades needs to have certain skills a certain levels and need to be in your party. Leveling them up and putting them in your party seems like a minor thing, but can get incredible annoying at times.
Sidequests are also mostly walking from point A to B and do minor things like talking to people, activate a field skill, collect items or kill monsters. Their stories bits are great, but the quests themselves are boring for the most part.
The merchant system can also be rather exhausting. It's basically a system where you choose some blades to send them on realtime missions (40-120 minutes usually). Would be a neat system if some side quests or main quests wouldn't rely on it and forcing you to wait sometimes several hours for nothing.
The game is good, but certainly not flawless.

user, it's like 4:30 in the morning and I literally just turned off Blue Dragon. What the fuck do you want from me

to play JRPGs

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Goddamn it fine, I'm close to the end of disk 1 anyway

Why though?

Usa Mimi
Jack the Ripper

Lolis got you covered, man.

I love Tiggy.

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Is there any romance in this?

Something like this. If you don't like bumper cars then skip I&II.
Frankly you can skip all the way to The Ark of Napishtim if you want to get into the action platformer style of Ys. Skip to Oath/Origin if you feel Napishtim is too crude.

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Anyone played Oninaki? How is it?

How do I make a good Zeed in Soul Hackers?
What's the prefered Zoma type people go for? Just been throwing negotiated demons in and fusion rejects into it and now it's at human-angel type 1

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There's a demo you can try.

Absolute fucking garbage, repetitive trash of the highest calibre.
It plays like a super-jank version of pre-7 Ys games. Almost every action cannot be cancelled and even skills only add a few cancel opportunities here and there, so the gameplay is only fluid in the local version of devil trigger which removes all cancels whatsoever for about 30 seconds. The gameplay formula is beyond repetitive, you're essentially forced to re-explore the same areas twice because they have 2 versions, fighting samey enemies and dying of boredom.
Setting is the only interesting part of the whole thing but Tokyo RPG Factory can't write interesting stories to save their lives.

Slow combat, boring characters and story, other demons are irrelevant since sword is op as fuck.

Haven't finished the game myself, but not really. There are some obvious pairings, but it doesn't really focus on romance.

Also the girls, animations, and voice acting aren't that great. Severely lacks in the waifu department to make up for gameplay failings. Disregard it.

I'm busy, I'll play one this weekend, is that good enough?

There's one good girl but she fucking dies

Is Class of Heroes 2G as good as Japs say it is?

jokes on you motherfucker im playing radiata stories right now

Never knew I needed this

Well for some reason or other I just emulated and 100% FFTA2. Definitely was more fun in the gameplay department than the first game. People shit on how A2's story was weak compared to A1 but I thought the questlines were way more memorable than anything in A1.

does FGO count? I just started 3 days ago

There must have been a typo in this post. The way you wrote it kind of makes it look like you are playing a fucking gacha there.

Were talkin bout role playing games not roll and pay games

get with the times old man. gachas are the in

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If you have brain issues. Sure.

Id have been willing to concede if you had named a different one.

Why not just wait until relink comes out to discuss ITT

Hey if it's got no.1 revenue it can't be bad

1 is pretty standard fare jrpg as far as gameplay goes outside of song magic i guess

2 overhauls just about everything and is the peak of the series

3 goes several steps back and the gameplay is a massive chore despite the fact that it should be more active since they went tales-lite for that one

Still has one of the best settings/music of any JRPG

That's Monster Strike though

Relink isn't coming out. Please understand.

Would you play a old school rpg where every party member is a thicc loli?

No because I like more than 1 body type.

Which JRPG will let me go all the way instead of just blueballing with ecchi shit?

I'm playing FFX. It's comfy, but too linear. They way weapons work seems super weird because they don't have damage values, just extra traits. I'm still using the starter weapons for most characters.

I actually went on a spree yesterday and played a bunch of recent jrpgs, and then I realized that HOLY FUCK they all pretty much suck!
Compared to jrpgs from up to the PS2 era they are just not interesting.
Maybe I'm just suffering from nostalgia googles but I swear I can play older jrpgs just fine and when I try a new one that isnt from a already stablished series like Persona or SMT they are just bad.
Now that I think about it the older developers teams that used to make games together either scattered at some point or retired/died so this also might be the problem with new jrpgs.

Sure. I'd be slightly disappointed about the lack of loli bodytypes though.

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Shame she's stuck behind a shit game.

I was going to, but now I gotta go fap.

Nope. There's official art of her in a swimsuit. She has big, fat chocolate milkies.

It had its moments.

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The ones that explicitly tell you its porn.
So basically most of the ones that don't get translated unless they're gigantic like Rance.


