Comfy wow classic thread. Ignore shitposters. What level are you at? Class? Favorite dungeon?

Comfy wow classic thread. Ignore shitposters. What level are you at? Class? Favorite dungeon?

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17 warrior, starting to burn out
I might reroll warlock

23 shaman, i see a lot of shamans for a class that isnt op late game

I started a shaman on a literal who pvp server for when queues are too long on my main server. It's been insanely fun so far now having actual totems again. It's just a shame i have no motivation to level past 10 when i'm in so deep on my main server. I'm choosing to wait 5 hours instead of playing on my shaman right now for example.
>300th in queue
so close to home...

>lvl 20 druid
>lvl 14 hunter
>lvl 10 mage
>lvl 7 shaman
>lvl 7 warlock


I'm in the exact same boat friend, you're not alone.

20 Hunter

I have too many IRL friends getting into it for the first time, I will be their boomer guardian and as a druid I will do it all to protect them, can't start just yet though

Lv 31 Shaman, Can't even play today and tomorrow due to work/ques.

Ran 3 Razorfen Krauls and no Ravagers have dropped

Well at least we have plenty of time to hit 60 this time around...

>23 warrior
It finally feels like im getting somewhere, got a Killmaim for cheap off the auction house and now have skills that actually deal damage.

Although im regretting playing human and not nelf, they have such better animations but im already too far into this character.

No shit, because Ravager drops in SM Armory.

Redpill me on bank alts, what are they for?

38, Druid, RFD had bomb as fuck music. I never realized.

For space dummy

What don't you get about it? It's just having a character to mail items to for storage since bank and inventory slots are limited. If you do a lot of auctioneering it's also nice to have a character that's always parked in the city for it.

When your out questing and can't make it back to the AH with your shitty wool bags. You can mail all your shit and a nearby town and keep going.

bank space, obviously. but also easy access to AHs (especially neutral AH) and disenchanting.

Level 6 Warlock.

Played to 36 on a private server before Classic came out, so I'm in no rush.

Also money is hard to get, so saving all that of the bear wolf owl shit you can start stacking gold

25 Huntard

Favorite dungeon is open world pvp

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any tips on leveling warrior? feels like everything fucks my shit up

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Level 0,

didnt even sub yet because 5 hour queue times are a waste of fucking game time.

Corpsemaker I meant, my bad.

21 priest. Got everything I could from Deadmines and haven't had a bad group.

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>lvl 17 druid on a dense server
>lvl 10 rogue on sparse server for when queues are long
I'm having a blast, bros. I hope the queues aren't too long on weekdays

Use a 2hander, go full fury, dont buy every ability you get, take skinning and use it.

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34 Priest. Deadmines early, SM Grave at mid levels, or Scholomance at end game are my fav.

How high are you? It's a chore until you get overpower and revenge.

12 druid
tried healing RFC but either my level is too low or druids can't heal that good at lower levels

I'm going to start playing next week when I get my things unpacked into my new place. My friends rolled a holy priest, ret paladin, tank/dps (?) druid, and rogue.

Should I pick what I like the most, a dwarf hunter, or should I play a mage or warrior to help round out my group? Also, I have a family and full time job now and have less time to play. I know hunters level fast and can solo things better which would be great because I'll be playing catch-up for a long time I think. That pretty much rules out warrior, but mage levels quick too, right?

Lastly, I've never played these classes in vanilla, I started in WotLK and played off and on afterwards, mostly in MoP and Legion. How do these classes measure up in Classic? What are their strengths and weaknesses? I'm a huge sucker for non-combat utility abilities as well, so if a class has more of that it's a definite plus.

Hope you're having fun with classic, lads.

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23 warlock. honestly thinking about making a new character on retail. this is my first time playing wow in 5 years

23 Rogue
I’ve had an amazing time so far but I’m starting to burn out I think.
The crowds are the main problem.

Literally every quest with a named enemy to kill takes 4x as long because of the 40 people trying to tag it. And don’t even get me started on escort quests.

And I can’t even log out and play my alliance character because the queues are still retardedly long

Druid heals take a while, you need to always be casting and be ready to cancel out when needed. The HoTs are generally bad for conserving mana too.

personally I'd rather just tank while leveling as a druid, it's easier and more fun

lv. 25 mage
Sunken Temple

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damn thanks user
I just got overpower and revenge, but maybe my gear is just shit

camping horde in ashenvale

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Please stop I’m trying to quest



I recommend vanilla hunter, it has an entire pet management minigame involving learning the skills from individual families after repeated use. You eventually get your own loot niche away from your other friends anyhow, besides maybe stealing a core hound tooth

horde drew first blood, not me

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based dwarf bro, cleanse the filth
t. human paladin

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17 dwarf rogue

stupid job has been preventing me from playing. literally putting my two weeks in on Monday

30 Rogue

I love BFD and SFK!

you'll probably end up regretting it

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let me be the first to tell you you're a dumbass

The only item which matters for a leveling warrior is your 2hander. Depending on what level you are it may be a sword/mace/axe so use any of them. If you're tanking then obviously a good shield matters as well. You're looking for whatever has the slowest hit but highest damage values (i.e. 50 - 100 3.5 speed beats 35 - 80 2.0 speed).

Do not spend money on other gear, you'll get plenty from dungeons/quests as you play. There are some oddball weapons which outperform nearly everything in their bracket like Searing Blades and Killmaims but it can be difficult to find a good price on them so you'll likely just have to made do with greens.

Warrior picks up a lot once you hit 20-23, and you get godmode once you hit 40.

Those are good points. Thanks user!

nah this job is shit and I have about 2 years worth of neet money saved up

Thinking of using my buddy’s account to multibox and level my warrior with.

What’s the best alt to help warrior to ease the shitty grind?

Rolled a rogue because I wanted to be a dickhead in open world pvp and I love the uniqueness of their stealth abilities but I forgot how useless and slow stealth is in vanilla

because epic one shot windfury compilations that don't include the 90% of times where it doesn't proc and you just die.

Pocket healslut

Dwarf or human paladin?

38 Orc hunter
Dropping it for a Gnome mage, fuck horde

anyone with actual damage

lvl 9 undead rouge

hate me, IDGAF

gonna gank the shit out of STV once i lvl more, its gonna be great

A mage

Food for heals, AoE for clearing everything. Otherwise a paladin/priest for no downtime.


I'm almost there bros, no more walking simulator.

Human does better DPS with sword/mace proficiency, if you plan on playing some ret. Personally I find stoneform the most useful over other options and dwarfs have the best alliance starting zone and city hub. I'd probably just go priest if you pick dwarf, though.

I was about to say that I don't want to look like a faggot cloth user but I just remembered paladins using cloth and using a flower off hand.

Playing a Paladin, but my friend rolled a Priest. And now we can't do instances together because healers are super over-represented and no-one needs them, let alone having one of us DPS.

I tried Paladin tanking, but it's ass compared to Warrior tanking. Having to sit and drink just destroys your momentum, it sucks.

Might reroll a Warrior, but worried I won't catch up to his priest regardless.

Yeah, keep in mind that there isn't any spell plate in vanilla so a lot of your more useful gear is going to be cloth, if you're healing (which is what people will force you to do as a paladin).

christ its gonna take me forever to level my owl up to 25 isnt it

>level 29, over halfway to 30
enjoying it but hoping i don't regret druid in the long run, but i don't mind healing anyway and druid class aesthetic is good

Got in a fight with a mage

A cloak dropped in WC with +9 agility
I’m a rogue but he rolled need because he “needed agility for staff hits” so I rolled need too. Rolled 100 and got the cloak.

Paladin DPS is fine, dipshit

should have told him what wands are

>“needed agility for staff hits”

>Protecting the nature of normies
how druidic of you

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Paladin tanking isn't bad while leveling, but you absolutely need consecration. It's more important than any prot talents.

34 mage, I fell for the alliance meme and now I'm part of a 3:1 horde alliance server and im too far into leveling now. FUCK.


Good but not amazing DPS. Great at PvP. Easy leveling. Easy farming. No real downsides, except that groups are always wary of idiot Hunters fucking things up.


Great DPS. Great at PvP. Average leveling, lot of downtime to drink but fairly safe class. Have to be frost until AQ, but otherwise good.


