I'm home, bros

I'm home, bros

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Other urls found in this thread:



do you think finnish wow players stand 15 meters apart from each other in queue

Fuck off back to pol where you can pretend to have a purpose, you aimless cuck.

>tfw you never got to take a part in this
Seems like fun

It's a great relief knowing faggots like you will never amount to anything, kys

Why yes , I do love to stick in que and do nothing but wait, how could you tell?
holyshit wow players are so delusional

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This is the most Reddit thing I have ever seen. What's stopping me from cutting this gay ass line and getting the kill?

well, sir, we would have to blacklist you and avoid further communicationd with you with all server

Attached: soyak not happy.png (378x378, 43K)

>standing in a virtual line to do a virtual chore while people try and be funny in chat is fun

what stops me from cutting to the front and killing the mob

>tfw spent my whole week farming gold to assist asmongold with his mount and adventures
don't regret a thing

Any amount of decency

You should move, your home sucks and is old and smells of body odor.

>jump the line
>get permabanned

>Any amount of decency

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maybe some honesty and integrity.

I mean yeah sometimes its nice to socialise

Is this American thing? I've been playing on Golemagg since launch and never seen it, just bloody fights over mobs.

hey asmond, loving the stream
it's not you it's the gear man, I'll heal you and do what I can





>*drops trump joke in trade chat*
>chat unusable for the next 5 hours

Just like my childhood, ah the nostalgia.

Wat? Fuck you, it's a game, and I'm not wasting time out of my life in a line for a fucking NPC (I assume). This isn't securing real provisions within my physical community. This is funtime.

Seething swedecucks. Learn to speak english in trade and general chat.


I'm glad we shifted the goalpost from "IT WONT BE POPULAR" to "LOL YOU HAVE TO WAIT IN A QUEUE"

you sound like a tremendous faggot

You are such a fucking loser holy shit.

>Waiting in line
Why isn't anyone killing anyone? Is this some carebear shit or is there a classic pvp always on server?

If you wanna be a dick go kick a kitten, dude.

that's creepy time filler for miserable people without anything of value going on in their lifes.

If you want to do that, find somebody to share a hobby, go to a park and talk to girls or something.

Playing this piece of shit is so incredibly depresing.

MMO are trash.

>waiting in line for quest NPCs and items
Wow it's like I'm playing RuneScape in 2002. Definitive MMO experience.

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>tfw you cut in line and kill the same mob twice

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I maintain that just getting my quest done isn't being a dick. If those folks want to sit in a line and chat, fair play to them, but I didn't sign up for that and my killing whatever it is won't stop that poor fuck in the middle-back being stood there for an hour or two.

fuck the retards waiting in line
not like they'll play the game longer than 2 weeks

you should be waiting 45 minutes and respecting the line like the rest of us!

Attached: 2019-08-27_Wow_21-34-58_.png (431x88, 82K)

>You have to pay shitloads of ingame currency to make travel not fucking garbage
I hate you and anybody else that supported this trash fucking game

Never waited in a single line in this game. Where does this shit happen?

This. If I wanted to socialise I actually know real people who meet up twice a week. I play these games to PLAY these games. Not pretend I'm lining up for a copy of [Popular Product].

I don't understand. On both servers I play on, everyone huddles around the spawn together in effort of being the first to tag the mob. I've never the seen the congo line of cucks anywhere.

>oblitum plz leave, you took tag 2 times in a row

Attached: soyjak pointing agressively.png (644x800, 43K)

>plz leave, u took tag 2 times in a row
>The front has been here respecting the line.. dont be an ass
>rightly weve been in line for 45 minutes we arent grouping for you to get the easy way out lmaop
>listen to the pancake
>Respect the line and wait like everyone else
>cheers at Pancakebutt!

Attached: 1561812878080.png (632x756, 24K)


Nothing really, hell, that's the best part. Imagine the seething whispers you'd get. I already get giddy when they send me death threats over taking an ore vein someone was clearing a mob to take themselves.

Fuck off ya madfag literaly nothingg about that was /pol/ bbt keep crying about the ebil /pol/boogeyman ya schitzo

Wow this projection

This honestly deserves /int/ tier sòyjak quoting.

Epcot is based, true story.
I'm going to play guild wars 2 and no one can stop me

You mean a giant world shouldn't feel big? So everyone dad should buy them a car when they are born cause walking around is trash.

Yeah it's time consuming but I don't wana go down tunnels at max speed, I want a world

play guild wars 1 instead

They were the real NPC's all along.

