Have you beaten Velkhana already user? There's not much time left.
Monster Hunter Thread
Have you beaten Velkhana already user? There's not much time left
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Beat her the first time yesterday with the light bow gun. Got a time of like 14'10 though it could have been better but I'm not complaining. You can grab the two bushes of fire ferns below the northwestern camp to make more flame ammo, by the time she flies off the 2nd time to another zone it should have re-grown. Saw that in a vid and it was pretty handy to try out.
Yes, thanks to a based GS Jap who’d mastered the Clutch Claw and drove Velkhana around like a fucking Prius.
Same. Also get the Mega Barrel Bomb, Demon Powder and replenish more Flame Ammo from camp.
Yeah, I had to switch to dual blades to do it though. Greatsword wasn't doing it for me.
Nice work champ! Now go solo her you filthy casual.
What's your favorite theme throughout the whole series, lads? For me it's Brachy's
his face looks so stupid
how much time do I have left
Not until launch, bub. I’m a bit slow so 15 minutes ain’t enough for me. If it was 20 minutes like the rest of the beta hunts it’d’ve been easy.
>people that capture monsters
No Fanged Beasts until MH6 my guy. Hoarfrost Reach isn’t big enough for her anyway, we’ll need a new ice map with a couple large fields to fit her in.
>Playing with randoms
What did you expect?
>get to the monster’s nest first
>lay down all my barrel bombs and other assorted items for make damage on the wake up hit
>some faggot who showed up last has the fucking nerve to lay a shock trap after seeing the whole gunpowder storehouse we built round the monster’s head
Behead those people I say.
*max not make, im tired
Cant wait to smash this cunt’s skull open in the real game where Capcom can’t nerf me with shit gear and a restrictive timer. The weak should fear the strong.
Hey guys
>Missed out on MHP2ndG
>Missed out on MHWI
>his game is on life support until december
Espinas had a hard life...
Espinas fuck off, you’re not making it to mainline in Iceborne and probably not ever. You’re too derivative of Rathian and Diablos so unless they consolidate all the extra moves and mechanics from your subspecies, rare species, HC versions and maybe even your zenith then your chances are zero.
>This is a male Elder Dragon
I gave it a couple of tries with my buddy
I think it didn't go so well because we didn't abuse Clutch Claw enough
Hammer positioning for big damage seems really difficult, so I was doing charge dashes most of the time
>ever playing a monster hunter demo
>instead of fighting the monster with your own hard earned gear and character
pass ill just wait the literal 5 days
Its like doing a challenge run cause all the gear you get is shit
>Bow that can use ever coating
>Only coatings you get are Power and Paralysis
So do you guys think it would be worth making power element phial SAs before Iceborne? I heard elemental damage was buffed but will they be better than power phials?
So we're definetively getting a post launch monster reveal, who do you want?
I didn't like what I played of MH:W compared to the older games but I went to PAX recently and saw this. Enjoy your update Worldfriends.
Gore or an invader ala Deviljho, maybe Seregios or some all new monster
in order
>Magala with frenzy mechanic, as the post game replacement for tempered
>Something Big and Stupid like Lao Shang Lung, Shen Gaoren or Dalamadur
>lay down bombs
>start to charge up TCS
>some faggot places a bomb down directly in the head while I'm pole vaulting
>200 damage to monster instead of 1500
why the fuck do so many people not understand where to place bombs?
Jesus fucking Christ, Lagi, that was your brother
>*rapes your party in the first three minutes*
psssh... nothin personnel... hunters
This, the design clashes with Nerg's so much combined with the VERY feminine sounding name it feels like Ryozo is just fucking with people by saying 'hurr yeah Velkhana is male'.
it would not be the first time they've done that sort of thing.
So I'm still new to this shit and always run low on items. What is the best way to just farm shit to craft so I never have to worry about constantly gathering stuff?
Wait source? She looks so feminine.
I want to be fucked by Mizu so damn much.
Ryozo said in interviews that they wanted Velkhana to have a savage and angry behaviour to contrast with the majestic looks it has, i'm pretty sure that the whole "it's very feminine but it's actually male" thing is on purpose
Do you have the one with the sharingan?
It's a real shame only a few monsters you fight in the Seaway all the time use the generic theme
It might as well just be Zamtrios and Lagombi's theme
Solo with SA clutch cheese. Wasn't good enough to do it with GS/Hammer. Design is solid and the fight is a lot of fun, the 15 minute time limit is pretty gay though for a monster that jumps around so quickly and flies off like an asshole.
his design is stupid but the fight is fun
Capping ends hunts faster, donchaknow
Speedrun strats
Do sidequests so your farm can provide 3 times at once instead of just 1
Tell Argosy to bring back consumables
Mass dump excess monster parts and event tickets into the Melding Pot for basic shit like Dung Pods and Demondrugs
haven't touched the betas and haven't touched the main game in like a year
gonna get into the expac super fresh and I'm excited for it
Astalos is great but i have the feeling that Glavenus is the only Fated Four Four we're getting before MH6
It's like an anime prettyboy villain that fucking snaps the second things don't go their way. Like the bird dude in TTGL.
>savage and angry behaviour
>looks like a girl
So its gay
so how many hours left?
Pretty much, yeah.
r a j a n g w h e n ?
is there like a video that shows how to make full use of the GS's moveset in World?
I feel like I rarely do the roundhouse swing or really anything except charge hits and tackles
yeah, i'm not getting my hopes up or anything
i'd be happy with anything anyway, Iceborne has more than met my expectations already
Don't watch TA stuff since they're mostly the times that the headlock went 100% correct
It's not really needed anymore because of the True Charge but you can do Strong Charge -> round slash -> Strong Charge forever without going back to the normal charge if you don't continue into a True Charge.
If you had to tackle mid-charge and don't think you're in a good position to line up your next regular charge attack do the leaping roundslash, it benefits from your charge before the tackle and does nearly as much as a strong charge. Plus it can hit monsters at awkward angles.
SA cheese it with Zero Sum on wounded head
Almost didn't make it.
That’s wicked
Where's my Valstrax bros? Hold me lads.
>there's also an actual ice sculpture
you saw nothing
I'm not a Valstraxfag but i hope you guys get her as a post launch monster.
*ahem* FUCK farming elder dragons and FUCK farming hero streamstones, thank you
They said Glav was chosen to represent both X and XX. They said Gammoth isn't in partially because she's too big, but also because they don't want to recycle a bunch of stuff from the most recent game right before world and instead want to dig further back in the series. So yeah, since x/xx are the last games right before world, I wouldn't expect more of the fated four or valstrax.
Did I miss something?
Your shitty airplane will never make it to the new world.
Gore/Shagaru and Seregios are probably the most likely returning monsters due to flagship status and not being leviathans but who knows, I doubt anyone expected Garuga outta nowhere in a game that doesn't even have Kut-Ku.
Unironically this, cause it reminded me of Al Kharid for some reason
Well in real life nature is just gay user. Look at peacocks, and and most other birds really, even some mammals. It makes sense for the males to be bright and colorful to attract mates, the female makes the choice and the male has to make himself seem like a good one. I don’t know many cases where that is the opposite
>There's not much time left.
I had to start the game over due to ps4 problems am i about to lose everything?
>I doubt anyone expected Garuga outta nowhere in a game that doesn't even have Kut-Ku.