Top DPS. The only tank. Terrible leveling, terrible farming, terrible in soloPvP.


>not wanting to play hardmode
What a pussy you should reroll horde

Classic faction balance has always been the weirdest shit. Alliance is better than Horde from a gameplay perspective, but they're always outnumbered to the point where it barely matters.

It's boring though, I want to heal or tank

based incel mage

7, orc shaman
I'm on a worktrip right now with my shitty overheating laptop and rarely have time to play. But I'm trying! Picked up skinning and leatherworking, skinning every skinnable fucker in my way ever since.
The initial loop of wearing any grey\white shit dropped from mobs just to occupy the empty slot and the boost I got from crafting leather items were K I N O, really satisfying overall. Enh spells boost to attack is also great.

Get your boy on Shadow spec, then

I am about ready to give up. I am way too far behind any of my friends to catch back up so the only way I am going to play with any of them is if they want to re-roll and start over, and then it's going to happen all over again.

I have not tried retail WoW but I am starting to wonder if maybe it's a better fit for me.

Where can I find server statistics for class, race, level, etc?

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He doesn't wanna do Shadow because they're inefficient levelling, he'll never go OOM with his funky Disc/Holy/Spirit Tap spec, with Wand Spec, he just wands a lot.

>Doing WC with some Hunter named Charmeleon (nice RP name)
>He starts saying he deserves the get the rest of the Fang set because he has 2 piece already
>Throws a hissy fit when Stinging Viper drops, rolls need, immediately quits :)
>mfw every single piece of the Fang set he asked for drops and goes to the rogue he cucked
>All of spread word in our guilds that he's a cuck
>Hunters can't even use maces

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>Escort quest
>3 enemies attack at once and the person i'm escorting always dies in seconds
What the fuck were they thinking with these escort quests? Such bullshit.

28 mage here
its nice taking time and not just zerging to endgame, people are chill af out in the world. spent a few hours the other day aoe grinding with another mage, super fun

You'll play together at 60, so it's fine either way. There's no hurry my man

>having actual totems again
Retail has actual totems though. Honestly retail totems are better then classic totems. Even though Cata and MoP totems were peak class kino.

>He doesn't wanna do Shadow because they're inefficient levelling,

Shadow is literally the only efficient priest spec, you and your friend must be sub 20 or 30, right?

how come horde are bitch niggers that only attack me when im fighting something else???

fishing levels?

Thanks, I do think I will play hunter. I appreciate it. It's a shame vanilla hunter doesn't have the stationary stealthy ability. Almost makes me want to go nelf, but then I'd be playing a nelf.

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>What level are you at?
24 and 23
Warrior and Mage
>Favorite dungeon?
All of SM

just be happy you aren't playing on a private server with bugged escort spawns

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nice name

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>won't go nelf
well you won't look like a homo. but at least nelfs can hide (in the closet)

I don't feel like I'm having fun getting to 60 though. I started playing because I wanted to play with my friends, and now I am going to be stuck grinding by myself for hours and hours wherever I get a chance. I am the only one of them who didn't play it back in 2004 and I am the only one of them who works full time.

Whenever I am stuck playing by myself all I can think about is all the other games I would rather be playing. When I actually got to play with my friends on Light's Hope I was having a blast, but I stopped enjoying WoW Classic as soon as my friends got more than 5 levels ahead of me. They play every day for at least 6 hours and I can only put in maybe 3 hours every here and there. I might just be the wrong person to play WoW with them and that's a bitter pill to swallow.

ahem. fuck pvp fags.

should've picked undead

NE is the best for Hunters though. They originally could cast a full Aimed Shot from Shadowmeld, that was the real shit.

Now it breaks as soon as you start casting it, but it's still really powerful. Anyone who's gone to attack the Blacksmith only to find 4 extra NEs pop out of Shadowmeld and nuke you knows it's crazy strong.

And it's not like a Hunter needs Stoneform to shit on Rogues.

Kills quickly, but OOMs quickly, spends a lot of time drinking.

>mobs suddenly started giving half the exp during a SM zerg
b-back to farming wolves i guess...

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>create first character on low pop server because the rest are full
>expect people to join the server eventually because they dont want to be in queues
>they don't
>people would prefer waiting hours in queues to populating another server
why are people so retarded

19 undead rogue but rerolling ally on a new server

true friends power level their lowbie friends

21, mage.
I got a toon to 60 in nolstarius but it was horde and i'm remembering that it take sfucking forever
doesn't help that i started only yesterday too

You made the right choice

Shadow statistically spends no more time drinking than any other priest spec does, because it gets Spirit Tap in its tree

That's rough then, honestly they shoulda rolled different characters to play when you weren't online. If you were all planning to level together, it's bullshit to leave someone behind. You could ask them to do that?

There must be plenty of others you can group with that'd be better than playing alone though? Why not do some instances?

noob mage here. Usually play a Warr. At 22, do you just need a shitload of +Int gear for AoE farming or something? I'm sure I'm bad at it, but so far I'm having more trouble with it than anything on the last warrior I played.

This is why I lvl priest, so I can easily boost my wagie friends

Everyone takes Spirit Tap though

The trick with shadow leveling is to focus on spirit gear so that spirit tap will charge you up faster. Of course, spirit is shit for pvp, but shadow priests are broken enough to balance it out.

Yes, exactly, so you should probably go the spec that gets it for free and is also a damage spec for leveling

I don't think Mages can AoE farm properly until mid 40-50s? You need the frost talents for it to work.

I know they're mechanically the best for hunters on alliance, but in my experience the only people that play nelfs are 12 year olds and trannies.

J-just dinged 40 guys

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11 Troll Hunter, I'm loving it. Never played Horde before so its a new experience. I payed vanilla back in the day got to lvl 58 on my Dwarf Pally before BC came out. Only character I ever played. The Horde vanilla experience is super fun.

>That perfect piece of gear your priest needs.
>It's leather resto druid.

Just hit 59



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You won't outdamage Wand spec though, not without dumping all your mana. Not if you keep up with a decent wand at least.

The Blue Quest wand from BFD has 30 DPS, you can get that at lv20. Nothing is going do outdamage that at that level.

some friends from work and I are playing , ive got a 11 mage , but I kinda want to try out melee. Thinking either Warrior or Shaman. I like it a lot its a nice way to unwind

24 - all you need is imp nova, permafrost and improved blizzard and you get CoC at 26

>it's a cloth piece of the owl

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19 Undead Mage. I guess RFC bc thats the only one ive done and I never played before. This game is like crack. I cant stop playing. I dropped everything else I was playing, my wife keeps bitching at me, I called in to work sick just to play all day, and my dog is just waiting for me to throw a ball or something but its not happening. Wtf bros why didnt you warn me.

You've never met a tranny in your life kid

>wanting to end up on a dead realm

Shadow picks up wand spec too, but otherwise goes full shadow. I've heard of some priests that respec as soon as they hit 40 to pick up shadow form faster though.

You're well out DPS'ing wands out of the 20s. t. actual shadow priest player

I joined Rattlegore on day 2 and it was low at the time but now it always says high. There are no queues and I see players everywhere. Are there actually dead realms for classic?

ITT: People legitimately and unironically saying instances besides Maraudon are their favourite

I thought you guys said you could recognise SOUL?

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There's one that works at the taco bell drive through on the way to my credit union. I've since stopped going because I don't want them to go crazy and put weird shit in my beefy frito burritos.

Not without going OOM

Eagle and whale also acceptable desu

>tfw zero downtime priest with swp, bubble and 5/5 wand spam on mobs

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>spend mana
>run out of mana

Wtf guys? Also, you run out of mana as fast as any other priest spec

>queues in the thousands
>game feels less populated than private servers
What the fuck went wrong?

a trillion layers to not recreate the starting zone experience in every other zone

leveling isn't about damage per second, it's kills per hour, leaning on your wand will significantly reduce downtime and make your leveling a lot faster

I'm assuming the 2 talents at 24 would be Arctic Reach? That'd certainly be nice.

Made my glorious female dwarf paladin. Couldn't get name Stinkfist. Having a great time. No queues since I'm not retarded and changed servers on release day. Playing 4-5 hours a day while having a real life.

