These two pictures were taken two days apart, spot the difference.
Console War faggotry is a mental illness
Other urls found in this thread:
they were taken two days apart
6.4 is a fair score for Three Houses though
Before and one day after the release of Astral Chain. Are sonyfags really THIS upset that it's a Nintendo Exclusive?
wait seriously LOL, that's actually hilarious
Thank god I'm an idort and don't have to partake in this consolewar shit.
Consolekiddies are pathetic nowadays.
before actually playing it
after actually playing this turd
It's PlatinumGames, plus it's a weeb games. It's Sony-Yea Forums's two favorite things.
This is after the release date of ASTRAL CHAIN, dumbass. Fire Emblem had already been out for a while, and people had already finished it. It was the release of Astral Chain that made them go to Mario Maker 2 and Fire Emblem to vote 0 on them.
>giving a single solitary shit about metacritic scores in the first place
>Here's your Fire Emblem 3 Houses review bro
>spot the difference.
Easy. Top is shopped, bottom isn't.
>89% from 96 critics.
Why do games reviews have such a general consensus compared to other media? Film is almost as bad but music and books have widely differing opinions and ratings.
Luckily archives don't exist...
oh wait...
Because film critics are hipsters, and music and book critics are even bigger hipsters.
you are a fruit for even caring about this. go wack one out or something fag.
death to those who insult nintendo
Astral Chain and Three Houses are going to be the games that lead to a Metacritic reform.
Thanks, Sonyroaches.
Don't act like this is absolutely nothing. It could negatively affect sales, which could affect the budget for the next game in the series. Thankfully, I think most people listen to YouTubers or streamers opinions on what games to buy now, and Metacritic scores are mostly boomers.
You can't make this shit up, they're not even trying to hide it
when did you become the unpaid marketing arm of a company faggot
nah they just realized the game is shit dumbass
>Sudden influx of 500 user reviews
Why are sonyfags like this?
>I've been found out
Most of the sales for FE probably already happened, it's not Mario Kart.
Can you guess?
Because film critics tend to get paid off pretty well (though some of them want to believe they're the next Pauline Kael and shit on things because they can), while music critics tend to be faggots too busy huffing their own farts and jerking off over finding an album "first" to care about praising, and literary critics are 99% failed authors who couldn't even get published by vanity presses and pretend that writing bad reviews of genre fiction makes up for their own lack of success.
I am laughing so fucking hard at this all night
thank god I'm not the type of retard to care about review score websites or review scores at all
Life is really good when you think about it, the people for you to make fun of are all there, you just have to not be a dumbfuck
>it doesn't matter
Yeah review bombing never has any negative effects
>Why are sonyfags like this?
They're still ass-blasted over Horizon: Zero Dawn and Red Dead Redemption 2 getting review bombed. That wasn't even Nintendo fans, though. Anti-feminists review bombed Horizon: Zero Dawn because it was called a "feminist action game", and Red Dead Redemption 2 was review bombed by PC gamers. But of course Snoy boys blamed Nintendo fans, because that's all they do.
get fucked nincels
wait astral chain is 30 fps?
The action is slower-paced like Monster Hunter or Bloodborne, it's not nearly as fast as DMC or Bayonetta.
gay shit deserves a 0
fucking 30 fps action game fuck me what a joke.
Bloodborne and Monster Hunter are 30 fps.
BASED sonychads reminding nincels of their place.
Reflecting about it, all my interactions with sonyfags since 07 on this site and other sites has been nothing but shitposting from them.
holy shit the fucking cope
hows that buttery, silky smooth 17 fps than bloodborne runs at?
Realistically, how can they fix the metacritic user scores?
>mad about Astral Chain
>reviewbomb Fire Emblem
For what purpose?
Looks like butthurt coping to me.
That's a funny choice of character, given how you had to alter him.
I review bomb every nintendo game Yea Forums mentions.
The only way to fix it is to make it so only people who own the game can review it.
But, realistically, I'm not sure how that could be implemented.
why is everyone mad about astral chain and feth?
did i miss something?
It's been like this since before the N64 came out on Usenet. Sony actively encouraged their fans to act like man-children.
There probably really isn't a good way of doing it, given that there have been review bombs on metacritic going on for a year or so that haven't been resolved yet.
If we ignore them maybe they'll go away
No games this year
>Ignore sonyfags
>They just come to you
See Monster Hunter, Yakuza 0, and every other game that is a multiplat.
>What the fuck (insert people who just got the game) have once again ruined one of our games and communities REE NINTENDO
Have a partnership with the big 3 and leave inside each game case a 6-8 digit special code to prove you own the game.
Digital fags get an email with the code.
Who the fuck still cares about Metacritic reviews outside of Yea Forums?
Why do you assume I defend those? bloodborne has been widely lambasted for it's godawful framerate.
you cant nincel, your m'alady nintendo pride has been sullied
Nope. It's literally just sonyfags seething at the fact the Switch is getting good exclusives and steadily outselling the PS4 worldwide while they have nothing.
game starved
>it runs bad in portable mode
It runs great wtf, these people make up the stupidest shit
It runs bad in dock, and runs much better in portable. They got it backwards.
that person just copied and pasted a AC negative shitpost review for FE
>Platinum Games
The sad thing is, the only reason Sony fans are doing this is because they want Nintendo to fail, so that Nintendo will go 3rd party and make games for their console, because they can only afford one console on their Autism Bux. They don't hate Nintendo games, they actually want them. They're just like one of those televangelist priests who gets caught with a gay hooker or something.
Yeah, I noticed that after I posted it. That's pretty funny.
What triggered the incels?
>the negative reviews are in spanish
You can't make this shit up
It's /vint/ all over again.
I find that I tend to give the benefit of the doubt to console warriors, except for Sony. Like everyone else is being ironic shitposters, it's probably all PCfags baiting other PCfags who pretend to take it. But specifically when it comes to Sony and all of the goldface posting and obvious falseflagging, it comes across as genuine autism.
>can't trust reviewer scores because most reviewers are fucking retarded
>can't trust user score because of consolewar bullshit from both sides
At least PC Gamers have Steam reviews which are simple like/dislike ratings, instead of this 1 through 10 bullshit. Also, you can look at the reviewers and see how much they played the game and look at their account and at least see something about them.
>can't trust user score because of consolewar bullshit from both sides
>both sides
Nah, nintendo had a real internet fanbase that has largely collapsed into reddit and Yea Forums, and brought their own community autism with them (the gannon ban is a classic example, circa 2003). As much as they are older fags than the average Yea Forums user, they still have their own biases and are easily riled up by a lot of simple shit, such as "spyro is a collectathon done right".
Sony is still the worst by far though.
Has Nintendies or Xboners ever review bombed games this badly? I know PCfags have but they don't count.
W-we did it Sonybros
We got em
The actual state of console gamers. (The PS4 is no better for the most part don't worry.)
Nintendofags inflate Nintendo scores and deflate Sony scores while Snoyboys inflate Sony scores and deflate Nintendo scores
it might be more obvious when Snoys bomb Nintendo games but both sides are definitely guilty of it
No. HZD was review bombed by Anti-SJWs and RDR2 was review bombed by PC gamers.
>snoy using jiren as a avatar because they finally got up to him in the dub
console ownership is a mental illness
how do you know they were sony fans?
I doubt PC gamers cared enough about Astral Chain, and there was no reason for anti-SJWs to review bomb it, so that leave Sony fans.
Can someone explain why spics are so upset at Astral Chain again?
I don't get it.