What a bunch of fags just say it’s a gayme lmaoing at ur life

Nobody has inherent purpose
Make your own purpose in life and don't be a bitch.

What's stopping you from just cutting the line?

It’s a game ya fucking forever virgin

Literally nothing only a fag would wait in line in a game

says the fucking warcraft player lmao
it really is.

What happens if some Horde players attack these lines?

they're usually in starter zones where there's no PvP

I skipped to the front of every line on release day. Yesterday I was chilling in Loch Modan and said hey ladies to a group of people, one of them spat on me and told me I have 10 reports against me and noone will want to play with me! :'(

What's stopping people from just cutting in line?


Back in classic, you just circled the spawn area and kept mashing your attacking button so you got first hit as soon they spawned. I used AutoHotkey so all I had to do was hold down the button and it mashed at a speed of 100 times per second. That + instant-cast zero-travel spells ensured I never lost a mob. What was the fire one called? Fire Burst or something. It autotarget and fired instantly to tag a mob. No melee weapon could beat it, or any 'bolt' like spell with travel time was even worse.

These days you'd get reported,blacklisted from all raids, and shunned.

Good luck with that. Most of the WoW classic players are now adults.

It's time for you to start acting like one and get in fucking line.


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>These days you'd get reported,blacklisted from all raids, and shunned.
you mean by the 10 or so people at the very front of the line?
fuck off fag i cut the line and theres NOTHING you can do about it but cry

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>Retailfags still pumping out denial threads by the hour
>Barely get any replies as everyones playing the game

Has it sunk in yet retailfags?

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enjoy the ban

>Tfw done nothing but racist shitposting in world/general chat since day 1 and haven't received so much as a warning

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>doing kill quest in silverpine on ivar the foul with a friend
>see another group going for the quest
>ask them if they want to join us
>tell us no join them or we do this the hard way
>my autsim kicks in
>target macro rank 1 earth shock
>bind it to mouse whell and start spamming
>get the tag instant as he spawns some mins later
> /flex and walk away
I still don't know if I was in the wrong

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>I'm home, bros
blizzcucks are pathetic

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being mass reported and blacklisted, you zoomer filth

I can't stand his massive onions face

>things that didn't happen

>So everyone dad should buy them a car when they are born cause walking around is trash.
ye if you aren't poor

Y so serious batman?!

What happens if you cut in the front of the line?

What is the incentive to wait in line? Last time I checked, wasn't WoW a solo affair except for raids? So, what's to stop someone from just going to wherever you spawn the monster / npc to fight and just getting it over with?

>stalag alliance
>no lines, just deathballs around mob spawns

By the way, WoW was always shit, and inferior to superior MMOs of its time such as FFXI, Guild Wars and Everquest. The only people that played WoW were normie casuals playing babby's first MMO.

Anyone else play on Bloodsail Buccaneers? I wasn't sure what realm to pick and thought an RP one may be interesting.

>why are humans forming a society with rules in a game about playing with others in a virtual society?

Those that waited will seethe.

unless you're married with kids, you aren't contributing anything to society

This is why WoW Classic is shit. Game wasn't designed with streamers and shit in mind. Fucking lame as hell, look at all these cucks feeding this basedboy insect looking motherfucker gold.

Why couldn't Blizzard just make the entire game world 1.5/2X larger than it is now?

Attached: v pol.png (540x485, 102K)

>be doctor
>save lives and prevent tragedies, make life better for everyone
>but I didn't breed so I'm a fuck

>be useless piece of shit
>get god's holy approval to put my penis in some slag
>bump uglies and make babies

played in all the private servers and have no time to play classic right now because of work...that pic is really making me want to sign up just to fuck people over.

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People in threads keep saying they cut in line to get hatemail for giggles, but I never see anyone posting proofs.

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Read the thread before posting next time you dumb twat

most people will never even see a line.

why wouldn't they group though? it's literally 5 times faster

finns from south and west, definetely. those are the people all the pictures are from
finns from north and east would huddle up together, form their own groups, declare to all that the rules of nature are now in effect and camp the mob repeatedly killstealing just to spite the people in the line
t. eastern finn

>Create "Classic" servers
>Rather than people acting like random assholes and stealing a kill, as was the Classic way, theyre forming a line to wait their turn
Jesus, when people joked WoW was becoming a virtual Roller Coaster ride, I thought they were joking, then I see OP's pic

this is the face of wacraft everyone
zoomers start donating more to him pls

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Thats not hatemail you fucking retard.

