Are they satisfied with themselves now?

Are they satisfied with themselves now?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Not yet. Needs more sacrifices.

To be honest they're never going to be happy until Yea Forums, kiwifarms and all the even remotely right wing subreddits are nuked off the internet.
I wonder if it's gonna happen in our lifetime.
And i wonder how many people are gonna kill themselves over it/go on shooting sprees.

Isn't dying a bit too easy? He basically got away with it.

>waaaaaaaaah they made my serial rapist kill himself waaaaaah

lmao i would have publically told her to fucking kill herself

what a loser

get this eceleb shit out of here

Their entire existence is about attacking people, if somehow everything they attack right now would die they'll just attack something else.

Piss off, "billy".

>Out so hard to find something to agree with your politics that you convince yourself this is all an elaborate series of ritual sacrifices and meaningless flexes of power on their own "side" rather than legitimate sexual abuse that just came to light

why would she want to be out of a job?

>one angry incel

they might be somewhat satisfied once all the straight white men kill themselves, but only temporarily.

I find it funny how everyone believes it wad rape when that wasnt even what he was accused of.

who cares about facts

notice how it's pretty much accepted that he killed himself when there's no indications of how he actually died, it just fits the agenda

he was accused of looking at a womans chest and kissing her photo as a joke.
and now he's dead.

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Well maybe he didn't and has gone into hiding

Guess he should have been less of a pussy?

Yeah, I'm sure he whacked a body double and fled to fucking Argentina.

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I like how even SJWs are getting redpilled on her now. A few years but a welcome change

Reminder everyone pushes #gamergate as hating on Zoe Quinn only because it revealed many top media firms as collaborating on what stories to push in the news.
See JournoList on Wikipedia and look through the history to find the screenshot of how it was before all the viable findings were neutered from the article.

Nope. Alexis Kennedy is next

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he already admitted to doing shady shit but he also came full force with the police and is threatening a defamation lawsuit.

This has only emboldened them. Conversely this is the point where the opposition either shits or gets off the pot.

I want to feel sorry for him but then he's one of those soiboy feminist white knight that think all gamer are incel alt right. Looks like he got a dose of his own medicine

>Yea Forums is somehow mad that a beta soicuck rapist killed themselves

or maybe he just died normally, like due to health complications

the point was that it's not necessarily a suicide, not that he's not dead

Maybe finally succeeded in cloning a dinosaur and got eaten.

>oneangryincel is unironically posted on Yea Forums
Yup, im done with this fucking shithole. Y'all can cry reddit all y'all want, but I've been coming here since 2009 and it was never this bad.

The fact is, this site will never have a board as good as old-v and old-a ever again. Whilst reddit has actually pretty decent boards like /r/ShitPostCrusaders and /r/PrequelMemes

>the state of western gaming industry
Feels good for not being one of the cucked indie devs

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Where is he from? there's an obituary for Terry Davis, there's got to be one for this asshole

If you defend Alec, you need to go back to >>>/leddit/

did an esl write that

From what I've heard Alec did the majority of the work when creating the game, from the soundtrack to the design to the coding. Everything except the shitty story. Yet on the devs little shitty faq they released after he was 'let go' they state he had little to no deciding power in the state of the game going forward even before that. And probably even had a lower cut of sales. His 'fellow devs' were more like dirty grifters that stole his game then killed him.

served him right for being suck a beta cuc

would this be considered manslaughter?

Until The so called "víctims" bring some evidence to support their claims.
This mee too bullshit is nothing but a witch hunt

I've been on Yea Forums since 2003 and you are the biggest fucking faggot I have seen in the entirety of my time here on this site.

lets make a reecap of 2019

curiosity rover fucking dies
notredam fucking dies
nignog etika fucking dies
hentai heaven fucking dies
projared dies buy then comes back to life
amazon rain forest is currently dying

now this

im missing something?

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whats old-v


>right wing are nuked off the internet.
>I wonder if it's gonna happen in our lifetime.
You realize that they have only existed on the internet since 2014?
You came to our internet and now you're acting like you've been here and you own the place.
You will be destroyed.

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hentai heaven and exhentai both died and came back so thats already a win for me

If I dun get a video recording, you're a liar! Don't you ever talk about anything you didn't record or it don't exist!

They won't be satisfied until the entirety of western civilization is converts to communism.

How do you prevent further shitfests?
Just stop hiring women

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what if they're identifying as male

Don’t hire the mentally ill either.

Have penis inspection as part of the job interviews.

I think the worst part is that more and more males start adapting female thinking patterns and behaviour.

I fear nothing but the worst.

They're no different from the assholes here, so if anything they're proud of themselves.

This is already happening due to metoo blacklash.

>rapist dies

and nothing of value of was lost

They won’t even be happy after all that happens, those sort of people live to be angry and self-righteous, they need an oppressive patriarchy to stand up against so they can feel like civil rights heroes.

That's a little dramatic dont you think?

Yea Forums was never good. See you tomorrow.

You got proof he raped someone?

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>Are they satisfied with themselves now?
They will never be satisfied. They have no finish line. They will simply go on destroying until they themselves are destroyed.


You don't need a video recorder
Some DNA evidence should be enought

Baseless claims = witch hunt

Shame, that was a cute game. Witch hunting ""cancel culture"" or whatever the fuck you want to call it is pure poison and everyone who participates should be shot

>They just tried to flag The Ralph Retort on twitter and it didn't work

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every man has wrongly looked at a woman before, they are all rapist

I thought that fat fuck was in prison. He still does his blog?

This is the only acceptable answer, witch hunts were horrible the first time and nothing has changed

Uh yeah, we have Zoe Quinn’s testimony, and she would never EVER lie.

DNA of what?

human, probably

Prove it

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She submitted a formal police report?

He does a streaming show on Dlive (used to be on YouTube).

Kind of funny how if they get called out their first reaction is too delete everything.

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You just posted an image of a woman just now, and as we all know having a picture of a woman saved on your hard drive is exactly equivalent to owning a woman as a slave, which is the 697th worst type of rape there is.

Being stupid on purpose is still being stupid

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Kiwifarms is genuinely fucking horrible and deserves to be nuked from orbit.
I will never, ever forgive them for Kazztawdal.

and we all know nobody has ever lied to the police, yup case closed fellas we did it reddit!

Uuuuuuh you mean a Mansplainer Allowance Certificate approved by the Black-Murdering Firesquad of America? Yeah fat chance pissbaby.

NEVER commit suicide. It only emboldens them and they demand more.

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Good riddance.

It's a start. We won't be fully satisfied until all cis scum die.

Yes but that’s an actual crime that can be punished

keep killing yourselves liberal men
your making the world a better place.


there were no charges


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>false accusations
>he actually admitted to them
If you denied it, nobody would have believed Quinn.

fuck off

hey retard guess what! If I claim some one raped me years ago and theres literally no evidence anymore they have no way of proving I lied, are you really this naive or just retarded?

who admitted to what

he was pressured into admitting something he didn't do

Prob killed himself because he actually did it. The devs he worked with mentioned they had many complaints over the years just not sexual abuse like that. He's also not been in any good relationships.

sites like kiwifarms are fixed by the unstoppable flow of time. The kind of people who spend time on those sites are hard countered by time.

okok, dont fucking kill me for asking, but what if
alec was truly an abuser?

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Can't wait to read the reviews for that game

Filing a false police report is illegal user

And he was a liberal SJW nice guy who hates Trump, we win either way

They actually are happy; look on Twitter. The consensus among the progressive members of the gaming community is that he deserved death, as does anyone accused of sexual misconduct.

>they were no charges (officially filed with police)

>Zoe literally forces a guy to kill himself
>everyone is defending Zoe

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Zoey should of gone to the police and not tweeter.

y'all support a guy who might be an abuser until it turns out he's not Your Guy. you make me sick.

Alec/Alex admitted to abusing Quinn in their relationship
>he was pressured into admitting something he didn't do
No, he wasnt. Its not hard at all to say "Im sorry you feel this way but that is not who i am as a person.
The bitch played the victim card for 5 years after SHE was outed as being the abuser in a relationship, when her popularity dies down she comes out with a scandal? Pretty fucking suspicious.

you mean Notre-Dame ?

even his own sister defended zoe


identifying as something doesn't make you into that something

Then he deserved due processing and the smallest bit of understanding from at least his family that this happened years ago and he was a different person now. Not have everyone throw him under the bus at the very first sign of an accusation made on fucking Twitter.

