When will they nerf humans? It's by far the most overpowered species

When will they nerf humans? It's by far the most overpowered species.

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Please. They haven't even lasted a fraction of the amount of time Dinosaurs dominated the meta before they were mass-nerfed.

>tfw based abyssal jellyfish
I almost never see humans around my server. When I see, they're already dead.

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>overpowered species.

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>Not Viruses
t. filthy viral agent

>Humans, a build that has only existed for about 100,000 years
>Compared to Crocodiles and Sharks, builds that have dominated their respective metas for some 75 million years
Let's get Crocs and Sharks nerfed first, THEN, maybe, we can talk about Humans.

Why would someone even main Black Man?
What is his stats/skills?

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>lol racism!!

The "das raycis" ult is really good against min/maxed white builds who've dumped their common sense skill and wisdom stat.


Handles sun rays better. Good for hunting types but I mostly play in city servers so not needed

>most overpowered species.
Can't cure Cancer debuff

it's for players who want PVP enabled

imagine being a human haha

>get to play tons of mini games
>cook tasty foods
Shit's pretty great, user. Except when you need to play the work quests for money.
Cats and dogs have it easier, if you're lucky and find a human player to leech off of

>no default weapon or armor loadout, have to level up and gather resources to build defenses of any kind
>bare fists weaker than any other species in a similar size bracket, with no claws or barbs to compensate
>flesh ranked softest in our weight class, extremely easily penetrated
>moderately slow movement speed, have to construct vehicles in order to gain speed
>have to fight other humans before you can begin fighting other species, and will run into random encounters with other humans much more frequently than any other species
>Have increased chances of dying from a surprise event, a disease debuff, a sneak attack or self-destruction compared to any other species
overpowered my ass

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Several of those are incredibly incorrect, to the point I wonder if you even play this game.

for cities their thief skill is actually tagged so they get a bonus leveling it
combined with the base agility bonus they get its pretty good

Hardly. Our legs and spines are rush jobs and are pretty susceptible to damage. Doesn’t help that we’re also relatively delicate compared to larger and hardier species. If it weren’t for our intelligence and communication skills, we would’ve ate shit a long time.
So I’d say we’re balanced, we just played the game better than anyone else.

Problem with humans is that they are heavily gear dependent. Especially in PvE.

most any species can get cancer stupid

>can die from a tiny high-speed piece of lead
>can die from just falling over the wrong way
>can literally just drop dead for no comprehensible reason
Haha, okay.

>can die from a tiny high-speed piece of lead
That can kill anything playing Animal

>can die from just falling over the wrong way
That can kill anything playing Animal on land-based servers, and Humans are more resilient to it than most other builds.

>can literally just drop dead for no comprehensible reason
Can happen to anything playing Animal, Plant, or Fungus
It's usually Bacteria players getting easy kills.

They can treat cancer though whereas any other species that gets cancer is doomed.

Humans also have high stamina and an ability called Sweating that allows them to regenerate their stamina while moving.

Stamina is the main thing that has made humans so overpowered throughout the history of the meta.