>no game where you play as a police officer in a riot and have to restore peace and order with your bros
Why not? Seems like a good scenario.
>no game where you play as a police officer in a riot and have to restore peace and order with your bros
Why not? Seems like a good scenario.
Other urls found in this thread:
Is this the Hong Kong protest shit? Retards need to move away from just standing around protesting and start going scorched Earth. China gives no shits so they can't either.
Fuck off you commie cuck chink
Sas zombie assault 4 is the closest you’re gonna get
is this The Raid
>restore peace
The police just went in there and beat the shit out of people that weren't even protesters, they didn't even arrest anyone.
nah if you watched the entire video they arrested a bunch.
isnt that Urban Chaos Riot Response
what are they protesting
Sleeping Dogs Year of the Snake DLC. Look it up.
dumb zoomer
I saw this at a store once, never bought it. Was it good?
"Don't mind me guys I'm just a westerner who wants Hong Kong to have (((independence)))!"
I like American police better. I can't want for a decent cops game.
you mean like SWAT 4?
how the fuck are americans this behind on world events
china is passing a law allowing them to arrest those critical of the government inside hong kong
Are these chinks or nips, since they're using so much force I'm assuming it's China
it's hilarious how much you care about something that has literally no effect on you whatsoever. do you get heated over South African mining protests as well?
China wants to be able to extradite people out of Hong Kong and hold them accountable for breaking chinese laws ie shitposting about china.
It's like if you said faggot and Canada decided it was going to yank you out of the US for a trial because it violates a canadian law. It's a shitty fucking deal and I'm glad people are fighting it.
dude, are you retarded too? the bill was withdrawn, it was pushed by the HK government and it didn't include political crimes.
>dude, are you retarded too
yes, I had a very limited idea of what was going on, carry on
sorry, suspended
>no game where you play as a police officer in a riot and have to restore peace and order with your bros
Literally Astral Chains. You have moments where you do crowd control.
China by a mile.
Nippon are a lot more subdued in shit like that.
Mainland China passed a bill that allowed them to extradite criminals from Hong Kong to mainland China. What this means is that China can label anyone a criminal (which they are infamous for doing) and keeping them captive. This goes against the autonomy that Hong Kong has had.
Hong Kong has been a pseudo-independent city for the past 96 years, but due to Britain ending control of the city in a few years, China is gearing up. Literally.
>calling out other people over shit that you don't understand yourself
>extradite people out of Hong Kong and hold them accountable for breaking chinese laws
the fuck. how is that a thing now. hk isn't controlled by the british anymore
It was suspended, not withdrawn. It's still a big deal because they can push it back in to action whenever they please.
they want to vote.
I rather play as a protester and beat up the piggu mooks since that's way more fun
I had a general idea from walking past a TV once, this guy didn't even have that
>It's like if you said faggot and Canada decided it was going to yank you out of the US for a trial because it violates a canadian law.
except those are both countries while HK was passed from uk to chinese ownership over 20 years ago so it's more like getting arrested for having weed in a state that legalized it because it's still illegal federally
This is so fucking satisfying. I hope he shit his pants.
>chinese police is somehow less violent than the freedum police
What the fuck is wrong with this planet?
which is a ridiculous assertion. the bill is suspended and there is no way to 'sneak it' into passing. if they even try to do it people will just protest again. it's effectively dead. the difference between suspended and withdrawn is semantics.
How did you parse that?
that's hong kong retard
That should be all the more reason to just strike it dead.
But they won't because Chinese are literally insects that exist to expand.
So... China. HK retards should have begged for the UK to keep them in their leash while they still had the chance, now it's too late, they are already china.
Reminder that because HK didn't kick up a storm during the handover Thatcher was powerless to do anything. She wanted to, going as far as to begin planning a defense of the region but without the kinds of protests we are seeing now it was a fruitless idea.
Too little too late for them now sadly.
White women are for asian dicks
I will never comprehend anti-police sentiment like this.
Its a common thing in /pol/, and here I thought that you faggots wanted a totalitarian state with a strong police force.
Atleast leftists I can comprehend hating on police since they are all pacifist shits.
Yeah, police abuse is rampant and all that, but police is a necessity
Thatcher was the last UK leader with balls wasn't she?
China was irrelevant during Thatcher years, there was nothing they could do.
No one at the UK wanted to continue holding hong kong.
suspended and obviously only until the heat dies off, then they will pass it.
and saying it doesn't include political crimes is just ridiculously naive of how the Chinese government operates. the bill is FOR political enemies of china (anyone critical of the chinese government in any fashion).
regardless, hong kongers won't win this fight, no one is coming to hong kongs aid, china will either wait the protests out, or brutally crush them depending on what message china decides it wants to send.
