Are we allowed to have actual discussion to talk about how Steam releases nothing except bottom of the barrel indieshit...

Are we allowed to have actual discussion to talk about how Steam releases nothing except bottom of the barrel indieshit, console ports and porn games anymore, subsides entirely off of the DOTA and CS marketplace, GTA5 and PUBG and what every publisher starting their own launcher has done to their product base or is this doomed to devolve into a thread of shills for valve and epic fighting their pretend war?

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's drought season, of course there aren't many AAA games released recently.

They're not getting any non-drought games though
Shunmue3, CoD, Borderlands, Outer Worlds, all the EA and Ubisoft games, are gonna be stuck to some other platform. outside of Doom Eternal everything you're gonna get on Steam this year is already there.

Well there was Control. But that's about it really.

Another thread where a drooling retard calls games he hasn't played bottom-of-the-barrel.

This week alone will see Gears 5 and Spyro being released. Halo MCC is on the way. Plus we're likely going to see more games from Capcom at TGS too. Of course, all of these will be "bottom-of-the-barrel" to you because you're not actually interested in discussing anything.

Steam was frontloaded mate. Sekiro. RE2. DMC. Ace Combat.

EDF did come out recently.

almost all of the top games from this year are on steam and some are ONLY on steam

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Gears is a dead franchise and Spyro is literally shovelware. If Halo actually comes out that would be huge but 343 is so incompetent that fucking collection won't be complete until 2026

You probably own most of the 'major' steam buys, so now all you see is the indie shit.

>its a Yea Forumsedditor only plays lowest common denominator "AAA" swill episode
get some new material

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Metro exodus is a eastern game you idiot

MK11 and Chink Total War is on Steam as well. Not to mention eurojank kino Pathologic 2.

What the fuck are you even on about OP?

In that case, Shenmue 3 and Outer Worlds are shovelware while CoD is a dead franchise too since we're only taking personal opinions into account.

silly user

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Shenmue is absolutely a dead franchise, since it was never alive. Outer Worlds is either gonna be a big hit or forgotten completely after 2 months, and CoD is still consistently one of the 3 best selling games every year.

Yeah just look at the new releases. How dare anyone imply those games are trash.
I mean you have you chinkshit, your mobile ports, your asset flips and even the first game some 15 year old ever made, what more could you want

control just came out and borderlands 3 soon, outer worlds next month too

>this generic fps game just came out
>soon this other generic fps game will come out
>eventualy another generic fps will come out

Attached: 2018.png (1669x1300, 643K)

but those are all garbage

You can shit on Valve for just allowing anything onto their platform and that would be valid but without them, you probably wouldn't see all of the games that had become popular indie successes.
Where else would a game like PUBG be allowed to become a massive success?
Epic can be a carefully selected and curated store but the timed exclusive shit is why I'll never buy anything from there so long as that's something they want to practice.

IT MAKES ME SO ANGRY WTF VIDEO GAME INDUSTRY. I didn't throw away all my ambitions and personal relationships for there to NOT be video games for me to buy!!!!

Steamdrones will ignore that the actual point is that every single one of these games along with numerous others would have been on Steam not even 3 years ago, but would rather delude themselves as they look at their 1K games owned badge (10% of them played) that they didn't waste $7000

>to talk about how Steam releases nothing except bottom of the barrel indieshit, console ports and porn games anymore, subsides entirely off of the DOTA and CS marketplace, GTA5 and PUBG and what every publisher starting their own launcher has done to their product base

What planet do you live on where Steam doesn't have thousands of quality games including most AAA multiplats not made by EA or Epic?

I have zero "loyalty" to Valve but I also see no reason anything but GOG is a viable alternative.

Great post

Probably a planet on which he's not an underage faggot with a huge backlog of games released before he was born.

I'm just not an entitled brat. Sorry you can't find something to choose out of the mountains of shit there already is. Sorry that the world doesn't work to your beck and whim and you can't handle it to the point of having to make a post on Yea Forums.

>some publishers are not putting their games on Steam so everything you ever bought on it is a waste
How does that work?

Amazing quality games like Rust, or the CSGO starladder pass, or Valve index, or PUBG, or Siege, TES:O, NBA @K20, or Dying Light

Dying Light is unironically great though.

Post a shit thread, get shit responses.

Also you act like it's because Steam's low quality or undesirable. Most companies that left for Epic Game Store did it because of the money, nothing more, nothing less.

Thus, far as I'm concerned any company that did it isn't worth buying games from, before or after they bring it to Steam. Ironically, indies are the only exception to that rule, for me anyways. Least the ones that weren't on Kickstarter or some other crowdfund service. Fuck Pheonix Point.