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Ys is cute and funny.

I'm waiting for Code Vein

It's the opposite for me. Modern JRPGs are so much better that even most PS2 era games seem unplayable in comparison. And I say that as someone who grew up with PS1 and DC.

I will when it finally comes out.

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Patiently waiting for Pina's game to come out, again.

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I know the guy who destroyed /jrpgg/ and I helped him in some parts



Are you both eastern European?

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maybe, maybe not

Every EO game fills in squares when you walk on them just like SJ. You can also set the newer games to draw walls for you. The huge benefit is that you can actually add your own notes about shit like teleporter mazes instead of flying blind like in SJ.

Very cute and funny image.

Hags afraid of the competition.

New Etrian Odyssey fucking when
Rune Factory 4 remaster fucking when
Rune Factory 5 fucking when

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SaGa lewd art is always rare in these threads.

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A lot of it is NSFW.
I also wish Mimonel stopped being a faggot and made something other than DQ/Granblue, his SaGa stuff is pretty good but since a few years he's doing anything but that.

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Depends on your definition of "going all the way"
Romance culminating with family and children? Quite a few like Grandia 1 where the epilogue shows that MC and the main girl had like 5 children in 10 years of the time skip.
On-screen fucking? Not happening unless it's some porn game.

The drawfags are all too busy making Granblue Fantasy pr0n.

A shame, so many potential girls among the series.

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Hilda a shit and you all have bad taste


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Just got the demo for the new DQ game on my Switch.
What am I in for boys?

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Charles Barkley Shut Up and Jam Part 1: The Hoops Saga

What FF should I play? VII, VIII, IX or X?

VII and IX

Playing Tales of Vesperia atm, just finished going through the desert. Does it pick up at some point? Cause honestly it's been kinda meh so far.


>that image



VII and IX. X is also fine. Avoid VIII.

Based Stella Glow chad!

Hilda is a miracle of the universe and peak lolibaba, this is the objective truth

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I'm playing Fire Emblem Three Houses, and it's less of a tactical and more of a JRPG with tactical action.

I have mixed feelings about the level design, but it's now a game that you weebs would be able to play. Not too hard, plenty of waifus, decent storyline with shonen vibes.

I wish it had a perfect memorable level design, but sadly we can't have everything.

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What's a JRPG with a great job system?

which are the best?

I tried Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of Plume.
Dropped it at the shitty Rosea escort mission. Fuck this gay shit and those shitty braindead AIs.
Cheripha is a cutie, though.

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Tales games are just filler JRPGs that were meant to be played between good JRPG releases. Much like Suikoden they are the very definition of mediocre but the West latched onto them thinking they were good somehow.

Wild Arms XF
Tactics Ogre
Bravely Default

FFV's job system is GOAT. FFV has the best gameplay in the entire series.

I guess after all these years where people lauded Vesperia as one of the best Tales ever i expected something more? Not saying that it's bad or that i regret playing it, i am having fun with it.

It's definitely one of the best Tales games. Doesn't make it any less mediocre though. Most of the other Tales games are just way worse.

Playing rune factory 4, I just dont know who to marry, Forte or Dolce

The most adorable mistake in the game, Xiao Pai.

Collection of Mana showing up tomorrow.
It was supposed to be Friday since "lol 2 day shipping" but there was some delay, of course, so now it's been my whole weekend without it.

Dont you dare refer to her as such, she is a perfect wonderful girl that I sadly dont see myself liking much as a wife

but I will do my best and see

Playing Tales of Vesperia right now.

Vesperia was just another case of gateway to the series for a lot of newfags.
It's not a bad entry, but it takes far too long to get good and it still has various problems even by the end, it's massively overrated.

I started on 5 and I liked it for a bit but once I made it to the crystal caverns I sortof just got really bored and dropped it

I feel bad for that and everytime I try to jump back into the game I just get more and more drained

Oh my fuck she is adorable, I might just get the game now

even though I was not at all into the demo


Is that a common opinion of the series? Maybe I dont notice since I'm big into JRPGs.

Octopath Traveler

Are there any JRPGs that can be easily modded for PC or older consoles? I'm looking for something as simple as replacing characters and shit.

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>replacing characters
Dunno about that, but pc FF VII you can mod higher res models and there is a new thread mod that is almost a total conversion of the gameplay.

Not really. Most western fans love FF7 too though, so their opinions are worthless.

Now anons I hope im not being too much of a bother but any advice for a new player other than who to marry?

A comfy RPG with a retro feel despite the high production values, it takes a little bit of time for the battles to get more engaging (I would say once you get 4 characters), still a solid game though.

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Thanks, I don't know what's with japan and making their games almost impossible to tinker with.