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go back

So when are the "Gamers have died" articles start to roll out?
I can't fucking believe people still believe her after 5 fucking years


>I've been coming here since 2009 I'm such an oldfag u guise

go back

>people are actually mad about this
Why do you care? He was some indie Dev faggot who got accused of abuse and killed himself almost immediately after. You don't immediately kill yourself if you're innocent. Nothing of value was lost.

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>You don't immediately kill yourself if you're innocent.

He was mentally ill.

Kemono Friends has suffered enough, leave it out of this.

he finger popped ZQ for almost half an hour and didn't even get her off. that alone should count for something

If you look at comments from the devs he worked with he had complaints stack up for years.


Except he had legit mental issues and got sharted by his own family?

Yeah and mentally ill people kill themselves when they know they're in trouble for shit they did.

Same thing

Yes we was a massive liberal we know

Mentally ill... like a sexual predator

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Then he still deserved to have a trial in a court of law rather than the court of public opinion.

>wahh twitter did it
Did someone from twitter actually kill him? Because we both know thats not what happened.
There was fucking NOTHING stopping him from going offline for a month, this shit wasnt making national news it was twitter garbage.
He chose to end his life instead of waiting for the outrage to blow over, coming back, explaining his side of the story and apologizing.

Literally how else could he have died?

Because it's Quinn that has been making these accusations
The same bitch that started GamerGate 5 years ago due to some guy exposing her to use sex to manipulate reviews

he was driven into suicide because he had mental issues prior to the accussations, it's not that black and white like the US presidental elections

He was pressured into admitting it, also rapists are seen as the most guilty if they deny it.

The only part I'm upset about is that his own family sided against him and are practically rejoicing in his death. These people are diseased.

it's not even confirmed that he killed himself, he might have slipped in the bath for all we know

the whole suicide thing just fits the agenda and is being spread because of it

>same thing
>liberal hurr durr
lol retards

>You don't immediately kill yourself if you're innocent.
He lost his only source of income with literally no means of gaining a similar one. More than a decade of networking thrown away with people thought to be friends throwing you out over a more than decade old accusation.

Also the same nigger that had this guy commit suicide also accused the Elder Scrolls music dude of doing shit to their friend, so it's having an effect on games outside of shitty indie ones.

>He chose to end his life instead of waiting for the outrage to blow over, coming back, explaining his side of the story and apologizing
Yes user, because everyone knows that once you have proven yourself innocent of an accusation like this where you end up losing your job and your family outs themselves for being backstabbing scum, an apology is all it takes for things to go back to normal.

What parallel universe are you living in by the way?

This didn't happen. No one rejoiced at his death. His family did know he was a fucked up person and they should know that better than you. You think someones family should defend their family if they were a mass shooter its the same shit.

going offline doesn't prevent actual people around you to shit on you for their thougths.
Social medias are a mistake and will be the end of the human race if we don't kill ourselves with pollution and industrialism first

I won't be satisfied until I learn his masterful finger technique for literally grabbing a woman by the pussy.

>He chose to end his life instead of waiting for the outrage to blow over, coming back, explaining his side of the story and apologizing.
Yes, look at this HUGE list of people that were accused, but managed to make a come back!

What a list!


No, mentally ill as in he was suicidal even before he was being accused of being an abuser

>parents raise bad children
>childnre do bad things
>people get mad at the children for doing bad things

watching leftists ruin eachothers lives is honestly hilarious.
we can see how a civilization would be run by them.
because of how they treat eachother.

Yep. They hated what he preached. Fuck Trump

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I'm actually inclined to think he probably was.

Zoe has still fucked up hard though. As has any of the people who failed to stop her.

Is this the new get cancer and die?

someone should just take the bullet and go shoot her in the face.
with a .50

>he was pressured into admitting it
Nope, he admitted it because he had something to admit.
If he didnt do it, he didnt do it. Zoe Quinn is starting shit for attention because her five minutes of fame has finally ended, he takes a week or a month off and he comes back, apologizes that Zoe felt that way about their relationship and continue on with your life.
He chose to admit it, he chose to kill himself over it.
>because everyone knows that once you have proven yourself innocent of an accusation like this where you end up losing your job and your family outs themselves for being backstabbing scum, an apology is all it takes for things to go back to normal.
Yeah, thats how it works. You cant lose your job as an indie developer, you dumb faggot. You are your own studio, if your other employees cut ties with you over it you find new ones when shit dies down. You arent going to lose your mother or your father over some retarded shit people say on the internet, if your family life is so shit to a point where that actually happens then you didnt need your family in the first place to continue living.
If he didnt do anything, theres no reason he would have had to admit to it. You apologize but maintain your innocence, its not that hard.
>going offline doesn't prevent actual people around you to shit on you for their thougths.
So you dont talk to the people that are shitting on you, its not that hard.
>Who is Kevin Spacey

T. Man who has never been under pressure, poor, and has friends

Normies should just kill themselves like this guy did

Nothing was proven you fag. It was an allegation. They can't even be bothered to support their own flesh and blood in a game of he said she said and even going as far as shitting on him after death? No wonder he killed himself, what kind of support could he have turned to?

>with a .50
Yeah, just in case that whale begins to rise again.

Mentally ill people kill themselves because they are mentally ill. Treating guilt as a presrequsite for suicide is as retarded as saying epstien killed himself and totally wasn't murdered or removed by powerful elite who stood to gain from preventing his testimony.

they tasted blood, there will be more

Well, no, this still won't make them happy. They would just move onto the next thing to 'eliminate', it's a never ending cycle, which is why you will sometimes hear people say leftism is a 'disease', also remembering leftism is implying they are the opposite of the 'right' way.

>Why do you care?
Because if you were born with a penis this could happen to you. All you need is one ex-girlfriend to wake up on the wrong side of the bed and boom! No more job, no more girlfriends, no more family, forever.

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We don't need to extrapolate what their civilization would be like from Twitter shitfights. Just look at the Soviet Union or Maoist China.

Jokes aside, this is the only endgame this can lead to.

The day of the rope nears.

Do you realize how getting shat on by your own family for something you might or might no have done, when you're ALREADY suicidal, can do to your mind?
Zoey quinn is, like many of the "fairer" sex, a manipulative bitch, and she should be banned from social medias.

Are they dumb enough to trigger another GG?

>explaining his side of the story and apologizing.

Completely ineffective in current cancel culture

>who is Kevin Spacey
He hasn't gotten any work since Baby Driver, granted it's probably not beyond the pale that he has enough to retire and not have to worry about going out into public anymore.

someone post the full throttle comic

How did games journalism get taken over by these types of people? It's not popular. People hate this shit, don't like them, and you can tell that feeling goes both ways whenever they write about "gamers", yet everywhere you look there they are.


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This. I miss the old internet.

Aziz Ansari
Louis CK

I'll give you a hint: before they infiltrated the games industry they infiltrated the entertainment industry and the education system.

He'll get work, just like how Ansari does. Just like how Louis CK does.

Don't forget to dilate while you leave

Aziz made a comeback? I thought he was still hiding.

And Louis didn't really make a comeback. Someone leaked an illegal recording of his stand up routines last year and it became popular while (((journliasts))) screeched about how problematic it was and how nobody should listen to his stand up.

And I don't know who ProJared is.

needs a "resetera always wins baybay" at the end for full bait affect

You idiot his family knew how he was BEFORE this. He was in multiple relationships. He didn't kill himself over one thing. Go read all the shit that has nothing to do with Zoe quinn,

Kyoani died

Epstien killed himself because he didn't want to be the bottom bitch in prison and rat on powerful people who would kill any family he might've had.

The last GG was game devs and media figures collectively siding with progressives over their customers. A meeeetooo bloodbath where they get consumed by the serpent they invited in would be god's perfect justice

>You cant lose your job as an indie developer, you dumb faggot. You are your own studio, if your other employees cut ties with you over it you find new ones when shit dies down
Okay, sure, that doesn't remove the fact that the whole thing would have still been much harder for him to do. The reason your average retard wouldn't employ you once you've been accused is because they don't want to associate themselves with someone like that even if they've been proven innocent. Pretty much the same thing happens when you try to start your own studio: the chances of people wanting to work under him are still much lower because they don't want the association I mentioned previously.

