Dimitri is mentally ill and spills his spaghetti talking to girls

>Dimitri is mentally ill and spills his spaghetti talking to girls
>Sylvain hates women and himself
>Ingrid hates niggers
>Felix is an edgelord and likes little girls
Is Blue Lion THE Yea Forums house?

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>BL is the Yea Forums house
>GD is the reddit house
>BE is the resetera house
Sounds about right.

>Mercedes and Annette are our sisters /u/

Which website is the Church?

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Edelgard literally fucked everything up, though.

Christ Centered Gamer

What do you mean, "Felix likes little girls"?

Can somebody explain to me the Ingrid is racist meme

She dislikes the Duscur and is initially a bitch to Dedue because the Duscur Tragedy killed the king and her beloved fiance. She gets less cold by her B support with Dedue

Ingrid is literally a racist, her profiles has Duscur people under dislike and she doesn't like Dedue. Are you just not paying attention to anything about the characters?

Old people Facebook

Attached: 1564830996595.png (442x629, 230K)

Dislikes: the people of Duscur

>her beloved fiance
wait what?

Were you literally not paying any attention to the characters. She was engaged to Felix's older brother.

Attached: claudebike.jpg (500x753, 185K)

She doesn't talk about him much, you'd be forgiven for not noticing

This is missing the part where he fucks off to Almyra

It is most of what she talks to Felix about in their supports, he brings it up in Dedue supports and Dimitri supports. You have to not use her to not know any of this. Who the fuck doesn't use Ingrid?

Where do you think he's riding that bike?



I don't. she hits like wet paper

BL is otomepandering as FUCK though.

Bernie’s voice warms my heart when nothing else will.

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Does this bitch grow a spine in her supports or no?

>used goods
no but her C support with Sylvain was too cute. shame their support goes up to B


That image leaves out how Edelgard invaded his country and killed his countrymen.

I was being sarcastic you tool

She needs the most time, other than Ashe, in BLs to get good. Fuckhuge res makes her a good magehunter with a javelin, while Alert Stance from peg makes her an unreal dodgetank

I gave her a bow to make her a great hunter-killer

Got me there

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>She needs the most time
maybe, if BL was my first playthrough choice. there just way too many good units to choose over in ng+ that doesn't need so much coddling to git gud.

Claude should be gone from the third panel with a sign pointing to Almyra though

>not playing every route with mainly their default students and only recruiting those that make sense
Im not sure many other units can carry the physical res-tank yoke as well as her though

>so much coddling

it requires, like, none. she starts with 8 str which is fine. the avg difference between someone with 50 str growth and ingrid is like 2-3 late game and ingrid would have a handful more spd and dex than most.

hilda/leonie/petra/ingrid are all almost the same unit and if any one is a cut above the rest its probably petra, especially if she gets recruited out of another house because she gets blessed with stats and she has the best proficiency

She needs almost no coddling, I did BL first and she was a beast with me and Dimitri. Sylvain was shit in my BL playthrough but with second GD, he is a beast while Ingrid is still the same beast she was my first play.

Can Lysithea really work as a thunderbrand-wielding meme savant if her strength is nonexistent and she's made of paper?


haha he picked dimitri lol the edgelord charact-

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Should have Claude passing by Edelgard and Dimitri on the first two panels

So what kinds of posters are Dedue and Ashe?

What about DooDoo, Annette and Ashe?