Focus on one weapon style.
Do not ignore magic or you'll get fucked, hard.
Tame animals early.
Try to complete events and contests on your first try. It will only get harder as time goes on.
Smithing is OP.
Create a routine and focus on one special task a day. i.e. fishing, item hunting, logging, mining

Fucked up culture. Hacking is literally illegal over there.

Yeah I was thinking of just trying out a battle mage thing with a sword and a staff really just depends what i find in random chests and whatnot

Focus on crafting your weapons instead. It will quickly become your primary and most reliable way to upgrade your gear.

True your absolutely right

I've been doing a guideless solo run of FF3 DS. I just killed Bahamut which was completely pointless because I can't use his summon as a Monk and he gave less exp than the random trash mobs in his cave.
I'll try Leviathan next because I remember his cave has better items in it. Bahamut's cave only had attack items which have been far outscaled for ages, phoenix downs which I can't use and a dark blade which I can't use

Ys VIII was a good 60 hour JRPG that got dragged out to 120 with needless filler and unsatisfying plot arcs. It also had one of the worst True Ends in vidya.
The game play is solid but wears out its welcome due to the game length. The original NISA translation is a complete disaster with things like BIG HOLE (which they patched over the worst of it), which was weird because the special edition was one of the most over-produced since Catherine on the PS3. The weird thing is that trash releases like LOST CHILD got enormous amounts of polish in their translation.

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I bought 2DS last week so I don't have other option.

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FF8 unlocks in less than 12 hours. Not sure if I should do a perfect run or just a casual playthrough this time around.

All FF8 playthroughs are casual playthroughs, the only difference is how much time you want to waste with filler.

Heh. Epic

You're not honestly implying FF8, or any FF for that matter, offer any sort of challenge, do you?
FF8 is especially bad given its absurdly broken systems, even if you ignore card crafting the game boils down to the same exact thing, Aura and LB spam.


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What do u recommend for the switch? I want more games on it

I don't dislike Junction and Draw, but I really don't know what they were thinking with everything about Limit Breaks and how Summons don't cost something.

>Summons don't cost something
They cost the most precious resource, your time.

Dragon Quest XI S and Disgaea 5.
Also Shin Megami Tensei 5 when it finally releases, but that will take some time.

LISA: The Painful.
It's free if you want to.

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I'm playing FFXIV which is pretty much a single-player JRPG

I'm oddly reminded of Drakengard 3.

It's a single player JRPG with co-op elements. Did they added the companion mechanics from late FFXI yet?

There's a companion mechanic for the Shadowbringers dungeons but fuck that shit I'm going to play those with humans, why else would I play an '''mmo'''

>not going with the trusts for the bantz
>not wanting to bully Alphy
Shit taste desu

Alphinaud is my best bro, why would I want to bully him?

I should've said "tease" better, my bad. I love him too (i like pretty much all the Scions at this point) so i did like how we got to use them.

Where do I get demons that have attacks for his weakness?

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Jesus fucking Christ. Looking at the numbers no wonder nobody cares to risk making something new and innovative.

In the megaten wiki If I'm not mistaken he's weak to fire

How come nobody told me this game is kino? It's literally Etrian Odyssey as a Final Fantasy game.
>early in the game get introduced to flowers that damage you if you walk on them
>annoying as fuck but manageable
>kill the First Dragon
>notice the number on the touch screen went down from 666 to 665
>this pisses off every single dragon in the world and they ravage everything
>3 years later your party wakes up
>overworld music is changed and the entirety of the world map is completely covered in flowers now

Attached: 7th Dragon.jpg (252x226, 27K)

Ok what you just described sounds amazing, I wonder if VDF has stuff like that

I can't really vouch for the other 7th Dragon games since I've only been playing the DS game, but from what I hear the PSP games are great and VFD is the weakest in the series. That said, the other games are technically spin offs and play differently than the the first one.

Are 3DS rpgs boring in the long run? What I see on the must play lists are like 5 titles with shitton of sequels.

EO is just that good

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Depends on how you feel about dungeon crawlers.

the class systems are cool but the levels and general gameplay quickly got repetitive.

Its not that they're boring, its just that so many already came out on the DS that the 3DS was only a marginal extension for the genre.

I enjoyed the shit out of DT2

There's a lot of games from certain franchises like Megami Tensei (IV, IV: Apocalypse, Devil Survivor, Devil Survivor 2, Soul Hackers, Strange Journey Redux, Persona Q) but most of them are standalone.
You could just shake up and alternate between playing different RPG franchises.

You're in for some fun then

Don't get all ass blasted because you can't understand which definition of casual was being used. If you had any reading comprehension you'd understand context.