>watch some of his stream and others to see how grinding in classic is
>"I'm not going to take any gibsmedats"
>15 minutes later taking gibsmedats because he impulse bought some shit and can't afford weaponskills and so on
>someone on his comms "wow wtf asmongold we agreed no gibs?"
>"yeah well uhh my classic experience is already ruined because I'm streaming, I'm not going to put myself at a disadvantage because muh streaming"
>some arguments
>guy on comms stops since he's clearly not getting through
>guy on comms was streaming to a large audience too but at that point atleast hadn't taken gibsmedats
a strange, little man

i was sorta wanting to play classic but seeing the whole que waiting in line thing is very cringe.

What's stopping you from cutting lines in real life? You most likely won't be physically assaulted out in public

Why do these random queue pictures make everybody seethe so badly?

Imagine paying to stand in line for hours and wait your turn to kill a monster/NPC. Jesus.

Because Yea Forums spent months ranting and raving about "going home" and classic hype.


>boomers yell at zoomers for wanting things now
>will wait in line for over an hour for 1 npc
both gens are fucking trash, one is adhd and one enjoys being cucked

Im tempted to come play this just so i can run around cutting in lines.

lines are for people dumb enough to stand in them.

Look at the little baby kiddy boy, can't handle some virtual grief
If someone makes you feel sad in your game, go get one of your daddy moderators to kick him, right?

Does this really happen?

no because the lines don't exist. The few screens that exist of them are all in starting zones which you leave within an hour or two. Notice everyone waiting is one race.

just make an auto attack macro and snipe mobs holy fuck

>tag quest mob instantly with fire blast
>rp as shepherd with people lining up to pet your sheep

you weren't.

people with faster weapons/instant cast will beat you

Japs started to play WoW now?

these are the people saying they prefer retail

You offered, fair that they should be the ones to quit and reform party later, they would rather risk waiting or unnecessarily cuck you than go through that tiny effort. Fuck em, you did good.

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>This is the most Reddit thing I have ever seen

is there anything in the world/NET that is NOT reddiT tier?

I have not once seen a line in stonespine. Only nice people who invite to groups and are happy to chat with me while waiting for the spawns.

There's no fucking way this wasn't made up

Having such a blast running dungeons yesterday, getting lucky on a couple of decent blue drops. Pretty nice around level 20. Gonna get the Warlock quest done in SFK today and then move on to BFD to complete the other half. It's so nice with all this activity down at these levels, very hard to get this done without that.



>when your stupid friend wants you to play Classic with him
Fuck your nostalgia. It's over. WoW Vanilla will never be back. That community is dead. Move on with your life.

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You can't tell me what to do... grrr...

same but said a Epstein joke.

Back in '06 I was telling people how Wow would make the perfect queueing simulator and everyone called me crazy.

This must be pve server shit

Rock n Roller Coaster was so fucking hardcore, I rode it like 4 times in a row when I was 13. The line was pretty mild too.
Can't believe I'll never get to ride it again.

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horde here

we have been ganking and camping the people who dont get in the line. Welcome home, politeness is fucking mandatory.

Because you have to respect the line! That's disrespecting the line and therefore the caring nature of the community. Fucking sois, man.

They will unironically report you and a GM will message you regarding your toxicity.
then when you ask him what fucking rule you broke he says "Read the Code of Conduct" and bans you for 24 hours.

>tells someone to inflict bodily harm on an innocent animal over a fucking video game
Do the world a favor and kill yourself.

The funniest thing about this shit is you know only butthurt polfags would make these image macros. People think you cucks are annoying, it's why everyone is so dismissive to you.

the reason I didn't see queues on my server wasn't because no one was there but they were just standing too far apart for me to realize

I remember only one person being able to talk to the quest NPC at a time and whenever a new quest came out there would be a swarm of people next to it. What I don't remember is standing in a virtual line in order to talk to one. We just clicked the NPC as many times as we could, hoping that we were quicker than the other players next to him.


I'm super glad I'm not retarded and got the early shit done before all the retards starting forming lines. You literally could get ten times the xp just grinding if you had to stand in a line for an hour

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see the system works
all the dicks kill eachother

Never seen a queue so far.

>so butthurt you spend your own time to follow people around who didnt conduct your made up system
lmao. pvplets
I disrupted a small line before and nothing happened besides some dudes shouting in global that I'm a "ganker"

People remembering your name, and because they're the only people you'll ever play with, they will get one back on you eventually.


