Imagine being SO MAD at Astral Chain that you also take the opportunity to review bomb another game from the...

Imagine being SO MAD at Astral Chain that you also take the opportunity to review bomb another game from the """enemy""" company.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-01 Fire Emblem Three Houses.png (662x342, 79K)

But this nintendo, all the 100 the fans give would far outweight any review bombs. Unless they hate it as well.

I've read most of the 0 reviews and a big (like, seriously disporpionate) amount of them seems to be specifically coming from either mexicans, or spanish people.
I think this started in some sort of mexican/spanish forum and snowballed from there.

Yea Forums is fully capable of chilidish, retarded shit like this but the source of this entire stunt wasn't Yea Forums, for once.

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Spain and almost all of latin america is full of mentally ill snoyggers. Like two cunts in all this shithole are safe from total snoy domination.

t. south american spic.

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You get that for an 8/10, you need 3 10s to cancel out one 0, right?

It's common in europe in general.
It's because the Nintendo "period" was only really a japanese + NA thing, the rest of the world was still on Commondore, PC, etc, then Sony came along with the PSX.
But for the rest of EU eventually Nintendo estabilished itself decently, especially with the Wii, but it's true that for some specific places the complete domination of Sony never really stopped.

Yes, must be quite an impressive amount of 0s considering normally it's probably like 10:1

I think eventually they're gonna clean up the user reviews, at least the most retarded ones that are clearly just bombing it.

That's only for a 7.5

Yes, i know.
Frogs are the only massive nintendards in yurop.


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I'm french and I piss on nintendo tho.
PC or nothing.

Snoyggers are fucking subhumans.
Why they take the time to do this pathetic shit.
I can't understand their mentality.

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As good a thread as any. Let's have a look at who are the people bombing 3 Houses.

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Deal with it motherfucker

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Attached: 3H personafaggot.png (670x771, 113K)

>play a JRPG
>be surprised it's a JRPG
I don't get it

There should honestly be a thing for Metacritic where users have to prove they played the game before posting a review, or at least the review shows whether not they even played it.
The Wii U had something like that I think.

Well known fact that thrid worlder like snoy

Attached: 3H spicfaggot.png (758x770, 93K)

>the majority is always either 10 or 0, and normal user reviews just get drowned in that
what's even the point of user scores

This guy is a god. Xenoblade sucks hard

Quick reminder that Snoy really don't like Japanese games. Explains a lot, really.

Get fucked nincels

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Forgot my image, embarassing

Attached: 3H weaboo.png (697x591, 57K)

xenoblade 2 was a 10 fps turd and FE is just a medieval persona, He is right

Attached: anti 3H.png (988x930, 136K)

>Still seething over XC2 almost two years after its release
Snoybois really are pathetic

Sonyfags are pathetic and underage. Why is this surprising to you?

Yes, those people actually exist (and obviously they don't like nintendo)

Attached: 3H fucking ANTHEM.png (691x778, 108K)

Attached: 3H subtle.png (689x910, 102K)

>lol so mad
>creates the same thread 10 times daily

Attached: 1567223716836.png (960x540, 878K)

>liked Anthem
>liked Wolfenstein
>didn't like 3H
This is your brain on contrarianism

Still true. The game has hard frame issues

Why do you keep making these fucking threads Nincel? Nobody cares when a PS4 game gets review bombed and rightfully so, not everyone has to cock suck your shitty games.

this is pinnacle cherry picking
could do this with any fan boy. whats this prove besides some snoybois are mad

Lmfao this is so pathetic

Attached: 3H faggot2.png (650x526, 66K)

>A game with framerate issues deserves 0
Guess you only have turds on PS4 then

Bitch about critic reviews if you want, but the entire user review metric is beyond meaningless.

it's fucking pathetic, man.
i'm just baffled on why "people" do this.

Ok, review bomb the newest game from the "enemy" company, but retroactively reviewbomb an "older" game is new and truly pathetic.

Attached: 3H Mature.png (720x539, 47K)

>Quick reminder that Snoy really don't like Japanese games.
Then why did he rate KH3 highly?


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>i'm just baffled on why "people" do this.
Because they have opinions you retarded fucking Nintendo cultist and there's nothing you can do about it.

JRPGfags are the worst. Fire Emblem is an actual strategy game unlike the braindead ""combat"" found in P5. Even when it's easy for an FE game it's still tactical kino compared to any JRPG.

>Anthem: 10
I bought and played Anthem for over 150 hours and I wouldn't even rate it a 3.

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Tantrums are not opinions, seething snoygger.

>Avatar is literally him and his wife's son

Quick reminder that if you see a DBZ name it's likely a underage spic faggot.

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This but with Astral Chain
>snoyniggers go into an autistic rage review bombing games because another great Nintendo exclusive was released

still true. nier automata is better

Are Nintendo games that dull that you spend your time worrying about how people review them rather than just playing them?

