Have you finished with that backlog Yea Forums?

Have you finished with that backlog Yea Forums?

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Surprisingly yeah. I don't buy that many games and I don't play them that much these days except for fighting games, sidescrollers, and FromSoft shit.

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I almost did once.
But then I bought another jingle jam bundle.

if you ever catch up your backlog instead of just infinitely increasing it you're not a true gamer

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Only have 3 more games to go
Which one should I play next?

well Sekiro is the GOTY, so either that, or leave the best for last

still 6 games on my ps1 backlog
still 4 games on my ps2 backlog
still 5 games on my genesis backlog
still 10 games on my switch backlog

got a lot of gaming to do

heres a fun way to decide what to play next
or you could use strawpoll to make other people choose for you

I'm almost done with BOTW. I have a few more shrines. I'm skipping the motion control ones. I just got all the memories.
Never going after the korok seeds. They aren't very interesting to get. Been playing it for a while stopping each time a game catches my fancy.

the seeds arent worth it, t. someone who got them all.
the fucker gives you a literal pile of shit

>i have more games in backlog then i have files
kill me

Does it sell for a lot or something? There's 900 right? I only have 45. Ha.
Dragons are dicks. I want to upgrade the blue armor but I can't get horns.

The only game left in my backlog is FE Three Houses but it's just so repetitive I have to take a 3 day break in-between each play session to find joy in it.

Damn it's a good game but I just do not care for Byleth. Stop making silent protagonists in 2019. They try to make it a plot point about how he's so mysterious and lacks emotion and whatnot, but you can easily have a voiced main character who still has issues. He has a voice actor that says like 1 line in battle anyways so why not make him say stuff?

In short, no, my backlog is not finished

its a key item, cant be sold. if you need help with the dragons, just go to the lake bridge for the yellow guy, the canyon bridge for the red guy, and the mountain close to the loli researcher for the blue one (i dont remember the names, havent played in over a year), just camp at these areas and skip till night until they show up.

Yakuza 0
Persona 4
Dragon Quest XI

I'm thinking about becoming a neet again to finish these

You bought too many RPGs at once. If you really want to beat them all, save P4 and DQ for the end. Get simple stuff like Danganronpa and Psychonauts out of the way now

i don't backlog, i just play games that i want to play at that moment in time

Sometimes it's time to just ignore the shit that you have no interest in playing. Just cause you own it doesn't mean you have to play it. Chalk it up to a donation to the developer and move on.

I'm almost done with Danganronpa, Yakuza 0, and maybe about halfway through P4. I plan on doing DQXI this winter as it seems really comfy.

I wish I could be like you but I have autism and knocking vidya off my backlog is the only thing that gives me a sense of accomplishment in life.

I really enjoyed 3 Houses. I put 97 hours into it beating Blue Lions and Golden Deer. Trying to do the other two routes is just tedious. I want to play BL and GD extensions honestly.
I was camping at the bridge. I waited for a good 30 minutes to no avail. It kept raining I killed an army of the yiga clan. They spawn far too often.
The onetime I hit the dragon in the head I got a scale.
The korok reward sounds terrible. But every reward is pretty bad.

i have autism and can only play on or two games at a time, and can only move on after i've sunk 200 hours into them and feel dead


kinda long but help me choose

Bioshock is a breeze to get through and it still holds up amazingly well. I'm almost done with Danganronpa and it's had me on the edge of my seat the entire time.

i guess i'll cut it after 10 votes cause it seems like bioshock will win. I have all three, should i play them back to back?

I'd say play 1 and if you really need more of rapture and aren't burnt out try 2. I personally don't like Infinite at all, but it's not a terrible game, just barely a bioshock game.

no. I haven't played a lot of games since school started again. Planning on playing DQ5 all day tomorrow though.

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Nope i dropped a lot that i really didn't care if i beat or not. Once i hack my switch I'm gonna have a fuckton more to play so thats bitter sweet. I just want a clean backlog bros is that too much to ask for.

internet went out for a week.
I finished my backlog 100%, surprised it only took me a week.