Also EA and Ubisoft games are fucking shit, user. EA is EA and at this point Ubisoft is EA pretending it's not EA. Go slurp Ubisoft's dicks while they bar you from making XP-farming missions in Odyssey because you won't buy the 2x XP gain bonus then and slowly try to over-monetize Rainbow Six Siege.

What point are you trying to make here, OP? Just buy what you want where you want, it isn't difficult.

Meh, i just use curators and some places to learn about games, and some Youtubers like ClemmyGames try to learn of the best upcoming indie games on all launchers, though i swear that dude's taste isn't the best, the videos still sometimes show something actually interesting and he never puts porn games or any asset stealing games either.

>Steam is a great store they just dont have any games to buy!

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No user you're not allowed to talk about quality control, that obviously makes you an SJW communist feminist who wants to censor everything, especially lewd anime games.

>post games
>hahaha those don't count!!!!

Minoria is great, go buy it

op thinks its other peoples fault hes a tastelet

You didn't post a single game besides Phoenix Point, which is not on steam, and then go on a typical rant I would except from a 14 year old gamefaqs poster about EA and Ubisoft

Nani the fuck?

You fucking buffoon.Minoria is the sequel to Momodora and a GOTY contender.

But no one on PC cares about CoD and Shenmue is the epitome of niche shit.
Like fuck, CoD WW2 literally got outsold by Rising Storm 2 back in 2017-2018.

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>every single one of these games along with numerous others would have been on Steam not even 3 years ago
Yeah, they would have. What's your point?

sure and vasly lomichenko is asian

Literally how does it hurt you? I don't even give a shit about censorship, but if someone wants to buy Bad Rats, or Unity Asset Flip #378, that's there prerogative. No one is forcing you to buy them, and it's not like you would be buying games blind anyway, right?

Are you retarded? If there was quality control, none of those 'SJW games' would be on there

why are you always so mad Todd?

Nah, those SJW games would be there regardless, seeing as how most of them are also on consoles.

Seriously. The market goes the way the money's flowing so support what you like and ignore what you don't if you really want quality control. People will learn over time that spending years/ months making a poor quality game is just a waste of their lives if no one has an interest in buying it.

>check out RPGs
>sexual content
>sexual content
>sexual content
>ching chong ting tong
>sexual content

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Oh, I'm sorry, you're retarded and one of those mindlessly anti-Valve fanboys. It seriously amuses me how you claim you want an "actual discussion" but don't actually answer any of the points raised against you. Then again, what do you expect of someone who confuses >except
and resorts to ad hominem?

Don't worry, I got a simple TL;DR for you, it'll be a reprise because repetition is the only way you'll get it and it's all you're worth.

>Post a shit thread, get shit responses.


>I'm with that other user, go look at someone's backlog list of Steam games and play them, you might like some of them.

Just blacklist the tag, idiot

not a single game in entire post

So games coming out on a platform is bad cause you don't like the games? More options is good. EGS is shit for various reasons, but they can't match the output steam has if they went on a spending spree. If you don't like the games you're being presented, then do research on games you'd actually like instead of bitching about a storefront that has actual content you could ignore at no cost.

This. The "quality control" meme was started by leftist idiots who wanted to pressure valve to ban games they didn't like.
Valve said "no", and they lost their minds. Now you can't read a single PC gaming article without having to listen to some butt hurt nigger or faggot whining about how the Steam store "is so hard".
It's not my fault these people are fucking morons who can't type in the search field. I don't want "curated" or "targeted" store fronts, I want to see (at most) what's new and what's trending in "top sales". Then I'll check the reviews (including the review bombs, because even review bombs provide pertinent data for informing me as a consumer), decide if I want to buy the fucking game, and if I don't like it I'LL GET A REFUND!
Steam is far from perfect, but all this bitching and whining about Steam is bullshit. Just like everything else these retards whine about, I don't care, and their suggestions will make it worse if implemented.

>I'm with that other user, go look at someone's backlog list of Steam games and play them, you might like some of them.

I'm not doing your homework for you, kiddo. I know it's Labor Day weekend, but you might want to get ahead on it. You might get stumped by some of the questions on there.

You're free to read the entire thread for games but you won't because it wouldn't fit your narrative.

4 posts and not a single game

Yikes, I'd forgotten how dead CoD was on PC.
Reminder that anyone who tries to bring up CoD on PC is usually a consolenigger who doesn't actually play on PC.

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You can filter sexual content.
You can also use the steam labs interactive recommendation tool and look for RPGs.
And if everything fails, you can always follow the RPGCodex mentor.

