>play game
>nothing fucking happens
Play game
Doesn't that racing thing take place there
NASCAR is inferior to Formula 1
>New Albany
What's wrong with old Albany?
It's in New York.
What about New Harmony?
How about some kino
I unironically like the Midwest where it's nothing but small towns, corn/basedbean fields, and woods.
I sometimes say this, but then I remember that if you've seen one small town, you've really seen them all, similar to big cities.
Atlease its not Ohio.
FUCK Ohio.
>tfw no indiana bf
>Go to Gary, Indiana
Oh shit, it’s a fallout game!
i'm from indiana
Indy is comfy if you like woods and farmland. I like both so I’m pretty content here. If I had the money to buy a small ranch I’d be perfectly content.
i'm from indiana
Come again, soiboi?
What's wrong with old York?
it's in the uk
Fuck off warmongering faggot. You will be stopped.
more like resident evil 5
Okay, move to california.
>warmongering faggot
No idea what you're trying to tell me. You sound like a cuck though, so you'd better be off to get Jamal ready, capiche?
I feel pretty content most of the time. Sometimes I wonder though what big city living would be like. Culver's is a plus though.
is that river dicking ohio?
Isn't Rhode Island more boring?
Rhode island is a sea town at least, you can only be so boring bordering the ocean.
Though yeah when I went it was quite boring
What's wrong with ok?
say hi to me
>nothing happens
>at least you're not illinois or ohio or kentucky
Please don't bully my home state!
>be new yorker
>get lumped with the endless fucking retards of the city
I hate this meme
I live in Cincinnati, so I'm an hour's away from Kentucky and Illinois.
Fuck the midwest
What's worse, Midwest or the South?
What is it like growing up in these random ass places
Imagine having to introduce your self as being from Vincennes, Indiana
Though I guess most of them never even leave their hometowns in the first place.
>Meet JYB today at Comic-Con
>clearly hated every second being there
>gives me an incredulous glare when I tell him I've been following his work since the first fucking Power Rangers film
>gives me the third degree and asks when I started watching Trigun
>literally the only reason I even bothered to get out of the house in this midwestern shit hole was to meet him, because celebrities never fucking visit here
>guy single-handedly got me into martial arts, which I've been doing all my life
>of all the roles he's done, Power Rangers is the one I remember most fondly
>walk through the rest of the day feeling like I got hit in the gut with a sledgehammer
>play game
>go phast
Rhode Island is tiny and it's easy to get to more interesting places nearby. Not the best place, but it could be a lot worse.
>What is it like growing up in these random ass places
You actually feel connected to the town and people, instead of being some NuAge pilgrim wandering from global city to global city.
Man tell me about it. This state is the closest thing to purgatory you can get.
the thing about indiana is it's a midwest state but the people living there act like it's the south so it's doubly shit
Michigan chad reporting in. Most recognizable state on the planet.
>be Californian
>go to this site: get blamed for all the censorship happening in games today
>go to college: have to converse with SJW faggots for projects
>almost outed myself by talking about why I didn't like the Last Jedi when it came out
>mfw the only reason people don't suspect me is because I'm Cambodian
At least the girls are hot, sometimes.
Anywhere in Missouri outside KC/Columbia/STL is just like this too. Those three cities are super Midwestern, but the rest is pretty much Alabama-tier.
I hate this god damn fuck nugget I want out
Shut the fuck up
Nuke california now
same but with new york. I just want to care about muh teams and talk for fucks sake
i live in indiana, its kinda based if you're not in bloomington, bloomington is a hellhole and im glad i moved out
>college students
fucking cancer
>Nuke California
>Starve because California provides most of the fresh produce for the US
>Realize that even rural Calfornians want nothing to do with you because the state GOP/Republican voters there were never like Republicans nationally
>just another salty Michigander
I love you my fellow Hoosier
At least those areas are mostly white and don't have to worry about your daughter getting fucked by niggers right?
>play game
>NPCs constantly interrupt you trying to get you to join their faction
No you don't, you feel extra disconnected because every single member of your peer group left already, and you feel useless because the only job in the whole town is bagging groceries, so even though the cost of living is low you still can't afford shit. After that you either join the exodus or take up hard drugs.