Wtf is Nex ? Maybe i'm not hardcore enough

Attached: Astral chain Hardcore gamer.png (694x514, 44K)

Is it what it says? i don't speak 3rd worlder. Thanks for providing context, spicfaggot

>Are sony games that dull that you spend your time worrying about how people review them rather than just playing them?

i fixed that for you.

>s-stop exposing us

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I haven't played Astral Chain, but Nier Automata was the weakest Yoko Taro game story wise and one of the worse Platinum game in terms of gameplay, it's overrated

It's a really funny take you got there. Hint for you : it's not nintendofaggots writing review to shit on a game they can't play.

I've never seen PS4 owners make threads like these.

>be the console of choice for the LGBTQ2K+7Wb community
>refuse to give them agender panderkin wolffluid romance options
wew. it's really not that hard

3houses is not avalaible on PS4.

The name give him away

Attached: Astral Chain Obvious.png (695x510, 42K)

Imagine being threatened by another platforms game because it isn't on the platform that you own. Jesus christ you poorfags are embarrassing. Just pick up a temp night job for two weeks and buy another fucking system. You only have yourselves to blame for being poor.

because nintendards are not even remotely mentally ill as the snoyggers.
They don't review bomb at this level.
Also i don't fucking care about those pathetic numbers. I'm just enjoying the fact that the snoy fanbase is full of underaged seething faggots.

Explains why it's mostly spics review bombing, poorfags absolutely assblasted that it's a Nintendo exclusive when all they have is a PS4.

>people still do the stupid "if it's good it's a 10 if it's bad it's a 0" shit

Attached: what ex aid.jpg (306x267, 35K)

Yet you're here screenshotting and scrutinising every single bad review because it must be the fault of muh Sony boogyman, there's no way people just don't like the game.

not liking a game is fine.
making a tantrum because a game is not on your favorite toy is fucking pathetic.

There should be a way to verify if you own the game allowing for you to actually review it on these sites. If you don't own it, you can't review it.

So did metacrtic remove most of them already? I don't see the ones from yesterday anymore.

You either like it or you didn't.

I don't get why people can leave 10 scores with no rational reasoning but the second anyone leaves a 0, people start crying and babyraging about some conspiracy and how they need to be removed?

It just looks ridiculous when the reviews show it as a 6.3, but yet they remove any negative review and 623/654 reviews (95%) are positive. When did Metacritic start doing this? It's a really bad look.

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But you can acknowledge that it's good without liking it or bad while liking it, right? So why are 10 digits so hard for people to fit inside that they just use the biggest and the smallest?

What actually baffles me the most is that someone would give Shining Resonance Refrain a 10, even if ironically
It's the epitome of derivative action RPG with absolutely zero depth or thought put into any aspect of it, in and out of combat

>not bad but also not a masterpiece

who is mad and why are they mad? quickrundown pls

Well since we're on this topic, is Metacritic ever gonna address the blatant reviewbombing that every game with Shin Megami Tensei in its title got?

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It's hilarious watching tendies have a mental breakdown over this because they found out for the first time that not everybody wants to worship their megacorp.

user, the point is that this happens when Sony releases exclusives too, but we never see threads like this

Because it's a Nintendo exclusive.

Who are you even talking to?

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based Personachad

Jesus, that's some next level autism.

Because Sony never releases exclusives.

Never at the same level of this, user. Not even remotely similar.
That's why we never see threads like this.

How are you forgetting SEGA?
The MegaDrive was the thing in Europe

many games are nintendo exclusive though, why are they mad about this particular one?

at least this will make people realize the rating system for video games is shit.

What is sensually abrasive? fuck if i know

Attached: Astral Chain Sensually abrasive.png (703x812, 72K)

i guess its shit after all

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Review bombing is really the only tool customers have anymore to voice their displeasure.

Because Nintendo can't stop winning.
Astral Chain was the straw that broke the camel's back.

>cacophony of overlapping overlysimple monotony

Truly the Hemingway of our age.

Maybe for steam.
In metacritic it just a free tantrum tool for seething kids.

This thread is nothing but a tantrum.

to be fair anyone who likes japanese games probably wouldn't shill for sony nowadays even if they did have a ps4.

>Legitimate costumer complaints is just 'seething kids'

Be gone corporate shill

It happens, this one is exceptionally worse though, but in a day or two they'll clean up ratings, always happens like that.

nintendo juegos son mierda

>brigading theads on here and /vg/
>shilling the game everywhere
>confused on why its now being downvoted

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I wouldn't 'shill' for anybody but Sony's the only the one that allows big budget Japanese games to be made like MHW and anything by Kojima.



>Sony's the only the one that allows big budget Japanese games to be made


>shining resonance refrain

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It's because that shovelware waifu simulator with ps2-tier graphics is not worth the 75 dollars it costs here.

Feel free to point me towards Japanese games of the same production value on any other platform.

Breath of the Wild.

Fanboys trying to be subtle and just putting 3's not to get deleted. Sad!

Attached: Astral Chain please don't delete i'm not putting 0's.png (688x918, 111K)

Why is this so typical? What motivates a man to use his time on this?

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