>You arent going to lose your mother or your father over some retarded shit people say on the internet
Uh huh. Come back to me once you actually know the story behind this guy an heroing. Bonus points if you also wait until you stop being an underage retard who thinks the world isn't a fucked up place where this kind of shit can happen in the first place. Your worldview is like that of a Disney movie where good people always get good things and bad people always get bad things. Not only that, you also think that everyone you know turning around to spit on you can't possibly mentally break you. Just because you are looking at it rationally doesn't mean someone who has all his shit ripped apart from him in an instant will see it the same way. But yeah, I'm sure you are some psychologist with a deep understanding of the human mind or something. Or you just have autism and are incapable of understanding this. I'm leaning towards the second.

>Epstein killed himself
Epstein is alive. /pol/ has been posting videos of him on his private island all day.

>I will never, ever forgive them for Kazztawdal.
What happened?

>accused of looking at a womans chest

Shit dude I must be public enemy number one if that's something people can get punished for.

i know this is difficult to grasp because every article ever written on it says otherwise, but there isnt a single assertion that zoe slept with people for good reviews in the zoe post. that was completely inferred from other people bc one of the people she slept with reviewed it

strip away the debunked claims of sleeping with people for good reviews and the the zoe post is just one wimpy dude who thought he was doing the right thing by highlighting how abusive his partner was.

>every man

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>He'll get work just like Ansari and CK does
There's a bit of a false equivalence there since those two operate more as comedians that full-on actors, granted Ansari kept his head low for a long time before going back to doing standup.

Drove a dude to kill himself solely because he mentioned he had mild schizophrenia and family troubles a couple times.

>He chose to admit it, he chose to kill himself over it.
The dude lost his job working on Night in the Woods 2. His passion project, his baby, the sequel to what put him on the map.
>You cant lose your job as an indie developer, you dumb faggot.
Then how did he lose the Night in the Woods IP?

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Sorry. It's just that it heals my soul a little bit to post KF stuff after this kind of crap makes you lose faith in humanity.

>the sequel to what put him on the map.

If it was any other group of people I would agree with you.

Imagine being this much of a simpleton

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he was so deep into politics that he had to kill himself when one of his butt buddies twitter warriors betrayed him

>Do you realize how getting shat on by your own family for something you might or might no have done, when you're ALREADY suicidal, can do to your mind?
If you didnt do it, you didnt do it. Again, if your family life is so shit that they are believing random shitposts on the internet over their own flesh and blood, the opinions of your family should mean fuck all to you.
>Completely ineffective in current cancel culture
Incorrect. If you didnt do it, you didnt do it. You dont call the person accusing you a fucking liar, you dont try and sue, you apologize and promise to be better.
If you honestly think that people were going to believe Zoe Quinn over someone that was seemingly innocent, you're a complete fucking fool. She has a history of being an abuser, she has a history of making a mountain out of a mole hill, he didnt.
>He hasn't gotten any work since Baby Driver
Yeah, he's effectively offline (besides that stupid thanksgiving/christmas video) and will receive work once the courts begin to acquit him as the plaintiffs case is actually crumbling. You live for a month or so off your savings (which Alec/Alex would have had), you stay home, catch up on some games or shows, you come back and you make sure that you apologize and maintain that you respect Zoe Quinn but are saddened that she saw your relationship that way.

There are no unofficial charges.

Zoe didn't even say he raped her, she was talking about another guy

He'll be forever remembered as a rapist

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at this point saying that you think epstein actually committed suicide is just admitting to everyone you're a rube

Being around women is fine, but being around SJW women is not. Don't label all women as whores because of the SJW movement and radical feminism.

>why do you caaaaaaaaaare
>stop caaaaaring
fuck off zoe we all know what you did you bitch

>zoe's twitter account is gone
rest in piss bitch

> The reason your average retard wouldn't employ you once you've been accused is because they don't want to associate themselves with someone like that even if they've been proven innocent.
You're actually retarded if you think the mob doesnt swing around when someone that was accusing others of heinous acts was caught lying.
>Come back to me once you actually know the story behind this guy an heroing
Why would i care? Its honestly that simple.
If your own FLESH AND BLOOD, THE PEOPLE THAT BROUGHT YOU INTO THE WORLD AND RAISED YOU would rather believe internet gossip then their own son, then this is very clearly not the first issue that the family would have had and he wouldnt have relied on them for support, you dumb faggot. I know you're a fucking smoothbrain, but even you should be able to comprehend this.

nah, everyone will have forgotten he even existed in a month or so

hey no offense but every big rape/abuse accusation in the media has been false and as a result it has affected my judgement and I will never take a woman's word in my life

She'll be back, she deleted it last time too

All women are feminists

ah yes, sincere questions and facts
tools of the patriarchy

Mudslime women speak the otherwise

>If you honestly think that people were going to believe Zoe Quinn over someone that was seemingly innocent, you're a complete fucking fool. She has a history of being an abuser, she has a history of making a mountain out of a mole hill, he didnt.
They did.

Louis CK isn't getting any work aside from some mic sets and low-grade writing gigs. His career completely tanked since losing his TV show and producer/acting roles, and the dude openly apologized.

>all western women are feminists

This type of behavior has no place in Russia.

>Yea Forums
>right wing

Kill yourself newfag

To be fair, comedy doesn't let you back in. Kathy Griffin's career is over, for example.

>the dude apologized
what a retard

Source? Unless "he committed suicide" is your standard of admission.

>out of 7,727,512,643 people on planet earth
That twitter post from a noname really is the status quo, right?

Good luck with that needle in the haystack. If truly sane females still exist somewhere in the west they're also going to unfortunately become a casualty. More men every day are choosing to just not take the risk.

Quinn will continue to persist

it is a parasite

John K apologized too, but he'd never get work again even if he didn't groom teenagers because he's a prick who can't finish anything and has taken his "don't draw the same face twice" motto to an absurd level to the point it is hard to watch anything he makes.

>Why do you care?
Because you sexually abused me nine years ago, user. I can't prove it with evidence any more, so I'm just going to publicly broadcast this accusation to ensure that other anons are made aware of how you really are. I'm not doing this to be malicious though, I just want you to see the error of your ways!

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Arent Russian girls extreme gold diggers?

>You're actually retarded if you think the mob doesnt swing around when someone that was accusing others of heinous acts was caught lying
Yes, you can see that happening perfectly fine over the multiple times Zoe has lied out of her ass. No wait, she's just gonna keep doing it.
>If your own FLESH AND BLOOD, THE PEOPLE THAT BROUGHT YOU INTO THE WORLD AND RAISED YOU would rather believe internet gossip then their own son, then this is very clearly not the first issue that the family would have had and he wouldnt have relied on them for support
Congrats! You figured it out. That was my point all along, idiot. If you get accused of something and have your friends turn on you, you'd at least expect to be able to get a bit of support from your family. The fact that he didn't even get that showed him he was surrounded by complete trash. He had absolutely no one he knew to rely on in a difficult moment. Why the fuck wouldn't someone lose their minds and think their life is not worth living anymore in that situation? Do you understand now that my point was that him killing himself was a result of everyone he thought he trusted turning out to be something far worse than absolute human garbage? I'd lose my mind too if I were in that situation.

ah yes because all 7,727,512,643 people on planet earth use twitter, of course

Yea Forums isnt one person user
there are right wing people and left wing people here
to those people as long there is one right wing guy in here this is a right wing site

>but I've been coming here since 2009
fuck off newfag

Dude go to Twitter. Normies are asking for her head

>chanology migrants are considered oldfags now
Truly worst timeline

This. Try this SJW shit on sandniggers and she will be kidnapped then beaten to death.

/pol/ is retarded and comes to idiotic conclusions based off of nothing except blurry pictures and group re-enforcement. There's no reason for anyone to keep Epstein alive anymore, he's done, he was nothing except a liability to people at this point.

John K Peta?

Go back to TrannyEra

Innocent until proven guilty

Guy who made Ren and Stimpy.

Kazz seriously killed himself?

