For me it's the mas49

>for me it's the mas49

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Other urls found in this thread:

wrong board, son.

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Step aside, children.

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My wife Kriss is so cute! CUTE

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Steyr AUG.

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except it is because this is a subtle rising storm 2 thread

kinda like the SMLE, but I always have to like odd shit or prototypes the military comes up

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Ah a fellow based bullpup user i see

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For me it's the tommy.

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Rate my shotgun. Applied RPK furniture.

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We know it's you Ian

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looks kinda cool, not gonna lie

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Ian, go home. you're drunk and on the wrong board

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Why did the Americans fuck this up for the British
it was good gun

Phased plasma rifle in a 40 watt range

Attached: Westinghouse M-27 Phased Plasma Pulse Rifle.jpg (1680x1121, 767K)

Is there any reason at all for an energy weapon to be a bullpup?

For me, I've gotta go with the most retarded looking laser gun possible.

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this is a stealth gfl thread, isn't it?

Sorry pal, only what you can see.

This is my wife CZ-75, say something nice about her

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Probably because all of the important bits take up the front and the back is the only place where there's enough space, i think the bottom barrel is supposed to be a magnetic device if i remember correctly. besides it looks aesthetic when duel wielding

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It makes more sense for an energy weapon to be a bullpup than a ballistic weapon. No need for a mechanical transfer bar to fuck up your trigger cause it just fires with an electronic switch. No ejection port so no need to worry about brass hitting your face if you want to switch shoulders on the fly.

K E D R - B

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But why would it need a rifle form-factor when barrel length does literally nothing for it?

Lmao git stuttered on fag

>thinking you're gonna get that when neo-Yea Forums is full of gacha casuals and there's a gunfushit gacha game

I didn't build the fucking thing!

the stutters are worth it for battleye

For me it's the katana. Nothing like killing guyjean invaders with folded metal.

hello phone poster

I don't get it.

Based retard

>game mocks your favorite pistol

Attached: deagle.jpg (609x269, 95K)

based fuck the deagle

You're right but the world was better off in the long run because the adoption of 7.62 nato would lead to 5.56

I have one of these exactly like the pic. Great trigger out of the box, least muzzle flip out of all my pistols and best grip. My only complaint is that the safety is perhaps too easy to disengage and I’d be a little nervous if I had to carry it cocked and locked.

*Tips fedora

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The Desert Eagle is a piece of shit and shows up in way too many video games and movies

how well do those drums feed?

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What games besides wolfenstein have this gun?

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Isn't it featured in most WWII FPS? I know DoD had it on some maps and Day of Infamy has it too.

blocks your path

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It was really good in Call of Duty: World at War


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Very well. Got a few mags for it too.

Attached: Vepr 12 Magazine.png (1920x1080, 2.71M)

IMI didn't design the deagle, they just manufactured some of them, burgers are responsible for making it .50 AE


Don’t talk to us or our son ever again

Battle rifles are the chad choice

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am I a chad too?

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I also just bought an M1D Garand. It's fun.

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br's are dead, mdr's are where its at

>Sawed-off stock m1
it should be a crime for doing this shit

dmr's my bad

revolvers are peak firearms

>a weapon without a safety that'll put one into your thigh
no thanks

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No it doesnt. Weight becomes very back heavy, causing the gun to pull the muzzle up.

Energy weapons will exert a lot of heat
Where will it be ejected from? Likely the main body of the weapon which is now closer to your chest/head in a bullpup platform. I dont know about you, but all that energy and heat i wanna keep as far away from body in case of a malfunction.

Bullpups only allow longer barrels in small configurations. We only need that for rail guns and ballistc weapons

>being this much of a pussy you're afraid of small caliber going through your body

>tfw no Steyr ACR.

Attached: Steyr ACR.webm (640x480, 1.34M)

The notable first semi auto shotgun

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Why is the AUG literally the most perfect gun ever made, name one issue with it. You can't.

for me, it's the ges biorifle

Attached: Biorifle-ut.jpg (300x200, 4K)

>mfw literally no games render the ironsights well
They DO NOT look like chunks of metal when you look through them. How can this be fixed?

Its trigger is aids.
The folding foregrip is non adjustable.
Rather back heavy.