A huge portion of them gave sony shit 10/10. It's not hard to spot, really.
In the end everyone should just go back to relying on their own taste even though we have a wide range of choices individual taste in games will always matter first not critic taste.
There will be games that are highly praised on Metacritic or game sites that you generally disliked and there will be games on the same thing that you generally like but many don't it's okay.
This is how you generally form your own taste in games as time goes on and many of us have played games for at least 15 years consistently.
Well, since Sony is located in California now, maybe they're hiring illegal Mexicans as shills.
I don't think so?
I think your typical Nintendofag is entirely indifferent to Sony games.
>I think your typical Nintendofag is entirely indifferent to Sony games.
This. The PS4 doesn't even have any worthwhile exclusives to be upset over.
That and he lost
Look at the rest of their exclusives:
There just isn't any evidence that Nintendo fans are review-bombing Sony exclusives, other than a small select few. Uncharted 4 was review bombed by Anti-SJWs as was Horizon, but not by Nintendo fans.
I was a bit let down about Spiderman, because I liked the Batman Arkham games. But, other than that, I don't care about any of the other Sony exclusives.
While that's generally right, most people don't have the money or more importantly the time to sift through everything, or even most things they think they'll like. It's always good to have some kind of reference point for similarly-minded people. Like Rain World is my favorite game of all time, and I only found it years after it came out because of Yea Forums and Matthewmatosis.
Sony fanboys are a plague on the gaming industry.
Meanwhile in reality
>Xtrannies trying to drive a wedge between the master alliance
Fuck off back to Discord.
Idort here, I notice it's mostly the poorfags who review bomb exclusives. Hence why we get ElBlancoJiren482 shitting on stuff.
Would a review site that needs to show some proof of purchase (ticket, you playing the game, receipt, etc.) work better than Metacritics current design?
When do we get a FE P* game?
I baffles me how oblivious majority of this thread is.
The hero we need
What's his full pseudo again? Jirensony ?
>Would a review site that needs to show some proof of purchase (ticket, you playing the game, receipt, etc.) work better than Metacritics current design?
You tell me.
*blocks ur path*
>Thankfully, I think most people listen to YouTubers or streamers opinions on what games to buy now
And that's why gaming journalism is such a joke, and why they're so scared of Youtube.
Didn't SJW's discuss review bombing it because of the police part?
Can you even imagine a PC only Platinumfag? Fucking male calico cat tier.
>#1 best-seller
we lost...
they are obious
>Didn't SJW's discuss review bombing it because of the police part?
I don't think there is enough of them to make a difference. Even if they try to review bomb a game, their plans will get posted on /r/KotakuInAction and reported on by TheQuartering and the games will get mass upvoted. That happened with Days Gone.
Then they reviewed the wrong game, Carlton. 3H is great. Maybe they meant to put those 0s on Sony's last big game. I can't remember when it was, I think Spiderman late last year?
People that like niggers will never understand how the real world works, meta critic is important for gaming, scores are important because people look at them instead of wasting their time watching gameplay
>looking at reviews
>not just watching gameplay WITHOUT commentary
Also there's something mentally ill with people if you idolize a company to the point you're review bombing a game that's not on your console FOR FREE, shit dude just play or talk about vidya you like. These people are just as bad as the sports fans who know every detail about an athlete and talk about them more intimately than gay couples do with one another.
you guys keep linking the same 3 profiles. how do 3 people drag down the score
Gonna call rent free on this, maybe its just not very good?
So who is responsible for this? I really doubt it's just a coincidence a bunch of sonyfags decided to all leave negative reviews at once for Astral Chain and then going back review bombing FE3H as well in the process. Is it ResetEra, some Snoy discord, or something else? Some anons have been suspecting some sort of Spanish forum/discord being responsible due to all the negative and similar Spanish reviews, however that's not 100% since not all the negative fake reviews are in Spanish yet they follow suit in the low effort and obvious review bombing process.
>review bombing a game that's 1 month old and already sold millions
>thinking people who see this won't find it fishy and completely dismiss them
Are spics and snoyfags this retarded?
The thing is, people might see this two months from now and think the game is not very good. RPGs are the types of games that have legs, and this could hurt its sales in the long run.
>lmao +500 people just all woke up and realized it was shit dropping the userscore from an 84 to a 64
Being autistic on purpose never works for anything outside of making people not take anything you say seriously.
>Sonyfags supposedly upset about Astral Chain
>they reviewbomb a completely unrelated game as a result
There's also no actual evidence that those two screenshots are from the times you say they are, or even that they're accurate to begin with.
I can't find a user review from any later than August 15
Couldn't you just make a throwaway account to reviewbomb games?
>There's also no actual evidence that those two screenshots are from the times you say they are
Please lurk before posting newfag.
>I can't find a user review from any later than August 15
>implying bots would bother with reviews when you can just rate without leaving a review
I think review bombing this obvious against Nintendo games will cause some sort of change like says. Also it's not like Metacritic user scores alone can hurt sales, actual critic scores are still good which will lead to people wondering why it's not adding up, and then doing more research. Regardless, most normies just look up to their favorite e-celebs anyway for opinions or just critics.
I don't use Metacritic so I didn't know that's how it worked.
This is why I only trust Steam user reviews. At least they fucking played it. So(n)yfags are just bitter because they're in the middle of another drought.
>I think review bombing this obvious against Nintendo games will cause some sort of change like says
I don't think anything will change. Nothing changed after BOTW or the other hundreds of games/movies that were review bombed, but Metacritic does generally clean up troll ratings after a long wait. I'll be amazed if this is what causes them to change their system.
Judgement was only a couple months ago, Man of Medan just came out, Catherine Full Body is in two days
Unless you mean first-party titles I'm not seeing a drought
I have had friends who bought a PS4 and a PS4pro shortly after when the games they played were already perfect on the original. Couple considered going to PC, but convinced themselves "lol too hard and errors". When in fact they face more errors/crashes than I do, where I also have the option to find a fix online versus waiting for a patch. At least the XBro knew how a PC works, was able to hack his vita, and realized Dr. Pepper is the true drink.
So yes they're retarded.
Man of Medan is a multiplat m8.
It is?
And it runs like absolute shit on base PS4/Xbone.
>when sony niggers are so stupid they downvote the wrong game
Jesus christ.
After beating the Golden Chads route (my first route) i am inclined to agree. The gameplay flow of persona emblem plus the slew of terrible characters (mostly in in eagle and lions) really ruins the experience.
didn't Goku win at the end?
once the shitposting dies down, they'll just delete every user score that was posted in the past few days. its how they always handle it.
Why don't mods ban only one side?
There's just something about Sony fans where I always get the impression that they're ESL third world retards. The shibboleth that they develop is so stupid and so far from anything clever that categorically, the dumbest posts always seem to be genuine Sonyfags.
For example, examine this shitpost:
A Yea Forums screencap of some dumb conspiracy theory nonsense capped off with some gradeschool namecalling with "Xtrannies," which isn't creative or funny, it's just bandwagoning on the post-election zeitgeist where tranny is now the bad word.
Then you take a look at this obviously ironic bait thread:
and then oh look there he is again, taking the bait and making the same garbage post:
It just feels like everyone is in on the joke, except Sonyfags.
I played it on my regular PS4 and it was fine aside from texture pop after a loading screen. Then again the entire game is just a QTE cutscene, so its not like its technically demanding.
>There's just something about Sony fans where I always get the impression that they're ESL third world retards.