REmake 2

>persona 4
Damn i do not envy you. Damn good games but they are a real time sink. Good luck user.

>70 games on PS4
>4 or 5 games on Switch
>8 games on 3DS


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I don't even remember what I haven't finished or started anymore. I did go back and play some Wizard of Legend. I only beat the final boss once. The new DLC is kind of nice.

is FFX really that long? HowLongToBeat says it's like a 40 hour game? Persona 4 is long as hell but I'm in no rush with that one.

i stopped caring if i finish it if that counts

i need 4 more votes before i make my decision

Nope, still playing through Gothic 2 and I think I might've bricked my save.

>70 games on ps4
wtf i thought ps4 had no game?

DMC 4 so you get that outta the way.

unfortunately not even close because i've genuinely might be retarded. i've bought a shit ton of humble bundles, a shit ton of games outside of that to begin with, and this is not even including everything not on my pc. i first started my library when i was 12 and made the excuse buying games would be worth it because not only can i enjoy it but i'll have games for my kids to play since i play pretty much everything from every genre. instead, im a miserable depressed fucking retard who's literally bought games and needs to fucking kill himself at this rate because he'll never finish them in his life time

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oh yeah and i forgot to say that it's even worse because when i was younger until two years ago maybe i only bought games i thought i'd get hundreds of playtime out of since they would take a long time to finish. i've probably finished 30 at most and that's being very generous. in the past 3 years alone i think i've probably only completed 5 of those. i suck at finishing games because i tend to lose interest pretty much halfway through. im about to finish control surprisingly though

holy shit, get on that
if you need motivation, you should record your gameplay.
there needs to be more gameplay vids with no commentary

>Yakuza 0
>DMC 4 & 5
>Oblivion and skyrim modded playthroughs
>Fallout 1 and 2
>Steins Gate
> Nioh
>All three witcher games
I recently got a job and have done nothing this 4 day weekend other than jerk off, sleep, and play multiplayer games

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I say LA Noire

I was in the same boat as you 6 months ago, but now I'm down to just pic related.
Forgot to renew, though, so I don't know if I'll ever finish it. Oh well.

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i hate you so much

I don't get it

>he doesn't know

No there's like 800 games in there what do you want from me

i was gone earlier today and my friend, user, messaged me while i was on the road something really bad happened and wanted me to talk to him asap. fast forward several hours and i got a chance to talk to him and i asked him if everything was alright and he told me his malwarebytes trial expired.

more people should post strawpolls and have others vote for what game they should play.


I D O N ' T L I K E Y O U R T O N E


I have 3 games to play right now and my brain solves the conundrum by deigning that I play none of them. Easy.

Yes, I just moved the whole thing to the "Can't bother" category.

Considering I just bought 8 or so games within the past 3 days, and recently homebrewed my PSvita to download a shit-ton of games, and, no.
As long as games keep being made, I'll never get my backlog finished

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Almost finished with dark souls remastered NG and spiderman
Backlog would only be DS2 and 3, and Catherine upcoming
Also haven't got the plat for Yakuza and The Last Guardian, as well as 100% Nioh and Hollow Knight, I can't git gud for those two.

How do I sift through 600+ games on steam to find ones I want to play.

cringe dude

>finish one game
>buy another three on sale in case they get delisted (ducktales)

Ride never ends.

>finishing your backlog

I have 286 games on my backlog right now, and that's not considering PC games and VNs.
I won't finish it within my lifetime, most likely.

>download rom fullsets
the backlog is eternal

No and I'll never even come CLOSE to finishing it

A backlog isn't something to finish.
I just throw games into the backlog so I don't forget about them.
I never feel dread when I look at my backlog, I just get excited at how many games I still have to play

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Nearly, I’m on to the Vs now. Just started Volgarr the Viking.

I mostly play Skullgirls, so I guess, in a way? Never got the backlog meme desu, do people feel obliged to finish every game regardless of whether they want to?

>do people feel obliged to finish every game regardless of whether they want to?
That's a video games reviewer, not a backlog.