Source: Used them for years in the military

just add opacity to them

I think part of the reason for this is that a lot of game devs (especially ones in noguns countries) have no clue what they're supposed to look like outside of the occasional training diagram, and the fact that even pictures taken where you're looking down the iron sights don't accurately replicate what the human eye would see when looking down ironsights. Hence why it's so rare to see even a simple peep sight replicated right. Only solution would be to have the devs actually look down some sights then replicate what they actually see.

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I love my wife, Springfield.

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They look like this.

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for me, it's the cerebral bore.

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I would prefer if the rear 3d peep sight on the first-person gun model became a 2d texture when you aimed down the sights. They could add lots of transparency and dof effects to the texture to make it look a real peep. Also, I'm not talking about a texture overlay on your screen.

Attached: these sights are bullshit.jpg (1920x1080, 364K)

>When you aren't looking down the sights the gun model clearly has the rear of the stock visible, like you aren't even shouldering it but holding it out in front of you

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Underrated game

Why yes, I am indeed a patrician.

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do those usa mags work too? I bought a real molot one but it was expensive as shit.

Hi son

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even that's wrong. the front sight should be clear and everything else more blurry.

Really enjoyed using the bow in BF4. I hope we get one in BFV.

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>tfw dream of getting one of those Dragoon conversion cylinders
one day

Ian get off of Yea Forums

Hey sonny

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They might eject a lot of heat but they sure as fuck won't have recoil unless the energy is spent accelerating mass ala a gauss weapon.

I used the exclusively in World at War, dunno if it was ever in Battlefield 5 or WW2 though

The major issue with vidya iron sights is that there is no peripheral vision, and depending on both the camera position and focal length, the shit could be horribly skewed away from how a human eye would see it.
Some games are massive fuckups like the Battlefield series where the weapon has a tight FOV but the gun still looks like it is held out at arm's length, making the front sight far too large relative to the rear sights.

Modern Warfare 2 did ironsights the best.

Attached: aewrgfkjhl.png (1500x500, 417K)

why do they even bother with iron sights irl anymore?
red dots and holos are 1000x better

Someone judge me for liking the C96 Broomhandle.

For me, it's the Owen gun, ol reliable.

Attached: CompletedOwenGun1942.png (439x247, 46K)

My Grandfather used this thing, he loved it. Still hated the Japs till the day he died, bless him.

>oops my sight ran out of power/has cracked glass/waterproof seal broke somewhere/tube got punctured/fell off it's rail/just plain decides to stop working guess I'll just fucking die rather than have a lightweight, simple, and stupid reliable backup method of aiming my firearm

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>this happening before anything else

no .308 variant


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It was a fucking beast of a gun back then

>Raping the gun's aesthetics and missing the point of a bullpup completely
Good job, dumbass

>Electronic sights can't have manufacturing defects

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I want to strangle you

>more, papa!

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I was hoping that with VR we could finally get some good sights. But VR is kill again and nobody did realistic gun stuff in VR. All goofy shit.

Nigger, at least give it a proper barrel length
Shit would barely fly out of the gun

>and guns cant

the US shotguns are far better in RS2

u mad bro?

The hunting shotgun is GOAT.

Why you gotta try to be all fancy there, son

Attached: SKS.jpg (4032x2057, 1.07M)

Manlytears assembling a 40k death troop of krieg miniature

Why yes
There's just ain't anything like an SKS

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Nice to see a /k/ thread

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For me, it's the Chauchat.

>US Mil didn't fall for the bullpup meme
Feels good

>ran out of power.
You realise these sights have like 10 years of battery life? The sight will be broken in mil service before its battery runs out

Never mentioned recoil?
A ton of heat tucked tight into my chest ala bull pup configuration is still a no go. Its gotta eject the heat somehow and the heat exhaust ports will cause heat mirages fucking up vision and situational awareness.

They rejected Kraut Space Magic too.

Attached: H&K G11.webm (640x480, 1.95M)

Trusting the crayon eaters in the US Military with something as complex as the G11 is like trusting a 7 year old to defused a dirty bomb

Don't you mean the glorious SKauSKat

Attached: SKauSKat operator.png (1013x1020, 2.37M)

BFV but its garbage.

Wow that furniture looks pretty hideous in less favorable lighting.

pretty sure this isn't the vanilla description

>flechette weapons

Just put my deposit down with SMG for my FG42 bois, who wants to come over in like 18 months when they actually get to mine and play with it?

what's with the big wooden stake on the archer's pic?
is it against cavalry?

