(lets blow away)

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cant believe i never thought in this joke.

Lol, based
>Insurance gonna FLLYYYY sky high. Let's blow away together.

wtf is even dangerous about hurricanes

have you ever gotten hit by one of joe higashi's hurricane punches???? imagine that but bigger
it is like an ex climax move that takes 10 bars of meter to use

extended periods of heavy wind and rain
floods stuff and knocks things over, with a higher chance for something important to get flooded or knocked over the longer the storm is there

How old are you?

>only cat 3 by daytona
what are some games where a super intimidating enemy is really a giant pushover?

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Hope it kills many Ametimutts

Floridians are honorary australians.


Trails in the Sky FC

wolfenstein the new order's london monitor


The rest are old people on their death beds anyway.

185 mph continuous winds with gusts that go over that.

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i remember feeling pretty comfy being in the middle of hurricane isabel, kinda wish we'd get more storms

>east coast states
long hair, dont care

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after it passes, the power might not come back on
and you will not have any idea when it will

Stay safe Americans

dude the sky gets all dark and they make really spooky noises. also sometimes they break and flood stuff.

all the more reason to purge them

>tfw south florida

what game should i get on my switch for the hurricane?
Baba is You or Binding of Isaac?

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I wish cali would get hit by one of these bad boys.

Category 3 and below dangers mainly comes from rain flooding and potentially storm surge. Cat 4 adds in wind speeds that can start doing real damage to houses and uproot trees. Cat 5 is pretty much the same as a Cat 4, but with a high enough intensity that anything hit by it WILL be fucked up to some degree. So unless you live somewhere with major flooding issues like Charleston SC or Savannah GA, Cat 3 and below is where you usually aren't in any real danger. Cat 4 is a risk and Cat 5 makes you a dumbass.

Miamibro here, why do you northern retards fail to realize that literally everything down here is built from concrete and cinder block and all buildings have hurricane shutters? Literally the only bad part is that the power invariably goes out.

imagine living somewhere that gets hurricanes
dumb coast-loving faggots always end up getting what they deserve

And nothing of value is going to be lost.

>catastrophic event discombobulates the jetstreams
>cat 5 hurricane forms in the pacific and beelines for california
if only


>tfw comfy residual rain is all I'll get

Work on that backlog, least coast.

Baba is You is a better game but you may need internet to look up a solution or two with how crazy it gets. BoI is a safer pick

>what game should i get on my switch
>hey I have a few weeks worth of power outage, but at least I can play my switch for 2.5 hours
This is where batteries and a GBA would come in useful.

Bayonetta, or Va-11 Hall-A. Get comfy. Good luck fellow Floridian

Don't worry friend, they will fall off into the ocean eventually.

So is it gonna be bad in north Carolina
I don't want to lose my power for days like last year bros

So happy that fucker isn't making landfall.
hurricanes are like nuclear bombs.

You mean socal?

Last time a major hurricane hit you niggers were drowning and shit because of the flooding.

>hurricanes are like nuclear bombs.
t. never experienced a hurricane

more like he's never experienced a fucking nuke

No, just rain.

Maybe 20 years ago

>it's not going to sweep over the whole state

Thanks weatherman

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get fucking hype

Flooding, and winds powerful enough to literally just blow you away or propel a small stick or pebble straight through your fucking skull.

>least coast
Shit... 10 category 5 hurricanes each year would still be less devastating to us than liberals... Good thing you fucks love where you live so we don't have to worry. You wouldn't be able to handle the humidity anyway.


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Floridians are niggers, Caribbeans, islanders, Jamaicans

miami 4chanbros are always r*dditors.

t. miamibro

I genuinely miss the days of AA batteries powering shit. Get some rechargeables, have a couple on the charger at all times and just swap them around, and when they can't hold a charge any more in a couple years you just buy new ones. Now if you can't directly charge the device you're just fucked and if the battery can't hold a charge after a couple years you have to buy a whole new device. It's absolute hell. I wish they'd just kept making swappable NiMH batteries smaller and better instead.

You're welcome
Lived in NC for a good portion of my life

the aftermath negroes will steal your bikes and have a bbq with your family in the bbq.

Daytona? More like Gay Tony.

Central florida fag here I agree, I was hoping for a cat 4 to go straight through the state but now I am blue balled

>tfw SWFLfag
>tfw Irma fucked us up 2 years ago

Now it's your turn, east coast shitters.

now they just make portable charger packs that you can plug anything that needs recharging into

This user is shockingly right. As a kid you could pretty much stand outside and chill during a cat 3 hurricane. 4 and up is where the wind will actually get gnarly.

561 area here, hopefully this shit doesn't slam into us as a cat 4. I remember Irma was predicted to hit us as a cat 5 the day of and it shifted way the fuck off course.

I'm in Jacksonville should I evacuate? based curry hasn't said anything yet

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I used to live in Florida and I have to say it's very disappointing the Lee County area is unlikely to sink into the ocean.

It's already too late for you, user. RIP.

>if the battery can't hold a charge after a couple years you have to buy a whole new device
Either that, or develop about 5% of the skills necessary to work on electronics since changing out the battery on these things isn't generally a hard thing to do.

the icanes.
hurts like a cane and gives the old codgers directions to your weak points and vital organs.

that doesn't even rhyme, you fuck.