I keep forgetting it happened, its just so from outta nowhere
Anyone having trouble downing Velkhana with a mount? Holy fuck it won't stop moving
No, never.
What do you mean won't stop moving?
it's a beta you dipshit, for a game that comes out in less than a week
I mean the amount of times it makes you have brace, it feels like it takes way longer than any other monster
you're doing it wrong
Just move to another part of the body and keep stabbing
only a couple of monsters have moves you actually have to brace for, like Anjas big jump, everything else you can just move and keep stabbing
If you're bracing, you're doing it wrong. Just move along its body when it attacks.
Didn't know that, thanks lads.
>do arena quest
>forced to return to main gate
>do assigned quest through SOS
>forced to return to main gate
>do special assignment quest through SOS
>forced to return to main gate
Done it solo but not in a group yet just because of how massive it's health is.
It’ll do actual damage in the real game too
Hey Pard you can go on an expedition to Astrea from the main gate. You can fast travel to the Gathering Hub from there.
I lost the YT link for the coming stream
Honestly just waiting until Friday because I want all my gear/progress saved.
demos are always harder than the real game you dumb poser
>premium livestream on 3rd, showing zinogre gameplay and possibly guiding lands
>which can lead to guiding lands embargo being lifted, since some youtubers are prepping their videos as of now
>8AM on the 4th, presumably PDT is when reviews come out, story-free
>Watching the “Monster Hunter World: Iceborn” “Hunting just before ban! Premium live broadcast” is now open today! Scheduled for delivery from 19:00 on Tuesday, September 3, 2019, do not miss the live broadcast just before the ban on hunting!
>live in 28 hours
oh, thanks
The gear we have in the demo is pretty shit though, plus the problem isn't dying to the prick it's just timing out. I'm sure if you had more than 15 minutes to do the fight with sub par gear you'd be able to play a lot safer.
I got you senpai.
At least I hope when they say optional quests they include event and challenge quests.
You’ll be replacing your gear almost instantly in Master Rank so probably not.
>white fatalis is too ea-
This is assuming there’s no GS user in the party. If there is then I give them the head st all times.
Alright, I'll admit, I talked a lot of shit about Velkhana, but after fighting it, it's pretty cool
God Frontier was retarded
Slowdogama. Go faster, pussy.
I prefer frontier white fatalis to mainline he actually feel like he's this big ultimate dragon.
You sound a bit too intelligent to be in my SoS hunts.
>Boss flies up immediately knocking everyone back, then drops RNG orbs all over the battlefield that will almost 1 shot you if you get unlucky and one spawns on you while you're getting up
Yup, sure does sound like frontier. Also i'm not sure i'd post this as evidence frontier is difficult. Didn't seem to take a lot of mechanical skill to lose control of your character and then blow up because you got unlucky.
Yeah it’s rarity 9, which is the equivalent of fighting the HR elders with rarity 5 gear and on a timer.
You gotta be the change you wanna see in the world.
You can survive the first one with skills, though you'll then have to avoid all the other.
>[Notice] September 3 (Tuesday) 7pm-"Monster Hunter World: Iceborn" just before ban on hunting! Premium live broadcast. In addition to the introduction of "Thunder Wolf Dragon Jin Oga" actual machine play, "World premiere game information" is also available! Do not miss it! Watch here youtube.com
>"World premiere game information"
Yeah, i'm thinking it's back.
Not as retarded as Nergsue ignoring elder powerlevels though.
Imagine Zenith Nerg bodyslam.
It was only a matter of time before nature created a check for Elders to keep them in line.
>fights scale to 2, 3, or 4 people
This is probably my favorite new thing in Iceborne. Fuck SOS and fuck randoms. Finally me and my friend can just play together.
>Thunder Wolf Dragon Jin Oga
took me a while to figure out that this was talking about Zinogre
It sounds so anime as fuck though, like the name of a special swordsman or martial artist
>It sounds so anime as fuck
Zinogre is anime as fuck.
If Nerg was in frontier, instead of killing the Elders straight up he would just absorb their power and gain it for himself.
Nah, Fatalis hates humans. It doesn't go out of it's way to kill Elders like Nerg does, since he actively hunts them for foo
>he wasn't here when actual boomers refuse to say anything but the true romanized japanese names for the monsters
Imagine saying Naruga Kuruga
Now that's anime and flows real well
That's no different from shrugging off fire, wind or poison. Elderseal is a fucking stupid idea especially for a mainline monster.
I generally don't engage with /mhg/
almost every single person in any general is a cunt
Since ruiner nergi's icon looks like it has crystal spikes, and xeno is where the crystals came from and its body was lost, im betting that ruiner nergi is just one who ate xenos body
Maybe if they make a Nerg subspecie but usually they just exaggerate its existing gimmick. Since he'd be a mainline import they'll probably give him an AoE oneshot attack.
I want a PAYDAY collab with MH. Hunting monsters to PAYDAY music, unlocking PAYDAY layered armor
He has AOEs though
I thought 3 and 4 player scaling was still the same. Either way, good that 2 player scaling gout fixed.
He doesn't though. Hell, he barely "wins" against elders that are mid tier at best.
>a frontier AOE
Lunastra is basically an average frontier monster
nice tux, Dalas mask
I could imagine the mission being something where you have to steal eggs, but you have to either stealth past an overly aggressive rath or fight it head on
>music changes to reflect this
I can see it
To the person who wanted to see a full party of gunlances against Velkhana, one of the other people in the hunt also recorded it.
You say that, but then I've seen someone one hit kill white fatty in a frontier webm
Elderseal isn't something Nerg does, it's an effect of dragon elemental weapons. Nerg just kills elders with brute strength.
You're alright, Yea Forums
Not to summon listfag, but do we have a fat full confirmed list of monsters coming to iceborne? No guess or theories, just literally a list of whats coming.
Lmao Velkhana got enraged not even 10 seconds in because multiple people claw and pressec circle to redirect her
3 is the hardlimit before a monster is force enraged
Don't bother. It's risotto faggu. He's the one that always whines about nerg being a mary sue even though Vaal, Xeno, and Nerg all have elderseal as part of their weapons and all of them are involved in the ecology that eats Elders at different points on the chain.
It's actually better to enrage her quickly to take advantage of Agitator.
>finally finished White Winds of the New World
>talking to everyone reveals that your player character is canonically the ONLY HUNTER in the entire commission getting any research done
What in god's name are all these assholes walking around Astera doing exactly, then?
I don't know if it's even possible though White Fatalis doesn't have a lot of healths since he can be fought every ten rounds of an endless arena.
Pic related is one of the best skill in the game
Forgot to say that some skills in frontier allow you to hit retardly strong
what we know is like
Banbaro, the horns boy
Beotodus, the ice shark
Namielle, Water elder dragon
Shrieking Legiana
Ebony Odoggo
Nightshade Paolumu
Coral Pukei-Pukei
Viper Tobi-Kadachi
Acid Glavenus
Yian Garuga
>Ruiner Nerg
Is from the achievement leaks, hasn't been confirmed but is almost 100% a variant of Nerg
Beotodus, Banbaro, Velkhana, Namielle
Nargacuga, Tigrex, Barioth, Glavenus, Brachydios, Zinogre, Yan Garuga
Ebony Odogaron, Fulgur Anjanath, Acidic Glavenus, Nightshade Paolumu, Viper Tobi-Kadachi, Coral Pukei-Pukei
Shrieking Legiana, Ruiner Nergigante
The english script is shit and the others aren't much better user.
