Resident Evil 8

Since playing 7 and RE2make what would Yea Forums like from Resident Evil 8?

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Ada and Leon

Basically RE2Remake 2

Everything from the REmake 2 just with a new story

This, also Jill

I doubt Capcom is going to do much with Jill anymore besides R3make which is bound to happen sooner or later

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RE3make. I'm one of the few people that loved RE3 and didn't care for the direction they went in RE4 very much.

Resident evil 4:2

I want RE3make for the triumphant return of best girl Jill.
For RE8, I'd like to see Helena come back from 6, I'd like to see Ashley come back from 4, and most of all I want to understand why the fuck Chris was working for Umbrella at the end of 7.

Tamara from rev2 as main charecter.

Nikolay and Hunk as playable characters. Also details to what happened to Carlos and Billy from re0.

Nah kusoge

REmake2 style, or REmake1 style.
As long as it's not first-person.

evil within?

Why not first person? RE7 is the most unnerving game in the series cause of it.

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Make it first person and don't turn into an action game for the final third

I for one would welcome a return of wacky QTEs

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no fuck off

I want REmake 2’s formula to be what drives the series for the next decade or so. REmake 3 or RE8 in the style of REmake 2 (including zombies and shit), I’m good with either.

Evil Within was missing RE4 campiness.

>he didn't like knife fighting with Krauser

bakers were cool. mansion was cool. moulded were garbage. the zombies in RE2 were outstanding so more of those.

Actual zombies instead of black jizz monsters for RE8. Better alternate routes for REmake 3.

I don't mind a little camp, but I don't want the camp to go full retard like 6. It removes any of the horror. Even if 4 and 5 aren't really horror to begin with.

Jill no! Don’t open that door!

I think 7 had a good balance of camp and horror with Jack and Lucas

>aren't really horror to begin with.

The only actually scary parts are Verdugo and the regenerators the rest of the game is campy action

>this is a character in a horror game

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Capcom taking another shot at the CUHRAZYY shooter formula they've got lying around just to piss off nerds that hate fun
RE6 is one of the best shooters of all time and it didn't deserve the shit it got

Midgets are creepy

All the qtes really really hurt the game a lot.


>Takes place in a small lab facility located in some bumfuck mountains somewhere just like Spencer Mansion
>First Person
>Actual item management
>No fancy rocket launchers or grenades at the end of the game that make all enemies and bosses a breeze

The game was just way too long and had atrocious pacing

You're trash.

No 6 is a terrible game that nearly killed the series
Fuck you

it wasn't a shooter, it's a beat-em-up game.

it's a solid evolution on the RE4/5 gameplay and doesn't deserve the shit it gets.

I'll play No Hope Leon/Helena with ya bud.

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>All of the classic RE girls are old now

I'd rather RE8 have a new cast. Keep Jill, Claire, and Becca in the 90s. Maybe we can get some Revelations games in around 90s/00s.

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I think I disliked 7 more than I disliked 6, as awful as that sounds.

It's been a lifetime since I played 2, but I liked that REmake2 increased zombie survivability since I always felt that 2 gave you waaaaaaay too much ammo compared to 1.

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I'm with you, I can at least have fun with RE6, but RE7 just feels like a no fun zone all thought out the game.

The franchise should branch into Resident Evil (Survival Horror) and Biohazard (CUHRAZY shoot-em up)

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I would like a game with Leon and Jill. It would also be interesting for Ashley or Billy to somehow be reintroduced but im not sure how

i am maximum shooter zoom zoom baby and even i cant fucking stand RE6, i do like 5 though

>Rental store used to charge by day
>Very expensive to rent a game for more than 1 day
>Rent REmake, loved what I could play of it because it scared me so badly that I couldn't play much of it at a time
>End up reading walkthrough for game on Gamefaqs after I returned it because I was a poor boy
>Was used to 2 where ammo came in boxes
>Didn't know what a handgun magazine was
>Couldn't understand why there were so many books about handguns in this mansion

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Sort of but I'm used to them after 4 and 5 desu
It's 4 different campaigns in one, and while it does have some issues the pacing is honestly pretty smooth throughout.
Only one part of 4 was an actual beat em up. The other 3 were primarily focused on the shooting.
But yeah I'm up for it
Fuck off nerds
I hope we eventually get an actual sequel to 6 and it's super fanservicey, pandering to the lowest denominator, and stupidly fun
Like "the entire point of the game is doing well to get really stupid and slutty outfits for all the girls" kind of stupid fun
Not keeping that branch of RE alive at least through spinoffs is a mistake

The game does have some pretty unsettling environments and can get pretty tense whenever it tries to overwhelm you with enemies, which it often does. Works even more if you actually like Ashley. They could have made a really terrifying game if they showed some consequences for her getting captured, player would be driven to protect her like crazy

Get out

First person, low ammo, iron sights, in a small misty remote village in a mountain near a lake, the virus accidentally got unleashed, your job is to escape, from the town, dont make it open world.
Either a Male or female private investigator



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I don't know why, but re7 does not remind me of a resident evil game. re1 was slow, but this game felt like a chore. It's def better then 6 though

REmake2 gameplay, story is you are a security guard sleeping on the jop in the 15th-20th floor of a skyscraper when the infection breaks out. The game is centered around making it down to the bottom floor of the building that has zombies in it, and the building is set up like this so there is some outdoors sections. A lot of different floors means a lot of different area types.

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Just let me play as chad Redfield in first person again the dlc for 7 was great

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I just want Outbreak 3.

