E3 2020 Leaks

The Show Starts Like This

-XBOX SCARLETT Is The XBOX TWO , The Sequel To The XBOX ONE Family Of Consoles

-Next Is Halo Infinite Release Date Announcement : Launching December 2nd with XBOX TWO

-Elden Ring Gameplay And Release Date : Fall 2020 (Most Likely September)

-Microsoft Flight Simulator Gameplay , releasing summer 2020

-Fable IV - A new project from playground games , releasing november 15th

-Resident Evil 8 : i don't have info on it , but i garantee it , you gonna like alot

-Gears Tactics > Releasing summer 2020


-Sunset Overdrive 2 : Brand new game , releasing summer 2020

-Half Life 3 : Valve finally shows their secret work , releasing 2021

-Blooodborne 2 Teaser Trailer , more to see at gamescom 2020 opening night live

That's all i have , for now , ok , see you later on for more from my inside sources guys

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Other urls found in this thread:




more like Xbox One and a Half

>xbox e3
Who give a shit?

Attached: gits.gif (480x270, 1.57M)

It won't be Xbox Two, it'll be Xbox One-Zero (very cool words) and the reason they've been porting things to the the Windows Store is because the Xbox 10 will support the Windows 10 store and play the same things a bit like a Steam Machine for Steam

What the fuck is ID@XBOX ?

lmao no

>-Half Life 3 : Valve finally shows their secret work , releasing 2021

Attached: 1566842025532.jpg (936x604, 32K)

>-Blooodborne 2 Teaser Trailer , more to see at gamescom 2020 opening night live

Attached: 1553798961455.jpg (631x431, 46K)

Attached: 45.png (636x745, 105K)

Shit bait

I don't think it can be called bait when it's that obvious

>Sunset Overdrive 2 : Brand new game , releasing summer 2020

Please... God please
I fucking love Sunset

Attached: 2019-02-14_4-00-51_PM-q1kaywvv.jpg (3840x2160, 879K)


or wait, now that I think about it, maybe it's baiting people into pointing out that it's bait

haha, I found out that it's bait, I'm so smart

Why the fuck is this leaked 10 months before the event?

Oh ya
If it releases on PS5 I'm switching to PS5 desu

>Xbox Two
>-Sunset Overdrive 2 : Brand new game , releasing summer 2020
>-Half Life 3 : Valve finally shows their secret work , releasing 2021
>-Blooodborne 2 Teaser Trailer , more to see at gamescom 2020 opening night live
Ya blew it

>Sunset Overdrive 2
Didn't Sony just buy Insomniac?

It's already confirmed that Sony will be releasing games for both PC and Xbox

>Sunset Overdrive 2

Attached: EDYtkG3XUAAshpK.jpg (299x167, 7K)

>Sunset Overdrive 2
Does anybody really want this?

>-Resident Evil 8 : i don't have info on it , but i garantee it , you gonna like alot
How young are you.

Attached: 1547012952854.png (278x341, 146K)

>-Fable IV - A new project from playground games , releasing november 15th
If true I'll buy Xbox day 1 and the most expensive limited edition. It's been too long.

I don't think you can expect that to be good anymore. They'd just be re-using the name to help sales and it'd have nothing to do with past titles with not one same person working on it.

>sunset overdrive 2

Attached: Capture.jpg (890x405, 42K)

if anything it's probably why OP put it there, I mean does have bloodborne 2 under too

I do. Very much so
One my favorite games on the X

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As long as it's made in Britain is all that matters. Fable was fun because of the British humor. I don't care if they reboot it and change/experiment with some new stuff I'm not that fussed.

I rather have ReCore 2, SO was too reddit for me.

Microsoft waited too long, and now they'll never be able to publish SO2.

Did you miss the sticky, retard?

Microsoft didn't want to publish SO 2, it was slow, it was reddit, ad it sold like shit, give me ReCore 2 ad Killer Instinct 2.

No it isn't retard, stop buying into sensationalist headlines before reading the articles.

Jesus fucking Christ, what is wrong with my keys?

Err, do you research, it's been confirmed from several sources already.

you can't read

There was no sticky about anything HL related.

they will release silly multiplayer games retard

As someone who follows microsoft, let me tell you the things that are not likely to happen

>-XBOX SCARLETT Is The XBOX TWO , The Sequel To The XBOX ONE Family Of Consoles
Not gonna happen, they're gonna name it under a 100% different name

>-Next Is Halo Infinite Release Date Announcement : Launching December 2nd with XBOX TWO
It's likely they're gonna announce the release date, but not the day you're saying and maybe not with the next console, whwat you're saying is a shot in the dark

>-Elden Ring Gameplay And Release Date : Fall 2020 (Most Likely September)
Bandai namco is a jap dev and fromsoftware are both companies that only announces games on ps4 conference, that's not gonna happen

>-Microsoft Flight Simulator Gameplay , releasing summer 2020
yea that's a good kick

>-Fable IV - A new project from playground games , releasing november 15th
Another shot in the dark, they said they're working on an RPG project, and that's not fable

>-Resident Evil 8 : i don't have info on it , but i garantee it , you gonna like alot
why the fuck would they announce something like that on an xbox conference? they never announced any RE on any xbox conference, that's very unlikely

>-Gears Tactics > Releasing summer 2020
Ehhh peharps? they showed it on e3 2019 in a pretty much finished state, i think it will release early 2020

uhhh just like every conference?