There's a lot of things people think are part of monster hunter lore that are really just bad localization. Like Guildmarm's entire goofy autism personality is 100% created by the NA localization. Or how the handler shifted from slightly genki to a full blown country bumpkin.
Every world newcomer is getting a sub (except kulu i guess?)
Ruiner Nerg
that's every new monster thus far
>ryozo keeps saying there is more
Can't wait for Plesioth.
Dodo, Kulu, Tzitzi, and Bazel don't have anything.
Elderseal isnt Nergigante specific, it’s a trait all ED weapons have in World. Nerg’s only ability is the rapid regeneration which lets him hit hard enough to break his own bones and shrug it off.
Have they said anything as to whether or not they'll add any monsters post-launch?
: C
>Bazel alt
>Master Rank tier 2 tempered hunt is fighting a Temp Bazel and Temp Alt Bazel
>They have an actual turf war
>It sprays a huge area with explosive scales
>It just keeps happening
They will.
There's an interview where they said they wanted to give everything a sub even returning monster
There will be post-launch monster but we literally clue who's it going to be or when they will come out, it's speculated that tonight's livestream will give that information
>not getting anything
Doesnt bazel get something in rarity 12 in the LS tree leak?
Bazel will get something. Great Jagras and girros won't.
You know they're keeping it a secret.
>"Man these hunts sure are enjoyable without-"
At least that's what I'm hoping, and I don't even like him.
It's weird to me there's no Blangonga in Iceborne. I guess they wanna wait til next game before they blow their load with expanding past reptilian shit.
Yes, though they'll probably announce the first monster as their big news at tgs.
when's tgs?
They’ve said they will, and probably roughly the same amount as the base game got, but it’ll be over a shorter period of time since World’s support lasted longer than initially planned due to how successful it was.
September 11th
Bazel's thing in the tree is on the same branch, so variant, not sub.
MHWorld was a fucking mistake
I don't see why MR Bagel can't do that. I don't how much they plan on tweaking move sets for old monsters but given MR Rathalos they can go pretty crazy if they want to.
I feel like I'm losing a lot of dps trying to aim the head with hammer
i hate you
Canonically you haven't hunted anything besides story monsters. All those investigations and event quests are gameplay filler.
If you really did hunt 400 azure rathalos' then the guild would probably execute you for genociding the monster population.
Yeah they said back before Iceborne was announced not to expect non reptilian monsters until the next game, because they’re harder to rig and there’s less monsters using them, so until they’ve gotten all the common skeletons rigged it’s not viable financially or time wise. The main team has been working on a new game since World launched and they have all the hard shit out of the way with World, so hopefully they’re working on that other stuff right now.
Uppercuts and the side smack->golf-swing combo work quite well if you're having trouble sniping heads. You can also trip monsters like flying wyverns and Clifford if you need to.
who the fuck is in charge of translating this game??
I've played the game in 3 different languages and it felt like playing 3 different games I swear to fucking god.
nice wojak I'll save that for later
No shame in hitting whatever you can reach. Uppercut spam should be pretty reliably able to slap their head around a little while you wait for bigger openings though.
Managed to beat him after a couple tries, lightning struck in the sense that I got teammates that actually knew what they were doing instead of 3 idiots with bows
Hammers fucking easy solo, chuck on the rocksteady and tumble all over the cunt, 3rd tumble will get a mount, after a full ciricle combo on the head it'll only take 2 uppercuts for a knock down, second knockdown will occur during the first knock down unfortunately so use the shorter Triangle combo an then the circle combo for the second knock down.
She'll attempt to do another area change pretty much right after that, if you can land a few more air attacks (1-2) you'll get another mount for another full circle combo, she'll change areainstantly after that if you managed to pull it off.
Drop stalagmite as soon as you enter the area for another full circle combo, then pull her under the other for another fucking full circle combo, focus on getting a clutch claw now for a wall knockdown for yet another full circle combo and she'll change area right after.
stick on your glider mantle in the 3rd area (it has a flight gem) and perform a few more aerial attacks and it's done, you've just hammered Velk in under 10 minutes with ease.
>side smack->golf-swing
what's this? the R2 -> Triangle?
Forward + Triangle -> Triangle -> Triangle
slightly faster than the triple pound if you just want a golf swing
>can't decide between Valor Hammer or Valor GS
>I've played the game in 3 different languages and it felt like playing 3 different games I swear to fucking god
holy shit is it that bad?
Haven't played all year, what weapon should I go through icebourne with?
there aren't, across all of nature women of all species have it easy.
Who the fuck knows. I get the feeling they went with the country bumpkin shit just because the handler uses terms like aibou and danna. Most of her language in Japanese drifts between tomboy and genki without really sitting on any dialects like Osakan or any of the Miyagi dialects.
Then again even Aisha in Japanese was much more calm compared to the English translation.
Azure Rathalos still doesn't have his own cutscene in World.
They will make one where he is attacked by Steve like the 4U one
managed to get him
clutch claw seems ridiculous, poor guy couldn't limp away in peace
Not going to happen unless a reviewer spills the beans or someone hacks the PSN store servers. It's a digital download.
Don't feel bad about using clutch claw. 15 minutes with shitty gear against such a movement heavy monster kind of forces you to cheese if you aren't a TA speedrun autist.
>Like Guildmarm's entire goofy autism personality is 100% created by the NA localization
I never played 4u, but looking at her entry on the Japanese wiki, they seem to describe her very similarly to how I see people here talk about her. What's so different?
When does the beta end?
I think she comes off as more of a monster otaku then wanting Brachy to paint her insides green
1 hour from now
bazel seems to be getting a new cutscene
my moneys on steve and bazel fighting in it
Anyone else excited for the new Tobi fight?
>tfw no MH Stories 2
28 hours until guiding lands.
Which is when the NDA regarding it is lifted, so reviewers WILL post guiding lands content prompto around then
>pc nigger
>just now realized I have to wait until 2020
I just want the full roster SOON, just to see what kind of retardation they added and aren't telling.
he's making it as we speak
be patient
She's the monster equivalent of a gunota rather than one webcam away from riding custom bad dragons shaped like brachy.
A reserved weirdo with her head in the clouds versus the goofy autism English used.
O-Only 200 more days!
>couldn't help a nice JP streamer because DEKINAI
>he gave up for the day
>They said January 2020
>if it doesn't make the first week then you're waiting 5 months instead of 4
>there won't even be a PC demo
It's not fair
Fuck you Ryozo
It's bottom fleshy, beak jaw looks pretty weird when everything else is covered in ice, I agree
I mean, again, I've never played this, but their wiki calls Brachy her first love and says you get a passionate love letter medal for hunting him. Which, checking the english wiki, seems to be correct in that version too.
I have no idea why they can't just leave the beta available as a demo for all systems. They've already made it so it's not like they're losing money by developing it.
can anyone explain the new ls moves to me? it's confusing me so hard
Please understand. You're lucky we are actually releasing the game in 5 months instead of 8 you ungrateful data mining modding cunt. That's why we're rewriting everything so you can't touch your saves and your mods are all worthless. We're putting in a tool that makes your drop rates less than .5% if you use any editors as well.
And I'm going to add another fish just to spite you. When you data mine it it'll tell you the release date of MH6 has been delayed by a year and a half on PC and every time someone datamines the PC version it'll add another week to the delay.
