what's wrong with classic?
I mean, it was pretty obvious.
I'm just going to assume that this guy is talking about the wait time to get into to game. Just a hunch.
Is Classic the biggest pleb filter gaming has ever seen?
Why can't these faggots talk like human beings?
Nothing, anti-classic fags are still seething that it came out and is successful.
he said on Yea Forums
more like pleb magnet
We're not talking about retail.
>people realize that nostalgia isn't as good as you remember
No shit.
And let's not forget retail fags are also upset because it's so shit that people who reach 60 in Classic get BaF and a level 110 for free.
>40 people out of thousands clear the first raid early
>all the fun for everyone else is immediately invalidated
That's how zoomers work
>normalfags can finally stop pretending WoW was ever a good game
WoW has always been shit and it only got shittier with time
why do americans look like this
What's this even about? I legitimately don't understand.
its shit
>he doesn't even have a checkmark
Yea Forums
this is unironically true tho, not for everyone maybe but for lot of people now the game is over.
Was fun for a few hours but came out flat in the end
same thing really
>The actions of some people in a massively multiplayer game affect how other people play that game
Yes! Correct!
this game seems boring
A guild of players have accomplished leveling to 60 and completed both current raids in this phase of Classic.
So because of this, the naysayers who kept crying out against WoW Classic think the game is dead for the millions of others who are playing and enjoying Classic.
>for a few hours
You can't go home again.
wow, that's straight autism and i don't even care about classic.
>WoW Classic doesn't hold up
>but I can still go back and play SMB and it's still great even though it's 20 years older
Some things just stand the test of time.
most people who play (all) MMOs don't raid at all
the difference is
>nostalgia + good game = fun forever
>nostalgia + shit game = fun for a while
But the classic fags liked that particular flavour of shit. How is that a loss for them?
Fanboys are getting upset that their game is easy as fuck. This is funny as fuck.
zoomer are mad that something is successful that is not pandering to them
Anyone who rushed straight to 60 lost all the comfy leveling, Nick Polom was in a 5-8 man group non stop doing dungeons from like 20 to 40something and probably even 50.
Fans know how Classic plays.
The kiddos hyped up by their favorite streamer are fucking horrified that 10 hours in they're not level capped with full epic gear.
But zoomers are the ones playing this game.
It's not even them. It's the people that LARP as fanbiys without having played it.
>Fans know how Classic plays.
They thought they knew. But now they're upset that it wasn't as hard as they thought.
Can you autists spam how dead classic is on twitch or something so people leave and I can actually get past the queue
This really has never been the case for me. Resident Evil 2 is still excellent. Donkey Kong Country 2 is still excellent. Starcraft is still excellent. Every game I enjoyed from nearly 2 decades ago I still love when I play them again. Not once have I had the "ew yick this aged badly it was rose tinted glasses the whole time" reaction that seems to happen with everybody else.
There are only 5 US servers that aren't High or Full, don't you think you should wait until that changes before you start your Wowtanic threads?
"xxx is dead" turned into stupid meme without any meaning
>a lot of people
you severely overestimate just how many people are as autistic as you. Did you know most people only play RTS games for the campaign?
eh, I agree for the most part, There are more then a few games I know I sunk time into as a kid. Rascal on the PS1 is trash but I remember I played a stupid amount of it.
Agreed and more often then not recently I find myself wanting to replay older games over the modern trash that's being shoveled out.
Wildly dated gameplay, any mystery to the world is long dead.
>anything you do in WoW mattering to other players
the only thing that changes over time in WoW is
>average gear level
this only effects PvP slightly and adds a very slight barrier of entry to "professional" raiding guilds
and this isn't even a real negative, it just makes things cheaper and easier to acquire for newer players.
I'm not quite ready to say that yet but Christ, the hype is fucking dead and I'm honestly struggling to even keep going. I really thought that I'd be enjoying this a whole lot more but I'm not.
You're a retard who falls for shilling too easily.
So how many people have killed themselves so far upon realising it was all nostalgia and they will never feel as happy as they did back in 2005 again?
is nick even at endgame? this is literally how I felt the first time playing vanilla while in the 50s
these people completely forgot how much a grind it is to get to 60
>Spamming the same dungeon for 16 hours a day instead of actually exploring the world and having organic interactions in the game is boring and burning me out
Wow looks like the streamers are already starting to realize how much they've fucking ruined their own classic experience.
Why does classic make people so mad? It's insane, people have been doing nothing but screaming about how you should stop playing the game since the day it came out. Why? Why does it make you so mad that people are playing the game?
Because it's not 2004 and the magic of vanilla doesn't translate to the streaming generation
Nah, you're not getting away with pushing this narrative after you guys have been doing exactly that to retail players for the last decade straight.
You dont want to get stuck in a rut and just endlessly replay games either. There are many older classics to explore. I just bought a Saturn recently and all kinds of new shit opened up to me I didnt even know about as a kid.
What? So is this some kind of autistic revenge for retail subs dropping?