>“Go outside, take care of someone, and work towards preventing these kinds of things in the first place.”
things Yea Forums will not do for $200

Far more right than left reddit spacing

TBF its pretty hard to prove things before everyone had cameras in their pockets. The dude also never said he was innocent and other girlfriends and people said he was abusive.

Never heard of it.

So brave. We believe you. You may still not have the courage to talk to police about it but you had the courage to tell every single other person in the world and that means something.

Lol you think this is going to end because of this? These are WOMEN we're talking about. Not people with morals.

Ah, so Quinn is innocent then

OK zoomer

holy based

yeah, Zoe deleted the charges when she nuked her twitter

>Incorrect. If you didnt do it, you didnt do it.

You must have missed the "Listen and believe" part of cancel culture and #metoo

If you didn't do it, then you have no reason to apologize and the person accusing you of doing it is in fact a liar. Apologizing is an admission of guilt. And "she has a history of being an abuser" isn't part of the media's narrative.

Not with all the evidence of being a pathological liar against her, retard.

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>believe all women
>even though women are the most deceitful gender and a mistake since the first woman
How do you survive a false #metoo? Literally Truman show yourself and reveal your whole life when they accuse you?

>multiple people accused him of sexual assault
>even his sister believes he did it
>somehow its all Zoe Quinn's fault he offed himself

If she didn't reveal it, another one of his victims would have done it eventually.

Meant for

Pretty much this.

I never even heard of this guy or his shit game before this. Why do you guys care about it so much. Is it because that quinn chick is back?

didn't even rape anyone
didn't even do anything sexual in the workplace

simply had a bad date and terrible sex moves

career, ruined.

It's funny how the Adam and Eve story nail this and it's the first god damn thing you learn from Christianity.

Angry mobs are a fickle bunch.

>make a game about how you're forced to be around whoever is available despite how damaging they might be and how there's always going to be forces beyond your control you can only struggle against but not defeat
>this happens

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>one of the people she slept with reviewed her literally who flash game
>the same website that won't even review games in a 30+ year old series that literally invented action RPGs because they're "too obscure"
Sure user, the guy totally didn't cover her game because he was dicking her. He totally just happened to stumble upon it

>They did.
One person came out and claimed that they were "weird", everybody else was following a bandwagon which as always, would have been forgotten about in a week.
>Yes, you can see that happening perfectly fine over the multiple times Zoe has lied out of her ass.
She was "lying out of her ass" over specifics of abuse that she was very clearly still getting, bitching about that is just splitting hairs and makes you look like an idiot
>That was my point all along, idiot.
>Let me just say the complete opposite and then claim it was my point
Nope, you're still retarded
>You'd at least expect to be able to get a bit of support from your family.
No, you wouldnt. How are you this fucking stupid? Did you swallow a fucking bucket of paint growing up?
If your family is so shit to you that they wouldnt support you over randoms on the internet, then THIS IS VERY CLEARLY NOT THE FIRST TIME YOUR FAMILY WOULD BE SHIT TO YOU, SO THE ONLY PERSON TO BLAME IF YOU EXPECT THEM TO SUPPORT YOU IS YOURSELF.
You are severely mentally challenged, please kill yourself.
>out of 326,000,000 monthly twitter users
Your point is still retarded

>>career, ruined.

He just literally released a brand new netflix special and has quite a few things in the works. The fuck are you talking about

>believe some guy sexually assaulted you
>take it to twitter instead of the police
>delete your account when the guy kills himself, despite that supposedly being great news for you because he was such an evil rapist
haha whoops


When it's convenient you mean. A thousand people could accuse him and this would still be my response.

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>multiple people accused him of sexual assault
1. Zoe didn't even accuse him of that.
2. Proof of someone else coming out about it, nigger, right the fuck now where I can see it.

Then why didnt they? Out of all people why was it zoe quinn, the known liar?

Yes, he did. You can literally go read the thread Kiwifarms had about him where they brag about it.

is there a way to shrink my dick so I can fuck that girl

We're not going to pretend she wasn't going to have her twitter attacked with comments now are we?

>If you didn't do it, then you have no reason to apologize and the person accusing you of doing it is in fact a liar.
You apologize to make yourself look like you're sympathizing with your accuser, it is not at all the same as an admitting of guilt and will always make you more favorable in the public eye.

When you ruin someone's life and get them killed, you deserve much much much worse.

She was brave enough to condemn the guy on twitter, isn't she brave enough to have people post mean things on her twitter?

You are listened and believed user.

Leftism really is a mental illness.

I don't think he committed suicide and I expected he was going to be suicided before his first "attempt". It was a very similar situation to the DC Madam incident that happened during the 2nd term of the Bush years. Occasionally these sorts of things happen, and this is how they get dealt with.

But she didn't do this. He did this

Why wouldn't she feel vindicated by his suicide? Why would she suddenly feel the need to run? The guy locked her in an apartment for weeks she said! Against her will! He deserved death, didn't he? Why did she delete her twitter?

What else was he accused of, by who?

Who else accused him of sexual assault?
And what is there proof besides “Take my word for it”.

Literally start keeping a journal and a calendar and record everything. Have your phone record every single interaction you have. Never delete or tear out a page either, it'll be used against you as "why is there a page missing, what were you hiding on this day?" type of thing. Every man needs an alibi for every moment of their life now.

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Nathan Grayson is a worthless piece of shit, but he never reviewed her game. Also she doesn't have much to financially gain from her game being promoted since it was literally free and amounts to not much more than a PowerPoint presentation

Her ex's post just details inarguably abusive behavior with receipts but that doesnt really matter because you cant cancel a woman

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So where the fuck is Zoe Quinn now? She hasn't said shit since this happened.

By removing it

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He lost his job and his career was ruined plus his entire circle of friends excommunicated him.

You are a retard.

You can read them right now.

Making wahmen feel uncomfortable is now rape. Fuck metoo and fuck this clown world. Never hire women

His ex girlfriend said he was abusive, His family said he had mental problems and would be abusive, The devs where he did work said he got plenty of complaints but he was getting better.

Apparently he had massive issues and was told to seek help but never did.


Never forget fart rape

>Having your life ruined by a cunt.
>Not raping and killing her.
>Killing yourself instead.
How fucking cucked can one man be?

P.s. This is 100% satire, so please leave me alone FBI. I don't believe a man should defend his pride from a sociopathic lying bitch who ended his carreer. He should take it like a bitch, kill himself like a bitch, and let her get her way like a bitch.
It's just the right thing to do.

Seems like a legit punishment for a rapist.

>45 days
why bother

What's your source on this stuff?

she's hiding because she know she fucked up. If she was telling the truth she wouldn't have deleted her twitter and vanished after the suicide.

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Gone into hiding, like most murderers do.

google his name + devs. It leads to a big post with them detailing what he did. There are also comments from his ex girlfriend about it.

An apology is literally an admission of guilt. If you're not at fault, because you didn't do anything, there is literally 0 reason for you to apologize.

You are owed an apology by the one making false accusations about you.

>but never did.
Christ, you could at least read fucking Zoe's posts that set this whole thing off before you start spewing shit.

The point was that someone's garbage text game that was worse than a typical high school project got media coverage from one of the biggest games journalism outlets while real videogames from actual developers get ignored because they didn't put the journalists' penises into their mouths

Are you insinuating SJW have anything resembling a conscious? lawl

Yeah his sister said he had mental health problems. The fucking sister who condemns him and gives money to the woman that led him to his own suicide.
If that's your fucking family then of course you have mental problems.

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>She was "lying out of her ass" over specifics of abuse that she was very clearly still getting, bitching about that is just splitting hairs and makes you look like an idiot
I'm talking about situations outside of this one fiasco. She's been exposed multiple times for being a lying bitch. The SJWs still choose to side with her every fucking time. That's the problem I'm talking about.

>Let me just say the complete opposite and then claim it was my point
Let me quote my first post
>Then he deserved due processing and the smallest bit of understanding from at least his family that this happened years ago and he was a different person now. Not have everyone throw him under the bus at the very first sign of an accusation made on fucking Twitter
I wanna hear you explain how any of what I said in my previous post is in direct opposition of this.