You have been judged. Good taste.

why even remove the face

>this kills the Vektans

Attached: space gat.jpg (1280x720, 95K)

no you're supposed to stick that up your ass so you can shoot in a stable position, kinda like a bipod

wasn't it designed so you'd never have to take it down in the field?

>Never mentioned recoil?
That's not a question.


for me, it's the flamethrower from Rising Storm

It's Ian's idea of hell

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is that a toilet?


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Does it jam less?

Only the American .30-06 were jam machines
Conventional Chauchats in 8mm Lebel worked pretty well, unless you straight out thrown the gun in the mud, magazine forward

>americans take a gun
>gun gets worse

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For years there's been tests, thoughts and what not to go up from 5,56 to basically .280 round that SMLE was supposed to use.

For me, its the center contender

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Broks your path

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awful weapon, but I still like it

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>having to rely on anti-cheat programs
Proof that Russians are organic waste.

>having to rely on anti-cheat programs
literally everyone online game has a anti-cheat system

tfw the S&W 5906 is never represented in vidya

Attached: S&W5906.jpg (1024x686, 90K)

.280 British wasn't really that excellent.
There were two loadings of it, one would be a lighter load for rifles, to allow it to be usable for rapid fire and full-auto, the other was a heavier one much closer to a full-sized rifle cartridge, and it was intended for machineguns.
Effectively, you don't have a universal cartridge this way, and what NATO would eventually end up doing, after the US cooled its tism on the whole battle rifle thing, was to use 5.56x45mm for rifles and carbines (and eventually some light machineguns/squad automatic weapons), and then use 7.62x51mm for machineguns and designated marksmen's rifles, which puts you in the same position, only each cartridge is better suited for their jobs.

The EM2 was also a very expensive rifle to make, it required a lot of advanced and difficult machining, the British adopting the FAL as the semi-auto only L1A1 Self Loading Rifle, was ultimately a more economical choice, even if it wouldn't provide you the lighter weight rifle and ammunition, and easily controlled rapid and full-auto fire, which an intermediate cartridge choice would provide.

It's DA/SA though, so you could carry it with the hammer down on a loaded chamber, and use the DA on your first pull.

Just looks like a short barrel 1911, so maybe that dinkyshit pistol you get from Honest Hearts in FalloutNV?

The Desert Eagle was designed by Magnum Research in Minnesota, not as a service pistol, but as a sporting pistol, like every other Magnum automatic before and since, IMI just got the contract to manufacture them for Magnum Research, contrary to various myths about the Desert Eagle being designed for stopping vehicles.
Originally in .357 Magnum, then eventually .41 Magnum and .44 Magnum, the .50 Action Express (and the less known monster, .440 CorBon) were developed around the 90s.
It's ammo picky, and tolerates nothing but excellent handling, but what it does offer is laser precision, and recoils very softly even in .44 Magnum

It's terribly suited for the battlefield, but that's also like saying a Formula 1 car would be terribly suited for offroading, it's just not what it's made for.

The L85 was already an abortion to begin with.

I honestly don't think the G11 would have held up in German military service either.

And yet the modern militaries are coming back to either full power rifle cartridge or trying to find even more intermediate, universal ground between rifle and intermediate cartridge like the 6.5mm Grendel, 6.8mm Remington or 6mm SAW. If you'd take it from this kind of perspective, the different load with the same cartridge isn't all that dumb idea either
And honestly, the EM-2 production would be simplified very early on, if the situation would call for it, Brits/Commonwealth folks got pretty solid history of making firearms easier to produce. The tooling up would be the only real expenses limitation, and since the Belgians already had all the know-how and machines for the produciton of the FAL ...

>not the based french Famas
of course, americans wouldn't know.

>Based French FAMAS
>Currently being replaced by a German clone of an American rifle

Attached: 1566781468304.png (300x300, 85K)

The 8mm one wasn't a wonder, but it was usable.
The .30-06 ones were just improper conversions.

They literally did not alter the design of the Beretta 92 when they adopted it, it's what Beretta submitted them.
The only problems they had were 30 years of hard use and no maintenance, which wears down any pistol.