Your wand stops being very useful for anything other than finishing off a kill / using between mind blasts out of the 30s


You guys are overestimating how much shadow priests actually cast spells. The usual rotation is just something like blast > sw:p > flay > wand the rest. If you have excess mana you might put on a shield and use a second flay.

questing as Alliance in Thousand Needles is... idk man

Actually, scratch that
I got it to work. At this point, I just need to git gud, stack mana, and not make any mistakes because I'll be OOM otherwise. I managed to get one off, barely just now.

19, rouge, first time playing wow and haven't ran any dungeons yet

Stay out of my territory you alliance cuck.

I got frost channeling first because blizzard costs a lot of mana and arctic reach after

it's CONTESTED territor, but defacto horde

Oh, yeah that makes sense. I misread Reach and thought the radial increase applied to Blizzard, which would probably have been nuts.

when are they getting rid of sharding? i'm not resubbing to play empty zones.

i'm assuming the game will be dead by then

I quested there as a Mage and the only ones that tried to fuck with me were UD Rogues of course which they failed at every single time

level 18 undead priest, I have zero interest in dungeons or raids so I'm just going to be a pvp shitlord

shadow priest looks really fun, I'm just worried it'll take too long to get down the tree and I'll lose interest before then

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well we all kinda avoid them on purpose...

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Of course I recognize SOUL, that's why for me it's the instance that is overflowing with it, Blackrock Depths!

How the fuck are you people all so level?

Must be tBC-retail babs coming over with their faction loyalty. Alliance heavily outnumbered horde in actual vanilla

23 holy paladin, with an actual healing set for dungeons
thank me, you're fucking welcome.
leveling this class is suffering. you cunts better be grateful when i end up the reason you clutch in bgs when those come out

thanks user, i wanted to go ally the entire time but it took the whole week to convince my friends to see the light

Anyone know why 'Quest to Ashenvale' never works or appears?

>Not enjoying leveling a Paladin

Why? It's fun, and super safe with zero downtime. I've died one time so far

I had my wisdom teeth removed Wednesday and got the rest of the week off

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Back then people fought in spite of the skew, rather than autistically squeezing as much as they could out of their choices, and that was enough for Horde to get a lot of world firsts back in the day

Horde have the best racials and shaman is better than paladin mostly. Horde is the meta faction, even just considering orcs, undead and trolls are just the icing on the cake.


I got old. I used to be good but now I don't know anything.

I tried making a bunch of alts to start training professions but it seems that that's tougher to do in vanilla because you need to gain 5 levels for every tier of professions starting with level 5.

Trying to level a rogue but so far have only gotten to level 19 because of distractions like helping friends and leveling alts and their professions.

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because thats how it is on retail so every tourist rolled what they are familiar with. It should balance out... eventually

they barely exist you fucking tard

>there isn't any spell plate in vanilla
fucking lies
absolute untruth
what the fuck is wrong with you

why is the /vg/ general so garbage? can't even post there. there's legit trannies running guilds

i cant afford it.....


I'm level 44 now. Think I can make it to 60 by next Sunday? This is my first time getting this far.

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lvl 34 Priest and leveling ally for the first time, having an absolute blast !
My dwarf looks extremely Russian and I love it

ypa тoвapищи

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according to the media, politicians and celebrities they are ubiquitous and the most important class of people on the planet.
we must reshape our society around them.

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I've never seen int plate drop in vanilla and my paladin guild mate on elysium always complained about always having warrior plate and how he should have rolled priest. I just assumed it didn't exist until later.

Don't use addons to help level. Part of the fun and charm of Vanilla is actually reading the quests and figuring out where to go. It's not a race.

that's just /vg/ as a whole, there's a reason Yea Forums always flips out when mods start moving threads over there

clowns is based

>Walk past a cluster of warlocks with similar names
>Get 16 dots thrown on me simultaneously and instantly die

I'm not mad, I'm just confused. I also feel like that kind of multi-boxing should probably be bannable.

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According to you, according to the media, politicians and celebrities they are ubiquitous and the most important class of people on the planet.

Yes. If you've made it to 40+ this quickly you definitely can. It'll take some doing though.

because it's very enjoyable
and it is pretty good in pvp, offers a lot to world pvp and bgs

>see every lvl 22+ in a guild
>figure it's necessary if i want to do dungeons
>join one
>500 members
i imagine it wasn't like this in classic what with 2000-man servers, but good lord how will it be possible to build a coherent community with so many people?

>What level are you at?
0. I'm gone visiting until next week, these threads have been sweet torture.
Undead warlock, same as vanilla. I thought of mixing it up but nah. All class bandwagon shitters will quit sooner or later.
>Favorite dungeon?

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Prot Warrior.
I don't know yet, but what I do know is that I hate Blackfathom Depths. The Naga there disarm you so often it's pretty much impossible to obtain any kind of threat as a Warrior.

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>banning a guy that pays for 16 accounts
Blizzard would never.

It's not, the most public guilds are always the worst ones. Even a Yea Forums guild would be better (don't join a Yea Forums guild).

They are, even if it is artificial support generated by activists and politics. Once they normalized gays, they needed some other sex freak minority to champion social policy change.

Agreed. Fuck multi boxing.

>just finished a THREE HOUR LONG wailing caverns run
i have forged a bond with these four other people
however i hope to never see any of them ever again

>They are
Oh if you say so, mr. noagenda

shaman multi boxers are still the big dicks of pvp. multiboxed chain lightnings will empty out entire towns

Just spam Battleshout

I wish I was kidding.

if you share a server with nekrage, im laughing at you

is my /gquit announced?

Should I just gank the shit out of every single lower level I come across? It feels like the point of world PvP in this game is less about winning fights and more about making people upset.

sounds unironically comfy

Yes, be sure to corpse camp them and log onto your opposing faction alt to call them a faggot.

and /spit them too

Not really.
It's pretty great jumping on people a couple of lower levels lower but the real feeling is attacking people higher leveled or prevening gankers from killing you. Don't be a dickhead ganker, be a based ganker instead.

>Leveling as a Warlock
>Watch a same faction warrior clear out a bunch of monsters
>swooce in and take the clickable quest spawn he was clearing for
>watch him die as I run out
>5 minutes later finish my quest objectives and begin to head out
>see that he has respawned and is slowly and deliberately is pulling mobs away from groups
>Fear his mob back into the group as he's fighting it
>run off as I watch 5+ mobs start heading towards him
So glad to be home Bros, hope that Warr learns to hamstring everything

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Queues for realms that won't be dead in a month are still too high.

>Make it to 35 autoshotting as huntard
>starting to feel bored

I told myself I'd try something new this time but I'm starting to feel like I'm fighting my inner Warlock. And now when I play on my new warlock alt I feel ennui over the week I spent on a hunter I'm losing interest in.

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i seriously hope none of you guys are playing above classic graphics settings

you sound like a jerk

I set the draw distance really really high

23 Human CHADLOCK. Only ran Deadmines so far, but it was neat seeing Van Cleef again.

how tf u change draw distance, it's not in my in-game settings

>hide your name
>show the guy you're camping


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how do you do that?

>leveling in redridge
>that one murloc camp with the fucked up way too fast spawns
>every other group of mobs in the game takes 10 fucking minutes to spawn
Did the murlocs steal the spawn time from all the other mobs? Why is there such a difference?
Every other area is just people waiting on mobs to finally spawn, but this one murloc group spawns so fast 6 people cant even keep them down. I feel like there is genuinely something wrong with Blizzaros dynamic spawn timer algorithm.

It should be in your opinions

A minmax exploit that will kill your enjoyment of the game, like all minmax horseshit

you can heal dungeons fine leveling shadow/disc, right?

You just answered your own question


except to start chugging potions around ST/BRD though

will the queues always be like this? i dont like having to wait before i can play.

this is ur favorite twitch streamer zoomzooms

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if i wasnt' sitting in queue i'd screenshot my settings, but it definitely isn't there.

Not of twitch kiddies and streamers start fucking off soon because of the whole world first nonsense.

please tell me someone missed the jump

>apply seal
>and nothing else

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According to me, I would like them to fuck off back into the dark corner of reality. They don't make other people's lives better, are a constant drain on attention and resources, and just cause social divisiveness.
A highly unlikable group.

