Astral Chain

Why is the user score so low? Is this game shit?

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>sony have a game drought
>seethe that Nintendo is getting new games

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>it's exclusive to a console I don't own so I'm giving it a bad review

the review bombing is pretty funny
snoys are fucking mad
I imagine they will do the same to bayo 3

Yea don’t listen to the weebs. It’s trash.

You seem pretty upset

>780 negative scores
>only 20 reviews
Holy shit. I think this may be the worst review bombing I have ever seen.

Review bombed out of spite

Yeah Im le seething

I've only played about 90 minutes of it so far but I'm not really digging it. Does combat get better?

There should be a way to verify if you own the game allowing for you to actually review it on these sites. If you don't own it, you can't review it

Ive got a better idea
Stop looking at reviews and form your own opinions


This. I haven't trusted a single review since I was a teenager.

Sony fans are review bombing it

Why are Snoys so mad? Isn't Control a PS4 exclusive?

only finished 3 "cases" but seems like the combat gets more and more advanced. in case 3 you get your sword (instead of only a baton and gun), along with sync attacks, and chain pulling in combat.

I realized this after that cuphead review.

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It's trash.

Xbros are bitter as fuck that Cuckrosoft are the only publishers who fucked up working with Platinum

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whats the deal with this, did the dev betray sony and went nintendo exclusive or just autism

just sonyfag and poorfag spic autism

Came here to post this

based newfag

It gets a little more complicated, but the main challenge is learning how to properly manage the effects you get from using the same inputs with different weapons and legions. Later the game will also start to expect you to know how to perfect call and abuse axe shield instead of dodging.

smiting nincels from the heavens of mexico