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Continue the plot from 7 (or 6, I would genuinely love to see the more serious Capcom of RE7 and RE2R try to rationalize all the shit that went down in that game) and develop the Bio-Weapon people subplot, but just keep stuff generally small-ish scale like in 0, 1, 4 or 7 doesn't need to take place in some massive city or be a globe trotting adventure.


Leon and Ada in an interesting setting, both of then being the only playable characters, that never been done besides RE4, but it was half-assed.

Replaying it after REmake2, it was pretty clear they were trying to execute a very specific and scripted experience, especially with the story. Its considerably more linear and on rails than I remember it being the first time around. I think a lot of the gameplay in REmake2 owes A LOT to RE7, but it’s definitely not as good overall.

the campiness of RE4 is more about the gameplay than the setting and the story. I think las plagas is a creepy concept and it's a shame that they did changed it to a magical transformation potion in RE5, the carrier humans living as a being controlled by a swarm intelligence concept was much more interesting. also stuff like inbreed nobles or cults aren't inherently funny. suplexing them is funny, though.

Just do RE6 again where you have 3 games

Route A is over the shoulder action like RE4/5
Route B is first person detective stuff
Route C is splitting the difference with fixed camera angles like REmake2

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7 was still probably the spookiest RE game, or at least up to Margaret. REmake 2 had it's moments, but it was mainly just jumpscares such as zombies hiding around corners or Tyrant bursting through walls.

Nah the villains are complete jokes and Leon cracks one liners the entire game
Add in goofy quick time events like running from a boulder or dodging lasers and the game just isn't scary

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I found 7 a bore and it just forced action anyway.

not really, Remake is more unnerving.

It deserves the shit it gets and more.

Monster design in 7 felt pretty weak comparatively

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7 would be my favorite game if it didn't fall apart during the final third as it is Remake 2 and 4 are better games
Chris's dlc did redeem it a little though

>You're right hand comes off
>The miracle never happen
What is with Capcom and typos in punchlines

Although my favorite modern RE is REmake 2, I would like to see RE game with new characters, new enemies and new story but with core gameplay mechanics of the classics or REmake 2, let's move on but with respect.

Bring back based mother fucking Billy Coen.

fpbp. Capcom if you're listening. the fans want leonxada.

I don't fucking know.

RE7 was decent, but lacked in enemy variety and falls off once you leave the house. REmake starts off great in RPD, but is forgettable afterwards.

So, I don't expect much and don't know what I'd like.

I never played Outbreak but I see it praised all the time. Redpill me on why it was so good.

why? the only bad thing about it is that you can't slut it up as sherry in anything but mercenaries

I want it to play like REmake2 and i want it to star some of the many already existing characters instead of terrible new ones like ethan, remake2 basically fixed all the issues I had with 7 the next one just needs a bigger budget

Same for me, also I can't decide if FP or TP is better, each one has its strengths.

REmake is the perfect game to play after years of beating the original as a kid and see how everything is more creepy, menacing and scarier. It's your second chance to experience the horror again for the first time.

RE7 was incredibly underrated. The first half of the game was possibly the best survival horror game ever made.

this nothing to do with horror which should be the appeal of the saga.

>RE7 was incredibly underrated.
lol how, people sucked it's dick nonstop


Characters and ost.
Cool game.

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Underrated on Yea Forums maybe but outside of it most people really liked it
It's the game that saved the series

It was great, I truly appreciate the first half of the game(once you reach Lucas area the game loses tons quality), but it's no masterpiece, it literally replicates the mansion level design, the things is that we were used to subpar RE titles for eons and 7 is the one which restored the saga.

If the horror to action scale looks something like:
REmake - REmake2 - RE4 - RE5/6
then I want something in between REmake2 and RE4, and I want Leon, Ada, Chris, Clair and Jill. Fuck everything about RE7.

No more whatever RE7 did, that was shit

RE7 was a cute side game but it should have been treated like Outbreak instead of a numbered sequel

Its a good game but i hate the fact that its a numbered game
It feels like a completely different game with "RE7" unnecessarily slapped onto it.
They should have just slapped a subtitle like Revelations did

Yeah Revelations 1 and 2 were pretty cool but were obvious side games, RE7 should have been the same.

rebecca and jill
and a good game

7 is literally just a classic RE game but in first person you niggas have shit taste

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nah, the chainsaw fight threw that shit out the window and it went full retard after that

I want to fuck Claire!

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It would be if there were zombies, the mansion part was longer and the map was bigger with a lot of backtracking.

that's not how you spell "Chris and Piers"

That fight was groovy what was the problem

Except for enemy design, combat, there characters, and the constant fucking taking away of player control to turn the camera away then slowly pan back for jump scares, sure. It takes place in a big house so it's basically the same thing.

Nothing about RE7 was classic RE other than it being shit

The problem is it's nothing like "classic RE"

Play RE7 and REmake back to back.

wow literally the same game but in first person

RE5 was the best coop game of all time.

I want another.

Billy died on the way to his home planet.

Seriously though I'd at least like just a file or a name drop showing he got out of Arklay alive.

no RE is meant to be scary not coop action fun you mong, people like you is what ruined the series

>enemy design
I'll give it to you the game suffered from a lack of enemy variety
The first person view is much better than fixed camera angles and the molded plus the bosses are decent enough to fight, about average quality for the series
Ethan and Mia are weak but the Bakers are great, Jack especially
>constant fucking taking away of player control to turn the camera away
This only happened in the opening once the game proper actually started this never happened again

As a longtime REfag, 6 is the lowest the mainline has ever gotten. It was too long with too little good going on for it. No matter how good the combat is, you can't defend the enemy reactions (or lack thereof) and poor level design, in addition to Leon and Ada just having ass campaigns in general.