Questie and improvedcodex

Level 16 holy paladin
Have 5 days off in a row hope I'll level a lot

You don't know any

>am in one
>with 4 other people, who are all friends IRL

lmao mate when they remove the layers, its gonna be mayhem. the population on the servers right now are way beyond normal realm pops in retail vanillla

Not him but I don't think any part of society which isn't capable of producing a wholesome, productive family unit is worth society's time and effort. Trannies have astronomical suicide rates, are more likely to abuse people physically and sexually than the average, and by their nature are poorly suited to reproduction. Nothing would be lost if someone pressed a button and they all disappeared.

24 Mage. It's still kind of dreary and was sad to learn endgame rotation for me until AQ and Nax is "frostbolt ∞". I was Paladin back in 04-06 and while I know it's tedious as hell to level up my memory of endgame wasn't so much boredom since you had to keep up buffs, do damage and heal. Whereas frost mage is probably going to just be pressing 1 nonstop. But my group had a glut of paladins.

I'll prob go back and work on paladin if classic has staying power. Or I might actually try retail since the last retail I played was burning crusade and do paladin there.

MC and BWL and boring no matter the class. Just stick with your mage.

>33 Warlock
Feels pretty good lads. Hoping to hit 35 tonight once pop starts dropping and I don't get camped in Shimmering Flats again.

I've never played wow before. Is it worth it to try this?

so did you fags just join a random guild? I'm level 30 and i've been randomly invited to tons of them, but it's really off-putting to just join some random ass guild.

nothing would be lost if somebody pressed a button and you disappeared

If you have 20$ to waste why not

>be human rogue
>no pvp trinkets ingame yet
>impossible to kill priests due to fear
>if a lock gets a fear off its over
>if I get polymorphed its over
epic game you got here blizzard

I mean, it's what most people started with, so you may as well. The subscription also comes with retail WoW, you can try that if classic isn't fun.

Cool community

They're trash, but you can use them as an extra chat to recruit for dungeons while leveling. Don't stay in them, though.

My wife and children would be out of a provider and father. That's more than 99% of tr*nnies.

>wants to shit on priests/warlocks
>doesn't pick undead
>complains that he can't shit on priests/warlocks
so this is the power of the alliance

>rogues complaining about PvP balance

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I was thinking about making a guild, but the leadership and responsibility required seems like WAY too much. I just want to play the game with a group of friends, which i dont have

i hope so. my friend just recently subbed but doesnt want to play on the same server as my group because of the ridiclous queue times. im around 22 so i dont want to start fresh again too but i also hate having to wait to play for a a few hours

I ran deadmines with a cool group. 2 of them were in the same guild and asked me to join after we finished so I figured why not. It's pretty comfy, 50ish members but a decent handful are alts so there's typically 15-20 on at once. Makes it easy to remember who everyone is. Also nice that they're all cool, no memelords or assholes at all.

Well you can run fire in pre raid dungeons.

Grobb Mob!!!

>34 orc hunter
>forgot where to level
STV, everything is orange/red
same with Arathi
same with Desolace
What the fuck do I do? I completed every quest I had that I could.

I have to go do SM don't I?

Just hit 18 boys. Going to train skills and do my first VC run. Come onn Cruel Barb!

so I get pigeon holed into playing one of the two factions to be competitive in pvp?
nice "game" you got there blizzard

You can heal through BWL and MC as Shadow.

No-one PvE specced in Vanilla until about AQ or at least BWL.

Your tank was MS. Your healers were Shadow, Feral and Ret. Your Rogue was CB/Prep. Etc

26 Priest. Actually being able to help those people you run into at 1% hp being chased by packs of mobs is nice. I expected healing dungeons to be easy, but I didn't expect it to be this easy. Only needing to throw out 0-2 of my weakest heal every pull and just dps the rest is pretty comfy though. I can no longer comprehend a world where I don't have Power Word: Shield.

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1k needles, I think? Not too sure myself.
time to grind

my friends want to play alliance and i chose rogue i heard undead was the best class for rogue but since we are alliance i chose night elf is that a good race? or does it not matter

And judge. It's fun! You're safe and can help everyone around you too, plus zero downtime.

so I'm level 35 and I have 40g. Not only have I not been buying many skills, I've taken herbalism and skinning and have been playing the AH to make money.

How the fuck does anyone manage to afford a mount at 40? Its impossible

>be human rogue
Found the problem

If you want an exciting DPS class, try Rogue or Warrior.

I personally don't invite hunters to dungeon groups since they need every weapon for a stat stick.

They don't take two harvesting professions like a retard

Finished all those off, same with Shimmering flats

Damn, that's like 2 hours of grinding per level. Seems like a lot but when I factor in all the time walking around doing quests, it's faster.

Every time I ran VC that thing would never drop, or the tank or hunter would need and win the roll. I’m avoiding rogue this time just to avoid that torment again.

26 druid,still too soon to say

Wouldn't Gadget be about the right level? Or Shimmering Flats?

Guys I wanna tank as warrior, but I'm new to classic tanking.

What fucking /do/

Are you retarded? Gathering professions make you money, that's why I mentioned it.

>give options for various races
>oh but you have to choose this one race or you'll lose pvp fights to x classes
epic game

Human for pve, gnome/dwarf for pvp. If you've already rolled then it doesn't really matter that much.

I grinded for gold for a few hours. The easiest way is to only buy the skills you really need to level so you have more gold at 40, but that's too helpful for some classes.

Good luck man

It's legitimately a good tank weapon, but I wouldn't take it over a Rogue.

At least they can use 2h weapons for PvE. Every other class wants 1hers, so 2h weapons become PvP only.

Human rogues lose to locks/mages, but beat other rogues and druids

Am I the only one that is getting bad feelings about my class?
I'm a druid,1-60 is cool,it's a very versatile class to level and is a good one for soloing but endgame druid is pretty meh.
And since I play on alliance and I want to roll a shaman I think I am fucked
Maybe I should roll a warlock ally?

ugh fuck this...
guys help me...

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How do you "grind for gold" at level 35?

You'll be making a lot of gold the last 5 levels also.

Only made it to level ten with the name gayretard before facist gms took it from me, so now it's stretchnuts. Having a blast.

nobody tell him

>Be retarded
>Waste money on AH
>Buy all your skills regardless
>Get a Whelpling Pet drop at lv38
>Sell it for 90g

That's how I managed it in actual Vanilla. Your mileage may vary.

Nobody gives a shit you psycho

Druids are the best at 60. You get free dungeon runs since you can tank but you also get to cuck healers out of their gear since you need it for raiding.

Become an offtank, it's viable in classic and other tanks won't have to compete for as much

its a rhetorical question, you can't grind for gold at 35. that's something you do at 60 in diremaul or ZG

>Gathering professions make you money
No shit, I'm saying that comboing a gathering and crafting profession is better

I started hard grinding mobs that dropped silk and vendor greys at 38 with around 50g and had 100g by the time I hit 40. It slowed me down for sure compared to questing, but not by that much.

I played a Druid at lv60 Vanilla PvP and PvE. I consider them one of the best and most fun classes in the game, absolutely loved mine.

What're you worried about? I might be able to help.

>wasting your gathered items by funneling them into a profession rather than just selling them
>helpful for getting a mount

>reach thousand needles as frost mage
>quest has me going into a cave with harpies
>fucking 6 second silence every time from one of them
>reach back of the cave slowly through picking off the harpies one by one
>quest has three waves of mobs come in rapid succession
>can't regen enough mana in time
>fuck this I'll do it later with a group
>die again trying to get out of the cave
>fuck you too guess I'll do that simple quest having you pick flowers around the lake with elementals
>they're frost immune and hit like a truck
>some of them also stun you for a few seconds
>die three times before deciding to just wait for one of the safe ones to respawn over and over
Fuck that zone jesus christ

>cuts off dick and gouges a wound into their body
>"you're a psycho!"
Calm down, Buffalo Bill.