Probably because one of the most active Sony shitposters on Yea Forums is some ESL slavshit autist.
>MAL video gaymes
Pure cancer
Reminder, those are the kind of people who hate 3 Houses.
>Probably because one of the most active Sony shitposters on Yea Forums is some ESL slavshit autist.
Is that Eric? I've heard about him for ages, but never looked up the lore surrounding him. Not really sure where to look.
Too based and too truthful for the thread. Hiro needs to gets unbiased staff.
Imagine getting this triggered by a shitposter that you lash out at an entire fanbase.
Eric seems to have mostly disappeared. Probably tired of getting btfo constantly.
That cracker is trolling
I do not and never will understand this new internet trend of taking what 14 year olds say so seriously.
Whats the 1 movie he reviewed? Capeshit or Star Wars?
Oh okay, do we know who that guy is who constantly posts praising DMC5 and Bloodborne? I figure that was Eric, who is the guy who made a topic on BOTW every day apparently.
The problem is that it's a consistent pattern with this fanbase, and not just on Yea Forums, but on the internet as a whole.
Clearly it's not just an issue of autists on Yea Forums, unless said autists are also infesting the rest of the internet.
I honestly don't fucking get reviewbombing in general. It's so obvious when something is getting reviewbombed to anyone with a brain. Why do people actually do this? What do they get out of it, is it like the lower user score would actually dissuade people from buying a game even though you'd have to be retarded to not notice the huge difference between the critic and user score? Do you have to be a massive fucking consolewarrior to see this as reasonable?
I will never ever understand deleting shit on Yea Forums either
Fuck off to Reddit if you can't handle bantz or being told off. What the fuck is the new moderation team?
How the fuck are they so squishy and yet on Yea Forums? Why would they be here if it constantly offends them?
So if Jiren is Sony and Goku is Nintendo, does that make Freeza Xbox?
Android 17 is mobile
You can tell a janitor or mod actually got fucking triggered. It's not even some rambling or racism or anything. Just one person pointing out irony and he got shit down. Meanwhile in this thread there are people doing blatant rule breaking posts that stay because they are pro Nintendo.
You'd have to be pretty biased to not be able to see that shitposting brand loyalists are all the same, regardless of which brand they are shitposting about. Sony, Nintendo, Xbox, Steam, EGS, all are interchangable in their autistic ramblings about which one is bad, which one is good, who has games and who doesn't have games.
>been playing since the game lunched
Why can't fat people stop thinking about food?
Xbox is Yamcha.
Except one group is clearly more active on the internet as a whole, which is kind of what this thread is about.
Steamfags, Xboxfags, Nintendofags, they all have their autists, but most of the biggest corporate autists seem to be Sonyfags, with a few Nintendo and Xboxfags sprinkled in.
Dude just look 4/5 of those bad reviews mention the following
Sometimes all 4
Yeah most do
Put a unique code in the game/package that's required to review the game on Meta Critic. That way only people who own the game can comment on it.
>Screeching this hard because he got caught out
Time to ask your supervisors for new talking points.
I think this thread is pretty clearly demonstrating differences between them.
Strange I thought judgements wasn’t out yet no one ever talks about it
>Except one group is clearly more active on the internet as a whole
So wait, you mean to say the system that has the most units sold also has the most users? Whoa.
Oh its far worse.
I mean, he has legs so of course he’s mobile.
You know, I have to ask, have we considered the possibility that these are paid shills with bots? I mean we know shills exists, I hear ads on the radio where you can hire shills to write positive reviews for your business. And I definitely wouldn't put it past Sony to hire shills to use bots to vote 0 for Nintendo games. Maybe this is shilling and not trolls?
You need to go outside of Yea Forums more.
Even during last gen when the Wii was the most popular Sony still had the most rabid fanbase of autists.
That is fucking stupid, you shouldn't have had to buy the game to review it.
Latest Hellboy. He gave it a 10.
m8, this thread is literally about an issue with the Sony fanbase outside of Yea Forums.
I’m just giving facts faggot
We had a thread deleted the other day talking about vidya paladins at the same time gacha shit, smash #482, literal who twitter, FFXIV tranny attention, and e-celeb garbage stayed. I enjoy smash, have partaken in gacha shit, and watch a few ecelebs but these mods don't even know the rules of this place. These are also the same people who request we take CTR, RoR2, and other games to /vg/ because the games were already a week old.
If you pay attention to any score on metacritic, it doesn't matter if it's user or critic, you're a fucking idiot.
>Turn based
>shitty low tier unity engine switch graphics
>30fps console poop
>Anime game
>Shitty Jap writing
>Shitty jap gameplay
>Shitty tablet console toy for children
>is a video game
I don't understand how this shitty jap shovelware gets any positive scores to begin with, and I'm not defending sony either or any console.
Fire Emblem and Visual Novels and Anime crap is all the bottom of the barrel, it's the lowest form of video entertainment imaginable.
Japanese storytelling is repetitive atrocious garbage
Japanese humor is garbage
Japanese culture is fucking retarded mentally ill and can't even sustain itself because of how anally raped it was during ww2
Western games have fucking awesome graphics and stories with intelligent plots written by adults with brains. Meanwhile these Gooks create a cartoon plumber that jumps on shit and calls it a game it's sad as fuck
You conflate sony consoles sold to active videogame forumn/review users, while it's VERY well known that the majority of the PS4 fanbase is dumb casuals who play the lastest COD and FIFA as their sole videogame activity.
>Except one group is clearly more active on the internet as a whole, which is kind of what this thread is about.
one platform has just more players than the other two combined. I'm not that user but if you're seriously claiming fans of a certain console are evil and want to ruin your life you ARE a faggot and a fanboy
Why do you think I want /Sony/ so bad and a word filter on Yea Forums /vp/ and /vr/ that makes Snoy fags so like they’re having a fucking stroke.
>I demand to talk about ZIPPITY DOO POP on Yea Forums mods
hey there
Found your review. We laughed at you a lot last thread
>Western games have fucking awesome graphics and stories with intelligent plots written by adults with brains.
I thought you were serious until I read this.
Do you honestly think that people who buy a PS4 go to metacritic to shitpost or come to Yea Forums?
If they did why would they have bought the Nogame station?
Unironically no geams.
PS4 genuinely has nothing because they pissed off a lot of Japanese devs
They trust fucking xbox more than Sony
You absolutely should and it's a genius idea to prevent reviewbombing. Steam and Nintendo both require you to own a game to review it, and during the Wii U era, they had a mark on Miiverse that showed if you actually owned the game so you couldn't shitpost it.
andromeda is better than weeb shit
prove me wrong.
>They trust fucking xbox more than Sony
Holy shit, what the fuck did Sony do?
they should just stop counting 0s and 10s in the metascore and not tell anyone so all of the retards keep doing it
Have you not seen this fucking censorship thing they've been doing?
>Reddit spacing
>no punctuation or capitlization
>obvious bait
For the people that shitpost and false flag relentlessly, what do you get out of it? Is it simply out of boredom?
>Try to have a nice MHGU thread
>No shitposters in sight
>Everything is nice and plush
>Threads on page 9 and I’m going to bed.
>Wake up the next day
>Threads still up
>almost 350 posts of just pure shitposts
>Just delete the thread since I was OP
>Hate existence
...but why?
No. I usually only play on PC and just recently got a Switch.
Whatever happened to stop being poor?
your mom
Why? Because it's a Nintendo exclusive, Sony's only exclusive this year so far got terrible reviews, the massive influx of 3rd party games early in this year were lackluster, The game Control is unplayable on the base PS4, and now they have nothing to do except shitpost and troll.
