Post video game villains that did literally nothing wrong
Post video game villains that did literally nothing wrong
If you disagree you're wrong
He almost killed off the Grey Wardens though, how is that not a wrong when facing a blight?
He could have just as easily doomed the whole world.
He's a good boy! He dindo noffin!
>created the dark sign because he was paranoid that he wouldn't get to be top dog forever
>caused the very problem that ruined his kingdom in his age and all ages to come
Gwyn was a petty faggot.
He was based
he was just trying to be /ourguy/
He was wrong about the bigger picture.
He made the 'right' choice given his limited knowledge of the situation and it nearly fucked everything up.
If he hadn't made the call to abandon them, everyone would have died, not just king whatever and the grey wardens. It was a stupid battle plan from the get go and the king wouldn't listen.
Came here for her.
But Gwyn did literally everything wrong, he's basically the main villain of the trilogy.
Literally nothing wrong.
Zonda was a cunt and I'm glad she died a painful death.
She was a good little sister.
t. dum darkies that spam "let the feast begin" memes
enjoy having a bloathead or giant bug butt, idiots
He wasn't a villain, he was just a dick and a retard, much like any other character in DS.
seething Gwyn apologist
Nova is the only genuinely good guy in GV. Yeah, he has a bit of an arrogance streak (something that is exasperated in his weaponized form), but he's altruistic, selfless, and pretty gentle when he's not having to put on an act or dealing with QUILL. Fitting, since he's Gunvolt's version of X (making the swordsmen Maverick Hunters).
Zonda's a baddie and does a ton wrong, but it's waved by the fact that she's a kid who's trying to please the person who raised her. Her maliciousness towards you arises from the fact that you've killed all of her loved ones before fighting her.
the abyss and the darkness are different entities
Came here just to post him.
Damned fool, the abyss hath yet to produce any such creature!
Could the Chosen Undead defeat Gwyn in his prime?
*blocks your pvp path*
the chosen one is just a literal who undead who made it where he is through sheer determination not to go hollow, Gwyn was a god who single handedly btfo'd the ancient dragons which subjugated the entire world
I remember when I first learned about using a crossbow w/ explosive bolts on your offhand. That shit fucked up roll spammers and no one knew how to use a shield.
I like to fuck up STRfags and their unga bunga ultra weapons with it.
nice try, bug butt
nobody could except maybe Nameless King
this would probably fit better in /tg/, but in one of my campaigns my character sold his soul to the settings resident evil deity to save the rest of the party, and then in the following campaign which took place 100 years later in the same world, my old character became a semi mind controlled (control of mind and thoughts, but not actions) boss that we had to put down.