I can't wait to never have to do that gay shield drop attack ever again
Valor Hammer my man, stuns for days.
Just started playing this, just finished the Pukei-Pukei hunt. Everything's mostly straight-forward, but what are some things I should know that the game won't teach?
For what it's worth, they describe impressions of her going from "surprisingly clumsy girl" to "wacky person" to "dangerous person" over the course of the game.
>implying we aren't about to get our asses blasted by Fortunate Bazelgeuse in G rank
I can't wait
Any quick tips for velkhana? Never got the chance to play till now. Going to hop in with randos and try before the beta ends
First time I beat him took about 13:50
Tonight I joined a random team and beat him in 11 minutes. The GS user was using the clutch claw very liberally to knock him into walls and knocking him down. I thought it was pretty fast
who reddit here :)
Triangle to attack and automatically fill your meter.
R2 for spirit slash. Costs 1 level
For both attacks, you can do it right before the monster hits you to not get knockback + special bonuses.
Triangle: Fills meter faster
R2: It doesn't cost you the level
Same. Sns is fun again
There's a lot of really really retarded players in the beta. Get some japs.
If you get pinned and the monster is about to tear your face off fire a flash pod or other slinger ammo to flinch them out of it
Open the fight by clutch clawing his head, hitting circle until he's aimed at a wall and then R2 to send him into it. It's basically a free stun everyone can go nuts on right when the fight opens. When he transitions to the second area let him move when he lands before charging him, in the beta he conveniently runs and sits under the far boulders so you get another free stun that way. Also superman the breath when he pans it around or it'll probably 1 shot you.
Right here
>superman the breath when he pans it around or it'll probably 1 shot you
You can also use the Legiana armor pieces for Evade Extender and just roll through it.
No leeks
Only aubergines
god I hope there is a loli handler for G-Rank
100% true, but I suck ass at timing rolls so I have to do the dive of shame.
If you sprint away from a monster with your weapon sheathed, you'll perform a superman dive with massive i-frames. Use it as a last resort when you know you won't be able to dodge.
You can sharpen your weapon without sheathing by using the radial menu.
Change your Camera Style in the in-game settings to Target Camera. This lets you select a monster and quickly rotate your camera to face it, instead of the default behavior of the camera constantly following the monster you lock onto.
IG is the best weapon.
jokes on you, he's in, with monoblos
The Health Boost skill is a bonus addition to your base health that allows you surpass the soft-cap of 150. It also is not removed if you cart. It's the single best defensive skill in the game.
Velkhana's chase theme reminds me of Shadow of the Colossus
Nah, I'm too bad to do it with the setups and time limit they give you. Was able to beat Nergigante in the original world beta but I'll have to settle on this one.
Once you have the materials to make them, always bring Max Potions to hunts for emergencies or to max out your HP bar if you didn't get the full 50 from the kitchen, or if you cart
>doing Jho's special assigment for the first time and trying to do it before Nerg
>Hunt takes over 30 minutes because i can't even hit him most of the time and he hits hard as fuck
Try SA, dude melts pretty quick.
Normal jho or tempered?
Just put him in a pit trap
Lance shits on him but it's hard to avoid his pin without Guard Up
Normal Jho, just hit HR13 not too long ago.
Honestly the worst part is dragonblight and the fucking cloud, when he's enraged just try your hardest to run away.
If it'ssomething, nerg is a ton easier.
Make sure to stand in front of him too so you get to whack his face better.
>Place pitfall to see if Narga still can't be trapped while un-enraged
>Anja wanders and falls into it instead
Well shit. Can anyone confirm?
Don't worry i already beat him, it was fucking awful but i wanna try to go for the LS before fighting Nerg, i've heard it's quite good.
Yes he can't fall into the pitfall, but he doesn't have the evade animation anymore.
Yeah it's still the same, but he doesnt side step it like the plague now
>Finally get into gunning.
>Fall ass backwards into sleep decos.
>Make naptime set.
>Make custom shoutout to announce sleep rounds are being loaded.
>Knock bitches out.
>Run up to lay bombs.
>Randos fucking sneeze on the monster with a basic combo attack.
Every fucking time.
>All those stakes stuck in its neck
>Never fire an SoS, so I can never kick the downies who pay no attention to sleep animations
>go after narga since I wanted to have every monster in the beta beaten
>using lance
>Piss him off, does the cool eye glowing enrage form starts moving sonic fast
>Have a great fight with the lance
Not entirely sure how I'm going to get in while he's enraged with my main weapon hammer, in older games was it just a matter of waiting for the double tail slam then trying to knock it out?
we are in the same week iceborne will be released in.
so close...
>Play solo
>Fucking handler wastes my time talking to me about shit I already know the entire time during the fight
>Can't handle this shit anymore and quit out midway
>Go into Multi and hunt down Velkhana solo skipping all this annoying ass dialogue
Handler was a mistake. If base MHW is any indication we're still going to be forcefed tutorial messages and bullshit handler cutscenes well into master rank.
Y-yeah... so close...
Me and my bro finally did it lads, GS and LS respectively 14;34. Felt good after trying the whole duration of the beta.
The fight is actually fun but fuck the time limit
Was unable to beat her but that's fine. I prefer long hunts to trying to kill something ASAP anyway
Nah. It's only this bad for the beta, because it's also designed for new players trying it out. The worst we'll get is her chiming in once in a while to say "hohh something's happening".
digital deluxe or standard
Well, a january release will help focus on my law studies
*sips Ancient Potion*
They dont make hunters like they used to.
I did digital deluxe.
Want that layered armor.
Why are you so desperate to fuck this lizard? Just accept that it's male
Reminder that he fucking dies in Iceborne.
Nothing in the digital package is really worth it imo.
The silver knight layered is mediocre as fuck and really clashes with MonHun. The hard stone look of the room is also pretty bland and it all blends together.
You're basically buying it for the gestures and stickers at that point.
This, I should’ve started playing it earlier so I could get the clutch claw mechanics down more. But holy shit that faggot moves around a lot, I couldn’t do a damn thing. Then again I couldn’t beat Nerg when they made him available for the base game beta so I guess I’m okay with this. First time I’ve actually felt the need to practice MH in years.
Unless you're really interested in that layered and the gestures you're better off with standard.
i personally went for Deluxe anyways because i'm a consumer whore for everything MH related
I bought deluxe because Capcom can always scam me out of my money easily
He also looks like a yu gi oh card
me love hammer
me love big sword
unga bunga
Amazon will deliver the physical edition the day the game releases, right?
Me love gunl
i got world two days before release
Only if you're lucky really. Generally Amazon only fulfills 5% of total orders pre-launch. Then just around 15% get it on launch day or within three days of launch.
It also has a lot to do with how close to a shipment center you are. Most people usually get their during launch week.
Tell me user, what's your favorite monster?
which weapons got the least changes
which weapons got the most
For me it is Naruga Kuruga
All three Magalas are really close too.
Chameleos and or Seltas Queen
Somehow it's bazel, but I'm pretty sure it's just because I loved the hbg shattercyst and pierce ammo a lot.
All of them
khezu and red khezu
Based Grug
Narga, Mizu, and Valstrax, I can't decide which I like the most
Road Fatty is honestly not that hard. He's scary and can hit really hard but if you just stick under him and evade the stomps and wind presses he's toast. There's plenty of monsters that appear on the road that are actually harder.