I don’t care about Sony games
>Reddit spacing accusation... check
>criticism of my grammar... check
>bait accusation... check
>actual substance... None
They are upset that nintendo has another game out. Somehow, this riled the autist into action. Possibly because they haven,t got a game for a while now.
These are the easiest to grab as in 1 click Bam right in your face these fucking retarded reviews
You just owned yourself.
The guy in the back looks like he’s about to steal their souls
15 minutes and no one has taken your bait yet, try harder next time.
I'm annoyed that Nintendo makes shitty trash games and continues to get money and good reviews.
we are forced to treat nintendo as if they are a serious gaming company because manchildren continue to buy their toys.
>I'm annoyed that Nintendo makes shitty trash games and continues to get money and good reviews.
Nah, you're mad because you wanted Nintendo to go 3rd party, and you can't deal with the fact that you can't play their games.
>Anything I disagree with is bait
It being a Nintendo Exclusive, hoes mad they have no games while Nintendo does.
Being stupid on purpose is still being stupid
I love how people continue to press this lie
But love even more retards who believe it
I mean, I'm still not done with my initial playthrough never mind seeing all four routes
Weeb shovelware is not games
Fire Emblem does not meet the standard that most modern games adhere to.
it's gameplay, graphics and story are all lackluster
Look for this guy's profile pic in the reviews
Absolute proof the review bomb is non-natural sony pony interference
I don't get it, why don't you just get every console so you have every game you want instead of shitting on exclusives?
Yeah you should you at least borrow someone’s brought copy
Either way you should play it before reviewing
The greatest game of all time is an ascii game you casul.
Seconding this notion before any snoyggers can reply
I’d believe it
That's perfectly fair. 500+ reviews made the rating more realistic after every had a chance to play the game thoroughly.
nah theres noticeable slowdowns in 3H handheld mode during battles sometimes
namely on the map when you can see several units at once, especially flying units with their wings always moving
fucking cringe
holy based
Why are Nintendo fans obsessed with being a victim?
>graphics are the determining factor of a good or bad game
All you had to do was exclude this line and I would've actually too you seriously despite the >weeb shovelware
the difference is that once people took more time to play the game, they realized how shitty it was and lowered the score accordingly.
>There just isn't any evidence that Nintendo fans are review-bombing Sony exclusives,
That's not true at all.
I'm sure that's the case.
is that a playstation 2 emulator?
>Having brand loyalty to begin with.
Dumb as fuck, my mans.
>That's not true at all.
Fine, show me ONE Sony exclusive that was review bombed by Nintendo fans. Don't say HZD or Uncharted, those were review bombed by Anti-SJWs.
Where's your evidence then?
Just because you can,t play them, doesn,t make them trash game. When you finally grasp this, you will be ready to live in society
What's the issue here? GoW was GOTY 2018. Astral Chain is a mediocre anime affair with worse combat.
I would never understand people who suck the cock of sony. Imagine supporting a company that is synonymous with censoring products.
just because some dumbass managed to confuse intsys with platinum doesn't mean fire emblem isn't garbage.
Perhaps they're just mad that platinum, basically their top tier third party dev, decided to jump ship and work with their most hated enemy. This would be like if retro studios stopped making metroid prime and worked for Sony
GoW4 wasn't even game of the month
>Imagine supporting a company that is synonymous with censoring products.
i know, right?
>he didn't play FE Three Houses
>is defending a shitpost c&p review
Nintendo is just as bad, you shit eater.
This board is nothing but a collection of retarded Nintendo fans that, day-by-day, make this board worse with endless shitposting, trying to play victim with everything, and constantly spamming threads for the same topic.
Who the fuck are you trying to fool?
In order to drop the score like that, however, those 500 reviews would've had to have an average rating of 2.4, which is un-fucking-likely considering the pre-score and the critic score.
holy shit dude no
Why are all the Nintendo fans on this board from Leddit?
Keep sucking that cock, snoypony.
That's called pandering to autistic SJWs
>Every big console exclusive ever gets review bombed on metacritic
>Nintendo fans act like it's only ever happened to them.
I hate non Idort gamers. So many of them are just so into the console wars crap they stop thinking.
>unironically citing reddit as your source
Why are all the literal Sony fags on this board from Uranus?
There's hundreds of 0-2 reviews on spiderman just like this crap.
exactly. nintendo censors games to appeal to their sjw fanbase.
I don't even have an account on Reddit, but I sure as hell know where the biggest Gamergate community is, and I know they make shitloads of topics on HZD and Naughty Dog.
The game is pretty shit, so its balanced.
>seething this hard over Nintendo
which negative downvote was yours?
they also like to pretend they don't go out of their way to inflate their games' user scores like true corporate shills.
>hispanics play sony
>euros play nintendo
>slavs play pc
>americans play xbox
Who played Sega consoles?
Good one, I bet you look exactly like a typical low test beta.
I cant believe that Nintendo gets a bonus of 10 points on every score! Really, imagine how much different adding 20 points can make a score. Those freaking nintendies, how dare they get an extra 30 point bonus. These stupid goys just deserve the extra 40 points for all their games.
>spic speak
>a single person
Okay post a non-falseflagger. Also you don't know what review bombing is, do you?
BRs and retards play Nintendo mainly. Nintendo fans tend to be lower IQ.
>reads thread
Yeah.... I'm thinking it's them
>Their top tier third party dev.
How many exclusive P* games have snoy consoles? 0?
Nintendo has: Madworld, Bayonetta 2, The Wonderful 101 and Astral Chain.
P* never was a snoy third party dev.
Wanna play that game, negroid?
same shit with steam reviews
>not having brand loyalty
>No evidence hes even a Nintendo fan
Just admit Fire Emblem is a shit anime game that offers nothing to no one.
>The game is pretty shit, so its balanced.
Says the guy who never played it.
No one really uses "current year" sincerely, do they?
>Reddit spacing
You need call that shit out if
they consistently
do it repeatedly
like this
and not just once
Except I have and have a Shitch?
Snoyponies do it often, they are the primed to it.
>spic speak again
Also I shouldn't have to explain what reviewbombing is, but I'm assuming you're a retarded ESL so I should. Reviewbombing isn't one person leaving a negative review, it's multiple people flooding something with negative reviews, usually not because the product is actually bad but instead for some other reason. Just like how AC and 3H got review bombed for being Nintendo exclusives.
Some people aren't worth a well thought out response.
>Another low IQ Nintendo fan pretends to be a victim
Not gonna work this time incel.
maybe because the game wasn't that good, why can GoW keep a 9.1 User Score while also being an exclusive?
kys negroid.
Brazilians played Genesis and Master System, Japanese played the Sega Saturn, Americans and Europeans played the Dreamcast.
>Just like how AC and 3H got review bombed for being Nintendo exclusives.
Or they are bad games and people like to voice that opinion. You have no proof it was organized "bombing" all I see is cherrypicking which can be done for any title.
Because selection bias, Nintendo fans aren't self aware and love being persecuted victims. Clearly the games are more shit than they advertise on this board on a daily basis.
>GoW keep a 9.1 User Score while also being an exclusive?
Because there is less autism in the Nintendo community.
Wow, that is TOTALLY a Sony fan, Mr. Victim. Are you gonna cry?
Fuck I bet you can barely communicate with other people considering how much stake you put in a shitty toy company.
>why can GoW keep a 9.1 User Score while also being an exclusive?
