He made propaganda, flat out. From his game, to videos and even his twitter which he used on his impressionable audience. There's nothing positive this little goblin contributed.
Why should I be sympathetic towards Alec again?
This. You either support a liberal or Zoe Quinn, and personally I think there's nothing wrong with Zoe.
He pissed off Zoe. That's contributing.
You could just be unsympathetic towards Alec and angry at Zoe and his former co-workers like the rest of us are
No man deserves to get stabbed in the back like that by the community he fell into.
this guy was a lot like (you)
he feel into the wrong crowd, got brainwashed, but couldn't ever feel right, he suffered from imposter-syndrome and it made him lash out at his peers in his unrealized anger
rip my brother
well maybe I want Zoe to kill off more communists huh
He didnt deserve to die form a psychopaths lies.
>I think there's nothing wrong with Zoe
Fuck OFF zoe
>There's nothing positive this little goblin contributed.
Sure there is.
>can't just mourn the needless loss of human life
This is why the world sucks now. Everything exists in an Us vs Them context. Perpetuating it only serves to cause further harm.
Then tell her to start with herself
Who cares? He laid down with the dogs and got bit. It’s like when a white woman wants to burn some coal to piss off daddy and ends up as a single mother of some ugly mongrel or getting the fuck beat out of her or killed. They made their bed, out of spite for people like you. Fuck them let them burn
I hate both with the rage of a thousand suns. Enemy of my enemy ain't my friend. Just let them keep killing each other and never mourn for any of them.
>we shouldnt care about politics, any human dying should be mourn
>On a post thats literally about how we shouldn't mourn him since he wanted another human dead just for politics
Oh nonononononononnono
I doubt anyone here gives a fuck about that söyboy, but his death is a great assistance in stirring the shit up. Appeal to emotion is just what you need to make retards do you thing.
Or you can just laugh at both
Nobody is actually sad about this faggot, his death is just a weapon to wield against Quinn and her cohorts.
Threads like these and the infighting in them is why you'll always only be useful idiots to be manipulated by other boards, Yea Forums.
You should be more like /pol/.
/pol/ has cast aside their humanity a long time ago and just sees people as pawns, both on their "side" and the other "side".
They won't mourn any loss of human life or essentially give a shit about anything unless it helps push their political agenda or disrupt the poltiical agenda of the other "side".
The sooner you start seeing people are living sacrifices for your cause, the less painful this entire process will be for you.
/pol/ understood this a long time ago, that's why you're their bitch, because you still give somewhat of a shit about human life having objective value.
Most of the board is already halfway there as they don't value female, or minority lives, but they're afraid of taking the last step for some reason.
Unless you all finally become the monsters you've always wanted to be, you'll be crushed by the time this period comes to it's conclusion.
Ah, so this is the next step of the pay-ops plan
I tried to say this in an earlier thread but got shouted down.
Literally who cares about Zoe Quinn getting indie devs to kill themselves? Every career Quinn has ruined have been the careers of our eternal enemies, the bugmen basedboy. There's literally nothing but benefits for us to gain from her continued presence in the game industry.
What if they're both losers I don't support?
>work wth woman
>they sink your life to the ground
Why are you not homo pilled yet Yea Forums?
Fake news kill him, zoe and alec didn't nothing wrong, just mass media transform "average ex couple problems" to serial rapist evil guy.
We should, in fact, lobby for more of these mentally ill psychos to end their lives.
Being homopilled means you have the worst taste in the world.
Women are aesthetic, men are fugly as fuck
We've watched too much shounen anime.
>Villain fights hero and loses
>Hero becomes sympathetic to the villain right before he gets betrayed and killed by the bigger villain.
>Hero now has a bigger reason to hate the main villain even more.
I'v noticed that left wingers ar egeneraly more agressive then right wingers, why is that?
seething roastie
ok? so you gonna stoop to his level and that makes it okay?
pent up anger, being in debt from college/city life
>tranny dies
>some white guy dies
You all really love virtue signalling don't you? Just admit you don't care already and are just using this fag's death as a political chess piece
>/pol/ is reduced to virtue signal in favor a soi-addled faggot who killed himself just to settle a gamer score from 6 years ago
>They just tried to flag The Ralph Retort on twitter
And who the hell are you?
>But, No flag fake news about rape allegations
O rly now?
Nothing about getting accused then lead to getting kick out of his team and his work that he has been working for past 5 years, having his "friends" turn on him, having his family turn on him.
Dat finger must have really hurt.
pic relate: fingers.
Aizen finger
I don't doubt you care. That's why it's so cringe-inducing.
Avatar twitter Alec
Liberals killing themselves makes me happy
keep going liberal males
this is your future
The very whores yo pander to, in hopes of a getting your dick, wet will turn on you.
You deserve it.
I will now shop this.
His sister is donating money to the woman who led the mob to ruin him.
Good. Fuck incels.
>haha yeah i'm actually laughing
Based and Underrated
This but unironically
that’s a whole new level of woke
Reminder that these threads are created by Pedoera to cause infighting so it distracts people from the real issue. Do not fall for their bullshit.
Just admit you hate video games faggot
>impressionable audience
What kind of weak kneed pussy are you?
There is no infighting you paranoid schizo. We should just be able to call out Alec for being a retarded liberal faggot.
shit taste user
>men are fugly as fuck
>This is what Breeders actually believe.jpg
Stay seething you're just ugly, cuck.
You don't have to care about his death to use his death to your advantage
There's no evidence either way, so naturally I won't be passing any judgement or sympathy. These two people are completely irrelevant to my life.
Stop buying into this terrible online culture that feeds negativity and arbitrarily divides us from one another. Reserve your opinions until you can make an educated one. It's too easy to spread stupidity and mob mentality here and other places like Reddit.
how does it feel to be so wrong?
We don't need GG era cuckery about it. If it was you being accused, Alec would be against you
No one should have to face having their lives destroyed by a social media hate mob fueled by people trying to take advantage of it and pour gasoline on it for hate clicks. I don't care if you're a lefty, a centrist or a right winger nobody deserves to be punished like this outside legal again. It needs to be a felony to make accusations against people outside of a courtroom. If it serves the public interest they should be able to petition for media exposure but not until that point.