I don't get the love for Nicaragua, it's just a slightly less angry Tigrex.
I wasted 20 bucks on mhgu and I just can't play it anymore
world was a mistake
The Handler
It’s smart, unlike Tigrex. The anger isn’t directed at everything around it. Just you. Which is scarier to think about.
His theme shits on every single other song in the game by sheer magnitudes. World somehow managed to amp it up to 11 too. It's auditory sex.
It's a cat/bat/idontevenfuckingknow. Agile as heck and looks pretty cool to boot.
So Fatalis is a buffed up winged version of Kirin? Lame
i bought a switch for mhgu...
Are you having fun?
Did they announce a mh4u monster yet?
Seregios will be in at some point
>could have improved your pc enough so that you could play both world and mhxx
>but bought a switch
Is this Articuno?
He's just an all-around great and fun monster.
It's literally this but much more boring. If any of you like this thing and also maintain a disdain for Frontier then you need a fucking reality check.
He's not as monstrously ugly so it's good
Also unlike Frontier monsters he's not dying
why do elder dragons move their head so much when knocked down? let me big bang your head you cunt
because kushala skeleton
This guy
It's not bad, but I had more fun with World.
Movement feels really outdated and robotic.
But it's still MH and I was able to continue my Generations file, where I spent so much time getting the Hayabusa feather, which is still a very good piece even in GU.
But if I could roll time back, I definitely wouldn't buy a Switch again for GU. I just don't have any other games that catch my interest on the Switch, so I feel like I wasted my money.
It's okay when World does it. Especially if its Nigger Sue thrashing fan favorite elders and generally not giving a fuck about powerlevels.
I already had a PC capable of doing that when I bought the Switch, but I like playing official games and not emulated games.
Even though I heard you can run it in 60fps...
Stop trying so hard.
You can roll monsters roars. Usually a good indicator of when to roll is when the monster puts down its left foot just before charging it up.
For other shit like elder dragon you need to develop a feeling for it, while bazel does a flinch with its wings right before reeing and if you don't have the camera locked, before nergi roars it zooms out letting you know, then you just roll as soon as you see its head move, it's less than a split second.
The practice tool is really good for learning the ins and outs of your weapons, but reading guides and watching videos is reccomended if you are new to the series.
The hunting horn is the best weapon in the game is terms of fun:damage ratio.
You can pick up slinger ammo while mounting monsters if they get close enough to them, and you can also use the ammo while mounting.
You can use the fire torch in the rotten vale to dissipate the effluvium and stop the chip damage it deals in that area.
Some maps have builders you can drop on the monsters by using the slinger ammo, they deal a pretty big chunk of damage and can KO the monsters.
Every time you proc an ailment effect on a monster the consecutive proc will take more hits to build up since the monsters build up resistence to them, the same goes for traps and flashpods.
You can only flash tempered elder dragons 4 times before they become immune to it.
If you flash teostra or lunastra while they are enraged you have a 90% chance to proc their final move: supernova.
When monsters are asleep they take double damage from every source of damage except poison damage, this debuff ends as soon as they wake up.
When you deal enough exhaust damage to a monster it will start to get hungry. If you have drugged meat in your inventory you can try to fed it to them.
Then some more shit I can't remeber.
t. That Kid in the playground.
Who gives a shit about powerlevels, really.
>Frontier posting
>>vg is that way friendo
Say hello to your first post-launch monsters! i hope so atleast...
You're only saying this because of association and apathy. Get the fuck over yourself.
Who wants to bet the mary sue Nergigante will kick their shit in?
you can just use shit gear when the dlc is out
>Replying to obvious shitposts
>take teostra
>make it blue
>add spikes
>tons of spikes
The frontier template.
Don’t forget to give it the opposite element for maximum titanium bagel effect
>stop hating frontier fuck you it's actually good!!!!!
Imagine trying this hard for validation.
Haha, never.
i love frontier because it uses the MHDos engine and im stuck in the past.
This except
>take gore magala
>add spikes, ton of spikes
>give it elderseal
And there you go
you forgot the part where they make it a mary sue
The frontierposting IS the shitposting in question, you fucking idiot.
>Capcom uploaded a new video on their channel
>it's just the dev diary 2 reupload
What the fuck, Capcom? First endless reposts of old shit on twitter, but now on youtube too?
Maybe I'm in agreement and just adding on you fucking sperg.
The odds of you actually being retarded are astronomically higher, but I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt.
I'm gonna assume Toa is the abomination you posted based on the filename. That render looks like dogshit. The ice tail spike is too short and makes the thing look stubby/clumsy. The hair around his feet looks like it's just floating there, the stretched wing texture looks like mud and the head/back knees are over-designed spiky garbage that doesn't look good on a monster if you want it to look like it's a living thing in an ecology.
Never fought him, so I'm not gonna say he's a bad fight because who knows but from a visual design standpoint he's objectively ugly.
You Worldsperms call any non-World discussion shitposting really. It's not mutually exclusive to Frontier.
GU is such a terrible game, I played it waiting for Iceborne and lost most of my skill and reflexes because of how outrageously easy it is to fuck monsters up with any style/arts. Gunlance especially is a joke, you can just spam instant fullburst with two guaranted mounts per hunt with aerial style, I got to G rank facing absolutely no resistance from the game, aside from the (impressive) ammount of content that is mostly reused assets, I really don't get why people love this game
>mary sueiner nergigante
Esbeniiiiissss...your time hasss cooomee...
>Look I used the word again!
Don’t know who the fuck these “worldsperms” are, but I refuse to be classed in with trash. That includes morons like you. Have a nice day, faggot.
How are we any better than /vg/ again?
We don't have trips
I can't believe Glavenus is fucking dead.
It's the last classic Monster Hunter that keeps the deliberate just-you-vs-the-monster style of gameplay. Also, ninety three monsters which is more than I can say for Iceborne.
Really? I actually thought GU was way harder than World. I only played GRank in GU though, since I've played Low and High Rank in Gen back in 2015/2016 on the 3DS. Especially multi monster quests in the arena are definitely harder.
I like World more though, just because the movement feels so bad in GU.
so are the new monsters g-rank only or are they going to be retroactively added into the base game? can we continue from our save files?
Far more frequent periods of time where the spastics don't come out to play and you can sometimes even debate over different games without shit-flinging. Of course all it takes is one retard to bait other retards and ruin the mood.
Master Rank only & yes
Did he just get fucking deleted from the fight?
They're G-rank only and yes you can continue from your save file, all of G-rank is only accessible after killing the final boss of the base game
Not Master Rank only & no
I hope they're in at launch.
But I guess DLC would be better than not having the Magalas in the 5th gen at all.
does anyone have that frontier webm of the hunter getting eaten
Honest question, what’s wrong with Frontier that it makes you guys’ blood boil whenever it’s brought up in a discussion? I’ve never played it myself, but the monster designs look cool as fuck, alongside the weapons.
shouldn't you be jerking off to your dumb jet plane OC?
>last classic Monster Hunter
>enemies balanced around arts and styles
>deliberate just-you-vs-the-monster style of gameplay
Shut up
>crutch claws your shitpost
Heh, nothin personal.
>monster designs look cool as fuck
If you're twelve maybe
The monster designs look way over the top for MH.
Also, a lot of them simply feel uninspired.
Just change the color and add spikes.
There's a reason people say that.
As for gameplay, I never played it myself, so I can't judge.