Because only Snoyboys are pathetic enough to reviewbomb exclusives.
But they aren't as most people know. The fact we have litterall picture of before and after the reviewbombing by mad snoynegroes make your current retardation obvious.
>Because only Snoyboys are pathetic enough to reviewbomb exclusives.
You forgot PC gamers. Look at Read Dead Redemption 2.
>Because there is less autism in the Nintendo community.
Who the fuck are you trying to fool? Pokemon, Autism Crossing, Sonic, Mario, and Zelda fanbases (among others, like pedos in Splatoon) make up the largest group of degenerates in gaming.
>HURR DURR ppl just realized the game is shit and are now voting accordingly.
Bullshit, the game has been out for over a month. This is 100% sonygros riding high off their campaign to downvote Astral Chain and targeting any game not on the PS4.
cope incels
all the reviews made by me
someone get this hothead outta here,
PALE in comparison to your average spic or other subhuman soccer player, IE the main consumer demographicof snoy faggotry (along with actual faggots)
>Literally a screenshot of a well thoughout review of someone hating it
Okay kid
But there are nintendo exclusives high user scores also. What is your point?
Hola senor sonyfan
>Bullshit, the game has been out for over a month.
So where most people would have beaten it if they were interested?
>This is 100% sonygros riding high off their campaign to downvote Astral Chain
You have yet to provide any substantial evidence. Why can't even negative review be a Nintendo fan? An Xbox fan? Half these examples (or more) show no association with Sony at all.
>You have no proof it was organized "bombing" all I see is cherrypicking which can be done for any title.
Literally see the OP.
>Or they are bad games and people like to voice that opinion.
I'm sure a lot of well thought out reviews were made for AC on the day it released. Oh...
That's a zoomed in mode nobody ever plays in.
Nintendo has way more women and minorities in its fanbase. 95% of Sony's fanbase is white men, who are the group most likely to have autism. Fact.
31 minutes
also arrest yourself
>PALE in comparison to your average spic or other subhuman soccer player, IE the main consumer demographicof snoy faggotry (along with actual faggots)
Not really, and the PS4 is a universal console for everyone because it has the most games and the largest install base.
Do you have a source on absolute demographics?
No idiot is because the game is good enough to take review bombing. Breath of the Wild is an exemple of a Nintendo exclusive that could take review bombing because it was good.
Stop making excuses everytime Nintendo fucks up.
Nothing you linked had anything to do with ethnicity.
>95% of Sony's fanbase is white men
>who are the group most likely to have autism.
Look at the review distribution on astral chain
1.2k positive, 18 mixed and 800 negative
Anyone who passed highschool stats class would know that it should be distributed like a bell curve, not this two sided valley. Clearly there is an outside influence, which can only be review bombing
>95% of Sony's fanbase is white men
Are spics and niggers considered white now?
>Literally a screenshot of a well thoughout review of someone hating it
Are you being retarded on purpose?
>well thought out
>cacophony of overlapping overlysimple monotony
>characters haphazardly built up individualty betraying a sense of vacancy
>voice actingis equally robotic and contrived highlighted by being programmed disjointedly contributing to an overall sense of such flagrant carelessness it's offensive
> *in my opinion for a game to be bad it needs to be nearly empty or extremely sensually abrasive
Snoynegroes think this is a good review. Is he a retarded ESL? Extremely likely
>Clearly there is an outside influence, which can only be review bombing
Or people dislike the game?
>Sonyfags turned out to be spics
>95% of Sony's fanbase is white men
I just made up a number. But if you listen to any Call of Duty youtube videos, you can see it's mostly just white males talking.
>who are the group most likely to have autism.
Don't ask questions that you can Google the answer to in 10 seconds, autismo.
>Cherrypicking the same reviews
Not him, but it sounds fine to me. Seriously, AC is fucking boring so far. Its probably my least favorite platinum game next to Wonderful 101.
This so much. I've never played it, but it has way too many straight white male cis characters for me, a Sony fan.
But mostly for spic and other subhumans that really need a cheap console to play FIFA. You know it to be true. The fact that fifa is around half of the PS4 top 10 is telling, and your inability to deny it even more so.
PChads and Xbros have no reason to shit on Nintendo games, just like Nintendudes have no reason to shit on PC/Xbox games, they are all able to coexist. Snoybois are eternally butthurt and will shit on everyone though.
>FE3H had ~1,000 reviews
>after the release of AC that jumps +500 (1/3rd)
No game can handle 1/3rd of total reviews being 0s from autisic snoys presumably using bots. AC can't handle it any better since the game JUST released and got bombed.
>But if you listen to any Call of Duty youtube videos, you can see it's mostly just white males talking.
That's not a source, that anecdotal. And that's also assuming that Call of Duty players only play on Playstation.
>Don't ask questions that you can Google the answer to in 10 seconds, autismo.
I can't find it, I have access to a study database too. Nothing. Please provide a source.
And you are a retarded nigger, it's blatantly obvious.
imagine caring about console wars
get a life you fucking losers
You people don't make logical sense. You realize Nincels will just review bomb your big releases now right?
Then it still should be a bell curve, but shifted towards the bottom
that wojak one has got to be bait
Source that its the demographic?
>You know it to be true.
The PS4 has an attach rate of 10, more games than FIFA even has.
>The fact that fifa is around half of the PS4 top 10 is telling
Plenty of games sell well on the PS4. It has a install base of 100 million.
>I can't find it, I have access to a study database too. Nothing. Please provide a source.
But they didn't for the last month and a half. ie, until the snoynegroes got REALLY mad at Astral chain and nintendo.
For reference BOTW and GOW both have over 10k reviews.
It's in the process of shifting.
Make it so you have to link your gaming accounts and get verified that you own the game.
that's alot of digital red tape though, that won't happen.
user, I'm seriously concerned for your health... Are you having an aneurysm? Is this why you can't read?
6.4 is being generous for a game with so little representation. Thankfully Sony exists.
* White children were still more likely to be diagnosed with autism than were minority children. However, the ethnic gap had narrowed since 2012, particularly between black and white children. This appears to reflect increased awareness and screening in minority communities. However, the diagnosis of autism among Hispanic children still lagged significantly behind that of non-Hispanic children.
Do you read what you link? Its literally an issue of demographics. People are sensitive to testing any ethnic groups due to issues like black people being sent to mental health centers for scoring low on IQ tests in the past.
I'ove overclocked my switch so the game runs permanently in 'docked' mode, the fps is no different. The only difference is less jaggies and better textures.
how the fuck is this a "reviewbomb" when the reviewer gives detailed explanations of why they didn't like the game?
oh wait, i forgot, this is Yea Forumsintendogaf. any negative review of a nintendo exclusive is a "reviewbomb."
separate the rating by region
The game just released, its not even a month old.
This tbqh. Catherine should have been a MtF transexual.
Why are Sony fans mostly made up of minorities?
I've never met a single straight, white male Sony fan.
This Or make it so you have to write the numbers of the barcode that's on every case to verify.
Regardless, men are WAY more likely to have autism than women. You can NOT argue with that.
remove all the scores from nintendo shills inflating their games.
Dont you DARE criticize Nintendo.
HEHE FELLOW BROS, I just bought a new joycon color!
Can't shift if it doesn't exist in the first place. You'd need about 2k more mixed reviews to have an argument
Not 3 house, who dropped 20 point due to snoynegroes being incredibly mad at nintendo. Again, it's really obvious to anybody with a IQ over 80. Then again, Snoy are under that treshold.
