>beat Ys origin on nightmare with yunica
>switch to hugo
>epona hands my ass to me
I’m fucked aren’t I? Ys thread
Beat Ys origin on nightmare with yunica
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hugo sucks ass, I think I had more trouble with him than I did the other two. he plays like a twin stick shooter missing a stick
user for fuck’s sake don’t tell me that. There’s a slight chance I’ll be in for the long run with Origin to 100% it. I really like hugo’s not mega man playstyle, but is he really that shit with bosses?
it's been a while so I don't remember specifics really. I think there were some bosses that were just a matter of finding out where a good place to stand and shoot was. I think my main problem with him was just how he felt to play and I feel like I remember not liking his magic, specifically how his block magic felt compared to yunica's. if I could just play him like a twin stick shooter and move and shoot independently it would have been a lot better I think
honestly I'm ok with the "shoot where you walk" mechanic. my only real problem is that huge can't jump while shooting and that's a load of horse shit
brain problems
oh yeah that was also a huge problem, shooting kinda fucked your ability to dodge shit, I forgot about that. the ark engine games all feel so good just to move in. running, jumping and attacking all flow so nicely into each other, but then fuckboy shows up and he ruins everything and just feels bad to play
Kino game
be honest with me user. should I not 100% origin? the monster manual coming back from I & II was already something that bothered me to hell and back, but the game just keeps adding to the pile of "shit to do" nonstop. I already 100%ed I, II, VI and Oath but good fucking god Origin is testing my patience
>on PS4
>where you can't do nightmare right from the start
user why
I started with yunica but I thought hugo was even easier. Just use the wind magic for invincibility.
Toal is pretty broken when he unlocks his burst, I spammed the fuck out of that thing.
you're asking the wrong guy, I just beat the stories on nightmare and called it good. you unlock a big arena mode thing after you beat the game with all 3 characters and it sounds like it has a fuckton of shit to do. like it almost sounds like you're only hitting the halfway point once you unlock it honestly. that stuff ain't for me, I just beat it on nightmare and moved on to another game. but you do you I suppose
I don't "100%" games because spending 5 hours grinding levels does not seem enjoyable to me. What drives you to do stuff like that?
completion's sake. if the Ys series weren't so damn fun to do anything in I wouldn't have done it, but the movement and combat are so fun I don't really mind going out of my way to complete a checklist. Besides, whenever I need to grind to max level for an achievement or whatever I just leave a macro running and go away to do something else since it's not really about skill, just patience.
Ive always wanted to ask someone this, but why is Yunica's design like a 90% rip of the Ragnarok Online merchant class?
>implying that look is exclusive to ragnarok
user for fuck's sake ragnarok didn't invent those dresses
should I play these games on hard? the bosses feel like absolute sponges
If only it was that. The gloves, the big ass bag, the headband and the axe as a main weapon. She was just missing some haggling skills.
my god user
personally I feel that hard and above are the only proper ways the play Ys but if you're not into learning how every boss can and will try to fuck your every orifice six ways from sunday I'd say go for normal. never play easy and below.
look, I think the 3D sprites on a semi low poly environment coupled with the same dress type gave you the wrong idea here. sure, they're similar, but that's not to say someone straight up stole ragnarok's merchants' dress code and put them on a main character for shits and giggles
>Big Bag
In my headcannon she will always be the founder of the iRO merchant class, selling all the loot she found in the tower.
forgot my damn pic
>axe isn't a labrys
well clearly the guild did something wrong if the jew class can't even use the proper axe type
yunica's outfit makes no sense in the context of the game, I figure the artist just felt like drawing something cute
Hugo is pretty much redundant and boring as fuck.
didn't she just grab an axe and charge into the tower without any prep?
redundant as in too easy or?
I hate this game so much. It's really good but very repetitive and tedious. I probably wouldn't have found it that way if it just played like a regular rpg. But it's just one big dungeon 3 times. I finished yunica's story and went about half way through Hugo. I will come back eventually, but trying to play it through to 100% just wore me out like no other rpg.
He and Yunica pretty much share all the same content, and none of it is really designed with him in mind. The only merit is that some of his story beats are referenced in the third character's story (which does have some unique bosses).
Just get good at top down shooters.
Despite his fuccboi appearance Hugo is pretty chad.
why do black ps4 owners all do this?
It's not a 20 hour game you play all at once. It's a 6 hour game with awesome new stuff for when you decide to come back and replay it after a few months or years.
After shitting fury all over velagunder who could no absolutely nothing against me, yeah. I believe you
I actually struggle more with twin stick top down shooters, but just.. shoot where you're moving is pretty easy for me
I have the feeling most hugo bosses are going to be either absolutely trivial or massive pains in the ass. in velagunder's case:
>uses bubbles to keep melee attackers away. ignored.
>shoots out larvae to attack you. ignored through wind shield.
>tries to bite you in a single attack. ignored through wind shield
>arm swipe. wind shield.
meanwhile epona shafted me with her trident hard enough to see the tip coming up through hugo's throat. should be pretty cathartic after the hell that was nightmare yunica
it's a shame Epona and Hugo don't get to just strip down and fuck on the floor, there's pretty obvious sexual tension between them.
Probably. Hugo is easy peasy. You can run and gun and charge up a shield near constantly.
Does the game take place in one day or night? I really like games that can be beaten in a reasonable nights time like RE2.
Got damn what a chad.
everything happens within like 12 hours tops. In Ys I the protag climbs the exact same tower and arrives at the top shortly before the morning sun comes up, you can see the sun setting in the outer walls and everything. I'd say this takes place in the same time span, if not slightly longer because of some team recon stuff
Seriously OP? Hugo is literally easy mode. Though Pictmos is a pain with him. Just shoot bosses from a distance and use shield as necessary. The hardest part I found in Hugo's route was getting rid of those buffed undead monsters in the sand level. They were fast as fuck and Hugo's the slowest out of the 3 playable characters.
I was just asking because of epona, but besides that and possibly kishgal who I heard some serious shit about but was woefully easy to beat with yunica I guess I'll be fine
>who I heard some serious shit about
What? The only hard kishgal fight is the one with yunica in the fire stage.
holy based and redpilled
isn't that an optional fight you're meant to lose anyway? anyway I'm just glad there are no chesters in Origin