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I don't want resident evil 8. I want RE3make.

youre damn right

>no RE is meant to be scary
They intended RE1 to be an action game in the likes of american hollywood movies. The term "survival horror" was only attributed after the fact.

You're right it's better than classic RE it's one of the most memorable and fun fights in the series

I've also been a longtime REfag, and I'd say 0 is the mainline's lowest point, easily

>5 top tier
>6 near bottom

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>RER that low
>RE spinoff that was forced to be named 3 by higher ups at capcom that high
you disgust me, not to mention all the manga novel shit there, fucking nerd go to a library

>4 that low
>Code Veronica and 5 in top tier
I hope this is just bait

There's so many retards in the RE fanbase that I wouldn't be surprised someone is actually so fucking stupid they'd say RE0, REmake 2 and Outbreak are not only all just as good as each other but worse than RE3.

RE7 is the best PSVR game. I was skeptical about buying it because it was first person, aside from repetitive enemies I really enjoyed it. Aiming in VR honestly felt better than a controller and it was certainly scarier. I liked how much it played like old RE. The DLCs were great too, it was a lot of fun using the big albert, chris' finishers and punching shit as joe (I had no idea that was how EoZ worked, it was sick).

I don't give a shit about your faggy horror nonsense. There are better games than RE for that.

Capcom struck utter gold in RE5 coop and I want more. 6 was fun but coop felt like an afterthought in that one.

>The first person view is much better
Opinion, and irrelevant given that the argument was that it's literally the same.

>Ethan and Mia are weak but the Bakers are great
One decent villain. RE has always had great villains.

>This only happened in the opening once
For about an hour.

This is very dishonest in reference to RE7's level design. A lot of the rooms in the house are locked behind the Crow and Snake keys, which you can't get while exploring it in your actual exploration time, and the main house layout in terms of level pacing is essentially a straight line, with only 3 dog heads, one you HAVE to get last. Not as many optional rooms as RE1.
It's comparable to RE2, sure, but that games was the most linear of the classics. It's was lightweight RE1.
REmake 2 is far more classic RE.
I honestly just force 0 out of my mind. Can't remember for the life of me why I put it in the second highest tier, it is the bread with "I Can't Believe it's Not Butter" of classic RE. So fucking bland.
5: Gold Edition is genuinely one of the most fun action game experiences I've had in modern RE. It feels like an enhanced version of 4 but better looking and runs better on modern consoles. The simple addition of a quick swap and live item selection improves the game a lot, and I never really minded Sheva, speaking as a person who beat the game 4 times and has a platinum trophy on PS4 (meaning I dealt with that AI on Professional).
Revelations sucked. Aimlessly walking on a boat in a game that plays like 6 with none of the depth in combat and some awful enemy types.
RE3 is good, I don't know where this contrarianism is coming from. Are you that sperg that went on about how people who call CODE:Veronica "CVX" aren't real fans or some nonsense last week?
The manga is also canonical and the second one is pretty good.
I didn't like 4 that much. The village section is complete gold but the Castle not only drags but feels drab. Feels like they were just throwing shit at the wall just because they could. The Island is also fairly forgettable, I only remember it because of Assignment Ada.
I would move CVX down if I were to edit the list though. I think I came off an orgasmic replay at the time of making.

Re3 REmake in the style of REmake 1

As long as they keep the tension, thick atmosphere, and item management of 7 I'm open to anything. I wouldn't even mind if they stuck to first person.

>5 that high
>shits on 6
6 literally had superior level design, like 6 times the enemy variety and each scenario was far more engaging and varied despite the actual plot outside fanservice and character interactions being trash
and no, the combat being good kind of makes the game since that's like 90% of what your playtime is sunk on

Only if they call it REmake 3 and it's actually CV.

Why not make a new franchise using RE6 as a base?

That's how we got DMC in the first place.

>tension, thick atmosphere
You sound like a massive faggot. 7 was trash.

I wouldn't mind another first person installment. I thought it was a nice change of pace, and a rare slow paced AAA first person shooter.

But with actual zombies this time instead of worm monsters.

You missed the reason why I said the combat being good didn't matter.
6 can have all the enemy types it wants. It doesn't change the fact that most of them don't react to your bullets hitting them 9 times out of 10. It also doesn't change the fact that enemies with guns can immediately take you out of the flow of combat by knocking you on your ass, forcing you to slow down and take cover.
The game is at its best in Mercs, not in the 4 campaigns that make up the bulk of its content.

>the argument was that it's literally the same
The argument was that it's classic Resident Evil design BUT in first person, which makes for objectively superior combat

You are entitled to your opinions but I think they suck.

I honestly think that RE7 has a few of the best bosses in the series, say what you will about the enemies being slime monsters instead of actual zombies.

The granny fight was great, and for being so early on, the garage fight was surprisingly in depth.

No, he said that it's literally the same save the first person perspective. Besides, the combat is worse. Aiming utility means nothing when you lose mobility and field of view, plus any sort of melee combat in first person is objective trash.

How am I wrong? It builds off the best qualities of REmake's atmosphere.

They react pretty consistently if you shoot the right parts, and it also varied depending on the enemy type. It's also done as a balancing thing considering if enemies staggered as easily as they did in 5 despite you being able to move and shoot at the same time the game would have no difficulty at all. Ranged enemies also existed in RE5, and the better you get at actually fighting shit in 6 the less human enemies are a bother desu
Basically get good, the game isn't RE5 but it's a legitimate improvement in many ways and even more cathartic once you become proficient at it


>any sort of melee combat in first person is objective tra-

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More emphasis on spooky atmosphere... also improving the BGM would help a lot. It was kind of weak in those two, whereas REmake has goat BGM.