Not at all, Metacritic is often a game of extremes.
predict the userscore Yea Forums ;)
How about this, let's voice chat. You tell me why you think this to be the case and I can hear your rant about it. I'm legit curious why you obsess over Nintendo. Can I use you for a study?
reminder that /vint/ proved that almost every consolewar shitposter comes from the 3rd world, and therefore only shitposts because they don't have enough money for more than one console
90+. it's woke so snoynegores gonna flood it up.
>reminder that /vint/ proved that almost every consolewar shitposter comes from the 3rd world
How about this, you will kill yourself so the world has one less negroid. Once you do, i'll talk to you on mic. Setup the livestream, Lemarcus.
b-but what if you shitpost just because you can and don't really care about console wars?! What am I doing with my life user?
Why are you so scared to talk to another adult? I promise, I'm white, successful, have a girlfriend and maybe a house soon.
Can we talk now? I will record it to post it in these threads.
These guys are fucking creepy bro, just reading their replies and conspiracy theories. I’ve been smoking a little weed and I hit the vape too hard and now I’m tripping.
Yop interested in that one too.
>Why are Sony 'fans' mostly made up of minorities?
They're cheaper.
>Let's voice chat
This is t he faggiest post I've seen on Yea Forums in years.
If you weren't here when /vint/ happened, that's your own fault newfag.
>Caring about metacitic scores
For what purpose
Was it the same way back in early 2000s with ps2?
Why are you so keen on talkign on voice chat, dumb nigger scum? is it because you have no actual arguments and you REALLY want to deflect ?
Snoynegroes are reviewbombing shitskin, you included, and you are very obvious about it. My suggestion is to kill yourself, for the good of the rest of humanity. If you don't, the second best is to stop being a fucking subbhuman.
NIntendo fans like playing the victim, despite shitposting just the same, to justify shilling everything nintendo.
>For what purpose
It could affect sales and that in turn would result in a lower budget for the next game in the series.
Snoynegroes LITERALLY have no games, so they try to pass on their frustration and shit on others so they stop feeling so bad for buying a console with no games.
>I'm legit curious why you obsess over Nintendo.
You're the one who's obsessing over Nintendo though?
Nintendo fans are racist and homophobic
Didn't Sony make a shitton of their sales in latin america because they cleared stock for the PS3?
>Why are you so keen on talkign on voice chat, dumb nigger scum?
Because you talk like a walking abortion and its hilarious. I want to hear that cringey ass voice.
>Snoynegroes are reviewbombing shitskin, you included, and you are very obvious about it.
I dont even have a metacritic account. LMAO, are you really that scared? You talk all this shit, yet still run away?
The FIFA Machine strategy paid off really well
I find it amusing that Snoybots felt the need to review bomb Nintendo exclusives.
Do you have a mental deficiency?
Nah, they are trannies and gay. The issue is you are dealing with people that are mentally children and have no self-awareness.
>cringey ass voice
Wanna know how we know you're brown?
>a walking abortion
>cringey ass voice
>are you really that scared
Why is the nigger reddit tourist attempting to derail and act tough? You're only proving that user right retard.
C'mon nigger, stop being so mad that Snoy is the faggot console of choices. pozzed loads after pozzed loads, the snoynegroes want more and more.
Do you?
I just said I was white. And far more handsome than you; beyond the point, are you going to stay a pussy?
Look at this DUDE. What kind of mentally stunted faggot tranny are you?
Dude, you're not allowed to like Trails in the Sky on this very board anymore because sonyfags are still seething that Cold Steel is no longer sony exclusive. Don't even try to pretend this hoard of insufferable faggots makes any sense.
>Nah, they are trannies and gay.
That's Snoy
That sounds plausible. They did sell more than any other console in history; I'd actually like to find the sales data on that. Maybe ps2 is what started the whole snoy 3rd worlder trend.
Tough from requesting voice chat? LMAO
Why do you keep samefagging?
you must be confused. resetera loves nintendo.
Obviously not, cringy little spic. I'm not the dumb autist getting so assblasted in the thread that he want to act tough on voice chat.
Kinda agree, maybe a bit higher though, I've only played the golden deers route though.
You were saying?
You want faggotry, you go Sony. 72% of Sony console are sold to faggots, as admitted by Snoy.
>they are trannies and gay
Snoyfans right?
>I'm white and more handsome than you and have a gf and have a house and this is all totally true I swear
We're reaching cringe and desperation levels here that shouldn't even be possible.
last i checked, splatoon is a nintranny game, not "snoy."
Who's acting tough? All I see is someone acting scared.
Here, your samefaggin friends can join too. I wanna listen to the Switch cult.
Post face.
>hispanics play sony
>euros play nintendo
>americans play xbox
This is all wrong. If you look at sales, majority of PS4 sales are in the EU. Majority of Switch sales are in the US/JPN. An no one plays Xbox.
Holy fuck
>get called a mentally deficient shitstain
>push forward with his ill advised retardation.
Jesus nigger what are you doing? Get your medicine already, get some help
yet Nintendo themselves keep banning/censoring these posters ingame. I've seen them complain about being booted on twitter.
Sure, videochat with me.
it's just par for the course in nintendo games, really.
Evevrybody jumped to PS during PS1 and PS2 bacuse they were easy to pirate.
Stay mad bro, the truth hurts huh?
>Nintendo is the fanbase
I give, what's the difference?
Sorry, you're the only discordtranny here.
Everyone in this thread needs to have sex except for me
That settles it Nintendo is the official tranny console
yet they keep showing up regardless, which shows who's buying and playing nintendo's games.
Send me your phone number, I'll call you
You're seriously not even going to pop in? Its a long weekend, stop being such a fucking bitch and talk to me.
But that's wrong you dumb nigger tranny.
Wtfff that’s a game?
Nintnedo banned the tranny flags though
Jesus fuck, so glad the PS4 will be my last Sony console. It's PC + Nintendo from here on out.
The score
>Nintendofans screaming at Sonyfans that they are autist who spam Metacritic with 0/10's
>Sonyfans screaming at Nintendofans that they are autists who spam Metacritic with 0/10's
Why cant brand loyalty fags realize they are all the same and their insults are hipocritical?
Why? Discord is anonymous. I would never give my number to a tranny like you.
Are you some kind of Chris Chan level mongoloid?
Lmao didn't Nintendo delete these "stages" prompting SJWs and trannies to throw a fit?
>they are all the same
Sony fans still haven't proved that Nintendo fans review bombed any of their exclusives.
Oh fuck, voice chat snoy fag is back.
If they were that smart they wont be brandloyalist in first place
> cherrypicking image
Astral Chain will be fine I highly doubt Sonytards will make an Impact. Bayo 2 was fine so I don't know why AC will be any different.
>Unironically linking your discord.
You console warring sub-humans holy kek.
You mean
>Its PC from here on out
The Shitch is garbage.
If they were self aware they wouldn't do this stuff.
the fact that so many of those stages were made in the first place shows who nintendo's audience is. keep deflecting, though.
Nigga it exists
>Is beyond desperate for attention and any sort of human interaction
>Uses discord
>Is constantly prying for people voice/video chat with her (male)
>Calls others trannies
I've never used discord in my life and I sure as hell won't start now just to "debate" with a snoynigger.
oh shit, i remember that guy. He was a complete retarded sperg and kept getting BTFO, getting mad then inviting people to voice chat since he had no arguments.
Hello Eric. We were talking about you earlier.
They did. Nintendo Japan doesn't stand for any of that shit.