>If your family is so shit to you that they wouldnt support you over randoms on the internet, then THIS IS VERY CLEARLY NOT THE FIRST TIME YOUR FAMILY WOULD BE SHIT TO YOU, SO THE ONLY PERSON TO BLAME IF YOU EXPECT THEM TO SUPPORT YOU IS YOURSELF
And how do you fucking know? Supposedly he battled with mental illness and depression for a while and he probably thought he was getting enough support from them with it. It wouldn't be the first time people who otherwise seem good-valued throw that shit out the window the instant some feminist garbage pops up like this MeToo nonsense. More than that, it is much more understandable that someone with half common sense would still place some amount of blind faith on their family not to screw them over when shit really hits the fan and they need it, even if they've done you wrong in smaller things in the past. One's relationships with their family is never logical, idiot. You are looking at this from a logical perspective and trying to apply it on someone who was still in the process of recovering from having had a bunch of personal problems in the past.

Another developer was kicked off one of his projects for refusing his sexual advances

>Others have talked about how Alec's conduct towards women was something whispered around at game events. A woman I've known for a while got in touch with us this week talking about how she's been told many times not to be alone in a room with him. Men have gotten in touch about working with Alec and the things that happened to them there. There are other things, things from people we trust, things you'll probably never hear about. But honestly just being a really shitty boss, as detailed by Albertine, is probably enough for us to separate from him alone. To say nothing of the far more serious allegations out there. Multiple people are afraid to run into the guy at different conferences. We were with him at some of those conferences. Now knowing that people were afraid to approach us and say hello eats at me.

Holy fuck you must like 5 years old

He didn't even do anything. All they accused him of was being an unstable self harming jerk ass who yelled at people sometimes.

Strange times in which we live.

Have sex.

>Gamers standing up for Alec
I knew they would.

>I'm not going to root through everything in there and give a line by line analysis, but I'll say that enough of the allegations are extremely plausible and just about all of it we've corroborated with other sources

>Seriously, what you see on twitter isn't representative of real life. It's just what makes it into posts. When people who have years-long real life experience with the guy, people who knew him in different situations, locations, ages, and contexts, all say the same thing, you can assume there's more to this than you'd know from outside the situation, taking it in 280 characters at a time.

can double-chan just fuck off and take stormfroNT with them? christ. VIDEO GAMES

I googled it and all I'm seeing is that Quinn claimed there were others he abused. I'm not seeing any that have any independent sourcing. I don't see his family claiming the things you are either. What are you referring to, specifically?

The internet was never left, faggot. It was always a hive of all sides constantly arguing about who was right yet it still rallied against true degenerates like furries and trannies.

But she wasn't the only one that said shit about him. Stop being stupid.
Multiple sources said he had massive issues and was finally becoming better recently. Doesn't change his past behavior.

Hey, that's 45 potential rapes!

You're conflating media coverage with game reviews. Also game journalism is absolutely worthless for actual developers and has been for years

The entire point of Eron's post was to expose her abuse in their relationship, not she was trading sex for reviews of her game.

I have such a bias against all this.

My former workplace I had a friend who was accused of sexual harassment by 3 women who worked there. He swore up and down he never did anything, lost his job and couldn't find work for months. He was on the break of collapse until our IT guy found emails between the 3 women collaborating the stories against him.

They all still have their jobs and he is working in a warehouse somewhere

>all 326,000,000 monthly twitter users
most of those are bots, brands and lurkers user, not accounting for non-english speakers

>theres different people here

You are proving my point it's not a right wing site you fucking nigger

based doge

Is it really stupid to tell you to stop making shit up? How about 'get help', then?

Cry more

>there is literally 0 reason
The 1 reason is to not make you look like someone that is devoid of sympathy or empathy, someone that would do the shit that you're being accused of.
You apologize for the fact that they feel that way about you, but maintain that you have not and would not do the acts that you're being accused of.
Its honestly that simple.
>And how do you know that this family didnt just throw him under the bus spontaneously believing what randoms on the internet said instead of the child that they literally birthed and raised for 30 years without any prior indication that their family werent something they could use for support
You are honestly too retarded to continue living, for the sake of everybody please stop.

No one actually believes her. She's just a useful weapon.


>Even his family thinks he was abusive
What the fuck Bros. How are the Jews and Rothschilds doing this. He was a good boy dindu nuffin and even his family are tossing him under the bus. Are they just sjws

>I just wanna die anywhere else
>kills himself irl

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Or just hire men who identify as women, use their bullshit to your advantage

My cousin accused her teacher of rape. Even when she said the story was completely false, he never got his job back.

Why the fuck didnt he sue them and the company?

Kek, I just read her accusations.
>he like sees an attractive young woman and becomes their friend
>then if they connect he tries to fuck them!
>if she says no then he doesn't talk to them as much!
>what an exploitative jerk!

kekarino. What a dumb idiot that roastie complaining is.

>go rape her for real 45 later
>no one believes her

>Someone I've known for a while said all this shit, trust me bro.

Fucking hell, you are one complete fucking moron. You keep believing in your Disney garbage where things can never go wrong and people can't be assholes.
>instead of the child that they literally birthed and raised for 30 years without any prior indication that their family werent something they could use for support
That's exactly the fucking problem you stupid idiot. The fact that this is what's supposed to be what anyone would expect from their family, but he didn't get it himself. I'm seriously done arguing with you, you keep repeating yourself like some kind of broken record, refusing to acknowledge the particular situation he found himself in for the sake of what you think everyone does in a perfect world.

its in the nature of theses vapid fucks to go wherever they can use minor power & control to fuck with people


Google this

Why would they? This coward ran away from his responsibilities and now incels will attack even more the victims.

Why do so few people care about this Bros? It isn't gaining the traction GG did

>if enough people can put their heads together, then you're guilty
>if your family can be convinced that you did something without a shred of physical evidence, then you're guilty
>if its made public and it sounds severe, then you're guilty
Hey user, care to explain why you keep grabbing all of out genitals without our consent?

>45 days
Yeah thats the same as 30 years retard

This is his ex girlfriend

This image has to be fake
America is fucking gone

Isn't the financial industry already doing this?

Kiwifarm is the literall only place where you can find doxxing information on prominent right wingers.

i didnt said it was aright wing website you iliterate monkey
i said as long there is one right wing guy in here THOSE PEOPLE will think this is a right wing site

If you expect your family to stick by you through anything, you are retarded.

One of my uncle's murdered one of his brothers. His mother disowned him and never talked to him again. Family doesn't mean you can do reprehensible shit and get free guaranteed support

if you reply to this post you're gay lmao

But but what if you are me and I am her?

Hope you apply this same standard to cases that aren't rape. Nobody can be convicted of a crime off of witnesses, apparently.

the guy is making $11 an hour working in a warehouse and spent all this savings inbetween jobs.

He just has no way of going after them without risking bankruptcy.

Does that name need three sets of parenthesis?

He serves a useful purpose in cataloguing all the bullshit.

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Western women cannot be saved.

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Hey redd*t
What cha doin? Back to reset era.


I keep repeating what im saying because you are legitimately mentally handicapped and still cannot comprehend the FACT that if his family WAS supportive, they would have believed him above all else. If they WERENT supporting, then this would have not have been the first time that they werent supportive and the only one at fault for believing they would have been there for him was himself.
Its one or the other, you absolute fucking clown. Your family either trusts you, or they dont. You've either got parents that have been by your side for your entire life or you've got parents that would believe random strangers over their own flesh and blood. That shit doesnt just happen over night, you are so fucking insultingly retarded if you think that someone after 20-30 years knowing their parents wouldnt know what kind of family they had.

Kill yourself you fucking clown, you are very clearly illiterate.

If you're not someone who has done shit you're being accused of, you have no reason to apologize.

"I'm sorry you feel that way" is a non-apology. You only apologize when you are at fault, that's the whole point of an apology. If you think people should apologize just for being ACCUSED, let alone FALSELY ACCUSED OF SOMETHING THEY LITERALLY DID *NOT* DO, then you have shit for brains.
It's honestly that simple.

Tell that to

But how else are drone beta males going to ever hope to find a woman ?