Playing a reboot of an old version of an existing game (that, to be fair, has been completely altered over the course of time) is weird. It makes me feel like an old man revisiting a neighborhood to find not much has changed. Something about how everything in Classic is grounded in nostalgia is very disconcerting to someone who is very familiar with the game, constantly having to speak in the past tense, having to explain to totally new players how things work in a game that technically came out 5 days ago. I'm sure a lot of people enjoy it but this game shouldn't exist as some big spectacle.
how can this guy say hes black
Oh there's a multitude of old games I've not touched or haven't touched in years that would still feel new to me. Being big on JRPGs, looking forward to finally getting Grandia HD collection soon and Langrisser 1+2 next year when it drops.
dats kinda cringe bruh ngl
muh world first memes
have sex
>being excited for a bare bones version of a game that's already devoid of content
>being excited for a genuinely bad game
You're coming across as really paranoid right now. There's no conspiracy to attack Classic.
We're not talking about retail.
>people spamming threads about how classic is dead despite every server having a queue at peak times
>lol you're just being paranoid im not doing anything
uh ok
You literally just confirmed you're butthurt revenge shitposting
Honestly replaying this for the past two days has made me realize how much I actually fucking hate this game. Pointless dumb busywork for bored housewives.
Are you feeling okay? There's no post saying what you're claiming.
I'm playing alliance for the first time and it's refreshing as fuck. I don't know the good routes and am actually exploring zones I've never gone through before. The true classic experience of random dudes helping you kill a mob, giving you 6 slots bags for free, and grouping up with people to complete quests is still alive.
Fuck streamers, anyone who watches them or even follows them are literally no different than 12 year old girls watching celebrities pander jeans or some shit. If you know stuff that streamers have done without accidentally reading it here you are part of the problem and are a fucking tool
why do trannies defend this game?
The thing that makes me angry, is that some people will not accept WoW was always shit. They will cling to the idea that it was good for its time. It was always a shitty MMO, it was polished enough to be a mildly entertaining game at the time just due to new concepts it introduced. Many of those concepts however turned out to be garbage.
All the problems that classic had that were subsequently fixed in later expansions are now back in full swing, and despite the authenticity of it all, it's proving to be more of a hassle now that people are starting to settle in to the game in earnest and it's causing people to realize that despite the fun social aspect of the game, everything else about it sucks
name a video game you like
>people liking a video game genuinely makes me angry
Maybe you have some kind of mental illness?
>"Why use Ketamine, when you can have good ol' fashion cocaine?"
>From the same company that was selling you laundry detergent anyways.
It will be popular for some time, because of all the nostalgia-fags, but the playerbase will either gradually or sharply taper off when people realize IT'S THE SAME EXACT GAME, but even worse from the standpoint that it will never receive updates.
As others have mentioned, any incentive to play the game beyond the initial novelty is completely gone because we've played the game a thousand times over. What next? Nothing, because there's no updates.
Nostalgia is a hulluva drug.
It's the same 4 Australians, all they do along with Canadians is shit post on Yea Forums
how and when if ever will classic fags ever recover after this random guy said this on twitter
>p-please come back to retail
>Nah, you're not getting away with pushing this narrative after you guys have been doing exactly that to retail players for the last decade straight.
Damn those goalposts moved fast.
Go pet battle tranny
The anti-classic argument hasn't even had time to not happen yet you mental midget.
>bfa and classic are the exact same game
They are completely different and are almost different genres.
Holy shit OP blown the fuck out
How will he ever recover
Yea Forumss been dead for a long time kiddo
>nobody hates classic what are you talking about
Why would this lack the legs to continue when OSRS is still doing great? Never played WoW, but I think they're operating on the same principle. Is Classic WoW that mechanically boring?
Where's the part where I admitted to going on some revenge shitposting spree? I was saying that your narrative that retail fans are attacking Classic fans and not letting them enjoy the game is not only bullshit but projection based off what Classic fans have been doing for a decade.
Seriously dude, go get a drink of water and a snack or something and calm down. You're getting worked up to a point that it's impeding your thought process.
delet this
And yet you rainbow haired retail trannies are already claiming it's dead.
Christ you're dense.
Butthurt shitposters are afraid that classic will kill their favorite mmo.
That isn't even relevant to what I said you delusional fat fuck.
Wait so you're saying that people are playing classic because they think it's a different game? That doesn't make any sense. The entire point was to keep it the same as vanilla.
You and I both know its implied retard
Looking at your paragraph of seething rage though I'm happy to see classic lives rent free :)
>everyone maybe but for lot of people now the game is over.
Hence the analogy that apparently went right over your head
Dilate. Go back to Resetera and jerk off your little estrogen shrunk dick while talking about how much you hate capitalism with your fellow Resetera SJW retards.
Classic is succeeding. Classic will continue to succeed. There is nothing you dumb commie fuck retail fanboys can do to stop any of it.
literally the average Yea Forums user