Sorry, what the fuck are you talking about and can you stop samefagging.
Oh no, confrontation! Better run away huh?
I made a private one. I've been here for 15 minutes now waiting. Why don't you hop in too?
Not really, just a little bored. Why are you scared of human interaction?
Looking through this thread I see plenty of images of both Nintendo and Sony games with 0/10 scores. Stop being a brand loyalty fag.
>let's voice chat.
Kek. Why do faggots think we want to hear their screechy voices?
Why would that matter? Discord doesnt even need to be installed or an account made. You are just using excuses to run scared.
I don't get NIntendo fans, do you just put your head down whenever someone tries to talk to you in person? All I want to know is what mental issues you guys have. And you can't even face a simple fucking voice, how pathetic.
4th dimensional shitposting going on in this thread
he's posting on Yea Forums. Most of us don't like/lack human interaction.
imagine caring enough to check both or even have this image saved/made
you are mentally ill OP
Sonybros, I used to think you were based. But is a shame you did this.
Why Sony, why our fanbase sucks?
Show me any Sony exclusive that received critic reviews in the 80s, which got review bombed into the 60s by users. They just aren't there, they exist only in your head.
we're on 5th or 6th now
I don't use discord because i'm not a tranny. Why are you a tranny, snoynegro?
Who? I did this ONCE before, no one came in except a Nintendo fan that sounded like a gay dude, got scared because he left his mic on by accident and left.
I have yet to speak to one of you faggots.
No reason to not be civil about it.
>who nintendo's audience is
Kids? Or are you attempting to have me believe Nintendo panders and advertises towards trannies?
You need to stop confusing your favorite company with Nintendo.
>thinking Yea Forums is still niche website like back in 2009 and under
cringe smelly virgin, even teenage girls get on Yea Forums now
Its even more ironic how them screeching at each other just causes the opposing sides to dig in even more. At this point I think most Nintendo/Sony fags just shitpost out of spite.
You've been exposed you feeble-minded shitter. Stay mad.
Is sony gonna pursue game streaming with their next console?
Zeta reticulian's think console wars are for fags.
What do trannys have to do with discord? Why would an app even have anything to do with sexual orientation?
If anything, you might want to transition because youve been acting like a woman.
Why are you so obsessed to talk to people, you mentally challenged shitskin?
>tranny link
>wedding dress mario
>tranny birdo
>tranny bowsette
>tranny speedrunners
sure seems like they do.
He's part of the 74%
You talk like PC is devoid of this faggotry. I’d argue that PC users do it more.
Stay scared. It's been 25 minutes now, I'm still waiting.
Why are you so scared to talk?
Also I'm white and smarter than you will ever be, I promise.
That guy posted a clear proof resetera loves Nintendo. Meanwhile your proof is one random guy and a fake image made by a shitposter. Please show me the source of the 72%. Go ahead.
Im not going to argue with a brand loyalist, I could present you with all the proof in the world but your defunct brain will still cause you to screech about the brands you dont like.
I can't even tell if its shitposting anymore
The funny part is that you expect us to believe you got a wife while you act like a complete sperg. You put that forward by yourself, because you knew you got absolutely btfo and were getting raked. You are a failure
>I'm white and smart
you can only pick one user. My mom let's me have both though.
So far I've learned from this thread:
>Nintendo fans like playing the victim
>Nintendo fans love hating any minorities due to social immaturity
>Nintendo fans are too scared to voice chat with one (1) guy and insult him while acting scared
I guess this is the board where you find the bottom tier fanboys huh?
>tranny link
>tranny birdo
>tranny bowsette
>tranny speedrunners
You need to stop jerking off to tranny porn and tranny speedrunners.
Doubtful considering how much a flop Playstation Now is.
Mentally ill subhuman tries is hardest to project is inadequacy after nobody bites to his retarded voice chat retardation.
I never said I have a wife.
>You put that forward by yourself, because you knew you got absolutely btfo and were getting raked.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Hop on, pussy.
yikes... this post flopped...
Of course, you have no evidence Nintendo fans have mass review bombed a Sony exclusive. BoTW, Pokemon Let's Go, Fire Emblem, Super Mario Maker 2, and Astral Chain were all mass review bombed, and there is proof of it on And I'm saying MASS review bombed. 10 people is not mass review bombing. Please kill yourself retard.
I miss f zero, Captain wouldn't stand for tranny bullshit.
>Nintendo fans like playing the victim
By exposing reviewbombing by snoyfags? I don't think anyone is "playing the victim" per se, they're just calling out the blatant autism displayed by snoyboys.
>Nintendo fans love hating any minorities due to social immaturity
And that's as far as I'm reading.
More insults, and yet, still running. Coping with delusion is easy for you.
Why is someone shilling their discord? Discord is for trannies.
ask sn0yb0iz
Nobody is running from you, tranny. It's obvious you want to act like you are a tough guy on the internet, but moast people don't like talking to retarded trannies. Take it personally, you are a subhuman,
It's an anonymous discord and its not shilling. Its a request for these pussys to stand up.
But I imagine you are just samefagging in the same vein of pathetic insults.
It's just a seething 80 iq tranny snoynigger, ignore it.
I wish I had a qt zeta reticulian gf to play Smash with
Why are you ADVERTISING your discord, retard ?
No one wants to talk to a tranny.
>Nobody is running from you
It's been 35 minutes and you still havent entered the room.
>It's obvious you want to act like you are a tough guy on the internet
Why am I acting tough? You are the one running and insulting me.
>Take it personally, you are a subhuman,
Ill say it again, I promise im a better human than you will ever be. In every regard. Now that we are past that, are you going to continue to run?
Imagine how much better Yea Forums would be if everyone in this topic died. Including me.
Give me your full address and a photo of your front door number and i'll hop in ;)
Who hurt you user? Why are you so upset?
Obviously, you mentally retarded fucktard. You are a tranny, nobody wants to interact with tranny, because you are mentally retarded. You are a dumb faggot, and when this thread autosages you will likely think you standing there getting called a fucking mongoloid was brave and a good thing
Suicide isn’t the answer user. Unless you are LGBT. We need to get rid of those mutations from the genepool
Why are you samefagging?
Nintendo fans confirmed pussies.
Sure, lets video chat and do a mutual exchange.
No one, I'm just curious at who makes these posts. I want to hear the degeneracy and retards behind the Nintendo retard squad, that's all. They apparently are so insecure, they cant stand an adult conversation.
>It's been 35 minutes and you still havent entered the room.
Take a hint socially inept mongoloid.
>I promise im a better human than you will ever be
Why? Because you suck tranny cock everyday? That just makes you a typical snoynigger, nothing special about you.
Everyone loves Nintendo.
>Yea Forums
>talking to people
proof that this thread is invaded by pr drones.
I gave my demands, retarded shitnigger :) Full adress, now, with photo proof. What are you, a fucking retarded nigger who is AFRAID ?
What a coward shitskin you are.
But I'm perfectly capable.
I'm not a tranny at all, I love my penis.
>You are a dumb faggot,
Not really, and are the insults just you coping with the running?
Why are you so afraid tto post your adress, you retarded shitnigger? Fucking coward tranny. Why are you so afraid, you dumb faggot.
>Discord tranny is too afraid to post his face or giveus his address
Since when were the Sony niggers this big of pussies?
40 minutes.
>Why? Because you suck tranny cock everyday? That just makes you a typical snoynigger, nothing special about you.
Because I'm better than you in everyway, not a hard concept when you are complete trash eh?