>this many fags itt who don't understand how much a single accusation, with or without evidence, can cause
Nowadays a girl can randomly say something because you didn't get her a coffee and she's feeling a bit bitchy and you are now an outcast of society, your name is branded and since employers look up your shit they'll find the case and reject you. If you have a current job you're likely to be fired because they don't like dealing with the shit. You can be jailed for a long time, and even after the girl says publicly that it was fake she has a 99% chance of nothing happening to her. Shit literally happened to some guy I read about years back for a paper during school. He was jailed for basically his entire teenage life and the girl messaged him after he got out going "lol I lied and all but let bygones be bygones"
If you work with a girl at all, especially in an office environment, always have something recording video or audio. Always. She can ask for help and you give help, and then next day you're slapped with a false charge and fired without a single chance of reasoning because if a girl says it happened it must have in this modern environment.

>Also game journalism is absolutely worthless for actual developers and has been for years
Yes user, now you're catching on to why the whole thing blew up so much.

>Its one or the other

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>refers to people who oppose alt-right channels as "they"
>accidentally admits that they are aware that alt-right incels are solely responsible for all of the numerous cultural outrage mass shooting sprees

>one of my uncles was convicted of murder, a family member no less, so we cut ties with him
>this is the same as cutting ties with someone over something unproven

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>if you honestly think that people should act sympathetic or empathetic in times where other people feel hurt or wronged, you're just stooopid lol
Is this legitimate aspergers?

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What witness? Were they putting on fucking sex shows, now?

Yes, thats how it works retard.

If you don't recognize Yea Forums as a very obvious rightwing internet space then you're too far gone into delusion to sympathize or converse with.

It's funny, i started out here hating muslims for the longest time, but lately with the shit the whores with too much freedom in the west are pulling i totally understand their reasoning to keeping women in check. Women rights were a mistake and will be the fall of USA.

>one woman is a scumbag
>Yea Forums moves the goalpost to shit on all women
you faggots deserve whats coming to you

>allowing yourself to be abused by a 5'7 140lb manlet whose biggest weapon against you is self harming
yeah...sorry ladies but if you let that wimp abuse you mentally or physically you clearly like that sort of attention.

They've been doing this for the past year.
Tons of men are refusing to train women 1 on 1 or even outright and even working with them alone so it's much harder to justify hiring them
t. secretary going through college.

>Family doesn't mean you can do reprehensible shit and get free guaranteed support
No, it doesn't. It also doesn't mean that every case of doing something bad should be treated the same way. A murder seems like a far-fetched case from what's being discussed here, which in the worst case scenario here it is taken to be abuse once or a couple of times at best, not even straight out rape as Zoe never accused the guy of that even herself, that happened years ago and that should show to his family that he either wouldn't repeat it again, or would have the room for said support to make him a better person.

I see. So he was at least a little abusive. I still wouldn't put it past Quinn to understand that was a weakness of his she could use to get back into the limelight.

You should still hate muslims, just know that they are right in that fact. Otherwise they're still shit though.

Unironically yes. You need to stop thinking these "people" will ever feel remorse about hurting innocent people with their actions. In fact, they are happy he did this.

Yeah and now women are complaining that it's discrimination and not mentoring them 1 on 1 is holding them back from high level positions. Literally can't win.

go fuck yourself

The bitch complained about him dragging her around the kitchen by the pussy with his fingers, and other unwanted sexual contact.

She didn't say it explicitly, but she sure as hell implied it, you dumbfuck. Hence hsi destroyed career and suicide.

Shooting lots of shooting.
Like national average will spike hard tier shooting
Transgender folks will be a huge target and the violence simply won’t end.
Basically they’re be screwing themselves over by getting murdered by austists

>you faggots deserve whats coming to you
good luck

never be alone with women
never invite women to work drinks
never talk to women in the workplace unless they initiate then disengage politely asap
never mentor women
never have dinner with women
never sit next to coworker women on flights
never book hotel rooms on the same floor as coworker women

problem solved

>Tell that to
nigger what the fuck are you doing? Do I look like a fucking pit? Point me in the right direction and let go of the leash? Piss off.

>literally two options
>your family believes you over strangers
>your family believes strangers over you
>i-i-its not one or the other

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Nothing will happen you faggot

Can they even notice peripheral stares?

Cringe but also extremely based

When can we just do what happens in Hated in the Nation and kill all these people with robot bees

>emotional labour
I hate this phrase and anybody who uses it, sweetie

so is this how we handle sexual assault now?

We accuse someone publicly and do not go to the police or investigators about it?

A person (mainly women) can literally call out any male on twitter and as long as it reaches enough people the man will be strung up in the streets and as a result in this case commit suicide.

Of course no one is going to side with the guy, that is asking them to be strung up in the streets with them.

Just like in ProJared's case, two people accused him of sexual misconduct with minors and it turns out there is not a drop of evidence to it.

It's fucking sad as well, because some of these women are qualified and likely don't even give a shit about the current political outrage on twitter.

I would’ve invited her over talked to her then strangled the bitched and thrown away her corpse like the pathetic trash she is.

He did seek help, a reason why this is all problematic was that the guy recognised he had both mental health issues and had caused upset to other people, and was actively working on maturing and and becoming a better person.

And then it all got cast up in his face in public with thousands of people across the world talking about it and it lost him his entire world in a couple days.

Killing himself was the result of all that sudden public castigation and his world imploding on top of his probable realization that nothing he had done to self-improve was enough and nothing he could ever do would ever be enough, he was fucking done.

Sudden massive holing beneath the waterline like that is a major factor of why mentally fragile people neck themselves, and that holing was his public cancellation.

Only someone with legit asperges would think "I'm sorry you feel that way" qualifies as a legitimate apology. But I'm expecting to much from an anime reaction image poster who obviously has brainworms


Why do you think this guy's family are strangers that never met him?


>valve thinks they can censor the word "whore" with some little hearts

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>some of these women are qualified

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I don't care. If you do care you should kill yourself too,

Motherfucker I deal with creepier faggots on /fit/ when it fishing for attention
Stupid cunt

eye witnesses are literally the least reliable source of evidence my man.

Retarded newfag.


>you should apologize for something even if you didn't do anything wrong or else you are completely unsympathetic and a sociopath with aspergers even though you're being falsely accused knowingly
Are you literally retarded?

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Can anyone explain to me why there's concerted crusade from resetera and discord trannies to try and change Yea Forums into some leftist hugbox?

wow you sure come from a great family.

The roastie fears the police

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Man, water's impressive

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>woman accuses guy
>guy is now guilty until proven innocent
>get shit on for even doubting the woman
Why are woman so powerful nowadays?

>he hasn't seen 12 Angry Men

Kill yourself you absolute garbage faggot

>you don’t inmediately kill yourself if you're innocent
You’d be surprised

whoa watch out

Yes. This is unironically exactly like how the witch trials went. A girl you've slighted in any way will accuse you, get her friends to also accuse you, and then make a public show of it. It's then up to you to prove your innocence that you're not a witch, not the other way around.

When you're out to secure a conviction that's beyond reasonable doubt, "Because they all said so!" isn't exactly setting up a slam dunk, especially in regards to anything that supposedly happened years ago.

yes it's unfortunate that it's affecting woman as well. If this had only affected men it wouldn't be an issue.

the 2.0XX patches have been shit so far, the balance is fucking laughable
classic when?

fucking anime posters are so fucking stupid
learn to fucking read

Please continue getting irrationally angry like a rabid ape at the person who is saying apologizing doesn't help.

Technically yes


What the actual fuck, user. Get the fuckin shit out of here

>the moment Zoe Quinn reactivates her twitter account

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Reminder to always have a body cam recording when alone with a woman. Have 24/7 audio recording and GPS tracking. Alongside a sign in sheet for anyone that enters your home which can be verified by a security camera. How can they accuse you now? Also no social media.


>You must press charges

He used to be the head dev/writer for Fallen London and the devs that still work there have apparently confirmed it.
Nothing super insane, mostly just workplace romance with him abusing his power as the boss.

Piss off, sped.

We used to discuss the real issues, like whether the USS Enterprise would win against an Imperial Star Destroyer.

>1.5m in damages

I get now why this is so much bigger in America than anywhere else. At least we dont have the financial incentive here, so only the really crazy sociopath chicks actually metoo people.

Hundreds of years later and nothing's changed. Pathetic.