I didn't play Dead Aim till 2015, REmake until a full decade after its release and all the modern games on their date of release, and those titles are in the Top 2 tiers.

>combat is worse
Come on let's be real here the combat in the old games wasn't very good you just had to aim in a zombie's general direction and hope you land a crit
Now you have full control of aiming and can move just as fast and skilled aiming is rewarded by landing crits
Field of view doesn't matter since the majority of the time you're in narrow hallways and smaller rooms

Glad to see others agree. Every time I have ever tried to play through 0, I always end up losing interest at some point, even when I go in with the intent to play through it. The train section is great, Rebecca is cute, graphics are just as fantastic as REmake's, but for whatever reason this game loses its luster fast.

It's difficult for me to pin down what turns me off from it compared to the other classic styled RE games, I love all the others. I'm a goddamn Code Veronica apologist (and proud of it), and yet there's simply something about 0 that just doesn't work.

Hunk.. I want Hunk. I understand that a game about infiltrating infected areas and obtaining/eliminating whatever a corporation tells you to isn't mainline title material and i understand they attempted that kinda with operation raccoon city. But i want it done properly.
I feel that chris and most of the main cast should be retired soon, although I'd like Jill to have one last hurrah. Other than that, just improve on Remake2 and it'll be great. I'd actually like a RE3 remake first though.

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I admit I want Sheva back.

i know everyone wanted Jill for RE5, but Sheva grew on me a lot, so it would be cool if she came back in a major role at least one more time.

Shitty inventory system, lame bosses, dumb plot even by RE standards, some really annoying enemies. Plenty of reasons 0 doesn't work.

it's because everything after the train is a slog
design-wise, most of the enemies are trash
settings-wise, it's like REmake with an identity crisis
story-wise, it's outright contradictory
gameplay-wise, it's a slog because of the fucking inventory system

I respect the amount of work they put in to the HD remaster for 0 but at the end of the day it's still RE0, and no number of best girl protags or cool train levels are gonna change taht

>you just had to aim in a zombie's general direction and hope you land a crit
It was still better than watered down fps combat, and the third person games were all much better.

>Now you have full control of aiming and can move just as fast
No, that would 4, 5 and 6.

>Field of view doesn't matter since the majority of the time you're in narrow hallways and smaller rooms
Which is shit design because it forces the whole game into being narrow corridors.

And you forgot to try to defend the shit melee.

I want them to remake 3 and Code Veronica before 8 as those are the last games that need remakes

>It builds off the best qualities of REmake's atmosphere.
Severely limiting what you can see and filling the game with jumpscares and scripted segments?

Semi sandbox. Not full sandbox, not full open world, but like the police station or the mansion but on a larger scale. Capcom used to be gods of having a medium-sized but very well designed setting that opened up and changed throughout a game. These days they just seem to have that in very small segments and the rest is just corridors bridging set pieces.

I think the main cast should stay in side titles like revelations to let new charaters take over, otherwise you'll just get rev 6 again.
The train level and rebecca is worth it. Also the leech idea wasn't bad, i mean the enemy type not the retarded clone thing.
Since cv was originally meant to be 3, do you think they'll remake that first or nemesis?

>Since cv was originally meant to be 3, do you think they'll remake that first or nemesis?

Probably Nemesis due to its branding as 3 and I feel it is much more popular

I would've liked Code Veronica more if you never had to play as Chris. Fuck Chris.

RE6 deserves the shit it got. The core gunplay is fantastic, but the campaign is shit filled with QTEs and dumb set pieces and vehicle sections, and the level design is shit and the enemies are shit which really hurts merc mode. They should take the core mechanics and make something new instead, bridging the gap between RE and DMC while still doing its own thing.

RE3 is a no brainer. There'd be plenty of Raccoon City assets they could reuse from RE2make and it'd probably be relatively easy to expand upon Mr. X's gameplay for Nemesis. I would be genuinely surprised if one of the big RE game announcement wasn't R3make. That said, I still would love a CV remake eventually, but RE3 just makes way more sense.

You wish

We still have normie retards going for the ´´Muh Outlast`` shity argument until today

Yea Forums actually liking RE7 is still one of my biggest surprises i have around here

I love both as well and I know nemisis is more iconic anyway. But i was thinking if there was anybody left from the original team for CV they might be salty enough over the name chage to push for a remake first. I don't think so though and the director Hiroki Kato (who gave us vanquish and godhand funfact) left to become a farmer years ago.

RE8 should have:
RE7 Atmosphere and tone with REmake2 gameplay
Stars Jill Valentine and anyone else except Chris or Leon
Everyone that asked for another Leon game get Anthrax in his copy

Kato was a great game designer and by all accounts a really cool dude, but Mikami gave us Vanquish and God Hand, Kato helped as part of his team but he wasn't the driving force behind them.


I want to experience laughing my ass off at this in game again

Nemesis will get made first not just because of being more iconic but because of the opportunity to reuse assets for both Raccoon City and Tyrant, same as when they first released.

There's just something about Jill that really works for a horror setting I wish rev1 was just her on the boat.
To bring her back after all doing all that ninja shit in 5 would be hard although story wise would make sense since she's immune to pretty much everything now.

RE7 was so goddamn boring, fuck.

Had to play that cuck trying to find his uncanny valley wife with the hair that looked like it was glued on. Fuck that game.

Didn't they say they made significantly more of Raccoon City than what was actually going to be used in RE2? Some of that is definitely for Project REsistance/Outbreak but there's no way in hell Capcom isn't planning a remake of 3 at the same time. Hell RE2 clearly has hints towards it to begin with, like the shattered wall in the RPD locker room.