Reminder that the midwest is the true heir of the legacy of America
>provides most of the fresh produce for the US
Fruits nice, but we'll survive
mormon jesus
Based michigan bro. Eat shit ohio
Anyone have the webm of the fat woman gagging from eating a piece of vegetable
There's zombies. I liked that the cop and military zombies shot at you. I think there were jogger and football player zombies too. There was sort of a supernatural element to the game too. I remember around churches there were these twisted black trees (or maybe something shaped like hands) that didn't look like they belonged on this world. I also remember going on the dev's website and checking out their forums years ago. If I recall correctly, there were a couple of men in their 60's posting, talking about how they were waiting for a sequel to another one of the dev's games or something. Makes me wonder if that'll be Yea Forums one day.
Heard you can have like 7 wives there
Sounds b a s e d
They were Brussels Sprouts that were boiled instead of roasted. Can you blame her?
Not legally, but alot of the more rural morman enclaves ignore that.
All my guilty pleasure fast guitar music for 13 year old girls has at least 1 song per album randomly namedropping a bunch of Midwest cities and streetnames, I'm honestly jelly of you niggers. There's nothing romantic about being in a rock band if you're from the coasts.
Ope is real
absolutely based
Hope you like onions and corn syrup.
>minor NPC nobody remembers
Celebrities are just people. Most of the time they get to where they are by circumstance. Also:
>English voice actor
It fuckin sure is buddy
Ive been visiting Northern Indiana for the past month, Mishawaka to be exact. And desu its really comfy here I kind of like it. Much better than where I am originally from (west texas).
Ain't Tom Sawyer from there?
Southern Indianapolis here. This area is a shithole and it's just a place where boomers come to die. Medical services, hospitals, and retirement homes everywhere. Whenever I go on my phone and get an ad it's always for shit like catheters or psoriasis treatment.
Only thing to do in this state is take drugs and drink.
It 3 months it will be a frozen wasteland. Dont be too jealous
Munsterbro here, we hitting up Round The Clock tonight?
>What is GenCon
OP confirmed casual
What is the best state in the US?ignoring the actual people who live there I would have to say Oregon or Washington. New Hampshire is pretty based as well.
Mormon Jesus is unironically cooler than gay ass normie christian jesus. Sits around in Mass Effect map.
Whats the best state to fuck midwestern small town white girls who want the BLD (Big Latino Dick)
Fuck ohio, and fuck you.
>pacific northwest
yeah until bigfoot gets you
thats a place i havent been in years...
You would condemn a man to such a fate?
I dont know. I kind of like experiencing the different seasons. Trust me having a winter is much better than living in a desert shithole that is just hot 10 months out of the year. Its so bad it drove a guy into a mass shooting yesterday.
You can play Smash Bros, Tekken and some other games competitively. I know for certain that Smash bros is popular. They have 3 fucking weeklies and 2 monthlies a month.
Whats even the point of indiana?
>Measles epidemic because dumbfucks don’t know how to vaccinate
Best state comfy wise is Montana or Maine, otherwise it's probably like Kansas or something; the Four Corner states are a meme, don't listen to cornerfags.
It's a classic. It plays in my head whenever I see one of the Mormon Jesus paintings.
I'm a four minute drive from the Dunes State Park, so I may be biased.
>Ass Effect
stay salty faggoli, I bet you actually give a shit about Toledo
I hear all the small town girls in Michigan hate white man cock so try there
preach brother
Kansas is fucking shit. What kind of answer is this? Maine and Montana arent but i dont see how they could be considered the best.
>ignoring the people who live there
Drinking and non-nepotism colleges.
Unless it's Notre Dame for sports.
Also a hardcore underground tabletop scene. Like the Tokyo Drift of D&D
containing people addicted to oxycontin
You guys make anything?
Stay on your side of the bridge or learn to drive, cunt. I'm tired of you fucks plaguing kentucky and niggering it up. Fuck off.
plant farms and drug farms.
What's even at the Dunes? I went there once for a field trip and watched someone almost step into a red ant hit and damn near shit themselves.
What is there to do there?
Corn you fucking nigger. Indiana isnt even the most forgettable state. That distinction belongs to Kansas or Missouri
>the only game set in indiana (Chesterton)
>it's so close to the border it might as well take place in michigan
feels bad man
or iowa
I remember playing this and actually really enjoying it
Fuck corn, the corn lobby needs to fuck off.