Fuck off to georgia and dont come back.


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I wasn't sure whether to go to Tampa or Atlanta...

>bahamas getting battered by 220MPH gusts


Nah, it probably won't even hit near us.

Literally where?


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>with your family in the bbq
>in the bbq

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lol die mutts

honestly like its just lots of rain and wind like thats a tuesday here in OK i dont see what the big deal is

>TFW you will never be fucked by a hurricane

Why even live bros?

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Yeah, and to top it off, the slower a hurricane moves, the more devastating it is. As of right now, not only is this thing a powerful cat 5, but it is a SLOW cat 5. Even dropping down to Cat 3 it can still fuck over cities from flooding alone.

For his defense, if you don't live in a country which has hurricanes, its hard to get a clear image of their destructive power. I used to just think "lol its just strong winds" before researching the issue more.

I hate it here. Been living here for 2 years now
Was born in new york, moved to florida and now here. Basically I dont like it anywhere

>we live on a planet that forms spiraling walls of death out of nothing

bros wtf???

>only Cat 1 by NC

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these are only going to become more common and extreme as climate change occurs

Air is not nothing, retard.

Fucking awesome.

Which are exactly worse? Hurricanes or Tornadoes?

According to Civ 6 that's true

>tfw currently in sebastian

Guess I'll die while grinding for hats in Team Fortress 2.

Tornadoes because they appear out of fucking nowhere and you literally can't prepare for them in advance.

who cares. more human dying = nature going back to equilibrium

Is it hot in here or is it just me?

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Too bad fat girls don't look good in 3D

pretty sure tornadoes are a lot faster

glad itss happening to americans

>"it's just wind bro!"
>"just stay in your house! what the worse that can happen?"

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In euroland, your heatwaves are going to become more common and intense

>City of Villains


This kind of shit only happens to FL and they don't damage anything significant because all the buildings are build to resist it. The only people who suffer are the third worlders in Puerto Rico and the surrounding islands.

If by you "you niggers" you mean poorfaggots in Louisiana and Texas hundreds of miles away, sure.

You're retarded

Hey buddy, you in Payne country? I'm so ronery...

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Hurricanes have lasting damage in the aftermath from flooding
however tornadoes are mostly unpredictable and you cannot prepare at all for them

At least it isn't hordes of semi-retarded africans looking for gibs.

I want this to hit for the excitement alone.

wow, floridafags just can't catch a break with all these hurricanes. thank god I live in the northeast

Worse in what way? If you are directly hit by both, the tornado is more likely to fuck you over. Your likelyhood of being directly hit by both goes up considerably for a hurricane. Hurricanes are widespread destruction, thus more financial damage overall.

>Cat 1 by NC

Ill sleep through that

>I'm in Jacksonville should I evacuate?
>Asking Yea Forums of all places.
Nah, just stay home and play vidya. If your window burst open, put a few boards up.

I bought all these fucking snacks for nothing

Still not going into work Tuesday tho

Hurricanes ARE breaks. When I was a child in florida public schools we would get weeks off if the hurricane was really bad.

I'll always be here.

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Yeah but you can just flee a hurricane, a tornado could sweep up your car out of nowhere and fucking kill you with no warning

It is kinda strong winds. Heavy rain. The major problem is the winds blowing shit around AND the rain causing mud-slides/etc.

a cat 4-5 hurricane can rip your roof and possibly the entire house apart

then why isn't anyone leaving florida? everyone is just buying a bunch of food and sleeping in the basement

Hurricanes can spawn tornados.

Because it's not even going to make a direct hit to the state, all the projections have it missing us entirely

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yeah that's not a thing

florida is a retirement state and they're all fucking lazy
evacuating takes effort

Imagine being scared of a measly hurricane

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miamifag here
give to me straight, am i gonna be able to miss work?

It's like
but you have no phoenix down

I hate this fucking board so much but it's still the most entertaining thing out there

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*winks seductively*

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Depends on where you live and the category. Anything 4 or higher involves winds that can tear down buildings, uproot trees, and carry off anything that isn't nailed down. Not to mention flooding being dangerous and costly. The hardest part of a hurricane is the cost; the economy and infrastructure takes a while to get back to where it used to be after a while: people are displaced, jobs no longer exist, and money runs out. That's when civil unrest and theft become issues. It's worst when you live in an area that typically doesn't get hurricanes or tornadoes, because it usually isn't worth it for that area to in taking proactive measures. Sandy was only a Cat 2 by the time it got up to New Jersey and New York, but because they aren't used to that kind of thing, it ended up being the most expensive hurricane of the season.

Because if everyone did that every two weeks, work wouldn't get done.

Do it you faggot. Shift. I fucking dare you. No balls.

Mah nigga.

Imagine an uprooted tree flying through your window at 220 MPH

Because this is what you act like and think it is:

in reality 12 people died out of a population of ~20 million. most very old people on the brink of natural death anyway

Every time they show a video out of third world haiti or from new orleans during katrina and act like every single hurricane ever is that severe