Of all the posts to accuse of wrongly using reddit, you chose a pretty bad one. Forming a beta male line and politely waiting your turn to kill an NPC in a video game is maximum reddit. Imagine craving structure and hating competition that badly.

90% of players don't give a shit about end game and you can always create an alt so this literally does not matter

ur gay

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Doesn't even have to be endgame, could be a few levels later, could be 10 levels later.

Making an alt kind of defeats the purpose of skipping the line to be faster at leveling, doesn't it?

Good. Force them to fight for it and disregard the line.

The only time a bad rep matters is during endgame. You won't be locked out of standard dungeons because you pissed off 20 so y drinkers, especially considering they're probably 10 levels behind you because they're retarded enough to wait in lines.

>get a quest to kill some nagas who stole shit from us
>ask in general chat if anyone wants to kill some stealing nagas
>get banned

>tortanic larpers still latched onto the queue thing since it's literally all they have
>defeat their own claim that the game is dead and nobody wants to play it every time they post it
And then they go back waiitng for their daily gacha login bonus or matchmaking queue, without a hint of irony. Truly based.

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Send help. I have to play on an EST server and the only two servers are Faerelina or Herod. So I either play with streamers or reddit. WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO?

Stop being a noggenfogger.

Why don't queuetards just form groups?

Imagine shitposting on Yea Forums cause you can't afford a wow subscription and join in on the fun.

Does anyone know where I can download the updated version of Joana's leveling guide?

Reddit. Streamer servers are reddit with extra faggotry added on top. If you gank or cut a streamer in line, you might get banned, but blizzard won't care as much if you do it to no name redditors.

where did you put the corpse of Antti Hanhivaara?


>11k queue yesterday
>no queue today
can't believe game is fucking dead already
but seriously though, did they increase server limits or something, having no queue at all is strange

Also when you cut the line they didn't dare to say anything about it.

Saw this two to three times on German Venoxis but those queues were only like 2 5mangrps top and were over in about 5mins those huge queues are just a meme for me desu

I'm level 10. Is it too late to keep playing? I don't want to level in dead empty zones.

read the warcraftdev twitter you asshat
yes they did

>be mage
>in a party waiting for an ogre elite on that ogre zone in loch modan
>a party tells us to get in lnie
>didnt want to but cuck warlock on my team says its only fair
>adds spawn and I aggro them
>a fucking paladin from the other party breaks my sheep constantly so we wipe
>rez, and start spamming a target fireblast macro
>insta tag it
>laugh and spit on that retard
>go away while he's calling us noobs

ah... home...

based roleplayer and feetpilled

Still tons of people doing DM, and I don't think that'll change in a while.

Uhm, excuse me, you mean VC?

I do love sucking my boyfriend's massive cock, yes
Now what

you can level in the modern game, zones are never dead empty :)

DM is not out yet so it's DM.

Can't you just create a max party and then everyone gets quest completion at the same time? There wouldn't be any queues.

>being mass reported
To which Blizzard will do nothing because it's not against the rules and they also want your money.

Parties can only hold 5. You do not get quest credit in raids.

Have fun wearing diapers and having aids when you're 30.

No thanks, I'm good. Keep that stuff to yourself

your friend just wants to game fun playing vidya with you
why you gotta be such a shitty friend

have fun not having sex, incel

>discordoids still can't stop seething

How long til BGs come out? I honestly don't even want to level a character without being able to do BGs each 10 levels.

95% of WoW is just walking from point A to B. It's incredibly boring, I never got the appeal.

Sodomy isn't sex.


they're called drones for a reason.
>inb4 mmobaby tries to argue the "complexities" of dungeon+raid mechanics
tank and spank + holy trinity is the most brainlet design possible for a game

You should really do minimal research before picking a Swedish/Scandinavian server.
also: don't come to Gehennas, or Firemaw.

isn't it like most mmos?

>Move on with your life.
same could be said for your faggot shitposting

what stops you from cutting the line at the DMV?

Better than crying about everything else but LARPing while doing it

dilate faggot

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> he fell for the Voidwalker meme

Come on, user. It's not 2006 anymore. You know enough about the game to use your Succubus for extra killing speed, instead of a Voidwalker. Just aggro juggle, both you and your minion will take minimal damage. The same mob with any other Demon would take you at least 50% longer to kill.