>RE7 Atmosphere and tone
>except Chris or Leon

>Code Veronica and Zero that high

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Something completely new story-wise, but with the same gameplay and aesthetic sensibility as the RE2 remake. Also, does anyone know why Capcom pissed away the mountain of good will they had accumulated after the launch of RE2? They gave us Ghost Survivors (thanks!) and then bailed.

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>CVX among the best
>CV among the worst

explain this to me

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I own Resident Evil 1 Remake, Resident evil 2 remake and 4. Are any others on PC worth playing? Might try 0 and own Revelations 1 but dunno about that one.

Gun Survivor 2 =/= CVX

0 is like REmake, but you leave all of your gear on the floor, which makes the game really annoying.

I really liked Revelations 1. It tries to balance Classic RE gameplay with RE4 gunplay. It has one of the best Raid mode too.

Attached: BioR1-Resident_Evil_Revelations_Norman_grabs_Jessica.webm (720x404, 2.22M)

>45+ yo Jill Valentine

You don't want to see that

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I was hoping for a proper paid dlc for RE2make. More specifically an Elza campaign.

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what does gold RE5 add that makes it so great, aside from barry saying "I HAVE THIS?" in mercenaries, which, admittedly, is great.

She get wesker virus dna, she like immortal now.

More Mercs characters and maps, Separate Ways, Desperate Escape, some multiplayer shit, but I list Gold Edition as a way to list the rerelease that runs at 60FPS on PS4.
It also has move support on PS3, literally only on the Gold Edition

Its just the two dlc campaigns (Lost in Nightmares, Desperate Escape), some new costumes, and collectible figurines.

Separate Ways is RE4

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I want a game featuring a duo we haven't seen before.
And I don't mean two new characters, but two existing characters that have barely interacted before in a main series game.

Leon and Chris
Jill and Claire
Jill and Leon
Leon and Rebbecca
Rebbecca and Jill
Ada and Chris

Something new from something old, idk.

I was fully expecting more ghost survivor characters.
Marvin, Annette and Irons all have voiced lines for being playable characters. They could've come up with interesting scenarios for them.

Equally strange that Ada and Sherry didn't get some sort of additional campaign. They both have unique gameplay styles that only barely got used within the main game.

Meant to say Lost in Nightmares.

Lol being a dumb kid was fun

>I doubt Capcom is going to do much with Jill anymore

Jill is the most popular female in the franchise, and the second most popular player character overall behind Leon. Which is why them always pushing Chris so fucking hard confuses me, especially now that Wesker is fucking dead, which for a while there was the entire focus of Chris's character.

>Leon and Chris
"Hey dude, so what do you think of my sister?"

>Ada and Chris
"Stay away from Leon, you slant-eyed slut."

and then that worked for years you braindead fuck, think for a sec

Can I skip 0?

Will we ever see him again?

Attached: lonely wesker.jpg (312x647, 35K)

>5 top tier
>4 in low tier
>original trilogy and REMake in god tier
i like you

I would like it to be a remake of Dino Crisis

Probably. Capcom realizes they fucked up killing him off when they did.
Umbrella Corps was hinting at him still being alive (or a clone of him), but that might not even be canon anymore so who the fuck really knows.

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Yeah. 0 is pretty pointless.

There is no point in playing Revelations 1 either if you haven't played RE5 since it takes place between 5 and 6.

If I were you, I'd just emulate RE3 and CVX (Gamecube versions)

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>Which is why them always pushing Chris so fucking hard confuses me
Chris is the main character of the series

That would be cool but it would most likely suck

>another decade of ots shooters
Fuck off

I liked RE3 a lot. It had good atmosphere.

I disagree
Jack was too much of a fucking meme to be unnerving.
His wife wasn't scary the moment you realize she patrols a total of three hallways.
His son was just a trash talking faggot and at no point was there any tension.
The molded were only scary for a very short time in the basement and then stopped once you realized there was a finite number of them. By the time you get to the boat, there's a short period of time where it's tense, but that tension goes away as soon as they give you a machine gun. Yippe mother fucking Ki-Yay.

RE7 played all of it's scary cards way too early. Shit, even in the DLC they gave up on being scary once they let you play as Chris. The very knowledge that you're playing as the man who killed Albert Wesker and are walking through those mines armed to the fucking teeth is enough to remove MOST of the tension. And then they step it up and give you DLC where you play as Bayou Doomguy running around ripping and tearing Molded to death with his bare hands in between bouts of bare knuckle fisticuffs with his Swamp Thing brother.

Leon and ada

Retards of a feather.

I've been trying to get a S+ in hardcore for the most part of today, and its fucking annoying how absolutely cancer the Police Station is. Too some many tries doing a "perfect" run of the police station meanwhile I cleared the Swear and NEST on my first go without a single fucking problem.

how old are leon and ada now? they're both in their forties right?

>Chris is the main character of the series

That's debatable.
Leon is a clear contender. They've both had more or less the same number of appearances as far as games that matter are concerned.
It's also clear that they went through a weird period early on where they couldn't decide who the main character was, which is probably why Chris, Jill, Leon, and Claire appear more frequently than anyone else.

In re6 Leon is 37 and ada is 40 so it’s now or never for them

fucking hell
resident evil 6 was a mistake. a whole lot of wasted opportunities i tell you

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play the original 98 RE 2 for the pure campy cheese factor and the tofu scenarios.