Imagine being this much of a pussy. Weren't you just saying you "blew me the fuck out" some other time? Why is tonight with your butt buddy any different?
Why do you keep accusing me of being brown? LMAO
But LGBT people already rid the world of their genepool mutations since they cant procreate. Then again its not genes that fuck up those people, its the decades of social grooming.
Post your address and photo user
>Everyone loves Nintendo.
...on resetera.
>being so deluded that a "nintendo retard squad" is after you.
Full face photo and address or stop posting pussy
I asked for you aadress, you cowardly tranny.
Why are you so afraid? D'you think people will mess with ya? what a fuckign faggot coward you are.
Look at this faggot, everyone, he's afraid to post his adress LOL. He wants to talk but his adress is off limit LOL
It’s all genetics user. LGBT used to think that would redeem them, but in reality it just means they are mutations that need to be quelled.
And they do try to procreate, often. All those pregnant tranny “men”
Look at all this anger, I wish people could observe this. Hilarious. Still waiting.
You know what's funny? This is how I know you are scared and coordinating with Switch butt buddies. What would you do with my info?
Why do you keep spamming this?
I never said anyone is after me, if anything, I want to talk to them. They clearly have mental health issues.
Again? Still waiting. Video chat, 2 way, I will show my licence.
You know, I wouldnt be surprised if you were micing together. Truly pathetic display right now.
Holy fuck the snoys are getting a weird ass victim complex, They barely talk about video games so I don't even know why they are on Yea Forums of all places.
Address and photo, user
>Nintendies made the Snoytranny scared
You guys are alright.
Address + Photo, pussy.
YOu scared, subhuman?
What's your address? It's a simple question but you are scared shitless to give it. I guess the big bad tranny is actually a big bad pussy ( you are still a man, faggot)
I'm honestly amazed at how only 2 of you (at most) can go around typing like retards as a hobby and still not be able to fucking voice chat for a few minutes.
Hell I bet you voice chat together all the time, you are like a shitposting squad. Just imagine being an adult and too scared to talk to someone.
Like I said, I made the initial request, you meet on my terms. I should know all your details at the same time.
Why are you so afraid, tranny ? Just give your address and i'll hop in.
Why so scared, faggot?
47 minutes, still running and attempting to (pathetically) turn this on me in the most flattering way.
Tbh, I'll give you till an hour, if not, I win AGAIN.
You had your chance tranny no more attention for you now. Go advertise your discord on some other thread
Why do you think you can dictate terms, tranny?
WHy would people talk to a cowardly tranny who can,t even post his address because he's a scared pussy.
user, we just need your address and photo. You invited everyone to your tranny discord. A true gentlemen would give their personal info if they expect others to accept a request such as yours
>why are all nincels so obsessed with Sony?
>let's find out as I try to fling shit in my snoytranny discord safespace
Maybe if you tried being a bit less obsessive people in real life would talk to you.
Why would anyone agree to this? Explain that. I would be willing to even come to your house to punch you in the throat, but only if its a garentee to know its you.
Why not? I gave the most elusive, private method to isolate and communicate.
>WHy would people talk to a cowardly tranny who can,t even post his address because he's a scared pussy.
If you are too scared to enter voice chat, why should I give away personal information?
>More samefagging
My discord has nothing to do with Sony, I just made it. It has nothing in it.
>Maybe if you tried being a bit less obsessive people in real life would talk to you.
I talk to a shit ton of people daily, dont assume.
So you are not a true gentleman? Then I will not engage with a scallywag such as yourself
Awww, little scared tranny trying REALLY hard to deny it's scared shitless. What a coward.
Don't worry tranny, you can end your humilliation easily. I suggest .45
>Maybe if you tried being a bit less obsessive people in real life would talk to you.
I highly doubt it.
Actually, even in duelling concepts, both would give out full information.
Scared of what? A set of Switch owners that will send me pizzas? That insult me with shit tier insults while actively running away?
I'm laughing right now.
This, trannies are disgusting, and that particular one seems to be even mroe repulsive than usual, considering it refuses to post it's photo
>why are Nintendo fans so obsessive
>debate me in my discord where I can shit up the discussion faster than on Yea Forums
Be honest, are you really REALLY surprised nobody bites this weak bait?
I'd feel bad for you if you weren't a genetic tarre in addition to being a degenerate
Why are Nintendo fans so obsessed with Trannies? Is it because most Nintendo fans become trannies like Cosmo and Max?
>join my discord
532 posts. This topic will be dead soon. The Snoyboys lost big time clearly. It's been fun.
What bait? I want to start my study.
Whats the issue exactly? They are clearly getting scared, riled up, and going into raging fits. Its hilarious.
I can easily show you that I'm not what you think, but you are too scared, and its HILARIOUS.
Project harder, tranny.
Or better yet, post your photo already. I'm SURE you aren't some kind of subhuman with discoloured skin and hair
You won't because you are scared shitless, dumb tranny
This is not duel, tranny. I know a third worlder such as yourself can only think in terms of barbaric violence, but surely you can imagine civilized discussion?
>Reviewbombing games because they're Nintendo Exclusives
Nintendo really lives rent free in every Snoy's mind.
Then post your picture, dumb fuckign tranny
>I can easily show you that I'm not what you think,
Do it faggot :)
>I want to start my study
>I'm totally not obsessive and assblasted nobody took the bait
oh no, the faggot left
>I can easily show you that I'm not what you think,
Ran like a little dickless tranny once he realised he fucked himself over, LOL
>Still responding to a tranny who samefags and mass replies for attention
Project what? This is factual.
>You won't because you are scared shitless, dumb tranny
I'm not scared at all, I just want mutual exchange. I will even MEET you in person if need be.
Why do you keep samefagging?
I do, it will be nice to record and post these Nintendo trannies in every thread so people can be aware.
I'm going to record and post this thread and following responses. I will again prove that Nintendo fans are pussies, run away from actual conversation, are obsessed with gay people, trannies and minorities, and are generally retarded.
it's been 60 minutes. Another instance of Nintendo fans backing down, running away, and showing their true degeneracy. I will record this and do it again tomorrow. Please actually act on something obsessive, pathetic, scared retards.
If we can bully 1 tranny into killing itself, we will have done the world a service.
We owe it to society.
>run away from actual conversation
Weren't you the one who attempted to derail from actual conversation and turned it into "anyone who doesn't join my discord is a pussy!"
Just so you know, elementary school insults and threats don't work here. No one is ever going to join your discord, and you will continue seething at that fact.
>I can easily show you that I'm not what you think,>I can easily show you that I'm not what you think,>I can easily show you that I'm not what you think,
Do it faggot subhuman.Scared shitless, lol
>Just so you know, elementary school insults and threats don't work here
>I'm not scared at all
Post your address then. You can't say "I will even MEET you in person if need be" and then not post your address? It's clear you're just a scared pussy.
based and truthpilled
Are you there, faggot
>I can easily show you that I'm not what you think,
>I can easily show you that I'm not what you think,
>I can easily show you that I'm not what you think,
Why aren't you doing it, subhuman tranny?Scared i guess. what a faggot.
Nothing ironic about it. Your preschool threats clearly didn't work as evident by you waiting all alone in your tranny discord for hours. I seriously wish you the best in life, coming to Yea Forums for potential friends that'll join your discord and talk to you is a little too pathetic for my taste.
Seems the tranny left. Hopefully to fellate a gun.
pretty much, but judging from this thread, this is all just manufactured by obsessed Switchlets that are closet homos