>Fuck curated stroefronts! That hobo outside should be able to sell his "medicine" right next to the advil at Walmart! The free market will prove superior as always, exept when Epic Games buys exclusives in which case the free market is horrible

>comparing video games to actual drugs
What a stunning argument

What's the point of this thread OP? I know Steam has a lot of trash but it's also had a lot of quality games come out in this year.

>games I don't like are bottom barrel!

Based retard.

>How DARE you prove how stupid my viewpoints actually are!

And it'll be a billion posts and not a single game, I'm not doing that shit for you, you have a browser, presumably some form of intelligence and working eyes and hands since you can type posts at all, go look for yourself but don't look to me to do it for you.

I completed one of my Steam games today, you're the one bitching about fucking video games on Yea Forums. Guess you'd rather we be talking about SJWs, or perhaps singing Epic's praise.

This is the point we're at and Epic's OK with this pathetic, pedantic console war-tier bullshit and you're a muppet for embracing that form of retardation. Bitching about console ports but Metal Wolf Chaos didn't even come out in America before that port for fuck's sake. And that's all you're getting out of me, solely to make a point that if you're insisting on viewing facts through your limited lens to twist them into your own dumbass view, you can fuck right off and so can this fucking thread of yours.

>cherrypicks all western FPS games vs a variety of non-western genres
the absolute state of weebs

The only thing you're proving is that you've got room temperature IQ

>Now look here buddy curation is only bad when I deem it so, just like women in nip games

I don't know about the "leftist" thing, but yeah, I don't want a corporation telling me what I want. Look, if you guys want a "curated" store, there are plenty of those. Humble, GOG, and Epic all market themselves as being "curated" stores. Go enjoy them. Meanwhile, I already know what I want and I already know how to avoid what I don't want, so I don't need stores rejecting products for my sake. I'd rather live in a world where Steam lists 50,000 games I don't want (and I can just ignore them) than live in a world where Steam doesn't list the niche game I want because other people don't want it.

What the fuck are you talking about now?

how is it so hard to pick and play the games you like on steam? i built a PC around 2013 or so and i've seen nothing but recommendations of similar games i play -- and i simply know what kind of games i enjoy so there is no real hassle for me when choosing games. you should as well. you should know what kind of person you are and what you are drawn to.
if it's the feed that you think is the problem, you have no one to blame but yourself. shit games -- whether AAA, indie, meme-game, etc. -- are on your feed because you own and/or play them. this is all your fault. if those games are what you call "shit taste," then you're the one who brought it to your own feed because you have similar games

i have enough material to make 3 of those with fps games from 2013 ALONE

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Have you tried not buying games you dont want?

samefag here. and i wonder how much of a massive fucking pussyfaggot someone has to be to look over their own feeds to get triggered. i think, deep down, they know they produced their kind of shit taste and they just cannot accept it

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I spent all of 30 minutes browsing steam and was able to find 9-10 games I was interested in despite having no help from the recommendations because I had purchased things that threw it off

Steam isn't perfect but if you find it hard to find good games that's a you problem

What games do you even want to play OP?

it has to be an IQ problem. i bet they don't even know that you can click on the dev and publishers' names to see what other games they've released

>tfw gears is only 20 bucks where I live after regional pricing.
Gonna have fun boys. Hope gears of war 1-3 hits steam too to fuck over epic.

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>Free market good when Steam do it
>Free market bad when Walmart do it
>Free market very bad when Epic do it
>Me very smart enlightened libertarian

The sad part is I can at least believe this guy is shitposting because I've seen shit like that going the other way, OP is actually braindead.

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Yeah, so what do I play since Steam doesn't sell anything?

the new meme should be
>you must have 100IQ in order to understand and use steam
kind of like the other one where it said that players need at east 100IQ to figure out classic RE tank controls

you don't have problems playing with tank controls, right, user?

Free market bad when it comes to drugs that can alter human body chemistry, yeah. How that relates to a form of entertainment is still beyond me

Yeah I hate how all the games on Steam disappeared overnight. The store is just absolutely empty like what the fuck?

Don't forget the drugs you need to not die.

Is this the new down syndrome general?

Why is WalMart so anti-consumer they won't let me sell my homemade movies in their DVD section? Surely the libs are behind this

Well yeah I clicked ignore on any game I didn't have an interest in like you told me to so now theres barely anything there

Time to stop playing games then.

I didn't even use that, I just sorted all games of a genre I like by release date, filtered out DLC/soundtracks/etc... (aka set to only show games) and scrolled through each page and was able to get my wishlist filled

You'd have to be genuinely retarded to not know how to find what you want

I don't fucking know what walmarts policies are. How is that relevant? I've never even been inside one

Why doesn't steam just sell games I want like they used to? I thought they were a good store and would be around forever?