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Are you retarded? That isn’t the main accuser or the important accusations, that’s somebody else saying “the little experience I have with this person was also bad and I avoided being alone with them because of it”


>he touched me
>guy kills himself
>oh no now I'm the victim again!

Hope she rots in a grave

At this point I just believe all rape accusations are false unless there's actual evidence or the woman went directly to police. If you were actually raped, abused, whatever, you go to police, not Twitter.
I mean look at the Kavanaugh hearings where some woman comes out of nowhere to say he forcefully groped her while drunk at a party when they were in high school, in the fucking 80s, and she can't produce 1 witness, name 1 person who was at the party besides him, can't remember anything else about the party, can't remember how she got there or back home, didn't tell anybody in the four decades since until just now, delayed testimony for months, collected a million dollars from gofundme just for being so stunning and brave, got called a national hero, put on the cover of Time Magazine... then it all turned out to be bullshit and she just vanishes into the aether with no repercussions.

The worst part about all this is that Alec Holowka probably killed himself because normally, people have a support structure. Their friends and family won't just abandon them when they get accused of some heinous shit. Sure, some will. You may have some family arguments, awkwardness, and find out who your real friends are, but you'll have somebody. Unless you hang out in the onions social justice indie game circles like Holowka did where once you become the target you don't have fucking anybody and even your own feminist sister will dime you out and defend your accuser over your still-warm body. Just imagine that, doing everything you were told was right and all it takes is 1 lie and you have literally nothing to keep you going. You lose it all in hours.
I didn't like Holowka or his weird socialist faggot games but I remember seeing some game conference talk he was giving where he talks about how awesome his friends are, how they all live in this one house together making games... yeah, that didn't age well.

>If this had only affected men it wouldn't be an issue
Still an issue with both sides being damaged.
Just now it's in a state of limbo since it's hard to be the victim when your side is the one doing all the damage to you.

Good thing this wasn't a criminal trial, then.

Would you want to work with somebody who's 70% likely to be a rapist? Not enough to be beyond a reasonable doubt, but still likely?

The usa is in a pendulum right now, the most dangerous politics around

Pics or it didn’t happen.

I have this game, but havent played it yet. Is it any good?

*allegedly. That's the problem here fuckwit.

Stay mad ya simp

It's a true story, and coincidentally a movie is being released about it soon. What's sad is that he was a pretty solid football prospect so the false accusation not only cost him his freedom, but also the possibility of playing professionally. He was signed by the Falcons as a feel good story but no one thought he had a realistic shot of going pro because he had missed years of experience at the college level. Shit's a real fucked example of what false accusations can do.

>still giving it thumbs up

>And i wonder how many people are gonna kill themselves over it/go on shooting sprees.
to be honest Yea Forums is my outlet and i would probably do one of those things if it were taken away from me, this is unironically my happy place.

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The reason you faggots cry "why not go 2 police lol" every single time is because not a single one of you has been in a relationship.

Unironically, have sex lmao.

Eat a knife and die.

One of the most retarded posts I've ever seen. Impressive.

Rape is a crime. "Likely" to be a rapist is irrelevant if they don't actually rape

I dont get why they dont want us to have our corner. They have theirs and we have ours. If they get so triggered don't come here.

>get accused of rape lmao

no ty

>don't hire women
>no Portal
>no left 4 dead
>no half life 2

fuck off

This is a worldwide problem.
There was a kid in Argentina named Agustin Munoz who went to a #metoo march with his girlfriend and they had a thing where they read the names of rapists out loud to publicly shame them. He heard his name and lost his shit, ran home in fear and wondered what the fuck had happened.
His girlfriend called him and said she put his name on the list because she "wanted to be a part of the excitement" and then when he started freaking out she got mad at him saying he was making a big deal over nothing.
He got socially ostracized, dropped out of school, then killed himself a few months later. Argentina is the most pozzed country in Latin America but it all happened in the past 10 years so there's still a lot of normal people. They were fucking furious and calling for the girlfriend's head but a white knight force rose up to say that punishing her would punish real victims and even the kid's mom asked people to forgive her.
It's all fucked.

Even if she was Zoe deserves death because I fucking hate her.

Because they have to have everything so they can suppress any and all wrongthink.

Why wouldn't you go to the police?

Are you saying your relationships are so fucking shitty you couldn't tell them if something awful has happened to you?

If my girlfriend was assaulted there is no way in hell she wouldn't tell me about it.


Try that again, with paragraphs this time.

We dont have any of those things now.

>would punish real victims
Every time

Your comment is really sexually charged and making me uncomfortable, youre basically raping me right now.

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Having sex won't help me get good at Q3A so I'm not interested

>moving the goalpost

I space it out cause it's easier to read with my old eyes and my shitastic laptop screen

Seriously how fuck is the American education system?

His own sister announced it was suicide, you think he randomly choked to death on a potato chip and this is all some bizarre cover up? How fried is your brain?

Paragraphs exist for a reason, retard.

Innocent people kill themselves after being falsely accused all the damn time.
That’s why Innocent until proven guilty exists
We’ve had case where the accuser literally admitted to lying after the accused killed themselves
So kill yourself you retarded faggot

If those games never existed i wouldn't miss them because I don't miss them now. Fuck you.

>Unless you hang out in the onions social justice indie game circles like Holowka did where once you become the target you don't have fucking anybody and even your own feminist sister will dime you out

Tbqh these people choose to hang in these circles. There are plenty of very successful indie devs who are not remotely close to these cirlces, so its not exactly obligatory. And considering that 90% of them are talentless hacks asking people to buy their games for "progress" while running from failure to failure its not exactly worth the connections either.
Yeah, it also includes Games """Journalists""" but really good indies tend to take off through word of mouth anyways, so again not obligatory.
So in short, that guy picked this environment and actively participated, despite said environment leading any sane person to distance themselves or at the very least be cautious and keep contact with people outside these cult-like structures.
Hes more like someone who became victim to a cult than a normal guy who just got hit out of the blue.
If you participate in this shit, you have to expect to be the next one thrown on the sacrifical altar.

Imagine defending Zoe Quinn, of all people. Imagine blindly defending her just because she's a female. White knights are a fucking cancer.

Yeah, but they took over star trek and star wars too.

Picture is what the developer who was "kicked off one of his projects for refusing his sexual advances" said. Apparently to this dumb whore some every day social interactions that were a bit awkward like "he didn't like the way I said "mhmm"" constitutes mental abuse towards women. I swear to God these people are fucking retarded, and if you buy into this narrative you are too

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They aren't happy because their human punching bag is gone now

they can't have anything that could ruin them running around

airighty then

>You must press charges

Yes? If a crime was committed and you want justice you go to the police you mouth breather.

Do you literally just come to Yea Forums for shitty e-celeb SJW KULTURE WAR XD shitposting?

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To believe Quinn is lying you have to believe that every single one of Holowka's grieving friends, exes and coworkers, some of whom are male and/or have no connection to the games industry, are so terrified of being cancelled on Twitter that they'll make shit up about him whole cloth.

This is what happens when we try to bust the Elite (Epstein and friends). They hit us back 1000x worse

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Why would anyone argue over something that stupid?

USS Enterprise is like a cruiser, and Star Destroyers are like battleships. 99 times out of 100, the Star Destroyer would win, and the 1 time the Enterprise wins, it would be Star Trek asspull bullshit not that there's anything wrong with that

This is a decent game, hope this doesn't fuck with the seque/followup

tortious interference lawsuit when

Kill yourself Zoe
You’re not getting away with this

Reminder that a woman can ruin your life with a false accusation at any time she wants and theres literally nothing you can do about it

who the fuck are you

Yeah it's so legitimate that they refuse to show any proof.

It's bad. There's a a website that will show you just how fucked it is. It's called "tolerance," and I can't say the rest of it because of spam bots.

Five seconds there and you'll be retching.

Why do so many of you automatically assume that it's a false allegation?

Literally a culture built on backstabbing
It’s like dark souls but once death and you’re fucked for life.

They'll never be satisfied at one life, darkness consumes until there is nothing left.

>I was repeatedly criticized for the particular way I said an upbeat "mhmm" when agreeing to things
>something that left me feeling ashamed of my enthusiastic conversation style
fucking lmao

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there is only one solution

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Do woman do more damage to themselves than anybody? I cant see this going anywhere but making people want to segregate the sexes more in the future. Is that what women want?