Feral dps is meh
Resto is meh
Tank is bad
I'm still leveling of course so I'm still not feeling any problems with it but I just feel like in pvp I'm not gonna have that burst damage where you can just cast 1 skill and off a character in BGs and world pvp.I know that it's a very hard class to kill but most 1on1 are very grindy

17 Undead Mage. Never played an undead, so enjoying all those zones for now, but I think I'm about to hit the barrens. Been a lot of fun so far, just finished RFC and officially have +int in every slot that isn't hat or shoulders. Met some nice people, helped a bunch of noobie mages do the ghostbusters quest, so that was a ton of fun too. Taking it slow, doing my profs just really enjoying it all so far. It's nice that every time I log on I feel like I have a few options for stuff to do. Might start looking for a guild soon, but we'll see.

At like 2 gold, not sure if that's normal or way too little at 17, I don't think I'm getting a mount at 40 though.

>it's a night elf barrow den episode

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Meanwhile as a hunter I fucked around and killed mobs there while they were skulls to me, gotta love having no parries/dodges/blocks/resists on the table

Yeah, but it allows me to watch youtube videos on organic chemistry or documentaries on the other monitor.

The trannie just hurts themself but the narcissist like you, hurts everyone around you. A much worse mental disorder.

Is there anything more scary than the ocean drop-off? Don't know why it phases me so much.

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maximum comfy

>Going to give lowbies the six slot bags I don't need
>First person I see below 10 is named Fknfaget

Nice projection, now fuck off and dilate.

anyone got any tips for a mage in terms of how to spec? I'm pretty sure I want to go fire because Pyroblast sounds cool as fuck, but if theres one thing I learnt from leveling my War to 20 and having to respec him is that there are totally some noob trap talents in vanilla and i'd like to avoid them if at all possible

Kinda fucked up that such a badass class is horde only(shaman).

It's super easy to meet trans people online. It's also super easy to learn about their laundry lists of mental problems and failures to launch because they'll tell you them. They gravitate towards online gaming because most of them are male to female. Join a guild that has a "NO SLURS" rule or similar and they'll announce their presence guaranteed.

>narrow paths clogged up with mobs that pat and turn invisible constantly

If you hop on a private server and use hacks to avoid fatigue, it actually goes pretty far out. It's fairly shallow, you just can't see the bottom because of the haze.

The drop off is even more terrifying if you see the one near Teldrassil

On private servers i always went out of mana as a hunter but i don't see people having issues with that on classic. Might reroll one later on

nobody cares about online you freak, it's not real

30 Horde Druid. Fuck I love druid. Piss easy leveling, easy money with leatherworking, and travel form.

And with then new economy, i can buy blue armor for relatively cheap.

are you seriously too stupid to figure out a stun lock as a vanilla rogue

put gouge, blind, vanish and kick on your bars you retail zoomer

how do you make money in a new economy? nobody wants to buy anything

anyone trying to level as ele shaman? I feel like i should just bite the bullet and enhance, but i really just wanna zap stuff

I care about online when it comes to playing online games.

Go frost. The slows and freezes are stupidly strong for questing. Since you mostly spam frostbolt you save a lot of money cause you don't have to buy the damage spells from the other trees. You can also AoE farm if you feel like it later on.

As long as you realize you're going to need to spend time haggling mages for water, it's fine.

Vendoring armor I make with spare leather. I have. With druid, the only spells i really need to spend on are feral and healing spells, so it saves a bit of gold

And I have travel form, so a mount isn't my first priority

I want to spec my shaman into restoration but every guide I see tells me to go a mix of enhancement and elemental.

Thing is, it feels like I can't heal dungeons for shit without speccing into resto. Am I supposed to go ele/enhancement until 60 and then just respec?

Ele is honestly about effective as enhance PVE-wise, but at early levels you're a free HK as ele.

Also try sticking with a staff as your weapon so you can still be effective in melee.

Keep any caster gear you find and enhance healing can work. Otherwise, you can go enhance tank.

Should I level a druid or a priest
I want to heal dungeons and druid kinda looks cooler but everyone says it's useless until innervate

level 31 spriest bros
heading to ashenvale to get to 33 or so and kill some horde niggers while i'm there

>see some random fellows grouped together on a dock off the side of a remote island in the middle of nowhere fishing
>head to the next island over to work on quest
>rogue pops up out of nowhere and asks for help
>it takes a bit longer having to share rewards, but i appreciate the company
>we finish up the quest after a few close calls and some small talk, then say our good byes and part ways
>log off with a warm fuzzy feeling
this is peak comfy

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26 UD Priest

Upgrade your wand as much as possible. Get the wand from BFD. Shadow priests don’t go OOM if you play them right.

Spent an hour looking for Ursangous in Ashenvale today.

I love this game

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Anyone else getting harassed to join their guilds. I'm a lv 32 druid and I people keep dm'ing me to join their guild. I refuse to join one until lv 50+ and see what connections I make questing with people there

Might roll a warrior.
It's the most fun class in the game so

>It's the most fun class in the game

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>shadow priests
Do people actually accept you into dungeons

I joined a guild but I'm probably going to leave it when I hit 60 and try to find a guild that actually plans to get shit done.

After lvl 20 ofc

You can block guild invites in the system menu.

You can heal dungeons as shadow until you get to 60.

Having a shitty time. My nostalgia was broken when I learned everyone was abusing dungeon exp and playing this game like retail. Apparently dungeons and raid bosses as well as elite mobs are undertuned as shit compared to pservers and you can faceroll MC in quest greens.

I've been solo questing like an autistic retard trying to cut corners with hearths/death skips and avoiding shitty fetch quests but I recently tried doing SM and leveled twice as fast there as I would be questing. Mobs somehow are giving the same exp as a normal mob would that level to a full party making this whole game a joke - the struggle to 60 and money for mount is a joke now, people layer hop to reset spawns and are probably already farming Devilsaurs.

This is honestly not what I signed up for. This isn't vanilla wow, it's just a dead corpse being raped by streamers and zoomers. I can already see it won't last past 3 months and will be just like retail in terms of population drops and with a 1 month rise during a new phase.

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They're great levelers and great healers.

>3s cheap shot
>then 3s gouge
>then 4s kidney shot
>then 3s cheap shot after vanish again
>12 seconds
you want me to be able to kill someone in 12 seconds when all my energy is being used to keep the stunlock going? you know that's only possible as subtlety spec, right lil zoom? and you know when lvling you're combat? right lil zoom?

Can i effectively tank as a Druid from lvl 23+ in dungeons?
I did DM no problem.

try subnautica for this feeling times a million

who else played since day one to get ahead only to end up rerolling anyway

What's the original comic?

>tfw made the mistake of rolling alliance because of BG queues and free AV wins
>I feel absolutely no attachment to the Alliance or their Cities
>Human, purple human, short human, shorter human

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You were warned, idiot. We told you that you couldn't go home again.
The game didn't change. The players did.

la luz extiguido....

Yeah you can heal as a spriest it’s fucking easy just renew everyone and shield the tank

32 Warrior. 2 days and 7 hours of /played, too, I'm so fucking slow.

Wait what? How are elites weaker?

1.12 is post boss nerfs for catch up
People used to do the same autistic runs

druids are mechanically the best tank in the game

Bros, I really thought I wanted classic but I'm getting bored by how slow leveling is around 30s. I only liked level 60 back when I played vanilla and now it's just too much suffering to grind 2 classes to max when I've always hated leveling. I just want to have world pvp adventures and get high end gear and gooks are selling 400-700$ per character boost

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the fucking afk timers are ruining me. I go get food, come back, now i'm in a 5 hour queue...

Nice blog faggot

Elites are weaker than private servers

>versus mudhut living, hunchbacked, shoeless niggers

>level 48
>been playing all day every day
>been timing my poops for when I use a flight path
>couldnt hold it in today so I just shit my pants
anyone know this feel? wasnt so bad, just went and wiped the shit out a few hrs later. might invest in some diapers

You can tank everything that's not a 40man.

you realize you can stun lock people from 100% to 0% in level 1 vendor trash gear right?
rogue is the most broken class in the game

Experiment with various arcane build or some shit.
Frost is the most efficient in mc/bwl, but your guild will faceroll those regardless of how efficient you are.

Why the fuck would they do this? This needs to blow up on their forums.

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I hope you faggots eventually wakeup and realize what a shit company Activision is for spoon feeding you literal shit. Do you people really think the people behind "Don't you have phones?" are going to give you a decent classic experience? Fuck no. Stop deluding yourselves and stop paying for retail.

christ. its been like 4 days how are you already 60

level 35 orc warlock. Got my Enchanted Bloodrobe today and the huge stat boost it gave me over the dungeon green I had before is hella nice.