>And yet the modern militaries are coming back to either full power rifle cartridge
No they aren't. Le Overmatch is a forced meme by boomers.

>or trying to find even more intermediate, universal ground between rifle and intermediate cartridge like the 6.5mm Grendel, 6.8mm Remington or 6mm SAW.
6.8mm Remington is practically forgotten, 6mm SAW is from the fucking 70s and was dumped in favor of going for a 5.56mm squad automatic weapon, and Serbia is pretty much the only place which is showing any interest in the 6.5mm Grendel.

only in a cringe world

It's for the better.

>6.8mm Remington is practically forgotten
Just like Yanks forgot about other desings when the retard MacArthur pushed for .30-06 in fucking everything instead of the .276 Pedersen cartridge, adopting the M14 when good guys Stoner and Sullivan were already rolling out the ARs, etc.
Just admit it for fucks sake. It's the exact same mindset like fucking decades ago, that "we've reached the peak of evolution and development"
>6mm SAW
Jesus, did I wrote that

>MacArthur pushed for .30-06 in fucking everything instead of the .276 Pedersen cartridge
MacArthur hardlined on .30-06 because it was the right thing to do at the time.

Back then, the US Army didn't actually have that much of a budget, what they did have was huge stockpiles of .30-06 from WW1, along with machineguns and marksman's rifles in this caliber, at this time, the fact that this cartridge could be used for all rifles and machineguns was very practical.
Now enter the .276 Pedersen, it's a good cartridge, a really good one, most of the ordnance board is convinced it's a great choice, and the M1 Garand would have been probably even better for it, but it would have entailed losing ammo commonality with everything else, or starting new trials to adopt new machineguns and new marksmen's rifles, something which they could just not afford to do.

.30-06 vs .276 was a question of economics.

This with the rifle grenades is my absolute favorite in Rising Storm 2

And this goes until hitting the wall of the point "oops, we been goin' wron direction all the time to save some pennies 'aven't we"
Not adopting MGs in large numbers prior WW1 trying to outweight it with marksmanship trainings, reluctancy and denying adoption of LMGs during and in the aftermath of WW1 like the Lewis gun case, sticking to Thompson even if it was expensive as fuck and basically first-gen desing of an SMG, then the Garand and Pedersen cartridge, then the T44 going into M14 and the whole .308 tango for few decades, then reaching for the 5.56 and the ARs ..
Honestly, at least ARs and the .223 stayed, if quantified, for the longest, comparatively to other philosophy fuckups
I am NOT saying that the 5.56 would get phased out, not by a longshot. But that there IS developmental step to be taken that's just being avoided

man this gun is so bad in ro2 vietnam

This is a tough read.

>to save some pennies
It's not about saving pennies, it's about actually fully transferring to .276 being way outside their budget.

>sticking to Thompson even if it was expensive as fuck and basically first-gen desing of an SMG
Because that was the only reliable source of subguns for the Americans at the time, nobody else was making a good one domestically, had ones in any large quantity, nor had the production capability to produce them, in spite of Savage getting contracted to produce them just because Auto Ordnance couldn't keep up.
As soon as the Thompson saw large scale adoption, they were looking actively for other options, by the M1A1 iteration it was much cheaper and faster to make, and much more practical, but they were still looking at replacing it with M2 submachinegun trials, the M2 turning out a bust, and then finally the M3 trials would produce a much better substitute which they stuck with.

Hell, due to the slow production and high cost of Thompsons, they had even been looking at substitute standard guns, like the Reising, which turned out to not be that well suited for battlefields.
For a long time, there was just nothing else but the Thompson (and Britain wanted Thompsons too, because they too needed subguns badly), and it was either that or no subguns at all, it wasn't for some sort of deranged idea that the Thompson was the best gun ever.

I rest my case
It's always easier to choose passivity over a step forward, just until you hit the wall. Let's just go with the Tommy
US gov did not initiate the M2 and M3 projects for the equip upgrade to phase out Thompson AFTER the M1A1 was already developed, still trying to scrap shit as much possible; but during a war, that's understandable. But that's also the problem; it was not until the war was going full blastoff till the expenses, machining time and material bombed the production
It's always just stick to shit, until it either just won't do on the battlefield and will cause major efficiency problems and cause death of many soldiers or gets tanked by being utterly unattainable economicaly-wise

Well shit, I got mixed up the dating when the M2 and M3 got initiated in my post cuz the M1 and the M1A1 simplifications started in early 42, specifically in March, while the conducted research for simpler SMG started already in 41
But the point still stands

Attached: R8.jpg (2769x769, 1.33M)

looks like it has some kick. How many bullets are coming out with each shot?