>china is able to extradite hongkong criminals to somewhere else in china
Literally who cares, all the riots for this?
Possibly, but she also ruined anyone below middle class and made economic mobility near impossible with all the industry shutdowns
this one is kind of weird, so you got that slowly ass person (looks like a lady) with the bag doing nothing, the cop comes rushing but outside of the hard bump he doesnt do much more, he stops and uses his hand to keep the person lying down so that it doesnt stand up, but not with force.
One of the best games I've ever played.
It's anti-piece of shit sentiment. I can tolerate a cop doing his job to the best of his ability. I can't feel sorry for some faggot blindly following orders and attacking random passerbys.
Yeah its good
Keep licking them boots.
Yeah we should bend over and let ourselves become more and more Chinese. Fuck off PRC.
>why do you hate the NKVD I thought you guys liked authority
never been in a riot lad?
its chaos, not only for the rioters but also for riot control.
Either you are a complete retard who didn't get out of the way fast enough, or you are a rioter, because no cop in the planet will distinguish who is who on a riot
it got a giggle out of me
I saw similar posts towards american and euro police aswell.
You fags hate all cops.
When did I mention us..?
It's not good though
Ah look the antifa catch-all response to anyone saying "why tho"
ethnostate =/= totalitarian. in a homogeneous community police have very little purpose because most of the citizens share the same common values.
F.E.A.R is close
Chicoms want to extradite people in Hong Kong and steal their organs.
You're an idiot. fuck off 50c.
>Its a common thing in /pol/, and here I thought that you faggots wanted a totalitarian state with a strong police force.
A strong police force that serves the people.
These dumbfucks are just goons for the state, performing senseless violence on non-threats because they're cunts with the law at their back. Pathetic attempt user.
>/pol/ is one person
I know a Chinese woman who lives in Hong Kong. She is trying to spread this stuff on Facebook to make sure people outside China hear about it and I'm pretty sure they're going to arrest her for it. She posted a video yesterday that she took of the police during this beating, tazing, and arresting the paramedics who were sent in to respond. It's fucking insane.
when britain gave hk back to the chinese they did it under the condition that they would leave them be and allow hong kong to be democratic for a certain amount of time.
the mainland is trying to change this earlier than agreed upon.
Complete and utter BS, show a credible source to back up your claims, faggot.
It really wasn't they had a massive attrition army that they threatened to preemptively send in if they saw her funneling troops into the region.
>''He (DENG Xiaoping) said that the Chinese could walk in and take Hong Kong back later today if they wanted to,''
>''I retorted that they could indeed do so; I could not stop them. But this would bring about Hong Kong's collapse. The world would then see what followed a change from British to Chinese rule.''
He hasn't posted shit since C93 where the fuck is he
If they did, they'll make the mc sympathetic to the protesters and eventually join them because fug guberment and fug drumbf
Based Honk Kong police. Fuck riot subhumans.
Does this game still hold up? Would be sick to mod it as a GITS game
attacking a man with a gun an no legal accountability for killing you seems like a dumb move.
i think i remember this
was pretty fun
Yes Chinese protestors very bad! Bad at knowing taste when they see it, otherwise they would shop at Fung Wa's new VIDEO GAME Yea Forums BOARD, soon to be renamed FUNG WA BOARD!
I'm sure you're all most excited for this excellent news!
It's a massive shitshow on both fronts, I can't even begin to take sides in this.
>early days of the riots, hk police don't want to get violent, cause it's just kids
>rabble rousers pose as journalists and take the chance to rile up the cops
>mainland takes the chance to insert their people into the counter-riot force
>very easy to spot them, they beat rioters till they're bleeding out
>hk police eventually get fed up with the situation and start the beatings as well
>protesters are lead by a few prominent politicians
>who have ties to outside of hk and will absolutely run away and leave the "troops" to die when shit gets bad
>whose kids are safely at home, not involved in the rioting
>rioters receive pay from taking part in the activities, get more for being extra active, so you get a lot of crazy fucks jumping in and escalating the shit outta protests to get more cash
>beating up cops, merging into a crowd and ditching the face mask and umbrella to act like a local that's pissed about increase police activity
>triads are involved, either as local militia or playing both sides and beating up kids then running into an alley to switch gear and running back out to beat up cops
How much do you get paid to shill this kind of faggot bullshit?
Also, I love these "dude trust me" sources.
Ha ha brutal tyranny and heinous human rights abuses.
Go team corruption and genocide.
Am I fitting in yet?
Edgy faggots and paid propagandists out. Videogames in.
I saw that, with police blocking paramedics. There's just no excuse for how the HK government is handling this shit anymore.
fuck the police
They should do a game where you're in Guantanamo and have to torture innocent Americans and it plays "stars and stripes forever"