>all that construction on Calumet and 45th and its going to be going on for another 2 fucking years
I feel for you Munsterbro its gotta be a bitch to get anywhere
I actually graduated from Munster High School in 2009 I hear the black population skyrocketed since then
Its racist now.
A buffer from the impending ohio hoards
Not for long
I'm glad I have indianabros out there somewhere. South bend ww@
Toledo has Video Game Underground.
>south bend
gross, get out yuppies
if anyone here is from Carmel i'll shoot you
Swimming and hiking mostly. Hitting on spicy latinas coming in from Chicago every weekend and chatting up campers so I can mooch from their picnic. It's a make-your-own-fun kinda place but I'm the type who likes to enjoy the great outdoors within comfortable proximity of the greater indoors.
Reminder that Miami is the most aesthetic and important city in the country.
Yo where the fuck is the tabletop scene? I have no friends up here
So you savages DO have internet across the river, that's unfortunate
>tfw what it could have been
Just say you're from north new york. You do live outside that overpriced asshole magnet, don't you?
Those around the city, I feel totally worn out about Tappers. Is 1up in Broadripple any good?
Valpo bitch reporting
lets buy guns at the valpo walmart
Im in Mishawaka currently. Seems a bit nicer than South Bend desu. Although all these little towns are fucking connected
the best goddamn apple butter festival, shit's the bomb
Jokes on you I moved there from 574
Missourifag here, can confirm. Kansas still is worse though.
What the fuck
I went to the dunes when I was 15 and every 20 minutes they would sound the alarm saying that there were too many pollutants in the water. Then 10 minutes later they would give the all clear. This went on for like an hour.
That does sound kinda fun.
How often to people fall into those hidden sink holes out there? I've only heard of one person falling into one.
Stay in your containment zone, fag. I've literally never met a nigger from your godforsaken state that wasn't an insufferable cunt. Ohio could be nuked tomorrow and nothing of value would be lost, it's a nigger state, filled to the brim with niggers like you. Seriously, fuck off, stop coming to kentucky, kill yourself you dumb cunt.
I don't believe you live in Utah. Nobody from here browses.
Glorious Stillborn Economy Master Race.
Swell with pride, swampwater, and disgusting gyros grease traps.
What's wrong with Ohio?
So instead of three separate shit hole you have one major shit hole.
>play game
>nobody fucking knows about it
Just finished an internship in La Porte. Valpo was really nice, but I didn't have a chance to visit South Bend. Fuck michigan city though.
Oh it definitely is. South bend is a shithole
It exists
Isn't ohio where all the astronauts are from
I’m actually originally from Highland, moved to Munster during HS, finished out high school, and I’m currently living in Illinois, but I’m moving back here this month.
Not too sure about that spoiler but I have noticed Hammond becoming decrepid due to Gary leaking into it.
Arizona user here, the non-coastal Western states are the best in the union.
And also pic related
No one says fucking ope. It's "oop," as in "oops" but without the s. This is a meme made by dumb coasties.
That's probably north Miami. Parts of it are not very safe ill give you that. Also there is this place called Lemon Pepper in the black northwest part of Miami that has amazing fried chicken wings. Like just fucking amazing food.
I had food in chesterton just a few days ago
it really doesnt feel that close to the border
I think he's from Canada.
anybody live in the rensselaer/demotte/wheatfield area?
yeah, they wanted to get as far away from ohio as possible
the state with the most bearable flag
>Weed became legal
>Finally have some common ground with my Dad
>Gonna leave work and get blitzed with him in half an hour
>Gonna ramble about life and how much we hate abeeds for fucking up Detroit
Bless this state
We say ope like its going out of style in mi
filled with people who steal prescription medicine from their grandmothers
Which state has the hottest white women?
I know about you, but that's just because I sometimes visit when going to Wyoming to stock up on booze
>Play game
>Get set on fire
Why did you make this thread on /ck/ as well?
kek, you cannot contain the disease we will spread and infect all
I once went to a tournament in Huntington when I was 16 and went to McDonalds.