For me, it's the lesbian russian shotgun

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the beretta's only flaw was that it couldn't take a regular diet of wildly overpressure ammunition and the slide cracked in half and flew into peoples' faces
the news of course blamed beretta, so then the government did, when it was almost entirely winchester's fault for giving them the wrong kind of ammo, so beretta sued the gubmint and won

and just because, they made the FS model which makes it so that the slide won't fly into your face if it cracks AND the brigadier for those who really want to feed your spaghetti girl some hot loads

It's a three-round burst at around 2k RPM if I recall correctly

Semi-Auto High Power rifle
I could get the sks45 it's as weak as the ak and only slightly more accurate. But you just have to overcome the sight

Long-recoil-webmfag, I summon thee into this thread

It kinda doesn't, because the US was somewhat caught off guard and entered WW2 lacking a lot of things they really needed to have, and they scrambled for whatever they could find which would fit the bill, or be made to fit the bill. This includes the Thompson.
The M3 and M3A1 did get full adoption before the end of the war, and because of how stupidly cost efficient and fast to make it was compared to the Thompson, they were able to issue out far more subguns than ever before.

The M1918A2 BAR for instance is sort of a piece of shit as a light support weapon, but it's what they had and what they had to work with, they were just about to replace it with a much better one from Winchester in 1945, but then the war suddenly ended and they realized they could stop constantly spending so much money and it never came to fruition.

I love you, WA2000!

Attached: WA2000.jpg (850x535, 81K)


FH2 has good iron sights.

Play RO2

reddit orchestra 2 sucks

No this is the Misery description
/r/ing the image of the health bars description

Not wehraboo, but Mausers are hella sexy.
Though I'm forced to use Mosin in RS2.
>always topping the scoreboard with Nugget
Complaints on RS2 being too focused on automatics are overrated.
Also, both AKs and M16 are best used in semi auto in RS2. Semi auto drum mag PPSh is the beast.

Attached: Karabiner_98_kurz.jpg (1082x418, 182K)

You mention the energy weapon wont have any recoil. What does that matter to the bullpup platform? Its an irrelevant point


How's the stopping power?

It is on WW2. Too low of a magazine capacity with that rate of fire in WaW for my tastes.

Lots of countries used Mausers back in the day, beyond just Germany, it was for a time THE top infantry rifle to have, and for a long time after it was a very economical choice.
Countries using them include:
>China (certain factions when they were being a massive civil war clusterfuck)
>Turkey/Tunisia (Ottoman Empire)
Israel, forming after WW2, would for a time use Gewehr 98s and Karabiners as their main rifle, as with this giant global war over, military surplus was *cheap*, and this was great for these Jews because they didn't have a lot of money at the time.
They would also buy Mauser rifles from FN Herstal in Belgium.
Initially they used the 7.92mm cartridge for a while, as the surplus was almost free, but eventually they started looking at 7.62mm NATO, so a lot of Jew Mausers were converted to that caliber, and they kept being used.
When caliber converting them, if they were Nazi German surplus, they would tend to ping out Nazi symbols like the waffenamt, but it's not entirely unusual to find them intact just because nobody thought it was important.

Similar story with Norway, they had been occupied by Germany, and as the war ended and the present occupying force surrendered all their weapons, the Norwegians looked at them and thought "You know, these are perfectly good rifles, and our military really COULD use something new and better, why don't we just adopt these giant piles of free German rifles?"
They would later convert most of them to .30-06 due to the US offering some of their huge surplus of ammunition for free to allies, and Norway was good pals with the US.

Mausers are beautiful rifles, and because they were such a global presence, there's so much rich history to them.

Attached: Israeli Mauser.jpg (760x285, 63K)

stop reposting your shitty gun every single thread

I like the AK-12

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how the flying fuck are sights like the MAS-49's even allowed and adopted? Why would you not want as much "open air" as possible? The M16 and it's variants suck ass because of this as well

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Seeing US stacking subhumans rage when they die to a lucky pellet at 95+ meters is the only joy I get out of the game anymore.