This makes me feel good for not falling for the stupid WoW CLASSIC ALMOST HOME GUISE meme shitfest that this launch is.

the guy in your video uses preparation, 31 talent points in subtlety so he can blind and vanish twice in one fight.

you realize I'm level 35 and combat spec, right lil zoom?

delete this

That is what we get with 1.12 idiot.

ANyone have a larger version of this? Hard to read.

19 priest

No, DONT shield the warrior. Your costing him rage when dungeons don't even put out that much damage.

Just throw heals and only renew every once and a while. Wand inbetween. Save shield for back up

>Level 27 Warrior
>200 Engineering
>Didn't fall for the Fury meme, went straight into Arms for Tactical Mastery and Anger Management so tanking is a breeze
>Compunded by the fact I have tons and tons of Dynamite (because Engineering) so I can actually do AoE pulls
>Instant invites for every dungeon

Don't tell anyone but Engineering is the best profession for tanking and tanking is the best way to level.

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>calling the person who doesn't crossdress and let strangers fuck them a faggot
el oh el

>I give a fuck about what others do
Just have fun leveling 1-60.
When you get to 60 it's where you show them in pvp how much of q bitch they are

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listen to shield and renew are shit, just downrank heals if you need smaller healing

26. Paladin.

Enjoying it. Like saving someones life through heals every 5 minutes as I level. Easy to find dungeon groups.

Can't wait till 60 and doing some pvp healing.

If you gear for it, Feral PvP can do similar to Rogues in cat form for blowing casters up. You don't have the same control as them, but you've got lots of other skills.

Resto is absolutely amazing though. Druid healing is incredibly fun for dungeons, raids and especially in PvP.

You're great at keeping multiple people alive. You can break roots or snares at will, so you're incredibly slippery staying at the edge of fights, and you've got NS to instantly turn a fight around. Plus bear form means you don't instantly die when focused like a Priest or Shaman. Highly, highly recommended.

At the very least, play WSG. WSG is a Druid's playground.

31 warrior. its fucking suffering solo leveling
i must say though the dungeons feel dramatically different in classic. it feels like real time battle chess with how dangerous the mobs are and how they must be controlled and exploited. complete polar opposite of the drudgery faceroll retail is. god that shit was a pathetic excuse to what classic is

>repairs a roof for a week
>zero progress

The animation team really screwed the pouch on this.

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>35 and combat
Then why the fuck are you salty about not stunlocking?

How does Yea Forums feel about the Deviate Delight server?

Good to know thanks fren, I’m surprised none of the tanks I’ve ran with have said anything yet

Was the undead theme ripped off of Super Metroid? Just sayin'

Jump off Teldrassil

Everyone levels Frost, but I leveled Fire and it was perfectly fine and fun. You've got more damage, but less survival, so play safe.

it gets better

Level 17 human warrior in red ridge

When does this hell end?

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42 gnome mage, just got my mount. feelsgood

how about you just fuck off, kiddo

>classic wow is basically a beta on how blizzard should take over [expansion] private servers
>already acknowledged they set up the system in such a way that upgrading to later patches and expansions will be easy
>thus basically telling they will release tbc/wotlk/... servers eventually
Enjoy the broken 10-man dungeon AoE-fest and layering exploitation to grind experience bros.
>tfw the real experience of going home will be during ClassicTBC launch

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warrior is absolute fucking shit tier until later levels. they turn into absolute gods when they start getting decent gear however

You can heal fine without being Resto, Resto won't add much to your healing pre60 anyway.

Just keep an Int/Spr set.

When you choose to end it.
Reroll druidchad.

they don't know what the fuck you're doing, they just assume you're playing well. try to avoid flash heal as well, but obviously you'll need it when shit hits the fan.

Frost mages are no fun allowed fucking faggots. Every single one of them.

Fire mages are chads, and PoM pyro is pretty much the funniest gimmick build in the game.

The same thing is going to happen with TBC. We'll get the version where everything was nerfed to shit.

Druid is an amazing healer and very much in demand. Their only downside is they don't get resurrect.

I honestly forgot until recently and feel pretty useless as a tank anyway unless we're on a boss, and then I realize why I need to be there in the first place. Aside from taunting a mob off the healer every now and then, trash mobs are a joke now. No one CCs, and they don't really need to. I'm still convinced shit would go smoother if we took the time to mark, focus, and CC, but everyone just wants to go fast. Kinda sucks, and I'm sorta hoping the later dungeons necessitate a more controlled approach.

How did this meme get it so right? he literally sat in SW and demanded his followers pay for his mount. Not sure if based for abusing paypigs or a complete retailfaggot

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Well,thanks for making me feel better.
I worry about solo pvp with rogues but I feel like most of them will not know how to shrug bear form(+2 regens even with their poisons it's pretty good) I can do some dps(if they don't use evasion,fuck me).
Casters are fun to solo pvp,hunter is a little bad but they have a hard time with druid dots.
Warriors are also very fun.Paladins are a little hard but they go oom eventually.

How do you feel about druid solo pvp against some classes?

This really needs more attention. They need to patch this shit immediately. They reverse engineered the game anyway, so changing some damage values is not a huge job.

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>Apparently dungeons and raid bosses as well as elite mobs are undertuned as shit compared to pservers and you can faceroll MC in quest greens.

It's not undertuned, those are the best raiders in the world with the best coordination.

And unfortunately, that's what we get with 1.12 talents and classes. Classes are a lot more powerful than they were at 1.4 or whatever MC was balanced for.

Most people won't clear MC in greens though.

>vanilla warrior
>no rage. EVER
this feels like fucking shit guys

>then 3s cheap shot after vanish again

Sap here. That's your problem.

Will they add the same nerfs and buffs for the next patches?

Is there any way to verify enemy HP and damage numbers? Were they actually nerfed in 1.12, and were the nerfs applied in Classic? Or just the class changes?

>you can stunlock from 100 to dead
>i cannot
>why are you mad

>See a lvl 26 Horde Warrior fighting NPCS
>He has PvP turned on
>Regularly goes below half health
>Watch him as 23 Druid in stealth
>Too scared to attack him
Aaaahhh! What if he wipes the floor with me?!

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you have to wait like 5s for sap to work because neither target can be in combat

This tbqh fampai.

Watch the old Gegon TOEP+ZHC PoM Pyro videos and just feel the sheer Chadness.

>Get gkicked despite doing my absolute best to help my guild and impress them.
>Suddenly, now that I have no one to impress, I can take my time, read my quest text and have fun.
>Guy from the event that caused me to get gkicked invites me to his own guild.
I really fucking dodged a bullet lads

Jesus christ why do people watch Asmongold? His fanbase is pure cancer and he's a complete piece of garbage

If you can't beat a wounded warrior 1v1, then you can't beat anyone 1v1.


Level 20 Undead Warrior
I have never seen another undead warrior, so thats interesting

Fairie fire,moonfire,feral,claw,claw,claw,rip,normal form,regens,bear form,and just sponge his damage until he died

They verified using old footage and logs

>join a dungeon group as a tank
>theres a """DPS""" Warrior
>leave group
not dealing with that shit, no thank you

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>join group
>two priests
>leave group

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it's fine until he takes your tanking gear

Your suffering will be rewarded in the later levels when you ascend to godhood


Kino players are the ones who have very long combos such as druids,rogues and Shadow priests,those are the chads

>running rfc
>there's a tauren druid in the group
>hes just running around melee'ing things with his staff and spamming moonfire for the whole run
why is it always tauren? why are they so retarded?

At least you're not rage starved seconds before dying to an accidentally pulled or hilariously quickly respawned second mob

That's literally all druids can do in RFC idiot.

>Join group for dungeon
>am the only clothie

Attached: 1534193281849.gif (200x155, 2.91M)

>join dungeon
>i luv twitch ret pally
>right click report "he's very stupid"

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>dps druid in vanilla
uh nope

>aoe pulls
I don't get it, can't you just do 2 battle shouts and achieve the same thing?