I could tell those little kids had never seen a black person. What's the fuck happened to Huntington?
the last great haven for the white race.
based other ohio hater
I'll go to Broad Ripple if I want to get shot
I used to pay an extra $40 a gram for heroin to get it form Carmel and not have to get it from a nig
Ehh its not as bad as the actual hell hole I am originally from (the west texas user). I enjoy all the trees and greenery.
Been to all these different towns since ive been here. Its weird that there are so many towns in such close proximity to each other.
Everywhere in the mid West acts like you're in the south. I see confederate flags in Michigan all the time. It's because a lot of people in the mid West had parents or grandparents who moved from southern states.
This one according to , go get that white pussy.
Fruits and almonds might become more expensive, but everything else will become cheaper and better as a result of getting rid of the commies.
Also, fun fact, Arizona is a huge producer of citrus and watermelons. I can get an entire huge ass watermelon for just $2.15 here, or a personal for $1.
Next time you see him, praise him for his one voice he uses for all roles. Real talent there.
Rough luck, it's good most days. Ironically, the days where you'd most want to go to the beach are the worst days to go to the beach because the Lake is an angry god. I like to visit during the fall and winter and the water is crystal clear.
Yeah, the sand dunes used to eat people. They quarantined off a lot of the more unstable dunes after some kid almost got sacrificed. Poor bastard got swallowed by Mt. Baldy and got stuck in there for, like, twelve hours or something. That was many, many years ago though. We've long-since starved the dunes to death.
Alright, I'll admit thats pretty funny.
Maybe you aren't all bad, but LEARN TO DRIVE AND STOP TRYING TO DRIVE ME OFF THE ROAD. God damn you people need to take driving lessons.
Not OP but
>he doesnt cross board post
fuck off ugly spic
sounds like you're too much of a pussy to get through south Cinci
This is fucking eerie that there are so many of us in one thread. Fuck indiana but also fuck illinois for being so much more expensive to live in.
Please one of you be an e-girl
nice larp nigger
Everything West of Tornado Alley is GOAT, the only problem is the people living on the West Coast.
Maybe if you all learned to drive like adults and not 16 year olds getting behind the wheel for the first time, less people would hate you.
Haha... yeah imagine. Wouldn’t that be funny, like as a joke?
I've hung out with twenty year olds in Western mass within the "knowledge corridor" of the five colleges wearing Confederate flag hoodies and listening to Johnny rebel
White people are just getting sick of gays and blacks everywhere, not just in Alabama. There is no north/south divide, just urban/rural
I went to Washington recently, and it made me just want to go home.
The eternal seethe over California never fails to amuse me. Rent free, flyovers.
I live in Michigan and have only seen a handful of racemixers. It's definitely not common. Even the most cucked leftist women still date whites exclusively. What's obnoxious is how many Muslims you see when you go on vacation here.
Kansas is way more memorable than Indiana, which is only notable because Mike "Electric Fence" Pence is from there. The most forgettable state is Delaware or Connecticut.
No. I want a white women to sit on my face.
When I was a kid I actually played the second film in the game before my parents would let me watch it
Face melting was cool though
Fall into the ocean please.
Indiana fucking sucks and Lake County sucks too but it sucks less because it's so close to Chicago.
why do you guys hate each other?
your all are from the same country
is each state it’s own mini nation?
>tfw comfy
Let's be real here ohio bro south cincy isn't a nice place to drive through I don't blame anyone for avoiding it
No such thing
All states have to balance each other out so they suck in their own way
The real question is which state is the worst
t. Texan
Hi, Oklahoma here! Nice to meet yall
where ma /mississippiriver/ chads at?
Playful fuckery, I'll shit on wisconsin or indiana any day but will not allow any Canadian to talk shit about us in anyway
Surely Broad Ripple isn't that bad as long as you are west of Keystone. I thought it was all gentrified up to 96th st.
Fishersfag (formerly Carmel) reporting in.
Fucking lmao
Reminder flyover states live to serve the Chad cities. Flyover states should be forced to provide a yearly dowry of white rural women (cute ones, none of those scooter hambeasts) to the Chad cities as a sign of proper submission.
Everyone just hates ohio
it's like ireland and scottland. sure, they're part of the same country, but that doesn't mean theyre all the same.
Texas or Florida are easily the worst states.