>-Sunset Overdrive 2 : Brand new game , releasing summer 2020
lmao you don't own an xbox do you?

>-Half Life 3 : Valve finally shows their secret work , releasing 2021
ok this thread is bait

>-Blooodborne 2 Teaser Trailer , more to see at gamescom 2020 opening night live
definitely bait

naming aside, I could see the xbox becoming a windows 10 machine being real

>Another shot in the dark, they said they're working on an RPG project, and that's not fable
Not him but someone leaked Playground Games project as Fable.


>Bandai namco is a jap dev and fromsoftware are both companies that only announces games on ps4 conference, that's not gonna happen
they've already announced it at xbox e3 this year and microsoft has the marketing rights to it

Unlike you, I've actually read the articles. Sony is not putting games on Xbox and the only games they are putting out on PC are f2p cashbrabs and other shit tailored for the pc economy. Its just like when Sony Online Entertainment was putting shit like Everquest, DCUO, and H1Z1 on pc, they're just doing it under a different guise. You will not find a single source reporting 1st party Sony games coming to anything but Sony consoles.

those are outdated articles, keep up

No they aren't, there is currently no info, new or old, contradicting those facts. Feel free to go find some and make me eat my words.

Dudes asking for sequels to mediocre flops. Lol nah it's time for new ips that are actually good

>Bandai namco is a jap dev and fromsoftware are both companies that only announces games on ps4 conference, that's not gonna happen
...do you even know where elden ring was announced this year and sekiro last year?
hint: it wasn't a Sony conference

It's not my fault you're retarded and can't search properly, I'm not doing your homework.

Crackdown 4 when? Don't abandon your only other good franchise.

>I'm a fucking retard who believes intentionally misleading clickbait titles and spreads the cancer for free without actually reading the contents, and when I get caught parroting bullshit I cant possibly back up I'll make allusions to non-existent evidence

Exactly as I thought. Burden of proof is on the beholder kiddo. Don't make claims you can't back up.

I don't see this will coming to xbox but
>SSOD2 might happen

I'm just amazed you're following up this hard on what was an obvious joke.

>Half Life 3
Delusional Xcûck

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Have a serious conversation for a moment. What games does Xbox Scarlett need to get win people back with?

convince me not to word filter leak threads

Considering Microsoft is going to make everything multiplat with Windows 10, it doesn't matter what. People will just say "who cares, I'll just play it on PC"

In the end, it's all fine for Microsoft, but the Xbox brand is going down the shitter except among normies that only have phones and consoles.

Because some will end up being true like KillZone V which was leaked earlier in the year.

you'd think sony would try to not directly compete in the fps space at the same time of fucking Halo but oh well.

>implying BB2 is bait
Fromsoft still have 1 unannounced title they're working.

>People will just say "who cares, I'll just play it on PC"
"people" have never said this and most likely never will. PC gaming is dying. it's losing marketshare to mobile and console every year.

honestly fun game play with bosses that actually make you use mechanics you learn my favorite is the dragon boss that roams chinatown as you gotta jet set radio your way around killing it. but fuck man the reddit humor is just awful however i will say eventually you dont get use to it you just cringe a little less by the end

>i said something fucking stupid and can't substantiate my claim, deflection mode activated
kek , like clockwork

>i-i-i was j-joking all along even though i clearly wasn't, oh god please save me from the brief moment of shame and embarrassment that just owning up to my dumb mistake entails!

You should be more embarrassed now, trying to weasel and backpedal your way out is maximum beta cringe.

in case you didn't notice, it was also implying Sony was going to release games on _Xbox_ (did you SERIOUSLY believe that was serious?)

those headlines were about PC only

>I was just j-joking, I swear!
Yeah man I can totally see how that blunt statement presented in a matter-of-fact manner with no hints of humor or facetiousness was an "obvious joke". Just admit you're retarded and move on with your life. Accepting and learning from your retard moment will help you avoid having more of them.

They aren't competing with one another.

>I'm mad I took it seriously and argued for nothing

Same your ratfuck fanfic for Reddit next May, my dude.

Maybe they'll get Keenoo to bail it out.

We both know what youre trying to do here, but only you think its gonna work. It's not. You read a headline that said "Sonyman open to making games on other platforms" and without reading further instantly thought "omg BB2 on xbox" when in reality it's just more mmos and f2p on computers.

>I'm mad I said something retarded and got called retarded
Lmao. Keep posting until youve convinced yourself of your own lies, but know that everybody else ITT knows the truth and we're all laughing at you.

you may want to check the OP post again to know what this thread is even about

Or I bet you think he was serious too.

Halo, something it already has.

If PC didn't effect the Xbox or Xbox 360, thee hell makes you think anything will change now?

You forgot the biggest reveal
Breath of the Wild will come out on it in 2021, BOTW 2 in 2022