>the monster designs look cool as fuck, alongside the weapons
>he hasn't thumbed down all his videos yet
You could ask the same question for World.
Only if you’re a false equivalency retard
Thumb downs do fucking nothing. They'd just be giving (You) views.
Do you not know how YouTube works?
Thumbs are completely meaningless
>absolute fodder that dies in 2 minutes and is permanently staggered like a bitch
>never staggered, kills your team left and right, AoEs yo in the face
>Nerg wins the turf war
Capcomc I....
Lunastra is vulnerable to manhandling
Gotta shill their Frontiershit monster I guess.
Monster vs monster power levels =/= Hunter vs monster power levels bro :)
>Tsundere bitch that’s submissive in bed
Go fucking figure.
if it's anything like GU then all your high rank gear will have limit-break option to rank them up once you begin to get the relevant Master rank materials.
I doubt they'd just have all your stored high rank gear become useless at MR? I'd say just keep playing and enjoying world.
>ratings not available
Nergigante beating the shit out of Gore would make sense but Shagaru would skullfuck him
but Ruiner Nerg can matingpress Shagaru.
What would it even be? Fulgur Garuga?
The purple chicken got a variant already, that's more than it deserves already.
With how much Nerg staggers, I think you could probably even put him in an arena with a normal Deviljho and he'd lose.
Unless he has his own arena no, he can't
Color me impressed. Might jump onto the GL wagon in endgame
I dont get people who want to go in blind to iceborne. Like are honestly spending 40 dollars on something without even knowing whats in it?
What the fuck? Why is there a Geralt cameo? This game took a weird fucking turn.
>getting deceived by demo numbers
>Live in 25 hours
Elderseal is a think all ED weapons have you troglodyte.
It's an important arc that really develops Pukei-pukei's character.
It's a crossover, dingus.
What I find very worrying is that all these 3 minute kills times are with terrible equipment.
Minmaxed endgame sets might do 50% more damage.
It could be the easiest MH ever because of solo scaling.
I've played G-rank before, I know what's in it
>That predict shot into stagger on the head
So single player scaling is basically just Stunlocking Mode?
Epic, Capcom.
>Elderseal is a think
>all ED weapons have
>been using ls exclusively since f2
>started branching out with ig and hammer in 4u
>used literally everything in world
>go back to gu and regressed to only ls because everything plays differently
>try iceborne and can only play hammer and gs
I think I fucked up somewhere
Arent the beta monsters curated?
good god
Then why don’t Teostra, Kushala, Kirin, Or Lunastra have elderseal on their shit? Also, Jho does, so you can’t say it’s elder dragon only.
No, it's exclusive to dragon element weapons
Lunastra is not a Frontier monster.
>Why yes, I do think 30 minute fights where nothing happens and chasing monsters around is fun, how did you know?
Yes, this is also a thing. That, and the gimped gear don’t make for the best data to go off of. That’s why I’m waiting until the game comes out before paying even the slightest bit of attention to any TAutism.
world is shit
I don't have the energy to shitpost anymore, the people here that are legitimately trying to convince others not to play iceborne are starting to get to me
like shit dude, just don't play it if you don't like it, and play it if you do, god damn
why do people deliberately try to ruin other people's fun
Monster Hunter always does weird crossovers. Have you got the Final Fantasy XIV one yet?
What's the chance Capcom will nerf clutch claw and increase stagger thresholds in the remaining last few days before the release?
Stay strong & filter retards
Eh, Capcom likes crossovers
>that retarded rationalization to defend every monster being an easy stunlock target in MHW solo
There isn't even a point to play MHW with other people, it's just sabotage.e
>why do people deliberately try to ruin other people's fun
thats fun in its own way
you're not any better
Autism and depression. They’re faggots not worth your time, just ignore them.
Can you put multiple wyrmstake blasts on a monster simultaneously, or is it limited to a single one per player?
>tfw finally pre-ordered digital deluxe
well no backing down now.
less than that, cant nerf the new features just yet. they gotta wait until they sell more dlc
Criticism => improvement => more fun for everyone
You're short-sighted and the reason we can't have REALLY nice things.
one per player. the old one disappears when you add a new one
why not just standard? a couple of extra gestures and other stuff don't seem to be worth 10 bucks
How long is the tutorial in this game?
Why do they insist on rining every expansion with a new tool no one asked for?
In MH4U it was mounting spam
In MH3U it was slime spam
Now it's CC spam
?????????????????????????? ARE YOU OKEY ARE YOU OKEY CAPCOM?
I've never managed to use the meat, please elaborate on the usage of sleep meatloafs.
Can i set these up in advance or i have to put them down after they are exhausted?
After about 50 hours the Handler will finally stop trying to teach you things.
the "real" tutorial is about 5 minutes
I just makes me want to play more, the idea of the shitposters seething while I have fun is too good to pass up
have they mentioned anything about how SOS and story/guild quests integration ruined multiplayer
I ultimately decided against it. I simply can't go back to console framerates and input delay, and my collection of sets and decorations on my main save file is really weighting me down too. Gonna wait for the definitive version in January.
will iceborne be released on the 6th at 0:00?
german time btw.
I mean it's just 10 bucks user. I'd rather get them all now for 10 bucks because I don't pay mtx for extra ever.
>three of the same monsters in an investigation
maybe just make them auto-rage to prevent double ram is all I'd do
Jesus fuck how did man ever survive without Protective Polish.
Anything I should do to prepare for Iceborne?
Remember to EAT before you hunt!
How does Velkhana's armor mechanic actually work, what causes it to disappear
Should make monsters throwing you off ignore Rocksteady as well.
It's an almost entirely separate beast of a game that outright bastardizes any of the qualities that actually appeal to Monster Hunter fans in the first place. Of course many MH fans here will shit on it, but it's no so much that Frontier is objectively bad as it is, well, just not the Monster Hunter people grew to love. Frontier prioritizes flair over substance, and thus many monster designs suffer from a fixation on pure style rather than believably. This doesn't extend to all their monsters, like Baruragaru, but other monsters, like Varusaburosu, are usually given very poor lore to explain their extreme appearance. The gameplay is also a point of cocnern, even if people tend to fixate on the crazy tonfa and magnet spike weapons. Frontier emphasizes an extremely aggressive evasive playstyle, rolling and blocking many extreme attacks that, if you're smart about it, can let you keep hackign away without slowdown. Compared to mainline's more reserved, methodical approach and fixation on position, a large part of the appeal of hunting monsters is lost. In mainline games, you cautiously fight dangerous, wild animals. In Frontier, you fight radical bosses with radical gear. I imagine the latter's not inline with anything that most people found engaging and interesting about MH1, or MHFU, or 4U, or World. It may still be Monster Hunter in many ways, but at its core, it's twisted pretty hard. Again, none of this means that Frontier is bad, it's just not the Monster Hunter most players want. Even in Japan, the game only managed 50k subs for most of its life. Even for an MMO, I'd imagine a franchise locally as big as Pokemon could've done much better.
Make sure you're loaded up on basic materials and food vouchers,
Remember to drink lots of water and take regular stretching and eye breaks
Shelling damage doesn't drop until orange. And in World GL actually uses shells, and isn't just a gimped Lance.
get enough sleep, take time off work.
if you are going to school, try to get sick or just act sick.
I fucking hate these videos because all they show is a perfect everything-as-planned run where the monster always moves as to take all hits and usually is on the ground 70% of the time.