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playing with a boner reduces my grinding efficiency in 40%


Ski-bi dibby dib yo da dub dub
Yo da dub dub
Ski-bi dibby dib yo da dub dub
Yo da dub dub
(I'm the Scatman)

Attached: scatman.jpg (625x455, 59K)

Is this seriously what people do in WoW?
Buy this game to alt-tab and wait in lines and deal with shitty people like you're waiting in line at the DMV?

So glad I never played MMO games, only cool thing to come out of WoW was that story back in the day where a guy brought a plague into a main city and it killed heaps of people.

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dilate ;)

Couple months. Really fucking gay that mains won't be able to do meaningful world PvP while leveling

I'd love to shit on RPers as much as the next guy, but we all know footfags are degenerates from birth.

>two hand axe drops
>I use two hand axes
>everyone rolls greed
>I roll need

I have 200+ People on ignore fucking twitch and reddit meme fags, i dont want to play with these fags anyway

Because there's no ranks? World pvp, especially while leveling, doesn't give you enough kills/honor for any competitive ranks bro.

That's why you scream /pol/ at literally everyone despite only being right 10% of the time

it never stops being great

Go back to Alliance, faggot

>not getting thunderfury on your hunter


>having hunter in their group
what a bunch of NOOBS

Classic bros... oh no... I thought we were home... not home... alone...

Attached: oh no.jpg (1434x900, 476K)

I don't recall this shit ever happening in original wow, never experienced or heard about it
I do know it happened it in other games over the years though but never in wow, in fact I distinctly recall some fags bitching about how wow community sucked compared to other games where people were "civil enough to form a line"

Attached: wow.png (1920x1082, 1.09M)

cant you just walk up to NPC and do whatever you need to?
why wait in line like a pleasant?

But will you fish for salmon to open AQ?

Not for killing or looting, only one party at a time gets those
One person for the really shitty stuff

They would be permabanned if this was to happen today. Reddit and "gaming news" sites would label them next to hitler

They already labeled them next to hitler back when it happened, zoomer.

The people were up in arms back in the day, too.

No twitter mobs back in the day so not that big of a deal

why are alliance such cucks

horde players just stand in a big circle and try to hit it as fast as possible before the other retards

your skin color

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all the first images of lines are horde cucks

The duality of man.

>the virgin line
>vs one chad druid with the tag macro

Booo get some new lines.

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I'm alliance and spam my judgement macro on anything, fuck waiting

As always, mages are based. Fuck retardins

>EU is still okay while US is dying
Oh no.

>run brd as fury warrior
>only melee in the group besides the tank who is a feral druid
>kill last boss
>foe hammer drops
>literally poop my pants a bit
>lick my lips and click need while everyone says grats
>roll goes through
>lose the roll
>the fucking HUNTER rolled need
>he rolled a 100

Attached: 1523730917662.jpg (250x249, 30K)

he says that sometime between yesterday and today that there was a difference, warcraft dev twitter leads to a forum post from 5 days ago

I play on a “””””””””””medium””””””””” server that gets 6k queues in the evening
fucking wagies

Call the hunter a massive big black fucking nigger and quit the game for good

hunter weapon :)


Attached: 1523040357067.jpg (250x249, 6K)

>hunters can't even use maces
didn't they add that loot sharing thing while in the same group or did NOCHANGES finally go through

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Based Ueniatn

What did people do in the original? Because I don't remember there having been anything like this.

Did the screenshot really happen? Man, fun times were had, I guess.

wubba lubba dub dub

I don't recall that many people on vanilla launch days in the first place, barely remember mob tagging/stealing being a big issue except maybe later in the game on farming spots, but nothing serious
imagine if they didn't come up with the layer faggotry


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You supposedly get blacklisted and are never able to join raids.

some high level horde fuck with lots of AoE should just roll up on those fucks and nuke em

I'm honestly surprised /vg/ isn't hosting a raid just to kill all the people standing in line.

>pvp in starting area

so this is your typical wow thread on Yea Forums?

are you people retarded?

I don't play WoW so I don't know what you mean by that, is it not possible or is it just not viable? Like you don't get anything from it or is it shunned or the game doesn't let you do it?

I have never seen a line in this game. I started playing on Saturday.

I'm lvl 18

Level 1-10 and 11-20 zones are assigned to one of the two factions. Other faction can’t initiate PvP in those zones, even on PvP servers.

Don't you have a line to wait in.

>alliance/horde territory

Attached: 1539249786776.jpg (526x423, 20K)

but i have a queue


Attached: 1523040170595.png (772x804, 414K)

>need safe zones to protect your fwee fwee's

Glad I never started playing this piece of crap.