Why is Oregon nicer to live in than Washington?
my heart is there
It is just banter except for the California and New York hate
Seems you went to the wrong part, retard.
Florida has Miami aka the aesthetic capital of the country.
It's more like each region is it's own mini nation with its own culture. You have the northeast with stuck up liberal whites, the south, the west coast (cucked), the northwest (no people), and the mid West which is mostly rural or suburban people who want to be left alone as much as possible.
Odd way to spell ohio.
North GA is maximum cozy
>midwest emo is a genre of music
why is the midwest so depressing
Seethe more kansas cuck
north of atlanta suburbs... that's my home
New Hampshire is a state!?
The only people that are under 35 that live in small towns are those that are going to inherit daddy's farm or those that couldn't do fuck with there lives. Everyone I grew up with that still lives there would even the most depressed /r9k/ faggot go, "At least I'm not that guy." Fucking TV stereotypes of peaked in high school and still talk back on there high school football days. Mybae it is different in Indiana but in Nebraska this is pretty much a given
>is each state it’s own mini nation?
Essentially yes, also if you were from the superior Florida its only natural to be bothered by other states thinking they are in any way above you.
>Less rain
>Farther away from Canada
>Outside of Portland, way less SJW-y than Washington
>Better laws
>Less cold
Weird, I thought it was New York or California
What are fun things to do in Indianapolis?
B.C is just up north of Washington, and is much better than anything Washington had to offer nature wise. Washington felt like a bootleg B.C to me.
LF nerd gf in 219
Dont you have another city to get shot up Texas cuck?
You sound like a cool user. Stay safe in your travels.
It is when you realize you either work as a farmer, a factory worker, or a corporate cocksuck are the only ways to be able to live by yourself. Or live as a NEET.
Driving in any direction until you are out of the state is pretty fun.
>State you were born
>State you live in now
>Favorite video game
>Mybae it is different in Indiana but in Nebraska this is pretty much a given
its not.
Salty? Fuck you, our lakes are FRESH.
Yes, but if you go to B.C. you have to deal with the great chink menace. Eastern WA is peak comfy.
California and NYC basically subsidize the entirety of the states around them so nah.
Oh this guy's got jokes.
Western Pennsylvania here.
FUCK Philadelphia. Although, there are a weirdly large amount of Indians around.
>le florida is the worst state meme
California is ten times worse than florida, and most flyover states are drug addict jobless wastelands with massive problems about to get worse with automation. Florida has problems, but the public criminal records law and constant florida man memes from the media has brainwashed the population into a gigacope thinking florida is the worst state and "at least we aren't that bad", when reality is that you probably are way worse off.
Wake up.
Living here feels like everything is just slowly decaying
Southern Ohioans drive like fucking retards I'll give you that
definitely based
They're family. You compete with them so they can build up strength for the real threat that lies outside.
i.e. the french canadians
fuck those fags
Fucking retards the best state is without a doubt West Virginia
>I've hung out with twenty year olds in Western mass within the "knowledge corridor" of the five colleges wearing Confederate flag hoodies and listening to Johnny rebel
I live in the five college area in Mass you're talking about and those people aren't an absurdly super common thing here. I mean in bumfuck nowhere on the outskirts you're gonna get a few though
>Doom 64
I don't have enough money to move.
Absolutely not. I live in Arizona and you would not believe how many Califaggots are moving here to escape the hellhole that is Commiefornia. We're superior in every way except for population number and all the ills that come with it.
Not to mention we can fucking end them at any time because we have more civilian guns than guns that exist in their state.
>factory worker being able to live by themselves
Wat. I woulda expected trades or something else. Factory workers make fuck all
Join the army. They'll pay for everything.
I can't get out and I'm not sure I want to
My theory on why everyone hates Ohio is that it's both the least relevant irrelevant state and the most relevant irrelevant state. Thus, it gets shittalked from both relevant and irrelevant states.
Holy shit, this is like a bizarro spic thread
why? is it the weather?
I'm the most cautious person I know, dear user. Why, when the Lake froze solid, I only walked 80 feet out onto the ice before turning back.
Incidentally, if any of my 219 brothers want to hang out, hit me the fuck up, I'll buy.