>they hit us
They killed some mentally ill SJW Soja cuck who was part of their cult.
Thats like shooting one of your own soldiers to intimidate the enemy.

holy shit


oh my fucking god

we need to enslave all women

>being unironically scared of small, soft women

Just stop being a sperg and learn to recognize psychos holy shit

>innocent until proven guilty
There is so far zero proof this happened. And we will probably never hear his side of the story cause he's fucking dead.

This is it, the case is closed. Nothing will come of this because there is nothing that can be done now. He's dead.

yes, they could not be happier than with this outcome.

It's simple. We're the rejects. Happiness is not something they can allow us to have. No matter how small or insignificant, our very existence is an affront to them. To put this in simple terms, imagine an arachniphobe. If they see a spider in their house, it has to die. There is no negotiating, there is no peace. The spider is something that should not be and must be eradicated, even if all it wants to do is sit in a little corner eating flies in its web far away from the human. After seeing events unfold for the last few months such as the sadpanda shutdown, I'm beginning to understand how the spider must feel. I'm still terrified of spiders, but I dare say I've learned a little sympathy for them.

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Because that is exactly what's becoming more common, there is zero evidence, and Zoe nuked everything the moment news came out.

>never rape
>never get accused of rape
>why wouldnt you go to the police
Because dealing with domestic abuse through the police is not an overnight situation. Also, if you're not pressing charges or trying to get a restraining order they dont want to know about it.
I know you've never left home, but imagine packing up your entire house right now and trying to find another place to live within 3 hours, including transport to there.
Fucking delusional

Hi paypig. When is Zoe's game that was supposed to be ready two years ago coming out?

I know that mhmm. Passive aggressive cunts.

In some women’s defense I will only work around soccer mom
They must be older traditional unattractive to a younger man and have families.
Otherwise no thanks.

according to zoe he "was mean", told her if she left she couldn't come back, did humiliating things during consensual sex, and was "unpredictable" these were her sole accusations.
I think it was spread around because she kept saying that others have stories, which let imaginations go wild, but you can see there that the other stories are lame

>>never rape
>>never get accused of rape
Women don't work that way,

Joke's on her, there's nothing to ruin. Come at me bitches, and see what fucking happens to you.

Two words: Zoe Quinn

I don't assume anything but what really tick me is she drove a man to suicide.

>>never rape
>>never get accused of rape
What if someone lies? What then?

Why didn’t you go to the police within 3 damn years then retard?
You’re past the states of limitations faggot

That's a lot easier than coming out and admitting they lied or accuse others of lying, especially now that he's dead and the cost of being cancelled is high for these people who are perpetually online.

I'm not saying he isn't an abuser, but Quinn isn't exactly the most credible source considering shes a serial abuser and a known liar.

New thread

when people start doing this you know it's time to stop posting.

Let's look at this rationally.
Even ignoring the fact that in the first world we have the presumption of innocence, think about when this happened. Shortly after Zoe was supposedly abused, GooberGate kicked off and Zoe was more famous than she had ever been. She was speaking before the UN, being invited to give lectures all over America, getting book deals and being interviewed on national TV.
If Alec was such a shitbag why not expose him there, at the absolute height of her power, influence, and fame? It was public information at that time that she had fucked him. If he was such an awful person and emblematic of the abuse and hardships women face in the industry, why not hit him then?
Why sit on that shit for like five fucking years and only bring it up when her influence is waning and people are exposing her as a con artist?


DOEs she have a chest worth looking at? Need to know for scientific purposes

the thing is he could be guilty of everything, he probably is:
- awkward
- anger issues
- petty

he was never accused of anything illegal, all this hate over stuff that your average dude deals with

what is odd is zoe waited nearly 10 years to start talking about it, why not after his successful kickstarter or the release of his game? why wait during a dry period in the guys life, maybe SHE was talked into it by another source, maybe his studio wanted him out because he was fucking shit up with his poor attitude

there's more to this story

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>>never rape
>>never get accused of rape

literally 50 billion different instances within the past 20 years say otherwise cocksucker

get raped

imagine your entire life crumbling around you, losing your job, losing your family, losing every "good" aspect of your life because someone more popular than you made up a fake story. We have a legal system for a reason. For some reason you people think a woman will walk into a police station and every cop will just look the other way, but almost every single one of them would want to put a bullet in a rapist head.

New thread

Vast majority of people on this site should be fine then, unless moms count as women.

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Because the main person who made these allegations is a sociopath and a liar with a cult of personality built around her

Exceptions prove the rule.

The thing is, he wasn't ever accused of anything that bad. I don't care if she's lying or not. Making an announcement about it to everybody was the wrong move even if he was a jerk to some people.

I have a hard time coming up with an opinion that is anything but this.
What you say is partially true, which is disappointing because I know you're trolling, otherwise you wouldn't have posted doge and ended with antagonism.

The internet was never a political place. It started off as an anarchist wild west where even finding a single forum about something you even marginally cared about would make you feel like you belonged to the entire world. The problem is the internet communities went from this extremely small minority of people to like, half of the entire fucking planet, so now people aren't satisfied simply finding people of like mind, now they need to enstate political tribalism.

So, yes. I would be very happy if Alt-Right communities, in general, were fucking gassed and carpet bombed off of the internet, but the same goes for kneejerk sjws who constantly rally behind liberal cunts to good boy points.

I will say simply and clearly that while your post has a hint of truth it's also extremely cringe because you COULD have made a good point but instead of making a point you fell back on a meme to prevent yourself from being criticized.

AT THIS CURRENT MOMENT? I'd have to say SJWs are the ultimate evil,. I mean look at this, they bullied a game dev to suicide and then pretend they're the victims. But so long as genuine alt right members continue their proliferation, the counterculture will always be reborn. If you're on the internet talking about politics, I hate you.

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>Good thing this wasn't a criminal trial, then.
No, not really a good thing. At least with a criminal trial you wouldn't be instantly convicted and then blackballed into an early grave.

Most intelligent answer in this thread

kinda hard to put a case against her if every guy she accuses blows his brains out

It turns out Zoe's pussy is deadly poisonous. Even after all of this shit and even though she is pasty and doughy dudes will still be lining up to fuck her. At this point this is more about men not having any standards than it is about a cock devouring hosebeast.

a guy is dead because of her actions
if she didn't exist, this would have never happened

Innocent until proven guilty would apply to all of her claims as well, which has never ever panned out even once.

This he should’ve went on a murder suicide run
Kill Zoe, kill your ex friends kill your family then yourself
That would be cool

>women dont work that way
If you honestly dont think that bitch got the same treatment that this dev did for lying about rape, you're severely retarded.
Doing that shit means you've spit in the face of every real rape victim.
What about it? They lied. Unless they've got some proof that i know who they are and some witnesses of any sort of interaction between us, theyve got nothing.
People tried to lie and claim Robert Muller raped them, why didnt they believe those accusers? You dont think it had anything to do with the lack of proof maybe?

New thread

It probably doesn't take much more than a rumor to become persona non grata in those circles. I wonder what he really, actually did to acquire his reputation. Besides Quinn's almost absurdly lurid account, no one credible is saying anything specific. It just stinks, the way they imply things.

Are you retarded? You can't prove false allegations. You have to prove the allegations in the first place.

Allegations are false until proven true. It's the claimer's point to provide evidence. If they don't, then it's probably safe to assume it's a lie.

Modern Liberal values now antagonize people who ask for proof. They are the bad guys.

>you must prove that I can't prove what I said I could prove

Burden of proof, fool.

>What about it? They lied. Unless they've got some proof that i know who they are and some witnesses of any sort of interaction between us, theyve got nothing.
Zoe had nothing and it destroyed Holowka's whole life.

In other words being accused of a crime automatically makes you guilty and we shouldn't have any trials, just abolish the court system. If you are accused of rape it's because you DID rape and there can be no other reason

>Because dealing with domestic abuse through the police is not an overnight situation.
But cancelling people on social media and leaving it up to the mob justice is. this totally isn't open to being rampantly abused and exploited by bad actors

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not really.

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Good, fucking faggot deserved it

>Doing that shit means you've spit in the face of every real rape victim.
Which is totally why nobody would lie about being raped. It's literally never happened before.