At least they had some cute scenes together, though this does remind me, I’m still not sure to this day what she saw in that lab that made her go all Rambo in her ending. I always assumed it was a Leon clone

The series was about Umbrella vs STARS though and then they brought Wesker back in CV so the Chris vs Wesker dominated

Leon has always been in games that don't push the overall storyline. Even the creators said 4 has a weak connection to prior games and feels more like a spinoff lore wise


>more than 100 playable characters

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I liked RE7 when I played it felt like a classic resident evil , even though it was in first person. I really don't know what to say to people that don't think so

>That's debatable.
Not really.
>Chris games are the ones that further the plot.
>Chris is the character with the long rivalry with the main antagonist
>Chris has been in the most game by a good amount.
Chris games: 1,CV,Remake,5,Rev1,6,7
Jill games: 1,3,Remake,5,Rev1
Leon games: 2,4,6,REmake2
Claire games: 2,CV,Rev2,REmake2
>Chris is used more as a guess characters and even replaced Jill as the RE rep for MvC
>Chris is the face of RE1, and is considered the canon route
>The first recurring character shown off in the new RE Engine was Chris
It's clear that the Devs hold Chris in higher regards than everyone else

Here are a list of ages for everyone that matters even slightly.

Chris: 46
Leon: 42
Jill: 45
Claire: 40
Ada: 45
Barry: 59

I will never understand why Capcom ages their characters in real time. If they want to keep using the same stable of main characters over and over again, they're going to have to stop doing that shit, and maybe even dial it back a bit and just treat Remake2 as a soft reboot, keep Remake 1 and 0 where they are, remake 3, and just start over after that without trying to match their character ages to the literal current real life year.
If RE8 is released in 2020 they'll almost certainly have it take place in 2020 because they're fucking stubborn. Shit, imagine if they decide to push it off for another 3-4 years and focus on a RE3 remake instead while they have so many of those currently reusable assets. By RE8 everyone will be at least 45 if not pushing 50.

I mean holy shit, how many more times are they going to drag poor Barry into this shit. He was past prime 15 fucking years ago.

Middle aged male heroes are the norm these days anyway. Females though...

>it felt like a classic resident evil
Movement is different. The map is linear comparatively in terms of progression available. Combat is completely different. Lots of cutscenes "blended" into the gameplay that just take control away for cinematics. Very cramped and dark to the point that you just can't see anything. Playable character is some shitty everyman.

What did it have in common with old games outside of shooting "zombies" and taking place in a big house?"

>Jill 45
>Claire 40
>ada 45

Trying to find keys and dying in 3-4 hits having to combine items actually using an inventory and key items again
and enemies being a threat ammo being low not knowing what's going on etc

Well firstly the Revelations games have already been going backwards in the timeline compared to other games that were already out. Secondly, if this series continues to actually be Resident Evil and never tries to rip off Gears of War again, it doesn't matter if the characters are older because your enemies are supposed to be slow and stupid mutant abominations, not ninja spec-ops. An experienced older person can face off with those no problem. It was good we got the shit games out of the way while the characters were still young enough to be overpowered superhero anime caricatures.

I hope so. I miss him so much.

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Honestly, they should bring Moria and Sherry out more.

No, middle aged male heroes were the norm back in the 1980's.
Look at most modern movies and video games now.
Modern movies are constantly digitally de-aging aging actors so they don't look as old. Or they just get Keanu Reeves for roles because he's some kind of immortal daywalking vampire.
And for video games, they always create these "Daddy" characters that say 45-55 in their biographies, but physically look no older than 35.

Will they ever use her again?

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Why does everything have to be a fps or ots 3ps for you zoomer quadroons?

Leon, I'll ask you nicely just this once: PLEASE impregnate my sister. Claire is so fertile that you can smell her ovulating through your screen. This is the Redfield legacy at stake here. Do the right thing.

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to be like evil within

I've still haven't see this movie yet. Is it any good?

>it doesn't matter if the characters are older because your enemies are supposed to be slow and stupid mutant abominations

Nigger the very first BOW our main protagonists in the first game of the series encounter, even before you take control of them, are fast moving doggos.

>Trying to find keys
Not unique to RE, and the old games were more open ended in key finding.

>dying in 3-4 hits having to combine items actually using an inventory
What? Pretty much every game has this.

>and enemies being a threat ammo being low
Only the action games didn't do this.

Like everyone who pretends 7 had the feel of the older games, you're an idiot who ignores all of the mechanics that actually made RE games what they were and focus on a few superficial things.

I want the main cast to have resolutions to their fucking lovelives and family situations. Like c’mon they’re all in their 30s or 40s now, let them have kids capcom. Just make a retcon and say they’ve been fucking for a while idk.

>wesker: you will give me an egg!

Yeah and look at how slowly those literally blind fucks sneak in the actual gameplay

I enjoyed it. It's definitely better than the live action films. It's only 20 minutes long and on Youtube so why not see for yourself?

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Eh whatever when I played it feelings of the old re games were evoked out of me and you can't take that away

>RE8 starts
>Ada introduces Leon to his happa son from that one time they forgot to use a condom
>Play as Leon teaching his son how to be awesome
>Remainder of the game is played as Leon's son
>Leon's son actually fucks Ashley-oneesan

>I saw keys and I'm an idiot so I felt like I was playing RE despite the level design and mechanics and story and tone all being completely different
Good for you.

>better than the live action movies
I dont know man, those movies are so bad they're good kino.
I honestly like then more than the CGI movies because at least these shitty movies arent canon to the games.

You are very unpleasant

>if you haven't played RE5
REv 1 takes place between 4 and 5 and is utterly pointless. Nothing you learn in the game actually matters or recontextualizes events. The only thing that sort of matters is Parker's existence for the manga.
REv2 takes place between 5 and 6 and continues off of a loose end from 5 and lays the groundwork for the next major villain

And you're an idiot. What's your point?