I never been out in the midwest, i lived in the city all my life. Is it really getting that bad? I actually wanted to move out to the country someday.
imagine being a new yorker and NOT being from where all the cool people live, being from some fucking backwater forest town instead LMAO
and you have the gall to call yourself a new yorker
>we have more civilian guns than guns that exist in their state.
REGISTERED guns, user
>State you were born in
>State you live in now
>Favorite game
Night in the Woods or Life is Strange
I mean i am from there, but fuck those people
that's cool then
Buncha virgins.
There is absolutely nothing to do except driving to restaurants and stores.
I'd assume around Indianapolis considering it hosts Gencon every year. You could probably find a decent amount in Bloomington or (West) Lafayette since they have pretty large college populations, though Bloomington is going to have the obnoxious liberal kind for your mileage may vary there.
I work as a Temp at GM and I make 16 dollars an hour. Only been there a month and made basically 2.5k.
Playing competitive video games.
>mgs2 or fallout 3
Because if you aren't rich enough to live in the upper city of whatever Midwest state you're in, you're stuck in suburbia, or worse, some podunk town in the middle of nowhere. And if you're in suburbia or said podunk town, there is jack shit to do because only boomers live there. And there's a good chance you grew up in a house where one or both of your parents had a long ass commute so you never actually saw them and you grew up on your own.
what's the best state to just live alone in the woods and forget everyone?
I love MN but this Somalian shit needs to fucking stop.
My hometown is destroyed, fucking hell.
anyone else from 907?
I mean, I live in the suburbs of Indianapolis so it's not like I'm out on a farm. I just have no friends here.
I wish it would come back. No one in my high school listened to nigger music. Then again there was maybe one black family in the entire town and they were doctors. I miss Indiana, bros
>I live in Cincinnati
I'm sorry to hear that user
i don't like how indiana always has construction, but other then that its pretty comfy for an introvert shut in like myself, nothing happens hear so i don't have to worry about getting shot by niggers dispite them existing here.
Montana. Warning, you will not make it, a couple of months in and you will start going insane. There is a HUGE difference between being a loner in the city and being a loner in the middle of a mountain where there is literary no human for miles and miles around you.
Pacific northwest
Weather, extreme drug use, it is in the middle of the rust belt, and there is nothing to do in most of the area. It feels like everyone is miserable.
Wyoming, Montana, or Idaho you dipshit. Is this really a question you need to ask? Hell, Alaska is pretty good too if you prefer eating meat and fish to produce. There are plenty of berries up there, but you can't really grow anything like corn or lettuce. However, you could just live outside of one of the T2 cities and just go to the city to buy produce and collect your yearly $1k stipend from the government/oil companies.
You know what you have to do.
I was at Brasstown Bald yesterday, you fuckers have it good up there
>Live in state.
>People always talk about the side of it you're not from, whether its positively or negatively.
Not sure if I should be glad people don't even realize my area exists or not.
I sure do love Florida. Getting paid to stay home all week playing vidya cause of some pussy ass hurricane.
Which state with best cryptids for game?
>Monster Hunter XX
>Going to college in Kentucky
>Taking a gen ed about american history from just after the civil war to around WW2
>So of course this means half the class is spent just talking about how bad blacks had it in every period of history
>About a third into the semester the professor makes an announcement to the whole class to remember to use modern day terms for blacks instead of the terms used in the materials we were reading at the time
>Only logical conclusion is that people were turning in essays calling blacks niggers in every line
It's shit like this that keeps me going
So now that fall (the best season) is about here, what state has the best autumns?
the correct answer is New Hampshire
I didn't realize that there were non-racists in Kentucky. I always assumed that state was one where everyone used the word nigger, with hard r, including the niggers themselves.
>Can get to mountains, beach, and events in Atlanta all in less than six hours
>live in the country
>back in high school we read huck finn and to kill a mockingbird
>people said nigger all the time in those classes
good times
We are all getting real tired of hearing about your hurricanes every 4 months blowing away your shacks. Take the hint from god, nigger
>that essay where 1/15 words was nigger
>left 4 dead
>except protagonists try and spread the zombie disease (safe injection sites and sanctioned camps)
>trying to stop zombies gets you thrown in jail
>cops don't even bother combating zombies.
>clone of California the Game