You could as well hit a fucking tree and count the damage numbers, it'd be the same damn thing.
Tear off at least three pieces of her dress!
I mean look at GU and some of the monsters it gave us, or even otherwise popular monsters like Zinogre, whom some people shit on just for not looking grounded in reality enough. Not even mainline's safe from the same criticisms thrown at Frontier. Many people might think Capcom's missing the point with monsters like Valstrax or Glavenus, who are almost Frontier-like in how they prioritize style over believability. How can it be blind Frontier hate if these complaints slip over into mainline then? It's because it's not Frontier itself, but it's what Frontier seems to be doing to the franchise. People want to fight uphill battles against the forces of nature, to feel like they're a survivor in a dangerous, unknown wilderness, maybe finding glory along the way. Despite being a fantasy setting, its core is grounded in a certain form of believability, and Frontier shuns that for more fantastical, wild elements. It's not what a good number of MH's fans came her for in the first place. It is not the Monster Hunter we want.
That's what single player in World is like if you get a sense for the head stagger threshold, though.
Deal with it
>Scarlet Garuga
>Red colouration to contrast Blue Yian-Kut-Ku
>Has bleed on its tail (and some of its new attacks) instead of poison
>Has no fireballs or other projectiles, only fights physically
>If a hunter is currently bleeding then Scarlet Garuga enters a special 'bloodlust' rage mode and goes batshit for as long as they have it
>Also more likely to target bleeding hunters because it's an asshole
Here's your cancer, bro
Should I bother fighting AT Luna?
I've been avoiding the fight since it was announced, but with Iceborne on the horizon maybe I should just get it over with? I absolutely loath her fight.
>CC can make everything a weakspot
So we can literally stunlock every single monster now? Like Narga by abusing the staggers on his wings or the feet of other monsters.
Is a Dauntless developer working for Capcom and sabotaging them with all these retarded design decisions?
what the heck, that guy was predicting the movement and monster distance
that was great
>none of this means that Frontier is bad
It being an MMORPG more than an action game, with endless power creep, awful fights full of aoe attack spam, among other things, does though.
just fight her. just look at it as training.
There's plenty of kino monsters. The gameplay is pretty tight too. For exemple, you've got this dumb electric hypno with very weird and spatic movements that make you learn how to deal with AoEs
Hah, I meant in-game. Thanks though.
Comeback and facefuck it with G-rank gear
It was literally 80% stunlocking and Velk barely even fought. What are you on about?
what about its roar?
Also inflicts bleed
Shhh you're not supposed to point that out
MHW is perfect
The MMO flaws are a given, I'm just striking the issue at its core.
>If a hunter is currently bleeding then Scarlet Garuga enters a special 'bloodlust' rage mode and goes batshit for as long as they have it
*gems in bleed negate*
Heh... nothing personnel...
Seriously though, I can see how bleed Garuga could work, but what seems to be a crucial mechanic being completely negated so easily wouldn't be very well designed.
>There's plenty of kino monsters
Are there? Because you've yet to post one if there are
>ends up dropping GL
you wont make it
I've paid very little attention to Iceborne changes tbqh, but from what I saw, something was ramping up those bursts. Considering normal shelling is supposed to rely on melee just as much as shelling, I'm assuming the device that was implanted firmly in Ice Kushala's neck is the new gimmick to make pokes/slaps less relevant?
Simple, give it it's own bleed that can't be negated
Or classic "MH" if you abuse the simplistic AI to headlock everything ever
Only raw hitzones of 27 and above. 26 and below will not reach 45. But, yeah, it's a pretty big debuff.
>by abusing the staggers
That's literally how the game's been played for a decade and a half, nothing new here.
>when it enters special rage mode it immediately roars
>it can attack you before you can recover if you don't dive or have earplugs
Here's a side of aids to your cancer
>Frontier has no good monsters
>got to G rank facing no resistance
>why people love this game
because MH arguably isnt about "getting to the end" its about enjoying playing with people and dicking around with builds - way beyond linear key quest shithousery. I always laugh when people break hr @ sub 50s. when I broke hr it shot to 220 because I'd been fucking around farming stuff and just enjoying the game. there's always more nuance and subtleties to learn in the gameplay / combat, even at 2.5k hours in.
To be fair, I think carapaceons in general are fucking stupid.
Glad I'm not the only one
>nothing new here
Except a lot new here. Something like Nargacuga was never so easys to stunlock. His bladewings should never be weakspots, it's asinine.
is it really?
It roars so loud it breaks off parts of its beak which will hit an AOE and ainflict bleed on anyone in range
>Frontier emphasizes an extremely aggressive evasive playstyle, rolling and blocking many extreme attacks that, if you're smart about it, can let you keep hackign away without slowdown.
This is litteraly how mainline play though. Just look at lance/DS or sns, the best way to play them is to evade/block everything while never stopping attacking. LS was the same shit i FU too. GS in Frontier is still very focused on positiong, especially with the parry system where you need to be positioned correctly to land a counterattack and avoid getting hit by the monster next's attack.. Can't tell about the other weapons but Frontier play fairly close to mainline.
>it's what Frontier seems to be doing to the franchise.
Frontier have been handled by a completely different team, it's not doing anything to the franchise beside giving us Laviasioth.
>People want to fight uphill battles against the forces of nature, to feel like they're a survivor in a dangerous, unknown wilderness, maybe finding glory along the way.
Some of the reworked mainline monster work much better as wild best in Frontier though. The drome and Daymo Hermitaur are pretty good exemple.
playing with people isnt enjoyable in mhw though
That would be unfair towards the player though.
If there's an armor skill in the game that negates bleed, then it should work as advertised.
But this design can easily be fixed. By treating bleed like poison and introducing severe bleeding at G-rank akin to deadly poison. And making the max level skill negate regular and only drop down severe bleeding to regular one.
It's very good but far from perfect, this is a terrible design decision people must wrap their heads around. You can trivialize every single monster in single player now, you just need a sense for the stagger limits.
>He thinks black wind Kushala cares about wind res
>having shit taste
Are they changing anything about how multiplayer works or nah? I remember it being a pain in the ass for some reason.
> Something like Nargacuga was never so easys to stunlock
I guess you are right, yes. I hope Capcom will do something about the stagger thresholds and clutch claw!
I've ran out of stamina more times in World than the whole franchise combined, am I retarded
It's the wyermstake blast (I believe it's called), and it's detonated by shelling damage, WF and I think bombs too, not sure on that one. Shelling methods, like regular, charged or full burst, have slightly different effects on the damage it does.
>Considering normal shelling is supposed to rely on melee just as much as shelling
And he does plenty of slams and wide sweeps too. It's just that stopping to sharpne would probably disrupt the flow of the headlocking and result in a longer clear time.
>I remember it being a pain in the ass for some reason.
probably because monsters became damage sponges in mp
only the story quests with cutscenes were fucking awful and sadly it doesnt seem they have changed that.
The only pain in the ass is trying to do multiplayer during story quests and randomly getting disconnected on other quests.
And yes, it's still a pain in the ass.
I'm fine with Zinogre in World for a couple reasons.
Part of the reason I didn't like him before was that they used bright, clashing colors. Teal and a really bright yellow. Add on to that the fact that his fur looked like spikes back then, and you had the added electric that was neon blue and white back on PSP and 3DS and it really felt off.
