Couldn't steal anything

Couldn't steal anything.

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Steal is the worst JRPG mechanic, change my mind.

I'd say status ailments are worse. At least Steal can work on bosses. More likely than not, JRPGs make bosses completely immune to status ailments.

Have you ever played a JRPG that isnt FF because that isnt true at all outside of it

I remember the first time i fought the tantarian. I think I found it by chance since i explored a lot. At the time I didn't know he closed if you hit him physically after you found him so he kicked my ass. Good times.

I played the ffxi demo and I couldn't steal shit from bosses.

a lot of FF bosses are vulnerable to status ailments, that's part of the depth of the combat system.

Etrian odyssey is the only one that comes to mind that allows you to fuck bosses with ailments

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I struggle to think of an RPG where you can't do this. Play more of them.

I think it's decent enough in FFX.
>can steal a lot of items that can be mixed into powerful combinations
>steal can negate auto-potions
>stealing from machina causes them to break apart


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Fuckkng dragon Quest, one of the biggest and most prolific jrpgs makes buffs and debuffs massively useful. Come on user at least try a little bit

why? you're fucking right
the ONLY time its good is when you know exactly what you need to steal and from whom, and generally you need a guide for that.

debuffs arent status effects
But you are right, in DQ11 you can poison pretty much every boss

FFX honestly has the best implementation of steal

13 is all about debuffs and buffs. So is SMT

debuffs arent status effects
paralysis, poison, sleep etc are

Which 13 has plenty? The superboss is only killable with poison

Is blind a debuff or a status ailment by your dumb rules?

>debuffs arent status effects

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Yes thank you

>stealing from machina causes them to break apart
Freaking amazing.

Most complaints about JRPG mechanics are in reality complaints about Final Fantasy.

*casts Bio on Seymour*

>there are some items/weapons that can only be gotten by stealing from a boss
>only one MAYBE two party members learn the ability to steal
>would need prior knowledge or just have that person permanently in your party and spam steal on everything

yeah it sucks. At least in FF8 everyone had access to Draw and it was easy enough to get stuff. I don't remember if there was a separate stealing ability, but ti would be easy enough to set that up on whoever you want

>can cast stat debuff spells on bosses and buff your own characters, with one character specializing in this
>most bosses have a special that resets all debuffs and removes buffs from your allies
I'm looking at you, Grandia.

*debuffs your HP by casting poison*
its not a status effect tho guise

How good is Alisae?

That varies greatly from game to game.
>in III they're borderline garbage because they could last 1-2 turns and then the boss' resistance shoots up high enough that inflicting it again is a waste of time
>in IV arcanist can trivialize the entire game

debuffs apply to stat numbers
status effect dont
Why is this so hard to understand

I can't speak to the whole genre since I haven't played a ton of JRPGs, but yes, in FFIX stealing is an absolutely dog shit mechanic.

>HP isn't a stat numbers

sup, faggots

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Literally have you ever played Dragon Quest? Most midgame regular enemies are immune to status effects. Much less bosses. Some bosses will have like 15/16 immunity or something to sleep, but that's still like 10 turns in a row of trying to cast it.

>rolling dice over and over again to get an item that you'll just find/buy naturally in 30 minutes

Max HP is a stat. Current HP is not. Are you being dense?

Dunno if I was super lucky, but I didn't have that much trouble stealing in this game other than with the Hilgigas. I was on the lookout for every potential skill that'd increase the odds of stealing and would always have them equipped and I'd often get all the items in the first five or so turns.


does that mean he doesnt have anything? or do it again?
steal command not passive and steal miss is the problem

This, nine out of ten times, stealing was just a way to get a sneak peek of what the next shop will have in IX.

I'd say it's a tie between Steal and Enemy Skill/Blue Magic. Both require you to either use an external guide (which should be considered a failure for any video game) or to tediously check every single encounter for the chance of finding something useful, maybe.

Even in FF, poison is usually effective.

If it isn't passively applied to the character's attack (i.e. "Mug") then you're absolutely right. otherwise it means a roguish character is completely sacrificing their attack to maybe possibly getting most likely a junk item.

because it's a made-up and arbitrary rule you made up.

how is current hp not a stat? what is it then?

That literally makes no sense. It can't be a stat one moment and then not be.

Do it again, if it doesn't have anything it'll tell you.

Blind cuts your accuracy. Is accuracy not a stat? Hit percentage is definitely in a number of FF games

instant death is worse

>instant death
>protagonist is VIP
fuck persona

The worst part of Steal is its not worth using unless there is something worth, but they obviously want you to fail 1-2 times before getting it. Most games you can ignore it, but in FF9 you can definitely get good upgrades from stealing

That's why you stock up on Homunculi for that shit.

You also power up Thievery with each successful steal until it deals 9999 damage every time.

A status ailment is an affliction that generally has a curative item dedicated to removing it, where as a debuff is battle temporary and is usually only counteracted by applying the opposite and equivalent buff (atk up to counter atk down etc)


Hit 2 times!


Hit 5 times!

I don't even know why 4 and 5 does this. 3 gave a lore reason for it, but there's no reason given in the later games.

Oh then they will use a move to instantly remove all your buffs you spent multiple turns getting up.

>Most midgame regular enemies are immune to status effects
This is blatantly false. I just recently finished DQIII and spells like Surround and StopSpell were massively useful for the entire game

Dragon Quest does a pretty good implementation.
There are a few random battles with a single difficult enemy, instant death has an 80% success rate, the trade-off is that it costs a high amount of MP.

even if you have thiefs cuffs your chance to steal the demon mail is like .6 something percent. Legit not worth it if you cant get it in one go. Just be happy with your faggot quick boi shoes and play chocobo hot and cold like an adult.

>a lot of FF bosses are vulnerable to status ailments, that's part of the depth of the combat system.
bullshit. A few FF bosses are vulnerable to one specific ailment, but you would never bother figuring it out because it would require you wasting turns to iterate through every status, seeing which ones work after all the prior bosses have been immune to everything. Even then it's not actually worth it because the combat has such little depth that you'll have no problem just attacking and healing til it dies.

worst? nah
most useless? yes

Why is this amazing again? It's just a desperate attempt to make Rikku at all worth using outside of bosses. If you think that's amazing, you would love those toys where you have to put a piece through a hole, but they have to be the same shape. There's not one bit more depth to FFX's combat than that.

>It's just a desperate attempt to make Rikku at all worth using outside of bosses.
he doesn't know

>play persona Q
>put panic on final boss
>it dies without ever attacking once
status ailments made the game too easy

her base agility is over 50% higher than any other character in the game. Built correctly you can run tidus yuna rikku and nearly every enemy never even gets a real turn unless its a counter of some kind.

Blue Magic at least has a 100% chance of being learned when you're hit with it. In Final Fantasy. It's a gacha in every other title I've played with it though. Nonetheless, Steal is literally always gacha, never saw one time where it wasn't complete RNG

>a thief who can steal OUTSIDE of battle.
What a concept.

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is there anything all that important to even steal

Some rare items and I believe there's a few weapons that can only be acquired by stealing from certain bosses.