>comparing real life with a virtual enviroment

if we go by irl comparisons, you also kill people in world pvp, how is that ok, but cutting into the line is very bad?

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Unless one of those players attacks an Horde they cannot be targeted.

You could get there and park on top of the quest mob so the retards that don't know how to tab could missclick you, been there done that.

Lol what a missed opportunity, isn't that what PvP servers are for?

>be me
>roll on a pve server
>not have to worry about some high level faggots ganking me
>there hasn't been any ques on my server, not even at launch
>constantly medium/high and still enough people
>shit like this doesnt happen
Feels good not to be some brainless mainstream cuck

It's only the starting zones. Once you're past level 18ish you're entirely in free pvp territory. Levelling is actually really hard in certain populated zones because of it.

>man can't believe they changed VC
>chat can't stop talking about it for 15 min

>roll on a pve server
>Feels good not to be some brainless mainstream cuck

WoW was very casualized from the get-go when compared to old MMOs, yes.

>11-20 zones are assigned to one of the two factions. Other faction can’t initiate PvP in those zones, even on PvP servers.
wait what the fuck since when

well it's not the real experience if you can't have your loot stolen by a hunter at some point in the game

Any tips for wand macros?

>hurr durr it's world of WARcraft you noob, why don't you like being ganked by someone 10 lvl higher

>kill 20~ mobs in Felwood
>make one gold for 5~ minutes of work
>grind for a few hours and make 100 gold
>sell it to a chinese bot for $110
>he resells it for $7 per gold
>just fucking made $27.50/hr
I wonder how long I can profit off this, I might even want to cut out the middle man, these rates are insane.

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Context of the pic? Euro here.

>play on full pop server for days worth of play time
>have never seen one line
so when does Yea Forums become right?

Thanks for the (you)s you buttblasted 2016 election refugees

day fucking 1
you can fight but only with fags flagged as pvp

>tfw actively seek out these lines just to skip them
>don't even need to do the quest
>don't need to be there
>all those angry whispers
>all those report threats
>mfw these faggots think I'm going to get in trouble for playing the video game
0 repercussions

I lost ironfoe in BC to a priest on my pally tank. I d/c'ed during the last 10 seconds of the fight and came back to him looting it.

since ever? you can flag yourself for PvP in green zones but you can't be attacked if you aren't flagged
in yellow and red zones you are always flagged for PvP

>talking in memes

Attached: 1566909547374.png (454x520, 13K)

god damn, I haven't played this game since wotlk, but my first memory of vanilla is raiding redridge mountains as low levels

Is this server in india?

Attached: NJvOWVd.jpg (480x270, 89K)

that nigger is whispering himself

redridge is contested - yellow zone

>implying there isnt those idiot noobies who dont know about this and attack on sight, as well as the other naive idiots who think horde won't attack just because they are low level.

>t. someone who used to /AFK sit in westfall Moonbrook and bait groups fags into attacking me

Attached: meh.ro11980a.png (276x302, 102K)

>Tfw all cards expire this month
>They dont accept the card since it expires this month
>Havent recieved new ones on the mail yet

Fuck my life, i never get to play

Cant you just make a virtual card at your bank's website?

No, it's a meme thing that doesn't happen. Maybe on Nost launch were they had 10k+ people on one server layer? I'm on the most populated WoW server ever and despite the 9 fucking hour queue to join the server I've never waited for a quest mob up to level 52.

Naw man. All cards are in the mail but thanks to asshole post office workersor rather the paycuts (30%) they are about to have and executives get a raise, they are on strike till thursday.

yes, PvE is truly a thinking man's server.

>eastern finn
So basically a semi-ruskie.

If murdering meant that they'd respawn in like a minute and all in all would just waste a bit of time, i'd say they're tantamount, or arguably cutting line is worse since you're wasting a little time of a lot of people vs a small amount of time for one.

Red ridge is 15-25 not 11-20, so it’s contested. It’s one of the lowest level contested zones in the game, hence it’s popularity for ganking.

>resources like herbs and ore only stack to 10

So? It's still honor. Sure there is fun involved but I'd rather not piss off some horde that proceed to start attacking me every time they see me while I'm questing unless I actually get something out of it. But that's just my personal opinion.

>aah deus vult simulator... home.

But herbs stack to 20 user

I almost feel like rolling a druid and bully people but then I remember that you need macros to keep up and everyone is too busy grinding and running around doing quests to interact with you.