Depends on the spec, Resto will probably not want to 1v1 anyone. You can win, but it's slow and not what you should be focusing on anyway, you're there to support your team. Feral will do well though.


100% Druid win. Warriors can't beat Druids without serious gear discrepancy.


95% Druid win. A very good Rogue may win, and combat may be able to beat you down. But mostly they just die while your HoTs keep ticking in Bear form.


Can't remember. Probably a good matchup, unless they go Windfury meme spec and roll the dice.


Just avoid. You can't kill him and he can't kill you.


90% Druid win. Mage only wins if he counterspells a heal. But you shouldn't be casting HT against a mage.


You probably lose, dying to DoTs while feared.


80% Druid win. A good Hunter will know that Fear beasts works on Druids, everyone else dies to your regen.

But 1v1 is just ePeen. The best fun is Resto, being a slippery untouchable asshole keeping your whole group alive. Imo.

Shouts split their total threat between all mobs, they don't deal full threat to everything.

Was this undocumented? I'm checking the 1.12 notes and it's just some individual nerfs to a few dungeons, not a generalized elite nerf.

What you should have done is stayed and bullied the dps warrior out of the group.

Even without the HP nerfs, the classes are MUCH stronger.

no it isnt

>join a group
>one mage, one warlock, one priest

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Ultra settings, but water on low.

This is peak classic and you cannot dispute this.

Based. As a warrior tank I make any demand that crosses my mind and expect them to be fulfilled without question.

If they even so much as give me any lip i leave immediately

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>warrior rolls on your skirt for his spirit set

Can someone spoonfeed me this? Is Battleshout actually good aggro? Not even Demo Shout? Is it better than tab sunder or cleave or whatever?

I feel like I've missed a trick, is this Private Server shenanigans?

>rolls on your spirit staff because "muh weapon damage"
holy fuck why are dps warriors the absolute plague of this game

level 18 gnome mage
already got burnt out from grinding and i hardly even began
i wanna reroll as a shaman or druid or whatever class transforms into an animal for the lulz

I'm on firemaw EU, the biggest server and the game feels dead because of this layering. I never see anyone

I bet you're playing frost.
Frost is boring bro

Use hamstring and a slow two hander.
Get a swing timer addon and kite the mobs, only diving in for the strike.
Go arms.
Don't listen to the fury memers, yeah they kill one mob slightly faster but take 3x the damage from mobs and die like a bitch in any pvp situation.
Pool rage, then take on 2 mobs at a time and demolish them with sweeping strikes cleaver or whirlwind.
If you have a healer, the above strategy can work with 6+ mobs at once, making your leveling insanely fast.

retards who just google "best dps in vanilla wow" and put zero thought into anything else

>tfw aoe farming dungeons is the new meta and mages are in even more demand than warriors
all from 33-39 I was getting PM'd, upwards of 30x a day asking me to farm SM

Muh weapon damage is unironically the only stat that matters on a melee/ranged weapon until 60.

There's pretty much no staves worth ninja'ing though so I don't get why they'd bother.

>stormwind is kinda empty save for the auction house

So,is this gonna get better when a good portion reachs lvl 60?(can't wait for outside stormwind gate dueling zone)

I would also like to know

Shouts deal, iirc, 40 threat divided evenly between every mob.

nah fire
kinda bored of having to drink after every 2-3 mobs
not giving up on the roll but i wanna see how other classes play

I tanked all of SM today with a two hander, how was everyone elses day?

hopefully it gets better when they remove layers

but i'm just assuming any server above low will go to shit and lag like crazy without it

Kind of at 40. But really at 60

Isn't that not a lot?

17 Rogue, 9 hours played time right now. Got my professions up to date, its great

It's fuck all, but it's something as opposed to nothing.

Mage is a fun class tho
But Shamans have that less mainstream feel.Horde is also pretty cool if you're tired of the ally setting.Ally cities are depressing compared to Hordes

At around 30, you get big bleeds, often crits and can start chain pulling. And once you hit 40 you basically turn into a god.

24 Druid.
Deadmines, because my friends and I aren't leveled for Stockades yet.

Wouldn't it be better to tab sunder and cleave? Why do people say BS is the best AoE aggro?

Is there a way to make balance playable?

24 is easily high enough for Stocks

>A god
Do warriors realize they are bitchies in every scenario?

Shoutspamming is a total meme but it helps at the start of pulls to keep hots and auto attacks from pulling aggro and shit.


Shout is just to grab the initial aggro. You use tab sunder to keep aggro afterwards.

As far as I know, it's better AoE threat gen than Demo and Thunderclap when you aren't fighting a large number of enemies. With a big swarm, DS would be better because it's a small bit of threat to each thing debuffed rather than the buff's threat split between all enemies. The numbers I've read said BS generated 55 threat per person buffed (270 @ 5 + whatever gets added as the stance modifier from defensive) and then divided between the enemies. I don't remember what demo or thunderclap generated. That said, I'm pretty sure I read it on Nost forums.

Tab target + sunder/revenge is still better with 2 or 3 guys, but sometimes you'll want BS/DS, and you're gonna want to be keeping them up anyway.

There are much better tanks than I though, so do your own research too.

What level is good anough for BFD?
I'm a level 25 priest.

>462 posts
go away

No, unfortunately. It's a meme spec until the WotLK patch.

They're called OOMkins for a reason, and they're free HKs.

>The only item which matters for a leveling warrior is your 2hander.
I disagree a bit. Your 2hander is by far the most important, but, after that, stacking agi for crit is the single best way to max out your dps. Get leather, gib mobs and players, get absurd amounts of rage and decrease your downtime. Strength is a meme stat till much much later. Fuck rogues.

37 Enhance shaman.

Successfully tanked everything through SM Armory so far. Hoping to take on Cath in a few levels.

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it's a mana disaster

>they're free HKs.

They're HKs, but they certainly aren't free. Druids just try to bore you to death.


I remember seeing an enhance tank on nost who went up to ZF before giving up on it. How's it working out for you?

Found the link in my hideously unorganized bookmarks folder. Missed it when I checked the first time. Was indeed pserver stuff, so keep that in mind.

People are stupid. Cleave is good if you're using a strong slow weapon with a few of mobs, tab sundering can be good. Personally Im a big fan of the whole dynamite approach it can do big damage.

Leveling as paladin is such aids


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lvl 21 paladin. I just finished a Deadmines run for my Class Quest. Mr. Smite continues to have the best voicelines in the game.

The plan now is to finish those Redridge elites before I make my way north for the rest of my Quest Mats.

It requires a lot of consumables. You're constantly running out of mana. Other than that, it's certainly doable. There's just more downtime compared to a traditional tank.

are healer heals and buff threat (like powerword shield divided too?)

20 shaman, got ghost wolf and now I have no desire to keep going in vanilla

Sounds comfy desu. I wish PVP servers weren't faction locked, I loved my paladin alts.

Warlock or Mage? Someone sell me on this I can't bloody decide

>It's not undertuned, those are the best raiders in the world with the best coordination.
>some literal who private server niggers are the best raiders in the world

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I feel like such a chad playing as a druid.

Do you want your balls to be blue or purple

35 Warrior
Tanking is hard in this game
I don't get how I'm supposed to keep shit off of Mages

Yeah, that sounds like what I read. Do you have trouble finding groups? I know people are thirsty for tanks, but I'm not sure how far they're willing to go.

They're not the best raiders.But they did tons of speedruns on vanilla pservers.They had that shit studied

Battle Shout splits its threat, just as any other helpful spell does. Demoralizing Shout does not split its threat, just like all other harmful effects do.

If they're casting Blizard, you aren't. Don't expect to hold aggro against AoE Spamming retail players.

Shouts,aoes done.

They're not the best overall raiders, but they are the best autistic vanilla speedrunners

Best raiders of *this content* is probably a better way to put it, you're right. I meant they're Vanilla autists who've done this a billion times.

>get engi and bs for trinkets if you wanna pvp
>tidal charm, arena trinket, etc if you wanna pvp
>farm consumables(dps, healing, invis, speed, whatever) if you wanna pvp
>raid for months without getting loot
>you also need to bring consumables to raids
>1-60 is a beautiful journey(kill 15 boars x 9001)
>your class is busted and you can only play 1 spec, have fun healing
>you got all your bis, and you still failed to roll lock, warr, or mage
>time = skill and if you don't like it you're a retail babby(where mythic progression and rated pvp is skill > time)
LMAO'ing at you faggots, enjoy farmville for Blizzrael drones.