Could just cut it down to 2 with REmake style and RE4-6 style

Guys they're not going to lynch me right? As long as I stay quiet, I can trust them?

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I changed my mind I like you

To not be like VII and to be like RE2make.

Code Veronica remake is gonna be named RE Revelations 0 and will be similar to the revelations mechanics.

wasnt chris just being borrowed by blue umbrella to help out with the Evelin problem

They should have just done that in the CGI movies. I don't want to play a RE game with a heavy romance subplot in it, especially if you're ever playing as the girl

>We'll never get the "hookman" version of 4

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they can smell your stink

Yeah, I've been replaying REmake2 and I forgot how retarded these fuckers were. If you accidentally disturbed them, just walk out and re-enter the room

In other words, real cutscenes instead of first person ones that are also skippable and no boring mandatory linear boat section.

I'm more upset that we will never see what 1.5 was. I would love them to turn Elza into a real character.

I can understand that.

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>I am forgotten

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RE8 is gonna be IN SPACE, with Leon killing AyyLMAO zombie-parasites.

Meh. I'm just glad that Vendetta made it official that Rebecca is alive outside some alternate timeline books nobody has read.

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nothing like 7
no coop campaign shit, just the separate mercenaries or raid mode.
keep it third person
no fucking character switching shit
no REmake 2's pointless route a and b laziness
keep the spooky shit scientific, even if it's ridiculous science, I don't want none of this "vague is it paranormal or not" shit
find an excuse to shove a mansion into the story, idc how, cause if you can always find a way to shove a fucking tanker in the game, you can shove a goddamn mansion in there as well.
bring back older characters that were barely fleshed out, instead of constantly introducing new ones and never doing anything with them afterwards, flesh them out, give them a full arc then retire them or kill them, don't just leave it up in the air for years.
focus back on the main resievil story, idc how ridiculousit gets, I want to see what happens after 6's story, not a swamp. no more breadcrumbs about the new umbrella, just tell me what's happeningin the world of RE, get back on track with the cheesy resevil stories while keeping the REmake 2 gameplay and atmosphere...and with a dodge button.

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Vendetta is the biggest slap to the face to the series
>Leon killing civilians
>Retarded rail cannon blowing up half the town
>Zombification being cured
It's like they went our od their way to completely rape RE's lore.

Everything in this post is correct.

I’m really curious to see what Capcom is gonna do with the RE3make, if is gonna be a PS5/next gen exclusive I expect much large areas to explore.

It's the RE Zero of the movies and I like it and hate it for the same reasons.

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>Spanish weaker
>rebecca now a full grown woman
>Chris/Leon dick measuring contest and manly shit
>wacky wedding bride shit
>weird henchmen
this movie should've been Resident Evil 6, it's a better version of 6 in every way.

>Rebecca gets her own game
>worst mainline game in the series
>Rebecca returns for a CGI movie
>Worst RE movie in the series
It's like the creators is going out of their way to make her look terrible, and I love it.

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There's a reason why Mikami hated her.

>to make her look terrible
Did a pretty horrible job at making her "look terrible". Wanna ruin Rebecca? Look at her face in the HD remaster of Zero. That's how you make her look terrible.

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>worst mainline game in the series
RE Zero tried to be a Resident Evil game with some new ideas but the execution was poor, so it ended up being a Resident Evil game that's not very fun to play. But Resident Evil 4, 5 and 6 never tried to be Resident Evil and succeeded. If there's one way to be the worst Resident Evil game, it's definitely not trying and partially failing. It absolutely is one of the variations of never trying at all. Probably 6.

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No goblino faces.

Why would Ashley come back? She never got any training for fighting or latent super powers like Sherry and was probably wrapped in titanium reinforced bubblewrap and locked in a basement after the Plaga incident.

user, you can.

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Even Lott and Lily in Survivor would be more capable BOW fighters than Ashley. Those kids actually did something against the monsters unlike Ashley who did jack shit when Leon was around and just got captured when he wasn't.
And yeah, Survivor is very canon despite being a ridiculous game.

I hate the "RE0 tried be like traditional RE games, so or should get a pass" argument.
I do not give a fuck that it tries to be a traditional RE game, it still fucking garbage. I would gladly play RE4-RE6 any day before even looking at RE0. Hell, you can take Halo, rename to something retarded like Resident Evil in space, not change a single thing about it, and I would still think it's a better RE game than 0.
RE0 shows that if you fucked up the RE formula, you get a terrible game.

He said he wanted to fuck Claire, not some ugly bitxh cosplaying as Claire.

>you can take Halo, rename to something retarded like Resident Evil in space, not change a single thing about it, and I would still think it's a better RE game than 0.
If you think this you're just retarded. Getting parts of a formula wrong and producing a game that fails to deliver what it promises is one thing. Getting absolutely every single part wrong by deliberately making a different game in every aspect makes it an objectively worse game of the series it claims to represent. You don't fucking slap a Need for Speed logo and a sequel numeral on a 4X Strategy game and call it a good NFS sequel just because it happens to function as a 4X decently.

you literally can

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Then again if they are going with the fish out of water scenario like 7 (and technically REmake2 too) over super agents doing missions like RE4-6 then Ashley would be suffiently clueless protagonist.

They could combine the prologue of 6 with the backstory of 4 and have an organization do a B.O.W attack in order to capture Ashley but instead of Leon saving the day the target mans up and beats the shit out of everyone.

You're missing the point.
The point is, playing a game thats different but good is way more preferable than playing something a game that samey but terrible.
I dont care how much its trying to bring like the original game, I rather play something good than something terrible.

