what are your thoughts on the speed running community?
What are your thoughts on the speed running community?
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interesting bunch
I really hate Any% runs.
autistic hobby
I like watching 30+ minute videos of someone autistically explaining in detail how Mario turning in a very specific way while on a slope can allow you to bypass the majority of Mario 64, but that's about it. I don't watch runs or events.
yo bro you talkin about the weathertenko?
Inb4 500 replies about muh trannies
I'm sick of youtube thinking having an interest in video games means I care about speedrunning
They have their audio volume set 10dB too low. Some are even 20dB too low.
It happens with both their Twitch and YouTube uploads. Advertisements play at a normal volume during both. But the game content is 10dB too quiet.
Imagine being so out of sync with reality that you stop believing in air pressure.
Just embarrassing.
Who is the Benjamin Franklin?
Speedrunners should use that dedication for a genre that takes actual skill like STGs
>Building speed for 12 hours is "speed"running
reminder that 99% of all speedruns are cheated
How is speed running even fun? Especially when you rely on exploits like the 007 Goldeneye speedrunners did.
I just don’t see it.
i think it's FUCKING RETARDED that gdqs are now going to have mandatory pronouns for the overlay and runner introductions. they are testing the waters with their bi-monthly female(male) speedrun event, frame fatales, or some shit.
I have no idea why Yea Forums is so obsessed with it.
They're ok.
It adds replay value to a game you love that's become boring to you casually. Speedrunning glitches and exploits are just another way to play the game, and it takes more skill than it looks to pull off some of them. Usually there's also a no glitches category but most of the time they're much less popular.
Just watch ESA or NASA speedruns
speedrunning is cool, GDQ is fucking cancer
I like GDQ, but I'm tired of all this negative focus on the transgender group of people. People like me, the "triggered SJW baby safezone snowflakes" blah blahs or whatever they're calling "people who try not to act like dicks," we're the butt of the joke, right? So laugh at me all you want.
But forget words for a second and let's talk numbers.
When it comes to discrimination, transgendered people have it the absolute worst, especially black transgender people (numbers provided by UCLA and the Williams Institute):
Family chose not to speak/spend time with them: 57%
Harassed or bullied at school (any level): 50-54%
Experienced discrimination or harassment at work: 50-59%
Doctor or health care provider refused to treat them: 60%
Suffered physical or sexual violence: — At work: 64-65% — At school (any level): 63-78%
Disrespected or harassed by law enforcement officers: 57-61%
Suffered physical or sexual violence: By law enforcement officers: 60-70%
Experienced homelessness: 69%
Suicide attempts among trans men (46%) and trans women (42%) were slightly higher than the full sample (41%)
These numbers are not an accident. They are a direct result of our culture of intolerance towards the trans community.
I have seen, first hand, how this prejudice leads to trans children killing themselves. A trans girl in my high school killed herself a week before her 17th birthday, and you're lying if you don't think jokes about her being trans aren't what pushed her over the edge. This shit isn't funny. It isn't a joke. It isn't a game.
Trans lives matter.
>Trans lives matter.
do they though?
>that one FF1 run for gdq
it looks super interesting too, and i remember catching a part of it when it was streamed and it was pretty neat
Excluding a vocal minority, it's pretty chill.
>No hellion
very cringe and quite gay as well
Game on the left?
Fuck trannies
The more that kill themselves, the better
recommend me some fun to watch runs
>mentally ill people who refuse to seek treatment are ostracized by everyone
wow who could have seen that coming
>speedrunner gets a job
So what's your excuse for still being a neet?
an interesting concept but far too much tism
>diet root beer
>whatever crap mom made you
>$50 mouse
kys, fat numale
I find the absurd degree of autism far more entertaining than the runs themselves
ESA is starting down the slope of cuckoldry
I had the world record for steamed hams any% before it was removed from the site
It's still speedrunning because now they only build up speedrun for 5 hours on that star
What games do you want to see at GDQ this Winter?
Yea Forums only cares about trannies cause compare gdq threads to esa gdq ones have way more posts moment the trannies are gone Yea Forums stops caring
Night in the Woods
Minecraft was pretty good this year so maybe co-op same random seed race? Or for a meme run two minecraft games controlled by the same keyboard
both good picks
It's a cool way to extract extra value out of old games you enjoyed, both as a player and as a watcher. I don't like how combat-focused games usually become static because there's one optimal weapon that's available early and never changes.
Submissions will be revealed tomorrow right?
>I like watching 30+ minute videos of someone autistically explaining in detail
My nigga, you and me both. I've been enjoying Karl Jobst channel a lot because he does a great job of detailing FPS speedruns.
WHOAH, dumbass alert
Talk therapy effectiveness at treating gender dysphoria: 0%. The ONLY proven effective treatment of gender dysphoria is to transition, which is why the psychological community recommends it
It's about as effective as gay conversion therapy. Which youve probably experienced because you're a gigantic faggot
There are some pretty based runners, like Grandpoobear, mexicanrunner and that guy who speed runs vice city, but most are super cringe and annoying as fuck
90% of speedrunners are based, it’s the ones that run nintendo games and other kiddie shit that are either autistic(not the good kind) or trannies
Dated pasta. Get the updated version. Also if u post this to Yea Forums I'd reccomend doing it without the reddit spacing
>mentally ill
I've been saying this for ages
speedrunning strats are interesting as fuck, and theres alot of based streamers if you're into that, but GDQ and its branches tend to focus oddly on the trannies and homos, but they're not the majority of the speedrunning community and its sad that Yea Forums collectively thinks that speeding = tranny
How the fuck can I take any speedrun seriously if Hand Cams are not a requirement? It could all be fake bullshit and we'd have no way of knowing