Desu in RS2 they opened up the sights so they're usable in game.
Compare Grease Gun in Heroes of the West (Red Orchestra 2 mod using assets from game devs made for the documentaries), vanilla RS2 and updated RS2 model. You barely can see shit through HOTW sights.

Speak for yourself, I love the A1 sights.

Attached: a1 sights.jpg (728x411, 68K)

don't forget that the springfield and arisaka were both mauser clones

That too, and the mechanical principles of the Gewehr 98 are still common in commercial market sporters to this day.

It's in BFV, but it's kind of iffy. Battlefield weapons with small magazines tend to just kinda suck, because DICE doesn't balance them well with significantly faster reloads or such.

Attached: AVS-36.png (846x644, 678K)

enjoy shit-tier target acquisition playing literally any vidya game using apertures. the BAR is literally useless if you flip up the rangefinder in RS2, since it blocks like 2/5 of the screen. Have some actually good iron sights

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I was talking IRL, I hate optics because astigmatism, so I'm irons only.
Therefore, the fixed carryhandle on the A1 rifles suit me perfectly, they're well protected and I love the aperture.

Attached: Colt 715.jpg (800x600, 99K)

This game is so good, I fucking love blowing the scenery to pieces and blast everyone

Sauce game?

Insurgency is the best FPS ever
I have yet to play SQUAD

Attached: Insurgency.jpg (1920x1080, 308K)

Why yes i only pick the finest in post-war surplus weaponry, how did you know comrade Minh?

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Company of heroes: opposing fronts and Company of heroes 2.

This fucking thing feels like a peashooter in every game.

The M2 in RS2 is amazing.

Post your nation's equivalent weapon, or just service rifle, from the 1940s.

Attached: zulu-wars-iklwa-1949-assegai-stabbing-spear_5.jpg (1243x800, 86K)

Which ranges are you using it at? IRL it was designed as a lightweight defensive weapon and performed best at under 100yds, the low recoil and 15rd magazine also allows for easy rapid fire salvos.
It's really lacking if you try to push it out to like 300yds.

what fucking game has distances longer than that?

rs2 ro2

How should I know? I don't play many realistic military shooters, I mostly play Doom and Duke Nukem 3D these days.

really? how often do you take those shots instead of just going up closer?
even in battlefield engagements past 100 metres are rare

Nigga if I try to move forward to the guy he'll just fucking shoot me

you sure you're 300 metres away and not like 150?
they need to have a scope to see you at those distances

he said yards
100 meters is about 300 yards

nvm I'm retarded

Attached: 1565271193380.gif (250x199, 418K)

you're confusing yards and feet
a yard is basically a metre, or well, close enough for government work

What is that going to prove?

thought I was on /k/ for a second

The problem is fundamental to games being displayed on a 2D screen.

silent storm

Silent Storm, one of the best TBS games made in the '2000s.

Attached: 208674-s2-silent-storm-windows-screenshot-axis-vs-allies.jpg (1280x960, 207K)

I dont know anything about guns, but I really like these old time rifles, they look so beautiful compared to modern rifles. Would love to own one

Attached: Stechkin.webm (1200x674, 2.98M)

The kick looks physically painful. Even at :39 seconds, the guy is sighing in pain.

There's actually still a lot of options for stuff like that on the market, both new production stuff, and older stuff which is still around.

Attached: PCMR-Winchester-1894-Full-small.jpg (1200x847, 192K)

Three bullets fire in a burst, before the recoil impulse of the first round hits the shooter.
The 4.7x33mm caseless cartridge was intended to be similar in performance to 5.56x45mm, IIRC, so imagine that cartridge times three.

There's many reasons it didn't catch on.

WW2 surplus is still preddy cheapo to acquire. I'm going for a K98 whenever i get around for the license

Attached: 1565877437752.webm (800x450, 1.5M)


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>Imagine having to have a license to get a gun

Attached: 1563649877097.jpg (1024x512, 53K)

At last, my dong erects at the sight of Frommer Stop

They'd put them in the ground to stop cav charging them


I have a suspicion that due to the fairly lateral trajectory of the cartridge, they shit canned the project because they didn't want untrained shooters putting consistent holes in their troops at 300 meters once they inevitably made it to the civilian market.