>Auto saves
>unlimited saves
>item pickup prompts
>magic pills that reveal hidden items
>shit "puzzles"
>cringe writing with tons of F-bombs
>literal walking sim and run/hide sections
>shit enemies
>DLC outta ass
>zero replayability which is horrific for re
You proceed through the house in a very linear, pre-determined way, with no variation of any sort on later playthroughs. You are also funneled to the save rooms, and the game also uses automatic checkpoint saves on almost each door. There's no mapping out the environment, figuring out the most effective and safest routes to destination, no nothing. It's like a middle-school festival's cardboard & bubblegum mimickry of RE1's mansion AT BEST.

Combat is nerfed to hell, part thanks to the idiotic VR focus, part because modern gamers are casual morons who'd literally just want to disable enemies entirely. They wobble towards you slooowly, stop in front of your face, then start their slooow telegraphing of incoming attack... which you can almost completely block with your puny hands. Rinse and repeat.

And what about "the spooks"? Oogabooga, ugly fag yelling at your screen! This is soo spooky in VR!!

The only positive thing I can think of to say about the game is at least it's not DEmake 2

Then you have no investment in the franchise and should get the fuck out before your opinion adversely affects it.

Is that Virt a Mate? Something looks wrong about it. It's like not rigged correctly for her face or something

Attached: real face.jpg (1080x1080, 111K)

Was wondering when you were gonna show up, based.

>The only positive thing I can think of to say about the game is at least it's not DEmake 2
And you were doing so well.

yeah, it's just someone's attempt to recreate it in VAM, pretty sure it's the same polys/textures, but you're right, the face bones probably don't translate well between games.

>magic pills that reveal hidden items
Firstly they're optional and you can strip them for raw materials. Secondly, RE7 has full range first person object interactivity, meaning that you have to actually find and point at things and press activate to pick them up. Things that do not glimmer or glow. Compare that to nearly all the RE games that came before RE7 where not only do objects glint, but all you need to do is mash the interact key and your character will automatically find everything and pick them up. It's much harder to find and pick up anything in RE7 because of the vast increase in range of hiding places and the precision of the interaction in first person. I still didn't use the damn pills, I'd rather have the materials, but when you use one of those things you're just making objects temporarily exactly as easy to find as they were in RE2 or RE3 constantly.

>you have no investment to the series
Fucking kill yourself, you shit taste having faggot
>inb4 wheres Rev1 and REmake 2
I got them both digitally

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Well yeah, Ashley could play the same as the civilian survivors in Outbreak. They don't have military training, just some special skills of their own. She might not be able to fight off a hunter with a knife like Chris but she could still take a beretta and point and shoot. That's what Heather Mason did in SH3.

The videos started off great and descended into autism real quick

Ironic. You literally admitted that you don't give a shit what you're playing as long as it's got a name on the title. I can't think of a better candidate for suicide than someone that apathetic.

I remember her running around with a katana slicing up nightmatre mutants.

Resident evil 7 but more enemy variety would be pretty great

I want more DLC for RE2.

Add solid snake desu

Well, anything you face off with in Silent Hill is a horror of your own making that can't exceed your own strength because you made it. But I suppose with that she still is a bad example.

Spotting items in old games is especially jarring in those few places where visibility is an actual factor. Like shooting the flare to spot key in RE2 (iirc) when you've already gone through most of the game finding relevant shit from half eaten corpses and piles of debris.

Did they ever say why 7 had low enemy variety? Did they run out of budget or something?

I said that I dont care about how a game played, just that it's good. You're the one that said
>RE0 is bad but because it plays like a RE """""Traditional"""""" RE game, I'm forced to like it
Kill yourself.

user, you tried saying he's not a fan of the series because he cares about quality of the games over convention at the expense of quality. Unless you've got a collection bigger than his, all you're doing is making yourself look like more of a fool.

Damn that looks ghoulish. Reminds me of some thots in high school with overt makeup making their looks as lifeless as their soul.

You just keep doubling down on the fact that you don't care about Resident Evil, only well made games in generel. You're the reason we got RE5 and RE6. Because you didn't call RE4 out on its bullshit. Fuck off and take your own advice.
>Unless you've got a collection bigger than his, all you're doing is making yourself look like more of a fool.
That is the dumbest sentence on this thread. I'm literally arguing against someone who doesn't care what he plays. Why the fuck would I have a collection bigger than his if he buys anything and I only buy the games that try to be RE?

Your English reading comprehension is as nonexistent as your points about game design. Learn what the words you use mean, stupid ESLfag.

>playing the original release of RE1 for the first time
>Hunters take TWO magnum shots to kill

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Your projection is amazing and your ability to not even be able to read what your own posts say is even more incredible. But a goldfish being able to type so fast with just two fins takes the cake.

She hardly even wears makeup, like none on her skin. That screenshot is just blurry

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What projection? Point out specifically which posts I've made that are ESL. Sounds like the idiot ESLfag is just using words he doesn't understand again.

>You're the reason why we got RE5 and RE6
Yes, because before RE4 released the mainline series was doing so fucking well.
Who am I kidding, you sound like someone that never played RE until the HD release of REmake.
>I only play games play REAL RE games that fit my arbitrary rule
Lol, just fucking kill yourself. You're not even a fan of the series, but here you are trying to argue how people like me who actually want the series to thrive are the reason for its downfall, which isnt real since RE is bigger than ever right now at the moment.

Mega Man in the photorealistic RE Engine when?

I don't know if anyones played Hunt Showdown, but it reminds me so much of RE7 in some places, that I figured you could literally just replace the cowboy hunters with umbrella mercs and have a cool side game.

I want them to include Frank West

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claire is cute

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You know, I always felt that Claire and Robert Kendo made a cute couple.