World muted the teal and yellow, making the yellow more brown and dull white. The fur actually looks like fur now and it gives the monster a flow that only existed in CGI openings before. They brought out the darker colors as well and, overall, made more of the monster feel seamless.
In contrast I feel like Tigrex got a downgrade because the texture work and coloring makes it harder to see his tiger markings in World.
I'm going to bring Baruragaru to America!
Classic MH is an hardcore experience only the most elite gamer can ever hope to conquer
*sips hunter*
*vomits blood*
now frontier, that was a good game
*bisects an ioprey*
Oh no Brodogama, calm down.
Think of your heart. You need to go s l o w e r
Taikun Zamuza is also fantastic. It's a 3 phase fight where the carapaceon lose more and more protection as the fight go on and become faster and more aggressive.
As long as they were all while on a slope, you're just channeling your inner kid.
Always was broken, always will be broken. We aren't talking about gun or bow.
>has to go as far back as FU
Lazy faggot is reposting his samefag shit between Yea Forums and /vg/. How PATHETIC could you be, listfag? How have you not gone the way of Alec Holowka yet?
>Quest feels like it came straight out of the Witcher 3 Copypasta besides the lack of whistling for the magic horse
>Geralt's Grumbling in Hunter Language
It doesn't care about Wind Res, but Negate All Wind works. It's a separate effect that only comes from Kush's own set bonus or HH songs.
Also, you can still snipe the head which hangs outside of the wind aura. Unless you're a DBlet.
Maybe stop being a TAutist
Taikun's legacy will live on via Shara Ishvala and its post-launch variant
It's listfag. He's posting the exact same posts in /mhg/ then bringing it here. He's been doing it ever since those fags at darkside managed to beat velk at gamescom.
>just be shit and don't notice obvious patterns and you will enjoy it
Yes t his was the design philosophy behind MHW, I know.
This is some next level of being a sad pathetic human being.
>gets stagger 3 times in a row
ok listfag
Hyu is also a very fun hedgehog monster that could easily be ported straight to mainline though you'll need to remove his dumb final phase it look fucking stupid.
The sad thing is he is right
Should I file a janitor application while they're still open?
That was my reaction to "Necker, gotta be"
at least try to hide the samefagging listfag
Do you pay any attention at all? He only picks on old ass elders who are on deaths doorstep you speed reading dunce.
1. MHGU has two stronger versions of Narga. Regular G Rank is basically not the highest rank
2. That's not stunlocking.
3. GU is shit as well, no one denies it
The Zenith trading that for the lightning rod stuff was neat, at least.
>event version of the final boss
I'm getting Bomb over Gogmazios flashbacks.
listfag you're so cringy lmao
you'll probably say world is the hardest version of narga after this, or do i have find a frontier speedrun too? lol
>his post was deleted
guess it really WAS him
why are you guys always trying to shittalk world/iceborne? if you dont like, just dont play it.
Posts. Plural.
All for fucking Chaos Oil III. Worth it.
1. MH3U has two stronger versions of Narga.
2. That's not stunlocking.
autistic shitposter is complied to shit talk world at literally every opportunity, he's been at it for 2 years now
Those sound beams being shot from his wing fingers? They can create cavitation bubbles that explode with the same force as Gogmazios's tar laser.
Optional quests are canon too, arn't they?
Like the hunter fought all of the ED's like Teo and Kush
>That would be unfair towards the player though.
So it would be the prime Garuga experience
holy fuck I didn't even notice that
jesus christ lol
The only good Frontier monster
>Napalm Bagel
>everything his scale touche is on fire for the rest of the hunt
What the fuck is your point you retard? He is actually fighting Nargacuga in this video and it's not even the hardest Narga.
Have you seen MHW Narga speedruns? He can't fight.
Well, the leaker mentioned something about the beams turning the ground into (quick)sand. Seems like they're rolling out some new tech in IB, between Nami's puddles and Shara's sand traps.
>1. MH3U has two stronger versions of Narga.
You realize we're talking about base narga right? that's not even to mention world narga will have stronger version
>2. That's not stunlocking.
it spends literally more than half of the fight unable to do anything, that's quite literally stunlocking
its sad, really hard to discuss peacefully here.
just give you listfag
>This plays for the entire hunt
its going to be the same mechanic barroth mud has. they seem to really like that mechanic, that why they gave it brachy too. i think velkhana got that mechanic too.
>back hop
>back hop
>back hop
>whiffs tail swing from half way across the fight
>You realize we're talking about base narga right?
Base verisons always get neutered when there are stronger versions to not go overboard with the stronger ones. Just compare the two strongest verisons of a monster, easy.
>it spends literally more than half of the fight unable to do anything, that's quite literally stunlocking
That's a lie and that's not stunlocking. MHW Narga runs are actually stunLOCKING. The Narga in your video actually jumps around and attacks throughout the video.
>get up
>get up
>get up
There's a certain difference.
There's plenty of them.
It's different from Barroth's mud. While both slow you down considerably, the mud auto sheathes your weapon and lets you dive. With Velkhana's frost/Brachy's slime you can't actually roll or dive until you slowly walk out outside of the affected area. Needless to say, the monsters are too fast to simply let you walk away without taking a hit.
Lmao discount Amatsu. Jokes aside he was a cool intro to G Rank.
where are his front limbs?
Is it actually not a Kush skelly?
People figured out he was using the Fatalis skeleton pretty early on.
Well, technically he's a chinese version of amatsu so you're right.
Frontier has worse designs than a mobage.
it literally CAN NOT touch the player during the eternity of the fight and just tries to re-position only to get stagger again, the one time it's actually able to do an attack move, it whiffs completely cause the ai is braindead lmao
It's a fake, retard.
But the monster really exists and is a Fatalis rehash.
You can see the black claws of its right forelimb just above its right leg
This looks absolutely abhorrent.
oh yeah
thanks buddy
Huh, I actually played the beta and didn't even realize that.
Looks more like Gog to me.
When fatty's standing his head and chest hang over in front of him, but this one is more laid back, when it's sitting, like Gog. Also those wingarms are massive, they look nothing like Fatty's wings.
that's a pretty cool design desu, how's the game?
Fatty standing for comparison.
Ice Diablos would've been also a Nice Apex for Hoarfrost reach. I still like Barioth more, tho
I wouldn't know, because I don't play mobage, but it's gotta be shit by definition.
It’s fun for a mobage but that’s not saying much.
The series has more than enough fish assholes as it is.
Will the Dev Team suprise us one last time tomorrow, before release?
I'm really excited, I hope it's something really good.
Beotodus was actually kinda fun. I dunno how they did it but they made a Piscine Wyvern that doesn’t fucking suck ass.
They said there’s still monsters to be announced all the way until launch and even then there’ll be a few left unannounced.
From the looks of it, it might be complete NDA lift tomorrow or the day after, so I'm expecting a lot of new info (if not tomorrow then in the following few days before release) and a tsunami of a hype wave to maximize day 1 sales and pre-orders.
What we do know is that they'll be showing a Zinogre hunt (which most like takes place in the Guiding Lands) and more "exclusive world premiere info" about the game.
They made them actually swim instead of walking on two legs and doing the tail spin over and over.
I was a bit disappointed by Proto-Tama's fight.
Honestly, wasn't even that big of an issue. Sure, the hitbox was broken, but it was nowhere near as often and annoying as the tail spin spam.