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Seals are judgement are kino. Fuck holy power. Having said that, introducing crusader strike and avenger shield in classic+ would be nice.

Taunt like a fucking madman, use it on cooldown, its free and powerful and useful.

More fun builds.

just getting buzzed enough to resub

why the fuck am i doing this

warlocks get decent party support and lots of cool dots.
Mages get pissing me off with frost nova.
Take your pick.

Use target markers. Macro that shit. I have skull mark on F2 and moon mark on F3. It's so convenient. Get their asses on skull, and get a revenge or sunder on skull immediately after you pull and/or shout. Pool rage between pulls as best you can, and use BR to stay in combat and keep rage gen going because you often won't be using charge to initiate, though it depends on the dungeon. SM has a LOT of ranged and LoS pulls, so charge isn't worth much there.

If they're spamming AoE or doing something dumb like pyroing at the start of a pull (had a friend who did this back in BC or something), especially early into fights, you're probably going to lose aggro, and it's almost certainly on them.

>Macro for skull mark:
/script SetRaidTarget("target", 8);
>Macro for moon mark:
/script SetRaidTarget("target", 5);

Level 46 Troll hunter, got Brokentooth when going to a uldaman run. Pretty happy so far

This, marking is so incredibly useful, it makes everything and everyone more focused so you keep threat easier and some dick ass isn't pulling side mobs off you.

hunter rogue or warrior? I am playing alliance NE and i cant decide what dps i want to go as i have heard warrior has the biggest pay off at level 60 but i want to be good in pvp and have a class thats vital in dungeons

I do, I also swap for mocking blow, sweeping strikes and berserker rage prepull for the rage intake

I also do this, I can handle single target just fine, or even low target counts
It's always just autistic sperg mages mashing arcane explosion/blizzard and complaining that I'm not tanking

Don't do it user, don't ruin your nostalgia...


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I'm on firemaw EU, the biggest server and the game feels dead because of this layering. I never see anyone

Warrior is more useful for raids
Hunter is king of bgs alongside druids and rogues kings of solo pvp

>If they even so much as give me any lip i leave immediately
>fragile faggot quits group as soon as anyone challenges him instead of taking over the situation in a dominant fashion

Ah, ok cool.
The quest log is red so it made me apprehensive.

Its a shame they dont use blizzard instead, at least if they pulled then they'd get slowed.

I am getting SICK to death of pulling one mob then another creeping up or re-spawning right on me and killing me. The agro range is awful and it makes fightin against mobs 2 levels higher impossible if you accidently agro a 2nd mob.

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>It's always just autistic sperg mages mashing arcane explosion/blizzard and complaining that I'm not tanking
Oh, yeah. Doesn't sound like you're doing anything wrong except losing the RNG roll of getting retarded mages. When I start to AoE on my mage, I fully expect to get hit since I'm usually trying to burn everything as quickly as possible for whatever reason (xbox hueg pull and healer low on mana being the main one), and warriors do not have good AoE threat gen. That said, I'm new to mage.

>pull a pack of 3 around a corner
>demo shout for snap aggro
>mobs start walking away
>mocking blow
this is why 99% of warriors don't tank

Respawns are occasionally fucking retarded right now. Was clearing a gnoll camp for a chest earlier, and as soon as I would kill the last mob, the entire camp would respawn IMMEDIATELY with zero grace period for them to not be pulled. It wasn't until the fucking fourth clear that they didn't instaspawn. All for eight fucking minor mana pots at level 22.

Always funny being in a group with friends, and explaining to my rogue buddy who crit his ambush and backstabs that I missed/dodged/masturbated 3 consecutive sunders/revenges, and that's why he was the new tank.

What professions should I take as warlock? I'm thinking tailoring and skinning. I'll probably drop skinning for engineering if I feel like I need it for PVP.

>same double dps warrior group that I NOPED the fuck out of like half an hour ago is STILL looking for a tank

Why even bother with a macro when you can just keybind it directly?

You can? Is that new to Classic? I don't remember that being possible.

You could always do that actually.

Also while you're at it it's good to mark your next target with X so people know what to switch to.

Oh shit. Bloody obvious menu option too. I just got my keybinds sorted and didn't explore further.

>fragile faggot quits group as soon as anyone challenges him instead of taking over the situation in a dominant fashion
SEETHING. Next time don't give you tank any lip. Enjoy spamming trade for the next 20 minutes.

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Yeah, for sure. I just hadn't made it yet.

Have people forgotten what fucking markers mean?

lilzoom has never seen a target marker in his life

>lol dude sheep X
>focus moon
That fucking group.
>warn them about Lt. Whatshisface pat at the top of DM ship who pats around as we go up the last ramp
>idiots pull them 15seconds later by standing too close

>where mythic progression and rated pvp is skill > time
there is not and never has been skill involved with wow. the new garbage tries to pretend skill is involved so sheltered morons can get their dopamine rush whereas vanilla tried to be an actual mmo. no one is begging for skill in runescape. wow is not some gay esport. go away.

Im going herb/alch, but tailor/engi is just as good.
Your epic mount only costs around 4-500g and won't be available until phase 2, so you don't really need money.

>get ganked by a warlock when I pull two raptors
>come back to my corpse
>he's nowhere to be found
I'm gonna find this cocksucker

>corpsecamping horde niggers in STV on my rogue
holy shit this is so fun


herbalism is more profitable than skinning. engi is definitely worth it, but not until well after hitting 60 once you have a considerable amount of dosh

>gank someone who was in the middle of fighting multiple mobs and on low hp
>he would probably have been able to fuck me up 1v1 but i make sure to spam as much /lol /spit as i can before he releases spirit
>get a friend in a different layer to invite me to party so that the guy I killed will literally never find me
welcome to 2019 jackass

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>gank someone because they are killing mobs i need for a quest
>they spend the next 4 hours desperately trying to kill me
this is why i dont gank any more

Oof sorry dude actually I'm tanking this one don't you have any fury gear?

Oh... is that the only DPS you can muster without things hitting you for rage? Yeesh, let's uh... let's get a Rogue or something.

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you were kicked as soon as you joined

>Starts a new group and gets 4 members in 30 seconds.

yeah ok lmao

a tank's a tank, nigga

I've been cumming all through my 30s because I didn't know sweeping strikes stacks with cleave and whirlwind in the most retarded fucking way

WoW Classic is probably going to be the biggest experiment in gaming, heck in the MMORPG, we've seen in awhile.

We have no idea yet if Classic is a success. We wont know for awhile. The entire success of classic depends on player retention rates. It will decide which development choices on retail were "right". Already complaints are rolling in about leveling being too slow, classes being too boring, too much walking, etc. The question becomes if these represent the majority or not and retention rates will tell us that. If a majority of players quit and go back to retail, then Classic was a failure and shows that the playerbase just doesn't want that style of game anymore. But if a majority get to 60 and simply stop playing from lack of content, then Classic would be a astounding success.

The community is great, but it will not last. This community is based upon a fresh start. All these elite quests, people grouping up, etc. It will die off. It did in Vanilla. By wotlk, so many leveling zones were empty. Elite quests were nearly impossible to find groups for a lot of the time. Nevermind leveling alts was hassle. People already demand in retail for reputation to be accountbound. Classic is even worse.

The other thing is the "upgrades" and people feeling good about getting whites and greens. Again, it will not last. This is based upon the economy. Gw2 had the same feeling when it was released. Then as people got to max level, as they did in vanilla, they became common place or less desired. Costs went way down, so it was easy and cheap to upgrade.

Only time will tell. Neither side is right yet. Economically speaking, Classic is a success. Blizzard has already made their returns in subs alone and returning subs. Hence why they announced the level 60 rewards so fast. They realized how many people came back and potentially could get them interested in retail at little to no costs.

In a year, if this success is still the same...then we will know the answer.

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Based. Tanks are in high demand and any warrior can tank. If he can't, he doesn't deserve shit. Later on, warrior dps become even worse, charging in and ww instantly.

Two priests means I can tank in berserker stance.