Check this 4.

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What games do you want?

What games do you like that they aren't selling anymore?

>stop exposing how stupid and contradictory my belief systems actually are, I don't even know what a WalMart is!

>want actual discussion
>dismiss actual discussion when people show up to engage you

Big brain plays.







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I don't understand what you're trying to say. What belief systems? How am I being contradictory?

Huh? How about this 2, then?

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Metro Exodus would be nice I really liked the first 2

Yep give it 2 months and it’ll be flooded w releases

How is it steam's fault they aren't selling that?

Ok, maybe this 7?

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>run in circles, and play a fool, it works for trump i can do it too! im gonna own the libs and their fucking sjw curation system

Great then, it's coming to Steam by Feb along with all the upcoming DLCs. If you can't wait, you can buy it on Epic's store right now too. You can keep Steam around so you can play the previous 2 games whenever you feel like doing so since you liked them.

Someone’s obsessed

And you wonder why no one is taking your arguments seriously

Aw come on!
What if... 4, perhaps?

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Its not but then why would I use steam if they don't sell games I want?

I don't know. Stop using steam then

Aight. 4 again.

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I honestly don't understand this retard. Is he seriously comparing Walmart having restrictions on what they display on their shelves in a limited, physical space to Steam allowing anyone with capital to sell their games on the digital storefront? Really?

>this didn't derail the thread as intended
rolling anyways boys


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>the libs are behind wanting a curation system on steam so they can enforce their sjw belifs on the industy! we need a completely open and free market!
>no no no we don't need an open free market afterall, btw whats a walmart, never heard of such a thing?
Damn I need to step my game up to refute this amazing intellect

>video game copyrights
>free market
>not state sanctioned monopolies

ok thanks i will


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You guys told me Steam was never a monopoly!


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When have I ever mentioned libs or SJW? What the fuck is wrong with you?

How is it a monopoly when any other publisher is free to create their own storefront?

Ok, but what if I'll wtep up the game?


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Don't suppose you have a link to that artist, user.

Still wonder if he actually did the designs for the Succubi from KonoSuba and just fleshed them out pun unintended, or if it's a fanartist doing that.


That wasn't me


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i dunno ask the guy who just called it a monopoly

Steam isn't, the developers are. Developers and storefronts abusing that monopoly through exclusivity deals is wrong and anti-competitive.

Paramount v United States already decided this.


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He didn't say Steam was the monopoly though.

Oh I guess you just spent the past 20 minutes responding to a person who quoted a different persons quotes. Couldn't at all be that you're a fucking retard whose own views oppose themselves and the cognitive dissonace just hit you harder than a mirror hits a tranny


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But the free market would fix everything

>Oh I guess you just spent the past 20 minutes responding to a person who quoted a different persons quotes
Yeah, pretty much. I was just stunned at how stupid your comparison was with the walmart drugs thing


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It would because IP law wouldn't exist to be fucking retarded.

Using the government to protect how people use your software rather than that being your job is ridiculous.


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>this is what libertarians actually believe

Aight. Let's step up the game once more.

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Wait a second, 64...

Why is Wiz pretending to be a succubus?

Ow you fucker.

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You bitch!

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Not an argument


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Guess I'm not that lucky today.
Last try.

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I'm having fun reading his posts.

Limp Bizkit


It's just a store. That being said they really could use better search tools, you can't even do basic shit like exclude tags for a specific search within the client (you can modify the URL directly though, so it is already supported).

Man, I wish. Every time I see a game being released for PC, I check to see if it has a GOG release and nope. It's always Steam. The storefront is absolute garbage but if you know what game you want, it's pretty much always going to be on Steam unless they sold out to Epic, or unless it's something like EA trying to make the game Origin-exclusive again.


>delicious brown
>short hair
>ample butt and thighs

Truly best possible roll

>Ubisoft games
You know that the second the exclusivity contract ends, they're going to put the game on Steam for those extra sales. Ubisoft may pretend to complain about Steam's cut but that's only PR talk cause if they truly cared, they would have abandoned the platform ages ago since they Uplay where they keep all the money.

You're allowed to tell lies, yes.

It should be made obligatory for those complaining about the front page to display their "Not Interested" statistic. If you're too lazy to use the (basic) tools already available, then you have no business complaining about ""bloat"". What a bunch of fucking princesses for thinking an entire storefront should cater towards them alone. And the same goes for retards with 500+ untouched games whining about lacking any to play. Have some self-awareness.

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